Thursday 28 March 2019 NEWS YOU CAN USE FREE The group that will be travelling to Scotland in July. PHOTO: SAZLY HARTZENBERG Bfn Children’s Choir to Get your pull-out JEFFREYS BAY fl y SA fl ag in Scotland supplement inside! Sazly Hartzenberg the combination of dance, choreographed been an open choir from our inception and Deputy head boy, Miltiadis Marangellis,
[email protected] by the world renowned Willie Venter, our motto is simple: love!” told Bloemfontein Courant he has been part and music, something diff erent which is Bloemfontein Courant spoke to a few of the choir for fi ve years and to him the trip The Bloemfontein Children’s Choir will be appreciated by audiences. choir members about how they feel about overseas means everything as it is not usual travelling overseas soon where they will be Van den Berg added that seeing the choir the choir and what it means to them to be a for anybody to have the chance of travelling representing South Africa at the Sterling perform, remains a wonderful experience part of it. Deputy head boy, SP Cilliers, told overseas. “It is a huge privilege.” he said. Bridge International Youth Festival which time and again. the paper how he felt part of the choir from Karabo Phutsisi, who has been headboy is to take place in Scotland from 6 to 11 Dr Huibrie Verster, choir leader and the start. “The choir welcomed me with open of the choir for the past two years, said the July. Excitement is mounting as the date conductor told Bloemfontein Courant arms when I started, and I have learnt so choir’s talent makes it possible for them to approaches and choir members are putting that this is the third invitation the choir much.