bnp.iword con toll tho story of con­ Take inventory of your printed sup­ tinued business activity in tho com­ plies; If you need anything, The Times stands ready to give munity—Advertising, ' " you servi.u. AND THE SHORE TIMES VOL. LVXIII No. 15 OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1943 FIVE CENTS Restrictions Removed On Private W hat's A Ferreteria? Home Conversion In Local $2,189>700 War Bonds In Monmouth Neptune and Ocean Grove Included In Extension of War Housing Area Where Township Draftees Chairman Louis Burfeind Calls Hdmes May Be Made Into Multiple Units. Report To Ft. Dix Large Quota Inducted in Army, Representatives of Eight South Committeeman Earl J. Woolley brought to the atten­ Including Nine from Ocean: tion of the Township committee Tuesday night that the Grove; Seven from Township Shore District Banks Together recent extension of the war housing area also includes Nep­ Accepted by Navy . tune township and Ocean Grove. Under the terms of the new order, large homes may be converted into multiple Among those men,who left Bel­ To Launch Campaign. units for war workers. The. conversion may be under­ mar for Fort Dix. Monday,were the The biggest war bond sale drive in history is about to taken privately as well as by gov-. following from Ocean Grove: John open in the south shore; district of Monmouth county in eminent subsidy. • CHIEF TANTUM ’ REACHES W. Woolley, 137 Heck avenue; which a trained corps of volunteer salesmen are set to Property, owners interested In 95TII YEAR THIS WEEK Thomas J. Weilert, 92 Broadway; start out M onday to sell $2,1«S9,700 in the rem aining nine­ conversion may make application Sydney T. Walton, 86 Mt. Hermon teen days of the m onth. . to the Federal Housing Authority, Chief Frank Tantum, 135 Way; Arthur J. Mount,''jr., 148 Representatives of the eight banks in this district met Newark, or the Long Branch Cookman avenue, and, former m m Franklin avenue; Martin Hurley, yesterday at the call of Louis Bur­ office of the War Housing center chief of police in Ocean Grove, 28 Seaview avenue; Paul C. Kondia, feind, district chairman, and heard purchase oi that share of the dis­ of which E. II. Christy is mana­ observed his 95th birthday on 144 Abbott avenue; Howard Jdm- Bernard A. Seiple, director of trict quota which has been allotted ger. The extension of the area Tuesday. He came to Ocean “ - “ I ounoau, jr., 21 Ileck avenue; Wil­ sales, describe the organization and to the financial institutions. But has the effect of removing re­ Grove in the Centennial year liam Harris, 144 -Abbott avenue; outline the plan , of campaign hs Mr. Seiple pointed out to them, strictions against private conver- of 1876, seven years after the and R. Alvin Everett, 111 Heck whichis to -take the plea' to buy the drive will not lie considered a sions throughout the area of As­ founding of Ocean Grove, and avenue.. Robert' I. Hannah; 144 bonds into every home from Oak- success unless more than seventy bury Park, Neptune and Oeean has maintained a continuous Cookman avenue, left Monday for kurst and Deal on the north to per cent of the bonds are sold to Grove, says Mr.' Christy. Loans residence, here since that time. induction in the navy.- . Brielle on the south. the people and to institutions may he secured up to $5,000.00. Retired in 1926 after, fifty Those, departing from Neptune “Uncle Sam is calling on the other than banks. "For,” said he A public meeting will be held in • years service in the Ocean were Ernest F. Dodd, 115% South people of the United States to buy this money must come from the . the . council room, City Hall, . 710 Grove police department, Chief Atkins avenue; George L. Mat­ thirteen: billion, dollars worth of pockets of the people if wc arc to Bangs avenue, Asbury Park, Tues­ Tantum declared on his thews, 138 Hawthorne avenue; bonds in April,” said Mr. Bur­ keep purchasing power under con­ day,'April 13, :at 7:45, p. m., to birthday that he was feel­ George Latshaw,, 102 Oxonia ave­ feind. “Our share of this amount trol and prevent disastrous infla­ discuss the new plan. ing "pretty good.’’ Speak­ nue; John M. Jones; 129 Oxonia is $2,189,700. We are going to tion.” Contracts to McDowell ing of politics, he said that U. S. M*rine Corp* Photo avenue;, Harry A. Mills, Clinton ‘Every dollar these bonds yield," ■ Contracts for a major portion of These U. S. Marines, on a sight-seeing trip to the ancient Puerto take it. The people of. this, sec­ he voted for every Republican Rican town of Caguas, aro Improving their knowledge of-the Place; Reed C.' VanLuvance, 124% tion of historic Old Monmouth said Mr. Burfeind “will go directly the cost of improving Riverside president since and including Spanish language. The word, they found, means "hardware store.’ Anelve avenue; Charles VanZandt have never failed to meet a quota to war on our side. We’re in a drive giving access to the old 1 General Grant. His telephone The Leathernecks are attached to the Marino barracks at San Jamison, 1110 Corlies avenue; of men or. money for war and we fight to win or die. Our boys, an Shark River Hills' hotel, which was was busy all day Tuesday re­ Joan, Puerto BIco. Allen R. Thomas, R. F. D.; George never shall.” : awful lot of them, aro doing thc . purchased; by: the Federal govern­ ceiving congratulations from W. Reynolds, 2105 Bangs . avenue; The sales force,, men and women dying. Our. duty right here at ment as a part of Radar laborator­ his many friends. ■ Many cards Allen Jobes, 1818 Sixth avenue; enlisted by Mr. Seiple to sell home is to do the buying—buying ies, were; awarded Tuesday night . and tokens, of remembrance Miriam Day Wed Black Market In Meat John , E, Comer, 107% Anelve. ave­ bonds in stores and on the street war bonds, investing our money by the Neptune township commit­ were received by mail. nue; Robert O. Sickles, 1509 Tenth and in the homes of this district, in the best and safest security in tee to Fred McDowell, of Neptune. He is president of the Ocean. By Candlelight Uncovered By O.P.A. avenue; Paul M. Redden, jr., Cor­ will meet Monday morning at 11 the world—bonds of the govern­ The amount was approximately Grove Firemen’s Exempt As­ lies, avenue; John A. Rice, 1500 o’clock in the Salvation Army ment of the United States.” $81,000. sociation, having been reelect-; The marriags of Miss Miriam Attorney Brings Charges Munroe avenue; Michael -Arc­ building on Mattison avenue,.to re­ The people of this section of tho Neptune township will be reim­ ed this' year for his thirty- Eileen. Day; daughter of Mr. and Against Eighteen Defendants, angelo, 6 First street; George M. ceive final coaching and instruc­ shore will know there’s a drive*, bursed by the Federal government eighth term. He was a form­ Mrs. James T, Day, 82’ Broadway, Including Seven Corporations Combs, sr., 1218 Sixth avenue; tions for the big job on whichthey on, for Mr. Seiple has dated up The contracts were for gravel, tar er president of the Firemen’s and Ernest F. Murphy, jr., son of and Eleven Individuals in Frank E. Helmka, 1532 Corlies ave will start out Monday morning. the army’s biggest sound truck, application . and' bituminous con­ Relief Association for many Mr. and Mrs. Ernest F. Murphy, This Country nuo; Kenneth L. Dellett, 1227% Yesterday'S meeting was at­ with musical accompaniment for crete pavement. years. - of Bradley Beach, was solemnized Eleventh avenue; Ralph M, Apple­ tended by the executive officers of the army's ace announcer, to tour McDowell’s bid of $8,907.00 for by candlelight at St, Paul’s Metho­ With thc return of an indict­ gate,: 1551 Tenth avenue; Henry the banks of Ailenhurst, Asbury the section Saturday, and Monday. 7,423 tons of road gravel was the dist church, -Ocean Grove, last ment in Newark last week charg­ W. Duerkes, 141 Anelve avenue; Park, Bradley Beach, Belmar, This truck, with the same operat­ only offer received and was ac­ Saturday evening. Rev. Verne L. ing seven corporations and eleven Robert L. Wright, 254 Fisher ave­ Spring Lake and Manasquan. ing personnel it has carried on cepted. The Neptune man offered Smith performed the ceremony, individuals from all parts of the nue; William L. Lee, 1904 Green­ They: pledged ; the . unlimited co­ other drives into every nook and to apply road tar,' for .$4,655.50, The church was decorated with country ■with -conspiring/’to--vio­ wood avenue; Albert L, Brown, jr., operation of the bank personnel corner' of the country, is "The which was the. lower of -.two ibids Set- By Ration Board 'candles, palms and spring flowers. late price,■ regulations"''and quota 48 Atkins avenue; Kenneth H. .Fes- President’s Own, the one he uses for that item. The other offer, $5,- The candles furnished the only restrictions, Nathan L. Jacobs, clmrek, 1317 £inth avenue;'George with the outside sales , force, and for his own outdoor appearances. 818.50, was submitted by Marsellls- Ceiling put on Commercial lighting in the sanctuary. Chief Attorney of the State OPA H. Burdge, 6 Lewis street; Albert It is now at Fort Monmouth, Wamer, Montclair. McDowell’s '.; Vehicles to Stop Speculative The bride, given in marriage by office declared that “this marks the J. Lawson, 1235 Corlies: avenue; o f J e r s e y ready to take off for another wide price for the bituminous concrete Profits in Used Car Market her father, wore a street-length beginning of the end of the organ­ Dominick J. Vetrano, 17 Atkins swing through thc country. But • surfacing; $17,632.80, was. nearly dress of white silk jersey and an ized black market in meat in the avenue. Those' from, Neptune: ac­ before it leaves, it will give two- $1,000 under Marsellis-Warner’s The Nation's stockpile - of used orchid hat. She carried a cas­ northern New Jersey and New cepted by the navy included LeRoy Visits Ocean Grove days of stimulation to the people bid of $18,204. A sa result, the lat­ commercial motor vohicles has just cade bouquet of white roses and York City area." 1 Tilton, 1118 Eleventh avenue; An­ Close . to two hundred Master of Monmouth’s south shore. ter two- contracts also went to Mc- been, brought under price control white sweetpeas. Her attendants The eighteen defendants, Jacobs drew O. Kiefer, jr., R. D. 2;, Louis Masons from all over the state V --- - . Dowell. " v , for the first time in a move sharp­ were Miss Jeanne Austin, who was said, were responsible for bring­ F. Vitale^ 1318: Embury ayenue; of New Jersey and points north, O. E. S. Holds Luncheon Party Three Sales Confirmed ly reducing abnormal prices which attired in’ a lavender dress with ing into New Jersey, New York, Frank Mitchell, 1210 Embiiry ave­ west and south packed Ocean Mrs. Lester Gardner and Mrs. The committee confirmed the sale have been charged by some sellers. hat to match, and Miss Jean Mur- Pennsylvania, and Connecticut nue; Willard J. Hulse, 1218 Elev­ Grove Masonic lodge Monday Rowland C. Mauch served as co­ of a lot. in Asbury Gables to Jos­ According to Harry G. Faby, phy, a sister of the bridegroom, more tban ton- million pounds of enth avenue; Louis F. Byrd, 271 night to witness the raising of a hostesses at the Ocean Grovo eph Shafto for $100 and the assign­ Chairman of: the . Neptune War whose dress was gold- with match­ black market befef and veal between Fisher avenue, Chapter, O. E. S., sandwich lunch­ ment of a tax! title certificate for' Price and Rationing Board, the ing hat. Both girls carried arm December 16, 1942 and' January —— V------class of five by a group of 33ds a vacant lot on Slocum road to new regulation is expected .to halt 31, 1943, He estimated that this and 32ds from the Valley of Jer­ eon and card party at thc Hotel bouquets. Robert S. Murphy, represents about $2,000,000 in over­ Mrs. Grammer Heads sey City, headed by Illustrious Gardner, Asbury Park, yesterday Ernest R. Holmes for $66 and of a the'activities of'speculators which brother of. the groom, was best Allan Hamilton Fish, 33d. It was afternoon. Attending wore Mrs. property on Waysido road to Dr. have resulted-in some instances in. man,, and' ushers were Harold charges to the consumer. In addi­ Mary C. Flint, Mrs. Arch Shaw, E. F. Thompson for $2,000. >: prices being charged that were Murphy, also brother of the groom, tion, there were numerous black County P.T. A. Group Ocean Grove’s biggest night in twice the normal value of the used Howard Russ, of Montclair, and market transactions in other parts years. Gustav C. Grob, jr., is the Mrs. James Blair, Mrs, Wilbur Os­ ■ ■■■■V;.-?:’■ ——.vy;.- --. of the country. ■ . ; Former Neptune Librarian a present master..' .■■■ born, Mrs. Henry Strobell, Mrs. CARR PROPERTY SOLD truck, by establishing ceilings at Warren Johnson, of Belleville. Guest Speaker at Session ill ’ Louis E. Bronson, 32d, intro­ Percy Ketcham, Mrs. James Strud­ a percentage of tho 'value of the The bride’s mother was attired Those named in the indictment West Belmar; President vehicle when new. include three from New Jersey— duced the visiting delegation. wick, Mrs. Victor Roe, Mrs. Elmer - Axel Peterson Bnys Dwelling at in a light blue dress and dusty pink the- Enkay, Packing Cdmpany, Inc., Given Flowers by Local P. T. A. William M. Duncan, 33d, occupied Clark, Mrs. Elmer Jacobus, Mrs. 132 Main Avenue at Auction “This new price control meas­ hat, with matching accessories. the west, Frederick B. Haggerty, Nan Pettit, Mrs. Anna Hoefcr. ure is also expected to result in The groom's mother wore an Alice Nathan Krupnick, and George Mo­ Mrs, Frank Graminer, of Ocean Mrs. Harold Geary, Mrs. Emma The property of Mrs. Amelia the release of many used vehicles,” blue dress, with accessories to ran of Paterson—and concerns and 33d, the south and Vincent J, Mildred Carr; at 132 Main avenue, Mr. Faby said, “which have been individuals from Chicago, 111., Grove, was installed as the . new Tenety, 33d, was senior-deacon, in Leopold, Mrs. Clinton Compton, convicted swindler who was ar­ match. Green Bay,; Wis„ Omaha, Nebr., president of the Monmouth County ■the third section and Archie Elder, Miss Violet Kalish, Mrs. J. Omo- withheld from sale by speculators Mrs. Elsa Brennecke was the Parent Teachers’ Conference Group 33d, senior deacon in the first and rod, Miss May Martin, Mrs. Lan- rested in December, 1941, was auc­ who have been anticipating a soloist for the occasion, and sang and Kansas City, Kansas. which met in all-day session at tho second sections. Among others-in tioned off at a chancery sale shortage Of transportation vehi­ two numbers, “At Dawning” and The charges, which were present­ don Tucker, Mrs. Anne Bromley staged at the Main avenue ad­ cles, which in turn has caused ed to the Grand Jury in Newark West Belmar fire house Wedhes- the delegation were Rev. A. Boy- Mrs. Elsie Giles, Kathryn Davis, dress Monday. Axel Peterson, "Because.” Miss; Thelma Mount during the month of March by John day. She succeeds Mrs.: Edgar lan Fitzgerald, 33d; Walter S. and Adcle.Oglc. further: price advances. was the organist. Braly: of Spring Lake. A bouquet, MacDonald, 33d; Adolf L. Engelke, ———-V------who, with his wife, has been re­ “The regulation applies to all The couple left for a wedding D. Masterson, enforcement attorT of flowers was presented Mrs. siding. with their son-in-law and sales whether made by a dealer or trip to New York. As a traveling ney of the Newark OPA staff in co­ 33d; Cornelius J. Davis, 33d; MISS FREDERICKS TO TALK daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. a private , owner or at an auction, operation Vrith Assistant U. S. At­ Grammer, on behalf of the Ocean Moritz E. Schwarz, 32d; Charles D. outfit, Mrs. Murphy wore a powder Grove P. T. A. Brady, 33d; Albert Loescr, 32d; Missionary From China on Pro­ Purdy, 73 Mnin avenue, purchased, thus preventing schemes such as blue dress and gray fur jacket, torney Thorn Lord, include con­ Other officers elected and in­ the property for $5,000. In addi­ thc sale of trucks by an Individual with black and white • accessories. spiracy to sell above ceiling price Leonard J. Cohen, 33d. gram for W. S. C. S. April 20 ction to the house, the sale includ­ who has in reality been fronting and in excess of the OPA restric­ stalled include Mrs. Charles Cav. The class of five made master Miss Edith Fredericks, a mis­ The newly-weds will reside at thc of Spring Lake, vice presi­ masons consisted of Raymond R. ed furniture from nine rooms and for a speculator.” : 1 Mar Dor Apartments, West Col- tion order limiting deliveries of dent; Mrs. Dorothy Schmitt, of sionary for twenty years in China, « lot to- the rear, 131 Heck ave­ v Tho sellers’’ ceiling prices now lingswood, N. J. r meat: for Civilian consumption.- Gracey, William II. Oliver, Harry will -be the guest speaker at the nue. According to OPA officials the West Belmar, secretary; and Mrs. G. Faby, Kenneth Napier and Leon April meeting of the W. S. C. S., of raiige' from ninety per cent for' Both bride and groom wore Melvin Underhill, of Brielle, treas­ Hubbs. Bids, totaling $4,625 were receiv­ truck less than six months old to graduated from Neptune high investigation leading to the indict­ urer. The hew officers were in­ St. Paul’s Methodist'church, to be ed for each separate item. Nicholas twenty-six per cent for six year school, Mr. Murphy is employed in ment uncovered an elnborate black vested by Mrs. Thomas H. Irwin, — V ------held on Tuesday, April 20, at 7:30 W. Bindseil, of Newark, special old commercial vehicles. defense work in Camden. market structure on a grand scale, of Bradley Boach. $1,656 Turned in to Red Cross p. m. Plans were made when the . master in chancery, announced to . ------V—:— Following the ceremony a recep­ in which slaughter houses: and Miss Olivia Way; county librar­ Through collections in thc Ocean executive committee met in the the more than forty persons who ROSALIE VOIGT JOINS WAVES tion was given at • the Chateau, packing, establishments were pur­ ian,, and former librarian at Nep­ Grove bank and local post office church Tuesday afternoon. Sample witnessed this auction that the en­ Neptune. Guests attending were chased by the ring of Conspirators, tune, high school, was the guest last Friday and Saturday, $26.50 articles for the annunl fair will bo tire property was up for sale. He To Report for Midshipman Train­ Mrs. John Stephen and Miss Nellie agents were . appointed in many speaker at the morning session, was received in contributions, displayed at the next meeting. It stated that no offer lower than the ing Tomorrow \ M. Day, of Lyndhurst; Mr.. and states, and hugs quantities of: cat­ and Mrs. Priscilla Johnston, coun­ bringing the final total to $1,656,10 was voted that the society con­ $4,625 could be accepted. Mr. Miss Rosalie A. Voigt, daughter Mrs. Oscar Ranges, of Rutherford; tle were bought, slaughtered and sellor at Camp Evans, related her to the American Red Cross War tribute $5.00 toward the purchase. Peterson’s was tho only bid. of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Voigt, 122 Mrs. Ambrose: Dowd, of Newark; sold throughout the country in vio­ Fund from Ocean Grove, Mrs. Rob­ of Easter flowers for the church. ' Mt. Hermon Way, will report to­ lation of both quota and price regu­ experiences as such when she ad­ Those attending thc session were v —— *•' Mrs. Ruth Johnson, of Belleville; lations. dressed the members and ; friends ert Meredith, chairman, announced Township Salvago Drive in May morrow for duty with the WAVES Mr. nnd Mrs. Georgo Perkins, Miss in the afternoon. Mrs Paul Greet- this .week.- In her report; she Mrs. L. B. Mulford, Mr;. G. I,. D.A - at thc U. S. Naval Reserve Mid­ Grace H. Murphy, Mrs. Maty E, -V----—- in, of the Ocean Grove^P. T. A., stated that the local -Red1 Cross Tompkins, Mrs. Neal Tompkins,'-' : The Neptune-Township Salvage shipman’s School,, Northampton, Bnile, of Gloucester; Mr. and Mrs. F. Reitz Home From Hospital gave a brief talk to' the . new. offi­ community workroom has a large Mrs. Joseph Rainear, Mrs.' E. W. committee will conduct a scrap Mass. Upon completion- of this Joseph T, O’Brien, Mr, and Mrs. Fred W. Reitz, of tho Reitz Bak­ cers: quota of sewing for .the month of Davis, Miss Lulu E. Wright, Hiss metal and- newspaper, drive, : be­ training she will bo commissioned William Oliver, Mr. and Mrs. Cal­ ery, Ocean Grove and Asbury Others . attending from .Ocean April and that more volunteers Rosa Santee, Miss Grate -Fillmore,-': ginning May 16 through May 2^, an ensign. vin R. Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. Park, and vyho has been a surgical Grove P. T. A', were: Mrs. S. E. are needed. This room is open Mrs. Charlek Bilms, Miss Nancy according.' to an . announcement Miss Voigt is a graduate of Charles Hendrickson, Ivan Moore, patient for several weeks in tho Severs,'Mrs. Joseph Hemphill, Mrs. every Wednesday in the local Doro.v, Mrs.. Marjorie M:cWhln- ,' made this. week. The committee Neptune high school and New Mip. Ernestihe Gamble, Mr. and Belmar hospital, was removed to Joseph Porter,-Mrs. Charles Todd, Woman’s club house from 9:30 a. ney. Miss E.' May Comfort, Mrs, will .roport final arrangements at Jersey College -for Women, New Mrs. Harold Dunkorley, Miss Mary his home Tuesday, 1407 Eighth Mrs. Clifford DeHaven, Mrs. H. D. m.'to 3:00.p. m. v . Violet Gillan, Mrs. Fred Pine, Miss' ;' a later date.. ■ Brunswick. She has been em­ Jano Kresge, Mr, and Mrs. William avenue, Neptnne, where ho is con­ Kresge, Mrs. John Newben, Mrs. Anna Hardy, Mrs. Verne Smith,:.;i: ployed as teacher of Homo. Eco­ S. Perkins, ' valescing. Ho is reported to be WANTED—Old Coins and Stamps, Mrs. Robert' Cunlifle, i Mrs. ' Ray- EASTER GREETING CARDS: nomics in the Montclair system. getting along nicely. Robert Titmns, and Mrs. Abner United States and Foreign.' Gold mond Mnnley, and' Mrs. HomerlDjJ ’Finest cards in wide variety 'at Optometrist-Opticinn -, Hanig, guest. • coins. Old silver. .'Gold rings, OPENSHAW’S, :.j‘The V Greeting: Brighten rooms with Wall Paper, Dr.’ Joscph F. Heine ’ American Barber Shoo. 52 Main Tasty, delicious sandwiches of.ail watches, chains. Old envelopes, Kresge, president,;, Card Store.” 60 Main - Avenue. »* Vfn 1 L A An' It ft A JAa ' collections, etc. . Hill’s Asbury Drug Store, 700 Mattison.—15-16

\ v '7 .:v; V- 7 K'T- - :Aa7:'77“ : ^; ' ^ 7 m:' i.v77--;::I:. '- :'7-; PAGE TWO FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1043

Said b ill is mod to foreclose a cer- And-you, MR. HOWfiRTON, hua- present owner of said premises. NOTICE A right-about-face the whole world LEGAL NOTICE tlfioato of tax salo given by W alter H . band of Lucy Howerton; are made a And you, JOHN J. POWERS, hus­ Gravatt. Collector of Taxes, to the defendant bocauso you are. the hus­ band oL Annio.E. Powors, aro made a TO THE CREDITORS OF THE needs IK UHANCEUY 01? KBW JKU8KY Township of Neptune, dated October band of , ono . of ' the present owners defendant bocauso you are tho husband SHORE BUILDING AND LOAN AS­ Che Poefs Corner To find time' to loam each other’s 10, :1934, which covers . lands in tho of said promises nltd . have -or may of tho present owner of eald promi­ SOCIATION: TO—JAMES R HOWERTON and Township of Neptune; In. the County claim to havo an inchoate right of cur­ ses and have or may dlalm to havo NOTICE Is. hereby -given to the creeds, . - . ’ LUCY HOWERTON, tholr hoVre, fie- of Monmouth and State of New. Jer­ tesy therein. - ' an lnchoato right of curtesy therein. creditors •■of.:, the abovo association vinom and pernonal ro|tro»ontativeH; sey, known and designated as Lots And you, tho hoiira, deviates and por- . And you, tho holrs, • devisees and to bring ia under oath their, debts, Ministry, Easter, 1943 To learn what love, each for each, MRS. JAM12S K. HOWKHTON. 22fi and 227 in" Block 11)5 on the Tax sonnl representatlveH • of James E. personal representatives of Annie E. demands and claims against said as­ Last at the cross, first at the tomb, can do wlfo of James R Iloworlon and MR. Assessment .Map of • tho Township pf Howerton and Lucy Howorton are Powers are made defendants; because sociation within threo months from IlOWKItTON. huBlmnd of Lucy Neptune. made - defendants because you have you have or may claim to have somo the date of this notice, or the same Were faithful women; To make the dream of the ages Howorion ' or may claim to'have some Interest Interest in the premises; and If you will bo barrod from, any • action Hy .virtue oJJ.smv order of llu* Court And you, JAMES R HOWKHTON in the premises' and if. you claim any claim any-title to, interest In, or en­ therefor against .said association or: Not e’en the gloom of death's dark •come true! of Chancery of New Jersey made on and L U C Y HOWKHTON, are made title to, interest in, or encumbrance cumbrance upon the . said lands and tho directors thereof. Claims, may Mrs. Clyde Robe Meredith. tiio day O f (Me date hereof, In a defendants)because you are tho pres­ upon tlie said lands and premises, you premises, you are required to answer bo filed with Alleta E. White, Sec­ pall cause- wherein Township. of Neptune,, ent owners of said premises. a fir required to answer the bill, but the bill, but not otherwise. . . . retory, 303 Bond Street, Asbury Park, Or sable night could hold the power Baltimore, Md. in the Oounly of Monmouth. Is dim* And you;M RS.'JAM ES K. HOW ER­ not otherwise. STOUT and O’HAGAN, . N ./J. • .- *=’ . plalimni, and .Tames K. Howerton, et TON. wife of James K. Howuuitm, are RICHARD W. STOUT, Solicitors for complainant, D ate: January 22, 1943. Their souls to affright als., are. rJefendanl.s, you are teqiiinid. juado a defendant because you arc the Solicitor for comlatnant, / Electric' Building, THE SHORE BUILDING AND In that sad hour. to appear and answer the hlH of nr.h- wife, of owt of the present; owners of Electric Building, V • Asbury Park, N. J. LOAN ASSOCIATION, • LIQUI­ plnim , on or befm v tin* Second day of said premises and have or may claim Asbury Parle. N. J. D ated: M arch 31, ,11143. : DATING CORPORATION, ; With gentle, loving ministry The Green Hopes of Spring June, I!1 ill; or tlie said bill will hi- to have an Inchoate right of dower D ated: April. 1, 11143. -15-18 . • ; Alleta E. White, Secretary, These faithful women lingered near Spring that is as old as the spin­ taken .as confessesl .juratnst you. •therein. • *'. -15-18 ' . . • . • IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY 4-16 • ■'. / / ••-••:/ Monmouth County Surrogates Ofilce To help assuage the dying grief ning earth is flowing in the IN CHANCERY OK NEW JERSEY TO—JOHN PAUL GRAY and ROB­ Of One thus nailed in anguish / heprt.of victory;. ;i ERT LEE GRAY In the Matter of the'Estate pf Anne TO—ANNIK E. POWERS, her heirs, By virtue of-an order of. the Court Mary Owens (Anno M. . Owens, De­ there." K;; ;■ z-l’ -' ZC Z With gentle warmth, in the golden The World’s News Seen Through dovljtees and personal representa­ of Chancery mado on the day of the ceased),’ :' - ■ . tives; and JOHN J. POWERS, hua date hereof, in a cause wherein Town­ . Notice to Creditors/; to Present First at the tomb on morning fair ; sunset, a .green'mist is reborn, baud of Annie E. Powers: ship of Neptune, . in . the County of Claims. Against Estate. . First to behold an angel there. With dignity a choir of colorful T h e C h r is t ia n S c ie n c e M o n i t o r By virtuo of nn order of -the Court Monmouth ; is complainant, and- John :; Pursuant to the ordor of . Joseph L. •: /■■/•/. ; An Intcrmtipml Daily Newspaper »f Chancery made on the day of the Paul Gray, et nl.y are defendants; you Donahay., Surrogate ,of the County of And first to tell the glorious news flowers blend their celestial voice nato hereof, in n cause wherein Town­ are required to appear and.answer tlie Monmouth, mado on the eighth, day is Truthful—Constructive—Unbiased —Free from Sensational­ ship of Neptune, in the County of bill. of complaint on or before the of March, 1943, on the application That through ail centuries diffused to living Qo'd,': .'•.•'.'.• • / ism — Editorials Arc Timely and Instructive and Its Daily .Monmouth Is complainant, and Annie Second day of. June next, or thossild of Louise Owens Franclscus, Execu­ The golden light of dawning day Singing praise with those heavenly, 12. Powers, et ate., are defendants, bill: will be taken as confessed against trix of the estate of Anno Mary: Owens Features, Together with the Weekly Magazine Section, Make you aro required to appear and ans­ you.- ••’ : .;//-.- (Anno :M. Owens) deceased; notice' Is Since Heaven rolled that stone chimes that come stemming out the Monitor an Ideal Newspaper for the Home. wer. tlie bill of complaint oti or before Said bill is filed 't'cj .foreclose; a cer­ hereby given to the creditors of said the First day of Juab next,, or the tain certificate of ■•. tax sale given by deceased to exhlbt to the subscriber . away. of earthly sod. ■ . The Christian Science Publishing Society said 1)111 will be taken as confessed W alter H. Gravatt; Colleotor of Taxes,- executrix as aforesaid, tholr debts Angelic visitants are near Her fresh beauty, though qb old as One, Norway Street, Boston, Massachusetts agstnst yon. to tlie Township of Neptune, dated and: demands against the said estate, Said bill is filed to foreclose a cer­ October 5,. ,1938. Which covers lands under oath, within six months from To roll the stones of doubt nnd fear the sun and stars, is not at rest, . Price $12.00 Yearly, or $1.00 a Month. tain certificate of tax sale given by m the Township of. Neptune., in the the date of the aforesaid order, or Saturday Issue, including Magazine Section, $2.60 a Year. Edward O. Sweet, Collector of Taxes, County of Monmouth' and State- of they will be forever barred. of their A'way from cumbered grieving race It’s being nursed by tlie veins of Introductory Offer, 6 Saturday. Issues 25 Cents. to the Township of Neptune. dated New Jersey, known as .Lot 628, Block actions therefor against the said/ sub- And raise a standard in their place mystery in the bosom of nature’s ■November 1G, 1930. which covers landa 21 SB oh (he Tax Assessment.. Map of scrlber.' in the Township of Neptune. County the Township of Neptune. Of faith, and trust, and loyalty, earthly breast. .. of .Monmouth ami State of.New Jer­ And you, JOHN PAUL GRAY and Dated, Freehold, N. J., March 8, sey, known jind designated as Hots 99' ROBERT . LEE. GRAY, arc­ 1943. - ' •?.:•••• , • ••7 / Through women brave of every Like the trumpets of angels a choir and .100 in -• Bloclc 275 on the Tax As-, fendants ; because you are the owners LOUISE OWENS FRANCISCUS. - of flying birds with praise thoir sessmont :JIap of 'the Township of of the . premises mentioned and de­ / : / •'/ Lombardy Circle; race. . .. I-’ZZ .■ ;. /v / -•'':/ : ■ SAMPLE COPY ON REQUEST Neptune. : •. * : , scribed in said bill of: complaint and • • • 1 Lowlstown, Pa. As Blessed Mary gavo her Son, songs do sing,;; /And you, ANNIE E;. POWERS,. are you have or may claim to have; an -11-15 ($10.00) • made a defendant because you ave the Interest in tbe premises. So give the Mothers, one by one To a battle of flowers that beauty RICHARD W. STOUT, I find the great thing in this to the heart of spring and joy to Solicitor for complainant, And through that blessed ministry Electric Building, world is not so much Where we Of those at cross, and sorrowing man will bring. D ated: April 1, 1Q43.Asbury Parle. .N. J. stand as ini Vvhat direction we are tomb, And os it takes a human heart to -15-18 . • ■ moving.—Oliver Wendell Holmes. Tho ministry of other hands inhale the beauty of spring in Shall help . earth’s dear ones purple arid gold, through the gloom It takes a human soul to exhale a And roll the stones of doubt nnd language of peace and joy to the Add to Your Income! fear world untold. With ministry of angels there. - There is ift> calm that comes to the Sarah Hopkins. heart like the calmness that Now that Asbury Park (and vicinity) Ocean Grove, N. J. comes after a storm is done. V------There is no peace that comes to the has been declared a war-housing area, Vision soul like the peace that comes you can add to your income) by convert­ People bristling with animosities, after a war is won. ing your residence into apartments. Fill all the world With atrocities ■ •' . Maria A. DeSanto. That .well nigh knock the' props Elizabeth, N. J. We will arrange all details and financ­ from under, -V ' ing. ' No charge or fees of any kind for Driving the elements asunder, Cheerfulness is a friend to With an affrightoriing pbal of grace; it puts the heart in tune to IT'S NOT THAT BAD this service. thunder, praise God, and so honors religion And a flash of lightning that can by proclaiming to the world that Now You Can Repair or Modernize blind we 3erve a good master. Be sen-, t o . / Men’s sight and leave them devoid ous, yet cheerful.—Thomas Wat­ Your Home . . . . Phone Us Today! of mind! son. _ ' ^iiitiiKiiiiiiiiuiiiiniiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiHiiiiiiiitdiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinU Direct from the greenhouse is no need to let budgeting, arc1 interchangeable in providing a in all their springtime Fresh­ rationing, and market problems get balanced diet. ness and Beauty. you down, even thbugli tlie grocer's Food values are the important FLOWERS shelves aren't quite, as. accessible as thing. Study your nutrition chart, Buchanon # Smock PLANTS, CUT FLOWERS, CORSAGES they, used to be. and you can use your ingenuity to Where nutrition, color and variety get eye appeal, taste arid balance, arid LUMBER COMPANY ARCADIA are concerned in meal planning, many still keep within your budget and Railroad and Second Avenues Flower Shop and Greenhouse foods, especially fruits and vegetables, ration points. ■ ", 410 SUMMEUFIELD AVENUE AT COOKMAN Telephone A. P. 728 Near' Heck Street Bridge to Ocean Grove The next time you stop ,tc your Jersey Central office ask for Telephone 4831-M . Robert Juska njenu suggestions prepared by our Homo Service Department. JERSEY CENTRAL POWER & LIGHT CO W hatittakes to move a division

. . . Headquarters for Victorv Garden Fertilizer Vegetable Seed L a w n S e e d Garden Tools Garden Hose (25 and 50 Ft. Lengths) F, like the eagle, you could look down on vice, ace about equal to the number of pas-, fact, demand for equipment is now so great the amount of railroad equipment it senger trains running daily over the Penn- • that on arriving at terminals cars must be IN FACT, YOU WILL FIND EVERYTHING HERE FOR Itakes to move a single armored division, sylvania Railroad between two of tbe busiest put right back into service, so you may find A SUCCESSFUL VICTORY GARDEN here is what you would see... 7f tramsi places on tbe face of tbe- globe—Neve York them not quite so spic and span os we would Many passenger trains, many freight trains and Washington. like. Housekeeping facilities: area. adequate —all required to move just one division. For Multiply this one division by the many mov­ but there’s not always time. a division takes all its equipment with it— ing in this country and you can understand But Americans are takiag oil this like good tanks, jeeps, armored cars, supply trucks, may have difficulty getting a soldiers. For they know this is a war of tractors, anti-aircraft guns, many, things. •berth... or be obliged to stand in a coach niovemeot, and that movement begins right And its men, numbering about 12,000, ...o r arrive at your destination late. In here—in America, on tbe rails. need berths in which to sleep! What’s more, when this division moves by , rail, it moves as a unit—that is, trains fol­ PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD lowing one another a few minutes, apart. >}% : Irvin g tboN$ti6n^\ WjhsA Telephone A. P. 651 Asbury Park, N. J. Now, in terms of trains, those 75 taken out ' 123 Main Street of civilian service and put into military ter- Branches 'fa 29.842 in tbe Armed Forces f t 26 bate Riven their Ilvef for tbeir country . Spring Lake Lakewood BUV UNITID STATES WAI BONDS AND STAMPS One of America’s Railroads FRIDAY, APRIL 9/ 1943 PA G E T Il li E B TIMES Yankees In Win Restore Mills SPORTS As Training Ends Wildlife Site THESE WOMEN ! B y d A ic s s :3 1PIGHTIN6'ABSENTEEISM The ended Utilizing the opportunity afford­ their stay at the shore on Wednes­ ed by the Federal Aid to Wildlife day, when the Program, the .New Jersey State champions played . a pre-season Fish and Game Commission has exhibition game with their .Inter­ completed the restoration of Col-, national league farmhands, the tier's Mills Lake nosr New Egypt. Newark Bears. The Bears, how­ The: prbject.-was accomplished. .by. ever, looked like no part of the the Division of Wildlife’.Manage­ Yankee chain as they committed ment under the supervision of the six errors and failed in the' hoard in such a . manner, and of clinches to allow ' the Yariks to materials not deemed necessary The shore baseball public got sweep the game by .a 14-0 score. to the present war effort. good deal of big league play this This forty-acre lake site has spring, what with the Yankees Scoring ; almost at will, the boon dry during the past years training at Asbury Park and the Yanks went through the first four due to--thc failure of water im­ New York Giants, down there in innings before the Bear , poundment structures during peri­ Lakewood, The only thing wrong Dick Baker, John Fallon and Clem ods of high water. Upon tiro with tho whole program was that Hausmrn, could count up a score­ acquisition .of the 5,000 acre Col- there were not enough exhibition less inning. Meanwhile Yankee ier’S Mills Public. Shooting Grounds games to satisfy the shore audi- pitchers Atley Donald, Tommy by. the - Commission,, immediate ■ , ences. . 1 Byrne and .Were plans were instituted for the re­ The Yankees played , the only holding the Bears to but -four, storation of the lake. At the pres­ one Wednesday at the . Asbury hits for the afternoon. ent time a fifty-two foot spillway Park stadium, and there arc a good More than 6,600 enthusiastic has. been completed and all dikes many who doubt that it was a baseball fans witnessed the first have been Strerigtheried to prevent baseball game at all. Some think and final game by the Yanks at the a recurrence of failure under flood it was just a batting; practice Ses­ CHICAGO, ILL.—Manufacturers of war goods are fighting absentee­ shore and went -away . feeling conditions. - sion, while others were of the opin­ ism among their girl workers by urging them to learn to relax slightly cheated at the lack of op? During a past era .when Collier's ion that the Newarkers were en­ through recreation in their spare time. An example of this program position put up by the Bears. is illustrated above by a group of girl workers of the Olson Rug Co. Mills was' a ,thriving village in the "...And about the new bomb sight.-. It’s some sort of a halo gaging the Yankees in some sort The Olson Rug team recently rolled into first place in the American Even the vaunted Yankee bat­ pineiands, the Jake,-in addition to whosis on the whatsis that makes it more accurate!” of track meet. Either way, the Women’s Bowline Classic. ■ .-'A' ting spree failed, to materialize furnishing power and other neces­ Yanks won, crossing the plate 14 during the afternoon. , The Yanks sities to the community, offered ‘ times while the Newark Bears collected, fifteen hits off the offer­ a haven of refuge to migratory could run no further than third Fresh Water ings of the three Bear hurlers, but wildlife. It was maintained as an base oh one occasion and only to only two. extra base clouts were inviolate refuge by the owner and - first or. the, other three; hits regis­ Fishing Starts registered and those by Bill John­ became an area of profuse wild­ tered in the afternoon session. son, a former Bear himself. John­ life populations. The decline in The kids all had a good time of Fresh water anglers of New son1 drove a double to center in the the community life of the'village it, though, as school officials in Jersey are expected to take full fourth and a triple in the sixth, brought ri corresponding decline in both Neptune and Asbury Park, advantage of well-stocked public johnny Lindell, converted Yankee tho protection of wildlife and ■ being good: baseball fan's them­ trout streams when the 1943 .trout , regained the hit column as eventual draining of the lake. selves, gave the students a half FIREMEN’S LEAGUE season opens on April 15, George he drove in a run with his single In returning the waters of the day of studies to allow them to G. Warren, jr., Presideiit of the in the sixth. lake to their former levels, the get up there and see McCarthy Team Standings New Jersey Fish and Game Com­ State Fish and Game Commission, and company go through the mo­ ;. w mission, announced: today. The Yankees, scoring three in through the Federal. Aid to Wild­ Washington ...... 30 1 President Warren advised,.per-: th? first, two in the second and life Program, has accomplished an tions of playing a ball game. Stokes ...... 36 third, one in the fourth and six- Well, at least it was a bit bet­ Unexcelled Specials sons who plan to take part; in the in the sixth, had things their own important restoration . project. ter than the usual softball globe- Hamilton ...... opening of the new season to get . V------Bradley Juniors...... their fishing licenses early in way almost all the afternoon. Only o'2.0 0 0 , ooo pouhps op srm me rcouirsp -to buup ewe mopbrn fest usually seen at the shore, and Bradley No.2 ...... 34 order to avoid a last: minute rush. in the first, when Joe Dwyer got Girl" Scouts Honor Member Bfi.rueMP— mou6H to m p e rbcht ?p. ooo automobiles at some times, the boys even gave Unexcelled No. 1...... 32 The• open; season will- continue one of the Bear base knocks and 'Joyce Gnrrnbraridt,1 a member of some semblance of being bhseball Eagles 28 until July 15 and will be reopened in the fourth when a walk and a Girl Scout Troop 21, Ocean Grove, h players worthy of the name of “200” Club during the thirty days of Septem­ hit put two men on, did the Bears in celebration of her eleventh birth­ Yankees, or Bears. Holbrook, Engles ...... ber. threaten. Two strike outs and a day, wns given a party by the girls Ward, Washington ...... During the season trout must few infield outs put an end to in the troop last Friday afternoon Shore men interested in fishing Vecchione, Hamilton ...... bo seven inches long to be taken both threats, however. in St. Paul’s church. were given a good ray- of hope Hagerman, Stokes ...... legally and the legal catch is The Yankees broke camp on The regular meeting preceded recently, when Lt. Ernest Hulse Washington (2j limited to ten trout daily. . Anglers Thursday and left for some addi­ the party, nnd three new members of the coast guard; assured every- Blair ...... 171 tional exhibition games in New were welcomed into the troop. . .one that' there would be no great Atkinson /. 135 143 participating in the season may -tie mcwAMncS'ecAo -tavus York before the regular season They are Jnnot Solomon, Evelyn O'.'cR. 5 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 0 BAOiOS ARE til 0 6 6 til TVlE changes in the regulations govern­ Francis ...... 192 185 147 enter their catches in the third v k uam e fzw.1 m e mmi w ho ■ U'-rrcp s ta te s -Tcp.'-y mors -than Shaw ...... 179 172- 142 annual Governor’s New Jersey. opens.,, " Hopkins, and Janet Kenton. Others reveiorep -nls typeMVtaty o f fo ic - ing the. beachfront for the coming Ward ...... 205 187 attending wore Betty Anne Wal­ bui.o;ss_✓ ^jctv SCDo'aVMJ a ; rA rw Evrw f/wuy/. season.. Lt. Hulse said the coast 184 Fishing Tournament in competi­ : Manager Joe McCarthy, al­ Batdorf ...... 126 194 159 tion for prizes to ho awarded after though admitting the weather ton, Mary Asay, Jacqueline Han­ guard would have no objections in the tournament closes on Novem­ son, Janet Sandford, Carolyn Os­ any day time fishing from the 873 870 778 could1 Have been better- since the borne, Shirley 'Hemphill, Gretel ' r a -THE . beach or the piers, and that ang­ Unexcelled No. 1 (1) ber 30 next. Game wardens, pro­ Yankees arrived on March , 14, Swolinzky, Dolores. Maisbury, Jan­ ‘W, J} PAyp.otL lers would be allowed to fish from Estlow ...... 157 116 179 prietors ’ of designated sporting agreed that his team was in gopd Air.of v* A.!xie Messier ...... 161 154 154 goods stores, pier and dockmasters shape and ready for ail American ice Todd, Barbara Lee Todd, Nancy •4K? ih^.^Fpy- the. piers at night provided no Herbert ...... 158 .163 137 and others have been designated LeMoine, Joan Marshall, arid troop I5> N O W lights were exposed to sea. Phillips ___;... 190 ■190 135 league comers this season. The leaders, Mrs. Alfred Todd, Mrs. $ to, 000.000 There are no objections, to these RobbinB ...... 123 144 177 as woighmasters for the. conven­ Yankees, he admitted, have been Joseph Hemphill, and Mrs. Charles A VJEEK Ilandiqap ___ 63 39 39 ience of fishermen in getting their hurt by draft losses, but this is Lon pom owes rrs GiRf t! io <5,UT- simple rules, and all the fellows catches weighed. a problem facing all teams, so Todd. • CARAVANS CARfcyiNS-SAiT USEP . who. enjoyed fishing at the Ocean 852 796- 821 Public streams near large cen­ none is the better off in that case, ' V -— - ■ TWE■ 'TO CnV-isJOvV-9TAMPS, CROSS "TH? THAMES AMP-THE WrtESE • . Grove piers in years past will no Eagles (2) ters of population will ho particu­ the Yank manager said. READ THE OCEAN GROVE -T52APER5HEAPgUAPTERS AVIOT ■ rme-SPirr a • • doubt be able to gdt the same en­ Wiigus ...... 103 141 larly well stocked with trout 'this TIMES FOR LOCAL NEWS joyment this season, for fishing E. Thompson, sr. 79 will continue during the day as Heckman . . . ___ 128 146 136 year so:that fishermen may enjoy Lyon , ....> .; .. 161 155 148 the sport without driving long dis­ STRIGTLY BUSINESS ^McFe^ " THE TIMES OWN usual and there will be no objec­ Holbrook . ...___ 221 200 231 tances to favorite points of other tions to that surf casting for the E. Thompson, jr. 150 182 163 years. Necessity for conserving elusive striped bass. Handicap ...... 12 gasoline and tires has caused, the The news comes as an encourag­ State Fish and Game Commission ing thing to the famous clan of to order re-stocking ofstreams Solution J \ Niii't. Issue. Grove fishermen, who were fearing Stokes (1) 1 2 3 4 5, ; - 6 i 6 9 10 11 for the worst in regard to their Gregory ...... 134 115 near cities and towns and on regu­ Beck ....; ...... 122 123 lar transportation lines. 12 13 14 ability to continue; their favorite Bills ...... 131 137 . When.the season opens on April pastime.: So, it’s still, off to the Hagerman ...... 201 186 -15, practically every public stream IS 16 Vi 18 pier every day fellows, and shine Hill ..... 187 131 f i in the State capable of holding 19 20 up that tackle box, for the coast Handicap 11 trout, will be stocked with Brook, y /A 21 guard has • taken over the patrol 25 26 28 29 30 of the seaside resorts and if they 786 692 . 752 Brown and Rainbow trout from 22 23 24 m , Unexcelled Specials (2) the large supply at the world- 32 33 have no objection, as long as you McDowell ...... 165 159 177 famous Hackettstown Fish Hatch­ 31 keep within their simple rules, Ormsbee ...... 195 131 168 ery, President Warren announced. 34. 35 Z6 37 fishing will abound as per usual. Dodd ...... 1 3 9 144 160 Restocking of streams will be con­ W t' Personally we are not too good A. Thompson ... 157 157 180 38 39 41 «• fishermen, but we do like to get Brand ..... ___ 195 187 181 tinued during the season. 42 43 44 . down to the pier to pass a bit ;.!/k 851 778 856 ZnwiMHMlMtNiwmwtiaHaMttiWtnminnMi m of gossip now and then with the | BRADLEY BEACH 45 46 47 48 boys, many of whom just toss the Hamilton (-1) Hazier ----- 142 186 180 49 SO 31 52 53 54 55 ^5 lines in the ocean as tan,excuse to Vecchione .....; 203 182 130 r - ; do a lot of the same thing. Donahay ...... 170 179 157 57 59 60 But, all in all, the Ocean Grove Kochel ...... 140 137 172 sa fishing clan is a good buncli. They Mount . . . ____ 145 172 ,172 61 62 63... have evinced sufficient interest in Handicap1. ;:..... 7 7 7 their pastime to go to the trouble • • , . : 807 863 818 HORIZONTAL 49.Pertaining to 3 Medieval 22 Rorm-n of raising money in years past for 1 Prohibition the skin trading vessel entrnnce-halU the bettering of the pier, and con­ The highest wisdom is contin­ I : ■ Eight Alleys | 4 Figurative 53 Drags, as a 4 Siam 23 Slang: to tinue to make the Grove pier one ued cheerfulness; such a state, like 1 Ocean Ave. at Ncwnrk Ave., 5 use of a word knet 5 Hunting dog study labori­ | Bradley Beach, N. J. | 9 Eroded 57 Samoan 6 Either ously of the best equipped and cared for the region above the moon, is al­ S. Phone 8864 | “. . .And now take that gum. out of your mouth, stop fidgeting, 12 To employ 1 mudworm 1 Fitploding 24 Cry ol sorrow along the coast. . ways clear and serene,—Montaigne, * iiiiiiiitfKtitiiiitiiiiitiitaniinu«iiiiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiiitiuiu watch your spelling,-and get these letters outin a hurry!” 13 Wading bird 58 Movable noise 26 Royal house r 14 Because shelter 8 Man’s name of England 15 To vanquish 69 Cereal grass 9 Toward the 28 King of 17 Sign •il Faint . - stern Bashan 19 Country in 62 Greek mar­ 10 Pedal digit 29 Ebctra Europe ket-place 11 To be mis­ 30 To long famiw ■ 21 Symbol lor . 63 Epoch.. . taken 32 Split pulse selenium VERTICAL 16 Poetic: 53 Teamster’s N? 22 Gelatinous 1 Undeveloped always, cry substance stem 18 Asiatic goat 35 Worshipped ■ 25 Sick 2 Peer Gynt’s . antelope animal 27 Pink I ' ; mother. v. 20 Shade tree 89 Note of scale 31 Attempt, , 40 Negative 32 Unprincipled Answer to rattle No. 4. 41 Pronoun politician AR M1 1n r a n n n E i A 44 Monk 34 Japanese SA I S VI 48 African •‘measure L P! n 0 c h ie fs L 'DOVISH 35 Hebrew letter A S Ii KB p SE A $ 0 li dwelling £~b-£HS>g—~^~ 35 Original p Q s n A R R fi 48 Plane surface 37 Colloquial: WH K 11 UlPi 3?I R 0 E 49 Accom­ father 0 plished, 30 Arrogance H F. W ia A t. F K R 50 Finiul fiNDIW >JV9nS,0 oa«H H3A3N =?—■••;■ ^ iwuvd wno ox e=s 41 Possessive AR N E p N E N 0 51 Gypsy. I NOIAVAS ,N m iJ ,HA AV ADD ,HA f .HOOa AX3N AHQIH AAD V • • • >/3/«3 xvonr.o u pronoun T, 0 R A 3 A |>tS S H 3 62Umt>, AHM ftAVHA iOOA'aWVN M3N II •3ARI130 A.NV:) I JYU 0 'A lO ft 39V 77/A 37AA/7 7/7333V?<#., 42 Mine entrance RN 11 R E W g P S E V iS13SAI 1 0 9 Al,. j >1003 ,NV, A'a'JA onv ••-asdvn ahsa NMoao 33A 01 03N3ddVH SVH Y1IH 43 Kiwi , j 54 Trouble kYl' v :- ATN3QOn5 3AVH 0 1 SW 33S Al . WVS ,HA 1VH/A IAUVW 44 Flowcrless PRS K A Rn z 55 Milay gibbon . plant . lo Ip r, s 3. APPI nJil 50 Music: aa ;■>% 45 Latin [DIE K 3. L J?a ¥ i v written . ' conjunction Ipllllil 89 River to1.': XXIWVXS«HX;aOM AWjNT 47 Former ruler. 1 E k UL La£ 2 Italy ,:-A •o «V;>;-Vv-V'v;;i'v : fo* ’'•■• '•' ",'■■•. i r 1' ■< . . . - . PAGE POUR FRIDAY* APRIL, 9, 1943 ^iijiiiiijiiiliiliiliiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiMiiiijiliiiniiiliiliiiiiiJiiiiijiliiiiuiiiiiii .... THE OCEAN GROVE TIMES WHY NOT PU Lt TOGETHER? And Shore Times The Point of View SELECT YOUR EASTER BONNET PubllRhed Friday AT THB I HOMKTt I). KUFSUK, Editor and Publisher MAJIV JATfE KItESGE, Local Ktltor Junior wants to help the war SIXTY-FOUU MAIN AVENUE* OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY j PARIS HAT SHOP | Telephone 7 effort—ho says so many people ; Largest selection of the newest styles In straws and spring | SUBSCRIPTIONS: $2.00 yearly; $1.25 scm l-annually; 70c. quarterly or c. need food, he’s willing to give up G0 IN& AROUND IN s felts. Specializing in youthful matrons. and postage per ropy, postage paid .in tlie United Statca; Cutiadu $3.50 and6 his spinach for the duration.—Dan­ CIRCLES/ I' oreign. $4.50^a year. . bury (Conn.) Ncws-Timcs. AD\^ ^Lin ISLftlLNli*; I , v,?n Hates request—always wili be furnished give by formerus on request. address. is f ..... $1.39-$1.95 & up j •WATCH TUB LABMf, ON VOUK I’Al’Klt FOU THE EXPIRATION OF If all the laws were enforced, 5 Smart hnndbags to match at...... $1.00 and $1.95. | YOUII SURSCR+FTION half of us would be in jail and the | 436 CookmanAve., Asbury Park (Phone 4831-J) | Ti 1 IS'. TRUTH IN ITS 1* HOPE It PLACE other half out on boil.—Danbury . Open Wednesday Evening till 9:00. Snturdqy till 10 P. M. H (Conn.) News-Times. fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiifiiiiijiiiiiiiiitiiiiiituiiiiuiniiiitiiitiiiijitiikniiitpiiiiitiiiiiiiltiniitiHaiiiiiiiiRiiiiiiiiiiiitiitiiitiiiiili" NATIONAL €DiTORIAI— Entered as second-class inni) !B5 at the' A punster who has been reading [J^p^ ASSOCIATION Ocean O vovq postotilco epitaphs makes the inevitable com­ ment oil the rumor of Hitler’s de­ mise: “He is not dead, but slip­ ...THE PIONEER OFFICE .. . “We shall win or we shall die.”- -General Douglas ping.”—Omaha World-Herald. The summer renting season has started, while the Mac Arthur. selling season has made much progress during the Of course it would be a Kansas past three weeks. editor who invariably—he—-says— New Jersey Constitution “tosses anonymous letters into tho RENTING The people of New Jersey may this November for the wastebasket unopened."—Detroit News. Are we looking forward to the coming summer first time in ninety-nine years, be permitted to say whether season, and are we interested in making a selection they want to vote for a revised 1944. The “The world weighs dfl million for our summer home at the seashore? Assembly, by a vote of 37 to 14, has passed the Feller Bill sextilion tons.”—Newspaper filler. (Assembly 180) which if adopted by the Senate would It seems even heavier when you BUYING AND SELLING - - give such authorization. carry it around on your shoulders. Many properties in Ocean Grove are changing, —St. Louis Star-Times. hands, and the question is, are you interested, if so, The bill'would give the electorate, at the General consult us. Election, this year, the right to say whether or hot it Soon to lie added to the famous wishes the 1944 Legislature to prepare and submit a re­ question, "Whcti~do we eat?” will / INSURANCE , vised constitution for adoption or rejection by the voters be “and what?”—St. Louis Star- We are writing much insurance in Ocean Grove, in November, 1944. The Senate meets April 12, when Times. and can give you the same protection we are giving Down others.’. ’■•‘7 action may be taken. If passed, Governor Edison would Mussolini acts like a nian who is be certain to sign the bill. getting ready to put a notice in the. Memory Assembly delegations from fourteen of the twenty papers, saying: “Any reasonable ~oOo~ one counties voted in favor of the bill, the support coming offer accepted. ” — Indianapolis L a n e from Bergen, Essex, Burlington, Camden, Cape May News. Gloucester, Mercer, Monmouth, Morris, Passaic, Salem Fifteen Years Ago Thirty Years Ago E. N. WOOLSTON Sussex, Somerset, and Union. The seven counties which At the conclusion of a' nature William L. Butcher, of Brook­ At the reorganization of the 4 8 MAIN AVENUE registered a negative vote are Hudson, Ocean, Atlantic lesson, the,teacher asked her pu­ lyn and Ocean drove, headed the Neptune township school board pils: “And don’t you think it is sub-committee of the Baumes John Britton, president, and John Tel.3 9 8 Ocean Grove, N. J; Cumberland, Middlesex, Warren and Hunterdon. wonderful, children, how the little Crime Commission, New York, that H, Dewis, vice president, were re Not since 1844 have the people of the state had an chickens get out of their shells?” had just mado a report of a crime elected to fill their offices for opportunity to say whether or not they favor a revised Whereupon a little girl said, “What survey in one part of Manhattan another year. constitution, though the Governors for more than half, a beats me, miss, is bow .they get in which fifty-eight gangs of boys In celebration of her ninth birth­ century have: gone on record in favor of changes in the in.”—Lyons (Kans.) News. engaged in various forms of juven­ day, a party was given for Elsie ile delinquency were found. HERE’S SOUND ADVICE state’s fundamental law. At Bethel Temple in Dak Cliff, Moffett, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. New Jersey is the only state, excluding the New Eng Dorothy Kunzman, young Califor­ Doris Newberry, daughter of Charles, W. Moffett, 25 Embury -BUY REAL ESTATE NOW. land group, which has not voted oiv a new constitution in nia evangelist will close a series Mrs. Florence Newberry, 118 Ab­ avenue. Present were Florence ; DUPLEX COTTAGE bott avenue,1 celebrated her ninth Smith, Catherine Albright, Lucille the ninety-nine year period. The New Jersey constitution of special services Sunday night Glover, Helen Miller, Martha Mil Six rooms, batli and hot air heat on each side is the fourth oldest in the Union. with a discourse on how to evade birthday by entertaining a number Yearly Income $720 your income lax, it was announced' of- her friends at a party. Among ler, Ruth Pine, Genevieve Flint, Friday by the pastor, tile Rev. those present were Lois and Jeanne Viola Burdge, Charles Asay,-Muir SALE PRICE $4,000! Albert Ott.—Dallas News. Worsley, Annette and June Trim- Glover, Judson Mulford, Frederick YOUR HOME AND YOUR PERSONAL PROPERTY — Second War Loan Challenge bit', Anna Coyle, Doris Hunt, Vir­ Smith, and Bennie-Moffett. NEED FULL COVERAGE We on the home front face one of the most personal . A son had been born to Mr. and FOR ONLY a little more than you now pay for fire insurance It comes to us now that tbe ginia Hammen, Dorothy Bucking­ alone you can have full protection for your property. Don’t challenggs of this war to date. That challenge is whether founding fathers were dead right. ham, Agnes Williams, Virginia Mrs. Chauncey Holt, jr., of Mount wait until your insurance expires. ADD THE EXTENDED or not we are willing to sacrifice to a sufficient extent to McRae and Virginia Newberry. Vernon, N. Y. Mrs. Holt was the COVERAGE ENDORSEMENT NOW. Taxation with representation is former Miss Alice Gerhard, of lend our government thirteen billion dollars within the lough enough—Detroit News, Miss Belle Hauser, a teacher in SEE ME BEFORE YOU BUY, BURN OR BORROW next few weeks. . ■ j,*.’ I I ■’ 11-1 i*l 1.11" |. till >l<|i I ll III I;’I iltl: 11! (Ml II the Neptune schools, left to pass Ocean Grove. To do the job everyone is going to have to dig out the Easter vacation at her home in I William B. Gilbert had bought some of those dollars salted away for a rainy day—as Stroudsburg, Pa... from Hugh Moore the fruit ond LOUIS E. BRONSON, Realtor Garden Notes E vegetable market on Olin street, 53 Main Avenue Tel. A. P. 1068 Ocean Grove, N. J. well as to take a good hunk out of this month’s pay. check By Uncle Zcke '■ = Hadyn Proctor, son of Mr. arid across from the post office. This is a jo b that has to be done. Sure, we on the Mrs. Phineas Proctor, 23 New York •j.ii ii i •ibi ’f.ii .i'i,r;i”l.iii‘iTi,iiiii'’Hiiiii.’i ;ni|iir avenue, was home from Yale Law From the Ocean Grove - Associa­ home front are feeling the pinch of war. We have gaso­ Seen sum farmerettes on them School for the holidays. tion ihe New York and Long line rationing, food rationing, higher taxes and a lot of Inskip farms There was a woman Branch Railroad Company had pur­ other little discomforts. But they are nothing compared His attention being distracted chased a strip of land adjoining on her. knees on Jolley's farm— while trimming a piank on the new the Bradley Beach depot oh which FOR SALE with,the agonies faced daily by—men from this may hev been praying fur canots boardwalk, Harry B. Ayres, 127 to erect a waiting room at the west community among them —out there on the fighting fronts to cum up. There was Ferrel's Clark avenue, sawed off the end side of the tracks. CENTRAL LOCATION—7 roomB, 4 bedrooms, bath, pipe- of the world. • daughter on his farm; Mrs. Schae­ of tbe thumb and little finger of less heat, furnished ...... $3,500. Yes, we know that this constant demand for more fer, on Schaefer’s, and a pair of his right hand. A variety shower was given Mrs. Fine residence in Ocean Grove with a few extra rooms that {fold-headed twins an' two other Holmes Megill, at 70 Mt. Hermon can bo rented out—9 rooms, 6 bedrooms, bath, hot air heat, money out of >ur pockets-and out of our paychecks—an Ifirls work in’ fur Hopkins and Co. After spending the winter at St. Way, by the Ladies’ Aid Society partly furnished ...... •...... $5,500. increasing amoiint each month—is monotonous. But so Co. . . • Petersburg, Fla., the Misses Lena of St. Paul’s church, of which she LIST YOUR PROPERTIES is sitting in a fox-hoie or lying in a slit-trench day after nnd Florence Egncr were again was formerly the president. Mr3. FOR SALE OF RENT day; slogging through the hell of a humid jungle or that Most of the farms are covered occupying their cottage at 15 Ocean Megill before her marriage was with lime already—sum scz it Pathway. . Mrs, S. A. Clothier. of Sahara sand. helps lima beans. .War damage and other kinds of insurancce. |J Our sons, friends, brothers, husbands and others we know are doing that for us. They are facing something Been u good time'to sow Iceland ALVIN E. BILLS AGENCY more terrible than cutting down a few things that we lettuce. , - REAL ESTATE MORTGAGE LOANS INSURANCE once thought.were essential to the American standard of Soon have to name the day for Telephone 2124 78 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove living in order to do it, too. As Secretary Morgenthau has com huskin' championship ah’ bar­ Talk It Over First said: “Shall we be more tender with our dollars than with becue. the lives of our sons?” The Second W ar Loan is an order to the home front Sum one axed Taylor how his With Your Bank FOR OCEAN GROVE’S QEST BUYS to go Wf-A' new offensive. Your dollars are the weapons com wus. He sed it hurt. Oh, J. A. HURRY AGENCY in this attack. They will make possible the passing of scz he, you mean what’s in the Investment Information and APPRAISALS RENtALS INSURANCE the ammunition to those boys up there in the front lines. ground! Fine. Advice is But One of To win this war is going to cost more and more money— Lime was hard to git last few Our Many Services LISTINGS and more and more lives. But the price of freedom is days. Howard Smith and Lewis MEMBER FEDERAL DBPOSIT INSURANCH CORPORATION . high. We can not; we dare not let our fighting men down. Lumber had Sum tons on order and List your properties for sale with us. they’re now in, and you can nil Let us know what you have to sell and we will powder up. That ’ere land needs The First National Bank of Bradley Beach move it for you. The first disappointment struck the Victory Garden­ ’el- face lifted. • Bradley Beach, N. J. Other properties listed here have been sold ers this week. Several planted early cabbage plants last by us recently. Saturday and the next day they were frozen flat on their back. But are we discouraged? Echo Says “No-sir-e-e 1” BODINE J. A. HURRY AGENCY Uncle Zeke Martin, from Maine/ stopped off last FUNERAL HOME 66 M A IN A V EN U E week on his way to some sort of farm conference in Wash­ EstahllHhed 1900 LESS THAN A OCEAN GROVE ington; congratulated the local gardeners and left a col­ 10W Bangs Ave., Asbury Park Telephone 4132 Residence 387-R A dignified service to meet umn of comment. Sez .he; “We raise such husky pota­ any financial need. No ad­ Penny-a-Day toes in Maine that they push the rocks to the fence row ditional charge for use of and keep the fields clear.” Funeral Home. BUYS THIS PROTECTION! LeROY A. MULLER, Manager In these days of potential emergency your Defense Bonds, Joseph Sauta Cheer up. yet no rationing of flapjacks and Telephone 4525 Deeds, Mortgages and other valuables .may become easy prey waffles. The only problem now is to get the butter and to fire, theft, loss—or worse. Realtor syrup. Why risk your valuables. unnecessarily ? FRANKLIN AVENUE Moat Attractive Bungalow, Consisting of Rooms, Bath, Open Attic, Insulated, Hot Air6 ■We are told that we all have to make sacrifices. How A privnto Safe Deposit Box in our massive steol-and-con- Heat, Large Cellar, Fire Place, Breakfast ELY & WOOLLEY creto vaults costs les3 than lc. a day, tax paid! Room, Electric Rof^ Electric. Range ■ two lots, about those SlbO-a-plate Jackson Day dinners.? x 60, Awnings. Property in. Excellent Con­ FUNERAL HOME 00dition. Priced at i ...... ■i.i Successor to BURTIS. BROADWAY ' $8,500 The time is. rapidly approaching, when Hitler would Two-story Frame House Rooms, Bath, Qag .514 Second Avenue, Asbury Park and Ocean Grove Bank Heat, Automatic Hot / Water 6 Heater, Fire y accept another job at house painting and wouldn’t Asbury Park —OBUANIZBD 1889- Place, Lot 80 x 100. House In: Excellent Con­ argue about time and a half for overtime, l dition ...... A Sympathetic Sorviec, Corlies Avenut Main Avenue Main Street $7,500 . — — ! I-— — ' . Reasonable and Refined. NEPTUNE OCEAN GROVE. ASBURY PARK 29 South Main Street, Neptune April 18 will be the anniversary of. Doolittle’s bomb- J. R. Ely & W. A. Woolley (Directly Opp. Mtfin Avenue GateB): f Tokyo and the Japs are jittery. They know how . Phone A. P. 567 Member Federal Deposit Insurance. Corporation Phonies: 8448-8449 ive to celebrate anniversaries. IWlt.Mi .yr-^r—---;------'-TS=sss=a J, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1943 PAGE FIVE William L; Hyka, who recently FRIENDSHIP CLUB MEETS returned from a winter’s stay in IN AND OUT OF Miami, Fin., stopped off this week Mrs. Mauch Entertains Members JH thought for the Week End | to look over his hotel,. The Lilla- RATION Monday Evening . By Verne Leslie Smith, g OCEAN GROVE ganrd, 6 Abbott avenue. . He will Mrs. Rowland C. Mauch Was Pastor of St. Paul’s Church I go to East Orange for a few weeks, hostess at.the regular meeting of. •uiiiiiiiiitiiliiiiiiitiitintiiiiiiiiiv.iiiiiiteitiiiiiiuiteiiniitiiiiiiftiiitiiuntiittiiiiinniiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiuiiiHiiiiuBiuiif&v Pvt, H, Wilbur Tunis, of New­ before'the opening of the season. Reminders THE FIFTH SUNDAY IN LENT Mrs; Verne Treat and two chil­ the Friendship, Club, Ocean Grove The Lenten sermons on the Lord’s Prayer have revealed the faot ark, and who f'or years spent his Chapter, O. E .S,, at her home, that prayer raises a whole series of difficult questions, such os these: summers at the home of Mr. and dren, who reside in Tulsa, Okla;, (This digest.of important ration­ 1209 Ninth avenue, Neptune, an Is the Kingdom of God something to be progressively realized on : Mrs, C. II. Denbigh,' 37 Broadway, where Mr,: Treat, is stationed, are ing information is prepared for our Monday . evening, A donation of earth? “Thy kingdom come...on earth"; la the food problem'within is now stationed in Texas. His visiting Mrs. Treat’s parents, Mr, readers by the New Jersey office-of $5.00 was voted to the Ocean Grove the scope of religion? “Give us this day our daily bread.’ Can sins '.-address is Ben. Corf 610th Tj>, and Mrs. Harry Woolman, 67 Law­ Price Administration.) be forgiven in a world like this? “Forgive as we forgive.” rence avenue. . Mrs. Treat is. the .-•■ Fuel Oil branch, American . Red Cross. , And now the text for Sunday morning’s sermon takes us to what B.N., Camp Hood, Texas. He, was Period 4 coupons, good for 8 Games were played and refresh­ for most of us is the most difficult part of the prayer, “Load us not inducted in the service last Decem­ former Lois Woolman. gallons of fuel oil or kerosene, are ments were served, by the hostess, into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” ber. Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Stanyon now valid through April 12. assisted, by "'Mrs. Mary C. Flint, Is there any likelihood that a good God would ever lead us into returned on Tuesday to their cot­ Period 5. coupons now good foe temptation? Why temptations anyhow? Why evil in God’s world? Stephen .Weilert, a student at the purchase of ten gallons of fuel Mrs. Edna Osborn, Mrs. Ettri Davi­ •A re we to escape from evil by "deliverance” by another, or by our Harapden-Sydney College, Va., tage at 97 Stockton avenue after oil or kerosene. son, and Mrs, Nan Pettit. Others own wise choices? !b there any such thing as the guidance of God .waii' home last weekend ; visiting spending the winter in New Or­ Gasoline. attending included Mrs, Florence in a world in which our lives are" so circumscribed by necessity? his another, Mrs. Keba Weilert, 92 leans, La.; with their daughter Number 5 stamps in A gfloline Bangert, Mr s, Mildred Partelow, Surely these are hard questions, and this part of the prayer challen­ Broadway. and, son-in-law, Brigadier Willard ration books good for three gal­ Mrs., James' Boyce, Mrs. .Mary S. ges our thinking and tests our religion? Hear this sermon. Circle F,‘ W. S. C. S., will meet Evans, who is in charge of Salva­ lons of gasoline through July21." Buy More War Bonds Today Strobell, Mrs. Florence.., Xugier, SUNDAY IN ST. PAUL’S CHURCH tion Army activities in, that area, No1 gasoline rations will be is­ _ — ■ 9:30 Church School for Everybody. in the primary room of St. Paul’s sued unless -tires have been in­ Mrs. Charles Brady, Mrs. James 10:45 Morning Worship with Sermon. . church .Tuesday, April 13, at 2:30 For the:past two months M r: arid spected. Conversation C a n Be Blair, Mrs. Frank Evans, Mrs. “THE GUIDANCE OF GOD" p. mi, under the leadership of Mrs. Stanyon traveled throughout Coffee-. -: Elmer B. Clark, Mrs. Lora A. 2:30 Assembly Bible Cias o Teacher Rev. B. S. Mrs. Joseph Rainear. rriany southern states addressing Stamp Number 26 in War ration • improved « Baker, Mrs. Elmer Jacobus, Mrs. Crowcroft; subject “High Places in service clubs arid church organiza­ Ration Book One now good for one. Rene Wolf, Mrs. May VanNest, Christian Experience.” Pvt. Stewart McKim, of Rock­ tions on behalf of the Army and pound of coffee .until .April 26. / 1 ONVERSATION .fa .sc.' diffi- 7:3 0 Cvening Worship with a message in three parts. ville Center, L. I., and a summer Sugar I j cult for some people that they Mrs. James Strudwick, Mrs. Percy 1. A story “Demetrius the Ccnturiar..” resident for many years with his on- their way home, Mr,Stanyon Stamp -number twelve itfi War Ketcham, Mrs. Victor Roe, Mrs. 2. A sermonette “The Cross' and the War Mind." visited , Mb grandson, Willard Ration- Book one now good for the find it impossible to discuss Charles H. Jackson, Mrs. Lester . 3. An illustrated Epilogue, “Niagara the Beau- grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. W. B. Evans, jr., who is a student in Bob purchase of five, pounds of sugar. .thing but the weather with new Gravatt, Mrs. Helen Tilton, Mrs. tiful.” McKim, 92 Webb avenue, has been Jones;,’.i~ college in Cleveland, Valid until May 31. acquaintances. • transferred from Atlantic City to This conversational' difficulty Jane T. Beatty, Mrs. Alice Gard­ W. C. T. U. Spring Institute Tennessee. 1 ■ ; . . . Meat—Fat—-Cheese. can easily be overcome. Embarrass­ ner, and Miss Betty Lawlor. will be the guest speaker for the Rochester, N. Y. He is training Circle E, with Mrs. Marjorie Beginning March 29 consumers ment. and awkwardness can be The next meeting will be held at The annua! Spring Institute of afternoon session and May Whit­ with the army air corps. will use tho red stamps in War avoided in social gatherings shat After a severe attack of appen­ MacWhinney, leader, will meet Ration Book Two to purchase otherwiso might be dreaded. thc home of Mrs. Victor Roe, 4 the Woman’s Christian Temper­ ney Thompson will have charge Tuesday; April 13, at 2:30 p. m., at meat, fats including butjer, arid The art of improving conversa­ Evergreen Place, Loch Arbor. ance Union will be held in the jun­ of the musical 'program. Miss dicitis, which kept him at his home Bancroft-Taylor Rest Home, Miss cheese. tion i3 discussed in the April issue ior room of St. Paul’s church, this Annie Harper will address the in Orange, N. J., most of the win­ Rose Maguire will be in charge of During thc first week red "A” of Good Housekeeping Magazine by place, Tuesday, April 13, at 2:30 group in the evening, and special ter, Albert E. Robinson returned stamps may be used. On April 4 Robert W. Marks who believes that Club To Sponsor Party For Home the devotional period. the' red "B" stamps became valid; nice everyday people should always and 7:30 p.m. Mrs. Roy E. Thoms music will be featured. to his cottage at 64 Heck avenue Mrs. Frances Hardesty, of Phila­ on April 11; thc Ted “C” stamps be ­ have the happy faculty and ability A benefit party for the Metho­ this week. delphia, Pa., was a guest last week­ come valid; on April 18 tbe red “D” of giving voice to their thoughts. dist* Home for the Aged will be Mr. nnd Mrs. Walter Smith of stamp,; car be used. All expire given in the Ocean Grovo Woman’s EYE EXAMINATIONS Phone 8318 end of Mrs. Ernestine Gamble, of ot, April 30. On April 25 the i cd Helpful pointers designed to avoid Classes Fitted and Repaired East Lansdowne, Pa., were visit­ 68 New York avenue. “E” stamps can be used, and the those -"-/ill awkward moments club house, 89 Mt. Carmel Way, . Commit JOSEPH’S 8 EAUTY SALON ors last Sunday of Mrs. Ellerslie expiration date for these will be when an unexpected silence envel­ Thursday, April 15, at 2:30 p. m., All Branches of Davis and family, 94 Main avenue. Mrs. W. J. Donnell and daughter, announced later. , opes a gathering, and conversa­ with Mrs. Paul Strassburger as DR. R. BAER BEAUTY CULTURE Elva, of Newark, have returned to tional stimulants ate listed in the OPTOMETRIST Miss A. . Perry, of New York Shoe Rationing article. • ’ ■■■»■ hostess. May Whitney Thompson 710 Tenth Avenue, Belmar Permanents $3.50 up the Grove to occupy their cottage, Stamp Number 17 in War “It is surprising how quickly con­ is in charge of the musical pro­ Telephone 444 1118 Corllca Av«. Neptune, -N. J. City, and who has been spending at 22 Seaview avenue. Ration )3oiik One is good for the versational powers will respond it> a vacation at tho St. Elmo hotel, a little effort," writes Mr. Marks. gram, which' will consist of songs was removed to Fitkin hospital and Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon Cadmus, purchase of a pair of shoes until Learn a few simple rules. Disci­ in costume with piano accompani­ of Newark, have purchased a home June 15. pline yourself on faults to avoid. ment. Readings will be given by is a medical patient there. here at 26 Lake avenue and will Processed Food Practice a few minutes every now. Aviation cadet Robert Milne Blue D, E, and F stamps in War nnd then. Before you know it, you Mrs. Charles Hagen. make their permanent residence in Ration Book Two valid for use will find that your talking—-and | WOOLMAN’S | Eichhorn, U. S. N. R„ son of Mrs. Ocean Grove. They_expect to move through April. with it your personal appeal—has — ---V—— - ,' Strassburger’s Robert Eichhorn, of East Orange in around, the first of May. Their Price Ceilings grown like the green bav tree." READ THE OCEAN GROVE j Quality Market! and a summer resident at 100 daughter, Eva Louise, is a student Meat; Effective April 1, the fob — V— -— - TIMES FOR LOCAL NEWS Market Clark avenue, is now located in at Drew Seminary,- Carmei, N. Y. lowing ceiling prices on pork will PH1LATHEA CLASS MEETS Pilgrim Pathway and Olin Street | 125 Heck Avenue | New York State. His address is be effective. • .'•ifiiitji|jtiiiaij|ii|i|iii|iiiti|iriiiiriiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiniititii*•250. Gulick Kay, r. summer resident of Elizabeth, Lily and Emma. More than 25 words ...... 1 cent per word Meglis, Embury rnvcnue, Ocean 1 AUTO REPAIRS I 5 times for the price of four. Grove.. Ocean Grove at 123 Central ave­ Copy mailed In, given to representative or brought to office per­ passed 3 $ sonally must be accompanied by cash or Btampa fo cover cost. Copy Cadet Harold W. Rainear, son of nue, who away Thursday " CHOW 'MEIN.'58c. QT. I Auto Repairing, i accepted over phone as a courtesy and convenience to customers. of last week at her home in Pea- SO TAKE 1 RAY ELLIS | Bills duo Immediately upon presentation. .. < Mr. and Mrs. Josoph Rainear, 90 pack, N. J., were held Saturday 1 Day , ana. .Night Service | Webb avenue, is now training with NEW CANTON RESTAURANT | Stockton and So. Main St. I 1 Also Stand At Police Booth,! the army air corps in Maryville, afternoon at St. Luke’s Episcopal CHINESE and AMEHIOAN POOD I Ocean. Grove, Tej, 7727 I |’ ■ North End g church, Peapack. Burial was made Wear Neptune High School FOR SALE—To close estate. 98 FOR SALE—Furniture—Chairs, ■ Tenn. at Union Cemetery, Gladstone, N. 82 So. Main Street Ocean Grove liiiiiliiiiiliiliiiuii.iiiiiiiiii.... niiiiiiiuiiiiiiiifiiiiiiaiiiiiiitiiiiNiiteiiiuiiignuiinituniSi Abbott avenue. Sight rooms. All Dining room table, Buffets, Set­ Pvt. Herbert R. Bush, jr., Bon of J. survived by her husband, Telephone A. P. 0177 year dwelling. Hot air heat. Fur­ tee, Library table. Cots, etc. 3 Mr.-and Mrs. Herbert R. Bush, 38 Dr. Clarence R. JCay; « daughter, nished. Inquire Brewer & Smith, Bath avehue Ocean Grove.—16-19'-' Abbott avenue, returned this week vuiuitiat!iiiijiiiiiitfuimiiiuiuiiiiitiiiii]iRiiiiu]iiisi9£ H O T Need a TAXI? 701 Bongs avenue, Asbury Park. FOR SALE—Six room Cottage to Camp Jordan Johnston, Florida, Miss Josephine Kay; a sot;, Dr. Tel. 250.-15 tf.' and Bungalow, $2,600. Also a sum- ' after spending a nine-day furlough John Howard Kay, of Fitkin Me­ HOME-MADE CALL mer bungalow, five rooms, $1,000. morial hospital,. ‘ Neptune; har featuring— FOR SALE—Hotel, 30 bedrooms. J. C, Perry Agency, 63 Main ave­ with his parents. father,. Abram Gulick, of Peapack; Running water each room. Fur­ nue.—15 tf. fM iss Ruth Smith returned to a sister, Mrs.- Edgar M. Compton, an OIL WAVE I BREAD nished. One and one-half blocks Swarthmore college Tuesday after from beach on Webb avenue, $5,700. FOR SALE or RENT—Houses of Belleville, and two . brothers, DAILY- 3 P. M. 2686 Inquire Brewer & Smith, 701 Bangs and Apartments. Bargain. 7 rooms spending her spring vacation with Ronald A. Gulick, of Peapack, and Raymond’s Beauty Salon f Open Twenty-Four Hours avenue, Asbury Park. Tel. 260. and bath, imp. for $1,800; make a her ■ father, Warren Smith, and Walter L. Gulick, of Montclair. nice home. Semom Agency, 124 grandfather, Frank B.. Smith, 67 HAIR STYLIST ReitejModel Bakery —16 tf. Mt. Tabor Way. 727 Bangs Avenue 47 PHgHm Pathway Neptune Faxi Service Stockton avenue. MISS EDITH BOLTON 9 South Main Street Opposite W A N TS D—Small furnished BREAKFAST sorved at The - Dr. John H.Kay, son of Dr. C. Miss Edith Bolton, a lifelong Asbury Park | ' OCEAN GROVE ' Ocean Grove Gates bungalow on or near water, by re­ Deans, 55 Embury avenue. Good R. Kay and the late Mrs. Kay, of visitor to Ocean Grove and for six­ fined Christian couple, no children, food. Well cooked. Reasonable Peapack, N. J., and Ocean Grove, teen yeaTs a summer resident at Tel. for Appointment 8220 for August. Must bo good. Best rates.—13-17* of care. References, Address W A N TE D -Couple desiring has started hia Fitkin her cottage, 9% Embury avenue, Markey, 632 Marlboro Rood, room arid board. Special care for Memorial hospital, Neptune. He is died on Thursday, April 1, at her Funeral Home of Matthews, Francioni and Taylor Brooklyn, N. Y.—11-15* aged or convalescent- Comer a graduate of Princeton Univer­ home in Philadelphia Pa. house. Twin beds. Address 107 sity and the Yale Medical School. PLEASE MOVE MURRAY’S—“The Pants House Pilgrim Pathway, Ocean Grovo. Mr. and Mrs, William Heintz, MISS EMMA B. HALL of Asbury Park.” U05-897 Lake -13-17* 94 Embury avenue, wore viBitorB Fur.eral services for Miss Emma avenue. Just, off Main St. Boys FOR SALE—88 Abbott avenue; Boll Half, 98 Asbury avenue, who TO THE REAR and Men’s needs supplied,—43 tf. Eight rooms, all improvements, last Sunday in Atlantis City with Nothing alowe down your Hot air heat,, furnished. Reason­ their son, IVt. Willi aim Heintz, jr., passed away at that address Thurs­ service so much as passen­ able price to close estate. Apply who is stationed there with the day of last week, were held Sun­ gers crowding in the front of FOB, SALE—136 Heck avehue, Brewer & Smith, 701 Bangs i:«- day afternoon in Newark, Inter­ a bus when there ii: . Ocean Grove. Nine rooms, one nue, Asbury Park. Tel. 250. 9 tf . army air corps. . ment was mado at Kensico Ceme­ the. rear. This also makes lot, no hath, stove heat, $900.00. Circle A, W. S. C. S„ with Mrs. tery. New York. She was a form­ it necessary at times to pass Brewer & Smith, '701 Bangs ave­ AVON PRODUCTS—Any on Jacob Beutell, leader, will meet in up waiting passengers. When nue, Asbury Park. Tel. "50.—7 desiring any of these famous pro er tesident of Newark, ' you board a bus, please move duct*, phone Stra. J. G. Syms, lli the .primary room of. St; Paul’s back so that other passen­ ROOF'S and Asbestos Siding ap­ Clark avenue. TeL 1645-W.—1041' church Monday, April 12, at 7:45 MRS. H. BIRD STUMPF gers can quickly board tho plied and repaired; .work guaran­ BARGAINS in stoves, heaters', p, m, Rev. B, ■ S. Crowcroft will bo Word has been received of tho vehicle. Give the other fel­ ty Estimates given. I!, fl. A. and ranges. Also repaired nnd in. . ,;the speaker, 1 low a chance to ride. William Krnycr, 77% Benson ave­ stalled. Newman Electric Co., 131 death of MrB. H. Bird Stumpf, of nue, Ocean Grove. Phone A P. South Main S t Phone 1104 A. P.—- ; A Horry I, Mitchell, of Ocean EaBt Orange, and summer resident >6* v.-:& 4058-J.—45* tf , Grove, has been transferred to at her cottage at -13 Atlantic ave­ C oast Cities Clermont, Fla., as 5 civilian guard; nue for yearn, an- March 29. Sho ' He was formerly employed nt Fort died in, the Orange Memorial.hos­ V C o a c h e s Ino. Exclusive. But Inexpensive Hancock.::;;. • pital., Bast Grange. 70* Seventh Avenue, Asbury Pork, N. J. • Telephone 21 Advertise fo The Times aad Saw Time CONGRESSMEN: WEEKLY NEWS ANALYSIS And Garden Seeds Out. of the nation's capital came this message to the country’s am­ bitious 1943 Victory Gardeners: Don’t ask your congressman, -■‘■••iiiiiiiiiiiiifiitatiiiMintitiitaiiiiKiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiukiiiiitniiiiiiiiiiiiaiiiiiiiiili*!!'! whocvdr he is, for garden seeds. MILK AND CREAM P^.ssswysVfw';;TowgteL^ifcfer Legislation He’ll be glad to get you all the in­ IHE TIMES advertisers need our trade and ^ formational booklets obtainable friendship. When you need anything first j TAYLOR DAIRY CO. Halepd by Continuation ef Coal Parley;' (from the. department of -agricul­ *. Catley A Williams, Proprietors . ture) but he hasn’t been giving a way try to buy it at home. We are anxious to j MIUC, CREAM, BUTTERMILK FROM MONMOUTH FARMS Soggy Tbrrain Masnpsrs Red Offensive. seeds since 1923. ; ■ : see our home community the center of com- 1 142 Lawrence Avenue, Ocean Grove Phone. 1970 The practice of giving away seeds ; mercial and social activity. Communities grow and | »iT ijn ’o te s NOT'Ji: VVhrii Ao and' liot.nbcessatSly ot this n«ws|mp*r.) the packets'were cluttering up the I prosper through combined efforts. Cooperation and | ncMoascd by; Western Newspnpcr. Unton; Capitol and encouraging great i team work make for results. Trade at home. J armies of rats to invade the ofllccs WARDELL’S DAIRY of the.lawmakers., . DAIRY PRODUCTS Requests are stiU coming in, say HOTEL AND RESTAURANT SUPPLIES NEPTUNE, N. J. Telephone 1916 the congressmen, "and cannot be filled for no’ seeds are available. Of course you want the b e s t and most reasonable. GARAGE—ATLAS TIRES The fact that; such requests have Get it at thg:. * been addressed to, congressmen in­ Phone 1439 24-HOUR SERVICE dicates the- widespread interest in Cut Rate Crockery Company SHAFTO’S GARAGE the Victory Garden program. Kitchen Equipment an d Furniture STORAGE—BATTERY—TOWING SERVICE—(REPAIRING FARM LABOR: House Furnishings, Hotel, Restaurant and Bair Supplies Corner Corlies Avenue and Main Street Neptnne, N. J. New Plans Telephone Asbury Park 11-17 SKATE SHARPENING Shortly; after he had been sum­ 15 South Main Street Opposite Main Avenue Gates moned to Washington as the nation’s SHORE CYCLE RENDEZVOUS AUTO BODY REPAIRS BOB EBERLE, Proprietor Phone A. P. 8457 new food administrator, Chester C. or Colombia and Weistflold Made BleyeleB, Complete Repair & Davis conferred With President .H ava Radiators Cleaned and Repaired Before Filling'tv.lttt Antl-Frcezc:. oiler Bkate». Chllilren’R Vehicles, Baby Carrlngcs Repaired. •; Ropsevclt, Secretary of Agriculture Skates and. Lnwn Mowers Shnrpenea : n. . Claude Wickard and farm leaders Body_arid Fenders; Nicli A Iltich: 617-021 M a in S tre et, Asbnry Park, Opposite T. M. C, A , , to discuss means of handling the .Repaired ... ; ; Finishing ’ mounting crisis; lh farm, labor. Lat­ Boar l'rlimo nnil Axle Straightcner—Wllcol Alignment RADIO er, President Roosevelt declared 4006 FIRST AVENUE, ASBURY PARK Telephone 3-172 that \vbile Davis Was riot yet to 410 Alain Street, Asbury Park, N. J. Telephone 5630 CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - ALL SIJUDS ' make known his plans, it was rather C fA ’I'J'JC OAS STOVES KITCHEN 8WKS definite that a- strongly persuasive FABIO BATTAGLIA •jL/ly A s KEPAIBS OF BA9IOS AND ALL . program to get: draft-age men in SIDEWALKS, CHIRRS CEMENTBLOCKS : •7.... HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES nonessential pursuits to shift to war 811UVFLEB0ARDS, FOUNDATIONS, CONCRETE. BULKHEADS A British Bofors gun as it was pulled toward the front in Tunisia by jobs, including agriculture. •SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS a British/ army lorry. Note how the road Is lined with German tank First objective would, now' be to ‘ 2111 Bangs Avenue, Neptune, N. J, Teloplionc Aslmry rhrk 8038 debris. In foreground is a Nazi tank turret. This official British photo was get former; experienced workers Auto y RADIO made after the Allies repulsed the Germans between Thala and the back into dairying.* It is here that CLEANERS AND DYERS Service Kasserine. Pass'/-./vyj’-v.-V'; V .V -: ■ • ^ the farm labor situation is most crit­ ical. Employment offices through­ Phone Let Us Dye 821 Main Street Phone A. P. 4296 RUSSIA: out the country are now listing 5100 (faUusTJros. For You TUNISIA: names of dairy farmers needihg RUGS AND DRAPERIES OUR SPECIALTY Netv General help and county war boards are 201 BOND STREET, ASBURY PARK TAXIS ‘Fox’ Seeks Cover AU. eyes are' turned now on Gen­ urging men between 38-45 with dairy Office and Faciorj- AHImrj- Avenue and ualIr-md, A«tmrj Fark, When Marshal Rommel threw eral Spring in Russia. or -farm experience to ; seek re- Ocean (irutn (In Snmmcr) IQ I’llgrlin PntliwUjr Mergaugey's Taxi back the. British eighth army in the Spring thaws along the entire employment at these places. COAL AND FUEL OjL Telephone 610—DAY OB NIGHT narrow coastal corridor of Tunisia, 2,000-mile Russian front are not ex­ Cars for all Occasions, also Local and Long B is ...... it-looked like the great struggle of pected to be severe because of the Conscientious objectors may be. ICE—FUEL OIL—COAL CHARTERED BUSSES FOR ALL OCCASIONS the Mareth ; lino might resolve into relatively mild winter. The degree released from camps to take farm Kelvinators 60 80UTR MAIN STREET OCEAN GROVE. N. J, a- bloody .battle of attrition. But of bogginess depends upon the in­ jobs; men now classified 4F now on then Gen. Bernard Montgomery sent tensity of the spring rains. Timken Oil Burners R U G CLEANING a strong armored column around Soggy terrain has been hampering • Telephone 615 the southern anchor of the Mareth; the Red push on Smolensk. One Brierley’s Rug Cleaning Service line and it succeeded in swinging column bearing down on the Nazi RUGS AND CARPETS THOROUGHLY CLEANED back and trapping the Axis forces base , from the north is reported to Thompson Coal Company B Y BEING ELECTRICALLY SHAMPOOED from the rear. have knifed through defensive posi­ BLUE COAL 67 Main Avenue Tel. A. P. 4427 Ocean Grove Thus faced with heavy pressure tions below Bely. Two other col­ FUEL OIL WOOD AND CHARCOAL from his front and rear, Rommel umns moving in from the cast have 85 South Main Street, Neptune, N. J. Phone 2300 pulled A out / bis ' army from : ' the •encountered stiff; resistance. Rains ‘■ujiuiiiijiuifUuiiiaiJUf'iiuiiiijiBiiiJfiiiijiiftiLaiijiifiiifijifttitittMtMiiijtiiiiiiaiiJuaiiijiiHiiiiiiiJiiiuiiiiuutiiiuiiita Mareth .line.; As -the/British rhaye',.turned the. ^swampy country over Gabes arid . El Hamraa,. Rom­ intoalmost. impassable qtiag'rnires. JOHNSON COAL and SUPPLY CO mel was withdrawing . northward CQAL—BUILDING MATHBIAL—FUEL OIL T H A I N K Y O U - Following the Nazi's successful ALL TYPES OF AUTOMATIC HEAT toward the marshes and salt flats counterattack in the Kharkov and Hugh O. Tompkins strung out along the coastal plain. Belgorod areas along' the southern 1002. Stain Street* Asbnry Park. | C A L L A G A I N Here Rommel is expected to con­ front, fighting in this sector. has centrate his army of 80,000 men in abated. Russian troops are said to There is only one real failure in A HANDY DIRECTORY FOR OUR READERS ] the few passable trails. hold some positions on the western READ THE OCEAN GROVE Threatening Roipmel's flank for bank of the Donets river, gained TIMES FOR LOCAL NEWS life that is possible, and that is, ’•inial!nniii*!ji!ji.niiiriiiiniifliilliiiiiiiaiiijiii,iiffuvifui)roiB]: almost 100 miles up the coastal during their recent winter offensive. not to be true to the best one plain to the north, were two Amer­ BUSINESS DIRECTORY ican columns. One was poised at LABOR: knows.—Farrar. Maknassy and the other at Fondouk, Relieved in 5 minutes or A. J. OBRECHT HISTORY OF OCEAN GROVE Both overlook roads leading to the Tough Legislation double your money back Illustrated main path of Rommel's retreat. Extension of the negotiations be­ When excess stomach add causes painful. BUfTornt-. AT FIRST 112 Pages—$1.00 Should either of these forces, break tween the Appalachian soft coal op­ Ins sas, sour stomach and heartburn, doctor* usually «0R OF A NEWSPAPERS . Dr Mall 11.10 through the Allies would cut the Axis erators and the United Mine Work­ pietcrlbosymntomatlc tho' relief— fastest-actlnt medicines medicineslike thoso Inknown Bcll-ins for ers union for a 30-day period stalled jiffyTablets, or doubleNo laxative. your money Bell-*ns back brings on return comfnrt Cf bottlo In a • 53 Main Avenue. TeL 5283 Ocean Grove Times armies in the south off from those temporarily, the pressure for some to us. 25o nt all druggists. ' Ocean Grove’s Original Carrier y. .94 Main Avenne in the north. of the toughest labor legislation to Ocean Grove, N . J . be given consideration in congress JvV ; CJLAUDE WICKARD USE BASE: • /A in recent years. . _ For Offensive? Had the agreement not been The- mounting crisis'in farm labor 666 TABLETS. SALVE. NOSE DROPS EDMUND L. THOMPSON When Herbert Morrison, British reached it had been freely predicted nonessential jobs will- be urged to If You Suffer ‘PERIODIC’ NEPTUNE LAUNDRY home security minister, announced around Capitol Hill. that stern Steps get .into essential work; selective Exterior and Interior ; > cash, iand Carry service, registrants . over 45 haying AT.VA - SELTZER offers Painting that the entire oast and south coast to curb union activities would have fast relief’for Headache* Estimates Fnrnlslied ALL SERVICES of Great Britain to a depth of ten been taken in both house and seriate. dairy experience.' will be urged to, Sim ple NenrmlaU# **Merx»- 20% Discount One such measure which had been get hack; into that line of work; and _____ in* After”, Cold Dlitre**, 8 Cookman Aven Ocean' Grove miles was to become a. “restricted if these methods do not work county f lK . |«C MucnlirMuscular Painspeine and Phono Asbnry Park 40S8*B Nept. Highway S f Corlies Ave. area,” military experts began speed­ reported ready for a quick vote was Acid Indlscstlem J. ing up their predictions regarding the Hobbs anti-racketeering bill. war boards will obtain the names Ic your Lmfffflat— Neptnne, N. the Allied invasion of Europe. Also the senate judiciary committee of experienced dairy workers who Cents nnd M Cents gave a unanimous indorsement to a have left the farm and these work­ In fact, the official British an­ measure Intended to empower the ers will be urged* to. return. Which Makes You Alka-Seltizer DRESSES MADE TO ORDER Phono A. P. 1484-R nouncement declared that there was ... It is. predicted that, these general Dr. Miles Nervine lo ry a possibility that this area might be President to seize and operate any Weak, Cranky, Nervous— SMiewnwrn.Totm Irrltsb fH^ Nex^/whenYOII tr, i DESIGNING -ALTERATIONS E. I. FEAGLEY used as “a base;for offensive ppera- mine or factory whenever a labor methods will be,used in solving the If at such times you, like so many | ExdUMlUr *nd f Evenlng^Gowns, Salts, Coats, Street dispute*halted production. ' This was labor problem in all other lines of ■women and girls BuHer lrom cramps, NeTvnns Head* Are Dreaeee, Ueafioaahle, WATCH tiqris." r/V;-”. headaches, backache, distress of “Irreg­ ache. Read dlreo “No Job too Big* or too Small” C L O C K A N D JEWDIdlY Meanwhile, London sources were ..the anti-strike: law - first introduced farming in addition to dairying. ularities", periods of tho blues—du e to tions nnd nse only mvous) MRS. 8EIDEMAN in Noyemb er; 1941;;; 1 ■■ ; Also in the offing is the organiza­ functional monthly disturbances— ■ naOS directed.UUWWW 626 Cookman Are^ Asbnry Phrk REPAIRING busy’issuing bits of information lead­ Start at once—try Lydia E. Pinkham’fl Second Floor—Phone A. P. 1171 20 Years with Hamilton 'Watch Co. ing friend and foe alike to believe - This, measure , had once , been al­ tion of a; “land; army”, to help harr Vegetable Compound. This; famous li­ | 128 Main Avenuo, Ocean Grove lowed, to die because the White vestv the nation’s food crops this quid not only helps relieve monthly m mGet m your m dally mquota o* ■that as soon as the figlUing-was House hod asked the pressure be pain but also accompanying tired, liM Vitamins A and D and B- oyer in Tunisia, the invasion of the year. English - speaking workers weak, nervous feelings of this naturo.. V J H Complex by tskintr ONE- continent would begin. British, U. S. taken off. from the Bahama islands and Ja­ This Is because of Its soothing offect Iffifl A-DAY (brand) VlUmln 1 on ONE OF WOMAN’S MOST IMPOR­ m *L 9 ^ Tablets. Econotnl- and Canadian land forces were maica may be brought in fifir work TANT ORGANS. cai,convenient. M ■ massed together, with; air and - sea SKIP-YEAR TAX: in the East and Mexicans may be Taken^ regularly — Lydia Pinkham’fl * Tour dm* stqtv— | used in the Southwest. Compound hcip3 build up reslstanco L liV vli Jxtolcforthobfelonbax. ACHING-STIFF power for this action, these reports First Defeat •ngajnst such symptoms. Thousands upon thousands report benefit. Also a indicated, and practically every mile In an: action , reflecting; on both fine stomachic,tonic. Follow label direc­ O N E *l!l* DAY of coastline, was said to be the first tions. Worth tryirifft VITAM IN TABLETS SORE MUSCLES Democratic and Republican leader­ For PROMPT relief—rub on Mus- objective of the United Nations’ ship the house of representatives re­ RATION DATES terolol Massage w ith this w onderful drive. jected the Ruml skip-a-year tax plan April 11—C series of red stamps “counter-irritant” actually brings and the administration’s collcction- becomes valid. frosh warm blood to aching, muscles BERLIN: at-the-source plans. . April' 12—Expiration date for to help break up painful local con­ Excited representatives directed Period 4 fuel-oil coupons. mustardgestion. Better plaster than I In an8 strengths. old-fashlonod Blocks Busted the ways and means committee to April 18—D series of red stamps One thousand tons of'bombs were draw up a new bill that would put becomes valid. showered on Berlin by 400 British •the income taxpayers on a pay-as- April 25—Last ’ valid date for bombers in the 60th air raid of the you-go basis..; . . , •- •' . •• , v stamp No. 26, good for one war on the German capitaL Twenty-; a Representative Martin, Republi­ pound of coffee; E scries of red ohe ships failed to return. can leader, had expressed confidence stamps becomes valid. The raid on Berlin followed an that; Republicans would get across April 30—Expiration date for equally heavy assault on the Nazi the Ruml plan to skip 1942 taxes and A, B, C and D series of red Is All It Costs to Run a 25-Word r --VVU- — ||{J W HiC I submarine base of St Nazalre. Here. let them,apply on 1943 income taxes. stamps. Ad. in the Want Ads for one in­ authorities, the mi 1,000 tons of bombs also, were re­ Representative McCormack, Dem­ May 21—Last day on which mum daily A,Dam ported dropped on docks, hangars ocratic leader, failed to keep major­ Coupon 5 In "A” gas ration sertion (cash rate). Additional Complex Vitamin and warehouses. . One-quarter of the ity members In line for the admin­ . book Is valid. • • . Words Ic. a Word. quirementsago person ofare: the av city was aflame and seven huge istration’s; collectipn-at-the-source May 31—Last day for nse of A 4,000 USP Units, fires. raged. •' bills. He was in charge while Speak, stamp No. .12, good for five 400 USP Units, BP Continuing . to pound Germ any’s er Sam Rayburn was absent. pounds of siigar. $1.00 , —. . Mlcrogxams,USP Unite, B2-2,and i vital industrial valley of the Ruhr. The chamber’s defeat of the Ruml June 15r-Last valid date for proxtaately 10,000 HllcroaTama Ni RAF bombers pourided the iron, steel plan tossed the controversy back stamp No. 17, good for one pair For Five Consecutive Insertions. Omunldc. Tlio required amounts and conl center of Bochum, which into the lap of the committee. Lead­ : of shoes. yetother been B Complex established. Vitamins have : stands 10 miles east of the great- ers predicted there will be no effort September 30—Expiration date Many people do not got enough Krupp steel works of Essen.- Bombs to. revive it until increased tax rates for Period 5 fuel-oli coupons. these essential Vitamins. DO YO also were dropped on the engine are considered later in the year. BUY - SELL - RENT Why not play safe by taking during center .nf Duisberg; ONE-A-DAY,„ , . - - VITAMIN - BRAND TABU LONE FORTRESS Vitamin A < A single American Flying Fortress The WANT-AD WAY D Tablet contains 25% more of HIGHLIGHTS in the uieek’i news wrote its own page of history in the cod liver oil vitamins than the ml South Pacific when it'forced a Japa­ mummEaeh daily ONE-A-DAY recommended Vitamin auant FAMILIES:- Out of the BUMS RUSHED: On- a recent nese convoy of four fast destroyers Complex Tablet contains full mi families in the U. Si in night, only 020 vagrants applied Ibr to turn tall as it attempted to re* mumDI and daily B2 .requirementsana 10,000 Mlcrograms ofVitam 1840, 85 per cent had two children shelter in British institutions., This ihforce New Guinea garrisons. - PHONE 7 Nicotinamide, together' with a 1 s: or less. The birth' rate of 1942 also was the lowest figure in 100 years. The Fortress spotted the convoy Ask For the Ad-Taker etantlaiTimT oniount vaof uuwiother xiB VitamiViuun fell below the World War I standard 16,911 were housed during the peak in the same Blsmark Sea area , potendos when you and Luy prices. Vitamins, Note how comp OI Respite the recent record level. p( the depression of .1932. where a Jap convoy of 22 ships was **A - —**“DAY , Tablets conformtUIUUITO toM •>: TAXES:* Nearly 40 million income DRAFT: Only employment in es­ sunk in March. Although the weath­ , average human requirements. tax returns have been filed, the sential Industry, is ijo w considered er was so bad the bombardier had to ' how reasonable tho cost treasury reported, and income tax grounds for draft deferment: De­ drop flares to illuminate the target, Oct them ot your' drug store, payments (or March approximated pendency Is no longer regarded as he-scored a direct hit on the stem T H E T IM E S S4.500.000.000. a factor. of the largest destroyer. 64 MAIN AVENUE r ba» THE OCEAN OflOVB i! tim es fob local nbwb ■■■ il'- FRIDAY, APRIL 9, >1943 FAGE SEVBN ment was offered by Councilman THE STORY 80 FAR: Charlotte Ellis Gant at a recent session of (Cherry) Rawlings, an orphan at Saint the.Mayor and Council, and his ap­ Dorothea's convent school since she was pointment “was confirmed by the seven, knows almbst nothing of her iarly history, but she has gradually realized Keyport First Aid to Move Jane 1 officials. (hat like other girls at the school she Tho Keyport First Aid Squad ox- Hayes To Run lit Belmar Ticket has no family. She questions whether she has the right 10 hcr'father's name, 1 poets to move into the building A contest in Belmar’s quadren­ •fudge Judson Mnrshbanks and Emma located at 118 Broad street; re­ nial' commission government elec­ Haskell, - housekeeper for wealthy Mrs. cently " them, jiboufc tion developed recently when How­ Porteous Porter In San Francisco, are her guardians. When Cherry is twenty Jur. 1. This property, formerly ard Hayes, president of the Hayes Emma gets her a secretarial Job with tho law offices of Charles Morz, and Sign company, filed nomination .pe­ OF THE Mrs. Porter, but she goes first to the later the automobile show rooms titions with the Boroug’it Clerk iWarshbanks mansion, meeting the • B/KATHLEEN NORRIS Judge’s young wife and his rich niece, of tho Nash automobile agency in Janies A, Joeck after the three, in­ © N O R R IS W.N.U. RELEASE Amy, daughter of his brother, Fred, now the borough, is ideally suited for cumbent members of the borough dead. Life at Mrs. Porter's becomes use as an emergency hospital, board, Leon T. Abbott, Carl W. monotonous and Cherry is thrilled when adjoining Swan Lake Park recent­ Fire Due to Burning Pants, Kelly Coates, an artist, sends her a box there being two large rooms up­ Schroeder and Edward F. Lyman, James Arthur, 19-year-old col­ of candy, and she is Jealous when he stairs ond one down, readily adap­ jr., had presented petitions for ly. He had a one-horse rig and brings Fran to a party at Mrs. Porter's. table for use as Wards and several their reelection. was spreading manure when his ored youth lost his trousers, his Emma tells Cherry that her sister Char­ legs were slightly scorched and a lotte was Cherry’s mother. Kelly takes smaller rooms. Horse Brings injury to Farmer. horse became frightened and start­ Cherry along so Fran can visit his stu­ Wingard Made Acting Chief Anthony Norwash, a farmer of garage and carpenter shop were dio, and Cherry senses that he is very The nomination of Patrolman 50 Stokes street, Freehold, was ed to run away. He was thrown considerably damaged at 8 Cherry much in love with Fran, but soon he tells forward and landed on the shafts, street, Shrewsbury township, re­ Cherry despondently that Fran has prom­ Russell Wingard as Acting Chief badly cut about the face and head ised the Judge, she will not see him any of the Spring Lake police depart­ in a runaway accident in his field between the horse nnd farm wagon. cently. Tha youth while working more. Mrs. Porter dies, leaving Cherry in the carpenter shop on the sec­ $1,500, and she learns from Marshban.*s ond floor of the garage, struck a that his brother Fred, who was Amy’s father, was also her father. Cherry de­ match on his trousers, the trousers cides to go to Stanford University and ignited and'James pulled them off the Judge suggests that she Uve with % and ran out, his legs smarting Mrs. Pringle. As Fran Is driving her there sbe asks Cherry to be Kelly's from the heat of the flames. friend, saying he likes Cherry and. that Course in Air: Raid Precaution. she has decided to do the honorable A meeting of the air raid ward­ thing and avoid him. Kelly wires Cher­ ry, drives her to his studio, and after a ens of South Belmar was held re­ party there with friends starts with her cently when a new course of in­ to the MarshbanUs mansion. Dora Marsh* struction was planned to acquaint banks, the formidable woman who was A l w a y s the Judge’s mother and Amy’s and her —ii— wardens, especially new ones, in­ own grandmother, objects to Cherry’s “Of course I don't know what she said,” the judge admitted with • cluding women, with ways to cope presencejn the house. Cherry tells Kelly faint frown. “But whatever she said It didn’t last long, for Amelia fainted, with incendiary bombs and high about It some weeks later. and when she came to she was very U1—and the'baby was born within m i G U A R D explosives. The new women ward­ Now continue with. the story. the h o u r,” ens have been recruited for special daytime duties. C H A P T E R X I and I can’t wait to pack. We go “But poor little Lottie couldn't next Tuesday, and the girls begin bear it. ' One night she suddenly Plan to Cope With Farm Problem. “Yes, but old Mrs. Marshbnnks1 to come in Saturday.” • appeared in my brother’s room, as TO PROTECT OUR FIGHTERS AND YOU At a meeting of agricultural was too wild to mind that Well, “Then what was the trouble. Cher­ he was reading to his wife, and' ac­ leaders and school officials, held after we'd all stood petrified for ry? Your letter said ’trouble.'” cused him of having ruined her, Did you ever think about the sure these vital rails aro s.,fe. recently in the offices of Marvin what seemed about an hour, she “It’s this. Amy came down to life!” . • • • trackwalker you’ve seen so often A Clark, county agricultural said to Amy, ‘it is extremely dis­ see me Wednesday. . I didn’t .know “If I was the baby,” Cherry said, Every Jersey Central worker, from agent, in the Court House, Free­ honorable to) listen to the conversa­ she was going to. She wanted to hardly breathing. “I must have in your travels along the Jersey ' engineer to executive, keenly real­ tion of others!’ and walked out of tell me all about the trip and this been bom just about that time, too.” Central ? hold, a program of complete co­ the room. Of course Amy was mad Navy ensign she’s so crazy about” “You were only a few days old. izes his responsibility to his .•<>,. operation with.the campaign of the with curiosity and so I pretended • “Yes, but why look so distressed Your mother, poor Lottie, was per­ Probably not. His duties aren’t try and you. No matter what fits United States Employment Serv­ that her grandmother didn’t like me about that? You like Amy?” haps weak and feverish, hardly colorful. But they are mighty im­ job, he recognizes its importance, ice to meet the critical shortage because Emma was once their “I do like Amy. Amy’s my—of knowing what she was doing/’ . of farm labor in Monmouth county nurse, and she didn’t think it was a course we’re pretty closely related, “But she couldn’t have come to portant — to. our Nation’s cause and does il efficiently. very suitable friendship for her Amy and I. But one thing is—one the house. She’d have been too and your safety. was formulated. granddaughter.” . / ‘ thing is that your mother doesn't weak.” . \ The Jersey Central has been serv­ “Good girl, Cherry’’’ .. like me to see Amy too much. She- “She may have been in the house Through fair weather and foul, ing your community for about a .There was a long silence. . Kelly asked me—she practically asked me , with Emma. I have always sus­ trackwalkers watch every foot of century, Wc welcome the job — READ THE OCEAN GUOVE raised himself on his elbows and —not to come to the house any pected that Emma was there and ; the rails over which move fighting and hope to have the privilege TIMES FOR LOCAL NEWS stared at her. more.” ' '1 • : • V, the baby was born there. However “What are you thinking?” Cherry A shadow came over the-genial it was, she rushed into Amelia's men, war materials, you, your of continuing our service for Wliilliiniiiailllillltllllillllillilllilliluiuiniiiinit said. • face; the judge's forehead contract­ room/Amelia had lost all control of children. Our trackwalkers make generations to come. “That you look very nice, today. ed a little. herself; she was sobbing bitter­ Thai—well, I was wondering if you’d “My mother did?” ly . V. :”/■>_• • /-■• VICTORY like to come and- Uve at Tap cote, “Yes. She said it wasn’t—decent.” “Did she say anything about the Cherry.” : '' “H’m!”. the judge said, gravely baby?”' She looked at him, flushing and- enough. “I’m sorry she did that.. “No. Amelia never knew about the ’ JERSEY CENTRAL RAH ROAD GARDENERS! paling. . .. You know how much we all like baby. ,! • \ “How do you mean?” you, and what reason T have- for “Of course I don’t know what | Buy Your Fertilizer, § “I mean marry me, of course; I. feeling that Fve something, to make she said,” the . judge admitted, I Seeds, Plants, | mean as Mrs. Coates.’’ up to you.” • with a faint frown. “But what-, A VITAL. LIFELINE IN NEW JERSEY 1 . Tools Here. | “I see,” Cherry said, she looked “Amy came in while your mother ever she said, it didn’t last long, 1 Everything You Need! | away. - was talking to mo. I’d reached the for Amelia fainted, and when - BUY U. 5. WAR. BONDS “X’ye been thinking about it. Ever house before Amy did, and I was in- • she came to she was very | also | since that night when you made the my room/reading, and your mother and the baby was born within111, | , Sweet Potato.-Plants ,| toast and .it was,so cold and the came in and said how much she re­ the hour.” . Wilcoxes were there, I’ve been won­ sented my being there.” Emma came hurrying down and dering why it.was all so cozy that “How much did Amy hear?” took Lottie away, and a few days night. It .came to me that it was “Well, your mother had just said later Emma left my mother, and you. So I telephoned you and asked, that if I didn’t break off all my re-' she and Lottie went to live some-• 1 Howard L Smith! you if you were free last Sunday, iationships there, she’d have to let where in the country. 51 Main Avenue ancl you were .going on a picnic to everyone know, ..and Amy’too. that “Fred was killed in a motor 53235323480000020348235323020100234823532353235323532353235323482348234823532353235353534853 -Point Lobos.” we were half sisters/ And she said; smash a few years later, and Ame­ 000100532348235323532348235323532301020123532353484823532353484823010000005323482348534823532348234823532390915323482348234823482353OCEAN GROVE, N. J. “George arranged that.” that would -hurt my father, and’rny lia didn’t survive long. My mother 488923532353234823482353234889234823532348234848532353235323014823532353235323532353234823482353235323532353235323482348235323532348Phone 4741 “Is George Pringle in love with, • mother, too. . And I said that- that took charge of Amy, and the money you?” . meant injuring the reputation of her. my brother left for you I admin­ “He lias a case,” Cherry answered own son! Amy heard that.” istered as best I could, Emma had Decoration Day or Season indifferently. “And guessed the rest?” sent her sister to this school of Saint “But you don’t like him.” : “Guessed that it was you, instead Dorothea’s for a while, when she B. FEDD E S .“Not that way. No. He’s nice, of your brother Fred. ' After your was little, but Lottie • hated it and but not that way. No.” /mother had gone Amy said that, she came back. “A school of charac­ JEWELER “You know how I- feel nb/iii. always had suspected that I was—” ter,” as the catalogue says, and she Opening Watch Repairing Fran/' Kelly said presently. “She’ll Cherry’s , throat thickened, .she wanted you sent there.” always be the unattainable — the looked at him imploringly, “that 1 Cherry was standing; she came . BEST PRICES dream woman. I can’t help that. was your daughter.” over to his chair, bent over him PAID FOR OLD GOLD But you and I could have a lot of “I see,” he said thoughtfully. swiftly, and he felt her warm lips Announcements APPRAISED FREE fun, Cherry, roaming about, paint­ “I didn’t contradict her — I against his forehead. ing things and clearing the creek.*’ couldn’t say any tiling.. I kept try­ “I love youD There’s never any 57 Main Avenue He looked at her expectantly, and ing to think which would be worse,, trouble for anyone where you are!” Ocean Grove ’ met a strange, thoughtful look in telling her, or letting it go and talk­ she said, and was gone. Post Office Building her eyes, fixed upon his. ing some day to you.” “Oh, the relief* Kelly!” she wrote Cherry, jumped, to her feet, and “Fran and I were in Los Angelos him from camp. “The relief of do­ very hotel and room ing house has a list of started to walk to the car. that was then?” ■ ’ ’ ing 'something you simply don’t . E parked a hundred yards away. “Yes. And then I went ‘ to Palo want to do, and having it over, and form er customers who could be profitably L . U A Z A T 8K Y | ^ “Why, thank you, Kelly!” she said; Alto and didn’t see you, and I knew your soul as clear as a bell! We Guarantee politely. “You’re tremendously kind that your mother cared more about “When will you see me? When col­ to think that way. about me., I ap­ keeping it from Amy than anything lege opens. For three delicious circularized at the opening of the season. Yon W01.Not nave Foot preciate it just as much, and I’m else; and I hoped that Amy wouldn’t, weeks before that, as soon as we T ro ub le If Yon B rin g eternally grateful to you,” she-went talk. But now Amy's back,', and she close camp, Rebecca and I and a Yonr Shoes To on briskly, no emotion whatsoever wants me to come in to spend the darling girl named Lucie Fargo are This is an opportunity for new business THE JUST WRIGHT discernible in manner or voice, “but night with her next Saturday, and going on a wild cruise. Up to Vic­ —•well, you see. I’ve missed a gotd, go the Quatres Arts Ball, and I toria—we’ll actually be out of Amer­ ORTHOPAEDIC deal In my life. I’ve never, had a don’t knoW'What to do!” ica, imagine!—and on the way home that should not be neglected. SHOE REPAIR SHOP I father; I barely remember my .‘“My mother’s a. proud woman. we're going to stay, with Lucie’s mother; I had no home as a child, Cherry,” the. judge said, after a si­ grandmother, who has a country ho­ BA TH IN G at the N orth and South E nd 203 BOND STREET no birthday parties and bedtime sto­ lence. “She’s had a sad life.” tel. That’s up in Mendocino Coun­ ASBURY PARK, N. J. ries—allthat. “She had been living, in a tv a purl­ ty, . not far from Aunt Emma's • “Now I have a half sister and an in ent hotel and hating it. Fred and place; it’s only about thirty miles. beaches as usual throughout the season. aunt and a grandmother and a cousr his wife, Amelia, had had a little So I’ve written Aunt Emma that in and I can’t claim any of them,” place in Burlingame. But after I’m coming over to see her.”/ she continued, still in the same light, years, five or six years, I think, she And she signed it‘“Your devoted FIS H IN G in daytim e from piers or beach­ impersonal voice. ”1 never can was going to have a baby. Old Well­ and obedient Marchioness.” WILBUR R. GUYER j claim them. So when I ami a wife, ington, her father, was an immense­ But despite high spirits she dread­ es unrestricted. N ightim e fishing from the Successor to 8 Kelly,” Cherry said, with a quick ly rich man; he was going to come ed the visit , to Emma, 'and was ; glance at him over her shoulder as on from New York for the event, glad that it was to be . put off until - WILLIAM YOUNG I they walked toward the car/“I want; and do everything for the baby. the end of the holiday. piers w ill be perm itted if no lights are show n; the whole thing. I want some man Fred, who’d been restless and un­ In due time she and Rebecca and 1 PLUMBING AND I tp: ■ think.: I am perfection^ V I wani satisfied, settled down all of a Lucie drove along the ocean coast, romance' and glamor and the feel­ sudden. Mother had opened the city and into high mountains, and no one perm itted dow n on the sand after dark. * HEATING ! ing that we two arc ali the whole house by this time, and they were through valleys where great rivers world to each other. No Fran in all together. The baby was coming raced. It was all glorious and rest­ Estimates Given the background! in November—” . ful and exciting, We will be glad to cooperate in the preparation of your j 4 Main Avenue, Ocean Grove £ “So I do thank you, and the an­ “I know. ..I'm four days older Whefi they were back in California swer is 'No/ And I hope you’ll for­ than Amy,” Cherry, listening ab- ‘with the great mountains and the folders, stationery and announcements for 1943, and have • Telephone 428 get that you said anything about it, eorbedly,'put in as he.paused. days of laughter and change and . them ready for you at opening time .We offer prompt and and we’ll have, more picnics and “But you came two months too adventure behind them, Cherry felt IMWMMWWMHMWIWHWWf} walks some day. I’m ; walking soon. That’s all part of the story. herself older and wiser. On a cer­ careful service. ' home,?V she fin!shed, as vthey Well! My wife and I and little Gregg tain sober September afternoon she •HIUOttMUMIMIlUMJtlUIMtMIUItllllNIIUUl reached, the car/; “it’s not far, and got here just a week or two be­ presented herself at the door of Em­ I want to be^alone: Good-by Kelly.” fore Amy was born, and what we ma’s cabin with nothing more than “Cherry, ' you’ve got me all learned was rather confusing. It a little shyness in her manner. wfongl” he began distressedly. But seems that Emma’s sister, Char­ Emma lived in a lumber country. -she only said good-by again, and lotte Rawlings—much younger than Cherry, for her drive of thirty miles, walked away down the orchard. Aft­ she—-was sometimes at the house, had "borrowed the car, leaving the er a minute or two he got Into the and that Fred had seen this girl, other girls with. Lucie’s grand­ car and drove away. apd had taken advantage of her. mother. / wrtment Just a week la ter Cherry; sa t op­ Emma knew nothing of it until al­ Emma had been lying on .-the posite the judge in his comfortable most the end when Lottie came to couch, evidently napping; she wel: / chambers. her and told her. Emma felt- that corned Cherry pleasantly enough, The Ocean Grove Times His kindly eyes smiled at her. nobody must icnow, that her sis­ but without an embrace, and put theu; Hoffman Coal Co. “It’s the summer plan—the camp at ter’s secret must be kept now, of girl into a*.cb&ir at the hearth ’while:-' Sixty-Four Main Avenue, Ocean Grove, N. J. Field Street, Avon, N. J. Big Basin—you wanted to see me, oil times, when Fred’s wife, who she started a fire ond U^hted 'one;!; Telephone, Aebury Park 6267 about?” • wasn’t .any too strong, was expect­ dim kerosene lamp. / 235323482348485348234823532348235323482348534823532348234823484853234823484853235323532353 “No, not unless, you object. . Beck ing her own baby any day/ [iffy '(TO BE CONTINUED) FRIDAY, APRIL S, 1943 PAGE EIGHT -mm ■■ a Elwood T, Lippincott Wilbur Wyckoff Orr - Marcus L. Sclarappa Irving Lippinmott Frederick L. Osborn. L. Lyndon Selover TQOTY KILLER" Herman Lofton Itaymond'Osborn, jr. Harold M. Shafto FROM OUR BOYS James B. Lofton Howard B. O'Shea Harold E. Shafto Edward Loskowskl Frederick E. Otto Frank Shoemaker THE ♦ Donald Fenton Lundny Myron A. Pnbst Harry L. Shure Clarence R. Lyle George S. Palaia Frank Siciliano HONOR ROLL Eugene Lyons Jerry Palaia Joseph Siciliano SERVIC Richard P. Lyons Roy Palaia Samuel P, Siciliano By Bill Thomson NEPTUNE OCEAN GROVE Leon Maccanico • Leon Palmer Earl Sickler, jr. 9 %E Ernest Mac Dermant Jack A. Pantalco Robert O. Sickles '^eDi' ONE OALLON DOlt David Williams, sr. Silas Monroe Coy Everett Layton - AND MASONS’ MATERIALS THE AVERAGE ROOM. David Williams, jr. Samuel C. Craig Warren Le C'ompto Robert E. Wills Andrew J. Crippen William L. Lee OFFICE—TWELFTH AND RAILROAD AVENUES . Henry J. Woodring G. Jack Crossman (*) Albert J. Lawson On Sale at John W. Woolley Frederick D. Cross Theodore Lepinsky YARD—ELEVENTH, TWELFTH AND RAILROAD AVENUES i \ Ektor Wright Joseph Curto Clarence Lcrtch ISugeno Wright Joseph Curto (2nd) Edson Alston Lewis HOWARD L. SMITH John S. E. Young Dominick Cutano Kenneth Richard Lisle BELMAR Telephone 1900 The Hardware Dealer of Ocean GroVe Edwin Young John J. Cutano John Wright LIbIc J ' 61 Main Avenue. V Joseph Young George W. Carhnrt Edward A. Lippincott