
VOL UME 6 8, Iss UE 5 LATE NOVEMBER 2006 Post 53 On CBS "Posties" To Appear In Katie Couric's Evening News

Elisabeth Tone Managing Editor in the hopes of becoming certified EMTs. In the piece, entitled "When In recent weeks, it seems that Saving Lives is More than Child's the student volunteers of Darien's Play," author Peter Applebome gives own Post 53 have become minor ce­ special mention to Post 53, focusing lebrities. On Wednesday, October 25, on the exhausting amount ofwork they two cameramen and reporter Steve must do as EMS volunteers. Hartman began filming these EMTs, In his description of the dedicat­ both at the organization's headquar­ ed EMTs, Applebome writes, "The ters in Noroton Heights and at school. 58 young members, ranging from Hartman, a reporter for the news seg­ l4-year-old candidates to 17- and 18­ ment "Assignment America," was year-old crew chiefs certified by the tracking the Posties for a profile that state as emergency medical techni­ is to appear on the CBS Evening News cians, provide staffing for shifts 24 with Katie Couric in late November. hours a day, 365 days a year, sleep­ Says president ofPost 53, senior ing overnight in dormitory rooms at Charlie Hannon, "CBS asked to do a the post. They drive the corps' three special on Post after reading an article $100,000 ambulances, operate the in the New York Times about the orga­ radio room that responds to calls, and nization." coordinate an operation with an annual Seniors Cailin Watters and Anne Ryan volunteer at the blood drive held in the gymnasium on Thursday, The article, published on June budget of $200,000 that responds to November 2. The blood drive. which benefited the American Red Cross, exceeded the its goal with 75 people 25,2006, describes the extensive train­ about 1,400 calls a year." volunteering and 45 peole donating. ing that some teenagers go through Continued on page 6 Helping Darfur Dive Day Returns Facebook And Depot Concert Darien's Initiative To Value Each Other Will Be Held Help To Raise Awareness From November 15 to November 17 Elizabeth Calka Allie Concannon StaffWriter The numbers are astounding. StaffWriter Though the fighting began about three About a month from now, the years ago, the situation has worsened In years past, Dive Day activi­ Depot will be hosting a benefit show significantly since July of this year. ties have only taken place during a for Darfur, organized by Darien High These statistics demanded the atten­ couple of periodsin the school day, School student Casey Herz. tion ofthe U.N., thus prompting the in­ and, for the most part, the purpose of Various responses I received to ternational response that we see pres­ the program has been lost on the stu­ this statement were, "Cool! I'll be ent in the today. dent populace. there," "Yeah, I donated money to When it eventually trickled down This year, however, the format of Darfur," and "Darfur? What is that, to the population of Darien High Dive Day has changed. The school's a bandT' School, Darfur became a word, not diversity day will consist ofa series of Darfur (pronounced Dar-for, a place, that represented an opportu­ discussions and speeches taking place not Dar-FURRR) is a region of west­ nity to help more than anything else. from November 15 until November ern Sudan that is currently witnessing Adopting the generous spirit that is 17. devastating armed conflict, primarily typical of DHS students, many have The program's committee, between the Janjaweed and the non­ expressed their support and have ap­ headed by English teacher Ms. Sala, Baggara tribes. The death toll is esti­ peared eager to help. The common decided that Dive Day would make mated to be anywhere from 400,000 understanding ofDarfur at our school, a more significant impact if held on to 450,000 people. An approximate 2.5 however, can be put in simple terms three different days for certain peri­ Advisor Miss Sala proctoring the last ofthe Dive Day facilitator's meetings. million have been displaced. by senior Nick Sauerberg's response, ods per day. "Oh, Darfur? The Facebook thing?" This change came about as a lesson will stick." dents ofall backgrounds spoke oftheir Yes, the Facebook group, "For result of the administration's realiza­ The new structure allows for dif­ own experience with stereotypes and every 1,000 people that join this group tion that students would often skip ferent approaches to diversity to filter racism. This was followed by an "open In This Issue I will donate a dollar to Darfur," prob­ the day if they knew the date ahead through, as well. One day, a speaker mic" in which various students shared ably includes a good number ofDarien of time. In order to fix this problem, will come to speak to the entire school personal anecdotes and their own opin­ High School students. Volunteering the schedule will include several aca­ about accepting people and embracing ions about diversity. The entire student Facebook vs. . makes students feel that they are part demic class periods so that students differences. On another day, discus­ body refused to leave the auditorium :.'.~ of something, on a worldly scale. will be encouraged to attend the Dive sions revolving around the visitor's until the last speaker had told their Textbook 3 We all know that we are fortunate Day activities as well. speech will occur in homerooms. story, even after the bell rang. to live in Darien. Consequently, partic­ The DHS student body has had Past Dive Days have been both Last year's Dive Day, however, School ipating in efforts to save Darfur allows mixed reactions in response to the successful and unsuccessful in reach­ paled in comparison. "Last year, after us to share this fortune and feel better structural changes. Many students ing out to the students. For the seniors, the speech, homeroom was really awk­ Recycling 3 about ourselves. It does not necessarily feel that this Dive Day format takes it is hard to forget the infamous exer­ ward and no one talked. It felt like all stem from a passionate hatred for the away from the emotion that is often cise with Groups A, M, and Z that took eyes were on you," says senior Kaitlyn Sudanese government, or a genuine involved with Dive Day. "I think it place in 2004. Each student, no matter Arcamone. Summer concern for the mass genocide ravag­ would be more beneficial if we had what his or her age, reported to a room It is the committee's objective to Intemships .4 ing a remote part ofAfrica. it all on one day, and it would be less and was then assigned to a group. Each rid the new series of diversity events Therefore, it is necessary that disruptive to class time:' says senior group was instructed to build a house, of this "awkward" atmosphere. Says we understand the magnitude of the Mike Mogenson. but the judges treated each group dif­ senior Kathryn Lang, "Students should Teenage causes that we are helping in addi­ On the other hand, some stu­ ferently. Group A was given Legos feel free to share their views about di­ Relationships 5 tion to helping them. On December dents view this structure as advanta­ to construct their building, whereas versity in our school or community 22, Darien students will be presented geous. "When it is on one day, I feel Group Z was given frozen tater-tots. without worrying about the repercus­ with a chance to do so at the Depot. like people only listen to it on that one Many students felt the full effects of sions. Dive Day should be an open Turkey Bowl ~ "The goal is to raise $1000 for Darfur:' day and then completely forget the this activity, since their eyes were forum that involves the entire schooL" explains Herz, "But the goal is also to message:' says senior Diana Morris. opened up to the discrimination that With these structural changes in place, Preview 8 raise awareness." "However, when Dive Day takes place occurs in the real world. Dive Day at Darien High School will The show will feature bands for a couple ofdays, people will likely Later in the day, there was a stu­ hopefUlly become more than just a Continued on page 6 think about the message more and the dent-run panel in which DHS stu- reason for free t-shirts.

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2 L ATE NOVEMBER 200 6 OPINION Epic Journalistic Battle At DRS NEIRAD Neirad is a monthly Darien

On November 8, 2006, the Blue Furthermore, the debate's con­ that aired in mid-October, the Blue BWN staffin advance and requests air High School student publi­ Wave News broadcast included foot-­ tentions and rebuttals were entire­ Wave News correspondents asked stu­ time. Although the news debaters used cation. The publication is a age of the heated debate that occurred ly edited out to make it seem as if dents in the auxiliary cafeteria if they this point to defend their sometimes­ forum for student thought and between the BWN correspondents Neirad's editors lacked both the ar­ had ever had an object stolen from their lackluster broadcasts, this point com­ and Neirad's three editors-in-chief. guments needed to challenge BWN's backpacks. pletely destroys their argument, as well expression. and its conteDl is Although the editing of the segment journalistic integrity and the prepara­ While these unsuspecting stu­ as supports Neirad's statement that it is decided solely by the editors made it seem Like BWN was victorious tion to invalidate the opposing team's dents answered that they had indeed simply the principal's instrument. in the battle of wits and integrity, the points. While Blue Wave News may fallen victim to the school's raging In our previous editorial, we and advisors. Circulation is broadcast of the debate was not repre­ have chosen to selectively edit the theft problem, they appeared to simply argue that the school's "news program approximately 1,000. A sub­ sented accurately-or fairly_ debate in order to depict themselves be pawns placed there for a well-or­ has become the puppet of the admin­ scription can be ordered tOr The debate was intended to focus in a better light, they actually achieved chestrated question-and-answer ses­ istration." Mr. Singh's argument does on a Blue Wave News rebuttal of an just the opposite. sion. The questions asked were not not refute this point. By claiming that $25. All comments should editorial published earlier in the year In the previous episode of Blue designed to elicit genuine student the principal asks for air time, Blue be mailed to the editors at that stated that Blue Wave News was Wave News, correspondent Nick responses, but instead just fodder to Wave News is simply admitting that Neirad, 80 High Schoool the principal's puppet and could not Berry attempted to respond to the support the story presented by Blue they are the willing puppets of the ad­ be considered legitimate journalism. Neirad editorial Mr. Berry's response Wave News. ministration. Lane. Darien. cr06820. That Neirad editorial argued that was filled with hyperbole, supposition, Now back to the debate. Not only Blue Wave News took the Neirad BWN was not not focusing on the and unsupportable conjecture. In his did Blue Wave News journalists edit criticism as a personal attack instead of opinions of students, but instead al­ piece, Mr. Berry stated, "Blue Wave the debate to cater to their own agenda, focusing on the truth ofNeirad's argu­ DlTOR-IN-CHl lowing the principal to monopolize News values the opinions and voices they also failed to acknowledge the ment. The video production group im­ the media's message in the form of of every single member of the Darien true reason for the debate. mediately became defensive instead of Brianna Mulligan extensive speeches. High School community." The editorial written by Neirad reading the entire editorial and taking The first example of the Blue This is not the case. The members stated that Neirad respects Blue Wave the criticism in stride. Instead, support­ EDITORS-AT-LARG Wave News reporters editing the of Blue Wave News only represent ­ News and its ability to present the stu­ ers of Blue Wave News provided no Mackenzie HorclD debate to their advantage appeared their own opinions. Admittedly, they dents with speedy and accurate infor­ evidence that they had focused at all Courtney Rogers when Troy Singh challenged the ma­ do interview members of the student mation. What we were criticizing was on the original and central argument terial that appears on Neirad's review body, but they interview them solely the overwhelming presence of the ad­ of the piece. page. Just like any other legitimate for the purpose ofcollecting informa­ ministration in each broadcast, some­ Having watched the latest broad­ periodical, Neirad has a section com­ tion. These student interviewees are thing Blue Wave News did not deny cast of BWN and its footage of our MANAGING EDITORS prised of movie reviews and criticism not revealing their personal opinions, in the debate. recent debate, it became clear to us Leah Lyden of up-and-coming music artists. This but rather repeating the message ofthat At one point during the session, that the correspondents had not read Nick Phillips feature is not something to be criti­ particular Blue Wave News's home­ Mr. Singh insisted that the only reason Neirad's previous editorial in its en­ lisabeth Tone cized, for these types ofarticles appear room broadcast. Dr. Auclair appears in so many BWN tirety. Let's see if they get to the in all sorts of publications. For example, in the theft episode episodes is that he approaches the bottom of this one. BUSINESS MANAGER David Joosten


STAFF WRITERS lizabeth Calka Allie Concannon ~- ~l Lindsay Gordon Hadley Green Casey He harlie Nicholls Anne Wilson

STAFF WRI1CRS-AT­ LARGE Cerm~ S~~ t~huL<:>us t~U John Bolton <:>ur Michell Birsky Mike Klein hristine Kwon t~shi<:>Dsl Priscilla Lombardi Pat Luongo Spencer Matson Margot Nevin Kevin Ramsey Nick Sauerberg

ADVISORS Mr. Francis Janosco Ms. Sybil O'Hare

~g(J h~i~ts fe>~d PRINCIPAL Dr. Jerry Auclair d~i~D, ct (JGg2(J PRINTING phe>D~: 2(J~-G55-99G9 D'lorio Printing f~x: 2(J~-G55-9979 Nelrud is a member of the Columbia Scholastic Press Association and The Student Press Law Centerl LATE NOVEMBER 200 6 3 Does School Recycling Actually Exist? Neirad Reporter Investigates Rumors OfIneffective DRS Recycling

Allie Concannon Fittal had given me. I spoke with a StaffWriter man named Barry Smith from B&S Crating. Community Council, with the sug­ Mr. Smith said, "Everything gestion ofsophomore Amy Marchesi, that should be recycled gets recycled. recently discussed using part of their Printer paper, newspaper, cardboard, annual budget to add recycling bins to and plastic bottles are all recycled. If the cafeteria, according to the school there is a large recyclable item in the President, Jonny Schoen. garbage. we will pick it out to make According to Schoen" We want sure it is recycled." new recycling bins for the cafeteria All of this information, how­ since almost everyone is drinldng re­ ever, didn't quite match up. Most of cyclable cans during lunch. This way, the people I spoke too were unsure of all of those cans can be effectively re­ our practices, and Rodney said that cycled." everything except cardboard gets put This new stride towards recy­ together to be sent to B&S Crating, as cling made me question whether ev­ they request. erything we expect to be recycled ac­ This, however, means that it must tually is. I therefore started my investi­ be very difficult for B&S Crating to gation on recycling within Darien High separate everything once it arrives at School. the garbage plant in order to ensure Many students and teachers alike that recyclable material is properly are conscious to pay mind to the recy­ recycled. cling bins set up around the school, When informed about this new feeling that their adherence to recycle issue, students spoke out. According can make a difference for the envi­ to senior Caroline Nash, "Recycling ronment. is extremely important for the envi­ However, their contributions may ronment, and I think that DHS should not be making much of a difference. take strides to make sure it is done Rumors have been spiraling around correctly." the school that these recycle bins are I began this article with the simply there for show, and that all of intent to find out whether Darien High the garbage is put together in the end School recycles material correctly and cycle, with nothing being recycled. adequately, however I never could get Mr. Haran, Assistant Principal, to the bottom of the issue. filled Neirad in about this phenom­ If we listen to B&S Crating's enon. "I know that's been past prac­ Students have begun to question the efficiency ofthe Darien High School recycling system. response, than we must assume that tice, however, we now have parent everything is recycled properly. volunteers that purchased the recy­ When Rodney Brown, the head lar dumpsters, and then we send it out should be, and he said that he wasn't However, if we pay attention to other cling bins that are outside on the turf janitor of DHS, was asked about this to the plant. I don't know if they are sure. (Mr Fiftal did, however, aid me information from people throughout field. The material in those bins does recycling issue, he gave a new per­ separated back out when they get to in my research and found the phone DHS, than we must assume that this get recycled. We are aware of the sit­ spective. "Inside the school, cardboard the plant, though." number for the garbage plant DHS is not correct. I therefore leave it up uation with the recycling bins within is always separated out, and that gets I then asked the Superintendent works with, called B&S Crating.) to the DHS student body to form their the school, and we are taking actions recycled. The rest of the recyclable of Darien Schools, Mr. Fiftal, about I then continued on with my own conclusions, based on the re­ to correct this." material gets mixed in with the regu- whether everything was recycled that research, calling the number Mr. search I have done. Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive, Dodge Facebook vs. Textbook DHS To Host First Official School-Wide Dodgeball Are New Internet Advances Tournament On The Evening OfNovember 16 Cutting Into Work Time?

Charlie Nicholls Annie Wilson average ofone to two hours on AIM a StaffWriter StaffWriter day as well." One of the reasons Facebook is A school-wide dodgeball tour­ The modem technological ad­ "addicting" to teens is that it allows nament will be held on Thursday, vances in the internet and communi­ them to send and receive messages November 16 at 7:00 in the main cations have opened up new opportu­ on each others' "walls" which can be gym. nities for people of all ages with pro­ viewed by all other students in their The tournament will consist of grams such as MySpace, AIM, and school. Facebook allows students who the teams competing in a round-robin Facebook. Even though these new may be acquaintances, but not friends, style competition. Each of the teams sites are helpful and even fun, these to keep in touch without the conversa­ will be randomly composed of those time consuming activities may be dra­ tion becoming awkward or dry. who wish to participate. matically cutting into homework and And as a DHS junior, Kate Unlike Homecoming week's field even sleep time for many high school Kevorkian states, "Facebook is ad­ day, the tournament will not follow the students. dicting because you always want to class competition style, instead focus­ MySpace is a website that allows see who wrote on your wall and all of ing on blending all the grades together people of all ages to be linked togeth­ the pictures you and your friends are to form a more unified DHS spirit. er by a common tie. It is a site where in." "You will be teamed up with friends, or perhaps strangers, can chat AIM is a great new form of com­ people you may not know very well," or exchange information. Facebook munication for people of all ages, for says Schoen. "It's a good chance has similar features, and is also open to it allows people to chat and converse to meet the people you don't know everyone, but the site is set up slightly without having to speak verbally or re­ well." differently. spond right away. It also allows more Schoen, with the help of Lindsay AIM, which stands for than one conversation to take place Thoren and the rest of the executive "AOLInstant Messenger," and has at the same time. Freshman Kelly board, including Mika Ike, McKay been around for several years, and Brophy shares, "I don't think AIM is Potter, Wells Landers, and Caroline allows people to keep in touch or talk addicting like Facebook, but it's more Frelinghuysen, planned the event to through their personal computerized distracting, honestly ...there is always be modeled after the Junior-Senior messages viewed only by the partici­ someone to talk to you so you know basketball game. pants of a conversation. what's going on and you can talk to Due to the basketball game's suc­ Junior Andy Canzonetti playing dodgeball in gym. When asked about how much people you don't see everyday." cess last year, student representatives time she spent on AIM, DHS sopho­ The addition of one, two, even hope to continue the tradition ofschool more student Kelly Randall respond­ three hours of Facebook or AIM to a wide games that will bring the entire lack of open gym time. says. Due to its great reputation for ed saying, "I spend in total about high school student's day can leave school together. "We're not quite sure if the date the school, Community Council be­ two hours on AIM per day." And minimal time for homework and This goal has already been car­ will be a problem, but if it can't be that lieves it will bring spectators and stu­ when asked the same question about sleep. ried out through field day, and hope­ Thursday, then we hope to do it soon," dents seem to agree. Facebook, she claims, "Facebook is Although these programs are fully will be continued through the says Dr. Auclair. "I think it would be fun to watch always open on my computer and I great ways to connect people through dodgeball tournament. Schoen has been promising a a dodgeball tournament. I would def­ check it a couple times throughout the a common line of communication, It has been very hard for school wide tournament since his elec­ initely love to watch it," says sopho­ day." they may be counterproductive, for Community Council to find open tion last spring. And, its final existence more Scott Bora. Proceeds from the Many teens today are becom­ open Facebook programs or pending gym space in order to host the tourna­ has been extremely well received by spectators will go to the class funds. ing "addicted" to AIM, Facebook, "instant messages" on computers can ment. And, although the students are the student population. "I think the tournament will go and MySpace. This problem is not greatly distract and take away from relying on the date of the tournament "Dodgeball is definitely every­ very well, people will have a good unique to Darien High School. Kelsey students' studies, producing a lower to be the sixteenth, Dr. Auclair says one's favorite sport to play in gym time. It will be fun," Schoen pre­ Maloney, a sophomore at Brien quaIity of work or incompletion of that there is chance of conflict due to class," sophomore Jake Barrington dicts. McMahon,agrees. "I spend about an Continued on page 6

, • 4 LATE NOVEMBER 2 0 0 6 Summer Internships Popular In DRS Students Fight For The Right To Receive Credit For Summer Programs Casey Herz StaffWriter and spend their free time away to state representative seat for both New High School student who took advan­ great studio experience and got to meet find exciting incite into job fields. Canaan and Stamford. tage of a summer internship. some great people." With every summer comes the However, the question arises, should "I met William Tong through "I interned at Trout Recording Even though some opt to do in­ constant pondering and planning of students receive high school credit for Person to Person and he asked me to Studios in Brooklyn," said DHS stu­ ternships, some students choose to DHS students making their plans for working summer internships? be a part ofhls campaign," Suri states. dent Jack Schlinkert. "I was doing enroll themselves in rigorous summer the next few precious months they Senior Milan Suri worked at an "With the internship I was able to get anything from making back-up tapes programs which mostly involve a par­ have. Some students, mostly juniors internship this past summer on the some political experience and really to making coffee to running demos ticular interest that a student wants and seniors, have opted to do intern­ campaign for William Tong. Tong see whether I liked it or not." and many other tasks, Overall it was to investigate further such as in Nick ships or advanc;ed summer programs is currently running for Connecticut Suri was not the only Darien an awesome experience. I got a really Continued on page 6 ';z·· o - J:

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.{.~ '" ,"' MEN AG ~ BIG STAR TRUE RELIGION en ... LACOSTE w PROJECT E J: JUICY MENS r-- '."',ROBERT GRAHAM C.. . ,. DOUBLE A JUNK FOOD r-­ , .. ,:~, lJJ FRED PERRY ',. CJ ~,,~TIGRE L ATE NOVEMBER 200 6 5 Is Love Really All You Need? Some Question Effects OfHigh School Relationships

Hadley Green StaffWriter The female and male brain work Relationships: the good, the bad, much differently, making them act and the ugly, and for most of us, the and react in different ways, which is essential, part of growing up. High commonly why girls act more ­ school students are constantly sur­ tional than boys in most relationships. rounded by boyfriends, girlfriends, According to the Chicago Tribune, single friends, and those stuck in be­ Ronald Kotulak writes, "The front tween. However, is all the stress worth part of the brain which controls emo­ it? According to some, the lasting ef­ tions, is bigger in women than in men." Toned Down fects of relationships can be detri­ Therefore, girls tend to make a bigger mental. deal out of things than boys do. If a by Elisabeth Tone Students, as well teachers, find boy forgets an anniversary, for exam­ relationships to be an unwelcome ple, the girl tends to become overly Now that the Congressional and distraction that leads to unnecessary distraught about the situation. A DHS Senatorial elections have come and stress. "If a student is in a relation­ student remarks, "Girls will complain gone, I have to wonder how many ship, they tend to be affected in nega­ to their friends about what is wrong local adolescents (who are eighteen tive ways." Neurobiology teacher, Ms in the relationship, but then guys will years of age, of course) actually cast Meyers notes, "In class, they're not brag about how well he's doing with that all-important vote. For many, able to think about things, and their her." November 7 was not Election Day, mind is in another place." Going through high school while but rather a day off from school spent DHS social studies teacher, Ms. being in a relationship makes people napping on the couch instead of voting Siddell agrees stating, "Ifstudents in a realize more about themselves, such at the polls. Today's eighteen year­ relationship are in the same class, they as the type ofpeople and personalities Seniors Aimee Payne and Ted McIntyre are one ofthe many couples in olds may be more concerned about are very distracted and pay attention to they connect well with. Sophomore Darien High School who insists relationships have positive effects. their college applications and aca­ each other, rather than to their school Corey Caputo states, "If teens are in demic than the political future work." go to same sex schools." decisions than adults would when it a relationship and are going through of their country, but even with this Although many feel that relation­ Meyer states, "Dating in high comes to relationships." Some ofthese a difficult time in their life, then they overwhelming scholastic pressure we ships are unfavorable, others disagree. school has an impact on a teenag­ judgments include teen issues such as have their boyfriend or girlfriend to cannot let our government disappear School psychologist, Beth Shapiro, ers mind. The adolescent brain is not teen pregnancy and STDs. According talk to and get advice from rather than off our list of priorities. states. "Being in a relationship makes fully developed, so the frontal lobe is to the Office of Woman's Health, "In just not talking to anyone. When two Prior to the presidential election you happy because it releases good not fully grown. Therefore, you have the United States, the 18 - 19 year-old people are dating then they feel more of 2004, magazine re­ endorphins and serotonin. If relation­ impaired personality, emotions, judg­ age group has the highest rate ofpreg­ comfortable talking to each other ported that an unprecedented number ships and being distracted by the op­ ments, and the ability to make deci­ nancy followed by the 15 to 17 year­ rather than with a friend or parent." of American youths were planning to posite sex are that bad, people would sions. Teens would make different old age group." Continued on page 6 vote in the upcoming election. Riding the wave of the popular "Rock the Vote" campaign, nearly 20 million members of the under-thirty crowd Flashback Article: were expected to cast their vote and thus help to determine the nation's course of actions for the next four What Goes On After Dark In Darien years. Although news programs re­ ported a disappointing young voter The following article was pub­ ready been on a "run" for their soda, on weekends. He will be known as height. Everyone knows Roundhouse's turnout after the elections, the devel­ lished in the April 2000 issue by then one thirty pack and an eighteen. That's Roundhouse. A couple of his friends parents are getting home at around opment coordinator of the New Voter staff writer John Wheelock. Wheelock a lot of carbonation. Now they are at are in the basement beginning the fes­ 10: 15 to 10:30 so the final ping-pong Project, Ivan Frishberg, could not have wrtoe this expose on Darien night life another friend's house playing video tivities. The ping-pong table is brought toss games are played. Empty soda been happier with the youth's presence in order to highlight how absurdity of games getting ready for the evening out. Cups are set up in a triangle pat­ cans are put in a trash bag and all at the polls. In fact, in a 2004 inter­ Fairfield County teens' social lives. This friend will be known as Stefan. 1 tern and filled with soda. Two kids on spills and other garbage are cleaned view, Frishberg even said, "51.6% of The Neirad staff leaves it up to you to agree to drive over and one other car each side are on teams and attempt to up. Empty pzone boxes are thrown voters under the age of 30 turned out determine if weekend passtimes have is there already. We usually need two throw ping-pong balls into the soda. in there too without considering the to vote. This is nearly 10 percentage changed with time. cars for eight people to drive to soda When they hit, the other team has weighty environmental consequences points over 2000, and even bigger than 6: 10- I finish my dinner at home. drinking binge parties. to chug the soda, getting the much­ of mixing paper and aluminum. Now the much heralded year of 1992." I try to spend quality time with my 7:45- After a long hour and fifteen needed sugar. some trouble starts. Girls that were not Recently, however, the "Rock the family on weekends since I know I minutes, my friends are getting rowdy 8: 10- The first game ofping-pong invited suddenly show up through the Vote" project has come under attack won't be home until after 12. After and belligerent. They want the soda toss is over. It came down to the last basement door. The party is getting out by the Republican Party for touting turning off "The Simpson's," I pick parties to break out soon and can't wait cup and my friends were all cheer­ ofcontrol. Rounbouse blows his stack. liberal views. The Times up the phone and call my friend's to begin. Jamal's celly finally rings ing in excitement. Jamal's celly rings The party is over. also reported the organization is about "celly." I'll call this friend Jamal. informing us that a hot prospect of a again. This time it is the group ofgirls 10: 15- After getting to the cars $700,000 in debt, and has lost eighteen Jamal's cell phone rings about twenty party is now about to begin. We pile that we usually see on the weekends and accounting for everyone, Jamal's employees since 2004 (the number times a night. He is the source, the into the two cars, mine and my other (romantic interests are involved). They celly begins to ring. Where are the has fallen from 20 to 2 in the past two middleman for our group of friends. friend who I shall call Bigfoot. are bored as usual and call us for fun. other parties? Do we still have some years). Furthermore, the program's His cell phone is the most important 8:00- After stopping off at the We ask Roundhouse if they are wel­ soda? After multiple calls, we find president resigned during the summer thing of our weekends, with the ex­ gas station for some snacks and gas, come. Since girls are always welcome nothing. We decide to head back to of 2005 due to disagreements about ception of my friend's soda. Jamal we arrive at the party scene of an­ at parties, they head on over. Jamal's basement, our final stop for the "Rock the Vote's" direclion, and he informs me that my friends have al- other senior who we occasionally see 9:45- The party has reached its Continued on page 6 has not yet been replaced. Surely, the congressional and senatorial races do not receive quite as much media hype as the high-profile presidential campaigns, but that is no Make That First reason for today's youth to avoid the polls. In voting for our congressmen, congresswomen, and senalors, we are Impression Count... selecting the individuals who will rep­ resent our views in Washington. They are not as powerful as the president, but they do have a great deal of influ­ ence on our political future. We need 0.Jf0hItIll." 5.,.-- organizations like "Rock the Vote" and the "New Voter Project" to make us P- & Company ---- aware ofthe year's' issues and empow­ er us to use or precious vote, whether it be in congressional elections or presi­ Get the Books You Need To dential battles. .. .Bring in the new school year with Still, I realize that most people Keep this Year Going Well! associate turning eighteen with legal­ a haircut you know you can trust. ly becoming an adult or having the power to purchase cigarettes. Getting - Convenient and just around the registered to vote and studying the comer all your literary needs. Call for your appointment today! platforms of the various candidates does not rank high on a teenager's "To do" list. Furthern10re, the multitude of choices that we must make at this age (203) 655-1188 (which outfit we should wear to school BARRETf BOOKSTORE tomorrow, if we should study or watch (I ~ ==4~ TV, what college we should go 10, etc.) Heights Plaza could render anybody indecisive. Even Heights Plaza (203) 655-2712 with an extensive knowledge of each Continued on page 6 , l


crisis that needs more attention from a week for 5 hours a day," says Milan sponded, "Hooking up is different for Notre Dame. "We have high expecta­ the American public," Herz says. Suri. "I was also able to learn a lot that every person, some people are exclu­ tions as always," Spillane tells. Post on TV "Very, very few kids know what's I wouldn't be able to learn in a class­ sive about it, and are only hooking up Boys' track has excelled in the going on in Darfur. Unless you're with one person, others hook up with past two seasons as well. "Our biggest Continuedfrom page 1 room enviroment." someone who's very politically and However the general opinion of different people every weekend." focus this season will be once again... The news reporters at CBS used socially aware of things going on in other students say the idea is probably About the term "going out," taking horne a team state champion­ the information in this article as a the world. When I say there's going not one to put at great length. freshman Ricky Hodges states, " ship," says a captain, James Wyper. foundation for their profile of Post 53, to be a benefit show in December and "I think it would be great to When you're going out with a person "Having won the past two years, we as they spent a majority oftheir filming propose it to the Depot board only 3 get credit however my job for ex­ you have officially asked them to be hope to keep the tradition alive." the daily activities that go on at Post. to 5 kids actually know what I'm talk­ ample was very informal," says Jack in an exclusive relationship with you. The primary competition for the Vice President of Operations, senior ing about. Almost all ofthem are com­ Schlinkert. Usually you start out hooking up and title is expected to be New Canaan, Emily Stout, explains, "They filmed pletely clueless of what's going on... Nick Saurberg also agrees with that leads to going out." which is horne to several exceptional from 5:30 on Wednesday night until but I don't blame them because the Schlinkert's statements. Although many question the pur­ athletes in jumps and throws. Wyper 5:30 the next day. They filmed our media doesn't provide much coverage "Even though the classes were pose of dating in high school and the explains that on the track, Darien takes Wednesday night meeting, a training on the situation there." very challenging they weren't actual lasting effect of relationships, many the lead with big points from distance meeting, and a meeting at which we He hopes that, with this show, academic classes," he says. believe that dating at a young age and sprint relays. Though the loss of review past calls. They also filmed us students will be inspired to learn With putting getting actual credit could expose you to possibilities of a sprinter/hurdler duo Chris Bogie and checking the ambulances, and they what's going on in the region as well for summer internships in school more future. Despite the rarity oflong-last­ Clark Coots leaves DHS indoor lack­ came along with us on two calls." as supporting it. and more less likely from student opin­ ing high school relationships, some ing two of the previous year's most Although Hartman and the two ion, the intern catalog provided by the people go though the ups and downs valuable players, a deep sprint group cameramen focused primarily on the high school receives some generally of relationships to make high school and a high potential for improvements events that went on at Post itself, they positive support. a more enjoyable experience. in the field will be key to its success. were also interested in showing how "A student internship catalog Senior captain Kyle Webster ex­ the student volunteers balance their Facebook could really benefit the students," plains, "Our best athletes are James academic and social obligations with Continuedfrom page 3 stated Milan Suri. "If then the school Wyper in the distance events... Logan their community service. Thus, the offered credit for the internships cer­ Hohs [as] our middle distance guy and cameras filmed "the interactions be­ tainly more kids would be interested then we round out the distance crew tween the kids at Post" as well as select open Facebook programs or pending in internships." Toned Down with...sophomore Artem Scobrev, classes at schooL "instant messages" on computers can Even with positive backing, there junior Doug Wright [and me]. We Continuedfrom page 5 Though the cameras set up in the greatly distract and take away from is some dischord about the idea. have some great jumpers in cap­ crew room at the Post building filmed students' studies, producing a lower "No, I don't think an [internship tains Robbie McDonald and Byron all the volunteers who were on duty, quality of work or incompletion of catalog] should be provided," said election's issues, the assorted group of Redding. Our good sprinters are [cap­ only Hannon and Stout were followed homework due time that was spent on Nick Saurberg, "they are for people candidates and the often diverse plat­ tain] David Joosten, Garrett Visi, by the cameras in schooL Hannon ex­ MySpace or Facebook. who want to take the extra step for edu­ forms that they stand for can confuse and Kevin Knapp." Their talent will plained the reason for this, saying, "It And one of the most extreme cation. The students who have the ini­ anyone to point where he or she feels further aid the team in achieving their was a character driven piece, meaning flaws in these programs is the presence tiatives should find these programs on incapable of acting. goaL "Ifwe can combine this with our the story focuses on specific people to of online predators contacting unsus­ their own will instead of people who Nevertheless, that is precisely prowess in the longer distances where get an idea of the overall picture." pecting children and teens. According aren't as committed or ambitious as what we must do. Forget about this Darien has already been established as When asked if being followed to CyberAngels.com, a website to someone who is very committed." generation being the leaders oftomor­ a power in Class MM," Wyper pre­ by news cameras was a distraction, increase awareness of online preda­ When all is said and done, intern­ row: we must worry about the present dicts, "the title looks to be within reach both Hannon and Stout agreed that tors, "77% of youths are contacted by ships and advanced summer programs first. Before we complain about the for the season." Hartman and his crew were not in the online predators by age 14." really give any high school student a disarray in certain parts of the world "The guys' swim team is looking least disturbing. Stout elaborated on Even more alarming, the web­ truly unique experience into the pro­ or the problems within our own nation, to have a great year," Captain Miki this point by saying, "It was odd to site shared that only 25% of children fessional field of any career and will we should seize the opportunity shape Silver states simply. Last year they have a camera in my face at first, but will admit to a parent an encounter be more than likely become more or government. However cliche it may came in fifth at the State Opens, and I got used to it. I had been with them with a predator and less than 10% of common place in the near future. seem, it is true: we must be the change this year their goal is to place in the since 5:30 on Wednesday night, so by cases will ever be reported to legal we want to see. top three. Silver believes this to be a I got to school on Thursday authorities. In recent broadcast ofhis parody realistic expectation, due to the team's it wasn't a big deal for me. Since they Evidence of Facebook and news show, Steven Colbert comment­ outstanding relays. The strong class just wanted us to act like we normally MySpace being a distraction to school­ Relationships ed on the insignificant effect that one consists of five senior swimmers, in­ would it wasn't a huge change." work and possibly unsafe is the need Continuedfrom page 5 vote will have on the final result. He cluding captain ParkerTricarico, and Nevertheless, several DHS teach­ for schools to block access to the sites said, "Imagine your vote as a deer one diver, David MacDonald, who ers found that the news cameras dis­ on school computers. The blocking Junior Kim Tas states, "When tick, and the election as the continent will lead a large group of new under­ tracted their classes much more so than ensures students attention will be on you are in a relationship you learn ofAsia." Although this may appear to classmen as they welcome new coach, they had distracted either Hannon or their work and not their online conver­ what to change in future relation­ be true, we cannot just let our vote, Matt Czaplicki. Stout. Stout admits that the teachers sations. Also, to prevent the encoun­ ships by learning from mistakes in and our voice, go unnoticed. Voting is The winter teams will begin their were annoyed by the cameras' pres­ ter of an online predator on school past ones." more than a right: it is a privilege and a treks to the championships around ence when she says, "My biology grounds. Whatever the case may be, a large responsibility. It is too late to make an Thanksgiving. teacher wouldn't even allow them in These new exciting programs percentage ofstudents at Darien High impact in this election, but by the time the classroom, and Mrs. Whinnem had may be more trouble than they are School are, or have been, in a relation­ the next one rolls around it is up to us to keep trying to get everyone's atten­ worth dramatically cutting into work ship with someone. Sophomore Sarah to take charge in determining the way tion during band class." and sleep time, as well as imposing Nelson states, " I think that a lot of we want our country to be run and to Hannon insists that one teacher the dangers ofpredators to high school times high school relationships aren't be portrayed. Why Not found Hartman and his cameras to students throughout the nation. taken that seriously. You don't see be such a distraction that she sent the very many that last for a long period ? news crew to the principal's office. of time. But, it seems that everyone's Hannon explains, "They were wait­ relationships are on really different Flashback Continuedfrom page 1 ing outside of my AP Law and Gov. Internships levels." Continuedfrom page 5 class when a teacher came up to them Continuedfrom page 4 The "levels" that students usually were both made by foreign-based and asked if they had a visitor's pass. go through in high school include re­ Indian directors who created contem­ When Hartman admitted that they did programs which mostly involve a par­ lationships that last for a week or two evening. The empty soda cans are dis­ porary films that juxtaposed modem not have one, she sent them to the prin­ ticular interest that a student wants to to relationships that last for years. posed of before we arrive. Our group concepts with Indian age old tradi­ cipal's office. I still do not know what investigate further such as in senior Sophomore Artem Skobrev has been and the girls go down to the basement tions. The latest production, which teacher it was, however." Nick Saurberg's case. in a relationship with a senior for six where the soda's sugar effects begin to has actually become the Canadian Nevertheless, some teachers may "The program I participated in months. About the two year difference, die off. Pepole play pool and watch TV entry for nomination in the foreign­ be used to the distraction caused by was a five week theater program with Skobrev remarks, "Age doesn't make on the sofas, just chilling. film category in the Oscars, Water, was these news teams as CBS is not the a two week musical theater expansion a difference, its much better when the 11 :30- After about an hour in the directed by an Indian. Deepa Mehta first news program to find inspira­ at the Northwestern National High person you're dating is older than you basement, people begin to get sleepy. also directed the two preceding films tion for a story from Post 53. Says School Institute based out ofChicago," because they are more mature." SafeRides show up for those who's of this trilogy, Fire and Earth. As you Hannon, "The post has been filmed said a reminiscing Nick Saurberg. "We " I think that the longer that you BSC, blood sugar content, is too high. can see, the Indian film industry has before by Fox's "The Pulse," approx­ had classes from 8am to IOpm, 7 days are in a relationship with someone Four or five random people pile into largely been breaking the boundaries imately four years ago." "The Pulse" a week and all 161 ofus put on ten one the more comfortable you feel around my car and I have to drive to Tokeneke, of the usual song-and-dance routine, followed the same format as Hartman hour theater productions. The program that person, in the long run, you get to then near Noroton Heights, then over and transforming itself to appeal to a and his team, filming the social, aca­ was unbelievable." find out more about the person which to Wee Bum, then finally back to my Western audience, especially NRIs, demic, and service-oriented aspects of However, with advantages in in­ will strengthen the relationship," says house near Cherry Lawn. I have proba­ (Non-Resident Indians). the Posties lives. ternships and summer programs also Skobrev about his lasting relation­ bly burned about five dollars ofgas to­ But Bollywood has a relatively comes the disadvantages. ship. night. I don't ask for gas money. I tum small influence in America as opposed "I worked 30 hours a week no SeniorAimee Payne has been in on the CD player and pump some tunes to the huge masses that flock to the pay," says Jack Schlinkert, "I also had a steady relationship for eleven months very loudly, waking up my neighbors, theaters to see Hindi movies in coun­ Darfur to commute about an hour and half and says, "It is very comforting being while pulling into my driveway, think­ tries such as Pakistan, Afghanistan, Continuedfrom page 1 each day to get to work which was in such a steady relationship. You ing of what will happen Saturday. England, the former Soviet Union, also a big disadvantage." know that no matter what you have a good majority of the Middle East, from Darien, among others, and all With the obvious pluses and the at least one person always there for and many Southeastern countries. proceeds from the $6 entrance fee occasional expected minuses to in­ you." Something also very interesting is that will go towards benefiting the region. ternships and the experiences they Being in a relationship can be Winter Sports Indian movies act as common ground provide it has become questioned hard considering you have to find between many countries in the Middle There will also be special limited edi­ Continuedfrom page 8 tion Darfur Benefit Show t-shirts, de­ among some students that should re­ the perfect combination of balancing East. Mention a Bollywood actor or signed by senior Julia Heck, sold for ceive school credit from their appro­ friends, extracurricular activities, and sing a Hindi song in Baghdad and your $15 each. priated high schools from internships academics. Payne remarks, "You have chances of survival increase signifi­ "The official lineup hasn't been that were completed over the students to make time for everyone, and every­ Meg Gilbert, Amanda Koslo, and cantly (no joke). confirmed yet," says Herz, "but Tyler summer breaks. thing, you're with your friends some of Brooke Pfister. So as a final thought, now that Bussey, former DHS student and There has also been the idea the time, and your boyfriend the other As for hockey, captain Sam this entirely new realm of entertain­ member ofThe Good Fight and Wind thrown around about high school's half." Spillane explains, "We did really well ment (which is in essence, the ulti­ Behind , will play an acous­ possibly providing an internship cata­ Other relationships consist of, the past two seasons with about 30 mate priority of Hindi movies) has tic set with special guests to open the log which would provide students with "hooking up." A DHS student states, wins and 8 loses, but we always seem been revealed, why don't you go to show." The search for a headliner is the opportunity to choose various jobs "Hooking up means having a physical to choke in the playoffs." The team the movies and see something new? still on. they might be interested in pursuing. relationship with someone, you're not plans to defend their FCIAC title this Why not broaden your cultural hori­ "I think [Darfur] is a horrific "I think receiving credit is a pos­ going out with that person, but it could year against their biggest competitors: zons beyond the typically American? sibility because I worked 4 or 5 days lead to dating." Another student re- New Canaan, Ridgefield, Hamden, and Why not Bollywood? L ATE NOVEMBER 2 0 0 6 7 Say Anything Songstress Releases Debut H •• ./S A Real Boy" Spencer Matson Reviewed is the hit single "London Bridge" StaffWriter Upon release as a solo Fergie Casey Hen Perhaps Fergie isn't best known describes "London Bridge" as, "kind as a solo artist. With numerous suc­ of a punch in the face to let people StaffWriter cessful songs like and know I'm coming out. .. " While most Don't Phunk With My Heart with her people don't enjoy getting punched in In this modern day and age group the Black Eyed Peas, Fergie has the face, listening to "London Bridge" pop punk and even indie music have established herself as a great group kind ofmakes you want to get punched become boring and generic. It seems . However, her debut album, The in the face. While the record charts like there isn't one month that passes Dutchess surprises the listener with its may disagree, compared to other songs by where we are constantly bombard­ occasional catchiness and its ability to on The Dutchess, "London Bridge" ed by our pop-media about the "next provide ample entertainment. just doesn't seem to have anything big thing in rock" which spends one However, before delving into outstanding about it. While repetition week on TRL and then disappears into some of the subtle and not-so-subtle in Fergie's songs is not particularly the dark abyss of the underground musical nuances behind The Dutchess, uncommon, the repetition ofthe word music scene after a few short weeks. it's always good to get some back­ London in "London Bridge" begins However, the rising Los Angeles ground information on the artist. Stacy to give the listener a headache after based pop punk and indie rock act Fergie Ferguson had a moment of the first few dozen times it is said. Say Anything all but eliminates this fame as the voice of Sally and Lucy Additionally, there is an anonymous chain of events. in various Charlie Brown specials group of men yelling "Oh S***!" at Led by 21-year-old Max Bemis, and was a cast member of the Disney you throughout the duration of the Say Anything is pop punk outfit that Channel cleaned-up show song. has almost completely changed the Kids Incorporated. However, these Luckily, there are songs as good perception of what makes up a band small stints on television are not where as "Fergalicious" that make up for in their genre. Armed with a dark wave most people know her from. ' the potential annoyance of songs like of guitars (a term for a band with 3 In 2003, Stacy Ferguson joined "London Bridge" One of these songs guitars), drums, bass, and wide array The Black Eyed Peas as the lead is "Mary Jane Shoes". This ­ of keyboards, loops and more, Say infused track is a collaboration be­ Anything is definitely not using simple female vocal after left in Fergie has used her successful! career with the Black Eyed Peas to 2002. Most people remember the tween Fergie and 's widow 3 chord progressions springboard her debut solo album, "The Dutchess." colorful description of Fergie's ap­ Rita, and an excellent change of pace The band recorded the full length pearance in the 2005 hit single My weight-solo acts, most singers' careers song on The Dutchess, "Fergalicious". from most of the other tracks on The .. .Is A Real Boy back in 2004 on the Humps and the innovative use of the fall apart after leaving a group. Fergie Beginning with a countdown in Dutchess. "Mary Jane Shoes" is very moderately sized indie label Doghouse word "phunk" in the 2005 single Don't seems to have made a big step in the Spanglish and a brief musical intro­ light and relaxed, offering a charm­ Records and immediately received a Phunk With My Heart. These two right direction with The Dutchess. duction by Black Eyed Peas member ing break from the humdrum of hip­ tremendous amount of attention from songs contributed to The Black Eyed The most promising aspect ofthe WiIJ.I.Am, the song quickly converts bop songs. almost every major label imagin­ Peas' growing popularity throughout album is that very diverse genres of to Fergie explaining her definition of Despite the occasional bother­ able. The band finally settled on Los the first years of the new century, and music are being presented and fused. the word "fergalicious". Apparently, some song, The Dutchess is generally Angeles based J Records, a subdivi­ put Fergie on the map as a musical Rap, hip-hop, reggae, and pop are all "fergalicious" is a word that means a pleasurable CD. Itredefines hip-hop sion ofSony BMG Records. The label talent. amply displayed on The Dutchess. But something along the lines of tasty and music as something that does not need decided to re-release .. .Is A Real Boy It's always difficult for a singer usually people don't by a CD because delicious. The body 'of the song is es­ to be confined to the typical fast beat with extra reworking and a second to make a successful solo career after it has diverse genres. Most likely, sentially Fergie singing out a string of and slurred lyrics that are so common disc titled ...Was A Real Boy which being in a flourishing musical group. someone is going to look at the qual­ fragmented sentences describing her amongst other artists today. One can contained 7 previously unreleased While some artists like Beyonce ity of the individual songs. attractiveness in quick succession. It's only hope tbat the future ofFergie lies singles Knowles and have Luckily, Fergie has that base cov­ pretty catchy. with more songs with made up words The full mainstream debut of ...Is crossed over successfully as heavy- ered. For example, look at the first A popular song in The Dutchess explaining her voluptuousness. A Real Boy can simply be stated as a gem of not only the pop punk and indie genre but the entire rock genre as a whole. Max Bemis proves he is one of Why Not Bollywood? the best of this era, which could potentially be caused by Bemis's mental instability - he was actually Indian Film Industry Provides Alternative to Hollywood placed in mental rehab for 2 weeks Anushree Banerjee causing the band to cancel an entire Contributing Writer 2 month tour with New Jersey punk portrayals of adoration and affection heroes . The elitist, exclusive world of by the hero (potentially through pro­ Regardless of his antics, Bemis Hollywood is often considered to be longed musical dreams) finally admits creates unique, drug induced, and en­ the best of its kind. The American her undeniable love for her admirer. gaging lyrical debauchery that can be film industry takes credit for some Then, chances are the next shot will compared to early Weezer and the old of the finest movies in the world, be of the hero and heroine dancing Blink 182 if they weren't constant­ with renowned directors like Alfred happily among a soiree ofprofessional ly talking about pooping, first dates, Hitchcock, Steven Spielberg and Clint dancers and balloons in the beautiful and pirates. Eastwood who are responsible for Swiss Alps (how they got there is ir­ The first single titled "Belt" kicks countless masterpieces. But what is relevant). of the album with a "song of rebel­ unknown to many Americans is that an One also has to keep in mind that lion" where Bemis basically gives a entirely different world and genre of throughout the entire song the two big "screw you!" to the modern music films exist outside the United States, an leads will go through five or six ward­ industry and explains why it's critical industry that not only creates movies robe changes, adorning matching out­ to stay true to your roots. that potentially rival Hollywood's in fits of both Western and Indian influ­ Songs such as "Alive With The quality, but most definitely exceed ence. The whole affair is full ofpomp Glory Of Love" and "The Futile" them in popularity. This alternate (and and spectacle, especially for bigger invoke massive sing-a-Iongs that last almost paradoxical) media universe is budget movies that consequently have forever with poppy rhythms and hooks informally known as Bollywood - the flashier sets and more outrageous out­ that pull you in and guitar arrange­ film industry of India. fits for the characters. ments that Fugazi could be proud of. Bollywood is the unofficial name The average Hindi movie has There are power pop ballads such as of the Mumbai-based Hindi film in­ about five to seven songs, usually "Woe" and "Yellow Cat () Red dustry. It is the largest and fastest three of which are love songs, one or Cat" where the keyboards which unre­ growing movie industry in the world two flashy dance numbers, and the last lentlessly blast out ofthe stereo speak­ with an output ofabout 1000 films per often a sad, tragic song played at some ers filling the room. year (twice as much as Hollywood). point after the climax of the film. The There are also post hardcore punk The industry sells as many as 4 bil­ actors themselves are not trained to songs such as "~n Orgy of Critics" lion tickets annually, and has an em­ sing, they merely lip-synch on screen Aishwarya Rai stars in Bride and Prejudice. which are fast and unrelenting and ployee base ofabout 6 million people­ while professional singers perform the really highlight the climax ofthe entire that's about the entire population of songs backstage. The dancing howev­ Indian movies. Sholay (Embers), Kuch include Dil Se (From the Heart), album. The album even has a soft, Hungary. Finally, as of 2004, more er is completely authentic. The most Kuch Hota Hai (Something Something Monsoon Wedding, Black, and the thick, melodic acoustic song titled people watched Bollywood movies famous Indian movie star dancer is is Happening), and Main Hoon Na (l hugely popular but incredibly enlight­ "I Want To Know Your Plans" which than Hollywood (3.8 to 3.6 billion). Hrithik Roshan, who is known for his Am Here) all contain the above listed ening film (and personally, my favorite could invoke crowds to hold up light­ Figures aside, what exactly sep­ ability to really groove to any song aspects and were huge blockbusters movie in the world), Rang De Basanti ers proudly at any live show. arates a Bollywood movie from a played. in the Indian movie market. Sholay, (Color ofYellow). Rang De...basical­ When all is said and done, Say Hollywood movie? The ultimate es­ Other major elements of in particular was so fiercely revered ly inspired a cult-following among the Anything has created an almost flaw­ sence that makes a Hindi movie is the Bollywood movies are multiple, in­ after it came out in 1975, that now younger generations, especially col­ less record. From thoughtful lyrics to song and dance element of the story. tertwining plots, hysterically melo­ many teachers teach the philosophy lege students. The movie also helped endless layers throughout the songs to Singing and dancing is as much a part dramatic and ovedy sentimental moth­ of Sholay in elementary schools. the masses become aware of the de­ catchy choruses, Max Bemis and com­ of Hindi movies as is story, plot, char­ ers, flashback/forward scenes, and of But of course Indian cinema is grees of corruption in the Indian gov­ pany have created an album which will acters and acting. Most Hindi movies course the complicated love polygons, not restricted to this; many examples ernment. stay in your rotation for days, weeks, . often spontaneously erupt into com­ (Indians go beyond the basic trian­ of branching out in the film industry Several of these offbeat films and months on end. In the end, Say munal, choreographed song and dance gles). have been evident throughout the his­ have reached the US. You may have Anything shows that when you stay at important moments in the story. This layout provides the basis tory of Bollywood. These out-of-the­ seen Monsoon Wedding or even more out of the MTV sphere of influence For example, suppose the hero­ for about 80% of Indian cinema, and box movies are called "offbeat" pro­ likely, Bend It Like Beckham. These you may end up being one of the most ine, after being subjected to numerous is evident in some ofthe most popular ductions in Mumbai. Recent movies Continued on page 6 solid ROCK bands around. , @) f.

Girls Hockey Turkey Bowl Victory? Hopes To Stick Through This Fans Question IfBlue Wave Will Defeat NC Rams Season Charlie Nicholls The Turkey Bow1is a great tradi­ Annie Wilson StaffWriter tion which always heats up the Darien StaffWriter - New Cannan rivalry. The question It was cold, rainy, and muddy. is: will Darien come out on top. After finishing with a decent And you walked off the stands of the Darien's running game has been record last year, the Darien High turf field and were stunned at the out­ a large part of their success this year. School girls' ice hockey team prepares come of the game. The Darien Blue Junior starting running back Kevin for a questionable 2006 season. With Wave had just suffered a horrible loss Joy had four touchdowns in the season only eleven definite players repre­ to New Canaan on Thanksgiving Day, opener against Ludlowe. senting the team this year the girls are 2005. You can only think to yourself, Joy is an excellent back, but he ecstatic to finally hire coach Valerie "Well, there's always next year." is not the only player to contribute to Saltzman to lead them through the up­ The time has come to find out the running game. coming season. whether or not that statement is true: The offensive line must provide The team's old coach was not will this year be a Blue Wave victory a lot of blocking and holes in the de­ hired back due to time conflicts, so ex­ over rival New Canaan, or will we see fense for Joy to run. The O-Line is led Trumbull coach Saltzman was hired to a repeat the last two years? by captain Tad Schwartz, who needs lead the Blue Wave team and hopeful­ Many Blue Wave fans believe a good game in order for Joy to have ly improve the girl's ice hockey pro­ that this year will indeed include a another big game. gram. Darien victory in the Turkey Bowl. Defensively, strong safety PJ ''I'm really excited for the new "I've seen a few games this Bay is having a great season. He and coach, it means we can possibly leam year," says sophomore Rick Trismen. the rest of the secondary will have to more this year and improve our skills," "I think that Darien will win because defend against New Cannan's passing says junior player Annie Fisher. we have a decent record and have game. "Also, the program hasn't been very what it takes to win." The defensive line of the Blue serious in past years and the change The team started out strong with Wave, consisting mainly of Mike was definitely needed." four straight wins. However, this Ryan, Josh Nichols, Shwartz, and The loss of 2005 seniors Devon unseen event ended abruptly with a Cam Paktinat, will have to apply a Eppley and Emily LeimkuWer has def­ loss to Wilton, followed by a crushing great amount of pressure on thequar­ initely left a dent in the team. Devon defeat by Brien McMahon. The team, terback in order to stop the Rams of­ Eppley, being the ex-DHS goalie has however, remained strong, had a close fense. gone on to continue excelling in her game with Newtown and a win against New Canaan, on the other hand, exceptional hockey skills at Salve St. Joes. The last game before the final has a 7-1 record as of November 6. Regina University. The loss of these match up will be against Greenwich, The Darien team is going in with one valuable players has greatly embel­ a town ranked in the top five in the of the strongest teams they've had in lished the need for more female ice state. years, but it looks to be a tough match hockey players at DHS. Senior captain quarterback up against the NC Rams. The game is One of the reasons there aren't Jonny Schoen hopes to lead the team at 10:30 AM on Thanksgiving Day in very many participants in the program, to victory on Thanksgiving. New Canaan. Senior Captain lonny Schoen in the game against Fairfield Ludlowe. Fisher feels, is because "it's really ex­ pensive with the equipment and every­ thing; and if you don't learn how to skate at a young age it can be a very difficult sport to pick up in high school or later in life." Winter Sports Preview Whatever the reason, it has become apparent that the team is lack­ ing participants. As of now, there are An Inside Look At This Coming Season's Promising Teams eleven definite players planning on participating this winter. As co-captain Casey Hekker says, "It's important Hadley Green and Elizabeth Calka elude: Savannah Verricco, Lauren that we recruit more girls this year; se­ Staff Writers Murphy, and Kate Kevorkian. riously, even if you can't skate, that's Mulligan remarks, "Despite the fact not a pr~blem." Last year many of the winter that we lost a lot of good girls to The team is happy enough with sports teams held high rankings at graduation and injury this year I have being able to form a team though, for meets and games. All teams will try a lot offaith in the underclassman on the possible rumors offorming a co-op to succeed this year, and many have the team." team with another school that doesn't concrete goals. Girls' track won the FCIAC East offer ice hockey to girls didn't seem "Boys' basketball has expecta­ Championships, and captains OIly appealing to players. Hekker adds, tions of a higher record than last year," Mossa, Katherine Sinacore, Kim "Forming a co-op with another school states varsity player junior McKay Kunces, and CarlyAnnecchino want just wouldn't feel as much of a team Potter. "Our team has been working to retain the title. Mossa remarks, because it wouldn't be the 'Blue Wave' hard together all off season and we "Our coach [Steve Norris] believes ice hockey team." are playing well together." Key play­ that we have the potential to finish Fisher disagrees, saying, "At ers for the team this year include Matt first in our state class title. Key athletes this time with the amount of players Herbert and Niels Geneste. Injured to the team consist of: seniors Olivia we have, I feel that a co-op would be athletes junior Austin Anderson and Leach and Amanda Tripodi. juniors beneficial because it would help us win senior Eddy Carta will also be in­ ing: Chris Whelan. Returning varsity team has graduated. I have very high Rebecca Dobler and Sarah Bauer, more games and we definitely could strumental. The captains have yet to player, sophomore Nikki Dysenchuk hopes for the team including plac­ and sophomores Grace Doering, use the help." be decided, but the coach is return- remarks, " We have trained very hard ing well in all our meets, winning Continued on page 6 Although the team lacks players, for this season, and I think that the FCIACs and states, and [having] a they are confident in this season. "The team is headed towards many vic­ great and enjoyable season." Some team will be fine, the girls we do have tories." of the team's vital gymnasts include playing are serious about it so I think One ski team captain senior Cat sophomore Kaylyn Van Sciver and we can still do well," says Hekker. Flaherty wishes that her team will do junior Meg Gildea. Horan remarks, " With only weeks before the be­ well this season. Hopefully, she and Honestly, everyone is very important ginning of the winter sport's season her fellow captains, seniors Cameron to the team." A MMS gym teacher, for all Blue Wave winter sports, the Calahan,Mike Mogenson, and junior Toyah Vincent, coaches the team, as­ ice hockey team anxiously awaits to Ali Shaw will lead a strong team sisted by a Fairfield University senior, begin their season and hopefully prove in the races at Mount Southington, Courtney O'Connor. that they can persevere and succeed Connecticut. MMS gym teacher, Mr. Girls' cheerleading is headed with a good record despite their lack Zeyer, will continue to coach them. in the right direction after plac­ of players. One of DHS's most successful ing second last year in competition Try-outs and pre-season teams is girls' gymnastics. Gymnastics at Regionals. The captains for the play will be held throughout the week received third at states last year, and season are Anne Elliott and Bcianna ofThanksgiving at the Darien Ice Rink second at FCIACs, and captains Mulligan. Mulligan notes, "We have for potential or interested players who Mackenzie Horan and Kelly Wood a lot of promise for this season, much wish to support ortake part in the girl's want this to continue. Horan says, ofour team consists of returning girls ice hockey program. For more infor­ "This season will be interesting for so we have a strong foundation to build mation contact Casey Hekker. Senior Captain Mackenzie Horan. our team since a third of last years on this year." Assets to the team in- Senior Captain Katherine Sinacore.