Analytical and Preparative Separation and Isolation of Functionalized Fullerenes by Conventional HPLC Stationary Phases

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Analytical and Preparative Separation and Isolation of Functionalized Fullerenes by Conventional HPLC Stationary Phases RSC Advances View Article Online PAPER View Journal | View Issue Analytical and preparative separation and isolation of functionalized fullerenes by conventional HPLC Cite this: RSC Adv., 2020, 10,19211 stationary phases: method development and column screening† Merve Ergun Donmez¨ and Helena Grennberg * Isolation and purification of functionalized fullerenes from often complex reaction mixtures is challenging due to the hydrophobic nature and low solubility in regular organic solvents. We have developed an HPLC method that efficiently, employing regular reversed phase stationary phases, separates not only C60 from C70 in a model mixture, but also C60 monoadducts from polyadducts and unreacted C60 from fulleropyrrolidine and hydroarylation example reaction mixtures. Six HPLC columns with regular reversed phase stationary phases Received 27th March 2020 were evaluated using varying proportions of acetonitrile in toluene as eluent; with C18 and C12 stationary Accepted 8th May 2020 phases with high surface area (450–400 m2 gÀ1)beingthemostefficient regarding separation efficiency Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. DOI: 10.1039/d0ra02814b and analysis time for all mixtures. The analytical method is effectively transferrable to a preparative scale to isolate the monoaddition products from complex fullerene reaction mixtures. 1. Introduction analytical HPLC applications.28–30 However, a more generally applicable method for analysis and separation of complex With more than three decades of fullerene chemistry, modi- fullerene mixtures using regular HPLC columns and standard cation reactions have been developed which allow addition solvents has been lacking. Herein, we report a method that give of a wide range of functional groups, thus transforming the efficient analytical and preparative separation using standard This article is licensed under a all-carbon molecules into organic compounds with inter- stationary phases and toluene–acetonitrile mobile phases for esting properties, with applications ranging from organic model mixtures of C60 and C70 as well as for two example photovoltaics to biomedicine.1–15 Due to permanent curvature, reaction mixtures: pyrrolidination31 and hydroarylation,32 Open Access Article. Published on 20 May 2020. Downloaded 9/21/2020 1:16:38 PM. the p-bonds of fullerenes are not conjugated. In contrast to (Scheme 1) reactions that result in different proportions of planar aromatic compounds where a new substituent will unreacted C60, monoadducts and higher adducts. affect the reactivity even at remote p-conjugated positions, fullerenes react at multiple positions leading to complex hard- to-separate mixtures of mono-, bis- and more highly func- tionalized fullerenes.16–19 Due to poor solubility in most 2. Materials and methods solvents, puri cation of product mixtures with isolation of the 2.1. Reagents and materials desired components and assessment of purity are major – All chemicals, including C and C were purchased from challenges.20 23 60 70 Sigma Aldrich and used as received. Acetonitrile and toluene Already in 1990, Kroto et al.24 identied liquid chromatog- was purchased from VWR Chemicals as HPLC grade. The raphy (LC) as a purication method that could provide C60 and columns used are listed in Table 1. The analytical columns were C70 as clean fractions from their complex synthesis soot used with a Gemini C18 pre-guard cartridge (2.0  4.0 mm, mixtures. More recently, chromatographic separations on silica Phenomenex, USA), the preparative column was used with ACE and alumina have been reported, however employing solvents – 5 C18 (10.0  10.0, Advanced Chromatography Technologies with poor environmental prole.25 27 Alternatives, in particular Ltd, UK) pre-guard cartridge. the fullerene-specic stationary phases, opened for LC methods In order to describe the quality of the peaks and the effi- that employ less harmful solvents for both preparative and ciency of the separation for all analytical columns, retention 0 times (Rt), total analysis time (run time), capacity factors (k ) and – resolution (Rs) were evaluated and summarized in Tables 2 and Uppsala University, Department of Chemistry BMC, Box 576, 75123 Uppsala, 0 Sweden. E-mail: [email protected] 3. The capacity factor (k ) is a measure that gives the molecules † Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available. See DOI: retention compared to the un-retained component or solvent, 10.1039/d0ra02814b typically preferred to be higher than 0.8. Resolution (Rs)is This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 RSC Adv.,2020,10,19211–19218 | 19211 View Article Online RSC Advances Paper Scheme 1 General representation of pyrrolidination and hydroarylation of C60 by literature conditions, resulting in the two reaction product mixtures of the present study. Table 1 The coding and properties of the columns used in this study Column Inner dimensions Particle Surface area Carbon load À code Brand name length  radius size (m2 g 1) (%) Column packing End-capping a  m Col 1 Inertsil ODS 4 250 4.6 mm 5.0 m 450 11 C18 TMS b Col 2 Synergi Hydro-RP 100  4.6 mm 4.0 mm 400 19 C18 Hydrophilic b Col 3 Synergi Max-RP 150  4.6 mm 4.0 mm 400 17 C12 TMS b  m Col 4 Gemini NX 100 3.0 mm 3.0 m 375 14 C18 TMS b  m Col 5 Kinetex Biphenyl 100 4.6 mm 2.6 m 200 11 C12 (biphenyl) TMS b Col 6 Kinetex Phenyl-Hexyl 150  4.6 mm 5.0 mm 200 11 C12 (phenyl-hexyl) TMS c Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported Licence. Col 7 ACE 5 150  21.0 mm 5.0 mm 300 15.5 C18 TMS a From GL Sciences, Japan. b From Phenomenex, USA. c From Advanced Chromatography Technologies Ltd, UK. a measure to describe the separation between two adjacent MALDI-TOF spectrometer in positive and negative ion mode peaks, typically preferred to be higher than 2.0. and trans-2-[3-(4-tert-butylphenyl)-2-methyl-2-propenylidene] malononitrile (DCTB) was used as matrix. Matrix solution was prepared by dissolving 10 mg of DCTB in 1 mL of chloroform. This article is licensed under a 2.2. Instrumentation The analytes to be measured were then dissolved in chloroform All analyses were carried out using a Gilson HPLC system con- and mixed with a small amount of matrix solution and loaded sisting of a Gilson 331 Pump, Gilson 156 Dual UV/VIS detector, on the target plate. Open Access Article. Published on 20 May 2020. Downloaded 9/21/2020 1:16:38 PM. Gilson 215 Nebula Liquid Handler and fraction collector, Gilson 819 Injection Module and Gilson 506C System Interface, using Gilson Unipoint Soware (version 5.11, USA). The HPLC sepa- 2.3. Sample preparation for HPLC analyses rations were performed using isocratic ow rate and the 2.3.1. C60 +C70 mixture solution that was prepared from columns were kept at room temperature (between 20 C and 23 C60 and C70 solutions C). Detection was carried out at 285 nm and 350 nm simulta- C60 solution. 15 mg of C60 was weighed to a 10 mL neously. In order to monitor the mobile phase effects, four volumetric ask and dissolved using toluene by sonication and different mobile phases; toluene, 45% (v/v) acetonitrile in marked up to its volume by toluene. Then 4 mL of this stock toluene, 50% (v/v) acetonitrile in toluene and 55% (v/v) aceto- solution was pipetted into a 10 mL volumetric ask and diluted nitrile in toluene were used. The ow rate was adjusted between to its volume by 50% (v/v) toluene in acetonitrile or toluene À 0.4–1 mL min 1 based on the backpressure of the columns. depending on the mobile phase. The solution is then mixed by Injection volumes were between 30–50 mL for analytical sepa- shaking thoroughly and ltered through 0.45 mm PVDC lter ration, and 4000–5000 mL for preparative separation. Prepara- into an HPLC vial. tive separations were conducted by applying the corresponding C70 solution. 7mgofC70 was weighed to a 5 mL analytical methodology but increasing the injection volume and volumetric ask and dissolved using toluene by sonication and À employing two ow rates; starting at 13 mL min 1 and, aer the marked up to its volume by toluene. Then 2 mL of this stock À elution of monoadduct, increased to 16 mL min 1 for faster solution was pipetted into a 10 mL volumetric ask and diluted elution of unreacted C60. All the injections were made within 30 to its volume by 50% (v/v) toluene in acetonitrile or toluene minutes of the sample preparation. depending on the mobile phase. The solution is then mixed by NMR spectra of reaction mixtures and isolated monoadducts shaking thoroughly and ltered through 0.45 mm PVDC lter were recorded on a Varian 500 MHz and Agilent 400 MHz NMR into an HPLC vial. Spectrometers. Mass spectrometry of reaction mixtures and C60 +C70 mixture solution. 2mLofC60 solution and isolated monoadducts was carried out using a Bruker Autoex 2 2mLofC70 solution were pipetted into a 10 mL volumetric ask 19212 | RSC Adv.,2020,10,19211–19218 This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2020 View Article Online Paper RSC Advances and diluted to its volume using 50% (v/v) toluene in acetonitrile. toluene in acetonitrile or toluene depending on the mobile The solution is then mixed by shaking thoroughly and ltered phase. The solution is then mixed by shaking thoroughly and through 0.45 mm PVDC lter into an HPLC vial. ltered through 0.45 mm PVDC lter into an HPLC vial. 2.3.2. Reaction product mixture 1 (RPM1). An in-house For preparative HPLC sample preparation, approximately version of fulleropyrrolidine formation reaction reported by 12 mg of RPM2 was weighed to a 10 mL volumetric ask and 31 Prato et al.
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    Molecules 2013, 18, 10870-10900; doi:10.3390/molecules180910870 OPEN ACCESS molecules ISSN 1420-3049 Review Italian Chemists’ Contributions to Named Reactions in † Organic Synthesis: An Historical Perspective Gianluca Papeo 1,* and Maurizio Pulici 2,* 1 Department of Medicinal Chemistry, Nerviano Medical Sciences srl, Business Unit Oncology, Viale Pasteur 10, Nerviano 20014, MI, Italy 2 Department of Chemical Core Technologies, Nerviano Medical Sciences srl, Business Unit Oncology, Viale Pasteur 10, Nerviano 20014, MI, Italy † Dedicated to the memory of Professor Giulio Natta on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of his Nobel Prize award. * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed; E-Mails: [email protected] (G.P.); [email protected] (M.P.). Received: 6 August 2013; in revised form: 29 August 2013 / Accepted: 30 August 2013 / Published: 4 September 2013 Abstract: From the second half of the 19th century up to modern times, the tremendous contribution of Italian chemists to the development of science resulted in the discovery of a number of innovative chemical transformations. These reactions were subsequently christened according to their inventors’ name and so entered into the organic chemistry portfolio of “named organic reactions”. As these discoveries were being conceived, massive social, political and geographical changes in these chemists’ homeland were also occurring. In this review, a brief survey of known (and some lesser known) named organic reactions discovered by Italian chemists, along with their historical contextualization, is presented. Keywords: Italian chemists; named reactions; history of chemistry Molecules 2013, 18 10871 1. Introduction At some point in the history of organic chemistry, someone arbitrarily decided to christen a certain chemical transformation after its discoverer’s name.
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