Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003
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Micronesia in Review: Issues and Events, 1 July 2002 to 30 June 2003 Reviews of the Federated States of munity members lost their homes, Micronesia, Kiribati, and Nauru are with parts of buildings and belongings not included in this issue. scattered throughout the villages, strewn across lawns, and stuck in Guam trees. Some 700 concrete poles Natural disasters. Widespread corrup- snapped or otherwise needed replac- tion. Fights over land use. Women and ing, and numerous cars were over- men sent to war. A heartfelt effort to turned. At the height of the storm, save a child’s life. A former commu- fuel tanks at the Mobil fuel farm near nity member dies in the nasa tragedy. the island’s commercial port ignited Threat of attack from fatal disease and burned for five days, cutting off and terrorist organizations. Economic Guam’s gasoline supply. crises. These are some of the events For months, tents serving as tem- the people of Guam faced during the porary shelters dotted the landscape. twelve-month span from July 2002 to The land was stripped of vegetation, June 2003. In the midst of all this, exposing lanchos (family-owned they continued to work; attend school; ranches), neighborhoods, and com- celebrate weddings, christenings, local mercial and military developments and national holidays; and live life one normally hidden by the dense island day at a time as they participated in, jungle. Again, President Bush declared discussed, and strove to thrive through Guam a federal disaster area. The this last year. island swarmed with hundreds of Guam lies in what is commonly typhoon-relief workers and volunteers, referred to as “typhoon alley.” While including Federal Emergency Manage- the people of Guam are old hands at ment Assistance officials and other weathering tropical storms, surviving assistance teams. two devastating typhoons in one year Pongsona wreaked more financial tested even the toughest veterans. devastation on Guam than any other Five days into July of 2002, typhoon typhoon (PDN, 19 Feb 2003). The Chata’an (which means “rainy day” total estimated government claimable in Chamorro) struck Guam. US Presi- damage of Pongsona thus far is $226 dent Bush declared Guam a federal million. The final agreement was that disaster area, freeing money and the US federal government would resources for the disaster-relief effort. finance 90 percent, with the Govern- Then, before the community had a ment of Guam (GovGuam) shoulder- chance to completely recover and ing responsibility for the remaining rebuild, the island was struck again— 10 percent. this time by supertyphoon Pongsona While Pongsona exacted a heavy (the name of a Korean flower). toll on the island, many have appreci- More than 3,000 of Guam’s com- ated the resultant infusion of millions 120 political reviews • micronesia 121 of typhoon-recovery dollars into the Geri herself noted, it was difficult for island’s economy, some of which might the people of Guam not to consider be used to upgrade the island’s facili- her bid for governorship an extension ties and infrastructure. The typhoons of her husband’s time in power (PDN, have also given Guam community 9 Sep 2002). members a chance to show their Guam’s people observed relatively strength and support of one another. clean campaigns this election cycle, For months after the typhoons, the with a few notable exceptions, includ- “Islandstyle” section of the Pacific ing an anonymous mass mailing and Daily News (PDN) displayed pictures certain ads in island media. After the of community members, businesses, primary, gubernatorial candidates and organizations that had donated campaigned more aggressively, high- time and money to help their island lighting not only their team’s strengths community recover. The lingering and visions but also what they felt impact of the storms was evident on were the opposing team’s limitations. 1 January 2003, when the newspaper In November, Republican Senators reported that many Islanders’ New Felix Perez Camacho and Kaleo S Year’s resolutions focused on desires Moylan, sons of Guam’s first elected for hot meals, homes, and fresh starts. governor and lieutenant governor, While vegetation eventually filled out respectively, were voted into office the jungle, much typhoon-related by an 11 percent margin over the repair work still remains to be Democratic gubernatorial team. The completed. PDN front-page headline following More than a year of forums and the election declared, “Hope Pre- campaigning has brought about other vails,” playing on the winning team’s island changes. One message from the slogan, “There is Hope.” Democrat primary election was that the majority Madeleine Z Bordallo, who had been of Guam’s voters were opposed to the first female lieutenant governor having a Gutierrez at the helm of the of Guam, also earned the distinction Government of Guam for another of becoming the island’s first female four years. First Lady Geraldine congressional delegate, comfortably “Geri” Gutierrez and US Major Gen- edging out then senator and former eral Benigno “Benny” Paulino lost governor of Guam, Joseph “Joe” Ada. their bid to be the Democrat candi- Guam’s community also voted dates for governor and lieutenant against Proposition A, the proposal to governor to then Guam Congressional raise Guam’s legal drinking age from Representative Robert R Underwood eighteen to twenty-one. Issues such as and Guam Senator Thomas “Tom” whether to legalize gambling and C Ada, by an almost 1:2 ratio (PDN, whether to hold a Chamorro self- 9 Sep 2002). This ended Gutierrez’s determination plebiscite were not formal campaign for governor, an readied in time to be part of the effort informally initiated years earlier 2002 election and are slated for a when neon and other red and yellow future election. signs stating simply the name “Geri” Nine freshman senators were were planted around the island. As elected in November, with Democrats 122 the contemporary pacific • spring 2004 holding a nine to six majority. Sena- the slogan “There is Hope” to “There tors selected incumbent Democrat is Hype” (PDN, 16 Feb 2003). Letters Senator Vicente “Ben” C Pangelinan printed in the PDN “Voice of the Peo- as Speaker of the twenty-seventh ple” section criticizing the new gov- Guam Legislature. Douglas B Moylan, ernment appeared even earlier. In cousin to the lieutenant governor, April 2003, sixty people gathered as became the island’s first elected attor- part of a movement to recall Cama- ney general. In a move to make such cho, Moylan, and four senators, stat- positions more accountable to the ing that they felt those leaders were people of Guam, in 2002 voters were hurting rather than healing Guam allowed for the first time to fill several (PDN, 20 Apr 2003). Unfortunately, other positions, including nine Guam the current level of cynicism may hin- Education Policy Board seats and the der the recognition of honest attempts five-member Public Utilities Commis- to improve the island, making it more sion; the latter is to oversee the Guam difficult for island leaders to succeed Power Authority and Guam Water- at such reform efforts. works Authority. Yet the people of Guam have good The incoming governor and lieuten- reason to be skeptical. This year has ant governor, Camacho and Moylan, seen an overwhelming number of held a modest inauguration, which indictments of those who were elected, was supported exclusively by dona- appointed, or hired into positions of tions and volunteer efforts. They leadership and responsibility. Although stated that a low-key ceremony was these indictments are proof of the fitting given the hardships being faced island’s improved ability to catch on island at the time. Camacho figura- corruption, they have in effect eaten tively rolled up his sleeves to get to away at the morale of the people of work, announcing in his inaugural Guam. Following is an overview of address, “Let the legacy of our gen- these indictments and convictions. eration be this, that we overcame In November 2002, Dr Vivien insurmountable challenges.” Batoyan-Sagasi pleaded guilty to ille- Yet these newly elected officials gally distributing a painkiller; medical confronted a growing cynicism doctor and former Guam Memorial towards island leaders. An increas- Hospital (gmh) Administrator Davina ingly popular channel for public Lujan pleaded guilty to a felony drug scrutiny and skepticism has been charge; and Theresa Hart, former the radio show, Malafunkshun (see gmh associate administrator, pleaded <http://www.Malafunkshun.com> guilty to charges in connection with for a rotating selection of Malafunk- an illegal wrongful death settlement. shun); the name is a take on the November also brought articles exam- Chamorrocized pronunciation of the ining the questionable expenditure word “Malfunction.” The radio show habits of Gerald Yingling, the former creates songs, ditties, and the like, executive manager of the Guam Anto- satirizing the island’s political, social, nio B WonPat International Airport. and economic conditions. Guam’s new airport management and Just five weeks after stepping into board have filed two lawsuits against office, a political cartoon ran, altering Yingling in an attempt to recoup that political reviews • micronesia 123 money. In November, Islanders also ing the activities of a nonprofit group discovered that Jonathan Toves, headed by Geri Gutierrez. Later that whom they had voted in as a public month, Guam Contractors Licensing education policy board member, was Board Chairman Agusto F Cruz was a felon serving probation and set to go indicted on charges of forgery as a to trial on a criminal sexual conduct third-degree felony and two counts of charge. official misconduct as misdemeanors. In February 2003, Guam Mass He was indicted a second time several Transit Authority’s former general weeks later. manager, Joseph Antonio “Tony” The people of Guam continue to Martinez, was indicted on numerous wait to see who will be held up next counts (to which he later pleaded for public scrutiny.