Congressional Record
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1875. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD . 479 for a pot-route from Lancaster, South Carolina, to Charlotte, North IN SENATE. Carolina. to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. By M/ BASS: 1\Iemorial of the_N~tion_aJ. Board_of, for revis FRIDAY, Janum-y 15, 1875. ion of the laws relating to statistical informatiOn rn regard to the commerce of the northern lakes, to the Committee on Commerce. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. ·BYRON SUNDERLAND, D. D. Also, the petition of citizens of Buffalo, New York, for ~he exten- The Journal of yesterday's proceedings wa.a read and approved. sion of the breakwater at Marquette Harbor, Lake Supenor, to the ·PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Committee on Commerce. Mr. ALLISON presented the petition of C. H. Barron & Co., a.nd By Mr. BEGOLE: The petition of .A.. S. Mathews and 17 others, of 16 others, of McGregor, Iowa, praying the paBSage of the pending Oakland County Michirran, for an amendment of the homestead law, bill defining a gross of matches; which was refened to the Committee to the Committe~ on th~ Public Lands. on Finance. By Mr. BUTLER, of Tennessee: The petition of Joseph R. Gibson, He also presented a petition of citizens of McGregor, Iowa, asking for bounty, to the Committee on Military Affairs. for the repeal of the tax on friction matches; which was referred to Also, the petition of Susan Hutson, for relief, to the Committee on the Committee on Finance. Military Affairs. Mr. ROBERTSON presented the memorial of Messrs. Campbell, By Mr. <;:HIPM.A.N: ~e -petitiOn of W~run Bowen, for relief, to Dowling, Richards, Finlay, Mciver, and others, of Charleston, South the Committee on the District of Columbia. · Carolina, praying the incorporation of the Ea.atern ::~.nd Western Also, the petition of Rebecca Dougherty, for relief, to the Commit- Transportation Company; which was referred to the Select Commit- toe on the District of Columbia. tee on Transportation Routes to the Seaboard. By Mr. COTTON: The petition of citizens of Muscatine, Iowa:, for He also presented a resolution of the Legislature of South Caro- the vassage of the bill defining a gross of matches, to the Committee lina, relative tv tho Freedman's Savings Bank; which was referrell on Ways and Means. to the Committee on :Finance. Also the petition of citizens of Muscatine, Iowa, for the repeal of He also presented a memorial of citizens of Charleston, South Car- theta~ on matches, to the Committee on Ways and Means. olina, praying Congress to reimburse them for losses sustained by By Mr. DURHAM: The petition of citizens of Kentucky, fo~ a post- deposits made in the Freedman's Savings Bank; which was referred route from Mackville to Perryville, Kentucky, to the Committee on to the Committee on Finance. the Post-Office and Post-Roads. :Mr. SCOTT presented a petition of citizens of Blair County, Penn- By Mr. GUNCKEL: The petitions of JosephM.Hoffman, .A.l~x. L::u-- sylvania, praying Congress to grant the prayer of the Texas Pacific son, and Ro~ert Quinn, for pensions, severally to the Comnnttee on Railroad Company for the indorsement or guarantee of interest on Invalid PensiOns. its bonds; which was referred to the Committee on Railroads. By Mr. E. R. HOAR: The petition of Charles Wat.aon, ofMassachu- Mr. CLAYTON presented the petition of John J. Murphy, guardian, setts for relief to the Committee on Military Affairs. &c., a.akingthat a pension be granted to the minor heirs of Isaac N.Mnr- By Mr. KASSON : The petition of ~~cajah Stout; ?f Ma~ison phy, a soldier in the First Arkansas Re~ent of I~antry in the late County, Iowa, for a pension, to. the Co:n;n:~11ttee on Invah~ PensiOns. war; which was referred to the Committee on Penswns. By Mr. KELLEY: The petitiOn of citizens of Schuylkill County,, He also presented the petition of L. C. Oban, late commissary Pennsylvania, for the restomtion of the 10 per cent. duty take? off sero-eant First Regiment Arkansas Cavalry, asking for the payment leading products in 1872, and for the passage of the curr~ncy bill of of bounty; which was referred to the Committee on Military Affairs. Hon. W. D. KELLEY providing for the issue of 3.6fl convertible bonds, Mr. BOUTWELL presented the petition of Mrs. D. Jay Browne, to the Committee on Wavs and Me:ms. asking compensation for services of her late husband as agent of the By Mr. NESMITH: The petition of citizens of Union County, Ore- Patettt Office; which was referred to the Committee on Claims. gon, for the passage of the ~ortland, Dalles and Salt Lake Railroad Mr. MORTON presented the petition of William Cash, of Prince- uill, to the Committee on Railways and Canals. ton Caldwell County, Kentucky, asking for relief for property taken Also. memorial oi- the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, for the by the Army during the late war; which wa.a referred to the Com establiShment of certain post-routes, to the Committee on the Post- mittee on Claims. Office and Post-Roatis. Mr. SPENCER presented, the petition of Victoria C. Woodhull, Ten- Also memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, for the ex- nie c. Cla.flin, and James H. Blood, praying indemnity for false im tinctidn of the Indian title to the Umatilla reservation, to the Com- prisonment by orders of a United St::~.tes court; which was refened mittee on Indian Affairs. to the Committee on Claims. Also, memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, that ~e Mr. KELLY presented a memorial of the Legislative Assembly of State be reimbursed for expenses incurred on account of ~he _proVIS- Oregon in favor of Congress. ~anting the right of way to the Port ional tenitorial government, to the Committee on the Terntone'l. land D~lles and Salt Lake Railroad; which was ordered to lie on the Also, memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, for an appro-. tabl~ and be printed. priation of 30,000 to construct a military wagon-road from some Mr~ ALCORN presented the petition of Mrs. Hannah Waters, of point on Illinois River to Chetco, Curry County, Oregon, to the Com- Horn Island Mississippi Sound, praying compensation for certain mitt-ee on Military Affairs. beef-cattle ahd swine taken from her during the late rebellion for the Also, memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, for a~ appr?- use of the United States Army; which was refened to the Committee priation to construct a wagon-~oad from. ~bland t? Hot, m on Claims. southern Oreg~n to the Collllll!tte~ on Military Aff:urs. J,.fr. BOGY presented .a petition of manufacturers of matche~, pmy- Also, memon;l of the LegiSlative Assembly of Oregon, praymg ing that the law imposmg a tax on matches be repealed; which was Congress to make all future issues of Government bonds taxable, to referred to the Committee on Finance. the Committee on Ways and Means. Mr. HAMILTON, of Texa.s, presented a memorial of citizens of the Also, memorial of the Legislative .A.ssembl! of Oregon, a.s~g Con- Chickasaw Nation of Indians, remonstrating agB.inst the proposed gress to place burlaps and jute on the free list, to the Committee on organization of a teni_torial government for t~e Indian Territory; Wa;vs and Means. which was ordered to lie on the table, and be prmted. Also, memorial of the Le~lat~ve Assembly of O:egon, for an appro- :Mr. BOREM.A.J.~. .A.n adverse report was made by the Committee priation to improve Yam Hill River, to the CoiDIDlttee on Commerce. on Claims durinrr the last session in the cMe of Frederick A. Holden, Also, memorial of the Legislative Assembly of qregon, for an appro- praying remuner~tion for property destroyed in Wayne County, West priation to im.I_lrove Coquill~ Ri'~·er, to the Committee on Commerce. Virginia. I have some additional papers 1i<? present in the ca. e. I Also, memorml of the LegiSlative Assembly <?f Or~gon, for an appro- ask for an order to withdraw and recommit the papers heretofore priation to improve Willamette River, to the Committee on Commerce. reported upon with these additional papers, to the Committee on Also, memorial of the Legislative Assembly of Oregon, for a.n appro- Claims. ' priation to improve Nehalim River, to the Committee on Commerce. Mr. SCOTT. May I ask the Senator whether therewasanadverse By Mr. O'NEILL : Petition of mothera pensi~ned on accoun~ of report y services of t~eir sons in ·th~ .A.rmy_and Navy, for of pension, Mr. BOREM.A.N. Yes, sir; I stated tha,t fact. This is additional to the ComiDittee on Invalid PensiOns. testimony with an additional statement by the petitioner sworn to. By Mr. RANSIER: The petition of citizens of Charleston, South Mr. SCOTI'. Setting out what the additional testimony is f Carolina, for the incorporation of the Eastern and Western Trans- Mr. BOREM.A.N. yes sir. portation Comvany, to the <?ommittee on Railways ~d Canals. The VICE-PRESIDENTr The Senator from West Virginia asks By Mr. SCHELL: Memorial an~ .other papers relatmg to the .case that certain papers be withdrawn on which an adverse report has of Townsend Harris, formerly DlllllBter to Japan, to the Comnnttee been and that the additional testimony in this, with those on Foreign Affairs. papers, be ~eferred to the Committee on Claims. The Chair hears no By Mr. S~NER: The -pe~t~on of George W. Payne and. wife, of objection, and the order will be made.