Package ‘rethinker’ November 13, 2017 Type Package Title RethinkDB Client Version 1.1.0 Author Miron B. Kursa Maintainer Miron B. Kursa <
[email protected]> Description Simple, native 'RethinkDB' client. URL Suggests testthat Imports rjson License GPL-3 RoxygenNote 6.0.1 NeedsCompilation no Repository CRAN Date/Publication 2017-11-13 11:20:29 UTC R topics documented: close.RethinkDB_connection . .2 close.RethinkDB_cursor . .2 cursorNext . .3 cursorToList . .3 drainConnection . .4 isCursorEmpty . .5 isOpened . .5 openConnection . .6 print.RethinkDB_connection . .6 print.RethinkDB_cursor . .7 r...............................................7 Index 10 1 2 close.RethinkDB_cursor close.RethinkDB_connection Close RethinkDB connection Description Closes connection and stops all associated callbacks and/or sync cursor. Usage ## S3 method for class 'RethinkDB_connection' close(con, ...) Arguments con Connection to close. ... Ignored. close.RethinkDB_cursor Close cursor Description Closes a given cursor and stops its associated query. Should be called on the current cursor before a new sync query is invoked on the same connection. Usage ## S3 method for class 'RethinkDB_cursor' close(con, ...) Arguments con Cursor to close. ... Ignored. cursorNext 3 cursorNext Pull next object from a cursor Description Pulls a datum from a given cursor, sending continuation queries when needed. Usage cursorNext(cursor, inBatch = FALSE) Arguments cursor Cursor to pull from; a result of r()$...$run(...). inBatch If set to TRUE, enables batch mode, i.e., returning the whole local cache (this is usually NOT the whole data available under cursor) rather than a single result. Values other than TRUE or FALSE are invalid. Value In a default mode, a list representing the returned response JSON, or NULL if no data is available.