Chapter 12 , Objects, and

Every few decades a new lights up the in a spectacular fashion. A rendezvous with such bright, young comet would return fundamental data on the chemistry and early history of the outer , but the lack of warning makes such an encounter a practical impossibility. There is plenty of time to plan and launch a mission to one of the nearly 100 periodic comets with well known , but these tend to be dim, old comets that have lost of their . There exists one, and only one, periodic comet that is consistently spectacular, namely Halley’s Comet. The last thirty appearances of P/Halley (the “P/” denotes “periodic”) have been recorded since the year 240 BC. The comet is named in honor of the English , who predicted its 1758 apparition, based on similarities in the orbits of comets that had appeared in 1531, 1607, and 1682. The 1985-1986 apparition of P/Halley was the rst to occur in the space age, and the spacecraft and telescopic observations of its passage have provided planetary scientists with an enormous amount of new information about comets.

12.1 Structure and Composition

12.1.1 Parts of a Comet

12–1 Comets travel in highly elliptical orbits inclined in random angles to the (ap- parent annual path of on celestial sphere – i.e. the plane of the solar system). As a comet approaches the sun, solar heating begins to vaporize the . The liberated begin to glow, producing a fuzzy, luminous ball called a . The coma can be 1 million km in diameter. The solar and solar blow these luminous gases outward into a long owing tail, which can stretch to 100 million km in length (roughly the distance of from the Sun). The solid, inner part of the comet is called the nucleus. The nu- cleus, we think, consists of approximately equal parts of and , typically measuring only a few km to a couple of tens of km across.

12.1.2 Composition To explain the composition of comets, Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple coined the term dirty snowball, a simple description which has proved to be very accurate after many years of observations. However, it is important to note that the nucleus of a comet is never visible to -based observers because it is obscured by the coma. Observations of the nucleus of Halley’s Comet by 6 yby spacecraft in 1986, which we discuss in detail later, showed that its nucleus was potato-shaped and darker than coal, reecting only about 4% of + + the light falling on it. and water-derived (H2O , OH, OH ,H3O) appear to be the principal constituents of the nucleus. It appears that water ice makes up 50% or more of many comets and is the dominant constituent. Basic provides insight on the chemical species that may form from water ice as the comet approaches the sun. When is exposed to ultrviolet solar ux the following reactions can occur by : H O + h OH + H, (12.1a) 2 → H O + h O + H + H (12.1b) 2 → H O + h O + H . (12.1c) 2 → 2 Of these, reaction (12.1a) is the most common because it occurs in response to photons with energies that commonly occur in the solar ux. The others are rarer because they require more energetic photons. At even higher energies there can be additional reactions due to photoionization. Other common molecules are HCN, CH3CN, and (H2CO)n. The dark color of cometary nuclei is mostly due to -rich compounds and dust that remain as the comet’s ice sub- limates. Spectroscopic observations from Earth-based sensors and spacecraft indicate that gases within cometary comas are generally neutral molecules rich in CHON (Carbon, Hy- drogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen) elements, with elemental abundances that are consistent with solar composition. Lyman-alpha observations in the (120.6 nm) indicate that some comets are surrounded by a vast (107 km) halo of atoms. Calculations have shown that the production rate of hydrogen required to explain the atomic density of the cloud is too great by an order of magnitude or so to be explained by sublimation of the nucleus. This hydrogen is probably a consequence of dissociation of hydroxyl (OH) by .

12.1.3 The Tails

12–2 A comet’s tail always points away from the sun, regardless of the direction of the comet’s motion. The implication is that something from the sun is ”blowing” at the comet. In fact, we now know that the sun usually produces two comet tails – an or plasma tail and a dust tail. Ionized atoms are swept directly from the sun by the to form the ion tail, which is generally blue in color due to uorescing of (CO+). The dust tail, which is yellowish in appearance as a consequence of reected sunlight, forms when solar photons strike micron-sized dust particles that dislodge from the sub- limating nucleus. Light exerts a pressure on any object that absorbs or reects it. This is very weak, but ned-grained dust particles in a comet’s coma oer little resistance are are blown away from the comet, producing the dust tail. Dust tails generally form sweeping arcs have lengths that range from 1 to 10 million km. They are more prominent than ion tails and usually form opposite the comet’s direction of motion. Occasionally a comet, such as P/Kohoutek in 1979, is observed to exhibit an anti-tail that is oriented sunward. This is just an extension of the dust tail projected in the line between the comet and Earth. Ion tails, which may reach lengths of up to 100 million km, are usually narrow and linear in appearance, and display more ne structure than dust tails. The ion tail, which forms in the line of the solar wind, is composed of and ionized molecules. The structure and ionization properties of the cometary plasma indicate that comets have associated magnetic elds. Ion concentrations in the tail, referred to as streamers or rays, provide insight about the of magnetization. Spacecraft measurements have detected the presence of a that marks the interaction of the magnetic eld and solar wind. In the plasma tail elds of opposite polarity meet, forming a current sheet. Occasionally, the ion tail is observed to detach from the visible coma in an event referred to as a disconnection event. The reason for disconnection events is a matter of debate, with suggestions ranging from reversals in the magnetic eld of the solar wind to turbulence resulting in pinching of eld lines behind the coma. In one case observations of P/Hyakutake by the ROSAT detected the presence of x-rays, which have yet to be satisfactorily explained. In targeting Hyakutake, there was an expectation of faint x-ray return at best. Instead, the signal was 100 times stronger than even the most optimistic predictions. subsequent analyses of many other comets extablished them as strong x-ray sources. the mechanism of x-ray emission appears to be charge exchange between highly-charged heavy ions in the solar wind and cometary neutrals. This discovery dictates that cometary x-ray emissions can be used as probes of the heavy-ion content of the solar wind.

12.1.4 Sublimation To address the devolatilization of a comet as it approaches the sun, we begin with the concept of temperature developed in the chapter on . Assuming steady-state conditions, the balance between the absorbed and emitted energy on a body is

F (1 A) 0 =4T 4 =4T 4, (12.2) R2 e s 12–3 where A is , F0 is the , R is radius, is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, is the thermal emissivity ( 1), Te is the eective temperature, and Ts is the surface temperature of the body averaged over its entire surface. Another factor that must be taken into account is the eect of (sublimation), because under certain P/T conditions (high P and T) this process can absorb a signicant amount of the heat ux. It is possible to show that the sublimation rate (dm/dt) is related to the vapor pressure (Pvap)by dm m 1/2 = P , (12.3) dt vap 2kT s where k is Boltzmann’s constant. The heat ux due to sublimation is just

dm =L , (12.4) dt where L is the latent heat of evaporation for ice. Once a comet gets close to the sun, a signicant amount of the incident solar heat ux will be carried away by evaporation. It is then necessary to modify the steady-state ux balance to account for this eect: F dm (1 A) 0 =4T 4 + L . (12.5) R2 s dt So evaporation carries heat away at a rate that depends on the vapor pressure but the vapor pressure is dependent on the temperature. As a comet approaches the sun it undergoes a transition from a radiatively-controlled regime to a sublimation-controlled regime. In the latter the sublimation of ice controls the temperatue of the comet surface. But comets approaching close to the sun have a surface temperature of about 180 K independent of distance, because closer approach results in an enormous increase in sublimation rate with only a small increase in temperature. Note that the eutectic temperature for the -water ice system is 173 K. This suggests that for a water ice-ammonia mixture it is marginally possible to have a liquid phase. A typical comet is estimated to lose 0.1% to 1% of its ice every time it passes near the sun. So its ice should be gone after about 100 to 1000 perihelion passages, leaving only the dust and component. This material forms meteor showers. The process is accelerated if the comet passes very close to the sun, producing a sun-grazing comet. Occasionally, a comet’s nucleus fragments due to gravitational perturbations or other pro- cesses that induce stress in the weakly bound nucleus. As discussed later, this happened to P/-Levy 9.

12.2 Comet P/Halley: The 1985-1986 Apparition P/Halley has an average period of 76 years, a perihelion of 0.59 AU, and an aphe- lion of 35 AU. An armada of spacecraft, containing some fty dierent experiments, was sent out in a coordinated eort to encounter the comet as it crossed the ecliptic plane in March, 1986. Because P/Halley is in a retrograde , the closing speeds for the spacecraft encounters were about 70 km per second at closest approach. All the spacecraft

12–4 performed well, and in particular, the two Soviet spacecraft and the spacecraft of the (ESA) successfully returned the rst-ever images of a . The only records we have of P/Halley prior to modern observations are artists’ depic- tions. The 1301 apparition seems to have been particularly spectacular. The Florentine artist Giotto di Bondone painted an Adoration of the Magi scene in the Scrovegni Chapel in Padua, around 1303-1305, in which he used a comet for the . Good indirect evidence suggests that what Giotto painted was an accurate rendition of P/Halley as he had witnessed it only two years beforehand. In recognition, ESA named its space- craft to P/Halley Giotto. We will now take a brief look at each of the spacecraft that met P/Halley in 1986, in reverse order of closest approach.

12.2.1 ICE and IUE Much to the chagrin of American planetary scientists, none of the proposed US mis- sions to P/Halley were acted upon. However, a few existing spacecraft already in orbit were reprogrammed for the 1986 apparition. A 1978 International Sun-Earth Explorer satellite, parked in a near-Earth point, was renamed the International Cometary Explorer (ICE) and redirected to y through P/Giacobini-Zinner in September, 1985, and then to y past P/Halley in March, 1986, in order to monitor the solar wind before it reached P/Halley. The closest approach by ICE to P/Halley came on March 25, at a distance of 28,100,000 km. The ever-dependable Pioneer Venus was used to observe UV emissions from P/Halley’s hydrogen coma as seen from Venus, and even the twenty-year-old Pioneer 7 spacecraft, with its plasma detectors, was reactivated because it just happened to be in the right place at the right time. The Solar Maximum satellite was used to P/Halley during the six weeks when it was too close to the Sun to be seen from Earth. The 1 satellite was used to obtain UV images after perihelion. The International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) in Earth orbit provided extensive UV coverage of P/Halley all through the 1986 apparition. It is remarkable how many useful sentries we have in space.

12.2.2 and Sakigate Japan’s Institute for Space and Astronautical (ISAS) made its debut into interplanetary exploration by sending the twin Suisei (“comet”) and Sakigate (“pioneer”) to P/Halley. Suisei carried a UV camera and a solar wind detector, and Sakigate carried a plasma-wave probe and a magnetometer. Suisei observed a 2.2day period in the UV emission from P/Halley. This was very close to the rotation period for the nucleus derived in 1985 by Z. Sekanina and S. Larson based on a reanalysis of 1910 photographs of P/Halley. Suisei made its closest approach to P/Halley on March 8 at a distance of 151,000, and the more distant passed P/Halley on March 11 at a distance of 6,990,000 km.

12.2.3 and

12–5 The Soviets used their powerful Proton rockets to advantage to launch two Vega spacecraft towards P/Halley, by way of Venus. The term “Vega” is a contraction of “Ven- era” (“Venus”) and “Gallei” (“Halley”). The Venera part of the mission was quite novel because it contained two French-made balloons that were successfully oated in Venus’ . Vega 1 was the rst spacecraft to encounter P/Halley, and made its closest approach on March 6 at a distance of 8,890 km. Two days later Suisei made its closest approach, and then the next day Vega 2 made its closet approach at a distance of 8,030 km. Vega 1 was the rst spacecraft to image the nucleus of P/Halley. One of the best images of the nucleus from the Vega missions was made by Vega 2 at its closest approach. It appeared at rst that P/Halley had a double nucleus, but by combining several Vega images together it was nally determined that the nucleus is in fact a single, irregularly shaped object. The nucleus is approximately 16 8 7.5km3 in size, which is larger than had been anticipated. 12.2.4 Giotto The boldest mission to P/Halley was ESA’s Giotto mission, because it was sent closest to the nucleus. It was targeted for a closest approach on March 14, with a planned miss distance of only 540 40 km. The actual distance turned out to be 596 km, at 1 68.4 kms . The position of the nucleus using Earth-based observations was known to no better than 400 km, and so instead of relying on Earth-based observations for last- minute corrections to Giotto’s , a very successful collaboration between the Vega and Giotto missions, called the “Pathnder” concept, was employed. The close-range navigational data from the Vega encounters was used to reduce the uncertainty of Giotto’s miss distance by an order of magnitude, and the collaboration worked extremely well. Giotto passed so close to Halley’s nucleus that the magnetometer team recorded a sudden drop to zero of the interplanetary magnetic eld (IMF), at about 1 minute before closest approach. The spacecraft experienced the expected large amount of dust impacts on its way past the nucleus. At 33 seconds before closest approach, the rst instrument failed. At 21 seconds, another two instruments stopped working, and at 18 seconds a fourth went dead. The camera failed at 9 seconds. Signals from the spacecraft stopped altogether 7 seconds before closest approach, which was alarming because it was calculated that the spacecraft had a 90% chance of survival. In fact, the spacecraft was not dead, but just wobbling from the o-center impact of a 0.1 g dust particle, such that its telemetry connection to Earth was temporarily broken. The possibility of just such a disruption had led mission planners to equip Giotto with nutation dampers, which successfully brought the spacecraft under control within half an hour. The mission turned out to be a great success.

12.2.5 The Nucleus The most exciting outcome of the 1986 apparition of P/Halley was the rst images of a comet nucleus, returned by both the Vega and Giotto spacecraft. A detailed image of the P/Halley nucleus has been constructed by adding together 60 Giotto images, revealing two prominent jets on the sunward side and what appear to be craters and signicant topography on the surface.

12–6 The volume of the nucleus of P/Halley was larger than expected. Given the apparent magnitude of the comet before it reaches the sun, the Bond and geometric work out to 0.05 and 0.03, respectively, which makes P/Halley one of the darkest known objects in the solar system. The implication is that all periodic comet nuclei are probably twice as large as previously thought. The total and dust lost by P/Halley during its 1986 apparition was just slightly larger than expected. The estimate for the mean density of P/Halley is a low 100- 3 3 200 kg m , with an upper limit not exceeding 500 kg m . Earlier ideas that collisions would tend to increase the density may have been biased by terrestrial experience with snow near its melting point. The material in P/Halley’s nucleus is so cold that it prob- ably shatters on impact without signicant compression. The low densities mean that radiogenic heating from the silicate component of the nucleus is not a signicant factor, and therefore dierentiation of the nucleus is not expected. The 1986 Halley encounters upheld Whipple’s classical dirty snowball hypothesis. However, even Whipple was sur- prised at how low the density turned out to be. The other surprise was a signicantly 17 large amount of dust particles with masses less than 10 kg. The dust contained CHON elements. While the P/Halley observations of cometary nucleus have been extremely important in aiding our understanding of comets they must be interpreted with some caution. Be- cause P/Halley has experienced many solar passages it is quite possible that the molecular abundances measured are not characteristic of pristine cometary material.

12.3 Cometary Dust

12.3.1 Some dust particles blown o comets are too large to become entrained in the dust tail. These particles are not aected signicantly by solar radiation pressure and fall into heliocentric orbits. Sunlight reected by these particles is sometimes visible as a subtle glow in the night sky called zodiacal light.

12.3.2 Poynting-Robertson Drag and the Yarkovsky Eect Interplanetary dust undergoes forcing due to radiation from the sun. Unlike , a with scales with the mass (i.e., volume, or radius r3) of the dust particle, the force of solar radiation scales with surface area (r2). Thus, the smaller the particle, the larger the relative importance of radiative efects. Solar radiation eects can take the form of radiation pressure from solar photons or particle and energy ux from the solar wind.

12.3 Cometary Sources

12.3.1 The Cometary orbits provide important clues as to the origin of these bodies. typically discover about a dozen or so new comets in a given year. Some are short-period

12–7 comets, which have inclinations with respect to the ecliptic of 30 or less and orbit the sun in less than 200 years. Like Halley’s comet, they return again and again in predictable intervals. The majority of comets discovered each year are long-period comets, which typically take 1 million to 30 million years to complete one orbit of the sun. These comets travel along in extremely eccentric orbits, inclined at random angles to the plane of the ecliptic plane, and spend most of their time at distances of 104 to 105 years from the sun, which is about one-fth of the distance to the nearest star. Long period comets are discovered at roughly the rate of one per month, so it is reasonable to suppose that there is a huge population of cometary objects out at about 50,000 AU. This reservoir of cometary material surrounding the sun is called the Oort Cloud, after the Dutch astronomer , who proposed its existence in the 1950’s. Oort talked of ”a garden, gently raked by stellar perturbations”. Occasionally, random stars pass right through the Oort Cloud, signicantly perturbing comets in this reservoir. (Stars are expected to pass within 10,000 AU of the sun every 35 Ma and within 3,000 AU every 400 Ma). Though it has not been observed directly, the Oort Cloud is a widely accepted paradigm because of the long- period comet orbital properties. Comets do not as a rule display hyperbolic that would indicate their origin in interstellar space. Estimates of the number of comets in the Oort Cloud range as high as 1 trillion. Only such a large population would explain the fact that we see one comet a month even though each one takes several million years to complete an orbit. The Oort Cloud was probably formed 4.5 BY from the numerous icy that orbited the sun in the vicinity of the newly formed Jovian . During near-collisions with the giant planets, many of these chunks of ice and dust were catapulted by gravity into the highly elliptical orbits that they now occupy, much in the way that the Voyager spacecraft were ung far from the sun after their encounters with the giant planets. The gravitational attraction from the sun streches much farther than Pluto, in fact about half way to the nearest star, so cometary bodies perturbed by are not lost from the solar system. Gravitational perturbations by passing stars or interstellar gas clouds may force a long period comet into a short period orbit. There the comet will eventually be destroyed by frequent passages near the sun.

123.2 The Kuiper Belt Beyond the orbit of lies another source region of comets. The existence of the Kuiper Belt was rst speculated upon by Edgeworth, and is named after Gerard Kuiper, a well-known planetary astronomer, who among other discoveries, rst identied water ice in ’s rings. He proposed that no large planets could have accreted beyond Pluto because the long orbital periods at those distances led to very long formation times. He had proposed that there would be a belt of icy planetary remnants there that were never perturbed into the Oort Cloud by Jupiter or one of the other gas giants and therefore represent the icy remnants of solar system . The Kuiper Belt was rst detected by David Jewitt and colleagues, on the basis of identication of bodies with slow, retrograde motions indicative of large heliocentric distances. For an angular velocity d/dt (in arcsec 1 hr ) determined by , d 148 = , (12.6) dt r + r1/2

12–8 where r is heliocentric distance and =r-1is geocentric distance in AU. The apparent red magnitude mR of an object can be written

2 16 2 2 0.4(m m ) p R ()=2.25 10 r 10 sun R , (12.7) R

where pR is geometric albedo, R is the radius of the object, () is the phase function, and msun is the apparent magnitude of the sun. These expresssions indicate that 100-km-sized objects at distances beyond Neptune ( 30 AU) should exhibit apparent red magnitudes greater than 22, in other word, they are extremely dim. Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs) fall into three dynamical classes: (1) Classical KBOs occur in low eccentricity orbits and are mostly observed from 42-47 AU. These bodies are not associated with resonances of any and this class appears to be the most stable in a dynamic sense. Classical KBOs have small eccentricities (e=0.07) and maintain a large separation ( 10 AU) from Neptune. They have a wide range of inclinations, i=0-32. (2) In contrast, resonant KBOs, of which Pluto is the largest known member, have orbital periods that are commensurate with that of Neptune and thus avoid close encoun- ters with that planet. These objects are sometimes referred to as , to reect their dynamical similarity to the ninth planet; these resonant KBOs reside in the 3:2 resonance, as does Pluto. KBOs in this class possess relatively high orbital inclina- tions and eccentricities that may have been excited by Neptune during an early, transient period of orbital migration. Corrected for their smaller mean heliocentric distance, this class of KBOs probably constitute about 10%-50% of the population inside 50 AU. The eccentriciities (0.1 e 0.34) and inclinations (0 i 20) bracket the values for Pluto (e =0.25,i =17). The resonance provides immunity to the destabilizing inuence of Neptune. (3) Finally, scattered KBO’s occupy highly inclined and eccentric orbits, which likely resulted from close encounters with Neptune. Scattered KBOs likely represent a source of short-period comets. Occasionally a Kuiper Belt object becomes gravitationally perturbed by an encounter with another similar object or by the accumulated gravitational inuence of one of the outer planets. The object becomes diverted into the inner solar system. By this scenario it is believed that the Kuiper Belt is the source of most short period comets. While scientists had long assumed that short period comets were long period comets that were perturbed into smaller orbits, there had always been a problem that the short period comets were restricted to low inclinations. Having the Kuiper Belt as an alternative source of short period comets solves that problem. The unusual Saturn-crossing body Chiron may have had its origin in the Kuiper Belt. Long thought to have been an , Chiron has on occasion been observed to display a coma and have comet-like outbursts. Because the Kuiper Belt is much more accessible by remote Earth-based and even spacecraft exploration, it has been an area of signicant recent interest. Kuiper Belt objects are now beginning to be resolved by astronomical surveys and about 100 such objects are have so far been identied. There are preliminary plans for spacecraft missions to observe one or more Kuiper Belt objects up close but this will not occur until some time in the future. Up-close measurements of a Kuiper Belt Object would provide extremey useful

12–9 information on the chemistry of early volatile solar system bodies before solar encounters that modify surface structure and chemical abundances.

12.4 The Pluto- System The best-known inhabitant of the Kuiper Belt is Pluto. Although it is clear that Pluto shares dynamical and chemical properties with other KBO’s, there is an opinion on the part of many that it retain its place as the ninth planet.

12.4.1 Planet X Subsequent to the discovery of Neptune, the search was on for a ”Planet X” that might explain unexplained aspects of the motion of Neptune that were hypothesized to be due to a more distant perturbing body. After an exhaustive sky search, Pluto was discovered by Clyde Tombaugh on February 18, 1930, as a dim (15th magnitude) object. After discovery its orbit was rened, and analyses of its showed its preiod of rotation to be about 6.4 days. But even after repeated observations with the largest little more was learned about Pluto until the 1970’s. In 1976, spectral analysis showed the existence of frozen (CH4) on Pluto’s surface. This discovery was exciting because until then only water ice and frozen had been detected spectrographically. The detection of an ice surface was also important because it indicated that Pluto must have a high albedo, which put a constraint on its size. Unlike the other planets of the outer solar system Pluto was small – smaller in fact than the Earth’s .

12.4.2 Pluto-Charon A second major discovery was made shortly thereafter. On June 22, 1978 James Christy performed a systematic study of photographic plates of Pluto and noticed a con- sistent distortion that turned out to be a satellite, which was named Charon. The presence of a satellite allowed the rst estimate of Pluto’s mass, and it was found to be about 0.2 that of the Moon. Further observations show the radius of Pluto to be 2302 14 km, while Charon is 1186 20 km. Charon has a mass of about 0.12MP luto, which makes Charon larger than any other satellite relative to its primary body, including the Earth- 3 Moon system. The average density of the combined system is about 2000 kg m , which is consistent with a composition that is about 0.6-0.7 rock and 0.3-0.4 ice, predominantly water ice. The spectrum of Pluto shows that in addition to methane and water ice, the surface shows the signature of frozen nitrogen and carbon monoxide. The presence of ices on the surface combined with the suspected gravity eld led to the expectation that Pluto has an atmosphere. Pluto and Charon are locked in a synchronous rotation and revolution. This means that one side of Pluto always faces Charon and vice versa. In this conguration, no tidal evolution of Charon’s orbit can occur as in the Earth-Moon system. Interestingly, the orbit of Charon around Pluto is slightly eccentric. The deviation from circularity is small (e = 0.0076), but any deviation is unusual for a system that is so tidally locked. This has led people to speculate that Charon has been the target of a relatively recent collision. This opens the possibility of internal energy dissipation due to solar tides,

12–10 that could conceivably result in heating and perhaps the loss of volatiles from the interior or surface.

12.4.3 Orbital Properties At certain times, the plane of Charon’s orbit around Pluto can be seen in an ”edge-on” conguration as observed from Earth. This allows the possibility of analysis by . The rst denitive observation of a grazing occultation was made by Richar Binzel. As these events continued it became possible to rene the diameter, masses, and mean desnity of the system. They also allowed surface spectra of Pluto and Charon alone and it was determined that Charon’s surface is covered mostly by water ice. High resolution imaging by the Hubble Space showed areas of dark albedo on the surfaces of the bodies that could either be outcroppings of rock or (more likely) radiation darkening (by UV) of surface ices.

12.4.4 Seasonal Changes? With respect to the sun, the Pluto-Charon system has a signicant orbital eccentricity (e=0.249). The orbital conguration is such that Pluto is closer to the sun than Neptune for about 20 years out of each 248-year orbit. At perihelion, the last of which was in 1990, Pluto was 29.7 AU, but at aphelion in 2114 it will be at 49.5 AU. The orbit is tilted signicantly with respect to the plane of the solar system (approx 17), and in addition, the inclination of Charon’s motion to the plane of Pluto’s orbit is 99. A ”pole-on” cong- uration can sometimes occur at perihelion. As a consequence of the orbit orientation and tilts, temperatures on the surface of Pluto and Charon can vary greatly. Spectral data of bright areas have yielded an approximate surface temperature of 35-60 K. The atmosphere is likely regulated by vapor pressure equilibrium with the surface of the dominant species, likely to be methane. It is possible that during ”winter” (when Pluto is beyond Neptune’s orbit), that much of all of the freezes out, possibly falling as methane snow to the surface. Because of a desire to study the atmosphere, proponents of a Pluto mission argue that it should occur in the next decade or so, before the possible deep freeze.

12.4.5 Origin Given the unusual orbits and the similarity of Pluto to Neptune’s satellite Charon, that Pluto is an escaped satellite of Neptune. This is an interesting idea but does not explain several aspects related to orbit geome try. Neptune and Pluto are in a 3:2 . This resonance is ”librating” such that Neptune passes Pluto in its orbit only when Pluto is near aphelion. So a collision between Neptune and Pluto can’t occur in the current orbital congration. The tilt of the rotational axis of the system and the fact that Pluto has a moon could potentially both be explained by a massive impact.

12.5 Comets and Planetary Evolution

12.5.1 Sources of Water and Organics

12–11 Comets may have been important sources of volatile material in the terrestrial planets. They may have supplied material to planetary and existing and/or extinct oceans. An important question in is how much water planets accreted and how much was deposited subsequently from comets. To address this question, it is im- portant to understand the isotopic signature of cometary water. This is done by measuring the ratio of /hydrogen (D/H). When water is lost from a system, the ligher hy- drogen atom is lost preferentially compared to the heavier deuterium. Mass spectrometer measurements of Halley from the Giotto spacecraft indicate that the deuterium/hydrogen (D/H) ratio of the Halley nucleus is very similar to that of the Earth’s oceans. Howevever, re-analysis of that data in concert with Earth-based spectral data indicate that the ratio is more correctly about twice Earth’s value. A single measurement of D/H in the Venus atmosphere has been interpreted to rep- resent evidence that that planet may also once have had an ocean. Further, the source of the ocean was hypothesized to be early cometary impacts. Recent detections of radar-bright deposits at the poles of from Earth-based observations and the detection of hydrogen at the lunar poles by the mission have both been interpreted to be water ice in perenially shaded craters. If these interpretations are correct, then the source of the water must be cometary. If impacts delivered water to the Earth and other planets, then they also could have delivered complex organic molecules, which would have possible implications for the origin of life. Comets could also have had negative implications for life, as their impacts would have catastrophic consequences on the biosphere, as discussed in Chapter 5.

12.5.3 Comet P/Shoemaker-Levy 9 Jupiter perturbed a previously undiscovered comet out of its orbit, causing it to insert into Jovian orbit. When the comet passed near perihelion, the gravitational attraction of Jupiter broke it apart into at least 18 pieces. The comet, which was discovered by Eugene and Carolyn Shoemaker and David Levy, was described as a string of pearls. The orbit degraded and the pieces impacted in August, 1994. The collisions were more energetic than the impact at the Earth’s K-T boundary, which has been linked to a major biological extinction event. The comet pieces entered on night side of Jupiter, but just before so observations were possible soon after the impacts. Upwelling plumes were observed in some cases. The pieces ripped holes in Jupiter’s atmosphere and it was possible for the rst time to look down through the upper layers. The holes lasted for weeks, which provided information on upper atmospheric dynamics and mixing on Jupiter. These impacts are also providing much information on the composition of the comet, and of the mechanics of the impact process.

Problems 12-1 ...


Comet P/Halley Special Issue, 1987, and Astrophysics, 187, 1-936.

12–12 Jewitt, D., J. Luu, and C. Trujillo, AJ, 115. 225, 1998. Newburn, R.L., M. Neugebauer, and J. Rahe, Editors, 1991, Comets in the Post-Halley Era, Kluwer Academic Publishers. Wilkening, L., 1982, Comets, University of Arizona Press.
