II lACLers to participate in

IP Memorial Day ceremonies , 'J\ ITIZEN t~ p('(' t " t to 'l'hfl Pat'ltle CUll enl .oldl.. · of World Wnl' 11 In the n o'nnd. of the Capitol Mlmbmhlp PubllClUon: J.panlll Amer'". CIIIII'l ~,,,,", us III,,,;, SI., L.. AII'lII.. , C. 90012 (213) MA 6·4471 mlghl well b. a Japancse R U I I din It Nntlnnni J ACL WASHINGTON - Following \Yl'l'lItha prcfI (mtc-d by Ulu ko 'ubll.hld Wllkl, Empl L.1t Wllk " thl elm '"111 It Los Antll .., CIIK, » (,Ush'ml o( :1 1 yeats, the Ns• Aluel'icAu. " St.lkula and JMk Htrap; e. Y'II '- """'! '''111' tiona t J np"I\\,,~(I Amerlcnu 10 ~- 1lI ' nka Sak" 'a. Ifill Shlma• tt.ii·(,n.~ 'VAshluctou, D.O. Vhapt.,r ..kl L,,"a.guc w ill pt"'esent Chairman Paul lI!htmoto I960-Chlantn Ollou FRIDAY, MAY 23, 1969 Edit·BuB. Office: MA 6·6936 TEN CENTS a "'I'('nth at the Tomb of the 19(H-·M rs Aklk o twntft, John Yo• VOL. 68 NO. 21 will pro•• nt the offlolal Na• . hlno Unknown oldier. In Al'llng• tlonul JA L ",rtaU1. Nor• tOll National Cemetery during 1 9 ~;;. ~ 't: .. ,, \~11 'Y Sano. Enl lan o b s~r"n n c(l man tkarl. chapter &.r~.sur­ 0 \(" nationnl (If er and a vettran of E Com· ~ =:. u~~ r "!" ~~':' hl HN1\Orial Day. May 30. pany, 44Znd R ...lmonta l &: Torn HI .. Th. J ACL is on. of thP few ombat Tfam, wttl prestnt rrn~ ~ ,r ~~ t' ~ ~ t l c~~U ~ r~ ~~~ h'. non .. v N~ran~ ol'J,1aulzalions a wnath on behalf of tho I O~ H ftrrY TakR.' • that I. permltled 10 partici· 4Und Velerano A.... I.tlOD I06tJ-Chflrl u Pflt' c> pate In Ihe n,ol'nlng-Iong 1067-Kor O llh lkl JACL firms commemoration of Centennial of Southern Call1ornl • . 1S!68-Col, Glenn Matsumoto & ceremonies at which wl"E'aths. J ot' tohtujl (or 4Und V('Itc>I'Im, be~innin~ " Not only ore Jnpancse ~ I " tl o n of Southern C~lItor .. with that of thc Ivy Baker Priest lerved eight vocation; Henry Taketa, Seer.· Gold Hill. President of U,e Uniled Slales. Americans privUeged 10 be SACRAMENTO-The $13,000 mento. hlatory ot Wakamlsu col .. nn,ong those recogniled as be• Nov. 11 Pa.llolp.nll goal estubllshed by the North• years In the Eisenhower ad• ony; alneln, of "Okel Lullaby" by There are two approaebea are plaoed al Ihe Tomb of the from Sacramento to the lite: Unknown Soldiers or World Ing worthy o{ pl'esenUnM ern Colllornio-Weslern Neva• minjstration as Treasurer of :UF8:~:~~~ ~ft~1 J~~~~t ~~~ Wl'("sths in these colorful nnd In addition, Shhnosakl re• d. J ACL District C 0 u nell the United Slales. VIA lNTERSTATE 80 - Tako War I. World War II, and cRUed lhal Jock Hirose Carol The Utah-born leader, who fTanclaco; Jerry En,omoto, JACL Slate Hwy 48 at Auburn to Colo- Korean " 'ar meonlng(ul national ccre• (based on 0 $1 per member national president; William Penn ~Id tu~l, 0~1~~~0I-b'a monies, bul J ACL Is provided 'fsudn, Cpl. Florence lron. uml contl'lbutlon) to inaugurate is now a Beverly Hills res• Mott, Jr., director. State Oept. ot R2 The J ACL recalls lhal {our• the opportunity to once ogoln nnd Don Komai hod portlel: Ihc J ACL cclebroUon of 1960 ident ond morrled to reallor Park, and Recreation. prelenUnl School. (Total of about 52 ml from star General Jacob Devers, paled Ln wreoth ceremonies Sidney Stevens, has long been ~~ ~~~e~hl~' u~~n,;tfin ~e~~ Sicramento). remind all Amerlcnns of the os U,e Joponese Immigration VIA U.s. 5()-.Tumot1 at Lotua who wns Commander of the sacrifices made by Ja panese on Veternns Dny, November cenlonnial yc:or was c:xpecled interesled in governmental Glady, Akin. pre.a.. G

J, Friday, May 23, 1989 PACIFIC CITIZ!N-3

8i11 Hosokawl Volpe slights Chinese Fro... the Frying Pan at Gold Spike rites SAN FRANCISCO-The Chi• an oversight or an insult. nese Six Compo.nics IOlt week Ii As an elected representa• Donver, Colo. (Moy 13) urged Pre.ldenl live ot the State of CalIfornia, JENNIE'S BIOGRAPHER - Ralph Martin's name Nixon 1..0 give proper recognJ· I implore you to make pubUc tion 10 Ibe 12,000 Chinese apology to the Chinese com• probably doe n't ring bells wilh today's crop of Nisei worker. who buill the West• munity." and 'an5I'i, but it should. He Is the biographer of ern link of the lranscontlnen• 12,000 ChInese Ben Kuroki. isei hero of the Army Air Force in ta.1 railroad. "Their monumental dee d Mrs. Wong, a former teach• World War 11. MarUu. Stars and trip<'s corrcsr..ondcnt wal monumentally mangled" er and a four-generation Cali• Rnd Yank l\1agazine writer, told of Ben Kuroki s strug• by Transportation Secretary fornian. said that more than gle 10 win acceptance ill the armed force of his own Jobn A. Volpe In the princi• 12,000 Chinese worked build• country in the memorable book, "Bo;t From Nebras• pal address May 10 at the ing the Central Pacific over Gold Spike Centennial cele• the Sierra to its meeting point ka". It WAS one of lhe first, if nollhe flrsl Ume a Nisei bration, said Dennll Wong, at Promontory with the Union had been the subject of a book distributed nationally. president of the Chine.. or• Pacilic. Perhap the book was bit a bit ahead of its time and ganization, In a telegram to Volpe's tailure to give an,. memories of the war were too fresh. At any rate it the Wbite House. credit to the Chinese labor• Wong said Volpe's speech, ers. who used pick and shovel enjoyed only moderale success, which is the fate of in which he described the and blasting powder to carv. out the difficult Sierra cross• most books, and Martin went on to other writing railroad building 01 "a tri• umph of American knowhow." Ing, Inturlated a San Fran• chores. cisco Cblnese delegation sit.• His lalest book, the 19th as I recall, is "Jennie." was "a deUberate distortion ot ting on the platform at Pro• American hJstory." montory as Volpe spoke. the story of Winston Churchill's mother. It is enjoy• Volpe's failure to make any ing phenomenal success, ranking al the top or near it The principal orator a' mention ot the Chinese work Ihe Gold Spike celebartlon, on various best-seller lists, and has gone into its eighth crews ot the Central Pacific the former aepubllcan Gov• printing. No one, not even Martin, expected it 10 do Railroad stunned a San Fran• ernor of Mauaeh11llleia, so well, although he had enough confidence in his cisco delegation from the Chi• balled the jolnlnr of the nese Historical Soc let y ot raUs .. "a trIumph malerial to cancel his contract with a publisher and AmerJcan sitting on the same at take it to another who was willing to commit himself platform at the Promontory, American knowhow." Utah, celebration. He spoke of the formidabl. to issuing a second volume on Jennie's laler life. work of boring the Sierra Martin was in town for personal appearances to Olarlnr OmissioD train tunnels and said. "who promote his book, and he recalled over a sandwich Wong said "It was deplor• else hut Americans could able that the men who built chisel through mil.. of lOUd that he had been deep in work on it when his good the Impossible railroad were granite?" friend Larry Tajiri died. In earlier visits they had dis• not recognized" after histori• Other speakers did make cussed the book, and it seemed only mUng that it ans and the Chinese Historical some passing reference to the should be dedicated to Larry. And so it is. We talked Society had spent years pre• Chinese railroad workers and paring to use the occasion of to the Irishmen who largely about Larry's marvelous talent and mourned that it ISSEI APPRECIATION NIGHT - Tosh Nakashima America. Singled out were the oldest man and woman the centennial to pay a tribute built the Union Pacific. was snuffed out so soon. Martin and Tajiri had planned left), Eden Township JACL president, handled the in the area: Mrs. Juko Nakashima, 77, and Kaku• to them. Members of the San Fran• "In this day of concern over cisco Chinese delegation on to collaborate on a play, but that's about as far as they saburo Korematsu, 92. -Hayward Daily Review. got Both were struggling to make a living; neither emcee duties at the Issei N ight dinner marking the student unrest," he said, "we the platfonn were Chines. 100th anniversary of the Japanese Immigration to are equally concerned that a Consul General Chou Tung• had the means to take time to work on such a gamble. department ot Government hua, Philip P. Choy and But with "Jennie" doing so well, Martin just might fails to relate truthtully at a Thomas W. Chinn, the lalter national celebration the con• two being leaders ot the Chi• be able to invest the time necessary to write a play. tributions ot every minority nese Historical Society of It may not be the one he and Larry tan.-ed about, but group to the building of this America, which dedicated again it just might be. It just might. country. plaques at Sacramento and Kurata asks for reconsideration "Does Volpe speak for tho Promontory in tribute to the • AdmlnlstratloD? Chine.. who worked for th. • • Central Pacific. TORONTO - Toronto lawyer rata. Cugelman, a young lawyer versily of Toronto '45) and a "We petition to your (Teat PULSE-TAKING-Shortly before Martin's arrival, two years out of law school, lawyer (Osgoode Hall '48). ofttce for a redreu to cor ... Unlike Sec. Volpe, the three Arthur Maloney said the On• Kurata, DOW tears the same were well aware that non. we were visited by another writer of long acquaint• tario Provincial cabinet should ground of misbehavior will be te.tilied he was defending a "Well. I guess it's not the rect the record for hlslo..,. man who was charged along for the benetll of all Amer• ot the Chinese railroad work• ance, Masaru Ogawa, senior editor and director of the reconsider its "hasty" decision used against him by his fel• end 01 the world," he said. 1 ers were Americans. In tact, low lawyers 10 debar him with Mrs. Lonsberry and he don't know what I'm going to icans." Japan Times, Tokyo's largest English language daily. to remove Judge Lucien Ku• Wong said the Six Compa• 1oreign-bom Chinese were rata from the bench. when he resumes the private met her about that tlme. They ... well, we'll just wait and barred for years from becom• California-born and reared, Ogawa went from Colum• practice of law. The tlrst Ca• talked quietly and normally, see,!) nies, a national Chinese pub- The Toronto judge was dl.s• lic s e r vic e and legislative Ing citizens. bia University to Japan in the late 'Thirties to pursue missed earlier this month nadian Nisei jurist clalmed If be • a I d, and she certainly the inquiry were conducted as didn't seem Uke a woman who FlDdlnr. body, spoke for 300,000 Chi• ----- his education, and there he became one of Japan's after a report tabled In the nese In the United States. The Legislature found him unlit to a court trial, he would have had ju.t been t h r 0 u g b a Justice Keith said: "HIs outstanding editors. Ogawa Is traveling through the been acquitted. frightening experience. (Kurata's) story with respect tormal name ot the organiza• Jack London's houseboy serve "by reason ot misbe• tion is the Consolidated Chi• States--,Seattle, Denver, Sl Louis, Chicago, New York, havior," Maloney said Kurata should Jusllce Keith described Cu• to the reason Policewoman have been given an opportu• gleman's testimony as "having Watson was in the room is nese Benevolent Assn. counted the words Washington, Atlanta, Dallas, Los Angeles and San Maloney, one of two law• Francisco--on a pulse-taking tour at the request of the nity to comment on the re• no value whatsoever. His de• childishly preposterous and yers who represented Kurata port to the cabinet-which is• meanor and deportment In the not to be believed for one mo• SAN FRANCISCO - Assem• SEATTLE - A visitor here Yoshida International Education Foundation. at a public Inquiry belore sues orders-in-coUDeil - be• wilDe.. box did nothing to ment." blywoman March K. Fong de• this past week was Toklnoou• Justice Donald Keith, sald the ke Sekine, 77, of Tokyo who Mostly he is interested in American public opinion tore the final decision was enhance my oplnlon ot hi. Justice Keith'. report Is an manded a public apology last haste In tiring Kurata was as veracity." was Jack London's bOllRbOT made. inch thick and goes Into the week (May 12) from Secre• for three years. about Okinawa, the U.S.-occupied island roughly mid• hard to accept as the report "The decision to fire Judge tary of Transportation John way between Japan proper and Taiwan. The United that condemned him. He ask• Would Do II Apln testimony of each witness in Describing the San Fran• Kurats without giving us an detail seldom found In even A. Volpe for ignoring the cisco-born author as a very States has acknowledged the "residual" sovereignty ed that Kurats be allowed to opportunity to a p pea I to Justice Keith referred to thousands ot ChIne.. who appeal before the cabinet to the most searching Supreme commOD man but a big man, of Japan in Okinawa, and now Japan wants to know them." said Maloney. "was Cugeiman as "the Ineffable Court case. labored in the building ot the argue the commission verdict. Mr. Cugelman ..." transcontinental railroad. Sekine worked at the Glenn hasty and high-handed." It concludes with a halt• Ellen (CalIf.) ranch home, when she can regain administrative control. Ogawa "There are many appealable "Cabinet meetings, of course, CUrelmsn commented that The Oakland legislator, the says hardly a day goes by without some kind of Oki• grounds in the report and r It was "the commlssloDer'. page tiUed simply: "FInding." whic:h is now a memorial to are secret but there is a pro• This was: first woman of Chinese des· the writer. nawa story appearing on the front page of Japanese greatly hope the cabinet will cedure that aUows Interested l'rerorallv. to accepl the cent ever elected to the As• reconsider and allow us to evidence of a common pros• "For the reasons set out in "It was my job to wake him newspapers. Okinawa has beeome an issue heavily groups to present briefs to sembly, was outraged by up in the mornings SO h. draw their attention to them." them. Various labor bodle. do titute aDd drur add I c t the toregoing report and the charged with emotion among the Japanese, particu• Malone ysaid. conclusions which I have ar• Volpe's neglect of the Chinese could write, n Sekine recalled, that sort 01 thing, for instance. aralnst thai of myself aDd workmen in a May 10 speech Alter the manuscript was ''I (01 a bad, deal, a bad Jndre Kurata. rived at, I find that Provincial larly the leftists. The government of Prime Minister Unprecedented Step at the Promontory, Utah, cen• finisbed, his wife would type deal;' ""Id Kurata. who re• "If I found myself In the Judge Kurata is by reason ot tennial celebration marking Sato realizes that something must be done, and the sl&'ned as reeve of S,vansea his misbehavior unlit to serve It and "1 counted the words• shape of that something may be a timetable for Oki• "I'd like to see us allowed 'ame position again I would completion ot the railroad. and sent it to the Hearst Pub• shortly before his appolnl• to present a brief to the ceb• still come forward with my as a judge, and hence is liable "As you must know/' Mra. menl to the bench In 1966. to 'be removed from office be• lishing Co. And it was Sekln. nawa's return. inet, to all of them, to part of evidence In spite ot the roast• FODg said in a leIegram to who tound his employer un• Be said he was "not rreaUy the cabinet or maybe to a tore attaining retirement age,' Volpe, "many ot these work• The Nixon administration is well aware of Japan's surprised" at Keith's deci• ing I received from the com• pursuant to the Provincial conscious on the tatal mornin, committee of the cabinet. missioner both In the court ers performed their labor UD• ot Nov. 22, 1916, in his bed. desires. Much of Foreign Minister Aiehi's visit to Wash• sion. Courts Act, Statute ot Ontario der virtual servitude and to ington next month is expected to be concerned ,vith "Unprecedented? Maybe and in his report u 1968, Chapter 103, Section 4." Three Char,e. so. Bul 10 Is the procedure Justice Keith was critical of sUght them now, 100 yean the Okinawa issue. But Ogawa is likely to find on his later, must be termed either Support PC Advertisers Justice Keith held eight Ihat resulted In Judre Ku• Maloney tor not asking Mrs. No HesllatloD tour that the rank and file of Americans are preoc• days' hearings in March to in• rata'. dlsmissat." Lonsberry If she r e c a II e d Justice Keith said he bad cupied with many matters that have a higher priority Kurata wa. thorou(hly speaking to Cugelman. quire into c:harges that Kura• roasted In Ihe reporl whlcb no hesitation In accepting the WELCOME TO SAN FRANCISCO NIHONMACHI than Okinawa. Ogawa was too polite to say it, but ta, 46: Disturbed I-Tried to kill himselt said be "did not frankly tes• evidence ot Policewoman Wat.• general ignorance on the Okinawa matter may well be Ilfy ... created a credIbil• "I'm particularly disturbed,u son, who he described as "of INTRODUCING THE SECRm Sept. 1 last year; unblemished cbaracter, mar• the fault of thes media. The newspapers and TV com• 2-Mistook Policewoman Ity (ap . . . his stor:!' Is said Maloney. "that the com• OF ORIENTAL LOVELINISS mentators have virtually ignored the subject. Chances Marlene Watson for a prosti• childishly preposterous." missioner tailed to understand ried. young, a respected mem• Justice Keith's report also that Mrs. Lonsberry was on ber ot the Metropolitan Police are we'll be hearing a good deal more about it before tute, invited her into his office Force, engaged in the protec• and indecenUy touched her; took broad swipes at Maloney the witness stand, told her Appliances Hardwa,. SHISEIDO long. and lawyer Bernard Cugel• story, was cross-examined by tion ot women and children and, from assault, indecent and Imported Gifts 3-Propositloned thiel-pros• man wbo appeared as a wit• me, then left the hearing ... COSMETICS all thi. happened before Mr. otherwise, who s e evidence titute Kathy Lonsberry, prom• ness for Kurata. with respect to matters while 1620 POST STREIT ising be could use his influ• At the Inquiry, Kathy Lons• Cugelman came to me to tell SAN FR,ANCISCO MUTUAL FUNDS berry testified Kurata invited m~ about ~,is conversation she has observed in the course SALES ence to help her In court in ot carrying out her duties is T.lephon.: 346-5010 National investment Co, expanding ita marketing return for sex ~ ber into his office Nov. I Wlth her ... sometime betore court opened Maloney, usually aftable, regularly accepted in courts Keith's 221-page report was such as those over which staff in the Los Angeles Area. Full and part-time presented by Attorney Gen• at 10 a.m. She was sitting in clashed with the commission• fuJi-ya Judge Kurata presides." positions-company training program. Earnings eral Arthur Wishart to the a corridor outside a court• er severa) times during the unlimited, Phone 628-4688 for confidential inter• Legislature. It said Kurata room waiting for trial on a hearings. At one point Justice Continued OD Pare 6 TOMIKO ",2 POST • UN F.... NCISCO was guilty on every count, theft charge. She said, wben K e I t h accused Maloney of eoekl,,"l TEL, (415) 9114102 view. Kurata approached her. "studied insolence" and said that he lied under oath to the ~~ (MAIL ORDERS ACCIPTID) ,...... , inquiry and that he was unfit She said Kurata, once in hi. he would deal with him later. lunehBrm to hold olfice. oUlce with her, made inde• \\faloney claimed In his dancing Japanese Records The attorney general pre• cent advances and she fled, summing. up that Kurata ~. ROSE HILLS j badly shaken by the experi- was belnr perseculed by a JAPANESE CULTU .... L sented, along with the report, OFFERS OPPORTUNITIES j & Tapes, Magazines "A Life Time Opportunity" an order-in-council firing Ku- ence. senior police offIcial - he t T ....DE CENTER didn't name him-who re- r TO MATURE MEN ISil WEBSTER ST. Books It Gifts sented Kurata's not·tougb• t • FREE TRAINING FOR A l pH: )06-0700 e n 0 u ( h attitude toward t CAREER IN COUNSELING I SAN F.... NCISCO some or imina Is. San Francisco supervisorial board The comm.issioner found the I Excellent Earnings j police acted properly. f and Company Benefits N. B. JAPAN When he received the re• t CALL port Kurata was a combina• DEPARTMENT STORES adopts Title II repeal resolution tion of the glum and the ta• t OXford 9-0921 l DISTINCTIVE Glm tallstlc. Since the end of the ~ ASK FOR l Kimonos & Accessories FOLKCRAFT 31·DAY SUMMER SAN F RAN CIS C 0 _ The The Supervisor's action fol- hearings In .March he's be,,!, t MR. FRENCH I Distinctitle Gifts BOOKS Board of Supervisors of the lows that of tbe City's Human et home,. domg n'!thmg. He. s ~~~ SAN F.... NCISCO City and County of San Fran- Rights Commission, which al- both a mmmg engmeer (Uru• 1722 IUCHANAN ST. 1709 IUCHANAN STREET STUDENTS TOUR cisco unanimously adopted a so unanimously passed a resO .. SAN JOSE ....N F.... NCISCO PH: 146-1979 resolution urging the repeal lullon calling lor repeal on 140 E. JACKSON ST. ot the Emergency Detention April 24. Act - the federal law which provides for in t ern men t KGO·TV manager airs $988.00 camps. Care and The resolution, which was ·INCLUDE AIR FROM WEST COAST G .. iEWAY adopted May 12, was intro• bid for Title II repeal Eagle Produce duced by Supervisor William C. Blake. It places the City of SAN FRANCISCO - Strong 929-943 S, Sin Pedro St, MA 5-2101 San Francisco o!ficially on support for the JACL-initiat• June 2S, 1969 Departure ed drive to repeal Title II of Convenience record as opposed to the 1950 Bonded ConunissloD Merchants statute, and calls upon Con• the Internal Security Act of from Los Angeles gress to repeal the law. 1950 was voiced May 7 over Wholesale FruIts and Vegetables - The Board o( Supervisors KGO-TV, the ABC network Los Angel.. 15 Completely escorted,. 70% of meals, all transfers, good station here. .ccommodations, tickets, sightseeing and the finest Japanese pointed out that under the act, persons accused ot ques• David M. Sac k s, station are nearby ... professional professor instructor. limited membership so reser· manager, expressed the opin· v~tions must be made early. Write for detailed Itinerary. tionable conduct could be thrown into camps without ion in KGO-TV's dally edi• trial and without an OppOl'• torial. Recalling the Evacua• PAY-LATER PLAN Is slill available at 5%. For tunity to examine evidence tion, he said "this must never your credit union Instance, a down payment of $198 is made (minimum down or witnesses against him. happen again". Is 10%> on the above tour, leaving an unpaid balance of $800. Payment on loan at 12 monlhs is $70 per monlh WILL LOAN ON YOUR SIGNATURE . (total amounl of note being 5840); at 18 months is H7.77 p ROSE HILLS . sI 00 _ 12 monthly paymenls of $8,89 per month (Iolal amount of nol. being $859.86); It 24 months Don't buy from UI. MORTUARY., .CEMETERY Is 536.66 per month (total amount of nol. being 5870.84). 5300 _ 12 monthly paymenls of $26.66 There are no other charges. (Rent Instead.) People care at Rose Hills. Care has created S500 _ 2~ monthly payment< of $23.54 PleaM &end me det,lIed Information. the convenience of every needed service 5750 _ 2~ monlhly payments of $35.30 Mr.lMrs.lMI»'______Or leose. Cors and Irucks. AI roles '0 oulrogeou,ly low, Ihey at one place ... inspired the beauty of the SIOOO _ 2~ monthly payments of $47_07 Add'.'l.'______moy g,ve No.1 and No.2 gos poins. like from $5.00 per doy world's mosl naturally beautiful memorial S 1500 _ 36 monthly payments of $49.82 ond 5¢ 0 mile The big boys moy chorge you Iwiee os much for park ... and proVided the comfort of . City State'_____ -'-Zlp ___ _ the some cor. Clean cars. New cars. Dependable cars. Impalos, sympalhetlc, experienced counselors. At lim. o Am interested In Pay·Later Plan. Chevy II"s, VW·,. Monlhly roles ovoiloble. leosing roles, 100. of need, call Rose HUis for every need: Mortuary, Cemetery. Flower Shops, Chapels, Oon't buy from us. R~nt or lease. The nome is Aft Aulo·Reody Inc, We re reody when you ore. J ,,~ Nowl Coli 624-3721 ~::;~::.:;:;;:c:e fot Inform.flwn IIna ,~W!rv.tion cont.ct yOUt Irolvel agent et C.""dl.n P.elfle, 51< w. 6th St., LA. 626-2371 Aulo-Reody Inc., 354 Eo.1 Firsl 51reel, los Angele •• Colifornio ...".~/""",.."..It/t·~'fttlr·WOIf~TI.IIISI'OITAJ . d IPOO Workawl MIll Rod a Whittier, Califomi& a OXfGPl t-em1 .. mT18 .., ...... i ...... ~ Warren still mum • PACIFIC CITIZEN JACL letter backs s. 1872 Sounding Board Jeffrey Matsui on his role as Imllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllil Publlahecl "'"~~ce~~ t\~: , !~f~~:<'t !:n~f!C:~~a~ 'tl 1l(\1U LulU' WASHINGTON - Follow• our eltabUsh.d Judicial proce• anceetry betor., durin., and Fdltarla\.. ll"Jln UJ OWn In, ts Ibe complete te", of dure •." after World War n, Insplt. ot ftrn. 1O'l. In WeUer St., l,()S Anplu, c.Ut. 0001.1 - (113) tit" e ~en~" the JAOL leUer Inlerted b:r Your Introductory r.motu the fact that restd.nt III.nl, Evacuation pusher Sen. Daniel Inouy. iD Ibe Enter.d '" tnd CI ... MAU.r It 1.0. Ana.'''' eft'" -- sutulcrlJ'ucm t~.th~r::;cn;. o~I~~:e~E~:II~"i! thougll lawfully admltt.d for Con,re.. lonal Reo 0 r d of permanent relidence, could Noguchi Hearings Jt. t ~J . S~P:\~~~~1 ; 1·$1;.t'''~~lttO~A~· p~~ ~·'~l"~!;,(\r.~o $7 ( \'~(!~\\;Cln~·~·f" 8.v GUY WRIGHT May 1 in lupport 01 S. U11, Ilntute by reterrlng to the nol become naturallz.d clt• $I." or J Ct.. ltt~n \ b.n. Mp nUt . ror YUT ~ ul )Je 'JfllI~n the bill 10 repeal the Emer- MI\)' 1il 68 Report of the HOUle izenl b.caUJe of the ractal SAn Frnnolsco 10DO:!' Detenllon 11.01 (Title Un-Amerlcon Activities Com• prohibltionl ot our nationallt;y C(\_t 01 .Uma.lllnl the t'C-Unttt'd Sta.tt~1 and It. r~"Ulon. , All npolollY from Chlel Jus• would die. Under cross-exam• b-.C:8~ ~~~ I OUl\«a and 1 a('ln\ for uch addlLionn ounce or n of the Internal Se.urlty mlltee that Included • recom• II WI of that tim • . Lalt week the NOKllChl \I ce Enrl Warren for lom.• Aot of 1950): m~nduUon "for the po•• lble h ear I n g s begnn. Martin In ation she corrected berself by saying Noguchi's aatu";! 3uQ Enomoto, N .. t~J~' -:- K n,o Kun"~u.\I, PC Board Chmn thing he dId long ago-that II ule of lheae dct.nUon campI JACL'S Conc.rn Weekes, deputy county coun- Ihe lion 1 Of • determined bond AprU '23, 1960 tor ccrtaln block naUonaltsta st.. tement wa. that h. ''kn.w Na.tlcmlll J CL ttudq,ouun ~~n:a1; ~IS I~!:.ni~!o~~~!i Robert Kennedy would dl •. 1634 PoIt ~ San }"ral\cbco. Calif. »-411& - Phonit (415) WE 1--6644 of J apanos. AmerlcMs hor•. Dear Senator Inouye: nnd Communl.ta." You ob- In any event, It ts because Wbenever Warren vi i i Is the On behalf ot the Japanese served too that "Many diul• ot our wartlm. .xperience voice and it was immediately In the cross-examination, Mrs. Field was • • k.d what No. CaW...... ~d~~Ul!:"J6 Rb~~~~:rt~'t~ San ",.u('I,co Dol I08 Bay Are., these plcketa of American Cltlzenl L •• 8 u e dent. In our Ioclety fear us. that Japan.. e Americana In 0 b v lou s th. strategy the n ~ "'tnd made her change ber mind conscience appear to (JACL), th. only natlon'l or- or Title II. It Itandl al a bar• ~:~~~II:t :·,~~~ra~~~t County 01 Los Angele. would n'strttt C(\tl"~ U RtlfI'.. fntaU" .. him of his role in the wArUme ganl ••tlon 01 Amorlcanl ot rl.r 01 lruat botween lome Itl employ to win ita c.se. The from a month ago wben sh. PN\,'DC _ Ed 'I"lUtaklwl: NC .. WNOC - Homllr Takahashi: ~CDC- inlernmcnt 01 their people Rnd Japanese an c e . try in the people and our Government." T • 11. Atter all, we ot Ja- County did not plan to brIng was an avid supporter of Dr. b~ba~W~=~~ ! Mn~~ ~g.~!~~.~ io8~'if:llo~t7::l·: to off.. · 10 nccept hI s apology. United Statu with chapten To relule the argument that ~:~o;,~c~~.c~:t ~e~n~ Noguchi (sbe cried when the out any specific charges of in• doctor waa flrlt luspend.d, pulal Co.r~\'Iondtntli For .. very Ipeolat realon and memb"n In 32 ltates, may Title II would not be put into b. arbItrarily d.prlv.d of competence but would instead W uh~t(ln BUrtau Chi": ROlfe-r NlkaJdo we'll dlsou... tn a moment, w. commend you and your operaUon In the United States, told Mrs. Noguchi t1'!. dll• their treodom and of th.1r pr<>- buUd their ca ... on the pubUc's missal was due to racial dil• aa : lU~~=:~':::\'B~I\I:; Bultman 20 cO-lponson for introdUcing you recaUed the World War perV and detained In what memory of th. Japanese lut Frldl\)' AprU 18, 1989, II evacuation and d.tentlon .t.· crimination, started a petition have euphemistlcaUy be.n de- reotype of the World War II In the offic. to get the doctor sxee~t ~~~~ ~ftn~~"r~t~:it~ ~~c~PJ~gtt ~:,Ue4 GUEST COLUMN S. 1872, a bill to rep•• 1 the 01 some 110,000 penona ot Ja• scribed .. war relocation cen- per I 0 d,- the power-hungry Emer.ency Dotontlon Act of pones. anceatry f.rom their tefl. cold, cruel, violent, ladlstlc reln. tated). She • a I d Ih. BARRY K. BONDA. Editor changed her mind alter get• 1950, which Is TIUe II 01 the We.t Conot homes and a ..o• J ACL II determined that no Oriental. thoy wanl thai apolol1' be• lnternoi Security Aot 01 1950. elations, without trial or hear- ting the "Iacts". When Mr. other Am.rican, or IlrouP of It appeara the new. media Isaac asked her how she ,ot Friday, May 28, 1969 fore he retires trom the Su• AI you 10 eloquonUy ex- lng, at a time when aU 01 our Americanl, will ever &lain be caught on at the wink of an 4- preme Courl nexl month. lalned In Introducing this courta were functloninl, 11m• the to facts", she said she cam. IUbject to detention 101el,y on eye and have not b.en cover· about them by reading thl So IBr, they II\)', he h .. de• r.e, ll laUon, TIU. II whtch Wal ply becau.. .. Commanding th. JTOUndl 01 IUspected 10- In. the hearin,. but have clined to ilv~ d •• crlb_d by the Iben Chair- General suspected that th.re newspaper and talking to Mr. It. y a I t y, that any cItizen or been selling the public the old Weekes and Herbert McRoy, Warron wal here t h r e e man ot the Judiciary Com- might be some among the group ot cltlz.nl may be in- stereotype of the "Jap." For weeks ago (April 11 ) to speak mitt... Pat McCarran as a eva cue.. who might enga._ administrative assistant to Dr. Iern.d on the prernmptlon 01 tbls reason, it seems that some Noguchi and who ia presently at Berkeley. His topic, "Hu• "concentration eamp mCBJure, in labotaa. and espionage. th. probabillty of commitUng 01 the choice testimony agatnst mBn Rlghts and Radal 011- working with the county coun• pure and lImple" during floor Th. r.corcb BI you know, c.rtaln prolcrlbed acta, that Dr. Noguchi hal ,..,ceived Iit• sel to prosecute the doctor. crlmlnaUon " lent an extra t conl lderatlon of thll provision 01 tho Federal Bur.au of In• the .onltltutlonal guarantee. tie or no covera.e becau •• It An Afro-American, Edwart! • piquancy to the presence ot almol t 20 y.ars ago. "vlolat.. vestiaatlon and Army and ot due proc... may be denied did not fit the "correct" ltere• BLACK STUDIES PROGRAM Ihe 25 Japan... Amortcanl G. Day a senior eoronu's in• a number 01 our establlsh.d N a v y Intelll.ence indicate on the pretext 01 a proclalm- otype. vestigator wbo could not re• who scated them.elves down lreedoml and consUtutional thnl there was not a Ilnale ed "Internal security emer- Godlrey Isaacs, Dr. Nogu- By 1970, virtually. every major college or univ~r. Iront - and rematned scated call witn.ssin, any abnormal rl,hta. The procedurel detl ll- instance 01 elllionage or labo• ,ency". chi's attorney, has thus far behavior on the part 01 his sity in the country will have a special Black Studies when the rest of the audlenc. ed in the Aot are I t odds wIth tage by a restdent of Japan... b gave him a .landlna ovaUon. A~~~c:;,·aa~·~o~tdJ~:e~ ~:'~!tio~a~r" ~i'tnC:::; former chief when queotloned program, devoted to the study of the Negro past, the J:'e by an Investigator workln' for Negro psyche, and the Negro accomplishments in WII not authorized by apecltlc H. has In many In.lanc.. vir, Mr. Isaac Ie .. than a month LBtcr some 01 th.m .aul ht statute. Nev.rth.I.... In a tually deltroyed the tesUmony allo, testified for the Count;y. politics, the arts, literature. and public affairs. Many up wtth him 0 u til d e I.nd time ot hat. and hylteria of the wltne.. for the County. He said Dr. Noguchi beamed of these courses will be taught by men and women who braced him about hll role In Igaln.t a wartime .n.my, It Unfortunately, it ha. general• with "joy" when h. looked will not have advanced college degrees or other con· the warUme roundup. waa carrl.d out by the Com- Iy gone unreported in the into his busy, overcrowded ventional academic credentials. They quoled published com· mandlng General 01 the Welt- news media. Those who bave autopsy room during the ments attributed to him at the ern Defens. Command aI a attended the hearing, there• height ot the Influenza epi• Five years ago, only a handful of the institutions time: "miUtary necessIty" Iince he fore, have a totally dll!erent demic last Decemb.r. H. aae could not determJne the in- view 01 Dr. Noguchi trom testified that twice befo,.. of higher learning offered such courses. u' Ve don't want to have a dividual loyalty or disloyalty those who have not. Many are ••oond Pearl Barbor In Cal• after great tragedies h. had Similar emphasis for Asian American studies has ot those 01 Japanese ancestry .hocked and dl.appolnted at noUced a !flook e1 ation'· or ifornia ... U th. Japs ar. on the Pacilic Coa.st and lince the local news media and ot emerged in recent months on various campuses in r.I.... d no one will be able a "slight smUe" on Noguchi'. there was the probability that "American democracy" within face. Yet Mr. Isaac had great California. to tell a saboteur (rom an1 some might engage In subver- the County 01 Los Angel ... other Jap." difllcully in trying to have If the Black Studies program is to be that fashion· sive activIties. • • • Mr. Day acknowledge th. able by 1970-like the fashion of other exciting con· According to various ac• Subl.quenUy, the Supreme counts of the Impromptu .n• Courl of the Unlted Statea Tho witn ..... for. the Coun• taped interview h. had with cepts. one wonders if it will fade away as fast. The counter Warren brushed allde upheld thl. evacuation as a ty that have proVlded te~.- his inv.stlgator. "God Is Dead" thesis flashed in and out, if you re• the demands for an apology, valid exercise 01 the war po- mony . to esta)lUsh Noguchi s ••• member. saying: wers. And, in the words 01 bad. unage, msotar as the We all bave a st",ke tn this Further, the experience at San Francisco State "I never apologize for a past then Justice Jackaon "Th. racial stereotype, have b""n hearing. Justice and fair play act. Besides, that Is jUlt • prindple (01 wartime' exclu- oth ... minority race people. II' must be a part of our system suggests a black studies program exclusively for blacks matter 01 hi5lDry now." . Ion and .vacuaUon) then lIel tact, looking at the county. ot government. Without it is not that durable. It attracted more than 500 en· about Uke a loaded weapon list of witnesses would lead racIal ancestry will again be ready for the hand ot any au- you to believe the Caucasian judged a crime as It w .. dur• rolees for 11 courses in the 1967·68 fall·winter quart· To Edison Uno, Ray Oka• thority thai can bring forward employees were In th. minor- Inll the sprin/! of 1942. ers when it commenced. Within a year's time, the size mura. Mary Anna TakaRI and a plaullble claim of an urllent Ity. Hearings will continue on to of classes had shrunk to a fifth or less of their original the 100.000 others who were n ••d." Even the choIce or Martin May 22. 23, 26. 27 and 29, enrollment. Of course, many of these students by this rounded up and ahlpped oU Soda! sclentitt M 0 r ton Weekes. an Afro-American, as all starlin/! at 9:30 a.m. at the time were manning the barricades for a more urgent to desolate "relocation cen• GrodJin., writing in the Unl- the county counsel to pros.. County Hall of Admlnlstra• ters," It Is more than just a v.ralty 01 Chica.o Pres. docu- cute Dr. Noguchi ..ems fun- tion. 500 West Temple St. reason-to establish an Ethnic Studies department as matter 01 history. menlary "American. Betray- ny when you r.allz. that out Also this reminder: While a declaration. one might say, of independence on the It Is a wrong that n ••ds to ed" In 1949, concluded that of the 58 prolesslonal em- tbe Co u n t y has u.nllmited be acknowledged, not only fOT "Japan ••e Americans were ployees at the County Coun- funds (via our tax doUan) part of black university students. ita own sake but to prevent It di~nity the Imm.diate victirnl of the sel's Office, only Weekes is and penonnel, Dr. Noguchi'. It is our hope that once the of the Black from happening egain. evacuation. But the larger non-Caucasian. d.lense must be privately American is restored in the acaderruc grove and keen· The Japanese Americans in consequenc.s are carried by Ironically, the County's wit- Dnanced. Therefore, friend. of er awareness to the significance of racism 10 the war tim e California were the American peopl. al a ne.. that received the most the doctor as well as concern· American experience is developed, the need for Black rounded up in a wave ot na• whol.. Their I.,acy Is the publlclty and tried the dam- .d tltlzens bave .stabllahed a tional hysteria. Not one shred luting one of preced.nt and est to make Dr. Noguchi look defense fund for him. You chauvinism can be radically reduced so the natural of evidence 01 disloyalty b .. constitutional sanctity for a bad was the doctor's fonner may help also by sending a curiosities of students-blacks and non· blacks - will ever been found againlt them. policy ot maas incarceration personal secretary, Mrs. Ethel letter of support or a financial erode the distinction between black studies and ordin· We simply panicked - Earl Don't Rock the Boat Syndrome under mllltary auspice •. This T. Fleld-a Nisei. Sh. testi· contribution to: D.fen... For ary course work. Warren no more or Ie .. than Is the most Important result fled that Dr. Noguchi had said Dr. Noguchi, P. O. Box " .. While Black Studies may drift from American col· theBut rest the of Japanese us. Americanl 1.-______' ~~a~~J':.:'"J::I.~tn =~a~e~ h_e_'_'b_o.,:P_ed_"_R_o_b_ert__ K_e _nn_._d_y_Lo_s_An_g_el_.s,_C_alit_. _._9_00_84_.__ lege campuses as quickly as it paralyzed them, the 1",,1 there's an urgent TOBlon T hat proc... betrayed all anger and frustration that explain it as a phenomenon why be should apologize now. AmerIcans." are certain to find other means of expression. There Is a law, TIU. n 01 Letters from Our Readers Two year. earlier, in 1947, if Asian the Internal Security Act , the P,..,.ldent's Committee on Wash line Roger Nikaido On the other hand, the American courses which would permit the l ame longer had her job. He seem- C i v i I Rlghta, dedared that continue to grow and hold fast, the social scientists mistreatment of any other Noguchi Hearing ed non-pluss.d and let down "The most strlldng m.... in- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 alter all the pride he took in in I with in another decade may be in an undesirable position group in some future crllll , Editor: what she was "doing for our terrerence s c. savery of avoiding the trap of comparing these two ethnic and the Japanese Amerlcanl, You've h. ard of "Tokyo country." He said he couldn't the rlghta to physical tr•• dom studies programs. with a first·hand taste of in• Rose." Well, we seem to have understand how she could wa. the evacuation and ex- Divorce: justice, are filhting to get It a "Los Angel •• County Tulip," ~~~~~t °ir~:slli: ~~~p~~~~ . . . rep.aled. who got on the witness stand suddenly lose th. job she had VERY TRULY YOURS They believe Chief J ustice for the county. 11 Godfrey lor so long. That happen.d 25 during the past war .. . The Isaac, Noguchi's attorney, can y.ar. a,o, but this Ethel Field JTound given for the "vacua• Japanese Style That chap from Japan is still around in the Ice ~~;~~'~e8~:.U!0~y~I~fc; ::: . bake her testimony In cro ..- (something about her) made tlon was that the mllItary s.• .xamlnatlon, al he did Mc• me recall that incident 01 curily of the nation d.manded Capades-the West Company, that is. Unbeknownst mendous momentum to their In the middle-cIa.. real• ed with so-called WhIte mld• campaign. Roy's, he's a genius. many years ago. the exdusion 01 potentially to me at the time we reviewed Mitsuko Funakoshi's The tact of Ethel Field'. I suppose Ethel Field wiU disloyal people from the West d.ntial community of Garden die-dass and middie-age mar. As Attorney General 01 CaI• Grove, Calif., a mlddie-aged nages, there is some evidence glittering performance in Los Angeles with the East ilornla at the time, Warren Japanese descent, added to now get $100 a month rals., Coast .. . we are disturbed Company, the high·flying Sashi Kuchiki was in Hono· h.r air of conlldence, didn't as did Michael Wood, after by the ImplJcaUonl of this mother and father ot three that this trend is catching on played a major role in the go Noguchi any good ; but I mar r led, coUege-graduate within • t h n I e communities. roundup. Noguchi got fired. And per· epllode so tar as the future lulu dazzling the audiences. Sashi also has married am contldent that Isaac hal haps a promotion? ot American civil rlghta I. cbUdren are calmly discussing The lame circumstances, with a member of the corps, Christine Wood of Toronto, more than enough talth In divorce proceedings in the Uv• some devIations, which are MARY TANI concerned. Fundamental to causing W hit e middie-ag.d and they plan to make Toronto their home when not More than a year ago Mr. hts case to get the truth out 2922 S. La Brea our whole system of law I. ing room surroundings. With Uno wrote to the chief justice, 01 her. If Noguoht loses after dispassionate approval, both parents to seek a divorce, ex• traveling, according to Star Bulletin reporter Dick Los Angeles 90018 the belle! that guilt is per• ist in Nisei marriages. asking him to acknowledge aU it will obviously be be• sonal and not a matter of parents have decided that the Gima, who straightened out our misapprehension . . . his wartime mistake. Warren cause the deck Is prestacked heredity or association. Yet in same legal process of mutual It is not a highly kept se• PC circulation manager Yuki Kamayatsu has an eye didn't answer. Instead, he against blm, and not even Min-On Group this lnatance, no specific evac• consent which held th.m to• cret, especially within the for arranging flowers with a mod dash and her in· turned the task over to an Isaac could save him. u.es w.re charled with dis- gether for 24 years is about grape-vined street. of Nlhon ex e cut i v e secretary, who D. ar Editor: to separate them. And. with Machi, U.S.A., that a t t e r novations have decorated the office over the years. Ethel Field remlnd. d m. In the May 9 P.C. I saw loyalty, espionage, or leditlon. the diplomacy equaUed only wrote that "it would serve no of a Nisei by the name 01 The evacuation, In short, was World War II, and for the This past week, two artichokes which husband Charles good purpose to dredge it up the following paragraph on in a Geneva Conference, th. Nisei the end ot relocation Betty Ogawa, who during front page under the heading not a criminal proc ••ding in• two parents tally, negotiate, thought he was raising for his salad dish were mouth· at this time." World War II, was paid by volving Individuals, but a sort centers, many marriages were "Nthonmachi fete attracts and divide into two equBl hastily consummated with the watering pieces in a vase on top of a filing cabinet. Three weeks ago Mr. Uno the U.S. government to spy ot mass quarantine ...n wrote again, urging Warren 50,000." parts their property boldings, general attitude 01 "shil.; KIYOSHI KA· p.m., at the Kettering YMCA. W AI, prea1dent ot Downtown JA• it was announced by Dr. of her round·the-world tour from the Japanese iamillH II 1I1~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!i~~~;;~~~~~~;;I!!~;;;;;;;!!;;~!I!!!!!!!!!!i~;;~ CL and pubUc relatJoni officer of James Taguch1, chapler pres• lb. took wt year during her real, be Is lookini ahead to the Sumitomo Bank or Call1or• ~acher'1 I8bbatlca1. making that trip. lIlA: and AXIRA KAWASAKI. Ident. J 6-PACIFIC CITIZEN Dayton Juniors to "rile nbove poUtlca1 aspecta" or twu C(JJ.(Jut!r'. cu ~c. 81 of ot lhr cuac. "U one man is not lost J an. I , 1.",c said it wo. li'l'iday, May 2:1, 1969 Straight 'A' high school Qraduafes WITNESSES TESTIFY AT NOGUCHI talrly treated, then aU orr In Unot an unusual amount when tope school books dunger"_ you are dealing with 1,000 lJA Y'l'ON -,'hc Dn yton-Cln• "~ml.ntalCommercial Refrigeration of Oriental and Asi• Merit honornblt' mention, IOhool promise-substitute and then Noguehl was Intoxicated. were employed In private in• an An"rican PoUtical Al• ---1r--- McRoy replied sometimes (To be continued) Designing Installation m~an r z~ ~e ~~ft!~~~ ·- No. 1 tn cll,,,,,. subsequcntly os an amcnd• dustry, he would have been Maintenance liance. student bod y 5('!C.. GAA v.p.: ment, to the internal securlly Noguohl wOllld Jump up from fired, the lawyer said. his dcsk, run across the room, Supposedly, these two MVP t('""la player. bills then under Senate eon• 'WItness Tamperln,' Sam J. Umemoto 1000 Club Notes slderaUon In Lhe summer of slap a woU map and ory, groups are concenled with the O~~::~'dl~':t~~;:~~r, 2DlnR ~:~ Cerllflc.l. Member of RSES ---1r--- eltllcn aWArd. ~!eRI'~ook editor. 1050, J ACL wos among those "Thl. Is my Jurisdiction." Noguchi- One month after Dr. No. Member of Japan Assn. of nanny OSMo-Cinu prelllde.nt who opposed it. When the In a second look ot coro• May 15 Report Conttnued from Fronl Paie ~;~~ w~:s tl';;~e~o'.:' ~~soJ~~~ Refrlgeralion. " Is There an }!;~:"lrl~~~~:~~bAIl~bttlketba l1- Congress approved it, JACL ner's aide Sawyer's work rec .. Nationu, HeadQlHulCl"S ac• urged the President to veto ord, Isoac hod McRoy admit said his client was the victim month raise and promoted to Lie. Refrigeration Contractor Asian American knowledged 9 t new and re• N., n (' y Ka.wRmolo-No. 11 In Snwyer wos not paid over• is pertectly competent. Isaac SAM REI·BOW CO. ~~I~i. ~:~~ "';e~ I~I ';!t;!P pr~imt.rt. It When the President did ~~~~ }~ a!~e n~~~~ty counsel's 1506 W Vernon Ave. newIng memberships ill the veto It, JACL caUed upon the time but had received 486 01 "Intrigue and mlsunder· 1000 Club during the Ilrst halt problems of th. Japanese, Wlthn~.81 I1~~ l~\~ltt~A~nt 10S en1t,~ Congress to sustain the pres• hours 01 compensatory tlme• standing". ~:L:O:siAin~g~elie~'~~~AX~i5i-5f2:0:4~ I of May as follows: American Ftt'ld ~rv1C!4t V.p. Idenllat acllon. UnfortunateI,)', off ond Isooc added that Saw• Weekes desorlbed Noguchi Wood'sWhile statementIsaac regardedto be very t • Chinese, Filipino. and Korean %tn.d Yen: &In FnnclJco-.M,a· yer could not certainly have a8 a "complex collage" and damaging, he viewed 1he raise American communities. How• sao W. Sato\\' (Spact' dO('. not a llow A more In JACL's opinion, Congress un YUI'! Wllsh'l'C!~Uptown-Dr. dcscrlp\l\'c f"C'COJ'd or the ftccom• overrode the veto and enacted been "overworked" as charg• .ald he inlend«l to tell "the in salary and position as e\ ~er, activities hnve been con• Rov M. Nlsh.1kaw •• ~~.rent.s or these ,nduDtCJ. the Internal Security Act of ed. Metamorphosis that is Nogu• "tampering wit h witnesses" centrated henvily upon Japa• fO Ul Xur: SncramC!:nto--Joe Ma· chi himsell ... there Is a lit• and vowed he would prove tsunaml 1950. 1I1r•• Ethel T. Fteld, the next nese and Chinese issues such lSth ~ear : Downtown L.A.-JUS"~ Those were the days when witness. was Noguchi's COn• tle bit of Noguchi In each of the County as guilty. as Dr. Hayakawa and Noguchi \.ice John F. Also; Mary.vOle• anU-communlsm WOS 8 feUsb, ftd entlal Nisei secretary. She us." With the matler of the Bill Z. Tsu.lL Seven bus loads go on Noguchi was charged with and Chinatown. 16lh Ye:n: Ma.ry5VIUe-Georl. when tnvestigatlons ot aUeged said she wa•• hooked by No• uknife". which Dr. NoguchL Y. Okamoto; Twin CtWU-TII)ruIO Communlsls In Government guchi's swearing. But IS88C overworking coroners aid e was accused of carrying In bls Symposiums and confer• Issei Pioneer Project Lewis Sawyer, who died of a Tsuch '. were acclaimed, and when the objected 10 Weekes' line of belt and supposed to have ences sponsored b)' these 15th "ear: San OleCo-Paui Ho- Korenn War threatened our questioning, pointing out that stroke the previous week. No• used in a threatening manner groups have been geared to shI; M.ary$.... Ue-Georae H.. lno· LOS ANGELES-Seven chor• guchi once lold Sawyer, whom ~:lv: Sacr.ment~Dr Henry 1. For Eastern secnrity. it was not grounds for dis• against various members of those of Japanese or Chinese tered busloads of Issei, AC• Since that day 19 years ago charge or censure and "it that he used as chauffeur, that he his staJJ. Isaac produced not origin despite the fact that SllthaT-:al: 1.0 BNc.h-Harbor• companied by members of the when the Inlel'l\al Seeurity were the case hall 01 the high would work him " until be only the surgeon's knife but Dr. John E. K.a~lw.b.ra; Sacra• Issei Pioneer Project, spent dropped" . . . Hand drop he they are adverUsed as being mento-Dr. James J. Kubo, Act became law, conditions counly Officials, 'neludlng our also the belt, which included Geor.e the day at Lake Elsinore May did," Weekes said, noting that oriental. Asian or yellow. I Mat.suoka: Chtcqo-Dr. KC!:njl within the United States have ch i e I adminIstrative Officer, a short wave radio to listen to Kushino; Santa ~rbara-H.rold 10. changed drastically, as well as would be fired". Sawyer's funeral was being police calls and ''beeper'' used More like~' than not, the L«: L.A.-L.Y1Ul N Downtown The outlng, which Included hove the International rela• U n d e r cross-examlnBtioD, held the 88me day. to contact Dr. Noguchi wblle .peakers would be Japanese Takag.kf. seeing wildflowers In bloom, 13th Year: Mar)'syUle-RobC!:rt tions of the nallon. And, until Mrs. Field admitted that on Overworked? in the field-said to be stand• or Chinese. Kodama. West l..os An8elu-~'lrI. drew some 300 highly appre• recentiy, it appeared that Title AprU 15 when questioned by ard equipment for those in Close examination of the Toshiko Komal; f"'runo-Or. Su• ciative Issei. Funds for the Isaac's Investigators and Mrs. Weekes said Noguchi work• Dr. Noguchi's profession. mJo Kubo; Ph.iladelphl.-earT)' G. occasion were raised by a Conllnued on Page 8 ed Sawyer lor a total of 486 et.bJtic membership make-up O)~ Isaac, she could not recall any The knife was displayed, Yu.r: San JOM:-Hury Ish'- rummage sale held in April. lIerratlc behavior" on the part boun overtime In 1968 and small with a sharp blade tltted of these two groups reveal a Members ot the Progressive 103 hour. overtime in 1969 predominance of Japanese ~~~~~ SJP:!'":~~ ~Ol~ of Dr. Noguchi but that her Westside and West Los An• memory was refreshed after January and February. The ~tom~dic~elte~=e;o ~err:::! 475 GIN LING WAY - MA 4-1821 and Chinese Americans. The ~~~U~~~~flk~~~ geles JACL Women's Auxili• r eading the newspaper ac• very day Sawyer was giving performance 01 his duties to New Chinatown • Los Angela Filipino and Korean Ameri• York-K y u t c~ su,ihan; Gre-• ary also participated. Shindler Clowns testimony against Noguchi's shAm.Troutdalt'-Kaz T. m u r a ; counts of the charges against ~~m~~dd:~g from victims _B_a.n.;.Qu. t\ _R_oo_m_fo_'_A.II_O_ccas_~ can people are sa i d to be Prog. WHU!de-Henry K. yoshJ· Dr. Noguchi and after con• aUeged erratic behavior in of• ..maled, factionalized and so mlne. ferring with Weekes and Mc• flce, he collapsed and never No Dlscr\mJna~loD tew in numbers, that there T . l~T:~~~DrA. G~~ 5,000 anticipated for seek new faces Roy. recovered, Weekes declared. Is difficulty in seeking them moto: Saeramento-R 1 c h a r d T When It came to specltlc Isaac countered by saying Noguchi bas treated all em• OUI tor membership. :=o~~o~Pe~!sh~:i Sacramento picnic June 1 charges agalnst Dr. Noguchi, Noguchi loved aU his em• ployees in the omce wltb DA Y'l'ON - The Ohio Nurses her memory was sharp. She ployees and that he "cried kindness. Isaac said, seeing Yet, the people are there Sb!bata; SeatUe-CbarFe;" C. To• Assn. District 10 annual ban• sbi: Ve.nJee-CUlver-Ml's. Betty S SACRAMENTO - Another had alleged that Dr. Noguchi when he learned ot Sawyer's that secretaries all bad fresh and are confronted with t b e Yumort. crowd of over 5,000 are ex• quet was entertained by the appeared livery upset and death". Isaac added that Saw• flowers on their desks every oame problems as the Japa• 10th Year: Garde.na ValJey-Joe p e c ted at the Sacramento Dayjon JACL S h i n dl e r kept saying he was gOing to yer died of a "terminal ill• Monday, taking many of the W. Fletcher: VenJee-CUlver-Dr. Clowns Mar. 18 at Stratford nese or Chinese. Ha.rold S. Hantcia: Detroit-Walter community picnic June I at a ..a.s lnate certain people In ness" having nothing to do workers to luncb with him .~ a result, a clarifieation H. Mlyao; San Jou-Stephen S. Elk Grove Park. some 14 miles Inn, head clown Frank Titus the office and get revenge on with this bearing. and financing an office Christ• Nakashima; Alam~.-Jfm S. Yu· south of here. reported. Weekes said Noguchl's of• of the ,,'Ords Asian and orien• Hollinger (county admtni.lra• mas party out of his own rna .. Program commences at 10 The group (Ray Jenkins, tive officer) and certatn mem• fenses in office were mosUy pocket. tal is needed. In due con- Ar~~~:o~,:-~~eXki~ 1~~ a.m. Entertainment for the Fred Fisk and Titus) got so bers of the Board of Super• agalnst little people, such as Noguchi never discriminated 6lderation, it seems that an sald: Chlca&o-Dr. George T. Okl· young teenagers, games and carried away by It all that visor". But her answers, on "a Japanese secretary, a black against anyone because ot race AsIan or Oriental organization tao races for old and young alike they were on stage for nearl,)' cross-examination, became un• secretary and a young kid". or ereed, Isaac said. His office and its program activities ~w~~e1;f,t;-~o~ are on_ta_p_.____ _ 45 minutes to the joy of the certain and full ot "I don't The persons he would be call• was (Ia delight in American· would emphasize Japanese ta; Seattle-Tam S. Iwata; San men, women and chIldren in recall clearly" evasions when ing as witnesses will present ism". and Chinese interests and ~~&t '~~~S . ~ the audience. Isaac pressed her for her three types of emotion regard• Noting that Noguchi was Midweek golf tourney The Shindler Clowns, per• ing Noguchi: "love" by those oJtim o\'er Korean and Fili• Dr. William M. Jow; Cleveland• memory of kind acts perform• accused of baving a backiog WilUam S. Sadataki; Lena: Beach· for Gardenans slated haps the only "organized" ed by Noguchi tor her and who knew Noguchi before his pino interests. Harbor-Frank S. Suatyama; Sac• clowning group within J ACL, other staff members. Hsickness"; Hanimosity" by ramento-Boward Yamaeata. GARDENA-The 2nd annual are constantly looking tor new She broke down In tears those who knew Noguchi dur• SANTA ANA. CALIF. 7th Year: Gardena VaUey-Joe recruits from among Its chap• ing his troubles; and "re.. On the same vein, Orienlal. N . Hashim.; Downtown L.A..• Gardena Vall e y J apanese when Isaac asked her about (South ot DisDeylanli) Mrs. T. kay 0 Kato; Arlzona• American Citizen League gol1 ler memberships, Titus added. Sawyer. "Is it not true that morse" by those who knew er I should SSS, Asian Ameri• George C. Onodera; Dayton-Mrs. him afterwards. can students have been work• MalUde Taguchl: Snake RJver• tournament will be held on on August, 1968, Dr. Noguchi james Wakacawa. Wednesday, June 11, at the c han g e d Sawyer's Y -rating Isaac, In summing up his ing to establish Oriental, ex• 6th Yur: French Camp--John Alondra Park Golf Course. KARA TE DEMONSTRATION (Axed rating with no chance opening statement, said Ori• cuse me. Asian American stu• T. F u j I k. I ; VenJee-Culver-Mrs. o~ entals traditionally suffer in KAWAFUKU from 10 a.m. promotion) to one of dep• Sukiy.1i - Tempu .. dies classes at L.A. State, UC ~ ~~,~w:~~~~~: Entry fee of S15 will also ENDS IN BLOODY MESS uty with promotional oppor• s i len c e when persecuted. Davis, Sacramento Stale. Onchl. include a buttet dinner and tunities . . . and that he en• "There comes a time. when Su"'i - c.btoIb. 5th Yea.r: Chlcaco-Allan L Sa· prizes. Deadline is June 5. SEA'ITLE-Sllpping at the couraged him to go back to silence is betrayal, and silence UCLA and Berkeley b a v 0 gio: Downtown L...A.---Muasht Ka · here by Dr. Noguchi would 204V. E. lit St.. already iItitiated e\asses of its wagucht. Reservations are being taken moment a karate instructor school to take up photography • Hickory Forms of Ohio I be betrayal," Isaac went on. L.A. MA 8.9os4' own. Merits of these classes 4th l'ur: Milwaukee-B e n r y by: planned to block the thrust ot so that he could become an America's leading Cheese Store Date:. Jim J . "Hvuald: Twin Citle3 Chatrman Harry Nasu (320-B250 a samural sword, Akio Mina• "Justice is the bread ot this I -WUllam Y. H1nbayashl: Lon. investigator?" Home of the Famous 'BEEF can be questioned. in a recent or 323-2(15). eoooChaJnnan Bruce kami, 21, was being treated After a flve-minule break, nation. The nation should be STICK' Foods and Candies f.',*. ChilO _I"" speech al L.A. State, Yuji Beach·Harbor-Koo Ito: H 0 11 Y - ~!tpa(JlOg~da°~£:lrJr ~~ hungry for it" from Around the World! ~ Hostrss wood-Alan F. Kumamoto; San in a hospital last week (May she also admitted that when Ichioka, acting coordinating Jose-Belm Mineta; San Dieco• 0780l. 14) for wounds through the Sawyer became ill while driv• Isaac urged the commission, Yoshlakt Tamura. made up of president O. Rich• Ports of CaU Villago Instructor for the AsIan Amer• lrd Vea.r: Mllwaukeo-Makoto body that "missed vital or• ing Dr. Noguchi to the airport Wharf'. Village Ican class at UCLA and past AratanJ: San Fernando VaUey- gans." In October, 1968, he arranged ard Capen, Mrs. Thelma T. I coordinator of the Berkeley ~~B~~='~~Y~O~osh~~ Nisei Relays queen He was wounded by Julius lor medieal treatment and Mahoney and Harry Albert, to L SAN PEDRO. CALIF. Thiry, 30, his exhibiti~n part• later inquired about him wben class, has stated that there is Tanada: Cleveland-Robert L. F\J. LOS ANGELES-Joyce Uyeda no qualified instructor or 1-!!;..~ ~~~t!1~t ~~h~,I.i ner and also a karate mstruc• he calied his office from Wasb• I !;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~ of Gardena Valley will reign tor who were demonstrating ington, D.C. JAPANESE FOOD textbook adequate for a T. Nakano: Chicago-Dr. Alfred as PSW Nisei Relays queen Y. Kawarnu.ra; Eut Los Ance1es-• before Cub Scouts at Loyal Isaac also poi n ted out course in Asian American Frank Sakamoto; San .face-Or. June 8 at the track meet sche• Heights Scbool. through his questioning that Mikawa}'a studies. He bases his opinion Lee M. Watanabe. duled at Venice High. Assist• The pair vowed to "slow at the time of Noguchi's res• on the fact that the area bas 2nd Yea.r: San .Jose-Robert .J Ing ber passing out medals, down the action" in future Ignation in February, Mrs. Sweet Shop 1sh.imatsu: East Los Aneeles-F\.I· ribbons and trophies to win• not been tully explored. 11 sao Kawato. Roy Tuhtma: Sacra· demonstrations. Field was very upset and bad Sushi - Tempura 244 E. 1st 51 . this statement is valid. then mento-Masao N. Kawata: D.C.• ners will be: typed a petition in ber own Los Angeles MA 8·4935 Glenn K. Matsumoto; Se8ttl~ Lori YamashJta. East L.A..; Ran· •• *" , ,. Teriyaki there is also need to detine George Shfbayama. ell ShJtarl, North San Diego; Mae Chapter picnic planned wbat exactly Asian American ~~e~t8~-h"!nJ:llV.-~ TAKE OUT SERVICE ~~. ~~~~~~ ' ~!hiko ~~ DAYTON-Dayton JACL pic• studies should include. kasa: San jose-Robert Y. Oka· ~rl,~°tni~~f~il/o~~~: nic will feature a cbicken le• 3045 W. Olympic Blvd_ 3 GeneratiClAs Superb Cantcnm Food - Cocktail Bat - Banquet Roo .. Thus the problem posed to moto. San Fernando VaUey; Vickie NI• riyaki supper at Eastwood ~ (2 Blocks Wesl of Normandlel members of Asian Qr Oriental shikawa, Santa Barbara, Lisa Na• Park, where J ACL last year los Angel.. DU 9·5847 kamura. Selanoco: Ruth Hayashi. ttli Quon's Bros. groups and those involved in Ve.nlce·CUlver. planted some 150 cherry trees - FrH Parking - AsIan American Studies. Due Kurata ------as a gift to the city. A chal• Grand Star Restaurant lenge between the adults and He.al~I"F11I to the tact that there is an Contlnned from Pare a Panel: drug problem a.,utlful torme, Mba Thuncl., ethnic stratification of yel• youth in volleyball has been Entertaining at the Piano issued by the elders. low people wbich does not oc• He accepled Mrs. Lonsber- GARDEN A - A candid panel Eagle Restaurant 943 Sun MUn Way 10Pposite 95l N. 8dwyJ ry's evidence after much more discussion on young adults ~* cur among other minorities CHINESE FOOD careful scrutiny, Justice Keith and the drug problem is plan- NEW CHINATOWN - LOS A:~E'&.~ such as the blacks and Party Catering - Take Oufs browns. the term Asian and said. ned for the Council of Orient- F t D Nam's 8~1~;ms . PrY!~ltc'n , D~.~~~:2 "One's veracity Is not os- al Organizations meeting May uge SU - 0 ""' ...... %.~. ' •• -.- • • ..... Oriental must he clearly de• tabllshea or ruarant.eed by 26, 7:30 p.m., at North Gar- tined and established into a one'. station in Ille." Justice dena United Met hod i s t CONFECTlONARY viable course of study. Keitb said. Churcb. Mike Yamaki of Yel- ns E. lst SI., Los An,el.. 11 Restaurant This Asian Americanness, At one point, in assessing low Brotherhood will be mod- 1I1Adlsoo 5-8595 Cantonue Cul,lne of Japanese. Chinese, filipinO ,.",lIy Styl. Dinners evidence of Kurata, the com- e_.r.:a;,;to:,;r,;.. Banqu.t Room· Cocktail Lounge Man Fook Low i J.:." ·•. - missioner noted, ''It is bard to i;j,,;'·· - and Korean it it exists. must ------.-----J Food to Go iii "'r GenuIne Chinese FOOd quole verbatim because he GARDENA _ AN ENJOYABLE JAPANESE COMMUNITY be determined instead of cov• 9b2 So. San Pedro St. ering up for one or two. was constantly sparring, quib- 205 E. Valley Blvd. CANTONESE CUISINE bling and arguing with com- Los Angeles 15. Calif Poinsettia Gardens Motel Apts. San Gabriel, Calif. Private PartIes. Coc.kUlls. Banquet Facilities mission counsei and had to be 13921 So. Normandie Ave. Phone: 324-5883 Tel: 280-8377 L_ , .688' 970:', u,"1':~~e btcc~r::I.~ on more 68. Un lts . Hea"d Pool. A" Condltlonl n9 . GE Kitchen, . Televl,lon ., " l 3888 Crenshaw. Los Angeles AX 3-8243 Dr. W. P. Kyoe, a PSYChi - 1 ~::::::::::: OW::N:EO::AN:D:::OP:E:R:A:T:ED=BY=K:O:BA:T:A:B:R~O :!.:. ~ ' :::::::::. .¥M ••• % • ¥M •••• atrist on the staft at St. Jo- LI' I Toklo's Finest Chop Suey House f Southwest seph's Hospital, lestified at I the inquiry that Kurata was SA N KWO LOW Doll Hospital admitted to the hospital Sept. When in ElIto ••• Stop at the Friendly 1 with what appeared to be Famous Chinese FoolS an overdose of sleeping pilis For Finest Los Angeles MA 4-2075 washed down with liquor. * Dr. Kyne said when he In• §t()t:k.lDen~§ We can repair lerviewed Kurata the judge most any doll had told him he had tried to 5 MINUTES FROM DISNEYLAND CAFE • BAR· CASINO take his own life because he Japanese Food was depressed over financial Elko, Nevada and domestic worries. * SOLD AT ALL GROCERY STORES ••• Southwest Doll Hospital "Judge Kurata lost his cre• @) dibility seriously when he de• 1126 Inglewood nied having told Dr. Kyne American Nationll Merclntlle that he attempted suicide," 949 E. 2nd St., Los Angel .. 12 - MA 4-0716 674-7902 said the commissioner. MIYAKO -New Canadian. RESTAURANT Inglewood Yamasa Kamaboko LUNCHEONS. DINNERS • COCKTAILS Orchid Cactus _WAIKIKI BRAND- S3 Town" Country, O[ange • I

I ...... PACIFIC CITIDN-7 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Friday, May 23. 19611 Aloha from Hawaii c .... _Itt. 0,4" . 10. ref ...,4, $I ..tAl",.", ,., In ••'' •••• =+ by Rlch.rd Glml • IAlnOT"'I"T Bowling's First • 1""LeI... "'.". - BUIiness and InlllllllOlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll1llIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUI Profeslion.:lll Guide Wht:h' !\\.'l1 t llmmt uMutus\ l1 n: YOUt' 8uc1nn. C.fd plKld l'ommisslon WIlS 1"rh.'('h:d l'\'• Fundamental Stance In t'&ch It.,. 'or 26 .... .n o.ntl)· In II blld~o t bill whl ~ h 3 line. fMlnlmvrnJ ___W dl'll.'h'd !tUleta (01' tlnoncltlA EKh eddltlon41 II ... 16 _ lIN the ng4,;l\C~' .•. 'I'h,' shltl' ~(\ n ­ Lo. Anneltl welllht On the puehaway cauI- ott:' h n!l unnnllllO\L ly nppnwl'd 0110 ot the most Importont Ing nn inconsll tent Iwlng. Gov. John A_ nurns· l2 up• phn l ~ e of Ih. lund.mo"tal np• Other Faotors Vice Prlllident Agn",.. polntnwnt9 to b n n r rl s nncl pl'Onoh I. Ihc bowling stoner. ('onl1nl~glonOi; I1~l\ol\llu ·rho::c ('Ol\til'ml'd Thlo pl'oporatol'), _to/l', which 'I'hlte othel' tootOI'l are Vlee Pres. Slliro T. Arne" nt-e: Includrs lh~ po_ltlonlng of thc studied when "nAly"lnll the aald h ~~ iIl ~ l Ulnt the \,101- HlltH' rt K h l\ l maklnl, l\ltt uC\ body lind the boll. II 01 thr correcl atancl!. Thclle are the . \ k l ~I\ 1U " nnc1 lIttumll (' hotlkt. Shoulders. tho al1nl , and the nam War is "de-escalating." h I'd or I)irmnlnl .nd ("C'\.lnnmlo "rentrst Ilgnlllcancr In dellv• He confirmcd that ,,'Cret talks d~, (ll0r11\l('nl, \ ltlLAnttf'r \\ _ '\ u ~n. tn ~ n proper ohot. The Iionce head. Flower View Gardens on being held In PAris .nd T~:~ ' ~\'!' It:'~ 111 ~~~ a~rdn\\\h~~~\tl l ~~~ not on ll' .!Tecla Ihe bowl.,.a· The Iboolde.. I h a u I d be FlORIS'TS pushoway and nrmawlnl!. but stralgllt ncross wllh ao little Fiberglass Laminators 1801 N. Western A.,.. 446-7m • said th,*' Are "yielding n bo• 1\\M. .el\'k~' "1I111mb IUI\: At1 Ito ... Icomn your ~ 0f'dWw civil l l" d drop 0 8 poaolble. Thc rlrhl nanUl of bcn.,!its to us." The ~~\ I :t\~~~ ' ·no~I~~~·"t~ l rl~'~"ll~l~~:~~~ 01.0 the footwork and release end ""'r. orde,. for Lot Anot_ V.P. mndt' U\t' l'('mark..~ dur• as wen. arm. espedally n.nr the el• Bas"t!.~YUJo:k . s~' · e~~tl'i:.a" , lnll a ~-fo\'1\l QucsUon-und• ~~r~i~r~rt'~~t.. C,,~~~\'hl~~~'~~h l n~~i; To brl.fly explain the make• bOW, . hould be htld cloo. to answer ~c~sion RUN' all act• O,.,\l1nl\, Qnd Ua r llil TIllr.,. Ad\'ls· up of • correct atance. 1 1>.IUI the body nnd Temato thero KENCRAFT PRODUCTS 1 develop the Idenl po.IUonlnR Borden Ave. and Arroyo dre.. to thc YOlmg Presidents t~\I.;~n~rtt!~e~ ( a ~:kO ' ~.\\ · K~'\\:;t. ~~rI~~.Jh:ho':rr~r~~1'b.Lr~~~ Career Positions Available "~mando, Ol '~anll8tion ronfel ence at the for n righi-handed, tour-step In San oppo.ite San Llbran :\d"I"''11 y Comml~ .. loll, in any direction. It should re• remando Airport lllk.1 Holel. In responSQ to • u"w,,11 F.duC'II,Uon ('OUIl(''': M r ". bowler. U.C.L.A. l ~ mm . , . \ > 1\ U\ Ad., IlAwnlhm main upright .1 If Itnnding KOKUSAI INTERNATIONAL Question .bout the stntus 01 Thl_ bowler must fl rst co.• Expand-ln, Ho.ptt.al and TRAVEL, INC. Vle\Jlon\ \Var. Agnew ~ld }{nmu ('omm1 I(ln alder the plnoement ot h~ t ••t. ot altentlon. This provldel for ¢ampul OPERATORS a nlQxlmum amount at bol· Single Needle 321 L 2nd SI. 112) 6Z6-82I4 that the South Vlelnam_se Congressional Scoro His I. tt foot should be pointed Jim Hlosshl, a.... Mo,. Am'lY Is getting better and straight forword with the ance In the Itance olnc. the PROGRAMMERS I For dre.. manUfacturer. New 10. R ~ p , l' a b ~' ~J' . l\Unk hns ttl .. heod controls the body 'Qulll• cation In Well L.A. between P!co that this should allow for fur• right tool used 81 • _quare of! ANALYSTS and 01.Ymfjc 81.d. Only 1 block NISEI FLORIST ther ·'de-Am~riC'nni!ationu of troducrd Icglslntlon in Con• the hip's in relntlon to the brlum. In the Hurt of U'I Toilo I . hould point out thai .aeh D·~~oBrug,rr~rt:.t"rf.~· ~orlcS~; ~~~rnu,:retway. Good 328 E. ht St .. MA a..s.to6 tb~ war soon. gless to nno\\' 5hippinJ: on (01'• bowler 8 "pot. Fred MoriQuchl • Memb T.leflore Ague\\' said that unl_ss c:ol• ebm-\'mllt \' l'!'.; " e 1 ~ bctwl'tm H the bowler 10 Toiling nn one 01 u. Is phyolcally unlqu. Cobol or PLJ 1 Call 478-4044 I ••• officials .et againsl llIe• Alaska nnd Hownlt. Mrs. Mink "out nnd In" lin •• hi. right and becaul e of this. we all DR. ROY M. NISHIKAWA on another matter hns aUock• cannot "alnnce u In the lame: ACCOUNTANTS Spe(laih:rJno ." CDntKr L.enMt. nt campus protests. they're foot should be pointed toward OPERATORS 23. ~ o./OI'd 141 • DU 4-7400 lnvlUng a "new breed of vigi• ed the jail !'.C'ntcncc (or not the right eo th.t his hips nnd manner. However. regardless LABOIlATORY RZIlEAllCH answering f;omc questions ot ot tbe way you otance, relax• Sewing Machine lantes" to take the law Into shoulder. nre properly nIlgntd - ExperienC!ed or WUl Train - YAMATO TRAVEL aURIAU th.ir own hands. He reflected the 1970 census as "unconsti• a t a gO- degree angle to the aUon I. essential. ThIs relaxa• and MEDICAL TECHS. 31'2 E. IIr St., LA. (90012' tion add. d to the tundamen• • Clean air conditioned plant ~021 the Nix 0 n 8dminl~trntion~s tutional" Names in the new. line ot delivery. B.S. Derrte && Expe.rlenu • Incentive Pay Pla.n MA ~alnst en. Daultl K. Inouye has talo we bave dlscuss.d should • HOlPt14l1uUon, ete, tougher line "storm• The body proslure . hould CLINICAL SOCIAL 8 to 4. :30 taeti~." The Re\,. Paul Mllto. ex.o• provide a amooth and conl ls• • Bour.: a.m. p.m. Wahon... iJJe. Calif. trooper Agnew said jotned other Hnwali eOnI'TC

• 25 Vears Experie11C1 ADDR:eES~~ ______• Sollriled Customer Re(ertnu. • M,mber BeHer Bu,lMSS Bureou arr.~ ______~q~r~F------_ VISIT OUR REMODELING SHOWROOM JAPAN PHONI fOR fREI ISIIMAIES AIR LINES ZlP'______~ONI~F ______official airline for EXPO'70 24 HOURS • 7 DAYS A WEEK GIS TRIANGLE,Nc. MyTravei Agenl is..' ______181·7182 or 813·6340 ~ • 555 West 7th Street, Los Angeles-Phone: 621-nll CONTRACTORS ",.,1 mupon to: JAPAN AIR LIN•• 8152 ORION AVE" VAH NUYS CALL COLLECT IF TOLL CALL JLAt fast of Son Diego Freewoy .•. South of ROK" , S55 Will 7th SIr.... LIII AnpIea, CIId. !IIII1K