Religion Notes The Mysteries of the Chapter 25

The Joyful Mysteries Description

The : The tells Mary that she is to be the mother of God. The Visitation: Mary visits her cousin Elizabeth. The Nativity: is born in a stable in Bethlehem. The Presentation: Mary and Joseph present Jesus in the Temple when He was a baby.

The : When Jesus is 12 years old, Mary and Joseph travel back to the Temple to find Him.

The Sorrowful Mysteries Description

The : Jesus prays in the Garden of Gethsemane before He is arrested. The Scourging at the Pillar: Jesus is cruelly beaten by the soldiers. The Crowning with Thorns: The soldiers place a of thorns on Jesus’ head. The Carrying of the Cross: Jesus is forced to carry His cross to Calgary. The Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross, and dies for our sins.

The Glorious Mysteries Description

The Resurrection: Jesus rises from the dead three days after His death. The Ascension: Jesus rises up to . The Descent of the Holy Spirit: The Holy Spirit comes to Mary and the Apostles in the form of tongues of fire.

The Assumption: God brings Mary’s body and soul to live forever with the risen Christ.

The Coronation: Mary is crowned and Earth.

The Mysteries of Light

Jesus’ Baptism in the Jordon: Jesus is baptized by his cousin John.

The at the Wedding Feast at Cana: Jesus performs His first miracle by changing water into wine. He performed to show that He was God’s Son.

Jesus Announces the Kingdom of God: Jesus travels through towns and cities proclaiming God’s Kingdom, helping the poor, and performing miracles.

The Transfiguration: Jesus brings Peter, James, and John to a mountaintop. They see Jesus shining in a glorious light. Jesus is talking to Moses and Elijah. The Apostles hear God in Heaven say, “This is My Son whom I love. Listen to Him.”

The Institution of the Eucharist: At the , Jesus gives Himself to the Apostles in bread and wine.

1. Saint means one who is holy. You were called to be a saint when you were baptized.

2. We belong to the communion of saints. The communion of saints is the union of the baptized members of the Church on Earth with those who are in Heaven.

3. We celebrate All Saints’ Day to honor all the saints in Heaven on November 1st.

4. Mary is the . She is the greatest of all saints. We honor Mary during the month of May. One way to honor Mary is to pray to rosary.

5. – Mary was born without original sin. Throughout her life, Mary never committed sin.

6. Assumption – When Mary’s work on Earth was done, God brought her body and soul to live forever with the risen Christ.

7. Our Lady appeared to Saint Juan Diego, Saint Bernadette, and Saint Lucia.

8. Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton was the first American-born saint. She is the of Catholic schools.

9. Our parish is named in honor of St. Christopher. He was a very strong man. He used his gift of strength to service others by carrying travelers across a raging river. One day he felt an unbearably heavy weight when he carried a boy across the stream. The boy was the . The heaviness was Christ carrying the weight of the sins of the world. Today, images of St. Christopher are often shown with the Christ Child on his shoulder.

10. St. Christopher is known as the patron saint of travelers.

11. The name Christopher means Christ-bearer.

12. We celebrate the feast day of St. Christopher on July 25th.