7 » ./ I

///<;Tf 3//fl , 92/. .1' 4 K g

. 92~-~' : / .1 . . ~ 92

4 1 /[ M/ . i;_d1'-p_'_'.;|.;;»--u-1:3 -Vi K, T k _ _V _.,92 ,_ _.___A92.. Iv __ __:_r

~J J&n'1E.Iy 2;, new. ~= -¢. ___._¬_- 1'. -Y-rr -- :,1i2C::~. i .. t 92_! rat-w;o1a;-.1-:riui~;'1"1111: :~-0:-'2 DIRECTOT-.". - " -|:..'.. u .. 92 ! Time 2:LF Pm

t,_§lentineL.Dny, Qessecre. L ericenwas cerryiHr.g Ladd telephonedastory tothe endeffect advisedthat thatByr2iH{2iton the Chicagohad ;iven out information ukich cleared up the St. VelenTihes D8" meeeecre in . Mr. Ledd advised that Bolton had not riven out any informztion concerniri this while he Wee being questioned in C?ic go and that me fer ae he, Mr. L25 know, the story was frlee; further that he hed refused to mwke any comment to other nearpepore concerninr this story.

I advised Kr. Ladd that I would submit this inforuation to you.

3 Time

I telenhonei Ir. Ledd and advised hi that uoon receivic; the above information, you desired to have Mr. Ladd first zecertein from Mr. Nathan at St. Paul that Bolton did not make each a etwtenent there, and then he, Ir. bedd, should iesue e statement at ChiC:§J denying the information published in the Chicego Awericzn, etttin; that no such statement had been secured from Bolton.


kc:NDEXED rctfullf, . / V/ W 7/Z?-ffi31J r.l.Tnmn JOHN EDGAR HOOVER |fur --.~-'--|||--:»--v-up Y nsnzcron F '92,*.1'. J I * i giaeim nf gmmigarim3: .'i 92rt I ."~rhr:n.. I EH. §. Ezparhnsmi of Zlasza H1.92 V nibf.'| .. Hinslqingfnn, 01. . , ' _92'

., , =__._ -.....-.»

Re: 9* Valentine's Dag r*~-"-**"-" .1.-"cr~. } Mr. Lao telephoned from Ghicaeo and edvised that lie 1:116 I Bo_ton 92 hi5. 1'15; V - e Paul thet Bolton he made no such Ft'tem@nt there.

g. . W P.

14%? [til ?I .

oé T telephoned r. Miihen at Ft. Paul eni LP vnur iseued wish the that statewent ndone, other to the than newsoeoers Bolton's denying attorney,thatshould had given Eny inforwetion to the Division regrring . tle Si. Valentine's Drf I::r~cre. Mr. Ledd rdvieed that ire? eecerteine definitelv from Kr. Nethen a4 Ft.


} oe yerwitted to see Bolton; thet it we? probable that the -1*icn:s n; §;P><-e .- Jr: " "oul., "4. "e oz Fen -._ n y to . 1r '.-e 'TVJEW him .» H re *.. e r es alt time "T r.ory eg~e'rine in the hice;o L 4m__ erican , but ihat this ehoJ.G .'". 92_- ~+ 1 . ue _-rm1.teo. w M 'i* T . nathun * c stfteo }-q tht lhstruoolone Y +- Lao .-" elrecoy-1. -1- been issued to the effect that no one ehoulo he permitted to sfe Eoiton it? ut ;rior authority frnn the St. Paul Livi*ion office. ~92z 3 F JIIIOKI s

hanuy 23, 1935

Tina - 6:26 Ll.

Qgg gm: ggg 3;, rm a»°s1.. hJ.ont.Lao'a nq mm

Ir. Carnal tolophonod and ata that the pron, in quoting I3 denial of Loon: nnnnnnijnln Iith id: nhnin llttlr- in Z1I§I~''m¢-Ki §'6'i}'<=S.TES§Zi@;'5i'ui; son»

Itoldhinthatihilononoofthopron rap:-osnntativoo lad talked to me about 11., O01- fioi-oa teiophonod uni I ind absolutely doniad that Byron Bolton mad: my st:~t.o:aonta or eon- foaaionl ralativo to the abovo utter.

Vary truly you:-a,

John Edgar Hoover, Director-

J. copy kg}.-_,+"a

--=---.--.,..__._| Mr Mr Mr N athan ______& TNBEXED Mr Torson ...... 7 RECORDED 1Yi?l"ff Ch Clegg ...... W Mr Baughman _. Mr I8 fa] "' -----k -' 92 F'll-IQ nu n SECTIQN:1 I n Coffey _ Edwards _ ,_ 1* 92-"92 .23-Q"-1i * Egan -I E Harbo , 7 D: 1 F' M , _ _ K ' 'H I Dwlsrnu Of !HVE8TiBAl'lR, 192="*= ------~ 92 _- 1; -1 m;m=1u&.-u nr JUSTICE l,,g5er l_;_*¢'::__"-1 Quinn. 92

5chHd~Br,:,,, 1 92 Tamm Tracy--...... 4. *1, JOH N EDGAR HOOVER R _d; RICTOR Piisiun of§lnesiigatim1 ' Q11. §. §:parhnzn1uf Zlusre

Washington,Q. _ Tncni January 23,1935 2:15 P.§. '


kndtated that Kindly be information informed that Mr.been Carusi telephoned hadreceivedindicating ;0_1_1ii_~==-:gg_0was American __3b°111? to 91-1bliSh_eo etgraieit Byrn olton, E member of 1 ' -§erker_gengJ_has allegedly eoe e. c0 .u- _&_TDgto?»fE1S§i<;li§f6T1i'5_i'1¬;§.. p iceted e Fred BQ:ke,_Gus tinkler, Humphriee, end several others eta that the confession of Bolton was in the Department being carefully studied; that the other newspaper reporters are frantic end Tr. Carusi states that he would like to have some word on tnie matter either confirming or denying, stating that the other reporters have intiieted that it seems very strange the Chicago American is able to get information in edvence

I informed him I had no knowledge of the matter mentioned above, but would gladly call it to your attention.


T. L. Quinn.


HFGdRfl¢ 11~ronxi- 1 Y' W-am-h owl.j 3

I,...- » W;

,1.-L f-i i 8 mss'rR01'n_1;_ -r SEP 24 1964 iw__m Q" Q- s ' * "é in

w k~3._92' hmuv 2L, F735- U

ll-10:A.2 1-L ; .._.._-Q--n-I 1'1! -13 El- . Al gqmnimlh undo inquiry con- Colmol tguth Gut» at atatanont crid W natal if-:1: 2'. ¢r:.¢z1>m 1 ma uni! nun £1,:m¢;-:/1;.:ut.0d" ad lull that part it in mu nrlt. not correct! Ialenuaiw93*- m an can; 1 had nude ma that Beltun an-id till?- 1» am not imam art-hm: lbw W 3*» I ggicrij iii H"-E-'1 Q-B 9931'! - t -al-,1-5; ¢@¢.n-ning the latter was one hmdrad Wm incorrect. Vary LI.'L11¥ Y°92l3'5n

John Edgar Hoover, Director.

1 C017? 4!!-U |_ 1' ' -- -92. t P 7-*-iifu-|--.._ Y -"viam-|.._.____ v I 9-"-*9'R .... ____ H" h*.~"8hman__ 92 2 "55 F '-Ien:______. '3?92-'*'ar~"-92i.___._-{_;.h,-_y '_____ :3-D fa -P " ' ' ,_;..5.__.1 "'---_-_ ' "- 92~.;'hQ ...... 92 I ;- PH-I:a an-:c:-non: 1. h 4; ., Jr In A :1. 1 n ; J- _=;~_.

~- -"---~_-.. -I: u~u- 24 15.55 4, | . v car-______,___- .... --'-- 5 ~ =.-¢m.n ___,_____ P. H. -. _,,..,__ IIYISM N mvmmnnn. H -- _u. 0. mmuem as mm; ..u y__-_ & i K ~. *1 - _ '1;/vi

. . *f -v. an e a '3

T9 Jenner: 2!; 1935

en» - 2:49 s.s. Jl " Be: Brewer one

Colonel. Gets! telephoned I-nil ltlted tilt he bed received several inquiries for verification st the story which appeared in t:-ii C2-toaio iiifitii %i t-ii 61'!-ti t»-1% 5';"""'*"1'ti"-6, ='M is at tht present time in the custody of the mnnem confessed to his part in thsaht. Valentine's Day massacre. The Colonel stated that this story ls copyrighted by the CHO-ego Lfsrloem I told Colonel Oetee that this story in entire]; dthoot foundation] that there is no trdh ll it It 111- I told the Colonel thlt Ihile Is have 301.1908: in custody charging his with participation in the Breaer kidnepisg, which tact is not to be oiseloaed to the press, Bolton hes not uncle any statements at all concerning the aforementioned ease.

T139 "' ,eIe

I telephoned the Chicago Office and talked with Ir. linear in regard to the shove setter. Ir. Zine: stated that Ir. Lsdd was out of the office, and he, in timer, was not advised st Ir. Lend: ooh- Versetion with you end the inatructi one Ihieh had been issued relative . to s tlgtil of this story by Ir. Ladd. I requested hie to have Ir- Ledd telephone. no ieeediately.

Tile - £110 P-I. e r

Mr Ir. Ledd telephoned and I inquired it he had denied the story Mr above mentioned. Ir. Lend eteted that immediately Upon the receipt or Mr the inetrootioos tree jou, he can-so in all or the reporters in Chicago Mr Nathlh and gave thee the 1-areal denial or the Division or this story. He also To1eon...... confronted the Editor of the Chicago Lnorieao with the denial, but the ChiCta|m...... Editor had no statement to nuke whatsoever. Mr.Bauahman .. er Clerk ...... Mr rn..e:. I W tn u-'m"""';'*"'"""""" Coey ...... s 2 -- - Mr Edward! as A? L'iL"°"' t_ Mr Y1 92 Eian ...... , Mr aha 24 - Hm-ho * ' ' * John Edgar Hoover, I Mr Klh 1 copy v-. u. Director: Mr Litter Imtm OF |N92!F8TiI-TIGPI» II. 5. Uirnmmil 0! JUSUCE M.Quinn --~ .-.-----.....-~..._..92,...._.-¢--.. .-.--.--.-<» 5!iI'92ll¬le'1'-. MiIr-._._.IQITHTI ..... Mr Tracy _. Mii I Cindy - J u - s 4 a e - =e = -I- 6""? l /,2 /J 92'10 av. Q0. O I Cgvndm/ 1: m.a:" ., " ~ wr @113,

I/J LL 1 '''--f a4H/ '0 H 1 - I Q " . . 19" I'1'» ' ' & , _ - 441/ 0 Q I ' rm»? I I .'.'fa' M . _ ' l. a,,,,< -E _ ¢,,> I - V, 1 mi ZZ- l ~# ' - ¢ 1" awui '.. ' . 04/ ___- g .1 ~ -.. v921nnv292 - ' . C " ' 2 , qn ' }.- V;-r, '/A ""If I 1; l aux MWnan ..._. ...._. rt I - #5»/$7 . 'V 1 -~=" ~ %1":.:2f,,:,@,§~i¢£-2%

.,-- Q1/.+1. g, f, :@@@%% F Mu. - '1 1 b Di I Wwml .J"I'l D. Jiuow:/71 1 /1 _ . ' I 1'» __ i g £ #4-1;:/fa/yaw-z,§w I ~ ' , *1 "HI ,/»,. I-4,», Wm , M; ,. . aw: A _.R '""'" mwq

I? Juli '_ M;_;?X__ _ :.&Lz.~&.,M..,1;-L£_.._,a1,7:u.z l 5

it W:4 .1: I... I Z .- I - -H E 1 9292a __'A:|'4 11 big-Lé. 114."- JD. "Ff;-. /4.40 J__92 - A A-N §* ' - it 7.7 13.2163 7 _f __R!I|:GJ j 1|" i * 62-34299--7


nhl 1,

Br. I:-ink I. Ihrx-01.1, 708 hut 35th t:-ant, Chi-P-, I115.-aaiia


@; L; tn; ;e.k_Qo92!L941;Q ;Q§!1-Qt or your letter dated January 28, 1935 wherein you tarnish intonation rolativo to the St. h1aat.inc'| Du; nuns:-0 at Ghioago, 111130100

uw92A___ 1.- -.!__l:_.J 4;; l_.-.._...L -.. A.92..l_. hi.-l-l_ ILIIBI-I X I517];-JDG EBB I-IIIIIUUI-E II F3115 U173-U1-U" doea not have Jn:-izdiction in this nutter, it is nuggosted that you furnish your interact-inn to tbs Chicago, Illinnia Police D-opartaont for lpprbprlli-Q action-

Icry truly yours, J 1 .1-. .7 _

Yii Inhn W Plan!» Xi"?llnnwnm Director.

CC - E0 J0 008281101 Chicago St. Paul incl. copy of lattor from Ir; ' 92 Farrell, um: 1/as/35! to both offices!

7; ___,-_..._.,- _. 14'rmas s,»:=.:-fr" . i ____,__U1,,yel1.oI . 5 ,, --.5 ./ if <.; i r k92|:§. M... j L.-92/I"! corr ' is i 3


January 24, 1955. .._'?|----_-In

T150-10:44 A-Ma

nevus A Ill I.

I to 1ep . honed Mr Ladd at the Chicago Office and told hnm that I was very much concerned over the complaints which had been coming in, even before yesterday, from the other Chicago newspapers relat i ve to the cnicago American and the stories their reporters get the "scoops" on. I stated that thedhicago American had the wrong "scoop" yesterday; that the other Chicago papers quote me as saying that there wssn I t any truth in the article in the Chicago American; and that these papers quote him, Mr. Ladd, as saying he had never heard anything about the matter, and that Bolton had not been questioned about theost, Valentine's Day Massacre.

Mr. Ladd advised me that the Chicago papers quoted him as saying that we had no statement, oral or written, from Polton concerning the Massacre case, which was the statement he, Jr. Ladd, had made to the I papers. 92- P

I inquired if Bolton had been questioned concerning the Massacre In and LT. Ladd said that he was not questioned directly because they were 92r anx i ous to g et other ~ information from him; that he was only asked if he knew anythipg about it and he replied that he did not, that he had nothing in . to do with it.

I remarked that the thing which had been causing me concern for some time was the thought that there might be a "leak" somewhere in the Chicago G ffi oe; that T _ had this morning received some very reliable information, however, that the Chicago American has seven wire tappers who are tapping telephone wires; and that the Chicago nmerican ' had ha d our _ w____ ires tanned_rI_ , I suggested to Mr. Ladd that he check on this angle imnediately throgh some man in the hicago stated that Agent 1. L. Medals was the only man they had who could handle the matter, but that he was out present time; that, however, he could get the Telephone Company to check on it for us. I stated Officethat he who could was have efficient the Telephone along that Company line. check Mr. Laddon it first, then, and wnen h hr . M Hadala returned be . was to re-check on it. on an assignment with Mr. connelley at the . eidieggo r- : ~ C? CfficeT'-- §* t night be a e 1 OOPI i F


Telephone Call I. Lldd at Chicago 1/24/as


___.a .nn__ ;._ ;.__4. .n.92__ ___92_____ -5 1.3.- 4-q92...|_._..._ ADJ!-. 92._. gg-.92..-A--I--lg EDGE IHBI FD IBIS EDI UHQLUJXI U}. ill-U bl-ll-GI-EU ULALUI U! 1J.l.Il-I-Ill!-E the Iith a fake story. M, Ladd advised that he had done just that thing the other day, before the escape of Karpie and Campbell from Atlantic City, New Jersey; that he had one of the Agenti circulate a atory concerning Earpia, and this story received wide circulation in the office; but that when the real story about Karpic came out, hie fake story Ina, of course, stopped. ur. Ladd stated that he would give it another teet along this eame line.

I told Mr. Ledd to keep me iniormed as to the reenlta, and I eug- geated that the story be atartcd that Io had "someone" in custody. I stated that it ee caught the Chicago jnnrican wire tappera tapping our wires, it was my intention to prosecute them.

Very truly yours,

John Edgar Hoover, Director.


1 copy H; 3

4|,- '_. nmcaa hum": I5, 1935 92 /ll


Ill $0 ML

Ihila talking with Kr; 1-add 5: atria:-1! that, 5.: respmao I11 yutoz-day, he had the tolophanc oonpan; chock the " " r1ci,iudhadbi~iui|iiiii ihitiimrcwaseioi-I-pslutbcn ignora tap, the duct. being at-111 on the I111: and than 1 llgls that it has Men disturbed. |'.'|""" 1 __ -Ir}, 92 In I-add stated ho in going to ltcrt oimulatlng n our;

|;; : ;

than when ma first vywrtunity u-iua. . 1'?! Respectfully, »_

la ll mo Q... i oopioa

3";*'~ '2' -- 7


44 _ i 1 6.4?


January 25, 1935


ii$h reference to your lelorendum of Jenuery Id, iddféaésd ia me concerning e telephonic converenticn with Ir. Ledd, relating to the posaibilitiq X that the Obicegp American bee 92t§§Gd the teiephee wires of the Chicago uivisior Office, I believe it would be edviaable to avoid any refersnca to any ¢Ontm- glcceé ecticn er euepicicn oi n telephone tap in talking with the Chicvgo Office, since thin proceure will undoubted1;'put the newspaper on notice if the telephones are tapped. It in probable that if they tap one of the telephones, thqy have tapped than ell, since neat of the informition no which they have apparent access, it pltained as a result of u telephone tap, is éieousaed en the confidniicl iaiephoes. I believe it iight be advisable when di8cue81£ this cituation with anyone in the Chicago Office to have them go outside of the Qhiuago Office and call the Division from e pay ettinn. In this regard, we tight diccusc with the Chicago Office for a period of several days by telephone the apprehension of Alvin Karpis, making it appear that he is actunlly in custody and of course if there is any leak then, the source of the information would be obtious.

B:-4492§$m 10¢ N. IBIDPPUUAILJQ '

tn lo Q.

92 92-..__, LE <92- c- J

. 1. I =éd92__,92b, J j aJ./Q...

RECORDED _ r_ » - F '£553 e-e ' FEB1--195 1 copy , .-----».,.,_. ,__ . ._, ,_ W: 92 . J N EDGAR HOOVER Q5 F Y - £ P//>-E Q --~~ A F

§i£1iainnglnzstigann nf La, .- L 35.§npartmmt 5. __J ' nf ,. N K aslyingfun, GI. i P ~e e EAT:CSH i i_ Y-"~= *~ - January 24, 1935 §" Q rm. 1 ~, t, §Mr.l-,|| i Mr.S1: -_ . 3 92| MEMORAl4DI]L1 FORwas nraacroa A "" " " l §I921r.T|e 1 -- / I _ 92 3:05 P-M. .. : W .,_,. , i ; !tmM.n__-; I called Mr. Nathan in connection with the stories in the press concerning the §t. Valentine'sdaX_nas§apre&_in which statements are made to the effect¬EEt:1ssistent Director Harold Nathan gave the massacre story a left-hand confirmation", and asked just shat he had said to the newspapers about this. Mr. Nathan stated that the inquiries from the press came immediately after the --'92 break and that he, Nathan, had advised that if he had ever made any such confession, I know nothing about it". I advised that the Director had issued a denial that any such statement was given and wants to emphasize that denial and the fact that absolutely nothing more should be said about the St. Valentine's day massacre. Mr. Nathan further advised that the above quoted remarks constituted his first statement, but that later on, efter talking with Ladd, he subsequently denied it.


E. - T8.H'll'1'l¢

» r it

. , .7._,, . _,.. .~,- V...-.,..--.-. .~¢.._...._..._____ tit y g»/ * RECORDED corms naaTR°92$:Q 4}7 J l ,0 . ate scram '

., v

/ . :--¢=-cu-,

» ,, 92- ';~ ; ~ " .7 ;»e»a. -1 teed»---- 1rs¬';o¢A'.' 4_i!~,..i..,,=" j - * _."i i 1_; , - ,,,_ _"§ -- I, - as 1 » 1 " . = 92_ "" M ,.4,¢. .. ,_ Q, M} - u !nh_ e.- - '31 --~I -W a EAT:CSH January 26, 1935


10:40 A0 his

I , I called Mr. oonnelley at Chicago in connection 92 if with the possibility that theghicago-American has a tap _/ on the Chicago Office telephone, and suggested that whenever anything of a confidential nature was to be furnished to Washington it would be well to go outside and call.

I suggested that it might be well to make some startling announcement over the telephone, such as stating that they have Karpis in custody, in order to see if the Chicago-American gets it; that, although the telephone company had informed that no taps were beig maintained, information ,/- had also reached the Division to the effect that they have { five or seven tapping telephones all the time. I requested 9292_ advice as to the possibility of making it look, particularly ' ' in connection with the stenographers and clerks, as though Perkins was Ksrpis, advising that my only worry in this connection would be that if we did get Karpis we would not know how to say over the telephone that it was genuine. Mr. Connslley suggested that we could use the expression "Ksrpis K9" meaning that the conversation was "phoney" I advised that this would be fine, and suggested that we should talk about him over the telephone as though he were there, for the next day or so, and Connelley stated he - do this.

1! Gonnelley further advised that they also have Fish Johnson, Dillinger's contact, up there too. 1

I cautioned Connellay against letting the Agents on routine assignment, and the stenographers and clerical personnel, lknow just who they have in custody, advising that we would under- stand that when he says "Ksrpis K 7" it will be"phoney"Q

Respectfully, ' ! E0 Ac T51

Q . ?P ~ -- '-4.-_.,Iv?" -

Q . FEB?-19j5' .

1.,-" _ _ ,_, _. .... r _.:.'_.-... ._..:.._...,.m.-,_,_ R T | I W; 1A.JULIAN ,1.l I... O. COWAN IAVOR AND CNA1RM"AN POLICE comm W * POLICI JDI 4 CITY OFTUCSON.ARIZONA DEPARTMENT OFPOL.I¢__E_H_l J. E. DYER. Cmlr Pu O. OX III? Feb.8nd I935¢

C J.Edgar Hoover, Director,

Justice Department, Washington, D.C. .'q Dear Sir:- -.H '92 Will you kindly forward to me as quickly as possible complete C ? discripticn of all known in the StrE§li§f}§§l§mQ§Y Nsacr 11

Chicago Ill. in I929. Thanking you for this service, I am

YmusVuyTny t' %M a -Sm th t. of Traffic


T-. 1_ I9; snoop:-/1,,t¢.:~i.<_|__. 7 .1 P]! it-= F He.- _§r r , - . _ 92 . . J 1?!, F 9292q l FEB41935 1 :

Ir .3 _»'_ . H LL92 '. I ' ~s-.-. ,1 92--.& I .._; 2 0_ | _ __ I -1 - ; - " 92. "_1f,;;, : Z - 1 1 '.r'- 921 I35£4 C1} {F ._ - __ ' _ ,.,- - ,-A -- --*-iv '-r __.....___.._.__._._..-Q.

92.. I ~""!C1A "__> '|iv

H -1 iv _ '1. ___- K -1m..~ 2 - *!s¢'x:.vII " K. n " *¢4?$' c ~ 9204Q =_,,; '1? > Qhnrvo = -it-92 I5 Y E1 012?" 92 , w - 1 I ¢*|935 = @qmy 1 ILL- .1--F7 '_" 7 -n

E Hoover, mw. J. - Chief of Federal Agents, : ! -Personal-Washington, D. C

. v -. » » < 1 v > ._! 2 L 1

. é<


:nQl.l 2:17-QnuI QIIMII

___,&_.----n Iabrusry 11, 1935 _,-r92gDE'Df EM; ,1? FEM ?i Ls» oo ¢ r ~ 1 92--» hi J0 3- D101. Chiif of Plii, { Tucson, A:-Llam- ittantiom iinptnln Jay Blith

Q doar Ghiofs

I Ian rocuivad your lcttnr at February 2, 1935, in which you request a couplets description of all of tho imam gangsters Ln- volvad in the St. Valentina: Day Iuucra in Chicago, Illlaail. tau u are advised that the files of thin Division contain no intonation r iadieatiag =1-.-.= ids:-.t1t;1' =1 the air-yatratiri af this affaasi. 1 kiwi that newspaper dispatches have recently indicated that 1 subject of a Division investigation taken into custody at Ohioqo, Illinois had undo n atntnnuat naming tbs perpetrator: or this crima, but such dispatches taro absolutely false and without fmmdation in fact.

I regret that I an unable to mmilh yuu Ilth any lnforneti.-an or value in this latter.

|:!:___l..,-1.._. ...-.._,.. DLHbI4Ii§ Juuzi,

92 John Edgar Boovur, D1.rQ¢1iO1'-

92._ .0 I!- /:?r:f::* ,/ F ! .' 1!. i { ' L: .= ~ v r "- "Y I / L copy j d A L__~92v/// ' -.- 1 §_ _!

- CRIME - America'sDanger and Disgrace 9 END IT.

92/ 92 cw -_|.|.....I _" X . {- '1 _ 9 I-k '._ - _', Lgyg 5;: };?§ Chicago, Illinois, .-nab--,, ,;* ;,- ' February 10, 1955 .,..:'-;'-.233.-" "¢?1u59* I DFV1SJiJ»¢' nml.-:.* F- _ .- 92JlIJ'._ "i.-._";=j92_,,_92 I~r-~;-_.l_- ---»~ lg, "" " ~ 92. --.. ~- P, ,_~".'D - -» -Ivvv rm -1 '.__-31.,~* F 3 ,-in . _K;;y nB1,1~1 *"" Q Mr. J. E. Hoover, Chief of Federal Agents, Washington, D. C.

Dear Sir:

Now that the Federal authorities have all the information leading up to the killers of the St. Valentine's Massacre, what action is going to be taken to mete out 1 Justice? 1. 92 Oh, I suppose there might be a technicality simply for the reason that what is left of the rats are now serving prison terms, and maybe poor John Law can't get in to prosecute until after their time has been served. But this is Where the law should be revised - "An eye for an eye", and these hardened killers made to pay for their cnmss strictly in accordance with the original interpretation of the law.

What is going to be done about it? If this case is no longer in your hands, please pass this request for Justice along to the proper department, and oblige

"Slumbering Public Indignation" nsoososn & . ...., . ---1'- _ - t Y

copy 0: t 1nnEE@D Q 1l.;@3 lH§7k};J/6%. Copy to the President of the United States Chicago Heraldand ExamineriL' it S35 I ,._rsa1w.::= _ r i U// xh H ,.



Personal and Confidential February 13, 1955 " 92 92 I-.'.'r. D. M. Ladd, Federal Bureau of Investigation, ! U. S. Department of Justice, / Post Office Box 812, Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Sir:

with further reference to my desire to ascertain the source of in- formation obtained by Chicaeo papers, concerning official Bureau activities, prior to the time that any notice is given to the press, your attention is invited to the following facts whic have been brought to my attention by I assistant Director Nathan. Mr. Nathan recalls that on the morning followingthe apprehension or 92 Doc Barker, a newspaper reporter appeared at the Chicago Pureau Cffice, and asked Fr. Nathan whetber it was not a fact that AlYin arpis was in custody. You will recall that it was the belief of the Bureau, followin" the pprehension of Doc Barker, that tbe person who had been apprehended was nlvin Karpis, and F: accordingly, sarersl long dista*ce telepho.e calls were made between the Bureau r and tre Chicano office, pertaininr to the apprehension of Karpis. ;hi1; it is i possible that tte newspaper reporter the contacted Mr. Nattan my have been merely guessing, ttese facts may have some significance in indicatin; that a an telephone tap is or was being maintained upon telephones of the Chicago Bureau Cffice. Please give this mtter appropriate caisideratinn, in connection with in your efforts to ascertain tbe source of theinformation reaching the newspapers, F A similar letter is beinq addressed to Mr. 4. J. Gonnelley. 1»-5 Very truly yours, 3'

John ddgar Hoover, P Director.


1 copy . . :14. mi -r is-v" C J /92// aneonnan *~ .-

tiI 3 J COPY lA'I':'1'AM _ /

- 1=e§-joongly for!!!Gonfiden tial Ir. E.J. G0nnel1e¥; Federal Bureau of veetigation, 92/ , U. S. Department of Justice, Post Office Box 829, Chicago, Illinois.

Dear Sir:

With further reference to my desire toaascertain the source of in- formation obtained bv Chicnoo papers, concerning official Bureau activities, prior to tke time that anv notice in given to tke press, your attention is invited to tbe following facts wbick have been brought to my attention by fr Aesietsnt Director Kgthan.

Mr. Nathan recalls that on the morning following the apprehension of 92_ Doe Barker, e newspaper reporter appeared at the Chicu;o iureau Office, on ' naked Hr. Kotben whetber it was not a fact that Alvin nurpis was in custody. You will recall that it nee the belief of the Bureau, followin-. the apprehension of Doc Barker, tket the person who had been apprehended was Alvin Karpis, and aocordinoly, eorcral lore fetence teleptone culls were mode between the Bureau and the Chiceco ffice, pertaining to the apprehension of Zarpiu. While it is possible ttat the newspaper rerorter who contacted er. Rstnen coy have been , merely guessing, these facts may have soae SlgniIicuuCu in indicating that a t telephone tap to or was beinq maintained unon telephones of the Chicago Bureau Gfficei ?leeee qivo this matter appropriate consideration, in connection eith //' I your efforts to aoocrtein the source of the information reaching tke newspapers Ky A Bnniler letter is being addressed to hr. D. M. Ladd. 92. 92 Very truly yours,

e John Edgar Hoover, Director- 92 92

?- . , RECORDED _.',_H_.J__W___L» .¢-- r .4_.____mr as _ ....- f ;

K .

loopy ' » x 1 :-


April 5, 1935. .92 . Director, / Federal Bureau of Investigation ' U.S.Depertnent of Tuetice, _ BUN,-"J1 _=92}W ._Q'11iFIP_E1i'1lI_L1923; _ Pennsylvania Avenue at Jth St.H.W., taeehington, D.G .

Deer Sir:

Reference is made to Bureau letterl of February 13 and March _ -'50, 19.55, referring to the source of the information upon which certain [ newspaoer art iclee lore based, -and possibly ind iceting that tk is infor- ~ nation is to a:.=tivities!had been furnished to the cross by 92- someone at Chic ego.

-;_ I have givm this matter considerable thought and attention '13 well as making certain discreet inquiry, and also by rr.!»:im- v.i=.at I be} ic-ve were tests, inferences n ich rzi-ht lend to someone givingf out _ 92 this office,E in1o1'-nation, in my provided ooinionit it is was very anyone doubtful connected that ritk anybodythe at C thel-791-f~f'I! Chicago 0 ice is intentionally funishing any information which mi;-ht reachth rewspnoeIe / _ e .. In most of the instances where stories have aopeared, rh ile Ire have no definite information indicating; the source of these, it is ' . annerent that the information indicated could very well have been ob- . '* teined fr-or-:1 other EJ Q associated with the eourcee office. or hie oi:-cninatanoeiihma on!y matter which contact scene with to besomebody impoeeihle f-____ oi satisfactory explanation is the information which was given out as * to the fact that Arthur Barker was held at the Chicago office, as to Dii _ hx ii which inquiry it end is obtained noted aeverel c_Op16B days of his afterIdentification he wee Held, Order, the lfpena-"5 and it ismade Q _ possible that they my have exhibited his picture in the neighborhood - 92__- 1 in which the raids were conducted on the night of 92 ting in an identification to them by some person who January 8, knew of him 193b,having resul- hnnn -'92"--I Myprevllvuuvm nrmvahnm-1-11 nu vac Ifhn can n-I.-.-he 1.11.:no AP 92I.l !In.r..iuv'-11.; J'nn..=-up SJUI-I Q4-t. U} A-, Ill! _.|- ABUBU 9..--0 LHCFI 92.-_._ U1 ..o ULI1L:-.

having been ca resident at 432 Surf Street, or a visitor. at 3920 Pine ,.. f J r Grove Avenue, Chicago. lo ;__ 1} ._;,- 3.; _, bl/' __ Hg nnoqnnmn . i , APR17waswin, Y. ,

_V I i ' AI -/ w _ :7

,, 92 [I1'. I

.92 92

92 The references as to HELEN GILLIS having been held at the Chicago / office, particularly ahen she can firet apprehended and held here, it is believed arc known to the Bureau, that is, as to the eource from which the nelepaoere obtained the information indicated..

is to the articles which appeared the night before Helen Gillie appeared before the Grand Jury in January, 1935, no one was aware of the fast that aha was held here at that time until late the day before she appeared before the Grand Jury, at which time this infonmation was furn- ished to the United States Attorney at 0hi*ege,I11inois, and it is / pcaeihle that the U=S=éttorney node acme reference to the fact that he intended to use her before the Grand Jury, and this may have been the K , enurce from which the newspapers inferred that nhe wee being held by ue at that thne. It ie known definitely that it was announced early the following morning that she would appear before the Grand Jury that morning to testify in that case, as this nae announced to the nozeonwcas by the U.5.Attorney.

The article which epneared as to the alleged confession of WILLILK Bhlih BOLIDE and hie connection with the 5t_Valentine Day massacre Febru- ary 14, 1929, wee based entirely upon mie-information, inasmuch as he /_ had made no such statement to anyone, and at the time these articles J appeared Bolton had been taken to St.Pnul and eurrendered for official custody at that place, indicating of course definitely that we previous- ly had had him in custody. The recent articlee appearing in the papers referring to the e?1eged confession furnished by I553 DOYLE to Federal Agents at Kansas City I do not believe had any reference to any infcrma~ tion obtained at Chicago, and judging from the report from the Kansas City office that the aeeociated prO8 diepetehes there do not ahow n die- natch to St.Pau1, and the explanation offered by the representative of the associated prose at St.Paul that he had received this in an associ- ated prees dispatch from Kanene Uity, this would indicate that the eourde '92 of this infonnation was probably St.Pau1, and while I have no information 92'__ I upon which to been same, it is my belief that possibly Attorneyiiheooureey at that point may be reenoneible for this article which appeared.

Previously we have had a very careful check made of the teleohonce at the Chicago office, and the tolenhone comnany has indicated there is no noseibility of a tap on any of our linen here, and also Judging

. '5 7' e , Q

an. I


~ 92 by the conversations which ban been had over these linaa, and the _92 information trsnanitted, it is my belief that thu papers did not have 92 / tile amp-cs or information, beoauss of the fact that many mm impartant things have beau discussed, Ihich sould very easily have been the subjsut matter of press releases if thuy bad been able to overhear such conversations-

, 92 Vary truly yours,


Special igmi: in 6'na1-ge- SP1.'CI.L A§3i5IG?~.T:*;Il*TI


r 92 i I I

~' A-u . 3,- I ; = COPY


G June lZ, 1955. _J_--_nn G1 i. Time 5 : 51 PH

HEQHANQU£_FQmH 1. Re: Byron Bolton. z '7!- Eh-.#a1dropI O, telephonedand etedt1~'.t e i ,7 report was being carried in th Chiccro Lerald and Examiner to the effect that B'yr Q+uOn o 1 had 92 mad e a comeplete confession. I advised r. 92 Haldrop that this report was not true; that Bolton 92 was taken into custody by he bureau and tried K and convicted for his part in the Uremer case, but "III? that the reports- u thzt - ad he h made s confession _ . 92 cleurin; uo_ 1 1:1 1e 0-wt. valent1ne's Day massacre at Chicago were unfounded. Us ~,,___ FT" Var; tru_; y: rs,

John Edgar Hoover, n. nlrector. _ Rscoznw-IF v-.; A L . "l I" i

§._' . r*' 1 k n J. _ _p+'§LH§HC? .1 __ _/ MM h ? y§q=:S:3*- 7 d P uu 1;» 9;; . ,4 I I U { KL F,92§% who ?<9292 ix D e 1 Z 5%

A _g_._..._...- lnguet 21, 1936 ¢>-»'-~ Q I 92 1 J


Pf! r - ,_b; 81-La$oLt_en[_ lith reference concerning to the your identity inquiry of as the to persons intonationpea-pet:-sting furnishedthe J "8..!up1o_l_-.=e=.__t;:a@!s.e1>ez_ee!!e@!&2.~s.=:w in °l=1°e¢i=- 111192." 1» 1929- 1°" W j sed that Bolton was questioned concerni this offense. Bolton ate Z: that the persons aho actually per _ treted this eessecre were * Ir ets-c Guqfiinkler, Fredurke, Raygugent and Bobxéierey. Bolton - s he personally purchased the Cadillac touring on which In! used in thin aassacre, having been furnished with the honey to lake this purchase hy Louis-92l-ipschultc. Bolton cleias that he purchased this car .1, frog the Cadillac Company on lichigan Avenue in Chicago soeetiae before 92 thefnessecre happened and eesumedd. the time that purchased the car that it ens to be used in hauling alcohol. Bolton believes that he used A _ the name James/llartin in purchacinb the car. The object oi this massacre, i} I according sd_t;i_og,ees to for Bolton, the purpose which was of planned eliminatingby aenbers "Bugsforen of thgcapone from the organi-hoot- , legging racket in Chicago. Iiolton claims that the plot to perpetrate /7 this killing us -initially developed at a place on Cranberry Lake, six » I - iailes north of Couderey, Risconsin, = - Ihere on George operated . a resort. -*'}Jacelli i1}Q-epone, reportedGus Iinkler, to be George"*Zeigler, anIllinois State Louis; Seniftor and * , D~ iii?! paretells Burke, Billare reported to have been at the resort operated by George on Greater;-=y Lake Ioveuher at the tine of 1928. the killing, bolton was states first that planned, Ii|m$"giioCrnsoen his being encbiinqr in Qctoher _f'The or Swede ,' '492._I__ore.n were selected to watch "Bugs" Iorexe garage, since they both knee BK Ioran Caponeby sent sight to'3'1oride in order before to learn the lleseecre his lovenents. ens perpetrated Bolton states ihd left that FrankAl '" = ilitti in charge of the operations and that one Frenkieteo, hoe dead, eee 1'? 92 Iitti's assistant in the transaction - Bolton cleill that l F e oI the '1_ ectunl perpetrators of this offense sore police uniforms, jhoegh they T1 did eeer police adgee end that ehen the killing took place the persons /K92 '/ xlctually perpetrating therein did not know the tentity of each of their J, Q victims but rather than risk the possibility of I1Bl1IlEe.KQI'-Dq._k1l-1-Gd r Klara;H. all of the persons '8?-"00 fgnngnig mil :1 1 gthenggsérelge. Th -- -HP" ' ' -' I ,_ L, In e. ,' 4 , 1 I T lI = -, 92 is indicated above, Bolton totes that Fred Goetz, Gus Iilikler r 1i FredBurke, hay Rugent end Bob Carey were the actual perxah.-_gvxtors of .- the

. UL/V

4/ r,/ r? -I _ v s 2.;

Ir. loin!!! - 2 -~ 8-271-3?";

lnsaacrm According w Bolton, cummmx of as. am», 'Io1U92/clpusla .___-_._-. of 61:10:,-;o and 1 Ill! known |.c4_".'Shm:k.g_r' allo of 81:. Louis, burned tho 01611110 Mr lfter the llaauci-0.

V Bolt-on has consistently denied that he pnrlonallg participated in the luncre and Ina oxpreaaed 1 willingness to confront anyone of the C indiduals mused by bin, accusing hi! of participation in this offense. , In diaeuning this utter, iolton has internal 8900111 Agent: of thii Bureau that at t-ha t-in of tho St. Valentina: Day Iuucra, 6h1.»t of Dotootivn Skin of the 61:10:30 Polica Dopnri-lent val on am iiiir-611 -if the paai §j'iI"i'6i$i; iii17ii§ 553% iii? iiii iii iipt. tbs unborn or the Gyndiutn interim! as to the alas-abouts of Bugs Iurlll

< Respectfully,

J¢ 3 P .:~:* 7 * John Edgar iloévar, Director.

r :1

~.92V % 1


- Iepteaer 15, 1906. , U ---_ I "92 I ,92 / !HlQhl!§E!_IQ§.I£oA§1§IA!$a?Q

Iith reference to the requeet aaoe of yo oone weoko ago A by eeeeicaltete'e of Attorney theiggteoncerning Courtney of the Chicago pereono for reepouoiblo information for in the the per-poa- petrotio of th . Valentine aaeeecre ig Bhicago February 14, g Q 1 1929,you will rocoII'¬EitI!E!3?ied'§ou*that Hggéiggtgg had fur- nished no certain information relative to thie matter. In Hiecueeing 92 this aatter with you, it eal I underetaning that you felt that this invoetigotion ahould be condcted by tho Bureau; that is to lay, that we lhauld proceed with the looation of the various lub- jecto who were involved in thie Ialeeore and eheh looated and evidence gathered, then it would be time to determine the procedure to be taken relative to preeenting it to 8tate'o Attorney Courtnoy.

Iy prpoeo in bringing thie again to yor attention in duo to the fact that the Federal Statute penaliaing unlawful flight to avoid prosecution wee dated Iay 14, 1954, ohereao the oriae oae I colitted, of course, on February 14, 1929. In memorandum received from the Bepartaent uner ate of June 2§, 1984, the FBI wae in- K etructed that the Departmental interprptation ea that thie etatuto did not apply to poet traneactioe but covere only actione which have been in violation of this law after it became etiective. Consequently, Mr. Nathan ______._ I would appreciate being edviled ae to whether, in V10! of thie ind Mr. '12:!-Ann, terpretution, it ie etill believed desirable for the Bureau to pro- -I! '-.n';gh|uan 1 ooed with an inreetigation of this matter. The Breeu hoe no objec- flhy i .1.-"U"l tio to conducting thie invootigation, but aw only doubt is ae to 3?? 1" 0'3:-3' our juriediction. E ,.4;. J81-92'~' .. .. } - Mr. Edward ] 532- Egan "~~@%*%1:z» 311 J 511'. Fnxwnrtb . !1r.Ci.avin !92-1:-.Ha"bn MP. J0:-j-epiw . .. i Mr. 1.-out-1 ¥ :r I1I:.l92 1:-I3 _ _ v, 1-BZE § 51' x _ l .I92L _!' REOORDED&INDEXED .92 m.... / 77 , jf'm f""= John Ilgar Hoover, ,, , n~ 'H~" /A 1 Director. 55 flu.-.3_-'....__ . I

L }_ _' " ,1, If;4 . zi

Q M n.' M Mr.Mr.'lolnon..Nnthm _ JOHN EDGAR soovzn ' H 1 Mr. Bltihmnn _.._. DIRECTOR 92. é

._Q-ii uum iMr.Liiiéf __ _.,.- Time - 9=21 ma. _ : Mr 4 Mr.Clegg____,_____ E AT:G Dw Zehrralof Burrau Ennrntigatinu 1M:_D_myMr. Coley ______._ H nitrh StairsBrpartuuvnt Zhwiire nf O M:-'.Glavin.. Naalyingtnn, 35.Q1. {E M,',,a_,,,o 'Joesph Mr...... __

ML Nichols . Mr. Quinn M Mr. Schilder 4 - Ill _ _ , , , ______. Tracy ,______l!EMO_.R_sHDmmJi1E1QlR§G,1lQ£_ FOR M GM ......

Hr. Holtzoff telephoned me and asked "just what was the 51:; Val-entmein ' -usD as:Massacre". .. I outlined to Mr. Holtzoff briefly what took place in this matter, and told him that it was just an outbreak of gang warfare in Chicago.

He than wanted to know if the Bureau thought there was any Federal violation involved in this matter. I told him that we can see absolutely no Federal violation in this situation; that while Mr. Keenan was in the Criminal Division, we received a memorandum from him stating that no offenses would come Within the provisions of the unlawful flight statute which was committed prior to the time of its enactment for the reason that otherwise, you would have an ex post facto law.


0 . t _,_. REOO1i1-,1; of 9/ ,1_ /' I JOHN EDGAR HOOVER

.- =.u.,.- _

___|...... _..-_ DIRECTOR I 92 Mr.':'----e"-F11!-5 Irhrral liurraunf Jlnurstigatinn Y"""f Y /,'' F--- 92 , inttrh Stairs Evparimrnt nf Zlustirv 2 s-i EAT:TMF . , Washington, E. IL

, September 21, 1936 ¢ , HiLi Y " nmuommntru FOR THE nmacwoa : Q 5 Mr, '1ar~1.1 h 1.11;.TL'l> ' N /. ! C! With reference to our conversation recently concerning_@md§. 3 the St, Valentine's Massacre,Day I desire to advise that the report Bremerof Agent BrennandEte6THtrStw~Paul1~Hinnesota, Kidnapingcase receivedwas the in Bureau Julyon 24, July 193527. rthermt:1PthHt* time, Mr. Newhy was supervising this case and the fact that Bolton had furnished the details of the massacre was not brought to m at~ tention. Although Mr. Newbyaddressed a memorandumto you on August 3, 1935; containing,6 an excerpt upon another situation from this report Mr 7" of Agent Brennan's,QB noreference was made to Bolton'sM HILL!-.3. statement -- _. concerning the massacre. The weekly summary report of Agent Newby summarizing the developments in this case makes no reference to 1J Bolton's statementin this regard. V

3 Respectfully, I A I a 92. I ¬ V a E. A. Tamm ! I L

!-92 :

. INDEXELDRECORDEDe _ I 3 I 9/ K A_' 7 ' 92 . t i

Ill Nathan ...... Mr ToJlon__.-..._-.. MI. Banghmu ___.__ Hr. Clo]: ._.--. ._.._ Hr. Color ._. ._-_-.-_ __-._..._....- v . %__ -~Hs M t,___,,,,_,______,__________N__________*_V__F______Mr. DIWII1 ----._.-. "I. lIgln.__.____,_,__ HI. Foxworth . ----.. Convict Bares Sioryl Mr. Ghvln ...... -. 92 i Hr. B17110 _____-_-_.- / Mr. Joseph ..____._.. i of alentine *_ L," Massacr __ ',...._.-.."_.... ~ .----.,__...,_ Hr. Lester ______H1.Nichols. ___,,___ i I: A newand revisedversionthe After of the mass slaying, investigation~ Clark street carnage of St. Valen- ;revealed that two men had -rented Hr. Qll-ill!-----T----. =tine'sseven day years ago is in the la room directly across the street H-P. from the grease-soaked death cham- Sdhilder... __?__ hands of Chicago police oicials.j ber a week before machine-gun ex- Hr. Tlmm .. ._..:r . i 'Dn|-no nfIir92i51§ "92r92urn92rnI' inning ' 4' A v-up: 92|4.Aa92-An:--1|vv 92- I o-Ivn-a g 1-noun ecutioners strode into the garage it. Tracy _ ___ and mowed down its seven occu- tained a close-mouthed silence and Hill Gll|______-I- jdeciined emphatically" to discuss the pants. From this vantage point they - report. mapped out the lay of the land C - tor the murderers. In the abandoned According to information supplied §mane1."i 1 3 it-oom was founda letter addressed J "The Daily _News, the new. light on to ByronBolton andit borethe 'the masscre oi! seven of George} postmark ot Virden, I11. Investigators went to Virden and "Bugs"!fMoran inmobsters agai round Bo1tons' parents living on a rage at2122 North Clark street,in} farm between it and Thayer, both the course 01 prohibiti ns er-uptivef J small towns in the central part oi era, fromcame 'Byr<;¥Bo1ton, nowithe state. A picture obtained tram serving sentence in federal peni-f Bolton's ratherwas idezititied as tentiary Ior confessed participation that oi! one of the men who had ' theran om abductions oi Ed- rented the "death watch room. rd G. Bremer and WilliamBoItons movements were then *5, Boltbn, mm. it is reported, about tour traced to St. Louis, where it was learned he had been a chauffeur imonths ago, after his conviction for Fred Kil_lerjBurke, va - also iand incarceration for the federal ously identified a a participant oense, made a statement which the massacre. Burke is now servi g outlined the wholesale killing in a life sentence in the Michig detail. This information was recent- pententiary tor another murder. lysioner turned overP. to James PoliceAllman. Commi' wt 1 Killers lleported Named, Y i In the statement,it was saiil, Bolton named the participants in the massacre. Some are known to be dead and one or two others are reported to be still alive.Wheth- ;er he implicated himself in the statement could not be learned. i Police officials declared today i"that they would like to~i-all: to ;B01tOI1. = Canvassed for conrmation oi! the reported statement, Chicago police oicials asserted they "could not discuss it. 7 - It was reported that the homicide -sOttoq ,uad unde the r Erlanson,isd L1 irection nowchecking of eut. 1" t ;-..j?;_$_f_f-the=»1i___," Oh if-_I6 _.._<2_ - X9" statements allegedto havebeen '7 4 . 1* ts: made by Bolton. / ,_ ,3 Chief or Detectives John L. Sui /92 1 livan, in refusing to deny or verity 6 itthe were reporteda case statement,of any aidother that caliber it J might be disposed to discuss it. I will not discuss this case under 92 .sr'.y consideration,however. _ -; Bolton Linked to Crime. _morzxr-".0 Q Bolton, 37 years o1d,,a~ to Er ilor, has been identied at vs.- ,9292_-x /,2-5/-% 1 s times as a man sought by we ago pcliceior participation St-.la.s_.1 n ¢. f - - -,---~-.,--new-|-.1--u . O C J Nn!L;'- . JOSE?!-l B. KEENAN K _ 7i,-'. T3}-gn_ Arronnn Gnlanl. ? 'l"u:_AIl:s1'urr to nu: :':, B41'!92;f|r______F L4. ' >1 . Eepartment at Blustina ':|.'u=H Washington lirg,-. ...-|-_._._.- 1 92 n

-... . -Lu '!92r .1 I. 92 } '. <,-;., I -~ 92 . X / non ma. J.__ED_G_A._R Hoop; 5 Dj§Q3GF.i10i OF T:iE EERAIJ Be: O t. Valentinegassacre 0? In"'i"ES1TI§g';@ .- j i yjfr! .if vr0'192 in Chicago, February 14, 1929 ' Hahn ' ,

15 -1 This will acknowledge the receipt of your memorandum of Septeniber ! , 1936, with reference to the request of State's Attorney Courtney of chicego for information in the possession of the Bureau concerning the périi réijjiiuhé -|'i92I -I &3:'I-n Us-A3 G:-L gun 11 ya-|.%Bvd-Pu? "l 4-Q Q -u-=8=»-1£ men: an Qn --s Fhinnn-n 92I"-*1-wav11 0- avluaBh|F'I'Il!92Y"I 14 , 1929. It is noted that you call attention to this matter because o't'the fact that the Federal statute penalizing unlawful flightio avoid prosecu- tion was dated May 14, 1934. and was approved llaypli, whereas the crime in question was _gonIni'ttFT_ o11_1'§]>;_ua2'y_j71», T919.

In this connection you are advised that although as indicated in the emorandum under date of June 23, 1934 addressed to you, the Departmental K in terpretation was that this statute did not apply to past transactions, 92 but covers only actions which have been in violation of this law after it became effective, it may well 11_e__t_n_at__inpthepcircugnstances presented in this case the ind e?p5nsib1e for perpetration E1"thI'§é'£*iié' gli WELL LIBNB -..___1.__._ D5811 LII. .:_.-.1..- B11-Bbieali 4-u._.|._U1. -4»J..l..L.u:.luJ.:| -r11s....a.,nuu _..;a...4+92.4...Iniuu-J.u. AUI 44- 92rJ.J..llIl-I-I-u-In Q-,4.-.4....1Ju..|.4.§-:..--2.. diction on the date this statute was passed and may have moved from there sometime thereafter.

sf if en As a. consequence, therefore, ii they were in the State of Illinois trter that date, and as they are still fugitives from justice in that state or they subsequently left it for the purpose of avoiding prosecution to Hter another State. Territory, possession of the United States. the Dis- ict of Columbia or any foreign country, they would be within the terms the statute, _ ,1 7/.7 _ , I?" || RF RDrD -._ " - 4* If such is the case, then there _ ,. is no '- questiog/but that - JYKLI the }'ede1{a1K Bureau of Investigation would have investigative Jurisdiction and you are SO advised. -92 _ | 1 . I U I.» * - .92| P1, | , The Assistant eph to the IB- Keenan,Attorney General. W _.,..__ . - _. _ V 1*;-.v.,1,,,,.'.u »-- ..-.-, . ~A-,¢,.,i,-~- i= " K , ¢ I . ' J


Ht!!! r_,.,;.,§._;-.._~;_;»v~ ea-54:99-2: -7 - Md uh 1936

1|». t. z. cumuq, hdcrnl Bu:-on at Investigation, C U. 80 9: M1] 1448 Standard Blllldilllp Glcnlurl, Mio-

Du: Ir. Counql Iith ruiarencc to Q communication of October 2'7, 1936 trannnitting a "memorandum purhining to the porpetratiol of the 1! St. hlantinaa by Insane:-0, I would 1991-oclah being ndrrinll of the 601-all: or your coats:-mace with Oonninioner ulna of tin Chleqo Police Depu-taut, an soon as you no nblu to arrange thin conformer.

Vary truly yours,

John Edgar 50010:; " biracial-


un -~ P 1 :-1:. Nathan 92P-fr. 'T01wu.. Yr. Pn11rhma31 _..., 1T1"' 7 "Pf,__,_._..... a Tr L Fr ._ .. 5 V-,'; 7' -:1, I i IL-. Egan ". "'I.'J"'-l?'lb . uv-s¢.4>~'I"""""' vi? 111-. CI_;"In g . it -

Ir. .2. LC =30enh :7 .. _... J K _ ,|| I ! 92 /

i ...... 92 ".,». "_;:'_:u;. » a _ 92 _ "pm l . . . ¢ l _.C|' . . ______.. %

_ . .; _._-1;... vi .. ._ fl 92{ . r /"1 "


______: 001,050! 27, 1936

YD 1 aW°' hm to :0 hdoral Baron of Investigation, II. 8- Depurtnont of Juutiu, 1440 St-madam! Builéini, cl-IV:-I-Q M90

I- Door Ir. 9onno1.1qn

I an attaching hereto I cow or 1 noaorandua prepared in the Bureau under date of October 26, 1936 which Inlnarizoa tho o intonation containo in the Bu:-an filo: oonoorning the lécntity of the perpetrators of tho 3t. Valentino: Day Insane:-0, I drain that at tho oarlioat pouiblo nk you personally all upon Oouaislionor Alla! of tho Chicago ?o11cn Bopartlont and u-nilh a copy of i:-hit umorandua io iii, oipiaiiag i-mi this is all of tho informtion developed during the Bureau: investigations into the facts surrounding thi porpettrutimz the St. Yaloutinea Du Insure. é-, o 5 ! Ploasa advise no fully of the féiultl 01' into:-tin with Comiuianor Allan. = .- ' ' - . , - , Vary trub yourui; '

John Edgar Hoover, Director

92 ==~1j»~"qg;,i**$???¥-~~~~o-- ~ I 0CT28193B

92=- » PX -'9 w M"" "m'mw w T. - _92 m -1.


M H°S"T1- onus» as, 1936. 62-34299 mam

Ill I1. IALETIIUS BL! M88163.

Bnrtngthoaauruotthn lnunantlan

t with the tidnnplng 0! Idwud harp Paul, Iiunnota, u hdarll In-can at Investigation tutu infatuation nhtivo in than panama 0.110306 in ha rnpaulihh for tho porputntlun or my St. Valentina nan-urn Edam, mm» an iii I

Inn Bolton has Du:-nluhod 8900101 lint: with tho in--_ fornutian that the pa:-sou maul}; aolnitung the murder: in the garage an Iortbark Strut, Chicago, Illinois taro I:-ad Goats, 0111! Tharp 2013102, Gm ituhior, had Burke, in; Input mad Bobuny, alias Gunrw, mdlboallongbswbbnlmonufld Inux-:1. loltouhuadurittod that-he mrchnod tbohéilho tour- ing on and by he mnlanrl in tin pcrpotrntion of the annea- llontuhd um». thoentru gvmuxagmnunaanhc Compaq looatnd on lidzlgln Aglnuo in Chicago, Hliaeil, and ho balilvu tluttn and th0|u.Ia'o!I'uoaIart1n lapwohuaing thisur. Bu] stated that Mull I-tpooinltl gun his tho nanny to purchase this oar, and Ill tat purchase by Ltpuhulta. Ioltun itatai %-it tr}: - * '"- - v-Qlati»-2.1!»? way iiiiiifi, andatthutlnohoporahu uuundltuut-abound in hauling alcohol.

lo1t0altatcdthtthlPI1'P°Il o1i.l1aahl*8u¢iiioru,Ii:ohndaguagii921 so-calla! ll Cape!» oyndioct-h Io adviud nlanrcnrnfornhtdatnnaertdlnndby Grnnb0n1Lth,nS:a!1nlIIl&0IOndcrn;,I1naonalndur1:g0ctohcr 0; lQI!!b!!; L923, lo Qt.-4&4} gut IQLLQ!-._;_z !Q!"! pxggqgt ntthllroaortott-hnt1I0thop1anluuronvs1lo92ok!.l1'3u¢I'Iorun *2-

_ -4-;-

1 I R , Ihrrll-92»Il'§OU

loltan ntatod than "pa:-sou an at the rnqlbltdthlt ho, Bolton, hhlloaddlpndblttt hth0ro00t,mdlh:t thuopu-tlurolnlnodon Lskotortnroau-three wool.-1, and thin lnfornti. I;-yak Fraud-:11 and lid; Index-nan, guides who to 0 and hunting aid ihiiq, and iii Ii-iii ii ta-i vi.ii.i1u; - * -"-rt. fairlii llllunnacarltakcrofthoroaurtattha omzldaluo verity the prunes at than various pqroona 1 we. Boltoa mrnllhcd tbs lrthnr tnforultion that Oluuga iaddox, 111» Jammy loo:-0, formerly at Bt. Louis, Iiuouri, Inn; Gnpinio of Ghtongu, Illinois and a an haonn n l$hoaker, who val also from St. I-ouil, Iiuouri, burned the 61111115: our after the Illlllflo /

Dalton daniod that ho participated in thc ll-ssacro in my my ud ltntcd that tho pirsoal who occupied thn npu-taunt ac:-on the ltrat tron tho garage at 2127 Iorth Glut Street, match- ing for the appearance of "Bug!" Iona, Io:-0 luau ilorand, alias 931% iiii 3ii6i* aa -"fa-g7 E663-iiiiiai that the apriatiqi ca thi day of the Inner: an curried an £2-on Gland: ladder: Circus Cafe an the north ulna or Gllicqu. Bolton ndvtaé that A1 clpunc as in lint, florid: an Fob:-any L4, 1929, but t-Mt Funk Iltti took charge of thing: In 6:99:10: absence, and that he as uatltod by I:-ankle lino, mu nd. Fulton ltntod that noun of tho participants in the nuunro Ion pollol uniform at the time u Indira an committed, buttluttbqdidrilrpolicnbudgoa. - 41- . I *5


they named to Bhieego, Illhaie end joined the ea-celled Capone lynlonte, being 11000.7; ueoaletlll with ll Capone, , leek Bulk, In-11 melt, One Itnkelew, fed Ielberry, Jeak Icihrn and it-ed '15.!-.1er" lube.

I:nel92ea1qete§edtolgentethet1t.eeeher.ln.fo:.-n- eere1'edIeeberr7,0neI1nke1e:,h-edlerkeendlreeetegtheittunthettheec*hae1P11J.ere1atI:=e8t.Ve1enttne'eD|;aeeeeere beeeneethegelieeleernethetleltonhedrntedtheepertleut ehlehneeedterlookoutvlrwlleeerueetheetreetfruetlugerege eretheeeeeeentookgleee,I011-eebeeeeeerugltlveeadbegen 92ae!.eg92I|eeene0.le¢enn-- - IQ92-Q-1Q. dm -I R... -.l_92n--_ Q-.L-._ - K, leaner,» 1929. Que Iukeler brought In-e6 tie-'h1cego,I1l1noLe,eadeteude;e1etea' et the epe:-taunt veering e police Unite:-:-

92 J I.

After the nee:-more Onelhakeler and lob lkx~e;'eere in the Imkeler eperteent end epeut east. of the efternoee eitting in trout of the Iiadore. has the élenninne In. Imzeler overheard beteem Ge:-ey, Iinkeler end eets, ehe learned thet Dalton end Jtlw Io:-end M '-:.%'1...-= = gar-3:J-a-""-'= 91:.-lr. 5%-%%2-s: £5»: end gave the eipel in the killers when the She etetee the eurderere were shying In , ihieh in load-ed noerbn int. the later e police miter: in the closet at her 1-, 1. hex» ,-4

;£L§;,,;'.i§L{92.aa~..- """ v|..-g-.>-¢n<.

Ushers! Bureau nf lnuestigatiun I . 4- /"yr/' _ Pp Imteh DStates Department ' h of Justus:3 .»--5. ""'"'" Chicago, Illinois

C December 29, 1938 qr ,; Y '/

5 K 92-

-92~ Director Federal Bureau of Investigation 1 Washington, D. C. L-1 92, Dear Sir

1I. As possible infogmation to the Burgég/in kil I co ection with the St. Valentine Day Massacre 5/ i ~Chicag6§I am forwarding herewith copy of l ,/. a memorandum submitted by Special Agent J. R. I GREEN rel ive to information received by him 92 , 92 3? from SIMOSXRUSSEL of Gary, Indiana. :- ~r_ §92 vf Very truly yours

K/92 92{'92 J DHL:IJH I Encl- Special Agent in Charge .1 92. i i %92 1 E.


E I1:-_,_,92.p _,_'_'_ utnq Y RE s r ~92/ 11q];!Ei>lF3~ f;EQ..-:.3:j7/ i;-,/ E,92. L C, i';Ff!'.92L _,_E,_Fiili ~=" * w 'Ei»HG.*~T|O:i JAN 3 1939

u.-inn Q ~ ' -. _ _._,7.:__;"'»o.'______:__ ., _; _,,;,§..Z_,..______4,,.-r-;.;-»=-- V __ _.. e.___-_- _

- 0 3 J3 1"- D 0

Chicago, Illinois i | p December 23, l938 3 as

r F013 spasm. sonar 111 J1, 11., time

< Eh: 51:2 VA_I_Ll?-§'lTl[E D1iY.L{AS_SACHE On the late afternoon of December 20, 1938, SIMON RUSSEL, 830 West llth Avenue, Gary, Indiana, furnished the following infor- mation tothe ChicagoField Office: I He statedthat he was Employedat the92Pyra:nid Engineer- undering & Hanui'acturingmanagement the Compaq, MIKE 56 Wellington l1l1KAUFlLAN, ofas Avenue, toolsa which maker;that was he worked at this place for about a week in the month of February the 9 year of the so called St. Valentine Day Massacre; then after being laid off about one week, he was called back to work the day of i the massacre st. Valentine: Day!. About 9.30 or 10 1.11. on .._. .-sl__, that day three men came in one automobile to the shop and talked with I<..4.III'92I...4.!~!at his ask m the office, this bemg a %I'..shop, and later about thirty men cameto the shop, coming in several automobiles; tlmt some of these latter men openedup a wooden box, Al!. I which they had brought with them, and took out an instrument, he 2? seeing only a long tube, which he did not closely observe, and ,..1 after taking it out covered it up with a black canvas so it looked like a camera when this machine was set up on the floor in the 1 middle of the shop. The first three men, who had come in, -had < had revolvers when they came in, and after the others had set up the instant machine, which he believed to be a machine gm, l hUFhI._L_N gave a revolver to a part of these men after they had taken drinks - ff? given themto KAUFMAN.byT}BANKE phonetic!,Vincennes 8105 Avenue, was the leader of one group of these men who had come in _»-:~ automobiles, and he also gave revolvers to his bunch, the two ? groups being divided about equally; that shortly thereafter four . more men came in an automobile, one of whom wore a policemz-m's _;>- 92mii'orm.later He stated that this man, who wore the liceman' ':--1 J, unifom,later was identified as DILLINGER. AE UENITE, however, was the leader or this group of four, they al o having J revolvers. Thereupon one of the men from the KAUFIULN gangand another from LAURENI'1I:Stook gang the machine gun,_. which had been _.-___q disguised as a camera, and placed it in one of the automobiles, whereupon all of the men left the shop. However, Just before they left KAUFMAN asked him that this machine was, evidently arre£-""""-_"""' tort to see howmuch heknew, and when RIISSELreplied it ,Qokad_._.._.-.-- _ ,7; fl;=Ei1:.LBUHr.AlllhiES1lbl~Hw- Ur use 2 '1938 ' u, s. m.m.nu.1a~r~us JubIiCE are ii» u J C.~ /r ~~t =92I, ¥ _,; cp+lc.92GO,|LL1IjOI8_

:1 . ' V I H - _ __,_:n.,,,,,_____._,¢--'- _.,.;-92- _-_:-_~::¢_-e__~u-...--- Ins;-_.._~_--;-ea: - -7::-e_a.====n-:_-1+,-».='_r_..'~__uun~... ml ¬ 1 0 , o

1 i

like a camera KAUFMAN stated they would take his picture when they. m came back. ? he stated that he LlfQ!'m__BQ the other iellow eapleyee, the had been left in the shop with him, by the name o?[F1=u~:naa:cxson, what KAUFMAN had said relative to the taking of their picture when they returned, FREDERICKSON suggested that RIISSEL and he leave as "tn:-e would be hell to pay" when the crowd came back. lhersupon he ____'| 1! i EIICI. 1-zu:.umu'CKSCi~I le the shop and separated-. 'n.u:ia"'EL stopped- in ,9? I several saloons, where he got drinks, and it was late when he went Ea . to his room at 1417 - 49th Avenue, Cicero. The next morning he read in the papers of the St. Valentinellw Massacre at twelve or more blocks away from the Pyramid Engineering & llsnufsoturing '92J= Company. i 9 The second day after this KAUFMAN phoned to him to come .e__----,- back to work, whereupon he worked at this place about one week or so, However, KALTBLLH never nentioned this incident to him until a year or so later, when RUSSELL was looking for work, CKAUFILAN asked him who did the massacre Job, and he told KAIIFIMN he did not know» However, he was sure that KAUFMAN suspicioned him, RUSSEB, with knowing KAUFMAN had participated in the same. RUSSEI. n-ther stated that when he came to work that instant St. Valentineis Day morn- ing KAUFHAN had given him something to drink that had left him ! - dopey, and he believed he had given him this so that he would not fully realize or remember what was totake place Later. HISSEL stated that HR. and MRS. JOE{PASCO, his sister and her husband, 553 Connecticut Street, Gary, Indiana, and their son, JOE, JR., who lives with them and is married, suspected him with knowledge as to KAUFllA.N'S connection with the instant Valentine -massacre. Pie brcther=in=lar-', JOE PAS%, had %en connected with KAUFMAN in various illegal activities before this, and at the pre- sent time, and that he was one of the gang, but was not present on Instant occasion; that his sister and both the Sr. and Jr. PASCO have tried to get him so he could not tell this story or what he knew relative to instant massacre. He stated that on one occasion, when he had g e to a friend's house for the night, ;--"71" ._< _1_ , . J _ while he was asleep JOEFASCO JR.,his ;nephew, tried to get his friends, with whom he was 89111118, t0 let him go up to B!USSEL'S room so he could shoot en; wldle he nee sleeping, He also stated that Jo, hem phonetic!,e41 Virginia Street, Gary, Indiana, STANLEY e EVESCHS phonetic!, 425 A-dams, Gary, Indiana, were,


._/35! ...r

I _,_,,,,,- .,,,_.- u..lr-Mi - an - - - ' ~ J .: '1i o"


"3 .._:/ I I 92 . . with many others, members ofhthis gang, -but these are the only per- sons shcse names he! h ....e=. -

RUSSEL stated he had just recently tried to tell this to the Gary, Indiana Police Department, but as their administra- tion was changing. the first of the year they were not interested. He insisted that the man appearing in the guise_oi' a policeman on instant occasion, as heretofore described, was JOHN DII.-LINGER- ..__.____, broken,He further but stated that g_I_1g£:, that he GEO____QEunderstood and ALBERI_KLUF11gg§,_ thi gang had who been were partlysons of LTK; !

* ' submitted. I _ , 0 .. Q e

| - - - - . Mr. Tolson,,...... *i|~|u upon: mm ZYALENTTITE" -i. uni? i Mr. Coffey --_-.;- §PR9SPE!lS Atllti 192Ir. Crawl , ...... 1=="_'bi¢ =iM=;" isnmttne mm . V m Mn °°" ken over the M!- roxw OI U3. . . _ ... Neterans of Massacre In / clubhouse or I y él a b ora . he oes are be race- track. d Mr. Glaviri ______-_ Rinhf hlln Rn 1- ||a"92 II IIILI W 92 as. their headquarter-e. in use Mr. Harbo ...... 1 i i aiOl!t there It this time of year, . They. Celebrate. ; 8_ d a noted law enforcement ot-i Mr. Leater_...,.... -._ sl. "they Ire as -well hidden as Mr. Mclntira" _'_... "3: +W91-lid be 1! conducting their} Mr. Ni ...... _ o ac,-e"=.1iom the iuperintencientjs Olce or some graveyard." . Mr. Quin|:92 Tam.ru_... M759" Filllf Emerge; Mr. A mysterious gure in the history Tracy ...... -.- rJ v Ten years ago today i:l&Iapone's|°-ll Emidom in Chicago has beenl Mi B =Ind¥_-_....;7£ 92 executioners reached all-time! g1_°"8ht W 118111 by the survey, PamIr! 25.41.... i zlhigh for butchery in the .~!?B~&i herewrcre a handyman buti ..1 recently promoted to big motes§ i 'St; Valentine's Day dmassacre, in leadership. is now 11-ie acting top-. which seven'""mén were stood inctch boss 0! the mob A1 Capone against a wall and shot down as last ionce led. Frank TheEniorcer! as a machine gun could spray their Nil. who B61? over after Cousin Ztfliad been tossed into prison tor LAX: illbaclis. p - i income-tax frauds, is said to have 1 Today the Capone veterans of the sponsored Ricca's rise to power. Moran gang slaughter are on top i Nitti, who ,rea1 name is Fran- I again. In right with the |Ke1ly.-Nash cesco Rat!ele$*Xitto, spends his win- im chine, reputedly through organi- ters in Flori 8. He makes frequent trips here. however. at the time of zakon of gambling privileges in ca- hi5 hit Visit. said $9 hgvg $51595 hi ts William Robert Bil- 3 Place in December, he occupied his lyr! "irskidmore, the Capone old Chicago apartment in G1adys ave- iguard is celebrating Valentine's » H118. mar. Lotus avenue. in }1Dayas the best of good times. p ghicago Nitti becomes Fr ad- 4; A careful check covering several. " o. ' *- iweeks reveals that the period end- § f'1nu¬lr Under --.--:__ the Ricca :__ regime, A _ __ Jack. o | ling with the mayoral primaries, J; 'Bamb1ingu:;e1l-Ztioalils. Rocc:f¬g¢I; » Feb. 28, is likely to be the most __ G_ra_z1a has been assigned to super. prosperous enjoyed by the mob, not . s-__.v1siol1"_bt numerous dens 0! vice -lo- excepting the fat years of beer run- ijcated in Cook County but outside xv-5}ning marked by the St. Valentines 4,-the city limits. The gang's Chicago 92_/. Day massacre, gi P1otl1els_are to have a new operat- '>1; ing head. 1 92../; 1 Skidmore Afraid of Courtney. - 1 Comment around 22d d State 1 Skidmore, agent for a long line .Hrld "lth and Dearb ," where of political pirates and described by le E8n!_°PB1ftB8 _two t the city's !States Attorney Courtney as the b_1ggest vice dives, 18 at Ricca will 'xer" through whom Capone mob- till the position tllis eek. sters and -other racketeers in many Ego! Heads l rdaohines. = Lines obtain protection, runs a Eddie DutchNwogelcontinues scrap-iron business at 2840 South as head of the slot-machine depart- Kedzie avenue. Latest reports E1enta racket viewed generally as reaching underworld circles de- Pushed around _a lot_ of late, but scribe Skidmore as alarmed over actually flourishing since Skidmore the prospect of Courtney becoming ffaved hrsnnagic wand over the the next mayor of Chicago." uiry nau. .- I K The Capone gang has reorganized Ralph Bottles]1:C¬!one,broth- and widenedits eld. Concessions =1 05 A1. itays on as__assistant in granted by the Kelly-Nash-machine Continuetlwcr-fhlrd Page_! i i.n return for support 01. Mayor Kai-_ ly at the polls on primary day havei .210! i=.rac;==.:.~:;;> _ J skyrocketed receipts. 'Billy Skid- or £..,_ 3 927 _I, f _ . ,i|__' . _-gotiatibns more, as go- uni érbllglit. een conducted them to ne-a muccessiful conclusion. _ , > l;92;-¢-J-""~.¥_/ H l ';i'r. T r n 92 2/If .-..-_._ o . My ' _,-" 4- ¢ ., L. _ "' n -.

J,- J!

..-V ngano does to night dltibs exact-

',lthis tie . W _.-<4 l Rocco lllhl, alias J0hn

' i , . . questing transclier gt I jia to the Detective Byrcnu were d in. wuw@ his possession. Judge James ii. n=i- kerson thereupon -found DAnd1-ea guilty at conterafrt eon- ' Bac to the ig Moneysigned him to ail, where be re- lmainet! six months. The judge inti- it Ralph Pierce will continue toi mated that the next time he pre- Continuedfrom First Pa_ge_.l -l Augori, Italy,_Jan. 27, 1889, and en- sided at the trial of a hoodlum he tered the United States as an alien charge of gambling spots and broth- would ask that the United States on 0 about July 1, 1891, arriving at army be called out. els in Cicero. One or the latter has New York City on the steamship 35 inmate_§,_ ' . - : l Rocco DeGrazia once operated 18 Guerra The records state lle handbooks in Mel:-ose Park. Murray? ' I-luinphries, alias John3 .pplied for declaration . . oi intention. . 92 Dago Lawrence Mangano has Humphreys, one of Riccas chiet N . o 129102 on March 9 , 1921 , and moved £1-om 5929 Flo-umey "street to aids under the new setuli. takesllwas naturalized - I h _-. cihzen of - the}- . a Loon hotel. The 1.-slice have over management of some of the,U 'nited States on Feb . 25 , 1925 , e-b i . . . . . nabbed him about 200 times. He mobs leading business enterprises, ng issued naturalization certificate has a summencottage at Berrien such as towel and linen supply N0. 191844." ]Springs, Mich. - service, sale of bottled waters to Shootinl of Nitti Recalled. 1" " '' A night clubs and saloons and numer- Nittj is a first cousin of A1» Ca- ous other lines. 1n addition, he will Done. 'He served 14 months of an carry on the cleaning and dyeing 18 months sentence at the federal, racket the gang sponsors. , penitentiary at Leavenworth hav- Louis Little New York" Cam-- 1'ng pleaded guilty to defrauding the pagna, for years Nittis bod guard.,governrnent or income taxes has a brand new assignment. Heamounting to $158,828, plus inter- cracks down on bookie joints, torc- est. On Dec. 19, 1932, Detectives ing the proprietors to agree to a Harry Lang and Harry Miller, to- cut. As a result, one third oi the gether with other officers, burst in profits are turned over to the gangson Nitti and followers occupying .re1Jresentative, installed on the spot. room 554 in the La Salle-Wacker 'l92ia.ngano Press on Nisht Clubs. 92Building, 22!. North La Selle street_l During the raid Nitti was shot threel a§vre_nce DagoLawrence!times. Lang suered a bullet wound in I what Little New York" and his, the arm. Nitti charged Lang had b cl of plug-uglies do to gamblingwounded him, then wounded him- e blishments. Mangano, No, B on self in an effort to make it appear ~ the Chicago Crime ComrnissionsNitti had started to shoot it out I Ii I! '. R.ii Capone Mobsters-§F3=in Power, on 10th Anniversary of I V _ f _ l7 "74 ii???» ' if *_ ' W 7 V V V V 7 - - *"' ' iii I i 5 1; ' g->_.,92_- i - - R _ . R 1 R i r= * * 1 ~» ' A - 92 3 Q t "' __ r . I

I 0- 92. nu 2- - J it

- .1 5:--"Ff 2 15"! .1} K It :@:§~-=,+_w

s ts:-* *f_.;- , _ ., ' r:-.24-§1_;5"'_§ - . - i - .;. '=2.-it92,:_.._L__'.,:_ . !~'~. ' i~ I ' 9' *2" - - .is;;_ t -. .. 5' -I-.1 __a>!= - - * - i 92 X _ , , 92 . . > , * _ _l3l.u1jray'MI-Iutnphrics. Frank Nitti-' _ Phil dAndrea. Eddie 92_/ogel. Rocco Fischetti. R i_ Rocco tie Grazia. Z, ' i i R Ten years after they had mcseacred sexton Moran gan stera'on Valentine: Day, Copone mobsters are still riding - '92...--t P» i iitigh," wide and handsome. Altlapone is'in a federal hospitj after serving a stretch at Alcatraz, but his lieutenants are ' In right with the Kelly-Nash machine; Working with William R. "Billy"!Skidrnore, the Capone mobsters have 0rgan- i I-. _-&-- -- T . , ind zunblius to a !_1.=£1's9 oi-r=f£i=i=ncx hitherto uokavnc , in the s.i.tr'§ 1_1.imr¥- blot sa.'¢i=.£i=! with :aQh1in£.1h=1"Qabb1§ I - i i A ._ I

92 .- 1 92 Q 92 ¬Z: 3 I I -..../ _/x 92kL// ' r 1

? 1 __T _ 77 1 _ , I Wag-uni Bl _i, _1__,;;__ ,7 , _ __ I 92 -4 V Qentmes Day Massacre -of ~ th<-S'TEr-an Gang A j - 92 @ _ . _ .. ,. __ __ <_+¢ " , PJ- Ww * W

a ; . I - I 5 1

i ~: i i J

3 -

_ _ .L0ui|'Ca;!1pagr:_a. Lawrencq-Mangano. __7_ Ralph Capone. p Jack Gusilf. kihéprganizéd vice, In carbbnated beverages, in breweries, slot machines, and cut themselves into. night clubs and any other form of enterprise where 'i*8h0W of musclé, smiled upon-by-thmpoiice, wi1l..coun.t them-in. A new figure of importance, "one , just a lian' er on in the mob 10 years ago,than risen to share front rank with Frank TheEnforcer"! 1 Hi!-iiir¥§§!!!aE§V,.¥_Q§§1ié=§R=§£i:aJ§§',Q"!i.k--1&5-9t!1=! .19F|=ltI~ I ' Ilrlmilvbwlrwhnl-1 ,' 92 - j / J? a i I copy-'__ W15 ' "it.

__-1..-.--nu-1 Postmerked Miami Beech, Fla., February 16 :00 p. m.! l9Q§ C

"City Editor:

Nitti did not like that story you had in Tuesday'spaper.

He called a meeting lest nite at his home on the island. All the

Caoone boys that are here like umphreys, Qggrlie Fischetti, by the way, they used his wife'scar in the stickup here yesterday they

got $l'?5;OOO,The coppers gave them H pass, Here they got tip;-.

chief of ~0lice on the pay roll here cause they Upxt here also.

Nitti ordered all the boys beck home to go for Kelly 100 per cent to

beat Courtney. They kicked in 50 G already for Kelly.

Why don'tyou print that story you got e copy was sent to

Look Magazine its the truth.

An ex-waiter for Capone Killers". 3' i in

hicago, Illinois yebtulfy 21

_-_--i-- j/,


Director Federal Bureau of Inveltignt-ion Iuhington, D. O.

Q- Dear Sir

In connection with the recant holdup of I hotel in Iiui, Inerein a Llrgs nun of noney, jerela, etc" Ill obtained, I an forwarding heroiiz I copy of a tt-er which Ins received by the City Editor of over thggiiicagoto time writer DailyNews F§_Fro.nc:oGonmr, and ; oh copy 1 Iasreporterturned for that paper. The article that it refers to which rnn292bmt.1 did 92 not like was an article pertaining to the 93;. Valentine's Day Iasacre Ihich appeared. in the C"nica{.»;o Daily Belt oT1Tebruary 14, 1939, llli Idzicb article was written by Francis Connor.

Very truly your:

HEAD-I D. I. LAD!! 1-ml. Bpacial igent in Charge

cc liani mm1.}

¢--.___~_~$, ,- r . , . ;-~1 4 1 - _ . _-. _, - --.- - "' _ 92_/ 1 .-K f _,-I E H -'-----J...--...... ,...... ,._,,,__

F 1

v- t p .,92 i *4--e ~~-»»~- - _ . 1 /' * j . ., . , 5 - 1-..u--an _.,--, ~.,,.. .__,._ M . . Lv..=~-4Ai~:'.;m-|...in-4.-..,..,»..92-.»<--»H._,.¢m..-.L.-_._.L,_ -.;']lif;".' ' .§.'. .'.:. 7*»; M ' I .1 4"; ' . I *1 I _r 7 /Ir

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FEDERAL BUREAUOF INVESTIGATION 92_./ J-o - I K 3 f 6 1948 xv_ hr?! "~"'m "'J A3003 e Q s .,/£599 *Q3/'*7 use rzmrs W. HRSEF O5 9292_ -1- enrroeru. PRODUCTION or I w-m - ao,svoPoL.mur MOAZIW - _ V E5TH.£?EHUF.¬HD fggf J55 1' URI 3fR£§T /f}? STIU . /19---" ow@aa*~ 'Wmvgh 1 " 9/ ssrmencsrs-[mum ram .4Fm""' _ _ ,, no :4uaR£L FIG£J h ,, _. mz.swrr:vs"s7 my 7 92L » K- ~=w.r"r1&: a" 1-roe 4:10masses i it h ' . arm: 1no12u.4 aremay " I1£STIGAT.5.P, " :1» rs sooozsrzoroe: cowmw. asw.-: H02us mrrnzmor rs:Ir 5". I64 rs 7 16236912138- nmrc-rzr rrr H QHIGJODPULIUE 929292_. 92 I5. / I_ L %l srecmzzr, AFR ' '92 JOHF some2 5 DJREUTUR OOFRR IEDEHHL BUR£ZU'0F'I?E£32ZGlZIOI /n Ikfcl ' OTE: 171s62-34299 containss 92U/Dby khesccre %%0qvf I ,fi1einvssti ' reflects which that tookno ' Ibde placein erialsChicago an relativeF tothe St. Phlenti' I I are potion wascondu ral violation ma ne s 1 ebruary 14 ; 0 1929 - . HO?by Herbertcontained in Aabury,gavethi8ctedfilégnames thethe by Library FBI.refergngggfhes involved namesqfand the victims no " 92,' variationfrom ' A Dg~92%'~L@'iXF-D,5the lpelllhgqr the nauesqf thein victimsthe i , boththere ' and luthoredis some , E. /j 17 ncoming telegrana _ BTA|e:rAn roan Nu. I4 . 7 k 9 0]C6 292/[677¢07'&l;2dZ¢772- UNITEDsrxrs GOVERNMENT

_,_-._.._._..------ |"9292.l = . Mr.Nichols {Q} m-TE: November28,195$. FR92.u-1 . M. 92 7 suqpxtz 5?I . / St. Valentine's Day Mossacre

There areattached excerptsconcerning theabove- captioned casetaken from The 1'-BiStory,A Report to thePeople," by DonWhitehead publishedby Random House, 1956. These exce ts are from page s! M5 of the book. PP C. The fulltext of the bookmay be found inthe FBILibrary.

Enclosure 1 _ _ £6 I L .__.J/v 0198333 as TvB'?'RE

-. / . _.92 _-"92.- /.~ ,92 t, e |'/~_92 ~92 92 92 t » / 9292 ;-,3; -,. 92924-Le-|>!"} -_ . . J 92M_V .1 A

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C Interest inrelating scienceto crime investigations pickedup mo- fsbienticentum in 1929.and In that yeardealing thepapersbooks FBI begansubjects assembling with toa library crime in-of related vestigations, suchas the testing of drugs, bloodand hair. And, oddly enough, a gangland massacrespurred the developmentin Chicago. It was the so-calledSt. ValentinesDay Massacre. This slaughteroccurred onFebruary 14, 1929. Membersof the A1 Caponegang, disguised as police,cornered sevenpersons, oneof whom was believedto be Bugs Moran, in a garage. They stood their victims againsta wall and mowedthem downwith machine-gunre. During the coroners juryinvestigation, someof the jurors askedwhat l gpurpose servedwas keepingin bulletsthe foundat the garage. Chicago policeexplained ballistics that expertscould determine whether the bullets had been red from certain guns-but that the Chicago Police Department had no laboratory in which to do such work.

Excerpt from page 145 of "The FBI Story, A Report C -inFY -khnTl? lYY'r'1O Dnnnlln hr: IJUW hag; Win tehead

/z _

, 92- Hr_M___§..I:.._."_~§_6:__laid_i_HI_____:_-:1":_l_'d_ll:_~m_:;__Q_§rI____uJQw;___92____,_,_k_mWm;i______:_Y_wF.V_M___H_____m__';__'_r"___H__u___|_!_w_iq___t iII!W1i5%vVLEl F I /ll92 #%il__'_@i:H1__=3__m___________"_/U '_ . H ' k '» .. ' ' - - W .1n.L ;'..92:'_;,_'. , ' J.-Q, .__. 1;" _--1-54. . ,* w : .' §a'§'__921,,.=._,_;-h___:__,;__--- J_ __:;,:.-- _,!:.;,v ___-;-:2. - .:' H _, - so i _," .

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-¢ 7;-,_,_ -- .' - . . ____,. .__.,,,._-,_ .5; _, JACK ,.--_ - ".~f"§92 ._.=.'~'? -. -=j§ 1*-IT*5'.f'.:92_-r_l-' _'ls- . . R . _LINE_up against that wall'!""t_liQK;_ THE old adage that truth L wereordaed.-~-l' _ .1 is stranger r ciion i § They ltned-Zllp, 1' . ~~ ' - never more grimly bxught out than. §'fnt-,your_-Qiands up!" came a second in the cold-blooded,» premeditated Drier. " '-_'. --A 5 . - I Fourteen hands reached tor_th_e ceiling. massacre of seven men eight years Probably a few or the hoodlum smiled. ago this St. Valentine's Day and the i. 5: They apparently expected to be trisked for coincidental ction story that pre- 2 gun.s,. as they had been so any times be- ceded it by only 12 days.- ' S} 1ore.""' _ - The third order came, ".i92-urn around and The story, Hooch, written by Charles?lace the walll". ' - ' Francis Coe, dealt with exactly the same; - Those were the last words those seven situation that existed among the rival gangs ' i men ever heard. A second later a stinging Ind politicians of the time. The part? f. hall of machine gun slugs cut them down. referred to here appeared as the last in- L. Blood sptashed on the wall, gathered in atallment in the Saturday Evening Post, pools on the oor, owed in long i.b_in oi Feb. 2, 1929, alittle more than a week streams trom seven corpses toward the before the ction so coincidentally became drain. The executioners strolled out non- fact. - _ chalantly, hopped into their carand sped - The mind of the author conceived what ; away. Q I I he thought was sheer ction but less than; e wee! uter his story was printed Gang-; POLICE and -newspapermen were stunned land proved that they had minds with ,» at the sight that met their eyes in the more imagination, capable of bigger and dim light of the garage. The whole world better things. . was stunned later when news services ashed the story around the globe. Head- Where Coe, in ction, ma dared to lines screamed GANGLAND GRADU- murder four men, Gangland, in reality._ 1 went him three better, slicing down seven - ATES FROM MURDER T0 MASSACRE." in their -mad lust for power, two of whom 1 The case climaxed Chicago's reputation as were innocent. a hoodlum: stamping ground. Two blocks away "Bugs" Moran almost e I e Q choked over his breakfast when he heard THE subject is that red stain on Chi- the news. Only Capone would do a thing cago: map known to the world as the - like that!" he muttered as he hastily packed ht. Valentine's Day massacre. The time his bag to blow town. was 16 o'clock on the cold rooming of Feb. -Capone was blamed. Capone was al- 14, 1929, in a grease-grimed garage at I -.-.-ays blamed for everythmg. Many oi his 2122 N. Clark st. men were named, three, John Scalise, Al- Seven men lounged about in the N. 'hert Anselmi and Machine Gun" Jack Mc- Clark st. garage, headquarters oi! the Gurn, were formally accused but were never "Bugs" Moran gangs illicit beer running , brought to trial. The coroner's jury re- activities. . turned a. verdict after long deliberation and f investigation of "Murder by persons un- Five of them were hoodlums, yoemen Q,-ll.-.-,92 II oi! George Bugs Moran. They were Peter Of all the strange angles and aspects and Frank Gusenberg, Albert Weinshank, 1 of the Valentine massacre, perhaps the Adam Heyer and James Clark. The sixth was the garage mechanic, John May, The éstrangest appeared only ls that 12 the daysstory, before called and describe?I-Ioochx" seventh was Dr. Reinhardt H. Schwim- the massacre so accurately it might have ...... u.|I:a,.. Q .a..v.+:-+ u92:u92.1=||-,-.1." we-iv, am. av; qnnnn saunasnl-all-1156 fvnhlva -as;awn 1 been written after Feb. 14. son enjoyed the company of these rum run- Q1--#11. i ners. Suddenly a long ear drove up, stopped at the curb outside the garage. It looked like a detective bureau squad car. Five .men got outone in a policema.ns unitorm. -Leisurely they lifted two wicked looking inaeiune guns from the car, and leisurely me} crossed 1;}; I H im V fnside. the §e$Lk1§°mmg.=1-'§'¢L§§e§°°§i ¢,.¢_a.a_edee.heiT theni t, ten lfaée::§'t1;m°¢iim'I'hen s. l|mill._ M the uniform M 8 ;Y8'e "peed the man tpey re thought makmé andthery the be spfp rom 1'. the Evidently,bureau fwtlne raid '11; or fl - the men room. herded They the seven offeredto 'no ward reshfex th e

'l'HE[ FEBRUARYI4CHICAGO , 195 !Sb"192IDAY TIMES'7 {_ .. ..___n_...,__.__.._...... _ _ I. .,J i . -/' _1 A . I J -0 . -92_ _ . U I D


_/ **- _' '-~--~ -- = 1 . -. . 4' -Pr-92- q "-'?-:1'- .w,:*- ,- 336 lipid stated, "-We might}! ' it Before -anyone Hake nalr1& _ kfactsinthetace. Therein_the iihole wo_rld'seémed-to ep 92 no room for Mitchell, Baer or Fleu- about them. Dashes of __cut /i ger." . @ - , . through the gloom of the place. 'il1"s; i Zuroto laughed softly, It is the terric roar of shotguns and the mad truth. The funny thing about a mur- scream of a machine gun ripped and der charge," he went on, -is that it shatteredthe silence. - f - can't get any worse. You getjust as - Flenger fell in his tracks. Mitchell much forphumping one man as you reeled l back between the glowing 1 would an army. - - - _ l. headlights of the second truck, spread . It ¥' ii his arms over the radiator in an ef- fort to keep himself on his feet, then - Slenk held the bottle before uié igroaned and sagged to the oor. _ - headli ht where all could see. "That-s é Beer whirled uncertainly, sank to LAJa good looking wrapper," he admit-_ '"his knees with a curse and hurled the 4 remnant of the whiskey -bottle inthe He pulled the wrapper off the bot- general direction of the last -flash he 3: tle and again held it up that the label had seen. F ' " i 92might be inspected. . _ t It was Slenk who stood longest The labels ain't so good, he com- against the barrage of the rum kill- plained, There's sonletlling about them that looks too new. I was tell- A shadowy gure started around ing Paddy the other day we ought to the end of the second truck. In his make up a_ Canadian Liquor Commis- hands he carried abahy machine gun. sion Stamp." _ 7 A hoarse laugh crossed his lips. Calm- Marty spoke up: Itd add about ily while Slenk watched him, terror in three bucks a bottle to the price we his -eyes, the man lifted the gun, could get."- a trained it upon him, and again the Someone tried the side door. All wild scream of 1,500 shots a minute l three men whirled sharply. tore at the walls of the garage. VVho is it?" Mart asked throat- It was over Within a matter of_ 92. uy. seconds. After the deafening roar of Slenk said, I1l nd out. K the guns silence came suddenly. A You better shut off them head- whisper here, the scraping of a foot lights, Baer suggested. t there, hoarse and labored breathing. Leave them on," Slenk said, Then the side door of the building Wait a minute- This aint nothin'." opened again. _ The calm night air He walked across the garage and swept in over four prone gures; i opened the spring lock. Flenger Shadowy gures passed through the stepped into the place. Slenk kicked door, then along the alley beside the the door shut. -garage, nally to leap into a big mo= ='Qh92ere are they, Flenger asked.tor car. 92 ll 92 92


92 92

"92 .-5. uibk-:3 _r.»@~..y ~h e,1:::=::1s;l:;?1;

Q iI.!q'-ll"

< Q; C4 -. ,,.__ ~. -.~: ._ ->"a"!'< i ,.'..H . I " ' »= * " :_-._;-LY-4"4- -,''" .=.%-T"-J.z 1. - ' -1. ,1; -*--','.-r eh" Tun nu negates: sun 92 -is-,"..¢';'Z'°'E5 1.-».¢."§.°-1 _ Cl 4 a 1|», Th

'*a'.'=lI¢l>r .!!II*M!."H IreneUM.dee.l°:: Itlllonthntnlhted lldpolll-hlnnlol O Ietredtohna 3 i >

in l'enI1ty,5 lllelngdown seven power, twoof whom-

ma .lte.lnon cm- ; 92l f T! K xli to theworld on the l nllelcre. The time . the coldmorning of Feb. 1, in A greene-grlmedgouge Lt . N. bllrher. were hondlllme. , I 2

, . . n l,"-:"=<"I?1-.§..L' "*1?" wrnaild nil -_u:-my-1:5" i: . - I enemy.

- inn-temlhnhruehed outline -- -~e . 6 Gevenwell lounged nhmrt lnthe N.- Qqpw4:$.¢-m mu:. Clerk at. Kl-l'l¢¢. heedqunl-tere0! the "Bugs" llorungong: llilcltbeer runlllng 92,en

/, . I ll lg; .» _'._' ~- .- "Y - - :a.-.¥f1§..i;?ii§.';2 _ e it... no from for Mitchell, Beer or I" ' *' ' <' Q Ci! Iimoto laughed aaty, at-ll. IE funny thing 1- - char-ge," he xvqtt on. aiftgetany words. You much for humping one would an army." - " . . I U K ' Slenk held the bottle before the Hm:heedli ht looking where wrapper," all could lee. he "'I"hat'aadmit- ]-Ie pulled the wrapper o the bot- .. .!I_ I . . 92 Q tle and again held it up that the label hetwemihe might be mpected. . headlightaoftheaemnduuekfr "The labels ain'-t so good," he com- hiaarmsovertheradiatorinand plained, There! aomething about forttokeephimaelfonhiateet, then them that looks too new. I was tell- groaned and aagged in the floor. Baez whirled uncertain] , lank to ing Paddy the other day we ought to his kneel with a curse and gurled tha make lip I Canadian Liquor Commie- mlnnaut of the whiskey bottle in the aiou Stamp." . "general direction of the last flash ha Marty apoke up: It'd add about ad Ieell. A three bucks a bottle to the price we It was Slenk who stood lenient could get."- apinat the barrage of the rum ill- Someone tried the aide door. All era. 4 three men whirled sharply. A ahadawy gure atarted around l "Who ia it?" Mart asked throat- the end of the aeeond truck. In bill Ily. hands be carried [bah machine gun. Slenk said, "I'll nd out." I A hoarse la h crosseclyhia lips. Calm- : "You better ahut off them head- ly while Six watched him, terror in lights," Baer suggested. his -eyea, the man lifted the gun, Leave them on," Slenk aaid, trained it upon him. and again the "Wait a minute. This ain't nothin." wild acream of 1,500 ehota a minute He walked acme: the and tore at the walla of the garage. opened the spring loci Flenger It was over within a matter of etepszg into the place. Sleuk kicked seconds. After the deafening roar of the r abut. I the guns aiienee came suddenly. A 92_ I 92 we are they, Flehger naked.whiaper here, the scraping of a foot there, hoarse and labored breathing» 1 K , Th the aide door of the building opened again. The calm night air swept in over four prone gureai Shadowy gures passed through the door, then along the alley beside the -garage, nally to leap into a big mo= tor oar. 92


""92. __ Ir: ,4__. »

_ _: -92 ... _'_.l"" ,

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"<- ', . 92 m.-* -P - . 1 _ 'L F '



:1-world fen: I it: shady, acre of the 9:9. A y 0! lflhfg 1ert, hfelesa; I facing u; . the Pad,slafrhtarbut an Btrangejy lgn8l' zho f er at Ieh ilndtigghedlyAdmitted iltem;~;thas' LEE at 21_22 wed félln fapone lifter town. desperadbea Ehg boa.-now-ei- £1_'a.dIte*oI ' i.f?'@'§,&;.,' j

2able,rdBurk; mu er 0

rwgvery ml. as the ._ El 811,611! ll .. "

1 'golice eir WI!-.ht- |feaaion énre B-__ ta. lywe -LE? $E¬1; don elysnfter Eat-awpy.'7 .... sq

Chicago Mar Y, 'I" .I. "5 Between J _.t . """ ""'fT*'?v"?." if "Q" _ L '$i-ii '. .. £5.-' .------~ 1' ', -L:ELi>_-Q -. in .. #5.. .-.- new >.';a:- 1 _44eaen¢znrrt 1>@qy.n1¢uttt¢r@i1;;;.,,.§,:g,...... c Gangd0ms Worst," lUriso'l1ged? ! th Annwersar in bf

Iv Y7

Ir e 92 ival Whisky Barons." ' . -

I! the Associated Press. , E.Ma.1oy,"crar"of the ction Pl_ch.u'e92 9!commanded ; CHICAGO, February 14.-'I'he rattle Operators Union. was slain in gang- men inside, thinking it . of machine guns dealing mass death landrashlcsi as he drove along the was ms. lined up mam 92 echoed in the memories of Chicagoans outer drive. ' the wall. A moment later several. other men entered. beginning' . today as they noted the sixth an- Only one gang name of importanceLo! There the end was Mgglggg a roar oi! in machine Chicago,lun = niversary of the crime which left the was erased through underworld rivalry shots. Biz riddled bodiu tell to the blackest smudge on the citys crime- in Chicago during the past year, that ground. A seventh victim lived only encrusted l'acu.»i.he still unsolved St.92 or Charles Ice Wason! Oonners, a few hours. -He died in a hospital Valentine's day massacre of 1929 . 92Touhy mobster. whcae body was found without reeoverin: suloiently to It was this slaughter oi seven men ,_ in a country ditch. . 'name assailants. which, more than any other singles The mystery oi the St. Valentine: That was the St. Valentine: day crime. gave Chicago a reputation as a day massacre appeared near s solution massacre which was the city of gangsters and sudden death. .!or a time last month. when it WIS It ellmaxed the gang wars betweenireported that Byron Bolton, B1-emer ? underworld factions, than narrowed;kid.naping Inspect, had confessed and -1--_____,_ .1 i down to a battle between the forces;narned ve underworld characters ll } his associates in the killing. of A1 Capone and George Bugs! Mr - Nlth AH . Illlll i Moran. The reported solution. however, For the past all years law entorelnl was greatly discounted when Claude Mr. Toiscn agencies have scrubbed dilligently with Maddox, named in the supposed ooh- considerable sucoeas to remove the tession, was arrested and promptly Mr. Backus...._ gangland stigma from the city. Under- released, with the exptanation that Mr. Baughrnan __ svor1d- 14-_92a_.-e_s!nat1ons, once almost as police had nothing on him. as automobile accidents, have Ohlmgo gay with hearts and Ch Ief Clerk ______been trew. H owers on. bruary 14, 1929. All Mr. Cleg;;_._____ violence, however, still ilares i; seemed quit at 2122 Forth Clark ra cally. Only 10 days ago Thomas street, the garage which was the Mr. Coffey ,____ 'Ml. Edvrarqg __ Rio. Cg.-m 1. 1 .. . _ 92V:F- l1'l?'1.lD._____Q 92 " .92'L"iTh :'. ._ost92-r _ 1 I M . 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