.LXIH.No.88 Vancouvar, B.C. Friday. March 20,1981 48


I. I



.world, labelllabelled ^d'vagua , world, ^ucated foi . „M«. MOORE Haio was educate o iVNN MOORE Haig was educateoaano

VS* Haig. Amenog^ Feb ary gg^ Staff, und^ ^ Stop Reagan Now!

•predisposed m as fa«»r52 s J2uation durmg the^ast V The return °* ""^ by ticker- »» Nixon cra, ^s^become a Pleads Exiled Musician ftom 1 1VUUU avauu. ^S^°-*1£ *er%semor f ^^ ap- Once» againo/iin f/ir/»ee possibility oj j atot ther/ie samesame timerime personapersonal, and \tape P^jTbut triumphant. The «"£&rJ2; Haig pasSd direct American foreign military in- draws on,*, the„ traditional traditional folk folklore oj I Was anything w American eagle ^ m Washing d ia direct American», j„ vi real *..f, threat as the El Salvador as well as composi­ Itailfeathers of ^.^Vd thc col- P confirmation *?" Van in tervention is a very real threat as the tions by group members. In addi­ Pre ^et^fbSsed badly- £ ^e the secon^f^ the U.S. sends in 'advisors', economic tion to being part of Banda llectWe *«*£%?» strong, ngjJ- ^^ history to hoi Tepeuani Astacio is a member of o1 a and military aid to prop up the I The elect f thought, -J£ department. state> military junta now ruling El the FMLN and FDR and regards . 6 lwing Ptef«^ S the d" ^ number twojj» world Salvador. The junta has his music as an important factor in j wouW the struggle for a free El Salvador. I Tc sit^Sn but would en^ Clark, ^owlcdge m distinguished itself with one of the slt bloodiest histories of any regime in economic ^erican supremacy his lack oi If you had one thing to say to the^ \ surwoulC dthat no,t «££suiter™° iheI Wng °n ^i ciBn ^^ papeaoer release«i d by^ the^ the Americas as it seeks to crush white any opposition to its rule. The people of North America about the struggle against the junta has now struggle in El Salvador what would become an armed conflict between your message be? to the regime's forces and the Frente I salute the people of North miu~"-- N ncv tusneu v-- -- paper. « fw5,T«»*>° T^ I inilewifeNancV. uniier JIJ.*^1 Qooforthei^ n Farabundo Marti Para La Libera- America. 1 would like to tell the dress under S». cion Nacional (FMLN), the military people of North America to try to branch of the Frente Democratico stop the policy of Mr. Reagan, whose intervention in El Salvador is sa,a a Revolucionar (FDR). !««»« «« to M Ubyssey staffer Steve McClure very dangerous. The people of rKs---- - budget *» '— nisiu'*"" meam w , , North America must stop that in­ The defense buo* not^m spoke through an interpreter, were dyof Wednesday to Paco Astacio, a tervention and stop the bleeding of however Haig was in- Mentions argument tor e S member of Banda Tepeuani, a the El Salvadorean people. S Alexander ^ !f Qf slate although «n ^s. whit group of Salvadorean musicians What do you say to charges that ^^^^eXarhUasmoraUy «» ^ Haig^ j of now on tour throughout the world the Soviet Union and other coun- to inform people of their country's See page 9: ANOTHER plight. Their music is political and 'Audio Components for the Educated Ear

With Pride in Our Ability We Offer- Service. Knowledgeable Advice, and above all a Dedication to the Assurance of Qualify and Value for All Who Love Fine Music.


Page 2 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20,1981 - Craig haale photo By PHIL GREEN lems, says Trotter. By shooting atoms with He says that applied and basic research are UBC's funding Today's pure research is tomorrow's ap­ various types of light waves, the parts of the very closely linked. "A recent study has plied science. But UBC's research grant atoms resonate and this can give information shown that discoveries in the area of heart di­ structure doesn't reflect this, say some UBC about the atom's structure. This is a big area sease are about 50-50 between applied and academics. in chemistry at UBC, called nuclear magnetic basic research." trend is "There is a trend in all areas towards resonance. There is also a large group of or­ In Dirks' scenario the applied researcher strategic and applied grants," according to ganic chemists, says Trotter. takes the laws found by basic researchers and Richard St rat ley, UBC's research administra­ This type of research does not always have applies them to their particular problem. towards tor. "The granting agencies have recognized obvious applicable spinoffs. Suppose a patient has a kidney stone. The ap­ the universities as a valuable resource in Oceanography has a different story. "All plied researcher looks at what factors are re­ terms of brain power for solving our prob­ our work will have some application — it is sponsible for the stone and finds they are in lems." all related to B.C. coastal waters in one way the urine. The researcher will then look at the applied But is increasing strategic and applied re­ or another," says Ron Burling, assistant urine and find a high calcium content. By us­ search grants the way to solve them? David head. "Any environmental research, such as ing certain drugs, he can change the calcium Suzuki, broadcaster and zoology genetic pro­ oceanography or ecology, has obvious appli­ levels and reduce the frequency of kidney research, but fessor says he disagrees. "You can't plan for cations." stones. In this way the researcher takes discoveries in a straightforward way," he "But it is not always known to be applic­ said. "You can't go from A to B to C to able when it is done," says Steve Calvert, D . . . often discoveries made in a totally head of oceanography. "The physics of it may be a unrelated area can suddenly be seen to have waves was studied by academics 20 years ago an application. I believe they should support because they were curious. Now, with off­ outstanding people, regardless of their area." shore drilling, industry suddenly needs to know more about waves . . . how often do doubtful you get a big wave?" It is easier to see how studying waves could lead to building better structures at sea. It is proposition 'You can't plan for therefore easier to justify supporting ocean­ ography. It is not so easy to see how studying the salivary gland of a fruit fly could lead sci­ discoveries in a entists to an understanding of the gene, or how bombarding a thin sheet of gold with straightforward way' alpha particles can lead to the discovery of the nucleus. Says Calvert: "We should support the good people, it isn't easy to judge the final value of their work while it's being done. The laser was discovered through such ba­ There is a danger of strictly applied research TROTTER . . . 'limits to applied research' sic research, says Jim Trotter, acting chem­ going too far. knowledge from basic science and makes use istry head. "The whole pharmaceutical in­ "Basic science is a cultural activity that any of it, according to Dirks. dustry came from basic research work," he society should be prepared to support," he Discoveries in applied research are no less adds. "Penicillin was discovered from a said. exciting, he says. "Look at the polio vaccine mould in the lab . . . there is a limit to the Dr. John Dirks, head of the department of — thousands of lives have been saved. That's amount of applied research we can do." pretty exciting success." Trotter says in chemistry, which was the Dirk hopes the money raised by Terry Fox most heavily funded natural science depart­ will be used for a parallel development of ap­ ment in 1979-80, there is a tendency to move plied and basic research. over to the applied. "We shouldn't go too 'Basic science is a cultural "We must make room for people with far," he says. "The strategic grants encour­ novel ideas," he says. "But it is important to age scientists to slant their work to a specific have people from applied research to identify area." activity that any society the applicable ideas from basic." The average grant size per faculty member Asked whether he thought the cure would in chemistry was almost $40,000 in 1979-80, should be prepared to come from basic or applied research, he says, according to statistics from research adminis­ "I guess you never know." tration. However, the chemistry department spends a lot on expensive equipment, Trotter support.' We have to be careful. We have to be care­ says. ful that in our rush to cure cancer, build bet­ The main applied research in chemistry is ter stereos and find new energy sources we in coal liquefaction, synthesizing insect pher- medicine, the most heavily funded depart­ don't neglect our core of basic researchers. omenes and anti-cancer agents for use in test­ ment overall, thinks that the recent surge of Applied research depends on basic research. ing at drug companies. Pheromones are small interest in applied research will not push So does Canada's ability to stay at the fore­ molecules released by insects to attract mates. basic research out of the way. "I think there front of science. And so does much of our in­ The artificial pheromones could be released will be a buildup side by side of basic and ap­ tellectual creativity. over areas troubled by insect pests such as the plied research," he comments. More funds are needed. The costs for lab spruce budworm to confuse them at mating "I think people have recognized that ad­ equipment are rising faster than the rate of time and prevent them from breeding. vances in medicine are made through scientif­ inflation and research is becoming more and Most of chemistry's basic research is in ic research. They have a greater awareness of more expensive as universities scramble to of­ areas which examine the metallic components themselves and their illnesses and afflictions. fer new professors wages equal to those of­ of biological molecules — like iron found in The public has become more knowledgeable fered by private companies. hemoglobin — and in chemical physics, using and interested in science in the last few Without these desperately needed funds, the tools of physics to solve chemical prob­ years," says Dirks. all research will grind to a thundering halt.

Friday, March 20,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 3 Director ponders future of film Donald Brittain, one of Canada's best cial pressure, there is no time pressure, there ration in the final moment of the final mix. If ample. Situations where you have to work known and respected filmmakers, visited is good equipment, and good technical peo­ you hire an actor to read your stuff, you with live subjects . . . UBC last week as a guest of the theatre ple Unfortunately, an awful lot of people at can't do that. Anything that can retain the I keep a great deal of distance between department and as the film and television the film board who came into it and have flexibility and the spontaneity of the process myself and the subject. In the case of studies program's artist in residence. Brittain been there for 20 years don't know anything is a great benefit because unlike, say, writing Thompson, I hid so much in the background, is best known for his National Film Board else that goes on in the world, and they're a feature story for a magazine, which may he didn't know I was directing the film documentaries to which he lends his own spoiled blind in that situation. And some of take three weeks or a month, this process can (Never a Backward Step). I stay back; I find I distinctive style and flair. He is currently them aren't that good either. A film takes so go on for a year. Even the fastest documen­ function better that way. The other people do working on a film dealing with the postwar long to make at the film board that I really taries I've ever made have taken four or five the research and feed into me. I lose my ob­ Igor Gouzenko spy case and RCMP 'dirty think it's a depressing place to go if you're months. It's a long, long process, and if jectivity the other way. I want to be the tricks'. He spoke with Steve McClure and just coming up (as a filmmaker) out of, say, a you're going to get bored making it, it's go­ observer, not the participant. I may be the Shaffin Sharriff this week in the august con­ film school. It takes a long time for things to ing to show. only (documentary) filmmaker who does fines of Brock Hall about the Canadian film move. (On the other hand) if you're working When you did the Lowry film, what sort of that. industry and the action-packed life of the for a private outfit, you're doing all types of co-operation did you get from his friends and What sort of reaction did you get from documentary filmmaker. things. You just pick up knowledge much associates? Lord Thompson with Never a Backward quicker, and I think the film board should Step? How did you get started as a filmmaker? We got a lot of co-operation. The first co­ only be hiring people who've done something I had the unenviable job of presenting You were a reporter first . . . operation we had to get was from Mrs. in the outside world and can really appreciate him with a courtesy print. He said, 'Well, I By accident. In those days, and I'm going Lowry. She had the reputation of being very the conditions under which they've worked. wouldn't want to be remembered by that back to the beginning of time here, there difficult. So Duncan, they guy who brought Actually, I don't think they should have film. You really made me look like a bit of a were no film schools in this country and there me the idea in the first place, a very charming anybody on staff; they should all freelance. clown.' That was Thompson. We didn't mess were only a couple of journalism schools. I Scotsman, went to see Mrs. Lowry. The only People should come with their ideas and get a around in the editing to make him look was working at the Ottawa Journal and I problem was that she didn't have the rights to shot at making a film. ridiculous; that was the character and we got quit. I decided I was going to Europe; I was the one book we wanted, which was Under him exactly right, but that's not the way he obsessed with going to Europe. I was then 26 Do you prefer documentary film to the Volcano. It had been sold to a movie thought of himself. years of age. I was trying to bum my way dramatic film, or fictional film? company in Mexico. So then we had to go But-he was very good about it. He asked around in Mexico. I was waiting to get a free I think documentary is harder. I find and negotiate with them. In the end, we got for footage we didn't use. There is probably ride to Europe because I didn't have any dramatic film is quicker, easier, it's not near- the rights to use 20 minutes from the book; an editor in London recutting that stuff. money* The air force used to fly you to Europe if you wrote a nice story about Do you think documentary filmmakers NATO. Somebody from the film board who should approach items of current interest? knew me called up to say they were looking Because emotions may still run high and for a newspaper man to go on for six weeks in cloud people's judgement . . . Newfoundland; they thought newspaper men Yeah, for sure. For example, when I made were filled with ingenuity and this was a very a film about Levesque and Trudeau (The Champions), I made a point of not getting in­ volved with either Trudeau or Levesque. The film turned out to be rather pro-Levesque than pro-Trudeau. When I met Trudeau 'I think the Canadian some time after the film was made, I thought he was going to shit all over me, but he said film industry is he liked it. I was very disappointed. Do you think there is such a thing as a distinctive Canadian style? For example, peo­ a disgrace ple say you use a very ironical voice narra­ tion. at the moment' Yes. Whatever style I've got, I picked it up from old NFB stuff and CBC radio dramas. I know there are people in New York who always recognize a Canadian short. And the small crew so they thought they could get well-done Canadian film is a delight. somebody who could do everything. But I don't deliberately try to be low-key. So I signed up, I needed the money, and Once I made a pitch for a film to some people I'd never been to Newfoundland. One thing at the New York stock exchange and I gave led to another. I worked with them for six them a very hard pitch. They voted behind weeks, which turned out to be three months. closed doors and the reason I got the project So they thought I could write; that was sort was that they liked my "low-key, soft-sell ap­ of a training program for me. I'd been out as proach." I thought I was giving them the an assistant cameraman, assistant editor, hardest sell I'd ever given. So I guess it's sort assistant director, assistant everything. And of a natural Canadian characteristic. that was a very good way to learn the Do you think that Canadian film is in business. danger right now, particularly with America- style commercial Canadian Film Develop­ Anyway, I went to Europe for six months, ment Corporation-sponsored films? North Africa, and I bummed around there, Yes, I think the Canadian film industry is a and then I got myself a job on Fleet Street. disgrace at the moment. By and large, it's a Then I wrote to the film board and said, if totally producer-oriented industry. There are you've got a job for me in Canada, I'm com­ two, or three, or four good producers but ing back, otherwise, I'm staying here. They there are a lot of fly-by-night operators. They actually sent me a cable, which impressed me. don't have an original thought in their heads, So I took a boat, borrowed some money doing a slavish imitation of what Hollywood and went to Ottawa, and they'd changed thinks is marketable at the moment. And their mind; they'd decided they were they'e producing an enormous pile of junk. overstaffed and couldn't use me. I was ready BRITTAIN . . . 'there are a lot of fly-by-night operators' Do you think that if something is not done to kill. I went to the director of production, quickly, we might find ourselves in the same who had a big office, a little like Louis B. ly as personal. I find the documentary is a we couldn't dramatize it, which we didn't situation that you discussed in Dreamland Mayer's, and I raised hell. 'Not only do I much more personal thing and it's more dif­ want to do anyway. The peculiar thing about (Early History of Canadian Movies), with want a job, I want a raise.' He was paying me ficult because you've got to really entertain Lowry was he didn't retain his friends. Very monopolies and American control of the film $65 a week; I said I wanted $70 a week. He an audience with a documentary. Documen­ few people stayed friendly with him. industry? was sort of impressed with that and took me tary is a real dirty word for a lot of people, The sweat in that film was editing. It was a Yes, I think there's a great danger of it. back on, and I'm still in the business. it's instant boredom. They're trying to think very difficult film to make, perhaps the most new names for it. Somebody tried "direct difficult film I've worked on. With Lowry, There seems to be some improvement, maybe I've thought from time to time to get back two or three decent films, but I haven't seen in the newspaper business. I really envy ydu cinema" I don't think it's going to catch on. everything was going on inside and we had to If you really want information, you should show that. anything I could say is good with the excep­ people who go around with a piece of paper tion of a Quebecois film. in your pocket and a tape recorder to get read a book. I mean there is very little infor­ mation in film. It's a very expensive way of The syphilis shot in the film . . . I went to the Canadian film awards a few your story. I get depressed with the amount Originally, we had a bit of hardcore porn yeas ago. I refuse to ever go there again. If I of equipment a film crew has to carry dispensing information. Film for me is a very emotional medium; in it. I cut in a very brief little business of a win a prize, somebody else can pick it up around. penis entering a vagina in closeup. It didn't because of the people that gathered there, The sort of the backhanded way you got you're dealing with emotions, and you're dealing with drama and you're dealing enter­ work; it was gratuitously sensational, you half of them should've been in jail. There into the film business: Do you think that's have to be careful. You can't go for cheap were a lot of dentists and doctors, with their possible nowadays, given you had a lack of tainment — you've got to hold the audience's attention. This may not apply to, say, an in­ sensationalism. As far as the syphilis thing is tax-shelter money. And there were a lot of technical expertise? concerned, it really had a profound effect on cheap operators. I found it very depressing. No, I don't. It's very unusual. I mean it structional film, but it certainly applies to anything that's pertaining to television and Lowry, and we wanted it to have a profound I'm not damning the entire industry does happen. The idea for the Malcolm effect on the audience. because there are some good people. But at Lowry film I did, Volcano, came to me from my films are on television because I think that's where the people are. I was screening the film in London for the moment, the others are in the ascendancy Bob Duncan, a guy who was not in the and the product they're putting out is, I find, business at all and came into the business as a So you've got to take a subject which may Richard Burton to try to convince him to do not even be inherently dramatic and you've the voice-overs and I didn't have any money depressing. result of it. He came with the idea, and I What about the Quebec film industry? hired him on. I stole his idea, and then hired got to make people laugh and cry with that, to pay him. He didn't show up for a week and that's a very tough thing to do. and I was going broke. Anyway, he brought It's a depressing but true fact that theatre him on as an assistant everything. He's now owners don't like to run subtitled films. It's a writing, directing, producing. But now it's A lot of people recognize your voice in­ two little old ladies with him — his sister-in- law and her friend, I later found out. I had to language situation, and it's really hurt the much more difficult. In the first place I don't stantly. When they see an NFB film, there is Quebec filmmakers because the industry was think the film board particularly is a very that familiar voice which takes on this tone explain in advance that there was something revolting in the film. They giggled after see­ really bursting at the seams around 1970. good place to go for a young guy. It's a terri­ Their film distribution is severely limited. ble place for training. . . . And a lot of people groan . . . ing the film. It went down well. Burton liked it, so he did it. The fact is, just as Bergman doesn't sell too It's one of the most luxurious places in the However, the CBC seems to like it so I have many tickets in Sweden, some of the good world to work and you can't get conditions to keep reading my own stuff. That's the ad­ What sort of relationahips do you have films don't sell too many tickets in Quebec that are any more ideal. There is no commer­ vantage — I keep flexible. I can change nar- with your subjects? Lord Thompson, for ex­ either. Page 4 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20, 1981 Soviet women's voice

By JULIE WHEELWRIGHT these gaps and appeal to women Said Mamonova: "Usually the Grand, a member of the Mamo­ believed that the issues would be Revolution that does not allow on common grounds. KGB does not like the attention of nova tour, she claims the women resolved automatically. for the emancipation of women is In 1968 Tatyana Mamonova, a the world focused on it. They who have turned to the Church "Women throughout the world a fallacy. It is one of a number of then Soviet resident, called the knew that if I was sent to a prison have elaborated a Virgin Mary are realizing that a socialist system such fallacies that currently persist KGB and "rather naively" had a camp, there would be a great cult which puts an emphasis on has been done by men. Would it in the Soviet Union. conversation. She recommended uproar." She added that the KGB chastity. Mamonova was quoted not now be time for women to giving the Czechoslovakian people hoped that by exiling her, the as saying 90 per cent of the women take it into their hands?" There women continue to face their freedom and suggested that a feminist movement in the Soviet oppression but they are divided. feminist journal be published. Union would end. According to a recent article in Mamonova was at UBC last Fri­ But she has continued to edit Canadian Forum the Soviet day and spoke to 175 people in Almanach from her Paris home women form two groups; there is Buch. 202 through an interpreter. and continues to work, building a small group of university "The KGB works very well. In the movement within the Soviet educated women and there is the 1979 the first Almanach (a Union, by telling the world about mass of unskilled workers who clandestine feminist journal) came it. face a lifetime of menial drudgery out. I was not yet involved in that She described the typical day of in the home and factory. issue. The KGB came to me and a Russian woman. She rises early, said 'you have been thinking Abortion is a difficulty for makes breakfast for her husband about this since 1968. That's why and child, and if there's time, for these women and coupled with a we caught you first ... I myself failure to manufacture and adver­ herself. She takes her children to had forgotten about it," daycare in a crowded bus, "where tise contraceptives they are forced Mamonova said. into unwanted pregnancies which she is lucky not to have all her but­ prevents factory managers from Mamonova was one of three tons ripped off and her legs crush* training and promoting them. editors of Almanach which was ed." first published in December and "After work, a woman goes to They are locked into dead-end no sooner had the first hand-typed the store and stands in a long lives and cries of outrage have and copies been secretly distributed in queue. As a rule, only women continued to be stifled by the no­ Leningrad than the KGB was stand in queues. The only queues toriously efficient KGB. But they knocking on her door. She and where you find men are in lineups have refused to be silent any the three other editors were given for the liquor store." longer and recently a group of 24 hours to leave the country or women in Leningrad felt compell­ face imprisonment; when she She adds that men can't be ex­ ed to come together in unofficial chose exile she was stripped of her pected to pick up children from feminist groupings, to bridge citizenship. daycare. "They're with friends drinking vodka which enables them to feel like true men." All available resources which could go into facilities such as MAMONOVA . . . women still suffering at Soviet hands daycare are used to fuel the arms race, she said. The feminist move­ in the Soviet Union are not The feminist movement was ment in the Soviet Union is a religious and they know the strong in the 1860s in Russia but movement with mass appeal church cannot help them. during the revolution these which is trying to bridge the gaps "The only way of protest in women were forced to give up created by the bureaucracy. Russia is a protest based on the their feminist views for a socialist "My own particular views are left. Our state says it is socialist, in cause. When Almanach first ap­ not tied to one particular fact it is a right-wing, conservative peared it received the same reac­ ideology. Our movement is a mass state," she said at UBC. tions that the early feminists had movement. That is why our "There was a belief that after in the early 1920s. Almanach is for women of all the socialist revolution, questions "It is very difficult to organize classes, all beliefs, all ages, all na­ of feminism would automatically an emancipatory feminist move­ tionalities." resolve themselves. I would not ment because all people in the Most of the women in the like our women to fall for that Soviet Union are oppressed. Leningrad collective, were con­ again." Women experience that and verted Roman Catholics but She added that an analogous more." Mamonova said she believes that situation exists here when women The hope for an international the religious movement is "nar­ working within leftist movements women's movement is alive. Ac­ row and elitist." But she added it during the 1960s realized that cording to Mamonova a Polish must be seen as a reaction to the these organizations were largely feminist movement began in Nov­ totalitarian regime in Russia. male-centred. ember of last year. The group in "Religion is a moderate method "I find a parallel situation in Warsaw now consists of 100 peo­ of protesting existing conditions the West. Women began working ple and the Polish system offers in the Soviet Union." in the general left movement and better opportunities than the In a recent article by Linda yet found that men on the left also Soviet one.

Friday, March 20,1981 THE UBYSSEY PageS Bent provocative but not preachy By SHAFFIN SHARIFF The humor elicits laughter from us, Many nationalities perished dur­ but it's a nervous laughter, an all ing the Nazi holocaust. Jews, Poles, too-acute awareness that the Ukranians, Armenians and gypsies gentleness of a circumstance will are just some of the frequently men­ not last, and that the few moments tioned victims of the massacre. A of solitude and comfort that the little known fact about the characters experience will be over­ holocaust is that a subculture which shadowed by the Nazi's ruthless in­ cut through the boundaries of any tervention. particular nationality also suffered After Max and Rudy escape from Nazi persecution. The subculture Berlin, they hide out in a forest (or was made up of homosexuals: Ger­ "a jungle", as Rudy persists in call­ man and non-German homosexuals ing it). As the two lovers sit down alike were hounded, put in concen­ by a small fire like boy scouts or the tration camps, subjected to torture, Hitler Youth around a campfire, as and murdered. Rudy says, their desperate love That almost forgotten chapter of shines through. Max promises Rudy world history — during which as "cocaine and new glasses" once many as 500,000 homosexuals may they get to Amsterdam, and they have been killed — is the subject of sing Streets of Berlin together. Martin Sherman's powerful play, It's a wonderful moment: it's quiet, Bent, which is currently given a touching, and says everything about magnificent production by what these characters are capable of Tamahnous theatre. feeling. Their moment of peace doesn't Bent last, however, and Max and Rudy Written by Martin Sherman are captured. On a train ride to Directed by Larry Lillo Dachau, Rudy is murdered before Playing at the Arts Club theatre on Max's eyes, and Max is powerless to Seymour till April 11 stop the brutality. A companion ad­ vises Max that "If you want to stay GRAY AND MOFFAT 'we were real, we were human' Bent is a play of content as well alive, he (Rudy) can't exist," and as feeling. While we learn about one Max complies. He disowns Rudy, manage to make love through homosexual's experiences as a and even contributes to his death. words, and they attain an ejacula­ fugitive, captive, concentration Max is a survivor; he later claims, tion without ever having physical camp victim, lover, and survivor, "I'm good at staying alive, I'm sex. "We were real. We were FREE we also feel for and with the good at that." human. We made love," says characters. But as we see during the course of Horst. "I never though we could do Ridge Hair Styling the play, Max isn't heartless. The it in three minutes." It is Horst who Bent is a play of identification, of treatment of prisoners at Dachau is teaches Max how to love after Max empathy and sympathy, of enough to break his pride, but not claims, "Don't love me. I can't love For Men understanding and respect for in­ his individuality. At Dachau, he anyone back." dividuals who suffer a horrendous Haircut, $8.00-Style, $11.00—Bread Trim, $2.00 meets Horst (John Moffat), the What we admire about Max and fate because of their sexual orienta­ companion on the train, and slowly tion. And while the play is set in See page 7: TAMAHNOUS I FREE SHAMPOO OFFER the two work together and begin to Berlin, 1934, the nature of the Tn| Marcn 3ist 2105 W. 16th care for each other. characters and the conflict Student Discounts 734-2343 at Arbutus transcends time barriers and the au­ Horst is classified as gay at the dience sees the characters as human camp; the Nazi officials, though HOSEIN beings learning to cope with and many of them have gay tendencies, fight an ominous, overbearing in­ regard gays as lower human beings HAIRSTYLING justice in their own courageous than Jews. "If you're queer, that's "SCIENCE STUDENTS" way. what you wear: a pink triangle," Complete Hair Service Academic advice re programs in The play blends humor with a Horst says. Max wears a yellow For Men & Women dramatic stream of'tragic propor­ star, having persuaded Nazi guards Science should be obtained from « tions. Bent opens with a comical "He's a bit bent," they said. "He 3144 W. situation. Max (Allan Gray) wakes can't." "But I did," says Max de­ Departmental advisers prior to the end " , B.C. up in his Berlin apartment with a fiantly. of term. Lists of advisers are available hangover, only to discover that he 733-9811 brought home a male companion Max and Horst learn to love each at the (Bruce Greenwood) the previous other. But their love isn't con- night. While his roommate Rudy sumated in physical sexuality. Their Your Custom Black & White Lab DEPARTMENTAL OFFICES and at the (Edward Astley) rants affectionate­ union is of a different sort, one that OFFICE OF THE DEAN OF SCIENCE. ly about how one should care for is necessitated by rules and regula­ household plants, and Max and tions which prevent male prisoners Rudy worry about how they're go­ from touching and caressing each NOTE: B.Sc. Genera/ Program advice is ing to pay the month's rent, two SS other. During three minute breaks available at the officers storm the apartment. Wolf, from their laborious work, they Max's one-night stand, is captured stand side by side. OFFICE OF THE DEAN. and murdered brutally before our ABBOTT & TINCOMBE eyes. They can neither see nor touch PHOTO SERVICES LTD. The opening of the play is similar one another. But they feel each 2028 West 4th Ave., INSTANT PASSPORT PICTURES to Bent's whole structure. Often, other through a language not even Vancouver, B.C. V6J 1M9 scenes are introduced with humor, the Gestapo can control: verbal 736-0171 but as the situation progresses, they foreplay and verbal sex. Despite im­ become menacing and frightening. mense restriction, Max and Horst sfii^RUSHANf BICYCLISTS: fSmm CAMERAS LTD. <^BrJr FOR TRUE TOP QUALITY KANGAROO ANORAK ^ ^ PROFESSIONAL PROCESSING water repellant and breatheable cotton/nylon blend cloth SEAT MG? 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Page 6 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20,1981 Vaudeville lives oni! By STEVE McCLURE One brother to another: "Quit figuring out the puzzle set up by the Who said vaudeville died? stallin' ". Reply: "That's what interlocking rings is also something The Karamazov brothers, totally Lenin told Trotsky, 'Quit Stalin!" to behold. unique jugglers from San Fran­ And in true music hall fashion, the Later in the show the brothers cisco, are living evidence that audience boos and hisses for all its juggle a chain saw, which is not an vaudeville struggles on in unex­ worth. object usually associated with the pected ways. dramatic arts. But the Karamazovs The. four 'brothers', Fyodor, The Karamazov Brothers became managed to keep the chain saw Dmitri, Ivan and Smerdyakov, put known in Vancouver by appearing aloft amid a flurry of colored balls, on one of the most original and at the Vancouver folk festival last though those up in the balcony got entertaining displays of sheer skill summer where they won many con­ more carbon dioxide then they you're ever likely to see. You may verts to the Karamazovian way of bargined for. This is one trick better have checked out the theatre line-up life. left outside. jugglers down on the Granville mall The brothers maintained an ex­ Throughout the show the — if you like them, you'll love the cellent rapport with the audience, brothers gradually introduced the brothers because they take juggling expecially with the children, for 'nine objects of terror': nine or­ to unheard of heights. whom they have roughly the same dinary objects almost impossible to They come out on stage, looking sort of feelings for that W. C. juggle together: an egg, a frying like freaks who got transported into Fields had for Baby Leroy: pan, a flaming torch, a sickle, a a Dostoyeusky novel and casually benevolent contempt. "You don't large butchers knife, a ukelele, a toss a total of twelve Indian clubs understand," says brother Ivan to a gavel, a fish, and a bottle of Califor­ between them. child convulsed with laughter, "I nia wine, which pops open and is Then the jokes and puns start fly­ do this for money, you're here just drunk by the brothers after they ing back and forth, providing a ver­ for amusement." manage to juggle this disparate col­ bal counterpoint to the intricate lection of junk. pattern woven by their skilful juggl­ One great Karamazov routine What can you say about the ing. And this is where the real presents a day in the life of the ' 'fly­ Karamazovs? They're ultimate authentic vaudeville touch comes in ing Kabuki brothers" who are street theatre, they're the funniest — the jokes are corny, the puns students at what could be called a act you'll see in a long time, they're outrageous, the insults directed at Zen juggling institute. The diverse, but they remain fun. each other and at the audience more brothers engage in mock battle us­ Tonight and tomorrow night, at the and more vicious as the brothers ing large metal rings and in addition Vancouver East Cultural Center, perform more and more intricate to the grace of movement are your last chance to see them for juggling feats. demonstrated the skill involved in a while. Who thought up this awful crap anyway? By SHAFFIN SHARIFF cessful a potentially risky film pro­ proved that Tesich has a good ear would imagine Eyewitness to be a he says mischievously. But Tesich is When Peter Yates and Steve ject can be when the director and for dialogue and dramatic "thriller in the Hitchcockian tradi­ also capable of writing the most Tesich got together for Breaking writer co-operate. It proved that understatement. tion." It isn't. In these troubled clinched lines. When Tony's live-in Away, the result was fresh, original, director Yates could handle sen­ time, with no film heroes on the boyfriend comes to a dead end in and unexpected. Breaking Away sitive comedy dramas as well as Eyewitness horizon, Hurt and Weaver are the his illegal operations, he says, "It was a textbook lesson for all pro­ choreographed car chases, as in Starring William Hurt and closest combination for the real was wonderful to have a cause in a spective filmmakers in how suc­ Bullitt, for example. The film also Sigourney Weaver thing. Another Tracy or Hepburn world where supposedly neither ex­ Playing at the Odeon wouldn't hurt. Or a Bogie and ists." On paper, that line must have Bacall. Or a Laurel and Hardy. But sounded wonderful. On screen, it all the hype surrounding Eyewitness doesn't work. Watching Eyewitness isn't even a just goes to prove that idoimakers Eyewitness is about as far from small pleasure; it's a chore. The can be as boorish as iconoclasts. Hitchcock's style and the "Hit­ editing is uncertain, some of the The fault lies not in the stars, but chcockian tradition" as one could lines are atrocious, and awkward in the writer and director. Tesich is imagine. Hitchcock knew when to transitions interrupt the flow. caipable of writing good dialogue. be mysterious, ironic, and even When complications and twists In one amusing scene, Daryl, mak­ cynically humourous. And most im­ arise in this blind plot, they don't ing a pass as Tony, says he'd be portant of all, he was inventive. interest you; the question keeps ready to wax her floors anytime. Yates isn't. And neither is Tesich. recurring in your mind, who "I'll buff it gently, till it beams," Eyewitness is a forgettable film. thought up this crap? Eyewitness attempts to be mystery and light comedy at the same time. Frankly, it isn't much of either. Its plot is the stuff out of which some of Capra's films were made. Janitor Daryl Deever EICy-CLES (William Hurt) stumbles unwitting­ OUALITY ly into a murder conspiracy. He in­ * Same day service on small repairs volves a local television reporter — in by 10 out by 6. (Signourney Weaver) with whom * 24 hour service on most other repairs. he's in love in the conspiracy, and puts both their lives in jeopardy. BICYCLES & IN U.B.C. VILLAGE ACCESSORIES Looking at some overblown hype 5706 University Blvd. 224-0611 surrounding Eyewitness, one would imagine Hurt and Weaver to be Tracy and Hepburn of the conser­ Decorate With Prints vative '80s. They aren't. Looking at some of the comments that have t-t)F7 the been attributed to this film, one \j

By NIGEL FINDLEY barely escaping from Zangaro with Christopher Walken plays him on Starting with Fredrick Forsyth's his life, and submits his report to edge; Shannon is constantly tense novel, The Dogs of War, three Endine, who commissions Shannon and sharp, living with violence and distinct types of movie could be to organize and lead a commando the prospect for instant death made: a sugar-coted, sentimental strike against Kimba's residence always close at hand, whether in the picture of "cute", lovable (the army garrison in the capital ci­ form of mercenary magazines or mercenaries, an in-depth character ty), with the intention of killing the pistols he keeps throughout his portrait of a believable mercenary, Kimba and replacing him with a house. The plot is well developed, or a straight-ahead, old-fashioned, Zangaran exile, Colonel Bobi. and the reason why Endine desires shoot-'em-up war movie. Luckily, Shannon accepts the mission, the coup is laid out slowly and the first option was ignored, but engages his team of three fellow naturally. between the other two, this film ver­ mercenaries and organizes the mis­ sion of The Dogs of War didn't sion. Throughout the movie, the acting seem to be able to make up its The Dogs of War breaks down is surprisingly good. Though such mind. into an unhappy marriage of a good well-known faces as Colin Blakely The effect this movie gives is ofi character study and a paean to the and Tom Berenger appear, they two different films, cut in half and murderous power of modern never draw attention to themselves spliced together with their parts weaponry. as anything other than the mixed. The first portion introduces characters they play. Taken individually, the two parts the protagonist, James Shannon, a cannot be faulted on their execu­ What final unifying comment can professional mercenary based in tion. For the first hour of the movie one make about The Dogs of War? New York. director John Irvin gives us a None, since the movie itself is not Just back from an operation in fascinating portrait of Shannon, unified. This must be the fatal flaw Central America, he is approached precise and human, though totally of any production that tries to be MERCENARY DOGS . . . drink loyalty toast by the mysterious Mr. Endine who unsentimental. two movies at once. commissions him for the recon- naisance of Zangaro, a newly- independent central African nation ruled by President Kimba, a psychotic, Idi Amin-like dictator. The exact purpose of his mission is to determine whether a coup is "im­ minent ... or, indeed, possible." Shannon carries out his mission,


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Page 8 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20,1981 Propaganda hides real terror

From page 1 revolutionaries, the villagers all The soldiers are sent by what co-governs with. shot before their students. Peasants "guerrila documents and war raised their hands. 'To be a revolu­ Washington terms "a Christian A reign of terror exists in El and children have died. material" seized by Salvadorian tionary? one man explained, 'is to Democratic-military coalition.'' Salvador; no one is immune. The It is this situation that the forces in El Salvador. In his press fight against the soldiers who kill The president is Jose Napoleon Catholic Archbishop was American government seeks to sup­ briefing Haig said that the people who have committed no Durarte, a man once tortured by the assassinated. American nuns were port with increased military aid. documents "are not our only crime? " same military he now supposedly raped and killed. Teachers were Robert White, former U.S. Am­ source. Technical means and bassador to El Salvador lost his job human intelligence were used to questioning the wisdom of suppor­ confirm the documents." ting such carnage. Aside from such "definitive Unfortunately American evidence" the report went on to newspapers have centered on Haig's say; "In its commitment to reform white paper and his hard line on and democracy, the government of communism appears with McCar- El Salvador has had political sup­ thyite regularity. port of the United States ever since The Washington Post, billed as the October 1?79 revolution." an "Independent Newspaper" ran The white paper provides ex­ this editorial days before the release amples of propaganda generated of the white paper; "A military With the aid of communist net­ response is necessary in El works. One of the more extreme Salvador, where a Nicaraguan, cases, it stated, was that the El Cuban, Soviet supported insurgen­ Salvadorian government's security cy is attempting to overthrow an forces were responsible for most of army-backed center-right govern­ the 10,000 killings that occured in ment with a commitment to social 1980, reform." Rather than rely on information Social reforms were promised but of dubious origin, publicized by a never fulfilled. The wealthy elite government with interests to pro­ who would have lost power and tect, it would be wiser to turn to the money stymied it and now fight files of Amnesty International (AI). both the government and what is This is an international concern referred to as the left-wing guerillas. launched in 1961 to work impartial­ Where does the extreme right get ly and without political connection arms? Haig isn't interested in for the release of people imprisoned revealing that information. for their religious or political Philosophers say you can't travel beliefs. They have become a sort of the same river twice. One wonders watchdog for human rights. because this propaganda drive by In 1977 they were awarded the the American military has the same Nobel Peace Prize. The award com­ current as the river that flowed red mittee said in part, "AI has con­ in Viet Nam. tributed to securing the ground for freedom, for justice and thereby also for peace in the world." AI's file on El Salvador for the year 1980-81 is several feet thick. It 'Another Vietnam' feared contains submissions to human rights commissions and statements From page 1 mutilated people are found out in is to avoid the kind of thing that weren't for the United States and its made to the Organization of tries such as Cuba are responsible the street,.. but they are not afraid happened in Vietnam. The only support of the present junta the American States, There are long for much of the civil war in El of it (the junta). thing the imperialists can do in El junta would collapse and the people lists of people from every Salvador? Lately we've been hearing a lot Salvador is prolong the war. of El Salvador could end this war? background, ranging in age from The only intervention in El about land reforms in El Salvador. Despite that, the revolution in El El Salvador is a country of six infant to 80 years who have been Salvador is Yankee intervention. One thing the FDR is accused of do­ Salvador will win. The Salvadorean million people. The big majority is killed or have disappeared. Some The military junta in El Salvador is ing is terrorizing those people who people, especially on this tour of against the junta. The junta right died from bullet wounds, others in power just because of the help have participated in junta-backed our singing group, are asking peo­ now is staying in power just because were raped and/or tortured. Bodies ple to give solidarity to the people of the help of the United States. have been found mutilated, faces of El Salvador in order to avoid a And besides that, Duarte (president erased, genitals cut off and eyes new Vietnam. of El Salvador), he is alone. He is gorged. Given that the church has played just a puppet of the administration a very active role in alerting people of the United States. If right now Taken from AI document AMR to the plight of the Salvadorean the United States cut off support to 29-07-81, dated 2 February 1981: people, what role does the FDR see the junta, we say we'd win the "Despite government claims that for organizations like the church revolution. those killed by its forces are after the revolution and how What can North Americans do guerillas and guerilla sympathisers, pluralistic and broad-based a victims of torture and death at the concretely to help the people's government would they anticipate struggle in El Salvador? hands of the security forces were having? not generally shown to have any The best way for North American direct involvement in armed guerilla Since the FDR is made up of people to help the people of El activitity ... By attributing deten­ students, professionals, people of Salvador is to be involved in the tions, torture and killings to groups the church, and small businessmen, solidarity committees that are being beyond government control, the that will be the kind of government formed all over Canada and the government of El Salvador seems to we're going to have after the revolu­ United States. That's the best way have sought a means of evading ac­ tion. Because the same people (who because such committees are countability for the extra-legal formed the FDR) are going to be in­ pushing together to stop the in­ volved in the new country. Because measures carried but by its own and the support of the Reagan ad­ land reforms. I would like to know tervention in El Salvador and to security forces." the same people who are fighting stop the support the United States ministration. The Salvadorean peo­ how the people in El Salvador view against the presence of the United That report igoes on to say that ple don't need the help of Cuba those land reforms and if the FDR have given to the military junta. States and against what the rich Because in that way the war will be young people and peasants seem to because it's a fight for the came to power what social measures people are doing right now in El have been singled out for death. Salvadorean people. If we were they would implement. stopped. The Salvadorean people Salvador to the majority of the peo- will have their own destiny because Red Cross clinics have been attack­ receiving such help from the Soviet First of all there's not any land ed, foreign and domestic journalists Union or from Cuba we would reform in El Salvador. They always have disappeared or been killed already have won the revolution. talk about such reforms because the while reports were received that Would it be fair to say the mass United States is the only way they Salvadorian paramilitary squads at­ of the Salvadorean people are can get advisors. So that's the only tacked refugee camps in Honduras. behind the FDR? You read in the way the United States can have Harper's March 1981 issue carries commercial press about how the them there. Right now there's over a report on El-Salvador by T. D. Salvadoreans are just the innocent a thousand in El Salvador. Allman. Harpers is a conservative victims of a power struggle between You mean the supposed land American publication supported by agents of the Soviet Union and reforms are just an attempt by the a full page for United Technologies Cuba and the junta. Is that the case junta to make itself look good in .and General Motors. or are most people politically con­ the eyes of the world so that the The article contains the follow­ scious and are they supporting the United States can send advisors to a ing: "However diligently one sear­ FDR? moderate regime? ched for significance, one found First of all the FDR is the expres­ Right. only terrorized, hapless people — sion of the masses. The people of El Are the petople in the FDR abused, barefoot women with no Salvador, despite very harsh repres­ seriously worried that a situation food or medicine for their sion, are not afraid of the junta similar to that in Vietnam may malnourished children: landless, because they are conscious. They develop, where outright military in­ jobless, illiterate men and boys flee­ know the only way they have to be tervention was preceded by the in­ ing for their lives from the 'security in a really democratic country is troduction of 'advisors'? forces' of their own national through the revolution. There is What you said about Vietnam, that pie, these people are going to we don't want Mr. Duarte in EI government; mutilated bodies very, very harsh repression, you something similar is going to hap­ choose for themselves what kind of Salvador and we don't want any in­ beside the road." know genitals are cut off and put in pen in El Salvador, I would say yes. government they're going to have. tervention. It's our own fight and "When I asked them if they were people's mouths and hundreds of What the Salvadorean people want Would it be true to say that if it the way to help us is with solidarity.

Friday, March 20,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 9 THE UBYSSEY Page 11 Friday, March 20,1981 Friday, March 20,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 10 Vlvltar's newest lightweight, compact 35mm SLR. The XV-1 has a match-needle metering system for fast accurate exposures. Incorporates a Pentax K mount for a wide selection of lenses. With CaJ| afhaftOQ 50mm f2 lens and case. *9^ aa*%U*f w

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Page 12 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20,1981 HOT NEWS THAT FITS staff, no provision was made for posted and masks provided, but the Agriculture undergraduate soci­ Students' lungs suffer students, who continued classes board has no jurisdiction over stu­ Agricultural last rites ety president Gord Pederson said, without any notification of the dents. "I think we made the ministers but workers protected health risk or provision for masks. Walters said that the building's performed in Victoria aware of our concern for the future Students inhaled contaminated The health hazard resulted when air circulation system sucked in the Chanting "one two three four, of agriculture in B.C. We showed air Thursday in the Hector Mac­ contractors sand blasting the exter­ dust and it is now present through­ we say no to Spetifore," :50 UBC (Hewitt) we won't sit back and let Leod building even after the ior of the building switched from an out the building. The movement of students angrily protested the pro- more land deals such as Spetifore's Workers Compensation Board abrasive with free silica content of people disturbs the dust so masks vinciaJ government's land reserve (go through)," he said. ordered notices be posted warning .2 per cent to silica sand with 99.5 will likely be required until the policy on the steps of the legislature workers to wear masks. per cent inert silica. building can be vacuumed, he said. Thursday. PIRG and fee levy The WCB was called after several "People were suffering without The building has been under ex­ The agriculture students charged faculty and staff reported breathing realizing what the cause was," Wal­ terior renovations since January, the B.C. Agriculture Land Com­ voting ends today problems and sore eyes, said elec­ ters said. said engineering student Matt mission Act violates democratic Voting ends today for the week trical engineering safety committee "As soon as we heard from the Palmer. principles of open public hearings long Alma Mater Society referenda. chair, H. T. Walters. board we got to work on their But the hazardous material has on removing land from land re­ By Thursday, 3,750 students had But while notices were posted and recommendations," he added. only been used recently, according serves. voted on funding $5 to a UBC chap­ masks made available for all paid The WCB ordered notices to be to Walters. The students were angry about ter of the B.C. Public Interest Re­ the removal of 523 acres of Delta search Group and dropping the 515 farmland belonging to Social Credit SUB fee levy. Quorum is about supporter George Spetifore from 2,300. the reserve. The land was removed by direct PIRG spokesperson Peter appeal to the Socred cabinet after Goddard was not optimistic about the agriculture land commission referendum results. turned down Spetifore's request, "It'll be close. I'm afraid that and the students said this was out­ quite a few people have been taken rageous. in by the cheap 'no' campaign," he Agriculture minister Jim Hewitt ~5aid Thursday. said, "It's easy to say that (land should not be taken out of the re­ Davis' Conservatives serve) because you're in agriculture. There's others calling for more returned with majority housing." Ontario voters returned the Pro­ After talking to ministers, the gressive Conservative party to protesters buried a coffin on the power Thursday but this time they lawn of the legislature to symbolize gave them a majority. the death of B.C. agriculture. The conservative party, led by Municpal affairs minister Bill William Davis, has been attacked Vander Zalm told the group "you by students for its policies on edu­ either don't understand, or you cation funding, which has steadily don't want to understand." decreased in recent years. UBC SPRING & —atuart davla photo SUMMER 81 RITES OF SPRING are celebrated by enthusiastic bedpanner band of health sciences students as they move into stretch toward chute leading to brass bed bobsled run down Wreck Beach cliffs. We'll all be swimming soon rather than seeing silly scenes like this.

PANGO PANGO (UNS) — Thousands of puce hairy blorgs lin­ Choose from over 300 credit courses ed the seawall of a resort town in this tiny island kingdom yesterday GRADS to herald the return of the walloes Admission Nights — April 1 and 2; 6-8 pm. to Capidrano. Phone now for your appointment for (For those with questions about admission to UBC — The birds, one of Pango Pango's your complimentary sitting please bring all transcripts.) twelve annual plagues, live on nail parings and resemble 36 lb. flying Amagraph®TD Advisors' Night — April 8; 7 - 9 pm. haggis, the blorgs say. Blorgs say a lot of things. "UBC's Official Graduation Portrait (For students with academic, counselling, and course Photographers since 1969" registration questions.) (We are pleased that we have again been endorsed the Grad Class THE Photographers by the 1981 Grad Class Council). 3343 WEST BROADWAY Calendars and information now available at MATERIALIST VANCOUVER, B.C. V6R 2B1 Selected Used and Phone: (604) 732-7446 Extra-Sessional Studies 2 2 8~2 657 New clothing and Household Articles at reasonable prices. 2621 ALMA (between 10th & 11th) =y;t^/i\^i«l^:iH IICYCUSTS PF INFORMATION AS WELL AS. ENERGY Information Place is where' students, , or anyone with an interest, The Cannondal* Water Bottte la like no other. To mount It, place the Velcro loop covered \ can look into the latest ideas on energy. bottle on the Velcro covered base. Vibration actually Improves the grip. Large 24 oz. bottle There's a variety of material on today's projects has a handy drinking spout designed to be easily opened and closed with your mouth. and tomorrow's plans for electricity and natural gas, Weighs only 75 g! ^and also facts on alternative energy sources, energy Q Hars's my $13.50. Sand me s Cannondale wstar bonis and a 1981 catalogue postpaid \ conservation in the home and business, and the environment C Sand ma your bio 1961 catalogue for cyclists, Our staff will help you to findth e information you need. So come t enclose (2 (refundable with first $20 order). NAME in, and tap these resources. They're very renewable. ADDBESS. / x Information Place ®B.CHydro / CODE_ CAN AM AN'MC YCU SOCIALISTS .,„ B.C. Hydro Building, 970 Burrard Street, Vancouver Open weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 4-30 p.m. Dept. BC.P.O Box 127, Maple Ridge, B.C. V2X 7E9 Phone (604) 467-6961 Sorry no collect calls.



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Page 14 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20,1981 'Tween classes TODAY NAVIGATOR CLUB GAY PEOPLE OF UBC GAY PEOPLE OF UBC REGENT COLLEGE Jesus — the movie: an authenticjull length mo­ Planning meeting, noon, SUB 115. Hachug, a group for gay Jewish people is hsving Lecture series: Those ships of tarshish. Richard AMS ELECTIONS tion picture recreated from St. Luke's gospel, a Purim danca, 8:30 p.m.. International Houae. Moux speaks on the theological baaia for a trana- Laat day for voting on PIRG and AMS fee levy, AMS WOMEN'S MEETING noon, SUB suditorium. Tickets $1. various campus locations. Women's health collective pressnts prscticsl and formation of culture, noon, Angua 104. HUMAN SETTLEMENTS VIEWING CENTRE AQUASOC CARIBBEAN STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION historical information on birth control, noon, MONDAY Economics series: Chitdrsn of Peru, contrasts Dinner snd party, 7:30 p.m., SUB 207/209. Meeting snd gat-together, 5 p.m., International SUB 130. FRIENDS OF THE ARMADILLO village life with coastsl projects, noon, Librsry HMEC House lounge. Armadillo weak begins. See Hot Flashes for de­ Processing 306. Spring fever reliever. Dance featuring the Ques­ SATURDAY tails. tionnaires, 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m., SUB ballroom. LE CLUB FRANCAIS ISMAILI STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION WUSC CCCM Whitehesdisn ethics: s thity in thoutheathertem Tickets available from AMS box office and the Le role de Is chanson dans la societe Quebec­ Last day for nominations for 1981-82 committee. Film: Brazil — The price of a development mir­ England, noon, Lutheran Campus Centre. HMEC building. oise, noon, Internstionsl House lounge. For informstion contact committee members. acle, noon, Buch. 205. TUESDAY REGENT COLLEGE Donald Mac Kay speaks on Brains, minds and machines, 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Regent College, Room 1, Hot flashes INTERNATIONAL HOUSE Films dealing with fresh water dive in New Zea­ combination supermarket and pear at the dance, but you have to that good taste died with the land and Canada, International House 400. Ride a dillo shoelace store. be slightly blasted to really see revolution. WEDNESDAY Meanwhile back at the zoo the them. But alack and alas and ahoy. PSYCH STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION eat a pillow friends of the'armadillo are pleased There, in the distance rising like the John Yille speaks on Eyewitness testimony — is it reliable? noon, Buch. 202. Finals have been cancelled. to announce armadillo week starts folk flock Phoenix from the depths of the Monday. toilet bowl it comes. A chilling THURSDAY Are you tired of the exciting and UBC MATH CLUB Nobody liked them anyway so we The armadillo ride will be held at innovative music of such greats as aroma like the smell of burning flesh Putnam problems session, led by L. Rosen, don't expect them to be missed. noon Wednesday. The Dillo variety Van Halen and ACDC? Does style fills the air. And like the living dead noon, Math 232. This means that April 3 is the last it comes forward and cannot be ISMAILI STUDENTS' ASSOCIATION night/dance takes place Friday in or lack thereof bore you? Elections for 1981-82 committee and general day anyone has to spend at this in­ the SUB party room and promises No, how could it be possible? stopped, not even by cloves of meeting, noon, SUB 215. stitution until 1992, when it reopens to be the social event of the season. garlic or wooden steaks with CHRISTIAN SCIENCE ORGANIZATION How could you actually be sick of Public meeting, all welcome, noon, SUB 117. for business after 18 years as a The armadillo blues band may ap- the stuff? This destroys all theories barbecue sauce. Office and reading room is in SUB 230a. The resurrection of the graduate student association folk nights is SUBFILMS presents occuring and the first will be held 'Birdwatch tonight at 8 p.m. in the Grad centre garden room. You can tell that the sports action the Canada West Cup hockey tour­ is not The Ubyssey's fault. The ath­ around UBC is starting to wind nament which involved teams from letic office only promotes three Be there for the second coming. down for the year when the summer the western universities. sports, and The Ubyssey has prob­ sportings events start taking place. The Thunderettes defeated the lems getting information about Vote or else This weekend the women's tennis University of Calgary 4-1 in the fi­ sports other than these. Today's your last chance to have team will be hosting the UBC tennis nal game to win the cup. They went The last piece of information will a say on paying $5 to fund a Public tournament. We did not know who undefeated in the round robin por­ be of interest to those normally not Interest Research Group on campus they are playing because the athletic GSKJOUNTCRS tion of the tournament and then interested in sports. and dropping the $15 SUB building OF THG THIRD KIND office did not even tell us that thefe shut out the University of Alberta As the semester winds down and fee. Speak now or forever hold your was a women's tennis team. Where? in the semi-finals 6-0. our thoughts turn to off-the-court peace. Thurs, Sun 7:00 We assume somewhere on campus. Coach Dave Burgoyne singled struggles against textbooks, there is Polls are open at various campus Fri, Sat 7:00 Er 9:30 We do know there is a men's rug­ out goalie Lyn Ekholm, M. Mueller one annual event sure to relieve the locations. SUB Aud $1.00 w/AMS Card by team which will be playing those and Diane Mitchell for playing tension and tedium of studying. wild cats from the Kats Rugby some strong hockey. Mueller and The Alma Mater Society president Club. The game will be at Thunder­ Mitchell were the leading scorers on hunt takes place tonight at 7:30 bird Stadium on Saturday and will the team. p.m. get under way at 2:30 p.m. This is the fourth season that The contest is open to all stu­ Did you know that UBC has a there has been a women's team and dents, and those who want to enter women's ice hockey team? Well we I've run out of things to say about should meet in the War Memorial do, and it is very good. This past it. If you want to complain about Gym. The president gets a two min­ weekend the women participated in the sports coverage, bear in mind it ute head start. THE CLASSIFIEDS RATES: Cmmpm — 3 tin**, 1

WANTED TO SUBLET or rent for May Thesis And 5 — Coming Events through August: one bedroom self- Magazine Binding contained suite near UBC, reasonably pric­ ed. Phone Mike at 228-1893, evenings. Permanent Hardcover Binding THE VANCOUVER INSTITUTE Gold Lettering 30 - Jobs Reasonable Cost Free public lecture PART-TIME HELP needed by Cancer Con­ CENTENNIAL BOOKBINDING JULIAN SYMONS trol Agency. 5-8 hours per week with Monday - Friday 9:30-3:30 British detective writer potential for extra time. Call 873-8401 for 224-3009 929-2706 appointment. THE MYSTIQUE OF ESSAYS EXPERTLY EDITED, typed and 35 - Lost revised by professional writer. Reasonable THE DETECTIVE STORY rates. Call 224-1582. « One of the world's top writers of murder LOST: Brown sketchbook on March 14 about mysteries describes why this form of 4 x 6". Cover marked "watercolor". 85 — Typing Reward offered. Phone 224-7361, 685-5832. literature fascinates readers. ACCURATE, PROFESSIONAL presenta­ tion. Fast service; thoroughly experienced, SATURDAY. MARCH 21. 8:15 P.M. 40 — Messages reliable. Specialize in Commerce group pro­ LECTURE HALL 2. WOODWARD Bldg TO ALL KHOJAS NAVROZ MLIBARAK jects. North Shore Location. Iona Brown forget your exams and essays and have a 985-4929. good time. HMEC "SPRING FEVER RELIEVER" RESUMES. THESES, professionally typed, DANCE Featuring: "The Questionnaires" edited. Nancy Baird 294-3471, 275 Sperling Friday, March 20, 8:00 p.m.-12:30 a.m. UBC ASSASSIN'S GUILD wants to get Plaza II Burnaby. SL]B Ballroom. Cost: $4.00. Tickets you. Persons of dubious background and available from AMS Box Office and HMEC nationality interested in participating in an PROFESSIONAL SECRETARY will type. Building. assassin game please contact Mike Bretner or Brad Carter, Box 40, The Ubyssey. Prefer manuscripts, thesis. Call 321-5039 after 6:00 p.m ask for Jeannette. PSYCHOLOGY GRADUATION Dinner/ Dance. April 1, 1981 (Cecil Green). Tickets 50 — Rentals DIANO-HEVEY'S Professional typing ser­ on sale at AMS ticket office. S10/person. FURNISHED APARTMENT 3 bedrooms, vice. Reports, term papers, theses. Student Remember Amographs Composite picture. bathrooms, living and dining room, rate: $10/hour. 736-0606. kitchen.Convenient location to sublet from PROFESSIONAL, experienced, fast typing May-Sept. Faculty or reliable students 10 — For Sale — Commercial for manuscripts, term papers, reasonable preferred. Rent negotiable. Write Apt. 5, rates. Marpole area. Phone Valerie, NEGATIVE IONS generators clean the air of 4643 Sherbrooke St. West, Montreal, 321-4270. pollen and pollutants, prevent drowsiness H3Z 1G2 or phone 514-933-5120. and improve concentration. For more infor­ Reasonable mation call Giti at 732-5146. 65 — Scandals FAST EFFICIENT TYPING. rates. 266-5053. FRUIT LEATHER. Delicious Dried Fruit THE GSA PRESENTS the Grad Yearend Treat from Okanagan Valley. Write now for Party in the Grad Centre Ballroom, Friday TERM PAPERS, resumes, reports, essays, mail order catalogue and free sample. Edi­ April 10th at 8 p.m. Better Late Than Never. composed, edited, typed. Published ble dried goods. Box 843, Penticton, B.C. author. Have Pen Will Write: 685-9535.

20 — Housing THE GSA is pround to announce the Resur­ TYPING SERVICES for theses, correspon­ rection of the Folk Nights, Garden Room at dence, etc. Any field. French also available. the Grad Centre, Friday, March 20th at 8 p.m. OTTAWA HOUSE EXCHANGE with family I.B.M. selectric. Call 736-4042. in Vancouver Aug. 81 to Aug. 82. Write Carol Ermanovics, 152 Grenfell Cr. Nepean, 70 — Services TYPING IBM SELECTRIC $1.00 per page. Ont. K2G 0G4 Fast, accurate, experienced typist. Phone: 873-8032 (10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m.). INCOME TAX. Experienced Prof. Service. 23 YR. Forestry student looking for furnished Reasonable Rates. M. Cummins 731-0241. apt. for months of May, June, July, EXPERT TYPING: essays, term papers, August. Prefer Kitsilano area. Will consider factums, letters, manuscripts, resumes, Kerrisdale, Point Grey. Call Bruce anytime LOOKING FOR WORK? The first step is a theses. IBM Selectric II. Reasonable rates. 228-8688. Good Resume. Wordsmiths 733-6425. Rose 731-9857.

Friday, March 20,1961 THE UBYSSEY Page 15 Save our food supply The week of protest goes on. But while most of the released to George Spetifore, a longtime Socred sup­ THE UBYSSEY demonstrations have been focused on student con­ porter, who just happened to have a large and pro­ March 20, 1981 cerns, the UBC agriculture students have chosen to fitable development he wanted to build on. publicize the rapid and dramatic loss of B.C.'s The aggies consider the present land situation in the farmland. Fraser Valley critical. Hewitt tries to placate the Published Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays throughout the The general public might be able to forgive the citizens by saying how much land has been added to university year by the Alma Mater Society of the University of Socreds for ignoring student demands, but the the agricultural reserve, without mentioning that most B.C. Editorial opinions are those of the staff and not of the government's cavalier attitude towards preserving of the income land is low-grade arable while outgoing AMS or the university administration. Member, Canadian arable land is another question. Agriculture minister land is highly productive. The Fraser Valley has most University Press. The Ubyssey's editorial office is in room James Hewitt has done a good job of publicly minimiz­ of the highly fertile land in B.C. — yet while this region 241K of the Student Union Building. Editorial departments, ing the severe effects of current land policy, but contains only three per cent of the land in the reserve, 228-2301; Advertising, 228-3977. Thursday the aggies did an even better job of telling 35 per cent of the net reduction in the size of the the truth. reserve has been in the valley. Editor: Verne McDonald Why UBC students should have to resort to burying The agriculture faculty has refused to support the coffins in the middle of the legislature grounds is an aggies. Even the B.C. Institute of Agrologists refuses "I need cigarettes; I wish I had some change," muttered Verne McDonald. "What?" Stave McClure easy question to answer. It is because the Socreds, to face reality, and continues to follow the politically asked as usual. "Ha said wa need a change," said Julie Wheelwright aa ahe loosened her hold on Craig despite their "goal" of achieving 65 per cent self- motivated policy of the Socreds. Brook's neck. "We'll get one too," Greg Fjetland whispered to Shaffin Shariff. "Arnold Hedatrom is moulting again, a sure sign the seasons are changing." Nigel Findlay agreed aa he watched Phil turn sufficiency in food production by 1965, are doing The next time you buy a head of lettuce and it costs Green at the sight of Alice Thompaon, David Robertson snd Eric Eggertson chsnging their minds. Just everything they can to give away the most arable land $2, or can't find fresh fruit even though you know it's as Nancy Campbell wa8 a8king Charkw Campbell if one of them should change the other's nsme and to their developer friends and supporters. in season, or even find locally canned goods in short Mark Leiren-Young was wondering if he would ever change. Glen Senford announced to the stunned multitude he was planning to travel to Copenhagen as soon as he resetted puberty. The Spetifore case is the best example: 523 acres of supply, try to think about why it happened. prime agricultural land was deemed low grade and The aggies already know. More of us should listen. asssj

Refusenik denied fundamental human rights Those posters saying "Anger and Declaration of Human Rights assets exit visa, authorities have made it committed themselves to the sup­ Stop by the booth that will be set Frustration" that recently appeared "everyone has the right to leave any impossible for him to attend univer­ port of Human Rights, but defy up in SUB on Friday, Mar. 20. around campus are not sensa­ country, including his own ..." sity. When he applied to a their obligations. Learn more, sign a petition. tionalist advertising: they tell the Misha has committed a crime ac­ prestigious art school, authorities You can help press the Soviets to truth. cording to Soviet authorities: he told him he had failed the entrance hold to their obligations. Help grant a victim the human Anger and frustration are two of wanted to emmigrate to Israel. His examination. But unlike all other You can help Misha Taratuta — rights you enjoy. the only sentiments 19 year old family applied for an exit visa in students, Misha was denied an ap­ and hundreds like him — finally get Danny Gelfant Misha Taratuta of Leningrad can 1973, but authorities denied the re­ peal. his exit visa. Hillel House know. Soviet authorities have quest, claiming Misha's father Numerous other cases testify to denied Misha basic Human Rights knew matters of internal security. official Soviet policy denying outlined in the Helsinki All Misha can do is sit and wait. Refuseniks — those denied exit Agreements. Misha is frustrated for another visas — the right to study. Article 13/2 of the Universal reason. Because he applied for an There is another reason for Cutline not cute Misha's anger. Not being a student, Who was responsible for the cut Ubyssey obviously didn't have the he is subject to military conscrip­ lines under the two pictures dealing sense to figure out the difference. tion. And if conscripted, authorities with disabled students in the Thurs­ The response from several visual­ will not allow him to emmigrate for day, Mar. 12 issue of The Ubyssey? ly impaired students to the garbage UBC Reports wrong at least seven years. They will claim And did anyone actually see them under the picture was, "This is in­ To the editor, UBC Reports: military service exposed Misha to before they went into print? sulting to us. We tried to make the In your Mar. 4 edition, we are informed that "Students earned more, matters of national security. This is the International Year of point and The Ubyssey responds by saved more in 1980." A critical reading of the article suggest the story Worse, if Misha refuses induc­ Disabled Persons and handicapped yuk king it up!" has a less happy ending than your headline is willing to betray. tion because he wants to emmigrate students on this campus as well as As chairman in charge of com­ now, he will face a minimum of a organizations like the Council of munications for 1981, I.Y.D.P., I The announcement is in real truth, rather than newspeak, an outright three year sentence in labour camp Exceptional Children went to a lot have seen a lot of press coverage of lie. — a dismal thought for a boy who of trouble organizing Awareness events promoting The Year of You give us a few figures from UBC's Student Counselling and only wants to study art in Israel. Week. Disabled Persons, including quite a Resource Centre: 21.7 per cent of male and 7.7 per cent of female But Misha is not unique. There The disabled have a good sense of number of student newspapers. students earned at least $3,500; median 1980 earnings for employed are hundreds of other Refuseniks humour and they like to laugh it up The captions under the pictures undergraduate men were $3,551, an increase of $282 over the 1979 me­ denied the same basic Human just like the next guy. But they also shows on all-time, no-class low at­ dian, and mean savings were $2,275, an increase of $179 over 1979; and Rights. Pressure on behalf of in­ have a serious message to present, titude, at a time when disabled per­ for women earnings were $2,469, an increase of $266, and savings were dividual cases obtains the best to their fellow students and to the sons are hoping for some positive $1,621, up $170 over 1979. results. Soviet authorities have rest of society. Someone at The responses all around. Surely in a university we can calculate the inflationary increases in the Paul E. Thiele cost of living and reason that in real money, students earned less and librarian and head, saved less in 1980. Do you need a job, Bruce? Charles Crane memorial library It gets worse: the "estimated minimum amount necessary to finance a In Bruce Campbell's letter of campus. But he did raise good The Ubyssey welcomes letters university year" is about $2,200 in summer savings. The reader is left to Thursday, March 19, criticizing this points and I am so glad that he took from all readers. wonder whether students live under plastic shelters in the woods and eat paper for poor sports coverage, he the time to do so! Especially those who type their waste paper, or whether there are not unmentioned sources of student neglected to comment on the fact So Bruce . . . (as Dr. Korchinsky letters, triple-spaced, on a 70 space assistance. that one of your reporters last year would say) . . . "What are you do­ typewriter line, because these are Assistance for students? How much for how many? Accessibility to was able to "scrape up a few ing next year?" I am absolutely the people who are most likely to education is not universal; which sectors of the population are being af­ bucks" to travel to Moncton to positive that Mr. Gautschi would see their letters printed sometime fected? Is a report which mentions "more" four times, "increase" three cover Patty's progress at the gym­ love some help in obtaining and before next Durin's Day eve. times and "up" once, in defiance of the facts of life, really on the up nastics finals. distributing news of our other very Although an effort is made to and up? involved and dedicated classmates. publish afl letters received, The He also neglected to comment on Kerry Armstrong Ubyssey reserves the right to edit John Allan Davies some of the great pictures that his physical education letters for reasons of brevity, legali­ . grad studies classmate Seona Bell-Irving has undergraduate society ty and taste. taken this year of the sports on president '«l-'82 Page 16 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20,1981 Mllll JIJ.U Ul .1,1 .tiljnil.

WaaPsI ^-^ss^F^ Student court rendered righteous verdict Regarding the guilty verdict What was at issue was a case of tion (Kinsey). Far from being a de­ causes people to become assault, and generally abusive found by the student court in the theft of property, assault, and viant fringe, or, alternately, an in­ homophobic — that is, to develop behaviour are more in keeping with case of Robert Waite, I would like abusive conduct. The student court, animate aberration in Bragagnolo's irrational fears about gay people. "the standards of society" that to address myself to comments the lawfully appointed judicial list of society drop-outs, gays are a While the question is too enormous justice for individuals who are the made by Mr. Bragagnolo, the stu­ body of the AMS, after listening to large, forceful and contributing to explore in this limited column, it victims of such crimes, but in this dent defense counsel and Mr. testimony of both parties, part of the community, and can be is sufficient to say that many case he should perhaps seriously Waite, the defendant following the unanimously found Mr. Waite guil­ found in all races, creeds, colors, therapists are committed to helping consider abandoning his career in trial Mar. 10. ty on these grounds. Bragagnolo, in occupations and income groups. individuals rid themselves of unac­ law. As reported in The Ubyssey, it what can only be described as a case Why, Bragagnolo might look no ceptable attitudes such as these. In conclusion, I would like to af­ was the unanimous judgment of the of sour grapes, has pathetically further than his own faculty of law Counselling affords the in­ firm a commonly held belief that, in court that Waite's refusal to return tried to submerge this fact with ac­ to find himself rubbing shoulders dividual an opportunity of locating a truly great society, there is room the buttons he had taken, in addi­ cusations of some kind of pro-gay with this invisible fringe element in the source of these irrational fears for all who do not infringe upon the tion to his abusive conduct towards bias on the part of the judges. the incarnated forms of fellow that are the basis for so much rights of others. This means that Mr. McDonald while he attempted As if a complete distortion and students and professors. directed hostility, and thus prevents Bragagnolo and Waite are to retrieve them, constituted misrepresentation of the issues were As for the student defense the homophobia from spreading to doubtless free to continue to hold behavior deemed unbecoming of a not sufficient compensation for his counsel's hastily applied appela- a whole field of acts related in reali­ the defamatory views they have member of the Alma Mater Society poor defense, Mr. Bragagnolo felt a tions of "deviants" to those he ty and symbobcally to these fears. about gay people, however damag­ under bylaw 21(1) c (j)3 of the AMS further compunction to undermine evidentally sees as threats to his per­ Thus Bragagnolo, whose rage is ing they may be in social relations. constitution. gays as a group with a plethora of sonal values and "normal people" clearly abstract at this point, could Yet it binds them to a recognition Bragagnolo said following the foolish remarks which at worst to those who share them, 1 might curb a future tendency to develop a that should they violate the rights judgment that "the standards of show deeply irrational fears and offer the following comments: mode of response towards gays and privileges of other individuals, society are being subverted in prejudices, and at best betray in­ It has been a number of years such as; we see in Mr. Waite's should they steal or become -a*-- favour of homosexuals and other credible ignorance. since the psychiatric community has abysmal behaviour and hateful in­ abusive, they will be held accoun­ aberrant behaviours" and further In one statement he has said that viewed homosexuality as mental il­ vective. table for their actions. that he thought "it's pathetic the "the standards of society are being lness to be treated. The prevailing Of course, Bragagnolo can con­ David N. Coop way normal people are being subverted in favour of homosexuals question today seems to be what tinue to hold the position that theft, grad studies 1 discriminated against so bleeding and other aberrant behaviours," heart liberals can salve their cons­ while in another he refers to gays as cience by bending over backwards "a deviant fringe of our society." in an attempt to prove they're not The former statement seems to Kangaroo court misuses powers prejudiced against a deviant fringe imply that gays stand outside of a of our society." society whose standards A misuse of the powers of the abusive means and this conduct will Should the student court con­ Waite's advice was for "all Bragagnolo is diligently bent on university was recently committed be sanctioned by bleeding heart done the verbal and physical abuse homos ... to take a large dose of defending, while the latter state­ at UBC in a recent ruling by the liberals. heaped on the heterosexual by the male hormones and go back to the ment seems to suggest that they are Student (Kangaroo) Court. This The student court obviously homosexual and not allow him to closet." This, I might add, was a a part of that society, albeit a sick, student panel allowed its misguided found it hard to believe that a frail, react in a reasonable fashion. pleasant appendix to Waite's earlier peripheral element. That society, sense of liberalism to express itself limp wristed homo would indeed Given the very broad power of statement to McDonald: "Well, one is given to understand, is in reverse discrimination, the assault a 240 pound football player. the student court, it appears that you got me, faggot. You've stuffed represented by the values of "nor­ court's recent ruling in favour of an So when he does, they punish the Mcdonald seems to be guilty of the it right up my ass" — merely the ic­ mal people," a term Bragagnolo admitted (and practicing?) football player. Homosexuals very charge laid against Waite. It ing on a plum-filled cake of abusive freely bandies about in describing a homosexual is a sad commentary on should not be subject to any special could also be argued that rhetoric. group for whom he seems to be a the state of the standards of fairness abuse under the laws of the school, manifestations of homosexuality I would comment first on the self-appointed arbiter. in our society. but neither should they be entitled itself would be behaviour deemed legal issues in this case and, second­ While I in no way wish to deny It appears that not only is it now -to any special protection. unbecoming to a member of the ly, on the prejudicial statements of Bragagnolo his chosen role as om­ acceptable to be homosexual or When the heterosexual football AMS. the defense counsel and defendant niscient narrator for the cast he has supportive of homosexuals, it is in player exercised admirable restraint Let us set the record straight. We in reference to homosexuals. devised in this tiny drama of con­ fact trendish and a subject of ap­ in a situation causing him extreme are not supporting faggot bashing McDonald's sexual orientation was ventional morality, I might remind proval. It seems that homosexuals em harassment, he is found guilty by in the open, but neither are we sup­ not at issue here, any more than him that gays as a group constitute are free to support their stance the student court of "behaviour porting homosexuality. Is homosex­ Waite's sexual orientation was. at least 10 per cent of the popula­ through verbally and physically unbecoming a member of the uality normal? Is it to be approved? AMS." What we have here is an extreme­ Mark McDonald's statement that ly belligerent and vocal minority Robert Waite had broken the law is that is using incidents like this to Closets for clothes, not gays another example of his sympathy grandstand. Homosexuality may be I shall begin my response to the and by Hermanson and Copping he As for Waite's advice that we go seeking, since Waite has not been something that society and article "Student hits court 'bias.' " would find that support for gay is­ back to the closet, those of us who found guilty of breaking any law. homosexuals will have to live with, in The Ubyssey, March 12, by cor­ sues is growing in the heterosexual have come out from our closets will What he has been found guilty of is but it is certainly nothing to be recting some of the inaccurately re­ community as organized religion never go back to that stifling half- misbehaviour under a section of the proud about. ported facts of the case. finds that its moral condemnation existence. Coming out of the closet AMS constitution that is nol; defin­ Student court decided to suspend of gay people can't be biblically is not a question of flaunting one's ed in any way, and as a result the in­ Rob Waite Waite from all AMS and athletic justified. Progressive individuals sexual preference; it is a personal terpretation of which is left entirely phys ed 1 privileges only after Waite refused and groups (such as the United statement of one's worth as a whole up to the discretion of the student Bruce Bragagnola to comply with the court's order Church of Canada and a number of and healthy human being. court. law 1 that he write formal letters of apol­ labor unions and businesses) can no The student court in the exercise ogies to the court, the arresting of­ longer maintain their silence. They Closets are for clothes, not for of that discretion could plausibly ficer, Gay People of UBC and are starting to speak out against so­ human beings. We will not be in­ deem that walking through SUB, Apologetic Mark McDonald. ciety's persecution of gay people timidated by the terrorist tactics breathing, or (heaven forbid) The defence's claim that Waite and to back the demands of gay that Waite and his ilk perpetrate on holding hands with a female is "had simply thrown the garbage" people. the gay community. We are your behaviour deemed unbecoming. AMS hack contradicts the claim made in a let­ Waite's advice that "all homos brothers, sisters, children, parents, It also appears that this charge ter to The Ubyssey by a witness to . . . take a large dose of male hor­ friends, employers and employees. allows no defense, and that Waite the incident, in which Waite was mones and go back to the closet" was guilty by the facts. No con­ grovels said to have "touched" a pop can shows a profound ignorance of the We have been dumped on for too sideration was given to the extreme I am writing in response to the ar­ to McDonald's head. gay community and of human phys­ long and demand to be treated as provocation and abuse given by the ticle 'Cheaper bus passes possible' Perhaps Waite's behavior to­ iology. The only "homos" in our equals and will accept nothing less. homosexual. The question is, which appeared in Thursday's edi­ wards the arresting officer would be club with low levels of male hor­ Ron Krause "What real man would have tion of The Ubyssey. I apologize for my inability to attend the GVRD illustrative of the tone of the abuse mones are those of the female gen­ medicine 1 reacted differently in the cir- directed towards McDonald. As der. and Gay People of UBC cumstances?" transportation committee meeting Waite refused to cooperate with the on March 12. officer (calling her a "fucking The present situation concerning cunt"), she was forced to handcuff All about St. Paul and homosexuals the reduction of fare card prices for him and drag him away. university students is as follows. A Waite was not "discriminated About Stuart Lyster's letter Mar. nations." of the present distress it is well for a delegation led by the King Edward against;" he assaulted another stu­ 13, 1981, 'Pride, not orientation, a Paul knew that. His letter to the person to remain as he is." (verses campus students presented a brief dent and was dealt with through sin': Roman church dealt with this topic. 25-26). (The "distress" is persecu­ asking to reduce the fare card prices proper student court procedure that Yes, "the Scriptures were written Having babies was not the method tion of Christians.) from $24 to $12 (the present cost is designed to protect all students. in a specific time and place." That for adding to the membership of the In a chapter in which he affirms for secondary school students). The Neither McDonald's, nor Waite's doesn't lower their inspiration or church. Rather, it has been in this marriage between a man and a brief argued that there should be no affectional preferences entered into authority to anything anyone way: when Peter and John "were woman, Paul also affirms celibacy. discrimination between university the decision rendered by student chooses to write, even though teaching the people and proclaim­ There is no evidence that hie had a and secondary school students, as court. Stuart claims "our 'modern' ing in Jesus the resurrection from special concern about whether university students must pay tuition Waite seems to feel that it is a perspective is subject to the same the dead . . . many of those who believers would have children. fees unlike secondary school stu­ "good joke" for someone who is limitations." heard the word believed; and the Jesus didn't say that all who dents. not gay to wear a button supporting Stuart seems confused. He cites number of the people came to heard His words would do them. There will be another presenta­ Gay Week. It may interest Waite to Paul as writing to prohibit about five thousand." (Acts 4:2-4) (See Luke 6:46-49. "Why do you tion next week to the GVRD trans­ know that a number of heterosex­ homosexual relations because he Stuart refers to I Corinthians 6. call rne 'Lord, Lord' and not do portation committee, which shall uals did wear Gay Week buttons to had a bias as a Jew in favor of In the next chapter, I Corinthians 7, what I tell you?" verse 46.) He did include a delegation from UBC. I indicate their support for our strug­ reproduction of the chosen people. Paul writes, "To the unmarried and say, "He who is able to receive this, will inform you of future develop­ gles. Yet he also writes that Jesus had ex­ the widows I say that it is well for let him receive it." (Matthew ments. Perhaps if Waite would refer tended the Convenant to the Jews them to remain single as I do." 19:12.) Stephen Henderson himself to recent letters to The to all nations and that "the offer of (verse 8), and "Now concerning the Susan Walker arts student council rep Ubyssey, such as those by Lyster 'choseness' has been extended to all unmarried ... I think that in view Regent College senator at large elect Friday, March 20,1981 THE UBYSSEY Page 17 VAMC©WliIft * dftdtf CD® anUM^.rinJr^Jr^JririlrfcJcJcJclcJ^r^gra,^ When it's time to eat or time to have IQ UBG Ganspas Q 1 il some fun it's time to read — CANf>bV 0 Pizza Q CALIFORNIA STYLE "i n MEXICAN COOKING. Vancouver Steak & Pizza — Lasagna \£u*iejv •*• cUtuntnJ mm<- Traditional Spare Ribs — Ravioli rr 2.-J04 W. <-}«• Ave." 733*3713 Chicken — Greek Salads After Classes Greco-Roman Cuisine Souvlaki 'An eating experience not lo be under 7 Days a Week: 5 p.m.-1 a.m. Fast Free Local Delivery Fri. and Sat.: 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. estimated at one ol the best mexlcan res­ taurants north ol California.' 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Page 18 THE UBYSSEY Friday, March 20, 1981 director at UBC and these KEEP YOUR workshops "promise to be valuable to young people interested in the theatre." On Monday, April 11, HEAD ON! Colleen Chernoff will conduct a workshop at the Richmond Art Centre. For only $49.95 The Pacific Ballet theatre hopes We believe all com­ to present a Spring Premiere Per­ muting cyclists formance in the Queen Elizabeth Playhouse April 3 and 4. If, due to should wear a helmet the strike, the theatre is closed, the — come in and get performance will go on at an alter­ yourself fitted with native date. There will be two new the most protective ballets for the show and it begins at and comfortable 8 p.m. SUBHUMANS . . . rocking against Reagan cycling helmet to- A workshop on feminine dayl 3771 W. 10th at Alma Hello and welcome to the North America who are struggling mythology, which examines wonderful of vista. While I'm here, against the U.S. police state. feminine and masculine myths from 224-3636 addressing students out there in the Presentation House, those wild ancient cultures to contemporary land of oblivion, I want to invite and wooly North Vancouverites are models is being offered until April you to come and become vista offering, on Tuesday, March 26, a 6, 8 to 10 p.m. Monday at the writers, or feature writers, or new free workshop given by Ian Pratt on Literary Storefront. It is expensive • •••fiiiinrrrgm story writers too. Drop in and see scenery construction and materials so phone 688-9737 for further in­ ^STER COLo^ us, 241k SUB, please. at 7:30 p.m. Pratt is a technical formation. »" 20620644 VW . 41st Ava. " And now for the real news. VAN.. B.C. V6M 1Y8 British biographer and mystery PHOTOLAB writer Julian Symons will discuss GET READY FOR the work of the biographer as artist • CUSTOM PRINTING • COMMERCIAL and detective, 8 p.m. Friday March • REPRINTS 27, in the Robson Square Media YOUR SUMMER HOLIDAY ACCOUNTS Center Theatre. And hey kids, it's « ENLARGEMENTS • WEDDINGS free. *» FRAMES • ALBUMS • PORTRAITS The Vancouver Playhouse con­ » 5 MIN. PASSPORTS TEL: 263-5111 troversial (that's what the press release says anyway) production of Shakespeare's Macbeth will be held SPECIAL over at the Vancouver East Cultural Center, reopening on Tuesday, March 24, and running Wednesdays 20% OFF On All through Saturdays until April 11. The reopening will also be a benefit Processing Color & B/W performance to aid the Actor's See our Air Camper Fund of Canada. in the Student Union Building and Portraits The Subhumans, those crazy This Valuable guys, are doing a really worthwhile March 24th to 25th Coupon Expires Boulevard thing and everyone should go and Air Campers take less than one minute to set up May 31st 141st see them on Friday, March 27 at 8 Sleep 2 adults comfortably p.m. and for only $4 of your hard Fit on any car, truck or van 2064 W. 41st earned dollars you can hear them at For further information contact: s» the Teamsters Hall, 490 E. Broad­ Pacific Coast Air Camping Ltd. 266-7411 J way. This concert is a benefit for Box 4606 the revolutionaries in El Salvador Vancouver and the native Indian people in or U.B.C. Sports Store

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Page 20 THE U BYSSEY Friday, March 20,1961