THE MEMORIAL ACCLAMATION AMEN NEW TRADITIONS OCTOBER 14, 2018 THE LORD’S PRAYER 454 (Upper Room Worship Book, Chanted) THE TWEntIETH SUNDAY AFTER PEntECOST FRACTION ANTHEM 413 (Upper Room Worship Book) Agnus Dei BELL AGNUS PREACHING — REV. HILL CARMICHAEL RECEIVING THE BREAD AND CUP BY INTINCTION AND KNEELING LITURGIST — REV. SHERYL THORntON All are invited to receive Holy Communion. Ushers will guide you. CHOIRMASTER AND ORGANIST — DR. LESTER SEIGEL If your health requires you to avoid wheat products, gluten-free wafers are available on the paten behind the baptismal font. All are welcome to receive the sacrament. You do not have to be a member of Canterbury or of the United Methodist Church. It is the Lord’s table and all of God’s children are welcome. MUSIC DURING COMMUNION * PRAYER AFTER RECEIVING Eternal God, we give you thanks for this holy mystery in which you have given yourself to us. May we be transformed into your image. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of your Spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. * BLESSING AND SENDING FORTH If you are visiting with us today, we are glad that you are here! You are always welcome at Canterbury. If you want more information about the ministries here, call Becky King at 871-4695 or email her at
[email protected]. You can also check us out at Encore Volunteer Training Tomorrow, October 15; 9:00 - 12:00 noon; Wesley Hall Encore enriches the lives of adults with memory loss through fellowship and activities, as well as supporting their families and caregivers.