30 North Market Street Frederick, Maryland 21701 (301) 600-1138

TO: Frederick County Planning Commission

FROM: Eric Soter, Director, Division of Community Development

THROUGH: John B. Thomas, Principal Planner II, Transportation Jim Gugel, Chief of Comprehensive Planning

DATE: July 13, 2011

RE: 2011 Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan Draft Briefing ______

ISSUE: The Division of Community Development presents a status briefing on the update to the Countywide Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan to the Planning Commission (FcPc) for review and information.

BACKGROUND The Countywide Bikeways & Trails Plan was first prepared in 1999. At the time, the plan proposed over 180 miles of natural surface and multiple‐use trails and 330 miles of on‐street bikeways. The update of this plan is identified as a specific action item in the 2010 Countywide Comprehensive Plan. It is expected that a FcPc public hearing will be held in late Summer, 2011 to accept recommendations on the Draft Plan. In addition, an open house will be scheduled prior to the FcPc public hearing for the public and stakeholders to review to discuss the draft plan.

The plan update will include the following: ‚ Review of related goals, policies and action items; ‚ Existing conditions report including existing & previously planned facilities, usage & demand, and crash analysis; ‚ Survey and Public Outreach process ‚ Identification & prioritization of a broad range of related infra‐structure and non‐infrastructure projects and updates to previously identified projects; ‚ NEW ‐ Addition of Pedestrian and Safe Routes to School Plan Elements ‚ Detailed descriptions of high‐priority projects; ‚ Proposed countywide bikeway, trail and pedestrian network recommendations; ‚ Updates to design and implementation guidance (where needed) including: ⋅ Pedestrian & On‐street Bicycle facility infrastructure ⋅ School signage and marking ⋅ Recommended updates to the County Streets and Roads Design Manual ⋅ Operations, maintenance and liability; ‚ Implementation & funding opportunities

RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends the Planning Commission provide any comments on the draft plan.


‚ Existing and Proposed Bikeways and Trails Network Map ‚ Existing and Proposed Pedestrian Network Map ‚ Highlighted Changes from 1999 Bikeways and Trails Plan ‚ Potential Projects by type and draft priority project recommendations


2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan DRAFT Frederick County, Maryland July, 2011

Significant Changes from 1999 Bikeways & Trails Plan

ƒ Mapping of all existing on‐street bicycle facilities, existing shared use paths, existing natural surface trails and the majority of sidewalks

ƒ Mapping of Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Locations

ƒ Mapping and analysis of Suggested Safe Routes to School and Crossing Locations

ƒ Addition of Pedestrian Network and Safe Routes to School Elements including suggested sidewalk and crosswalk improvements

ƒ Inclusion of Education and Encouragement Program Recommendations

On‐street Bikeways ƒ Breakout of On‐street Bikeways into two categories: Planned On‐street Bikeway & Planned Bike Lane

Deleted On‐street Bikeways ƒ Thurston Road ƒ Park Mills Road ƒ Clifton Road/Old Swimming Pool Road

Added On‐street Bikeways ƒ MD 355 from I‐70 to Montgomery County Line ƒ Proposed Bike Lanes on all collector, minor arterial and major arterials within designated growth area boundaries. ƒ City of Frederick On‐street Bikeway Projects o 7th Street Corridor o Shared Use Path On‐street o History Loop

Changes from Planned On‐street Bikeway to Planned Bike Lane ƒ All existing collector, minor arterial and major arterials with designated growth area boundaries ƒ Grove Road ƒ Guilford Road

Shared Use Path & Natural Surface Trail Connections Updated Alignments to the following paths: ƒ Bush Creek Trail – generalized Trail Location to align with Bush Creek, Old Main Line Railroad (rail with trail), and I‐70 ƒ H&F Trolley Trail – City of Frederick to Thurmont – aligned path to actual trolley right‐of‐way ƒ H&F Trolley Trail – City of Frederick to Town of Myersville ‐ aligned path to actual trolley right‐of‐ way

2 ƒ Linganore Creek Trail – segments east of Eaglehead Drive to Carroll County Line Deleted ƒ Tuscarora Creek / Trail City of Frederick to Walkersville – alignment changed to follow Walkersville Southern Rail Line (MDOT owned right‐of‐way) as Rail with Trail ƒ Walkersville to Woodsboro Trail – alignment changed to follow existing Maryland Midland Rail right‐ of‐way as Rail with Trail ƒ Catoctin Creek Trail – Deleted segments South of US 340 and from Catoctin Creek Nature Park to Town of Middletown ƒ Monocacy River Trail – Clarified alignment options from MD 80 at Buckeystown Park to Tuscarora Creek ƒ Monocacy River Trail – Deleted Trail Segments from MD 80 at Buckeystown Park to ƒ Emmitsburg Railroad Trail – Deleted ƒ Deletion of Proposed Natural Surface Trail across Sugarloaf Mountain

New or Revised Pathway Proposals ƒ US 340 Path from City of Frederick to Brunswick ƒ US 15 Path from US 340 to Point of Rocks / Potomac River ƒ US 15 Path from Town of Thurmont to Town of Emmitsburg ƒ Mount St. Marys University to Town of Thurmont ƒ MD 85 Path from Westview Boulevard to Adamstown (south of Adamstown Road to Power ROW) ƒ Adamstown Road Path from MD 85 to CSX Railroad ƒ Path on Allegheny Power Property from MD 85 to Ballenger Creek Pike and south on Ballenger Creek Pike to Point of Rocks ƒ Path from New Market Elementary School to Joseph Court ƒ Path from Ballenger Creek Middle School to Briar Grove Court ƒ Inclusion of Existing and Proposed Paths from following Municipal Plans: Town of Thurmont, City of Frederick, City of Brunswick, Town of Middletown, Town of Myersville ƒ Natural Surface Trail from Mt. Ephraim Road to MD 28 DNR Existing Trail ƒ Path parallel to Proposed Emmitsburg South Collector Roadway ƒ Paths Connecting Planned Othello Regional Park to City of Brunswick ƒ Jefferson Community Trail Connections

3 3. Project Identification and Evaluation Process 3.1. Project Selection Criteria (Identifying Projects) During the plan outreach process, over 1,100 different potential projects were submitted by the public and stakeholders. Therefore, it is important to have a clear process for both the selection and prioritization of projects. Balanced selection criteria allows the pre‐prioritization stage to have a worthy list of projects that meets a number of goals. While all stakeholders might be interested in a new hiking trail project, it would not be appropriate to have only 1,100 hiking trails and no other types of projects. The table below shows the criteria used during the public outreach process to identify a balanced set of potential projects.

Frederick County Bikeways & Trails Plan Project Selection Criteria Criteria Description Had numerous requests for implementation via data collected at public meetings, through online survey Public Values responses, and other in‐person and written requests to project partners and consultant team

Provides health, economic, and quality of life benefits, including increased access to physical activity, Quality of Life Benefits improved property values, and community enhancement. Provides conservation values, energy reduction benefits and/or connects people to nature

Provides transportation access to activity centers (schools, employment and commercial districts, parks Transportation / Connectivity and public lands) and/or increases potential use of non‐motorized travel Potential to link into a network that extends Regional Benefits throughout the region or provides benefits to multiple communities Bicycling, walking, in‐line skating, equestrians, water Multiple Use trails and a diverse range of user groups will benefit from the proposed project or program.

Agency Support The project has the support of the agency responsible for its development, or has demonstrated public support that can lead to long‐term success.

The project will improve bicycle and pedestrian safety, Enhances Safety for Non‐motorized Travel including people traveling along and across roadways, bridges, railroads, and waterways. Provides geographic diversity of project and program Geographic Diversity locations. Ease of implementation based on the following Implementation factors: intact rights‐of‐way, funding, or design constraints

4 3.2. Prioritization and Evaluation (Ranking Projects)

Many of the potential projects identified were duplicative in nature and duplicate responses will be weighted as appropriate in the prioritization process. The top 100 list will be developed by analyzing the 1,100+ projects that had multiple responses and fit within the scope of the planning process. Projects with multiple requests will be prioritized and assembled into the project summary. The “Top 100” list is then cross referenced with those projects that already had been awarded or proposed for funding via the Maryland State Consolidated Transportation Program (CTP), County Capital Improvement Program (CIP), Municipal CIP (MCIP), MWCOG Transportation Improvement Process (TIP), another funding source, and/or had previous / ongoing planning efforts. Other projects based on crash analysis, geographical diversity, and gap analysis will be added to the list by the consultant team as appropriate. Inclusion in any of the above funding programs or other ongoing planning efforts did not preclude projects from the “top 100 list” but it will play an important role in whether or not further study efforts are pursued within the context of the planning 20 High Priority Project process for development into project description sheets.

Potential project ideas were compiled from the following sources: ƒ 4 public and stakeholder outreach meetings held around Frederick County in November, 2010 ƒ Online survey open for response from October 2010 through December 2010 ƒ Targeted stakeholder, general public and interagency input via e‐mail and in meetings to County staff ƒ 1999 County Bikeways and Trails Plan Projects ƒ 2010 Frederick County Safe Routes to School Mapping Project ƒ Countywide Safe Routes to School Committee input ƒ Analysis of Countywide Bicycle and Pedestrian Crash Locations ƒ Bicycle and Pedestrian Network Gap Analysis ƒ Community, Region and Corridor Planning Processes ƒ Municipal plans, committees and staff coordination The actual scoring values by criteria and sorting is summarized in the tables below.

# # Top # Top % Program/Project Type Comments 100 20 Shared Use Paths 27.7% 311 28 5 Connections/Missing Links 20.6% 230 21 Upgrades to Existing Trails 4.9% 55 5 Trails in Highway / Utility 0.2% 0 Corridors 2 Bridges 0.6% 7 1 Hiking Only 0.4% 4 0 Mountain Bike, Equestrian & 1.8% 2 Water 20 Bicycle Facilities 43.1% 482 43 5 Bicycle Parking 2.6% 29 3 Bicycle Lanes 19.8% 222 20 Paved Shoulders 19.8% 222 20

5 # # Top # Top % Program/Project Type Comments 100 20 Touring Routes 0.9% 10 1 Pedestrian Facilities 4.6% 52 5 3 Accessibility/ADA 0.9% 10 1 Sidewalks 2.2% 25 2 Main Streets 0.9% 10 1 Crossings 0.6% 7 1 Programs & Policy 9.3% 104 9 3 Education 2.1% 24 2 Encouragement & Partnerships 2.9% 32 3 Policy 2.0% 22 2 Legislation 0.1% 1 0 Funding 0.7% 8 1 Planning & Design 0.3% 3 0 Enforcement 1.3% 14 1 Operations & Maintenance 4.3% 48 4 2 Safety / Crash Locations 0.9% 10 1 Maintenance - Routine & Capital 1.3% 15 1 Signage 1.7% 19 2 Signalization / ITS 0.4% 4 0 Safe Routes to School 10.3% 115 10 2 School Crossing 8.2% 92 8 Schools Other 2.1% 23 2 Total 100% 1119 Top 100 Top 20


Frederick County Bikeways & Trails Plan Project Prioritization Criteria

Criteria Points Maximum Score Access to Schools: 0‐3 points max Access to Employment and Retail: 0‐3 Transportation: Increases the use of Access to Parks & Recreation: 0‐3 15 bicycle travel to destinations Access to Transit: 0‐3 Access to Residential Neighborhoods: 0‐3 Provides an essential link in the proposed network; without this link, the system could not be completed: System Connectivity: Provides an 15‐20 points essential link in creating a Important as a ‘stand alone project, but not critical to 20 continuous bikeways system within the overall system: 5‐15 points the study area. A long‐term element and potential future link in the system: 0‐5 points Increases Tourism: 0‐4 points max Quality of Life Benefits: Project will Environmental / Energy Benefits: 0‐4 provide quality of life benefits to the Potential to attract / retain businesses: 0‐4 20 residents, visitors and businesses of Increases Public Health / Fitness: 0‐4 Frederick County Improves Traffic Safety: 0‐4 Bicyclists: 0‐3 points max Pedestrians / Runners: 0‐3 Multiple Use: Allows for a variety of Water Trail: 0‐3 15 user groups Equestrian: 0‐3 X‐C Skiing / Skating: 0‐3 Agency & Public Support: Project is Project has full agency and public support (7‐10 points) supported by the organization(s) Project has potential to receive agency and public responsible for its implementation 10 support (minimal “Cost to Readiness”) (3‐6) and management Project may be able to receive future support (0‐3)

Project can be implemented within the following range of unit costs: Cost: Project can be implemented Less than $200k / mile or location (8‐10 points max) within the costs provided based on $200k ‐ $500k / mile or location (3‐7 points) 10 identified opportunities and Greater than $500k / mile or location (0‐2 points) constraints Non‐Capital Projects: 0‐10 points based on ability to reach the widest range of people per unit of cost required to develop policy or programs

Presents significant constraints (0‐2 points) Ease of Implementation: Project or Requires further study but has the potential to be program is ready to be advanced to 10 advanced (3‐7 points) implementation Feasible and ready for implementation (8‐10 points max)

7 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) ADA / Accessibility Yes Target Transit Plus Boarding Locations for Accessibility Bicycle Parking Yes Countywide / County Building Bicycle Parking & Cost Share Connections Yes Access to FSK and Fredericktown Malls Connections Yes Access to Thurmont Generators (Libraries, Stores, Parks) Connections Yes Connection Myersville to Middletown via MD 17.

Linganore to City of Frederick Connections Connections Yes Connections Yes New Design Road ‐ Elmer Derr to Potomac River Connections Yes Potential trail/path along I‐70 from AT to point‐undetermined in Town, Corridor Yes Mount St. Marys to Emmitsburg Trails ./ Bike Ped Safety Improvements Difficult Walking & Biking Yes South Seton Avenue From Town to MSM University (both)

Adult Cyclist / Driver Education Education Yes Countywide Share the Road Campaign Education Yes Encouragement / Promotion Yes Community Designation Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Bicycle Friendly Community Designation Encouragement / Promotion Yes Countywide Trails Map (Highlight Low Traffic Routes) Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Submit Bike/Ped Facility Data to Google Maps Encouragement / Promotion Yes Trail / Canal Town ‐ Point of Rocks, Knoxville, Brunswick

Jefferson Intersection Improvements Intersection Yes

8 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Multiple Use Trail Yes East Street / Glade Creek / Walkersville / WSRR Rail with Trail

H&F Trolley Trail Lewistown ES Multiple Use Trail Yes Multiple Use Trail Yes H&F Trolley Trail Thurmont to Cunningham Fall SP Multiple Use Trail Yes Hannover Drive to Jefferson Tech Park via DUSWM Right‐of‐way Multiple Use Trail Yes Monocacy River Greenway – Tuscarora Ck. to Ballenger Ck. Multiple Use Trail Yes Off street trail from City of Frederick to Gambrill State Park Natural Surface Trail ‐ Multiple Yes Mt Ephraim Road/Stronghold to MD 28 DNR Existing Trail Use Parking Yes Horse Parking Access at Trailheads ‐ Municipal Forest, Gambrill Park, & C&O

Bicycle train ‐ Cycling School Bus Schools Yes Schools Yes Briar Grove Ct to Ballenger Creek Middle School Schools Yes Carroll Manor ES ‐ Sidewalk on Adamstown Road (west of ES) Schools Yes Green Valley ES ‐ Sidewalk EB 80 east to Shakespeare Way/Chaucer Ct

Safe Routes Projects Countywide Schools Yes Transit Yes MARC Rail bike/ped access Improvements ‐ Monocacy RS Transit Yes Monocacy MARC Station Access Trails – Reichs Ford Road to Rail Station and Rail Station to I‐270 Technology Park / FSK Mall

9 Frederick County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan – Walkersville Southern Rail with Trail

Description The proposed trail will be a paved or compacted stone dust, multi-use facility located within or adjacent to the 99 feet wide railroad right-of-way between in the City of Frederick and Tuscarora Creek in Frederick County. There is no existing shared use path along this corridor. MDOT has signed an agreement with the City of Frederick The proposed route also shown in the 2003 City of Frederick Shared Use Path Plan.

The function of the trail is to serve a variety of user groups and offer a variety of benefits. The benefits of the trail include increased visitor stays in the area and related expenditures, improved access to other trails in the area, improved health and transportation options for residents, and improved safety by removing bicyclists and pedestrians from segments of East Street, Wormans Mill Road, Monocacy Boulevard, and MD 26. Type/Width Length

Asphalt or compacted stone 1.4 Miles (Fountain Rock dust shared use path/10 ft Park to Monocacy River)

Land Use

Medium & High Density Residential, Light Industrial. Wide vegetated planting strip with some newly planted young trees and mature oak trees.

Ownership City of Frederick, Town of Walkersville, State of Maryland, Option 1: Crushed Stone Path Frederick County 10’ Crushed Stone Path parallel to active passenger railroad Key Land Uses / Destinations line. Setback from Train dynamic envelope should be 10’ or 20’ from center line of track, whichever is greater. A priority path project identified in Frederick County’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan. Connects City of Frederick to Town of Walkersville, schools, residential and commercial retail/employment centers. Option 2: Asphalt Paved Path Provides access to the Monocacy River, Fountain Rock Park 10’ asphalt paved path parallel to active passenger railroad (County), Clerestory Park and Walkersville Community Park. line. Setback from Train dynamic envelope should be 10’ or 20’ from center line of track, whichever is greater. Issues Generators / Attractors

• Rail with Trail Design • City of Frederick • Trail – roadway • Town of Walkersville intersections • 2 Municipal Parks, • Monocacy River & County Park and Tuscarora Creek Monocacy River crossings • Walkersville (FCPS) Schools

Planning-Level Cost Estimate $750,000 - $1,250,000 DRAFT Frederick County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan Potential Funding Sources July, 2011 Safe Routes to School, Municipal CIP, Federal Recreation Trails / Enhancements, County CIP

10 Frederick County Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan – Walkersville Southern Rail with Trail


11 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Accessible Fishing ADA / Accessibility

Better access along 7th street ADA / Accessibility

Brick Sidewalks ‐ Accessibility ADA / Accessibility

Connections for Aging Population in Growth Areas ADA / Accessibility

Countywide ADA Retrofit ADA / Accessibility Mountable Curbs / Ramps at Intersections ADA / Accessibility Target Gravel Shoulder Areas ADA / Accessibility

Target Transit Plus Boarding Locations for Accessibility ADA / Accessibility Yes wheelchair accessible public trails & parks ADA / Accessibility

Outreach to business owners for bicycle racks and facilities Advocacy

Bicycle Parking in Commercial Areas Bicycle Parking Bicycle Parking Main Streets Bicycle Parking

Bicycle Parking Monocacy Blvd at MD 26 Commercial Bicycle Parking

Bike parking racks available throughout downtown Bicycle Parking

bike sharing stations Bicycle Parking

Conversion of a few downtown parking spaces into bicycle parking/mini parks Bicycle Parking

Countywide / County Building Bicycle Parking & Cost Share Bicycle Parking Yes

Emmitsburg Library Bike Parking Hard to Find Bicycle Parking

School Bicycle Parking Bicycle Parking City / County Bike Share Bike Parking 26 Fix MD 26 Bridge of Death Bridge

12 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Monocacy BF across I‐270 Bridge

Monocacy River / Linganore Creek Bridge Bridge

Pedestrian Bridge over US 15 at Thurmont Maintenance Bridge

Bridge, Signage, On‐street, Route 26 bridge Difficult Walking Biking

MD85: Michael Mills RD Connections

Access to Catoctin Nature Center Connections Access to County & State Parks Connections

Access to downtown under/over Rt. 15 Connections

Access to FSK and Fredericktown Malls Connections Yes

Access to Parks ‐ Jefferson Connections

Access to Thurmont Generators (Libraries, Stores, Parks) Connections Yes

Add / Upgrade Trail Connections on either Side of Cunningham US 15 bridge Connections

Appalachian Trail Connections & Access Connections

Bike path to Frederick Connections

Brunswick District Park to Brunswick Connections C&O Canal to Frederick / New Design Road Connections

Canada Hill Road north of Easterday Road to intersection with Pleasant Walk Road, Connections

13 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Christophers Crossing Bicycle/Pedestrian Access Connections

City of Frederick to FSK Mall Connections

City of Frederick to Golden Mile Connections

Connection Myersville to Middletown via MD 17. Connections Yes

Connections between Frederick City and West Side Residential Connections

Connections between Municipalities and Growth Areas Connections

Connections between Myersville and App Trail Connections

Connect baker park with waterford park Connections

Eagle Head Drive Connections

East Street Extension Bicycle Connections Connections

Emmitsburg Trails Connections

Frederick County to Montgomery County (355, Michaels Mill etc.) Connections

frederick to fsk mall trail Connections

Interconnecting Bike/Walking Path to connect South Side of Frederick to North Connections Side. FSK Mall to the new Clemson Corner Shopping Center.

Linganore to City of Frederick Connections Connections Yes Myersville ‐ Connections Connections

14 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Need better bike and pedestrian connectivity to shopping centers like the new Wegmans on Rte. 26. Also the Giant shopping center and Walmart on Rte. Connections


New Design Road ‐ Elmer Derr to Potomac River Connections Yes

North South pedestrian route between Emmitsburg and the C&O Canal Connections

Oakdale HS Connections Connections Old Eaglehead Drive use as BP Connection Connections

Paths, trails to cross US 15 safely Connections

Pleasant Walk Road (.5 mile) to Town’s Pleasant Walk Park, then a Town connection Connections to the AT,

Potential trail/path along I‐70 from AT to point‐undetermined in Town, Connections Yes

Pursue Rail with Trail Opportunities Connections

Reg’l connection from Walkersville to Mt Pleasant Connections

40 Route 40 Lane Markings ‐ Myersville towards App Trail Connections

Safe access to/from Lake Linganore via Bicycle Connections

Safe bicycle passage across Rt. 15 at several points between Frederick and Connections Thurmont (traffic lights would help!)

Appalachian Trail (WV Line to MD 17) Natural Surface Trail ‐ Hiking Only

safe bike and pedestrian crossing of MD15 Connections

15 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) safe bike path in the entire FSK area Connections

safe bike route from downtown Frederick to the C&O canal Connections

Service stops within regional connecting trails Connections

Shared Use Path connection tunnel under Route 15 @ Rosemont Connections

Shoulder improvements or a parallel trail on New Design Road south of Elmer Connections Derr Road

Urbana to Adamstown Route Connections Urbana to C&O Canal Connections Urbana to Frederick City Connections Urbana to Little Bennett Park Connections Urbana to Sugarloaf Route Connections Walkersville to City of Frederick Connection Connections

Mount St. Marys to Emmitsburg Trails ./ Bike Ped Safety Improvements Corridor Yes cross walks across 2nd street and dulaney Crosswalks

cross walks across Dill and Elm Crosswalks

Opossumtown Pike Crosswalks Crosswalks safer crosswalk at motter ave and 12th street (North Frederick ES) Crosswalks

Equestrian Trail Standards Design

26 Rt 26 at mount pleasant Difficult Walking & Biking

355 Buckeystown Pike Difficult Walking & Biking

16 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

355 Buckeystown Pike East of 270 Difficult Walking & Biking

355 Buckeystown Pike from I-70 to I270 Difficult Walking & Biking

355 MD 85 to Monocacy Battlefield Difficult Walking & Biking

355 Urbana to Monocacy Battlefield Difficult Walking & Biking

355 Urbana to Montgomer County Line Difficult Walking & Biking

7th Street - from the city to Ft. Detrick, RT 15 ramp Difficult Walking & Biking City

85 into FSK area under 270 to Westridge Difficult Walking & Biking

85/Buckeystown Pike from I-70 south to Executive Way Difficult Walking & Biking

Access to/from Point of Rocks train station Difficult Walking & Biking

Across Monocacy bridge on MD 26 Difficult Walking & Biking

Adamstown Rd Difficult Walking & Biking

All of Rosemont Ave and 7th st. in city limits Difficult Walking & Biking

Ballenger Creek Pike - Sidewalks & Bike Lanes Difficult Walking & Biking

Ballenger Creek Pike - Sidewalks & Bike Lanes Difficult Walking & Biking

Alt 40 West of Middletown Difficult Walking & Biking

Alt Route 40 in Middletown Difficult Walking & Biking

17 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) any roads that cross US 15 Difficult Walking & Biking

avoid most busy on street areas in general or no shoulder areas Difficult Walking & Biking

Ballenger Creek Pike Butterfly Lane Difficult Walking & Biking

Ballenger Creek Pike Butterfly Lane near #180 & #15 Difficult Walking & Biking

Basford Road crossing Rt. 15 Difficult Walking & Biking

Basically any of the lined/marked roads anywhere in county -- no shoulders, Difficult Walking & Biking high speeds

Bentz Street Difficult Walking & Biking

Bike/Walk-Under Rt. 15 at 7th Street Difficult Walking & Biking

Bike-Across Rt. 15 on Oppossumtown/Motter Difficult Walking & Biking

Bike-Rt. 26 and Monocacy Blvd. Difficult Walking & Biking

Biking along Rt. 40-Alt east and west of Middletown Difficult Walking & Biking

Biking downtown Frederick Difficult Walking & Biking

Biking Middletown Myersville Rd-no shoulder Difficult Walking & Biking

Biking on Rt. 17 north of Middletown and south of Burkittsville Difficult Walking & Biking

Biking Shookstown road, no shoulder Difficult Walking & Biking

18 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Boyers Mill Difficult Walking & Biking

Church Hill Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Church St. at Carrol Alley is dangerous on foot because drivers don't look for Difficult Walking & Biking pedestrians

Clover hill to downtown Frederick via Opossumtown and Motter Difficult Walking & Biking

Clover Hill to the Golden Mile via Montevue, Shookstown and Willowdale Difficult Walking & Biking

Coldstream Drive Difficult Walking & Biking

Crossing 7th St. at 7th St.shopping center- GiantEagle Difficult Walking & Biking

Crossing on bike Rt. 15 from Devilbliss Bridge Rd. & points north Difficult Walking & Biking

Crossing Rosemont/Dill Ave in the Hood College area Difficult Walking & Biking

Crossing Rt. 15 anywhere north of Frederick city Difficult Walking & Biking

C&O Canal Towpath Multiple Use Trail

cycling all of Rosemont Ave., prior to Yellow Springs Rd. Difficult Walking & Biking

cycling most of downtown Frederick Difficult Walking & Biking

cycling on Oppossumtown Pike when crossing over Rt. 15 & FCC Difficult Walking & Biking

Dill Ave Difficult Walking & Biking

19 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Eaglehead Drive Difficult Walking & Biking

Catoctin Mountain NP Roads Mountain Bike

East Church Street/Gashouse Pike Difficult Walking & Biking

Catoctin Mountain NP Trails Natural Surface Trail ‐ Hiking Only

East St - Road Optimization, Bike Lanes, SUP Difficult Walking & Biking

80 fingerboard road Difficult Walking & Biking

Frederick City to C&O Canal Difficult Walking & Biking

Gashouse Pike between Frederick City line and Boyer's Mill Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Guilford Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Highland School Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Hollow road, no shoulder Difficult Walking & Biking

Holter Road - to cross the bridge for Rt 340 Difficult Walking & Biking

Holter Road between Middletown and Jefferson Difficult Walking & Biking

Hood College Difficult Walking & Biking

Ijamsville Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Key Parkway Difficult Walking & Biking

20 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Main Street (Emmitsburg) Difficult Walking & Biking

Many streets downtown are hard to bike beacuse of aggressive car drivers and Difficult Walking & Biking lack of shoulders

Market Street & Patrick Streets (Bike) Difficult Walking & Biking

McKaig Road Difficult Walking & Biking

MD 355 Difficult Walking & Biking

MD Route 17 Difficult Walking & Biking

MD180/351 at US15 underpass Difficult Walking & Biking

Middletown to Frederick City Difficult Walking & Biking

Monocacy Blvd – new section from East Street to Patrick Street Difficult Walking & Biking

Monocacy Blvd and Gas House Pike Difficult Walking & Biking

monocacy village Difficult Walking & Biking

Most of 28 (no shoulder, fast traffic) Difficult Walking & Biking

Most of 355 south of town (no shoulder, fast traffic) Difficult Walking & Biking

Most of Rt. 77 Difficult Walking & Biking

Motter Ave Difficult Walking & Biking

21 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Mountaindale Road Difficult Walking & Biking

musseter rd to Ijamsville rd Difficult Walking & Biking

N.Market ext. where it joins Rt. 26 East Difficult Walking & Biking

New Design Road between Elmer Derr and Mountville Rd Difficult Walking & Biking

old annapolis rd from route 75 east Difficult Walking & Biking

Old Fred N. of Utica Park Difficult Walking & Biking

Old Frederick Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Old Frederick Road near Utica Difficult Walking & Biking

Old Middletown Road Difficult Walking & Biking

Opposumtown Pike Difficult Walking & Biking

Patrick St/Rt. 40 under Rt. 15 Difficult Walking & Biking

Poole Jones Road between Opossumtown and Christophers Crossing Difficult Walking & Biking

Rosemont - 2nd street to Rocky Springs (note drains on sdie of road) Difficult Walking & Biking

running & stopping at most intersections in downtown Frederick Difficult Walking & Biking

S. Market and across bridge near Costco Difficult Walking & Biking

Seventh Street between Bentz and Ft Detrick Difficult Walking & Biking

22 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) seventh street, frederick Difficult Walking & Biking

Shookstown Road Difficult Walking & Biking

South Seton Avenue From Town to MSM University (both) Difficult Walking & Biking Yes

South Street & Market Streets (Bike) Difficult Walking & Biking

Streets market, east Difficult Walking & Biking

County Maintained Gravel Roads Mountain Bike

The Golden Mile Difficult Walking & Biking

Thomas Johnson Drive Difficult Walking & Biking

UNDER ROUTE 15 INSIDE FREDERICK Difficult Walking & Biking

W 7th Street from Fairview Ave. to Military Rd. Difficult Walking & Biking

W Patrick St Rt 15 to Frederick High Difficult Walking & Biking

Walking around Middletown where there are no sidewalks/paths Difficult Walking & Biking

West 7th street between Fairview Ave and Taney Ave Difficult Walking & Biking

Where gutters are impossible to ride over Difficult Walking & Biking

Worman's Mill Ct. is not connected to new Wegman's across Route 26. Difficult Walking & Biking

Adult Cyclist / Driver Education Education Yes Community Cycling Classes Education

23 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Coordinate education with advocacy groups Education Countywide Share the Road Campaign Education Yes cyclists education about sidewalk safety/riding Education

driver education regarding safe passing distances Education

Driving culture education / share the road Education

Education to motorists on bicycle rights Education

Education to potential bicyclists or other pedestrians on pedestrian rights Education

Cunningham Falls State Park Trails Natural Surface Trail ‐ Hiking Only

LCI classes Education

Motorist & Cyclist PSA / Outreach = Bikes Belong / Safety Education

Motorist Education Pedestrians / Equestrians on Rural Roads Education

Public awareness of the new 3 feet law. Education

Appalachian Trail Community Designation Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Bicycle Friendly Community Designation Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Bikeways & Trails Web Resource(s) Encouragement / Promotion

Civil War Sesquicentennial Bicycle Ride Encouragement / Promotion

Countywide Trails Map (Highlight Low Traffic Routes) Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Food/Water Services along trails / routes Encouragement / Promotion

24 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Partner with large employers to promote cycling and walking Encouragement / Promotion

Promote bicycling and walking for short trips Encouragement / Promotion

Promote Use of TransIT Bicycle Racks & How to Encouragement / Promotion

Submit Bike/Ped Facility Data to Google Maps Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Trail / Bikeway Guides including Education / Awareness Encouragement / Promotion

Trail / Canal Town ‐ Point of Rocks, Knoxville, Brunswick Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Trail Town Promotion / not just Canal towns e.g. Emmitsburg Encouragement / Promotion

Driver/law enforcement education & enhanced enforcement of existing Enforcement legislation protecting cyclists on the road (3 foot law, fair use of roadways, etc.)

Enforcing existing laws that apply to cyclists/pedestrians Enforcement

Speed Camera Legislation for School Zones Enforcement

Equestrian Trails/Right of Way Equestrian

Heavy Horse / Bicycle Use on Kelbaugh Road & N Franklinville Road Equestrian

Putnam Road (Garage Area) Equestrian Parking Options Equestrian

Access to pedestrian audit expertise for Emmitsburg and funds to support the Funding enhancements

Bicycle / Pedestrian Funding Information Clearinghouse Funding

25 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Bicycle / Pedestrian LOS tied to Implementation Funding

Complete Streets for any funded capital projects Funding

Developer funded Improvements Funding More Bicycle and Pedestrian Funding Funding 340‐limit to desirable highway trail Highway trail

Bicycle Facilities at intersections even if full corridor treatments arent possible Intersection

Jefferson Intersection Improvements Intersection Yes Opossumtown Pike at TJ Intersection Intersection MD 355 Corridor Priority Bike Corridor ITS Prefer mandated single file cycling Legislation

Access Trails to US 15 Bridge at Thurmont ‐ Maintenances Maintenance

Adopt a Trail / Sidewalk / Bus Stop Maintenance Bicycle Safe Road grade retrofits Maintenance

Bicycling and Walking Condition Survey Reporting Maintenance

Bridge Maintenance Maintenance Countywide Crosswalk Maintenance Maintenance Maintenance Agreement Maintenance Maintenance of debris on shoulders Maintenance

Mountain Bike Park Mountain Bike

Mountain Bike Trails in a County District Park Mountain Bike

Mountain bike trails in Emmitsburg Mountain Bike

accessible shared use bike paths in/near city ex: monocacy river Multiple Use Trail

Adamstown to Point of Rocks Trail Multiple Use Trail

26 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Allegheny Power Trails Multiple Use Trail Ballenger Creek Trail Multiple Use Trail

Ballenger Creek Trail Multiple Use Trail

Bike/pedestrian paved path connecting Walkersville to Frederick City through Multiple Use Trail the Rt 26 shopping corridor. biking path to Oakdale High School from Boyers Mill Rd Multiple Use Trail

Bush Creek / Old Main Line Multiple Use Trail City of Frederick to AP Loop Multiple Use Trail City of Frederick to FSK Mall Multiple Use Trail Carroll Creek (Waterford Park to Monocacy River) Multiple Use Trail

Complete City's trail plan from Whittier to downtown, then to east. Multiple Use Trail

Connect existing trails/paths to eachother (ex: Ballenger Park to Westview Multiple Use Trail area)

Connecting existing bike paths (note bike paths that end abruptly both near Multiple Use Trail Westview and Fredericktowne Village

Natural Surface Trails ‐ Multiple Frederick Municipal Forest Trails Use

Dedicated bike path to grocery stores, schools, and shopping centers Multiple Use Trail

Develop connected bike/ped pathways into city from outskirts. Multiple Use Trail

Develop Trail Loop centered around Carroll Creek Loop Multiple Use Trail

East Street Rails to Trails / Rail with Trail Multiple Use Trail

27 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

East Street / Glade Creek / Walkersville / WSRR Rail with Trail Multiple Use Trail Yes

Emmitsburg Greenway Trail Multiple Use Trail

Emmitsburg Railroad Trail (Emmitsburg to Rocky Ridge) Multiple Use Trail

H&F Trolley Trail Lewistown ES Multiple Use Trail Yes

H&F Trolley Trail Thurmont to Cunningham Fall SP Multiple Use Trail Yes

H&F Trolley Trail Yellow Springs ES Multiple Use Trail

Hannover Drive to Jefferson Tech Park via DUSWM Right‐of‐way Multiple Use Trail Yes

H&F Trolley Trail (Frederick to Thurmont) Multiple Use Trail

Improve existing paths – Thurmont to public library Multiple Use Trail

Jefferson Community Trails Multiple Use Trail I‐270 Transitway Multiple Use Trail

Little Bennett/Sugarloaf Mt Multiple Use Trail

Missing links: Jermae Estates to Library Multiple Use Trail

28 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Monocacy greenway .. provide multiuse path where possibly, and establish the link with the Carroll Creek walk. Improved bike/pedestrian to and within the Multiple Use Trail major commercial centers near Frederick City should also be an important County (and Frederick City) objective.

Middletown – Myersville Trolley Trail Multiple Use Trail

Middletown Greenway Multiple Use Trail

More shared paved paths to move throughout Multiple Use Trail

Monocacy River Greenway – Ballenger Ck. to Potomac Rvr. Multiple Use Trail

Monocacy River Greenway – Tuscarora Ck. to Ballenger Ck. Multiple Use Trail Yes

Monocacy River Greenway – Tuscarora Ck. to Ballenger Ck. Multiple Use Trail

Network of greenways and/or dedicated non-motorized paths for bikes and Multiple Use Trail pedestrians

New Trail development: (Brooksville – preferred) Multiple Use Trail

Off street bike path connecting east and west sides of route 15 Multiple Use Trail

Off street trail from City of Frederick to Gambrill State Park Multiple Use Trail Yes

Gas House Pike Parallel bike path Multiple Use Trail

29 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Parallel bike/walking path next to Yellow Springs Pike Multiple Use Trail

Path from Main St in Middletown to Primary School Multiple Use Trail

Path in Middletown along Cone Branch from Main Street to the new Primary Multiple Use Trail School

Path in MIddletown from Coblentz Road to the schools adjacent to the park Multiple Use Trail

Path or trail to cross the Monocacy R. at MD 26 Multiple Use Trail

Paved trail along the Monocacy River Multiple Use Trail

Rock Creek Multiple Use Trail

Remove 1999 proposed linganore creek trail from plan Multiple Use Trail

shared use path from Frederick to Walkersville next to railroad Multiple Use Trail

Shared use path from west side of City of Frederick to downtown via Baker Multiple Use Trail Park shared use paths throughout Frederick county Multiple Use Trail

shared use paths,paved Multiple Use Trail

Shared user trails from Frederick to Gettysburg Multiple Use Trail

Sugarloaf Parkway Multiple Use Trail trail from City of Frederick to C&O Canal Multiple Use Trail

trail from city of frederick to fsk mall Multiple Use Trail

30 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) trail from Myersville to Appalachian trail Multiple Use Trail

trail or bike lanes from urbana to fsk mall/frederick Multiple Use Trail

Trails for accessing shopping a long distance away ( Ex.Wegman's, Sam's, Multiple Use Trail FSK, etc)

Trails from Baker Park to West part of town Multiple Use Trail

trails from downtown frederick to new development on 26 Multiple Use Trail

Tuscarora Creek (WSRR – Monocacy River) Multiple Use Trail

Tuscarora Creek (WSRR – Monocacy River) Multiple Use Trail

Trolley Line Multiple Use Trail

Urbana Trails & Sidepaths Multiple Use Trail

US 15 Highway Trail Multiple Use Trail US 340 Highway Trail Multiple Use Trail US 340 Shared Use Path Multiple Use Trail Natural Surface Trail ‐ Multiple Mt Ephraim Road/Stronghold to MD 28 DNR Existing Trail Yes Use Natural Surface Trail ‐ Multiple Catoctin Creek Trail Use

Neighborhood Greenways 500 ‐ 1000 VPD mxc 25 MPH Neighborhood Greenway

140 MD 140 On‐street

A bike lane on East Street On‐street

31 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

A bike lane on Market Street in downtown On‐street

A bike lane on Patrick Street On‐street

Apples Church Rd. On‐street

All Proposed Roadways identified as proposed bikeways On‐street

Bartgis Rd. On‐street Barthlows Rd On‐street Bethel Rd. On‐street

Better bike access in and around downtown Frederick City On‐street

Better shoulders or bike lanes on county roads near small towns, for bikes and joggers to use. This seems to be where most accidents occur on the roads On‐street without shoulder or bike lanes.

Bicycle connections between cities and key destinations On‐street

Bicycle Lane Marking On‐street

bicycle lanes that are clearly marked On‐street

bike friendly route from Frederick to FSK area On‐street

bike friendly route from Walkersville into Frederick On‐street

Bike lane access north and south within Frederick county On‐street

Bike lane along all of HW40 (W. Patrick & E. Patrick) On‐street

Bike lane for Jefferson Pike On‐street

32 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Bike lane for Rosemont Ave/Yellow Springs Road On‐street

Bike lane in Frederick city On‐street

bike lanes on busy wide streets like 7th, rosemont, East On‐street

Bill Moxley Rd On‐street Bloomfield Rd. On‐street Bolivar Rd. On‐street City of Frederick Bicycle Lane Network On‐street Buffalo Rd On‐street Cherry Lane On‐street Christophers Crossing On‐street Consider Bicycle Climbing Lanes On‐street continuous bike lanes on rt 355 On‐street

County CIP On‐street Bikeways On‐street dedicated bike lanes in downtown Frederick On‐street

Daysville Rd. On‐street

East Street Extended & MD 355 Costco area Bicycle Lanes On‐street

Devilbiss Bridge Rd. On‐street Elmer Derr Rd. On‐street Fish Hatchery Rd. On‐street Foxville Deerfield Rd. On‐street Franklin St. On‐street Gapland Rd. On‐street improved bike route to access downtown frederick form north and west On‐street

33 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Hessong Bridge Rd. On‐street Jefferson On‐street Bikeways On‐street Holter Rd. On‐street Ijamsville Rd. On‐street John Walsh Way (old Emmitsburg?) On‐street Kelbaugh Rd. On‐street Kemp Lane On‐street Lander Rd. On‐street Manor Woods Rd On‐street Maple Ave. Brunswick On‐street Marker Rd On‐street MD 144 On‐street MD 17 On‐street Route N & S of Myersville On‐street

MD 180 Shoulders from Jefferson to Knoxville & HF, WV On‐street

MD 194 On‐street MD 27 On‐street McKaig Rd On‐street MD 28 On‐street MD 31 On‐street MD 17 On‐street MD 75 On‐street MD 80 On‐street MD 180/Jefferson Pike On‐street MD 80/ Fingerboard Rd. On‐street MD 464 On‐street MD 550 On‐street

Monocacy Blvd / Walser Drive Bicycle Marking On‐street

34 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) MD 77/Rocky Ridge Rd. On‐street MD 79/Petersville Rd. On‐street Michaels Mill Rd. On‐street Monocacy Blvd. On‐street Mountville Rd. On‐street Mt. Phillip Rd. On‐street Mt. Zion Rd. On‐street Mussetter Rd. On‐street New Design Road ‐ Elmer Derr to I‐70 On‐street New London Rd. On‐street Old Annapolis Rd On‐street Old Emmitsburg Rd. On‐street North Seton Avenue On‐street Old Frederick Rd On‐street Old Swimming Pool Rd. On‐street Park Mills Rd On‐street Prospect Rd. On‐street Reno Monument Rd. On‐street Roddy Rd. On‐street

Protected bicycle routes to transit & shopping facilities outside the immediate downtown area (MARC station behind Target, FSK Mall, The Golden Mile, On‐street etc.)

Ridgefield Drive On‐street S. Clifton Rd. On‐street S. Seaton Ave. On‐street

35 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) safe bike lane along Gas House Pike connecting Lake Linganore to Frederick On‐street city

Shookstown Rd. On‐street

Sharrows on designated streets in the downtown area On‐street

Spring Ridge Parkway On‐street St. Anthony Rd On‐street Stottlemyer Rd. On‐street Sundays lane On‐street

Target steep areas for shoulder improvements ‐ countywide On‐street

Thurston Rd On‐street Town of Thurmont On‐street Bicycle Network On‐street Utica Rd. On‐street W. Main St. On‐street Water Street Rd. On‐street

Wider shoulders or bike lanes on McKaig Road On‐street

Willowbrook Rd. On‐street Yellow Springs Rosemont Improvements On‐street School Track Facilities Open to Public Park School

Horse Parking Access at Trailheads ‐ Municipal Forest, Gambrill Park, & C&O Parking Yes

Provide for pedestrian access to the PoR train station Pedestrian

Bicycle Pocket Lanes should bbe marked and signed Policy

bike and ped facility implementation should be in growth areas Policy

36 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Bridge repair/reconstruction should include BP facilities Policy

County Employer Bike/Ped Benefits Policy Countywide Complete Streets Policy Policy

Do not permit access to Lake Linganore area form non‐residents Policy

Enhance Bike, Ped, Street connectivity between subdivisions Policy

Extend County park insurance to include critical path/sidewalk concepts. Suggesting that current neighbors incurr liability for newly proposed sidewalks Policy is a major deterrent to providing for sidewalks in older neighborhoods.

Focus Improvements in Growth Areas Policy

Incentivize private sector bike/ped improvements Policy

Monocacy River Bridge Retrofit River Access Policy

Need more marked and signage with on‐street facilities Policy

Need sidewalks in all new housing even open section streets Policy

park development should included access by cycling and walking Policy

Permit Bicycles on Commuter Rail Policy Prioritize school improvements Policy Priority Bike Routes through Communities Policy

Wide Outside Lanes not adequate as bicycle facility Policy

Lake Linganore Private

Green Street SWM Public Works

37 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

City to Forest Trail / Route (Gambrill SP / Muni Forest) Recreation

Community, District, State & National Park Access Recreation

Adams County PA Connection Regional American Discovery Trail Signage Regional Carroll County Connection Regional

Coordination between SHA Districts re: regional connections Regional

Grand History Loop Off‐street Regional Howard County Connection Regional Jefferson WV County Connection Regional Loudoun County Connection Regional Montgomery County Connection Regional Washington County Connection Regional

10900 Old Frederick Road Bike Crash Location Safety

40 East Connections ‐ Golden Mile to City ‐ US 15 Crossing Safety

High Incident Crash Locations Safety tbd

Improve Golden Mile Pedestrian crosswalks and paths. Reduce speed limit. Safety

Ped Refuges MD 355 Safety Provide Bicycle / Pedestrian Safety Audits Safety safe crossing for US 15 N. of city Safety

38 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

The Rte. 85 commercial strip needs bike and pedestrian connectivity. It also needs a residential mix, which will help provide the pedestrain aspect. The Safety

Golden mile also needs bike and pedestrian connectivity.

40 Golden Mile - improve bike / ped crossing; provide eastbound bike route Safety, Signage, On‐street, (other than Key Parkway -- too far from the Golden Mile) Crossing

Elementary School traffic safety education School School Oriented Bicycle Education School 13th Street at North Market School Crossing Amber Dr at Millstream Dr School Crossing Brien Place at Mantz School Crossing Caledonia at Royal Crest School Crossing Carriage Hill St at Carriage Hill Dr School Crossing Center St at Carrollton Dr School Crossing Christophers Crossing at Timber Grove Rd School Crossing Christophers Xing at Greenleaf Dr School Crossing Clarke Pl at South Market St School Crossing Corporate Dr at Kingsbrook Dr School Crossing Corporate Drive at Bentley Way School Crossing Crestwood Blvd at Ballenger Creek Pike School Crossing Crestwood Blvd at Burning Bush School Crossing

Crestwood Blvd at Crabapple and Burning Bush School Crossing

Crestwood Blvd at Hannover Dr West School Crossing Crestwood Blvd at New Design Rd School Crossing Cummings at 13th Ave School Crossing Decatur Dr at Adamstown Rd School Crossing Decatur Dr at Haddington Dr School Crossing

39 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Decatur Dr at Morland Dr N School Crossing Decatur Dr at Union Ridge Dr School Crossing Deer Hollow Dr at Leafy Hollow Circle School Crossing Douglas Ave at Sidewalk Access School Crossing E 16th St at Schifferstadt School Crossing E Green St at Cone Branch Dr School Crossing E Green St at Schoolhouse School Crossing E Main St at S Church St School Crossing E Main St at School House School Crossing E Ninth Street at East Street School Crossing Fairview Ave at W 9th St School Crossing Finn Dr at Steamboat Way School Crossing Finn Place at School Entrance School Crossing Finn Place at South School Entrance School Crossing Florida at B Street - Brunswick School Crossing Foxcroft at Burning Bush School Crossing Hammaker St at E Main St School Crossing

Hannover Dr South at Ballenger Creek Pike School Crossing

Hayward Rd at Arrowhead Ct School Crossing Hayward Rd at Opossumtown Pike School Crossing

Hillcrest Dr at Beebe Ct and East School Entrance School Crossing

Hillcrest Dr at Butterfly Lane School Crossing

Hillcrest Dr at Pendleton Dr and Carlton Pl School Crossing

Hillcrest Dr at S McCain Dr School Crossing Independence St at Cobblestone Way School Crossing Jimtown Rd at Rocky Ridge Rd School Crossing Kingsbrook Dr at north school ES School Crossing Kinnerton at Carriage Hill Dr School Crossing

40 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Lambert Dr at Sutherland Dr School Crossing Lambert Dr at Tennison Dr School Crossing Madison St at Carrollton Dr School Crossing Madison St at Center St and Bentz St School Crossing

Main St at Lushbaugh Way and Walnut St School Crossing

Mcpherson St at Mantz School Crossing Mercantile Dr at Hannover Dr School Crossing Motter Ave at NFES S Entrance School Crossing Mountville Rd at Adams St School Crossing N East St at E 16th St School Crossing N Market St at N East St School Crossing Neidig Ave at W 12th St School Crossing New Design at Foxcroft School Crossing

New Design Rd at Lawrence Ct and Union Ridge Dr School Crossing

New Market ES Entrance at W Main St School Crossing New Market MS Entrance at W Main St School Crossing

Old MD 355 Urbana Pike at School Entrance School Crossing

Opossumtown Pike at Monocacy MS Entrance School Crossing

Park Ridge Dr at Leafy Hollow Circle School Crossing Point of Rocks Road at Frazer Rd School Crossing Ridgefield Dr at Shadybrook Dr School Crossing Ridgefield Dr at Spring Ridge Parkway School Crossing

Rocky Ridge Road at Primary School Entrance School Crossing

Royal Oak Dr at Queen Anne Ct School Crossing S Jamison Ave at W Lincoln Ave School Crossing S Jefferson St at Catoctin Ave School Crossing

41 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) S School Ln at W Lincoln Ave School Crossing Singleton at Addison Woods School Crossing Singleton Dr at Caldwell School Crossing Souder Road at 9th Avenue School Crossing South Seton Ave at Community Dr School Crossing Spriggs St at Worthington Blvd School Crossing Sugarloaf Pkwy at Carriage Hill Dr School Crossing Sugarloaf Pkwy at Denison St School Crossing Sugarloaf Pkwy at Shawfield Ln School Crossing Sugarloaf Pkwy at Worthington Blvd School Crossing W 12th St at Fairview Ave School Crossing W 9th St at Motter Ave School Crossing Wetherburne Way at Wetherburne Way School Crossing Wilt Ln at Inwood Dr School Crossing Windsor Rd at Winmoor Dr School Crossing Wintergreen Lane at Cummings School Crossing Wintergreen Ln at Cummings Dr School Crossing Access to Thurmont HS Schools Access to Waverley Elementary in Frederick Schools Bicycle Train Schools Bicycle train ‐ Cycling School Bus Schools Yes

Briar Grove Ct to Ballenger Creek Middle School Schools Yes

Carroll Manor ES ‐ Sidewalk on Adamstown Road (west of ES) Schools Yes

Education programs in schools concerning sharing the road with both Schools pedestrians and bikes (get the while they are young!)

Elementary School Walking Improvements Schools

42 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Green Valley ES ‐ Sidewalk EB 80 east to Shakespeare Way/Chaucer Ct Schools Yes

MD 80 Crossing to Urbana HS Schools

Middletown elem. walking improvements Schools

Myersville School walking improvements Schools

Safe Routes Projects Countywide Schools Yes

Natural Surface Trails ‐ Multiple Sugarloaf Mountain Trails Use

School pedesrian/ bike access new market area schools Schools

Sidewalks that minimize manditory school bus use Schools

100% utilization of SHA sidewalk retrofit program Sidewalk

26 MD 26 Sidewalk Retrofit – Request Construction funding for sidewalk retrofit project between Longmeadow Dr (Monocacy Shopping Center) & Sidewalk

Waterside Drive in the City of Frederick.

85 MD 85 Grove Rd to Guilford Drive Sidewalk Gaps Sidewalk

adding sidewalks in residential Lake Linganore Sidewalk

Boyers Mill Road ‐ Dear Crossing ES sidewalks (Finn Dr to Eaglehead Dr) Sidewalk

City of Brunswick Sidewalk Retrofit Sidewalk From Brookfield to Main Street in Emmitsburg(both) Sidewalk

43 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

From Emmitsburg Elementary to Pembrook Woods (Walking) Sidewalk

From MD 140 to Jubilee/Shopping center NO SIDEWALKS! Sidewalk

From Mother Seton School to Pembrook Woods (walking) Sidewalk

Lincoln Avenue Emmitsburg Sidewalk Sidewalk Monocacy MS / ES Sidewalks Sidewalk

Opossumtown Pike ‐ Hayward to Poole Jones Sidewalk Sidewalk

26 Pedestrian connections on MD 26 at Dearbought Sidewalk

85 Pedestrian connections on MD 85 Sidewalk

Point of Rocks - Canal Run to MARC Station Sidewalk

40 Route 40 to Jubilee Sidewalk Gap Sidewalk

Shookstown Rd / Baughman Lane Sidewalk Gaps Sidewalk

sidewalk along Rt. 26 btwn Monocacy crossing& Rt. 194 Sidewalk

Sidewalk Gaps in Emmitsburg ‐ Brookfield Sidewalk

Sidewalk Gaps in Emmitsburg ‐ Pembrook Woods to Downtown Sidewalk

Sidewalk Gaps in Emmitsburg ‐ South Seton Ave Sidewalk

Sidewalk Gaps Jubilee at 140 Bridge Sidewalk Town of Myersville Sidewalk Retrofit Sidewalk Wider Sidewalks in Emmitsburg Sidewalk

Buckeystown Streetscape Sidewalk / Streetscape

44 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

Jefferson Streetscape – Frederick County requests restoration of design funding deferred due to 9/08 revenue reduction and addition of construction Sidewalk / Streetscape funding for this longstanding streetscape project in the unincorporated community of Jefferson.

Libertytown Project – Frederick County requests funding for initial scoping/project planning study for a streetscape project and/or sidewalk Sidewalk / Streetscape retrofit project in Libertytown along MD 26 and MD 75.

Middletown Streetscape Project – The Town of Middletown and Frederick County request restoration of engineering and design funding for a Middletown Sidewalk / Streetscape streetscape project. The Town of Middletown supports this request.

New Market Streetscape Sidewalk / Streetscape

Town of New Market Streetscape The Town of New Market and Frederick County request restoration of design and construction funding deferred due to Sidewalk / Streetscape

9/08 revenue reduction for this streetscape project in the town of New Market.

3' foot law signage at choke points or as appropriate Signage

Better signed connections to existing trails Signage

Christophers Crossing Bike/Ped Signage / Marking Signage

45 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

East Street Extended & MD 355 Costco area Bicycle Lanes Signage

Kelbaugh Rd. ‐ Bike/Ped Activity Signage Make Signage Useful Signage

More "Share the Road' signs Signage

Signs reminding motorists to share the road Signage

Identify Bicycle Actuated Signal Spots Signals Pedestrian Signal Retrofit ‐ Countywide Signals

26 MD 26 – Waterside Drive to Long Meadow Drive (Also requested as Transit sidewalk retrofit)

85 MD 85 at Grove Road - East and West Side Sidewalk from Lowes to McDonalds / Grove Road – Transit Stops is on Grove Road just off of MD 85 on Transit east and at Corner of MD 85 and Grove on the west

Access to and from Baughmans Lane to US 40 Transit

Golden Mile Transit Center Transit improve access to Bus transit/ bus stop shelters, benches Transit

Jefferson Streetscape – Local Transit Serves west end of Streetscape project Transit

Local Bus Service to Urbana Transit MARC Rail Bike Accomodations Transit

MARC Rail bike/ped access Improvements ‐ Monocacy RS Transit Yes

46 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff)

MD 180 south side from end of existing sidewalk just east of Valley Elementary School to bus stop at Jefferson Market (across from Post Office), this connects Transit to western end of streetscape project

MD 194 at Glade Road (Walkersville) – ADA issues Transit

MD 351 from Ballenger Center Drive to Solarex Court Bus Stop at MD 351 and Transit Ballenger Center Drive (east side)

MD 355 / FSK Transit Center Transit

MD 464 (Souder Road - Brunswick) from Maple Ave to 9th street (two transit Transit stops), existing sidewalk project?

MD 464 (Souder Road - Brunswick) from Maple Ave to 9th street, existing Transit sidewalk retrofit project

Monocacy Blvd Transit Center Transit

Monocacy MARC Station Access Trails – Reichs Ford Road to Rail Station and Transit Yes Rail Station to I-270 Technology Park / FSK Mall

MTA Commuter Bus Bike Accommodations Transit Park & Ride Access Improvements Transit

Sidewalk additions & crosswalk improvements crossing Mount Zion Road from Transit east park & ride to west park and ride

TransIT Access Improvements Transit Access to Monocacy River Water incorporate river/stream access into bridge river projects Water

47 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) ADA / Accessibility Yes Target Transit Plus Boarding Locations for Accessibility Bicycle Parking Yes Countywide / County Building Bicycle Parking & Cost Share Connections Yes Access to FSK and Fredericktown Malls Connections Yes Access to Thurmont Generators (Libraries, Stores, Parks) Connections Yes Connection Myersville to Middletown via MD 17.

Linganore to City of Frederick Connections Connections Yes Connections Yes New Design Road ‐ Elmer Derr to Potomac River Connections Yes Potential trail/path along I‐70 from AT to point‐undetermined in Town, Corridor Yes Mount St. Marys to Emmitsburg Trails ./ Bike Ped Safety Improvements Difficult Walking & Biking Yes South Seton Avenue From Town to MSM University (both)

Adult Cyclist / Driver Education Education Yes Countywide Share the Road Campaign Education Yes Encouragement / Promotion Yes Appalachian Trail Community Designation Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Bicycle Friendly Community Designation Encouragement / Promotion Yes Countywide Trails Map (Highlight Low Traffic Routes) Encouragement / Promotion Yes

Submit Bike/Ped Facility Data to Google Maps Encouragement / Promotion Yes Trail / Canal Town ‐ Point of Rocks, Knoxville, Brunswick

Jefferson Intersection Improvements Intersection Yes

48 Potential Priority Project Name Project Type Project (Staff) Multiple Use Trail Yes East Street / Glade Creek / Walkersville / WSRR Rail with Trail

H&F Trolley Trail Lewistown ES Multiple Use Trail Yes Multiple Use Trail Yes H&F Trolley Trail Thurmont to Cunningham Fall SP Multiple Use Trail Yes Hannover Drive to Jefferson Tech Park via DUSWM Right‐of‐way Multiple Use Trail Yes Monocacy River Greenway – Tuscarora Ck. to Ballenger Ck. Multiple Use Trail Yes Off street trail from City of Frederick to Gambrill State Park Natural Surface Trail ‐ Multiple Yes Mt Ephraim Road/Stronghold to MD 28 DNR Existing Trail Use Parking Yes Horse Parking Access at Trailheads ‐ Municipal Forest, Gambrill Park, & C&O

Bicycle train ‐ Cycling School Bus Schools Yes Schools Yes Briar Grove Ct to Ballenger Creek Middle School Schools Yes Carroll Manor ES ‐ Sidewalk on Adamstown Road (west of ES) Schools Yes Green Valley ES ‐ Sidewalk EB 80 east to Shakespeare Way/Chaucer Ct

Safe Routes Projects Countywide Schools Yes Transit Yes MARC Rail bike/ped access Improvements ‐ Monocacy RS Transit Yes Monocacy MARC Station Access Trails – Reichs Ford Road to Rail Station and Rail Station to I‐270 Technology Park / FSK Mall

49 0 5 10 Miles Frederick County, Maryland


Emmitsburg! - n ! A{


Catoctin Mountain Park Iu ?ò ?ó n Thurmont

! H&Fn Trolley T r a i l n !j n ?ó

Cunningham Falls State Park



n AÇ n South Mountain State Park ?Å Al

Frederick Municipal Forest n Woodsboro n

Utica Park i! Greenbriar State Park n Iu Washington Monument State Park !"a Myersville Al

i! AÇ n

Catoctin Mountain Trail

Iy Walkersville ! !j ! Gambrill State Park n n


a ! r DD T DD !! c i DD n !j DD DD e DD DDDDDD c ! Iu DD S Iz ! n ! ! ! DD l ! ! n ! a ! n n ! DD ! ! o n DD ! DD ! ?Î i DD ! DD t n !! ! DD

! DD ! DD DD

a nn DDDD DD !! Monocacy River DD DD N DD ! ! !j ! Frederick City

T r a i l DD DD

! DD DD ! DD DD ! n ! DD !! Middletown ! ! a ! i ! n ! ! ! DD ! h n DD !!! ?ñ ! DD ! n c ! ! ! ! DD

a ! !

! !! ! ! ! DD l n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! a ! DD ! ! !j

p DD

! ! n

DD ! ! ! ! p n ! n ! ! ! DDDD ! ! ! ! n ! DD ! ! ! ! A ! ! ! ! ! DD ! ! ! ! ! DD Rock! Creek ! ! ! DD ! ! ! DD ! ! ! DD ! ! ! ! ! !

DD ! T r a i l ! ! ! DD ! ! DD ! ! ! ! ! ! DD ! ! ! !! ! DD ! o DD DD ! ! ! South Mountain State Park ! ! ! !


DD ! ! !! n !


DD ! Iy !! ! DD !! DD DD ! n !


! n DD ! ! ÏÏ ! ! Lake Linganore DD Carroll Creek! ! ! DD ! ! !!!!! ! ! !!!! DD

! ! ! ! !! ! !! DD ÏÏ ÏÏ !"a ! ! n ! Trails (PRIVATE) !! T r a i l ÏÏ !! ! ! !! f¤

DD ! ! ! ! ! ! ! n DD

DDDD ÏÏ ÏÏ ! DD ! n !

! DD !! ! DD ÏÏ !


!! ! ! DD ! !

ÏÏ ÏÏ ! i! DD ! n ÏÏ ÏÏ i ! ! n Catoctin Creek Park ! ! Burkittsville !! !! n!

! n ! ! ! ! Pinecliff Park n n ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !! n !


! ! Ballengern Creek Park !


! ! DD New Market DD ! ! !

! ! ! DD ! f !"a nn ! ! ¤ !i

! Old National Pike Park

i! n ! ! i! DD n ! ! ?Å DD Ballenger Creek !

DD DD i! ! DD T r a i l n ?÷ DD A¹ Mount DD Airy


Monocacy National Battlefield








DD n


DD Urbana District Park

ÏÏ DD DD Villages of

DD RosemontÏÏ DD Urbana Trails ! ÏÏ n


ÏÏ DD ^_ DDDD ÏÏ i! n

ÏÏ n

! ÏÏ n n DD Brunswickn ÏÏ ÏÏ %&gÏÏ


! n ÏÏ

! ÏÏ DD n ! ÏÏ ! n DD Iu ÏÏ

f !i !

¤ DD n ÏÏ f¤ ÏÏ ÏÏ







C&O Canal National Historic Park


o DD

ÏÏ w DD p

a ÏÏ t DD



Bicycles Not Permitted on the following Trails Map Key Appalachian National Scenic Trail Cunningham Falls State Park Off-road Trails Paved Roadway Monocacy National Battlefield Off-road Trails Catoctin Mountain (National) Park Off-road Trails Multi Use Trails, Existing Gravel Roadway Sugarloaf Mountain "Mountain Bikes are Permitted on the Yellow Trail Only, Between Memorial Day and Labor Day Monday Through Friday" Multi Use Trails, Programmed Railroads Multi Use Trails, Planned Multi Use Trails, New Lake; Reservoir; River

While efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of this map Frederick County accepts no liability or responsibility for errors, Natural Surface Trails, Existing omissions, or positional inaccuracies in the content of this map. Reliance on this map is at the risk of the user. This map is for Natural Surface Trails, Planned County; Federal; State Parks illustration purposes only and should not be used for surveying, engineering, or site-specific analysis. Modification to this product without prior consent is strictly prohibited. Be advised the use of the Bike Lane, Existing Municipal Park; Watershed; Quasi-Public Open Space content in this map in any form other than as presented here, may constitute a misinterpretation of the map’s original intent. On Street Bikeway, Planned Municipality Bike Lane, Planned Community Growth Area Prepared by: Community Development Division ÏÏÏÏ Transportation Section ÏÏOn Street Bikeway, Deleted June, 2011 DDDD DDNatural Surface Trails, Deleted Data Provided by: Frederick County, State of Maryland, National Park Service City of Frederick, City of Brunswick, Multi Use Trails, Delete Town of Middletown Signed State Bike Routes, Existing

Existing & Proposed Bikeways & Trails - DRAFT June, 2011 Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan - Frederick County, Maryland