A Comparison of TCP Automatic Tuning Techniques for Distributed Computing
A Comparison of TCP Automatic Tuning Techniques for Distributed Computing Eric Weigle and Wu-chun Feng Research and Development in Advanced Network Technology Computer and Computational Sciences Division Los Alamos National Laboratory Los Alamos, NM 87545 fehw,fengg@lanl.gov Abstract In this paper, we compare and contrast these tuning methods. First we explain each method, followed by an in- Rather than painful, manual, static, per-connection op- depth discussion of their features. Next we discuss the ex- timization of TCP buffer sizes simply to achieve acceptable periments to fully characterize two particularly interesting performance for distributed applications [8, 10], many re- methods (Linux 2.4 autotuning and Dynamic Right-Sizing). searchers have proposed techniques to perform this tuning We conclude with results and possible improvements. automatically [4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14]. This paper first discusses the relative merits of the various approaches in theory, and then provides substantial experimental data concerning two 1.1. TCP Tuning and Distributed Computing competing implementations – the buffer autotuning already present in Linux 2.4.x and “Dynamic Right-Sizing.” This Computational grids such as the Information Power paper reveals heretofore unknown aspects of the problem Grid [5], Particle Physics Data Grid [1], and Earth System and current solutions, provides insight into the proper ap- Grid [3] all depend on TCP. This implies several things. proach for different circumstances, and points toward ways to further improve performance. First, bandwidth is often the bottleneck. Performance for distributed codes is crippled by using TCP over a WAN. An Keywords: dynamic right-sizing, autotuning, high- appropriately selected buffer tuning technique is one solu- performance networking, TCP, flow control, wide-area net- tion to this problem.
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