JOHN D. PADEN 2335 Irving Hill Rd Cell Phone: (303) 818-6406 Lawrence, KS 66045 Work Phone: (785) 864-1692 Email: Paden@Ku.Edu

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JOHN D. PADEN 2335 Irving Hill Rd Cell Phone: (303) 818-6406 Lawrence, KS 66045 Work Phone: (785) 864-1692 Email: Paden@Ku.Edu JOHN D. PADEN 2335 Irving Hill Rd Cell Phone: (303) 818-6406 Lawrence, KS 66045 Work Phone: (785) 864-1692 Email: EDUCATION: Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, University of Kansas, 2006 (with honors) Dissertation Title: “Synthetic Aperture Radar for Imaging the Basal Conditions of the Polar Ice Sheets.” M.S. Electrical Engineering, University of Kansas, 2003 (with honors) B.S. Computer Engineering, University of Kansas, 1999 RESEARCH AND PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS: SAR signal processing and related technologies; signal and image processing; sensor design and development; system engineering. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 2012-Present: Associate Scientist, University of Kansas, Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets. Primary responsibilities are the same. 2010-2012: Research Assistant Professor, University of Kansas, Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets. Primary responsibilities: Lead radar signal processing efforts Lead radar data processing efforts Lead field work in Antarctica and Greenland Advise on radar system engineering and software engineering tasks Advise undergraduate and graduate students working in the signal and data processing areas 2006-2010: SAR/Systems Engineer, Vexcel Corporation. Primary responsibilities: System architect for SAR related technologies. Developed a prototype ground based 3D-SAR and complementary software processing tools. Managed and developed a SAR-tag SBIR phase II program. Analysis, design, and development of SAR sensors and supporting technologies. Analyze and process data from satellite SAR systems. Implementation of digital signal processing algorithms on field programmable gate arrays. Application of photogrammetry to the generation of digital elevation models of natural surfaces 2001-2006: Graduate Research Assistant, Center for Remote Sensing of Ice Sheets (also Radar Systems and Remote Sensing Laboratory), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kansas. Primary responsibilities: Design and lead development of synthetic aperture radars for imaging the base of polar ice sheets. Developed ground based and airborne versions of the system. Design and develop software for radar control and calibration, bistatic synchronization, and SAR processing. Modeling ice sheets using rough surface scattering theory and dielectric models of ice sheets. Help direct undergraduate and graduate students on work related to polar remote sensing. 1999-2000: Graduate Research Assistant, Information and Telecommunications Technology Center (ITTC), Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kansas. Primary responsibilities: Design and develop comprehensive database solution for ITTC. 1996-1999: Undergraduate Research Assistant, Information and Telecommunications Technology Center, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, University of Kansas. Primary responsibilities: Design and test PCI interface card and Linux device driver software for data/control between computer and radio. Develop interface and error control coding hardware for high-speed radio. 1995-1996: Undergraduate Research Assistant, Unified Network Informatics for Education, School of Education, University of Kansas. Primary responsibilities: Continued development on a Macintosh web browser and built client/server interface to education resources database. TEACHING EXPERIENCE Fall 1999: Graduate Teaching Assistant for EECS 388 Computer Systems and Assembly Language Laboratory. Spring 2000: Graduate Teaching Assistant for EECS 212 Circuits II Laboratory; co- developed labs for this course (first time offered by department). Fall 2000: Graduate Teaching Assistant and Grader for EECS 562 Introduction to Communication Systems Laboratory. Spring 2001: Graduate Teaching Assistant for EECS 420 Electromagnetics II Laboratory. Spring 2002: Grader for EECS 863 Analysis of Communication Networks. Fall 2015: Guest Lecturer for 2 week workshop on SAR processing for EECS 826 InSAR and Applications. GRANTS 2016-2019: Collaborative Research: Stability and Dynamics of Antarctic Marine Outlet Glaciers, NSF, Award No. (FAIN): ANT-1543530, $440,000, Paden is Co-Investigator. The objective of this research is to gain a better understanding of glacier ice flow in the transition region from grounded ice to floating ice shelves. The research targets three glaciers in the West Antarctic and will investigate whether ongoing changes in these glaciers will lead to long-term mass loss or whether these glaciers will stabilize. The CReSIS contribution to the proposal is to generate fine resolution bed topographic maps to capture smaller-scale bed features that may control the flow of these glaciers and to support radar image analysis to recover additional geophysical parameters of the bed interface. 2015-2019: Airborne Radar Surveys of Land and Sea Ice and Data Processing Using CReSIS Instrumentation to Support IceBridge Observations, NASA Award: FED0074770/ NNX16AH54G, $6,111,162, Paden is Co-Investigator. 2013-2017 NASA Adaptation of the Snow Radar for NASA Global Hawk and Ikhana Unmanned Aircraft in Support of Operation Ice Bridge with internal match of $30K from KUCR and CReSIS, NASA, $490,000, Award Number: FED0071958, Federal Award Number: NNX13AQ30A, Principle Investigator. 2015-2016 Multi-agent Airborne Laboratory for Cryospheric Remote Sensing, Paul G Allen Family Foundation, $199,356, Paden is Co-Investigator. 2014-2015 Airborne Ultrawide Radars for Sounding and Imaging of Ice Sheets And Fine resolution Mapping of Internal Layers, Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, $2,643,500, Paden is Co-Investigator. 2014-2019 NSF CIF21 DIBBs: High Performance Scalable Interoperable Data Analytics Libraries: Abstractions, Communities, Exemplars (SPIDAL project), Principal Investigator: Geoffrey Fox at Indiana University, $256,569 + $7,452 + $8,430 (subaward + 2015 REU supplement + 2016 REU supplement), Project Number: UNI0070344 + UNI0075021, Federal Award Number: ACI-1443054, Subaward Number: BL-4848800- UK, Paden is Subaward Principle Investigator. The goal for the SPIDAL project is to create software abstractions to help connect communities together with applications in different scientific fields, letting us collaborate and use other communities’ tools without having to understand all of their details. The project will integrate features of traditional high-performance computing, such as scientific libraries, communication and resource management middleware, with the rich set of capabilities found in the commercial Big Data ecosystem. The latter includes many important software systems, such as Hadoop, available from the Apache open source community. CReSIS contribution to SPIDAL is to use HPC computing to solve large global optimization problems related to internal layer tracking and generation of ice bed digital elevation models from 3-D images generated from the petabyte-scale CReSIS radar dataset. 2012-2016 NSF MRI: Development of a high-power, large antenna array and ultrawideband radar for a Basler for sounding and imaging of fast-flowing glaciers and mapping internal layers, Principal Investigator: Richard Hale, $2,546,171, Federal Award Number: ANT-1129716, Paden is Co-Investigator. Intellectual Merit: The development of an ultra-wideband (150-600 MHz) radar with a large cross-track array of 24 elements for basal and englacial imaging of ice sheets and glaciers. Broader Impacts: The application of the developed technology to other geophysical studies, including sea ice, permafrost, soil moisture, vegetation, and snow thickness over land. Resulted in 3 peer-reviewed presentations and 1 peer reviewed articles (Wang 2015) with several other articles. One MS thesis completed. 2010-2013: NASA Deployment of a radar instrumentation suite to monitor land and sea ice in support of Operation ICE Bridge, $3,434,875, Paden is Co-Investigator. 2010: Microsoft Research, Digital Elevation Maps of the Dry Valleys of Antarctica, $7,793, Principle Investigator. PUBLICATIONS – PEER REVIEWED (41 ACCEPTED, 6 IN REVIEW/PREP) L. An, E. Rignot, S. Elief, M. Morlighem, J. Mouginot, D. M. Holland, D. Holland, J. Paden, Bed elevation of Jakobshavn Isbrae, West Greenland from high-resolution airborne gravity and other data, submitted to Geophysical Research Letters Oct 2016. Maryam Rahnemoonfar, Geoffrey Fox, Masoud Yari, John Paden, “Automatic Bedrock and Ice Layer Boundaries Estimation in Radar Imagery Based on Level Set Approach,” accepted with major revisions Oct 2016 to IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. A. Winter, D. Steinhage, E. J. Arnold, D. D. Blankenship, M. G. P. Cavitte, H. F. J. Corr, J. D. Paden, S. Urbini, D. A. Young, and O. Eisen, “Radio-echo sounding measurements and ice-core synchronization at Dome C, Antarctica,” submitted Jun 2016 to The Cryosphere, tc-2016-147. Nanna B. Karlsson, Olaf Eisen, Dorthe Dahl-Jensen, Johannes Freitag, Sepp Kipfstuhl, Lisbeth T. Nielsen, John D. Paden, Anna Winter, Frank Wilhelms, “700a accumulation rates in North Central Greenland derived from radar data,” Frontiers in Earth Science, vol. 4, article 97, Nov 16, 2016. Thomas Jordan, Jonathan Bamber, Chris Williams, John Paden, Martin Siegert, Philippe Huybrechts, Olivier Gagliardini, and Fabien Gillet-Chaulet, An ice-sheet wide framework for englacial attenuation and basal reflection from ice penetrating radar data, accepted Jun 2016 to The Cryosphere. Joseph MacGregor, Mark Fahnestock, Ginny Catania, Andy Aschwanden, Gary Clow, William Colgan, Siva Prasad

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