Volume XLIX | Issue IV Tammuz 5777 | July 2017

MY VIEW 100 Years of The Rich Life BY LEAH MEYER 50 Years of Beth Jacob High School of Denver

“If you want to BY BYD STAFF committee comprised of nine ambassadors feel rich, think of all the networking to reach every graduate from things you have that Thousands of Jewish homes the past forty-seven graduating classes. money can’t buy.” The large reunion will bring together past Bais Yaakov has Tens of thousands of Jewish children teachers, counselors and students, and will made me feel rich. It revive their connections to one another. is astounding to think Proud Jewish women who are passion- On Sunday, January 15, a city- of how much BYD has ate about Yiddishkeit wide event will be held in Denver to cel- provided for me over the past four years. I’ve ebrate this great milestone. The Jubilee gained skills and knowledge that I could never have Community leaders Dinner will honor Rabbi and Mrs. Schwab dreamed of achieving. as the educational founders of the school, I am so privileged to have spent these forma- Professionals as well as visionaries and builders of the tive years in a school that is above and beyond, community in Denver. In addition in every way. The academic level is high, but it is These are but a few of the fruits to a half-century of educating and guiding balanced with many extracurricular activities that of Beth Jacob High School’s past fi fty young women, the Schwabs were pioneers create a fun, cheerful atmosphere. It is not unusual years of superior Torah and secular educa- the U.S., but also from Canada, Mexico, in many community-building endeavors, for music to be played during breaks and for there tion for young Jewish women. Panama, Costa Rica, Australia, Italy , the most notably their founding of the Denver to be spontaneous dancing in the hallways. The year 2017 marks a full cen- Philippines, South Africa, Switzerland, Community . The love and care that the teachers and tury since the legendary Sarah Schenirer the former Soviet Union, and Israel. It For fi fty years thousands of administration show toward each student is excep- originally founded the Bais Yaakov move- steps into its second half-century as a young Jewish women have spent the most tional. With their vast knowledge, they bring so ment in Krakow, Poland – the movement warm environment that is both a home formative years of their lives in the warm, many new and interesting ideas into their classes. that saved the sanctity of vibrant Jewish and source of inspiration, one that pro- nurturing environment of Beth Jacob Teachers invite students into their homes for study life and that laid the foundation for the vides a wholesome out-of-town Torah High School of Denver. It is there that sessions, Shabbos meals and Shabbos afternoon explosive growth of the Torah world that education, preparing its students to live they experienced exponential growth in classes. When I speak to my friends from other cit- we see today. empowered Torah lives. their Yiddishkeit, self-development and ies, it becomes apparent that this type of teacher- Yet 2017 marks another mile- Throughout this Jubilee year, academic achievement. Within those walls student relationship is not typical, and it is some- stone as well, a milestone for a unique Beth Jacob High School of Denver will they have discovered and developed their thing for which I am extremely grateful. branch among the Bais Yaakov move- celebrate the vitality of its Torah educa- own unique latent talents. They have These qualities, among many others, contrib- ment’s many branches: a half-century tion for young women and how it has made and cemented life-long relation- ute to a “rich” feeling for the fortunate students of Beth Jacob High School of Denver. ensured the promise of a Jewish future ships with their teachers and peers, and of BYD. As I move on in life, I am definitely going Under the leadership of Rabbi and Mrs. to many. These accomplishments will be have created sweet memories through the to miss walking into the welcoming building every Myer J. Schwab, the school has become a celebrated through numerous events. numerous extra-curricular activities. day, the building that I am proud to call my home vital component for regional, national and In December, an alumnae event is Stay tuned for details as we cel- away from home. international communities. Students have scheduled to take place in New York. The ebrate a half-century of Torah-true educa- Leah Meyer is a 2017 BYD graduate. come to BYD not only from all corners of event is being organized by an alumnae tion for young women in the West.

INSIDE Alumna Profile.....2 Mazel Tovs...... 2 Profile ...... 3 Yom Iyun ...... 3 Dean’s List...... 4 Recipe Corner.....4 From the Class of 2017: (back row l. to r.) Mrs. Chaya Meyer, Chaya Wasserman, Elisheva Major, Leah Meyer, Esther Malka Heisler, Devora Tzilya El, Arie Cohen, Simcha Baxman, Desk of...... 4 Chana Steinharter, Carmielle Bean, Miryam Major, Faigy Berkowitz, Shira Freedman, Beth Jacob High School ofBeth Jacob Denver 14th Avenue West 5100 80204-1004 CO Denver, Liora Kohanteb, Chaya Zisi Krausz, Mrs. Esther Melamed. (front row l. to r.) Rabbi Aron Where Are They Yehuda Schwab, Rabbi Yechiel Erlanger, Mrs. Esti Erlanger, Mrs. Bruria Schwab, Rabbi Now?...... 4 Myer Schwab, Mr. Feivel Gallard, Mrs. Cindy Gallard and Mrs. Aliza Chernitzky. 2 | Batya ALUMNA PROFILE “The work I do goes beyond actual cosmetology.” Meet Rochel Leah (Feder) Dubovick of Jerusalem

BY TA LYA SCHREIBER AND “Bais Yaakov gently encouraged me along Rochel Leah juggles many roles as RACHEL BADALOV my own path and allowed me to grow at wife, mother, grandmother, businesswom- my own pace. I never felt negative vibes an, and active community member. She It has often been said that those who from the teachers or administration. They manages her multiple roles with grace and attend Bais Yaakov of Denver are not seemed to watch over me with uncondi- gratitude to Hashem. merely students; rather, they become part tional love as I grew into myself. I felt val- Rochel Leah is the owner of a grow- of one big family. This statement cer- ued, and I also felt that the administration ing cosmetology practice, where she imple- tainly holds true for Rochel Leah (Feder) and teachers believed in me and took great ments many of the skills and lessons that Dubovick, whose family and Bais Yaakov pride in me and in my fellow students.” she learned in Bais Yaakov on a daily ties are strongly interlinked. Rochel Leah was very active through- basis. “The actual work I do goes way In addition to being a 1993 Bais out her years in Bais Yaakov. She served beyond the actual cosmetology,” explains Yaakov graduate, Rochel Leah holds the on the student council and was editor of Rochel Leah. “I work with many different title of being the first second-generation the Batya and head of the dance com- women from varied backgrounds, ages and BYD student, as she is the daughter of Rochel Leah Dubovick: “Bais Yaakov infused mittee. After graduating as salutatorian stages of life. Many clients open up and 1973 BYD graduate Celia (Lewitt) Feder. us with such a warmth for Yiddishkeit.” of her class, she attended Bnos Chavah confide in me about their life struggles and “I remember the look of pride Rabbi Seminary. She studied cosmetology in challenges. I feel very strongly that my Schwab had in his eyes as I walked into In her younger years she often heard Denver, then married and moved to Har Bais Yaakov years gave me the tools with his office for my interview,” recalls Rochel stories about BYD. When she entered Nof, Yerushalayim. which to guide and help these women. Leah. “He made me feel like it was his ninth grade, she says, she felt like she was Today Rochel Leah lives in Ramat “In high school I was given such clar- privilege to have me as his student, espe- being welcomed by family. Beit Shemesh with her husband, Ephraim, ity about and simchah for Yiddishkeit. It cially since my mother was a graduate of “Rochel Leah recently became a and their children. Her husband serves was such a healthy, normal, warm and BYD.” grandmother, and Celia a great-grand- as an administrator in Rabbi Yaakov accepting environment. We were also Rochel Leah’s family connection mother,” says Rabbi Schwab. “That makes Friedman’s yeshivah in Beitar, taught a deep appreciation for the beauty to Bais Yaakov runs even deeper, as her us great-great grandparents for the first Birkas Mordechai, where he learned in kol- of and pride in our role as Jewish women. grandparents, the late Manny and Molly time!” lel for many years. “Mrs. Schwab instilled These are all ideals that I try to give over Feder, a”h, were cofounders of the school. The high school years can often be in us a yearning and a love for Eretz to my clients. Manny and Molly’s daughter, Goldie, was challenging for many teens. “During those Yisrael,” says Rochel Leah. “I am blessed “Bais Yaakov literally shaped my life, one of the first eight students who attend- years I was trying to get to know myself to live here. Bais Yaakov also infused us and for that I have tremendous gratitude.” ed BYD. and find my own path. I definitely had a with such a warmth for Yiddishkeit. I car- Rachel Badalov is from Phoenix, AZ. Talya Rochel Leah was born in lot of personality and sometimes tested ried that warmth forward as I built my Schreiber is a Denver native. Both are juniors at Binghamton, NY, and grew up in Denver. my boundaries,” reflects Rochel Leah. own home.” BJHS. Batya Editorial Board: Rabbi Myer J. Schwab Alumnae and Staff Mazel Tovs Mrs. Aliza Chernitzky Sarah Nadoff Mizrahi

Births: Shana Aron Schuman- Akiva WEddings: StudEnt ContriButorS: Dena Beren Grossman- Rachel Badalov Sara Bluma Sommers Holzer- Chaim Aryeh Nancy Horwitz Wolff’s- son Leah Meyer girl Chavi Zussman Jacobs Shmulie to Henny Pomerantz Adina Kotzen Kaplan- grand- -Michoel Malky Robinson Cagan’s Talya Schreiber son Menashe Rabbi and Mrs. Yechiel Er- daughter Chaya Faigy to Yael Schweitzer Celia Lewit Feder-great Dovy Weiss langer - Moshe PagE layout: grandson Beila Sirota Goodman- Gavi Aliza Berman to Tuvia Rochel Leah Feder Dubovick- Harbater Mira Freeman grandson Rina Chirquel to Danny Adi Halton Aisenstark- girl Betech a publication of Beth Jacob High School EngagEMEnts: 5100 West 14th avenue | denver, Co 80204 Eliana Schreiber- Emunah Michelle Koll Strum’s son 303-893-1333 | [email protected] Sara Esti Meyer to Chaim Gross Akiva to Yael Bloch Aviva Burstein Cohen- grand- Jade Shurtleff to Aryeh Shternie Sirota to Mendel Beth Jacob High School is son Goldshine Kosofsky a beneficiary of the Allied Chana Schwab Elbaz- grand- Bluma Melamed Krasne’s Batya Mendelson to Yaacob Jewish Federation, Rose son- Yaakov daughter Chana to Eliyahu Chayo Community Foundation, Rochel Erlanger Hildesheim- Alon Rochel Leah Borenstein Harry H. Beren Trust, boy Judy Zinn Bulmash’s son Rosenberg’s daughter Chani ACE (Alliance for Choice Rebecca Tessler Pollack-boy Moshe to Shlomo Eisenberg in Education), Glassman Ruth Maleh to Dovid Ova- Menucha Singer Dudovitz’s Foundation and The Art Bar Mitzvahs: dia son Shalom to Tova Hollander Harris Trust. Chana Perton to Josh Ford Ariela Benozillo to Daniel Chaya Shleifer Berelowitz- Morhaim Yitzy July 2017| 3 PROFILE: BYD HOUSE MOTHER AND LONGTIME PRESIDENT OF LBJ “I will miss Denver and my memories will warm me forever.” Mrs. Tziporah Heisler, Dear Friend of BYD, Bids Farewell to Denver

BY YAEL SCHWEITZER to two years in by serving as Shabbos hosts. I also served as Fort Carson president of Ladies of Beth Jacob for 20 years. we moved to Additionally, my husband was one of the first Mrs. Tziporah Heisler has been a dear friend Denver because board members, and he served on the board of BYD almost since its inception. She was an he got a job for 40 years. And, of course, my daughters active member of the Denver Jewish Community, here. We lived attended BYD. devoting her time to BYD, Toras Chaim, in Denver for 47 Hillel Academy, and the west side Mikvah. This years. Q:What do you feel makes BYD different from summer she and her husband moved to Lakewood, other schools? NJ. Q: Why did A:It is a very personal place. The teachers take you choose to a lot of interest in each student, and everyone become active- gets a great deal of personal attention. The Q: Mrs. Heisler, where are you from originally? ly involved in teachers are very kind. There is also a lot of A: I am originally from Eretz Yisrael. When Mrs. Heisler: “I feel a lot of grati- Bais Yaakov? ruach in the school because of the many extra- I was about 10 years old my family moved to tude toward BYD for taking care A: I had known curricular activities they have. Through those New York. My husband was born in England, of girls from Denver and beyond.” Mrs. Schwab activities each girl gets a chance to shine in and also moved to New York as a young boy. It for many years. different ways. was there that we met. She was my teacher in New York. When I moved to Denver, she was one of the first people who welcomed us, and she was the Q:Is there a message you would like to convey Q: What brought you to Denver? first to wish me mazal tov when I had a baby. as you leave Denver? A: After I got married, my husband was a Rabbi A:I feel a lot of gratitude toward BYD for in a shul in Homestead, Pennsylvania. During Q:Describe your connection to BYD. taking care of girls from Denver and beyond. the Vietnam War, my husband was approached A: From 1971 until the dorm opened in 1977 Because of BYD, there was a school in Denver to be a chaplain in the army. We were young we were house parents for anywhere between for me to send my girls to, and I am very and didn’t have children yet. It seemed like 1-5 girls at a time. It was a challenge to thankful for that. I will miss Denver and my an exciting venture! B”H he wasn’t stationed be a mother figure for girls who were just memories will warm me forever. overseas, but rather in Fort Carson, which a few years younger than me! After the is about 75 miles from Denver. After close dorm opened, we remained actively involved Yael Schwietzer is a from Denver. She is a junior in BYD. Yom Iyun A Beautiful Opportunity for Learning and Growth Bais Yaakov Denver recently held an inspi- Mrs. Bruria Schwab, Menaheles of Bais rational yom iyun – a full day of learning and Yaakov Denver, galvanized the entire student body related activities – on the topic of tefillah-prayer. to prepare for the event. Several weeks prior to the Students spent the day delving deeper into a sub- yom iyun, every girl was asked to submit any ques- ject that is such a crucial part of our lives, yet tion she had on tefillah. whose true value often remains elusive. While tech- The day began with an introduction by nological advancements have made it easier than Mrs. Schwab. “Why did Hashem give Adam ever for us to communicate with people all over the HaRishon the ability to speak before there were world, it is ironic that in our times so many people any other people to talk to?” she asked. “It is find it difficult to truly communicate with and con- because the primary function of our speech is to nect to Hashem through tefillah. And so BYD took talk to Hashem.” a day off to focus on this vital component of our During the yom iyun, a panel of Bais avodas Hashem. Yaakov’s religious studies teachers, moderated by BYD veteran teacher Mrs. Avigayil Steinharter, responded to hashkafah-based questions. Halachah- based questions were addressed by Denver informative. Each class dedicated many hours of Community Kollel scholar Rabbi Shmuel Halpern. teamwork to create these masterpieces. Miss Dasi Indich spoke to the girls about the his- “The lessons and inspiration continue to tory of tefillah, and BYD seniors Liora Kohanteb resonate long after the yom iyun has passed,” and Chana Steinharter spoke about the special says 11th-grader Shulamis Erlanger. “Realizing connection women have to tefillah and about the the power of the words that the Anshei Knesses importance of humility when we daven. A moving Hagedolah (Men of Great Assembly) established talk by Rabbi Tzvi Mordechai Feldheim, Menahel for us, and learning more halachos, have helped of Yeshiva Toras Chaim of Denver, left the girls increase my kavanah when I daven.” inspired and motivated to grow. In the weeks leading up to the event, the The room displays on Perek Shirah, Brachos, school was abuzz with activity in preparation for Az Yashir and Nishmas were a highlight of the the yom iyun. All that hard work paid off, as the program. The displays were artistic, creative and day proved to be very meaningful indeed. 4 | Batya RECIPE CORNER Eggplant Revisited

BY DEENA SANDOCK surely I wouldn’t be the only one ROASTED EGGPLANT ABRAHAM to enjoy it. And I wasn’t. It was SPREAD FOURTH QUARTER well-liked by many people at the 1 large eggplant DEAN’ S LIST When I meal – including my husband. 2 red peppers was newly mar- This is the only way he will eat ½ red onion ried I was very eggplant, and eat it he does, very 4 cloves garlic RACHEL BADALOV excited to pre- happily. 3 Tbsp. olive oil GEULA BACKER pare meals. I This is a great recipe to 1 tsp. kosher salt SIMCHA BAXMAN asked my hus- make any time of year, but espe- ¼ tsp. pepper CARMEILLE BEAN band if there cially during the summer, when 1 Tbsp. tomato paste BAILA BERKOWITZ was anything that he didn’t like vegetables are at their best. I Grease a large baking pan. Peel BRACHA BERKOWITZ to eat, as I didn’t want to make make it all year round, including the eggplant and cut into cubes FAIGY BERKOWITZ anything that we wouldn’t both Pesach. (It’s a really nice spread about 1” in size. Remove the TALY CARMONA enjoy. Fortunately, we had pret- on matzah!) So even if you don’t seeds and top from the peppers TZIPORAH DAVIDSON ty similar tastes and liked most- like eggplant, you might want to and cut into 1” pieces. Chop the ADINA DERR ly the same things. But there be brave and give it a try. Enjoy! onion and garlic. Place the veg- DEVORA TZILYA EL was one thing that I really liked etables in the baking pan. Add SHULAMIS ERLANGER that my husband disliked very the oil, salt, and pepper, and stir SHIRA FREEDMAN strongly – eggplant. to combine. Roast at 400 degrees YEHUDIS KASZTL And so I never made egg- for 45 minutes, mixing once after CHAYA KRAUSZ plant. The only time I got to about 20 minutes. Cool slightly. MALKA LEBAN have eggplant was when we went Process the roasted vegetables ELISHEVA MAJOR to visit my in-laws. My mother- in batches in a food processor to MIRYAM MAJOR in-law liked it, but she never blend, adding tomato paste. If a LEAH MEYER used to make it, because no one creamier texture is desired, pro- RIVKY SCHNALL else in the family would eat it – cess until the mixture is smooth. CHANA STEINHARTER until I joined the family. Season with additional salt and CHAYA WASSERMAN Once, many years ago, I pepper if desired. NECHAMA WASSERMAN made roasted eggplant spread. MIRIAM WILEN It sounded really good and we Deena Sandock Abraham is a were having a lot of company; 1990 BJHS graduate.

WHERE ARE THEY NOW? FROM THE DESK OF MRS. BRURIA SCHWAB Jennifer Schwartz Jacobs, ’02 The Mouse Trap Jennifer currently lives in Israel, in Beitar Elite, with her husband, former Den- We are all describing his terrible fear. But just least we accomplish is to alleviate his ver native Benji Jacobs, and their fi ve young so busy with our like the others, the cow responded emotional distress, and that alone can children. Upon graduating from BYD Jen- own affairs. Do we with indifference. “Why should I con- be a tremendous help. At best, we can nifer attended Stern College and then went on care enough about cern myself with a threat to your life contribute to finding a solution to his to receive her Master’s in Speech Pathology and Audiology from California State Univer- other people? that has nothing to do with me?” problem. sity. She has worked as a speech therapist for Allow me to All of a sudden, they heard a In Pirkei Avos (6:6) we are told children in Israel and currently does online share a story my loud S-N-A-P! The trap had caught that there are 48 qualities that are therapy for children in the U.S. sister once told a snake! But lo and behold, only the necessary in order to acquire Torah. “I had such a wonderful high school experi- ence,” says Jennifer. “It was an amazing mix me. snake’s tail was locked in the device. One of them is “sharing the yoke of learning, spiritual growth, friendships and A mouse who As the housewife approached the trap, of one’s fellow.” This is explained as fun. I really felt that Rabbi and Mrs. Schwab dwelled in a farmhouse found out that the snake bit her. She became very ill. sharing in his pain, and helping him and Mrs. Melamed truly valued each student the housewife was planning to set a Her husband slaughtered the chicken physically, financially, or with good and wanted each one to excel in her own to make her a pot of chicken soup. advice. unique way. mousetrap to catch him. Knowing “B”H, with four girls of my own now, I yearn that his end was near, he was petri- Unfortunately, she did not fare well, What the farm animals realized to be able to give my daughters the same kind fied. He shared his plight with the and many visitors came to see her. The – too late – is that they could have of high school experience that I had – that chicken. “Don’t bother me!” the husband then slaughtered the sheep found a way to disable the trap, rather perfect blend of learning, extracurricular chicken responded. “This has nothing as well, and served her visitors lamb than leaving the helpless mouse to his activities, close friendships and wonderful role models. I have no doubt that the values to do with me! It’s your problem. Why chops. fate. Instead, they ignored his plight – I learned in BYD have shaped me into who I should I worry?” Tragically, she passed away. The and they paid the price. am today.” The mouse then turned to the house was crowded with people who To be apathetic to the suffering of sheep and shared his fears with her. came from far and wide to offer their our fellow man is, for many reasons, The sheep was not too interested condolences to the mourners. In order a big mistake. As this parable illus- either. “The trap is too small for me,” to serve them a meal, the farmer killed trates, another person’s problem is she said. “Why should I worry if the cow. Only the mouse was still alive! really our problem too. nothing is going to happen to me?” **** Mrs. Schwab is the religious studies princi- The poor little mouse went to the When we choose to help bear pal of Beth Jacob High School. cow and explained his dire situation, another person’s burden, the very