Page 8 Issue 92 Page 1 New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church, Inc. March 2021 Rev. Dr. Marion A. Wise, Senior Pastor 1824 Prospect Street, Jacksonville, Fl 32208 Bread Crumbs New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church , Inc. Phone: (904) 764-5727 * Fax: (904) 764-5901 * Email:
[email protected] * Website: “The Church Where God Provides Hope, Help & Healing” Network: New Bethlehem, WI-FI Password nbbc1824 March 2021 - Events Black History Continues all Year New Bethlehem Missionary Baptist Church ALL ACTIVITIES, MEETINGS & GATHERINGS Clara McLaughlin was born in In the year of 1919, The Reverend Marshall organized a little church and named it OF THE CHURCH HAS BEEN CANCELLED Brunswick, Georgia and grew up in Palmer Grove Baptist Church. The Lord blessed this little Church and the member- UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE! Gainesville, Florida. She started her ship grew. Later, the Church and members moved to a larger building located at *************************************** career in journalism while in high Fourth and Jefferson Streets. Join Pastor Marion Wise each Sunday morning school by writing, producing, and dis- at 11:00 am for worship service via Facebook tributing the school’s only student 1920-1978 The church underwent several changes in locations and Pastors. The church’s name or Zoom or call in 1–301-715-8592; was also changed several times until it was changed from Bethlehem Baptist Church to New Beth- ID: 883*4147-9075. newsletter. Clara McLaughlin is an author, newspaper owner and publish- lehem Missionary Baptist Church. Join Pastor Marion Wise each Tuesday night at er of The Florida Star and The Georgia Star in Jackson- 7:00 pm for TNT (Tuesday Night Teaching) via 1993: In November, The Lord blessed the members and enabled them to purchase all of the land ville, Florida.