Final Program
IPA-0716-539 Final Program #IPASanFran2016 ABOUT IPA Founded in 1982, the International Psychogeriatric Association (IPA) is a unique and diverse professional healthcare community promoting better geriatric mental health – across disciplines, across borders, and across geriatric issues. Psychiatrists, Scientists, Neurologists, Geriatricians, Primary Care Physicians, Epidemiologists, Nurses, Psychologists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers and many other healthcare profession- als come to the IPA community from all over the world to discuss, learn, share and research information about behavioral and biological aspects of geriatric mental health. IPA Member Benefits • Subscription to International Psychogeriatrics, IPA’s multidisciplinary peer-reviewed journal published monthly • Subscription to the IPA Bulletin, IPA’s membership newsletter • Reduced rates and access to IPA congress and meetings • IPA Online – the IPA website – including the IPA Member Area with special features including access to fellow members and The IPA Complete Guide to Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (BPSD) • Participation in IPA Member Forums, IPA’s in-person and online groups which enable members to meet, communicate, and collaborate with IPA colleagues around the world. Groups include: Regional Initiative Forums (groups by geographic areas); Professional Discipline Forums (groups such as nurses, psychologists, primary care physicians, social workers, and occupational therapists); and Shared Interest Forums (interest groups including long term care, young onset dementia, testamentary capacity and others) IPA Board of Directors OFFICERS DIRECTORS EX OFFICIO Raimundo Mateos, President, Spain Sabine Bährer-Kohler, Switzerland Manabu Ikeda, Japan Mary Sano, President-Elect, United States David Conn, Canada IPA SECRETARIAT Huali Wang, Secretary, PR China Brian Draper, Australia Kate Filipiak, CAE, Executive Director Constantine G.
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