| From the Village of | OOURUR TTIMEIME PPRESSRESS THE LOCAL PAPER WITH THE GLOBAL VIEW | VOL. 21 NO. 12 Since 1996 March 23 – 29, 2017 | The Bad … Fractured Nation, Fractured Homes, Fractured Lives

Pages 2, 3, 5

Photo: Mark Stewart On Herkimer St., Elgin Elias' home is under attack. P 3. … and The Beautiful MARCH 25th is WOMAN’S DAY Strong Women Getting Stronger in CENTRAL BROOKLYN 20th Anniversary Reprint 10-25-97 oman’s History Month comes full force in one day he empty buses rolled into Brook- This march is another stunning achieve- when several local events lyn early Saturday morning. ment in the legacy that Black women have takeW place on Saturday, March 25th, kicked Across the rain-washed Manhat- given America. Whether it was Sojourner off by a morning tribute to community Ttan Bridge the Greyhounds came, their Truth, Harriet Tubman, Fannie Lou Hamer, leader and queen, the Honorable Annette empty seats silhouetted against gas-sta- Ida B. Wells, Mary McCloud Bethune or Robinson, and later anchored by the sepa- tion neon, appearing as ghosts through any of the unknown others, Phile Chionesu rate Women of Courage Awards Luncheon fog-wet windows. The buses were coming and Asia Coney, take their place in the long salute to some powerful ladies in the former to transport the keepers of the maternal line of women who saw the need to save Assemblywoman’s neighborhood “court.” instinct of the African people. The Mother the children of our ancestors and acted. It As we go to press, program logistics Wit. The Women. was about women beating a spiritual drum for the tribute to Ms. Robinson -- who It was Saturday, October 25, 1997. that summoned over a million souls, and Our Time Press once deemed Mayor of And as if to demonstrate the power of the by its very existence told them, anything Bedford-Stuyvesant -- include major events Sisterhood, two women, known only to is possible. at locations representing the keystones of her Queen Annette family, friends and co-workers, gave life This is the spirit that many bring back life: faith and community action. This event is the community’s tribute to to an event which will stand as a milestone and put to work in their lives and in their The day will begin with a symbolic Ms Robinson. Representatives from block for Africans-in-the-Americas. homes. It is a nurturing process, and as the walk from Bedford-Stuyvesant Restoration associations, civic groups, community-based As they returned from the march, we first life-givers, African women have had Corporation to Concord Baptist Church organizations, schools and religious organi- saw that over a million women had flexed more practice than most. That shared con- of Christ, representing the location of Ms. zations will all gather in Memorial Hall to a spiritual muscle that did not involve the sciousness of child-bearing and nurturing in Robinson’s early years in public service and welcome “our queen.” usual power players of big-time media, ending with the joyful celebration of her life money, national fame or political clout. ➔➔ Continued on page 7 and work. ➔➔ Continued on page 6 2 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 VOL. 21 NO. 12

– Olando Pitts, Engine 266 Obama in the Media 4/15/16 GQ Magazine: Obama is one of the Greatest Presidents of Our Time ■■ By Ryan Denson for adictinginfo. was paramount in the face of unprecedented org (April 15, 2016 4:26 pm) obstruction, and yes, he is the first black pres- ident. But there was one special, electrifying ike Rolling Stone before them, quality that President Obama gave us that the GQ magazine is hailing President best of the best have given us: his speeches. Obama as one of the greatest pres- His ability to communicate and relate to the Lidents of our time. Calling him “20 dollar average American was unlike any other. bill” great and “Mount Rushmore” great, “With Obama, each thoughtful step of GQ’s Jim Nelson puts it plainly: the way, from his soaring acceptance speech “Something is dawning on us—it’s almost (‘The road ahead will be long. Our climb will too soon for us to admit, but it’s there, a be steep…’) to his epic speeches on race and half-considered thought only now blooming religion, his responses to the shootings in in our brains. Maybe we dismiss it with one Tucson and Newtown, the killing of Osama of those quick cognitive fly swats. Nah, too bin Laden, the opening of Cuba (‘Todos early to say or I hate that guy. But the truth somos Americanos!’) and countless other is coming and it sounds like this: Barack momentous occasions, he knew how to speak BECOME A NYC FIREFIGHTER Obama will be inducted into the League of to our better angels at a time when it was Great Presidents.” hard to locate any angels.” In fact, Nelson is so confident that With his mesmerizing clout, President President Obama will be remembered as one Obama was able to do what others before EARN $100K of the greatest presidents, that he predicts, him – like LBJ, Clinton and FDR – did, and in due time, Obama will overtake Clinton as that was get things done. In an era when “get- AFTER 5 YEARS. the best one since FDR. Now that’s a lot of ting things done” is a thing too often out of confidence. But how can Nelson be certain reach, President Obama overcame the odds. 5 WEEKS VACATION of such a grand prediction? It’s really, really “I agree completely with GQ – President simple: he got stuff done. He helped save Obama is one of the nation’s finest presi- PER YEAR. the world and the United States’ economy, dents, and history will be very kind to him. he signed into law Obamacare, his character As it should be.” Text: Bravest to 313131 www.JoinFDNY.com

©2017 FDNY is an @JoinFDNY Equal Opportunity Employer

View From Here Fractured nation, fractured homes, fractures lives IN THE NEWS … ■■ By David Mark Greaves rationalize the fracturing of the nation because they vote their constituencies National Institute of Corrections Report: fter FBI Director James Comey in their surgically gerrymandered testified that there was no evi- districts. Women Shortchanged by Justice Reforms dence to support Trump’s charge So absent a special prosecutor and recent report on “Women in Jus- used as a hub for identifying the needs of ofA wiretapping against Obama, we now unless there are criminal charges filed—a tice: Gender and the Pathway to NYC’s justice-involved women and con- know we have a president who is at best not unlikely prospect given Comey’s tes- Jail” from the Prisoner Reentry necting them to social services, but should a certified liar and at worse, delusional. timony-- a twitter provocation aimed at InstituteA of John Jay College of Criminal not mandate participation in programming And while the FBI continues its criminal North Korean leader Kim Jong-un or some Justice summarized issues related to gender as part of sentencing or pretrial conditions investigation of the Trump campaign, other fiasco prompting Trump’s removal for and criminal justice reform. unless it is a proportionate and parsimonious their associates, and perhaps the President mental instability, this is our life for the next The report argues that “reforms must be response. himself, to determine if they colluded with three years, 300 days. gender-responsive, faithful to the principles Social service systems must recognize, the Kremlin to rig the 2016 elections, we Maybe from Ivanka’s new office in the of parsimony and proportionality, and engage engage and attend to the needs of women have to go about our everyday rituals in a West Wing will come the voice of a Trump social services to better serve individuals with criminal justice system involvement. normal way. Whisperer, curtailing the impulses of the with criminal justice involvement.” Recommendations for gender-responsive And then there is the matter of the commander-in-chief, soothing his paranoia It also illustrates how women of color are targeted interventions: December 19.5% sale of Rosneft the and getting him to stay on script. Good disproportionately victims of the system. Divert offenses common to women with giant state-owned Russian oil company. luck with that. The man is what he is and Here are some report highlights: behavioral health needs; Interesting because it was reported that in we cannot allow him to distract us from our The number of women in the American Increase the use of non-monetary release July a Trump associate was offered 19% script and our community. justice system has grown exponentially by mechanisms; that company if Trump became president It has been long documented that this more than 700% from 1980 to 2014. Expand pretrial alternatives to individuals and removed sanctions. is a community under constant assault Women of color, in particular, are dispro- charged with certain serious crimes; Sold to unknown purchasers through a from real estate professionals preying on portionately arrested and incarcerated. Increase defender-based pretrial advoca- Cayman Islands account. And while these the elderly and homeowners who find they The New York City data (from Rikers cy capacity; may be only coincidences, if it comes to have no place to turn and have their homes Island) shows that “women are charged Increase alternatives to short jail sentenc- pass that it is something more than that, taken like in the old West land grabs, “all with less serious crimes, are less likely to es for misdemeanors; I don’t know which would be the worst nice and legal-like.” The cracks in the be charged with violent crimes and are less Ensure that gender-responsive services revealed: That they wreaked havoc in the interior and exterior walls of Ms. Elias’s likely to return to jail within one year.” are allocated system-wide; and country for the money or because of the Herkimer Street house, apparently caused Recommended guiding principles of Facilitate community connections. shame of the Kompromat. by the construction next door, have been reform: In recognizing there are fractures in If this were Obama, the Republicans met with indifference by both the city and Interventions to address the needs of jus- the criminal justice system, the National would be howling for impeachment. the developer, has made her one more tice-involved women in New York City must Institute of Corrections has taken a huge Instead, it‘s party above country. They senior having to fight against the forces of be gender-responsive and trauma-informed. step to correcting – or at least solving -- the are so addicted to power, that they will avarice and greed. Her story, page 3. The criminal justice system should be problem. VOL. 21 NO. 12 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 3 Elgin Elias' Herkimer St. Home is Under Attack! o what is the New York City Depart- 1/8 inch opening in the corner of her bath, by the office of Community Board 3, and she says, and asked her, ‘Well how do we ment of Buildings doing to protect the shower area. The cold enters from the she admits she’s using the media to reach the know this damage was caused by the people homeowners who are under attack by outside which you can not only feel; you see. chief of the Department of Buildings. next door?’ Sunscrupulous developers? Where’s the “The building is shifting,” she said, “The DOB has approved the engineer’s Recently, the contractor’s representative, justice for the righteous when unscrupulous “because of the drilling work going on next plans for a structure to support the back of “in a threatening tone” as Ms. Elias’ recalled, contractors are bent on destroying a build- door,” she tells us. “It looks like they’ve my building from further cracks and dam- warned her that turning to the Department er to push out the owner? We’ve shared hired a lot of illegal immigrants to do work ages,” at a cost of $12,000 that she has to of Building would be a good thing! FOR the stories over the years, however the they don’t know how to do.” The Buildings pay. And instead of the developer paying for THEM. Not her. calls from irate or exacerbated homeowners Department hit the developer with a Stop- the repairs, he’s suing her for $350,000 for There’s a general consensus in neighbor- continue to come to us. Work order last week. Ms. Elgin says he preventing them from finishing their work. hoods where homeowners of color are “under And it’s always the same. started up work right after the notice went up. Ms. Elgin says they are literally flipping attack” that the DOB is part of the problem. A developer’s “work” results in fractures She’s clear that it’s all part of a plan to force the bird to the Buildings’ Department on “It’s an inside job,” she told us ,”and I’m to the foundations of the property next door. her out of the property so that they can take their stop work order. speaking out about it.” Huge cracks -- an inch-wide gashes, actually the property and land for profit. According to the below press release Our Time Press placed a call yesterday to -- in the walls and the ceilings have created a Ms. Elgin says she’s not going anywhere. written by a relative, Ms. Elias started com- the Department of Buildings media depart- feeling of cruising to a shipwreck with win- “This property is for my grandchildren. I’m plaining in 2012. ment through the 311 network. We are re- dows askew; doorways off angle. not selling.” She’s also run out of “last The complaints didn’t entirely fall on questing an interview with the commissioner. In the case of Elgin Elias of Herkimer straws.” deaf ears, she admits. A representative from Street, a stream of light peeks through an She was directed to Our Time Press the Mayor’s office came out to her house, BGreen/Legacy Brooklyn Grandmother Claims Building Dept's Failure to address Complaints About "The People Next Door" is Contributing to Damages to her Home ■■ By Gerry Hopkins (hopkinscg@ Subsequently, she adds: “I visited the It’s construction, you have gmail.com) NYC Department of Buildings office at more cracks to get. And when 210 Joralemon Street on January 23, 2013 we are done, we are going to rooklyn; March 4,2015. A Brook- to ask for help and to reiterate the fact that fix your house.’” lyn grandmother is fearful that my earlier complaints had not resulted in Again, she started mak- her building at 436 Herkimer any corrective action, whereupon, for no ing new complaints to the BStreet would collapse due to damaging untoward behavior, I was escorted out of Department of Buildings construction work allowed by the NYC the building by security as instructed by one via 311 and to other city Department of Buildings (NYCDOB) in of the supervisors in that office.” offices. Eventually, an agent the Bedford-Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. In the words of the aggrieved building agreed to forward one of her The offending work which was brought in owner, “The excessively heavy drilling for complaints to the Mayor’s as part of the ongoing gentrification of the the piling, which was causing the damage Office, which resulted in a area, first emerged directly across from to my building, continued for several months surprise visit from officers of her address and is now being duplicated and even after several on-site, in-person the Department of Buildings adjacent to her building, all with hardly any and 311 complaints were filed, beginning in and a STOP WORK ORDER corrective intervention from the NYCDOB. January 2013.” on Thursday, February 26, According to the 67-year-old homeowner “In fact, it was not until after I took this 2015. of Grenadian descent, the problem first start- matter to the New York State Supreme Court Since then, however, the ed in December of 2012 when a contractor before Judge Mark Partnow, that I was able contractor and construction started work on a construction project using to get the owner and the contractor at the workers at 438 have not the vibration method to install the piles for construction site across from my address to stopped working at the site, the foundation of a massive building occupy- discontinue using the piling method,” the which is in violation of the ing lots at 431, 433, 435 and 437 Herkimer homeowner points out. . City’s Building Code. Street. However, her problems didn’t end there. According to the owner The evidence of structural damage first According to her, “life again became a of the now structurally became visible in the victim’s building nightmare” when another contractor started compromised building at around January 2013 when she immediately gutting and digging at 438, adjacent to her 436 Herkimer, “construction started complaining to the NYCDOB, but all building, thus leading to new and exacerbat- work has continued each day to no avail. ed cracks in the walls of her building. since last Thursday and there The building owner indicates that after The affected building owner further has been no follow-up visits in excess of 12 separate futile complaints asserts that “the callousness of the contrac- by officials of the Department to various related city offices, and with the tor and his supervisors responsible for the of Buildings, despite my con- structural damages to her building increasing building next to her was blatantly manifested tinued and repeated calls for (see photographs), she decided to also com- when one of them responded to one of [her] help since February 26.” plain (to other agencies) to no avail. complaints by saying, ‘What do you expect? In a desperate appeal for Photo: Bgreen/Legacy

help the homeowner pleads: “I am at my wit’s end; I am fearful that the lives of those in my building and home would be harmed if the compromised state of my building is not reversed forthwith. If nothing is done immediately, my building might eventually collapse and leave at least six Brooklyn residents homeless,” she adds. “Besides, I would be without a means of supporting myself with the income which I use my building to generate,” the home- owner laments. “I can’t afford to hire an attorney again in order to get a court to order remedial action that the Department of Buildings is capable of carrying out with its budget and personnel already allocated for that purpose. As a taxpayer, I am requesting the intervention of the city’s Department of Buildings; I am calling on that office to carry out their mandate to ensure building safety for all citizens and residents of our Photo: Bgreen/Legacy city,” she also tearfully said. 4 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 VOL. 21 NO. 12 Graça Machel Trust Launches Movement to Elevate Women’s Leadership in African Development Women Advancing Africa Forum to convene African women leaders and global champions on August 10-12 in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania AR ES SALAAM, Tanzania, grow and develop to the next level in their the conceptualization, social norms, out- March 17, 2017 /PRNews- economic and social journey.” look and value given to women and their wire-USNewswire/ -- The Graça The inaugural forum will take place contributions to the economy and society,” DMachel Trust (GMT) announced today the from the 10th-12th of August in Dar es adds Machel. launch of a Pan-African initiative to “Mul- Salaam, Tanzania, and will convene more African women are a powerful economic tiply the Faces and Amplify the Voices” of than 250 women leaders, rising stars and force but continue to face significant barriers African women as a force for economic global champions to explore the critical across the continent. Today, seventy percent The trust is seeking additional partners and social transformation. role women play in shaping Africa’s future. of African women are financially excluded to assist in the execution of WAA. The Women Advancing Africa (WAA) Under the overarching theme of “Driving and many lack access to critical markets, The trust has also selected APCO initiative seeks to “Multiply the Faces and Social and Economic Transformation”, resources and services needed to succeed. In Worldwide, the largest women-owned Amplify the Voices” of African women to the forum will focus on three core pillars: a report released on International Women’s communications firm in the world, to drive inclusive, sustainable growth across promoting financial inclusion, increasing Day, the trust found that more than 50 be the convening partner for the Women the continent. The trust will challenge market access and driving social change. percent of female entrepreneurs in East Advancing Africa initiative. With deep roots African leaders, government participants The trust believes that the selection of these Africa cite access to finance and markets in Africa and a long history of planning and and private sector partners to design innova- three thematic areas provides a common as major challenges in growing their executing high-profile events around the tive solutions and commit to specific “Calls agenda for women in the economy, as they businesses. world, APCO is working closely with the for Action” that will increase women’s eco- are cut across all sectors of the economy Initial support for the WAA initiative Graça Machel Trust to bring this important, nomic power and elevate the role of women and speak to all women at different levels is generously provided by The Intel first-of-its-kind initiative to life. in African development. of the economy. Foundation and The UPS Foundation. For more information about the Women On what makes the Women Advancing “Driving Social and Economic Media partners include: the ABN360 Advancing Africa initiative and the Graça Africa Forum different Mrs. Graça Machel Transformation means that we need to Group, incorporating CNBC Africa and Machel Trust, please visit http://wome- says, “To our knowledge, there are not many look holistically at women’s roles and Forbes Africa; the Nation Group and locally nadvancingafricaforum.com and http:// places or platforms where extraordinary perceived value. Transformation is not based Azam Media Group. These partners gracamacheltrust/new.org examples of successes by African women only about numbers, although the numbers share the trust’s belief that advancing wom- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ is showcased. Through this forum, we of women represented on boards, as CEOs en economically is crucial to the health and TheGracaMachelTrust want women to come together to strategize, or department heads is important, we need prosperity of African families, communities Twitter: @G_MachelTrust share and learn from each other on how to a transformative agenda which challenges and nations. Email: [email protected]

Back in NY, a week later, he proposes a $1.4 billion Marshall Plan for Central Brooklyn, WHAT’S GOING ON which (no doubt) has a sizeable population of Black voters. How will the draconian Trump budget impact the Cuomo initiative? HAPPY VERNAL EQUINOX! GOP Congressmen are between a rock and a hard place. On Tuesday, March 21, SPRING IS HERE! President Trump threatened all who would ■■ By Victoria Horsford Black excellence in the infectious multibil- not vote for the GOP-concocted health lion-dollar fashion industry and helps Black bill with losing their congressional seat PHENOMENAL WOMEN fashionistas strut their stuff on the walkway in the mid-term elections next year. The The Mid-Manhattan Branch of the and on the business side. Caribbean and GOP Congressmen must also listen to their NAACP convenes next General Membership African designers participate in HFW which constituents at town halls who want to meeting and presentation of the Annual duplicates all of the mainstream NY Fashion maintain Obamacare. This dilemma must be Ellen Sirleaf Johnson Women’s History Month Awards to “Women Week rituals--fashion shows, special promo- music to the ears of the Democratic National succeed President Ellen Sirleaf Johnson, in the Media” Program on Wednesday, tions, vendor sites and much more. Jewnell Committee. The GOP reps are damned Africa’s first democratically elected postco- March 22 at 6 pm at the Joseph Kenney digresses this year and convenes a Business regardless of their health care vote. Which lonial woman president, who is a 2011 Nobel Center, located at 34 West 134th Street, Symposium, “The Network Where Fashion, is more fearsome, POTUS or a disgruntled Prizewinner. Her new “Madame President: Harlem. The Women’s History component Beauty and Media Converge”, on March voter. The Extraordinary Journey of Ellen Sirleaf is a celebration of the contributions and ad- 25th at TEEM CO-WORKING, located at Johnson” by Helen Cooper was published vancements made by Women in the Media. 1463 Fifth Avenue, Harlem from 9:30 am HIGHER ED AND last month…….. Kenya holds general and Awardees are: Yvonne Delaney Mitchell, to 12:30. Fashion media mavens will hold BUSINESS presidential elections in August. Incumbent NY Amsterdam News; Victoria Horsford, forth at the symposium with writers from The NYC President Uhuru Kenyettta is running for NY Beacon, NY Carib News, Our Time True Fashionistas, Taji Magazine, Vain Style Council ap- reelection, as is a field of about 7 rivals…… Press; Pat Stevenson, Harlem News, Inc. Magazine, Fashion Avenue News, Black Girl proved Ken Nigerian President Muhammadu Buhari publisher/founder; Faye Rodney, NY Carib Podcast, NY Beacon, NY Carib News and Morrison’s returns home after a two-month medical News; Attorney Michele Rodney, NY Carib Our Time Press. [VisitHarlemFW.com] Lemor regimen in London. He is working from News; Jeanne Parnell, WHCR-FM; Author Development home. Theda Palmer Saxton, Ph.D.; and Michelle ON POLITICS Group’s plan to Obama, former US First Lady. How lucky can one Downstate NY com- erect a new 79 NEWSMAKERS Yvonne Jewnell, millennial entrepre- munity get? About $1.4 billion lucky. apartment unit, Kevin Young, neur along with her mother Tandra Birkett, Governor Andrew Cuomo announces a $1.4 10-story, mixed- new Schomburg founded Yvonne Jewnell New York, a billion multifaceted antipoverty plan targeted Ken Morrison use building, Center for women’s fashion design firm which enjoys to Central Brooklyn places like Brownsville, The Robeson, Research in Black good street creds. Yvonne Jewnell NY is East New York, at 407 Lenox Avenue, 130th-131st. Streets, Culture Executive known for its original ethnically influenced Bed-Stuy and Harlem. Building will also house Street Director, was fashion statements. Yvonne is the architect Crown Heights. Corner Resources and the New Hope Spring named New of Harlem Fashion Week(HFW), an event The plan will Grove Downtown Baptist Church of Christ. Yorker Magazine now in its second year which is becoming the combat myriad Rev. Dennis Dillon’s “The Christian poetry editor. talk of the fashion world. HFW celebrates problems such as Times” will host an “Easter in New York” Joyous spring- poverty, violence live TV taping, with a cast of thousands, on time Aries greet- Andrew Cuomo and poor health March 25th at 5 pm at the New Jerusalem ings to: Akon, services, pecu- Worship Center, located at 112-05 Smith Kevin Young Beverly Alston, liar to Central Brooklyn. Great, but why Street, Jamaica, NY. The TV show will be Ambassador Central Brooklyn and why now? Central dedicated to the United Negro College Fund Shirley Barnes, James Brooks, Melanie Brooklyn has disproportionately high stats – Special(UNCF), whose tagline is “A Mind Is Edwards, Herbie Hancock, Rocky Horsford, crime, violence, homelessness, joblessness, a Terrible Thing to Waste.” Special guest Karen Horsford , Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, incarceration - like no other in NYS. Is performers include Cissy Houston and a Attorney Star Jones, Martin Lawrence, Governor Cuomo getting ready for his 2018 300-Voice Mass Choir. [Call 718.638.6397.] Patricia McConnell , Eddie Murphy, Dr. reelection or a 2020 presidential run, or all of Joseph Okpaku, Colin Powell, Marva the above? He runs to Israel for a weekend FOREIGN AFFAIRS Richard, Diana Ross, Ruby Ryles, Jill in early March to show his solidarity with the AFRICA: Liberia holds general and Scott, Maxwell Sidberry, Tad Schnugg, American Jewish community during this cur- presidential elections in October. And a Tandra Birkett and Yvonne Jewnell rent interlude of U.S.-based anti-Semitism. crowded field of contenders are in line to ➔➔ Continued on page 12 VOL. 21 NO. 12 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 5 Psychotherapist Offers Chill Priscilla Talks Health Pill for Trump Anxiety ational stress levels may have hit taking on a life of their own and your The MIND Diet an all-time high this week with thoughts expand outside the logical mind, ■■ By Priscilla Mensah MIND Diet. The study found that the MIND the bombardment Trump Admin- making us feel out of control. But anyone Diet added a total of about 8 years to the Nistration announcements. can take control of this tension to better their hese days, there is a diet for just about participants’ age, and decreased their risk for So with April Stress Awareness Month health and their mind.” everything. Off the top of my head, I developing Alzheimer’s disease. just around the corner, and national stress “Those without the finances to buy can think of the Atkins Diet, Weight Based off the Mediterranean’s dietary life- levels looking like there’ll be no signs of their own insurance, health care, preschool, TWatchers, Nutra Slim and Slim Fast as well- style, hence the name, the MIND Diet focuses peaking, Our Time Press asked award-win- college education, etc. are most at risk,” known dieting regimens. Thanks to television on fruits, vegetables, legumes and whole grains. ning psychotherapist Dr. Deborah Sandella she said, adding, “Empathy, however, is to commercials and advertising, you would have Those on the diet limit their intake of red meats, to comment on how the national “we” can stand in another’s shoes and sense their pain, to live under a rock to not know of at least one dairy, sweets and foods high in saturated fats. find some calm. and I have witnessed that those of us with popularized diet. Who knew, however, that Fish is consumed two to three times a week, We learned enough to stress us out even financial resources who are empathetic with there was even a MIND Diet? As its name and nuts, poultry, seeds and wine are to be had in more, but we also learned some useful tips the disadvantaged are extremely stressed. suggests, the MIND Diet is a diet meant to moderation (just as I suspected). Olive oil is key to help us overcome anxiety. Many resourced Americans currently feel improve our mind. Improving our mind would to this diet as it is rich in heart-healthy monoun- “Anxiety is a natural human response concern for those who will be impacted by have the ripple effect of improving our mood saturated fats. More benefits of the MIND Diet to rapid, dramatic change especially for diminishing social programs that support the and overall health. That makes sense because are that it is said to reduce one’s likelihood of de- those of us who distrust the motives of deci- disadvantaged even we may not be directly after all, it’s all connected, right? veloping symptoms related to heart disease such sion-makers,” she told us. “Rapid decisions impacted. “Our sense of coming together as Often, we hear people say, “I’m having as high blood pressure. Moreover, it is believed forcibly implemented by this administration a community of people is fractured current- a brain fart” or “My mind is losing me” or to reduce one’s risk for heart attack and stroke. has created stress in most of the population, ly by the political division.” even “I’m losing my marbles.” Each of these Highly researched studies have found that the particularly those who were not Trump So what are some ways to address this popular sayings reflect our ability to make MIND Diet’s emphasis on eating vegetables, supporters. stress? Dr. Sandella advises: light of the process of aging and the effect legumes, fruits and seafood are key to reducing “For example, calls to crisis and suicide 1. “Find commonalities with those around that it has on our memory and mind. The new one’s risk for cognitive decline, dementia and prevention hotlines in Illinois is up 200% you regardless of their political views. When MIND Diet seeks to make the process of aging Alzheimer’s disease in adults. since Trump’s election,” according to Patrick we personally connect with each other in easier and healthier. The MIND Diet is an The MIND Diet was developed by Rush Magoon, president of Lurie Children’s caring ways, the stress is lessened and our acronym for Mediterranean Intervention for University Medical Center and Harvard School Hospital.” trust in life is strengthened Neurodegenerative Delay. Foods included in this of Public Health. It was designed based on the are 43% of all adults suffer 2) “Exercise good self-care. Becoming diet are fish, nuts and wine. As someone who has creator’s research on the connection between adverse health effects from stress and 75% an emotional martyr for the cause does not never touched wine in my life, I have a hard time diet and cognition. Following the MIND Diet to 90% of all doctor’s office visits are for help anyone. To counter a feeling of being endorsing drinking wine for good health, but if religiously would decrease your chances of stress-related ailments and complaints. Stress out of control, take control of those aspects the experts say so, then hey, why not? Besides, developing Alzheimer’s by as much as 53%, can play a part in problems such as head- of your life where you do have control. Eat wine is just fermented grapes. Moreover, I’m studies say. If one were to adhere to the MIND aches, high blood pressure, heart problems, healthy, get good sleep and exercise. sure they mean wine in moderation. Diet piecemeal, then you would still have a 35% diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, 3) “Determine your rights and take action This MIND Diet is fashioned after the lower chance of getting Alzheimer’s disease. depression and, of course, anxiety. to protect them. Mediterranean heart-friendly diet. It has Priscilla Mensah is an avid reader and Dr. Sandella, recently featured on CNN, 4) “Safely sharing your voice related to been slightly altered to include foods that are scholar who resides in Brooklyn, New York. Yahoo! Health, to name a few media, has issues that are important to you. Verbally specifically good for your dome. There has Her passions include community empowerment witnessed the negative impact of tension on fighting with family and friends won’t create even been a study following almost 1,000 and improvement. Priscilla can be reached at countless patients. She revealed to us her top change.” adults over a duration of nine years on the [email protected]. tips to decrease stress and improve quality of But we must remember sharing online life. She told us what we already surmised: tweets could be pretty distressful, too. “All that tension is incredibly dangerous to Dr. Sandella, author of Good-bye Hurt your mind and body.” & Pain: 7 Simple Steps to Health, Love and “Stress and anxiety elicit inner emotions, Success Hidden Salt: How Everyday Foods Harm You t’s in your bread. Your cheese. Your Where is all of this “hidden” salt? soup. It’s everywhere, and it could be According to the CDC, a significant amount killing you. What is it? Salt. of the salt we eat comes from the following IThat’s why, in observation of World Salt 10 types of foods: Awareness Week (March 20–26, 2017), the Breads and rolls American Academy of Family Physicians is Cold cuts and cured meat (e.g., deli or spreading the word and offering resources packaged ham or turkey) to help consumers lower their daily intake Pizza of “hidden” salt in the foods they eat. Why? Fresh and processed poultry Because too much salt in the diet raises blood Soups pressure, which can lead to heart disease and Sandwiches such as cheeseburgers stroke -- two of the leading causes of death Cheese in the United States. Pasta dishes (not including macaroni and Many Americans think they only get cheese) too much salt when they use it at the din- Meat-mixed dishes such as meat loaf and ing room table. In reality, the Centers for tomato sauce Disease Control estimates that Americans Snacks such as chips, pretzels and get 77 percent of their salt from processed popcorn foods and restaurant meals, compared to 6 In an effort to reduce the national level percent from the salt shaker at the table and of heart disease and stroke from high blood 5 percent added during home cooking. As pressure, the FDA has called on restaurants a result, Americans ages 2 and up consume and food companies to voluntarily reduce the an average 3,400 milligrams of salt each amount of salt used in their products over the day -- well above the recommended Federal next 10 years, with the goal of decreasing Drug Administration’s guideline of 2,300 Americans’ salt intake to 2,300 milligrams milligrams per day, or 1,500 milligrams per a day or less. The AAFP supports voluntary day for people diagnosed with or at risk for goals for reducing salt in commercial prod- high blood pressure. ucts, which has proven effective in other “Salt is hiding everywhere, so it doesn’t countries. take much to reach the FDA’s recommended The CDC estimates nearly 400,000 daily allowance,” said John Meigs, Jr., MD, Americans die each year due to health president of the AAFP. “There are 2,300 mil- problems stemming from high blood pres- ligrams of sodium -- the chemical name for sure. Unfortunately, implementation of the salt -- in a single teaspoon of table salt. It’s a voluntary guidelines will be slow to gain real challenge to reduce salt intake, even for people who are highly motivated to do so.” ➔➔ Continued on page 7 6 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 VOL. 21 NO. 12

Continued From Cover MARCH 25th is WOMAN’S DAY in CENTRAL BROOKLYN Annette Robinson is Leading Light in Cortege of Community Heroines to be Honored by the Public

ver two hundred fam- joyful intergenerational ily members, neigh- event was planned and bors, colleagues and executed by a committee Ofriends have already responded, of community leaders. registration was closed on Yesterday, Judge Betty Tuesday, March 21st. In the best Staton told Our Time traditions of Bedford-Stuyve- Press, “Honorable Annette sant, guests have been asked to Robinson set the standard bring new books for children of of excellence for public ser- preschool age. The occasion will vice during the four decades launch the Annette M. Robinson of her public career by the Early Childhood Literacy Proj- work she did on behalf ect, as testament to Ms. Robin- of families and children, son’s lifelong commitment to community empowerment education. Her public service and as a role model. work will be reflected in the “I am honored to exhibit area, which will include be among the host of information booths, represented friends and neighbors who by several local organizations will attend this very special Judge Betty Staton, event organizer, and health checks by staff from community tribute.” people's tribute to a Queen. Interfaith Medical Center. Face Among the other painting, storytelling and arts major programs on March 25th fierce women whose public purpose centers and crafts will engage the chil- dedicated to strong, resilient and around community self-empowerment and dren, and there will be plenty of persevering women will be the sustainability. time for people to mix and min- Ninth Annual Women of Courage The honorees include: Dr. Una S.T. gle and enjoy the atmosphere of Awards Luncheon, 2:00pm-5:00pm Clarke, receiving the Woman of Courage the “village”. Hon. Annette Robinson at Mt. Pisgah Baptist Church, 212 Award; Sheila Davis, Leadership; Chief Ms. Robinson loved the arts, and the pro- and spoken word directed by cultural arts Tompkins Avenue. Produced by Bianca Patria Frias-Colon, Trailblazer; Justice gram will be a dramatic mix of music, dance maven Peggy Alston. Queen Robinson’s Robinson, the event honors inspirational, Lara Genovesi, Legal Service; Allyson Green, the Priscilla Women of Courage Ifield Award; Vanessa Gumbs, Community Service; Chief Jewel McCollin, Law Enforcement; Kayla Morrison, Education and Canon Diane Porter, Health & Human Services. “Over the years, ‘Women of Courage’ has honored nearly 80 women from all walks of life, game changers dedicated to empowering, educating and enriching families and community,” said Bianca Robinson, executive director of the Brooklyn Anti- Violence Coalition. “I am so proud to honor these women, their legacies and mission.” Patria Frias-Colón Lara Genovesi Kayla Morrison In other news, Wednesday, March 29th, at 11:00am, the Brownsville Recreation Center will host a Phenomenal Women event. Jadayah Spencer, Youth Representative to the United Nations, is keynote speaker. Borough President celebrates all of the Queens of Kings County in a three-hour Women’s History Month event, Thursday, March 30. Due to limited space, RSVP is mandatory. For details, visit www. brooklyn-usa.org. Bernice Elizabeth Green Sheila Davis Rev. Dr. Angela Moses Allyson Green VOL. 21 NO. 12 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 7 Strong Women Getting Stronger ➔➔ Continued from page 1 that this be done so that proper credit can be TIME PRESS would like to record them also. given. We have experienced the effects of the We begin our coverage in the Centerfold, hard circumstances allows them to communi- Million Man March on the men and on their with a story by Bernice Elizabeth Green, cate and connect on a level that men have to communities in ways subtle and unknown. OTP’s co-publisher, and photographer work at to even approach. During the Million Businesses were born, attitudes were changed Barry L. Mason. The Agenda and Mission Man March, there was hugging and good and lives were touched. This paper itself was Statement for the march are also included, feeling, and there is no denying that much helped by the energy after that march. along with the impressions of editorial personal and practical work was done. But In urban centers across America crime assistant Joanna Goodwin and cub report- from the women who loom large in my life has been going down. We know intuitively ers Vaniqua Picard and Da’Nelle Mason. I have learned that they communicate differ- that the work of the men returning from our Bernice’s lead article captures voices and ently and in more detail than men do. What march had a large role in that. But because impressions that might have been lost. many men are now learning to do, many there was little charting of the effects of the Now that the march is over, as plans women have mastered long ago. Now they individual work that the returning men did: are made and actions are taken, we will be are moving to some other level of spiritual the tutoring, the mentor programs, the lives continuing this mission. Readers may want connectivity that we will learn more of as that they touched, the result of their efforts is to write us about what they have been doing we watch it take shape and crystallize into a prize that others are claiming. and the results of those actions: whether it is actions. And that is what makes this coming This will not happen with this Million nurturing businesses or nurturing the diverse together of women so potentially powerful. Woman March. Partly because it follows the elements of the home and the village, write Women are convening the Mother Wit. Million Man March and lessons have been about it. OTP will be taking periodic looks They are focusing it on a series of goals. And learned, but mostly because it is women who at these efforts, and like a stop-action camera we at OUR TIME PRESS are not going to did it. Over the next few months there may trained on a flower in bloom, we will attempt miss the opportunity to record embryonic be profound changes in our communities, and to record a small part of the achievement. Nok Figure, Early 1st Century, stages and chart the progress. It is necessary while others will be recording them, OUR David Mark Greaves Northern Nigeria

EXHIBITION THE BROOKLYN ANTI-VIOLENCE COALITION AND TALK | CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND Brooklyn Is Africa: A Borough of Inclusion; A The Ninth Annual Continent of Invention A Conversation with Danny oman of ourage Simmons and Eric Edwards W C ar 30th, 7 to 9pm, The Center for Arts & Culture at Bed- Awards Luncheon Stuy Restoration presents the M50-piece rare art exhibit from Eric Edward's SATURDAY, MARCH 25, 2017 Cultural Museum of African Art telling our stories through the Early period of art creation and more at MT. PISGAH BAPTIST CHURCH 212 Tompkins Avenue Hidden Salt: (Entrance on Dekalb Avenue) How Everyday 2:00 P.M. - 5:00 P.M. Foods Harm You HONORING WOMEN ➔➔ Continued from page 5 WHO HAVE DEDICATED traction. So, what can individuals do in the THEMSELVES TO SERVING meantime to reduce the amount of salt they consume? Start by reading nutrition labels, THEIR COMMUNITIES which indicate how much sodium is in the product. One can also regulate salt consump- WOMAN OF COURAGE AWARD: tion by preparing healthy food at home. Non- Dr. Una S.T. Clarke processed fresh foods that are high in fiber are ideal. Think fresh fruits, vegetables, lean LEADERSHIP AWARD: meat and whole grains. Sheila Davis When dining out at restaurants, it is TRAIL BLAZER AWARD often difficult to know how much salt is in your meal. If nutrition information isn’t Chief Patria Frias-Colón included on the menu, you may need to do LEGAL SERVICE AWARD: some homework in advance by visiting the Justice Lara Genovesi restaurant’s website, Meigs advised. You may be surprised to find that items billed as PRISCILLA IFIELD AWARD: “light or healthy fare” are often high in salt. Allyson Green “Even meals that seem healthy, like a turkey sandwich with a side of cottage COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD: cheese, can have high levels of salt. It may Vanessa Gumbs not even taste salty. That’s why it’s import- LAW ENFORCEMENT AWARD: ant to read nutrition labels and talk with Chief Jewel McCollin your family physician about your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, family health EDUCATION AWARD: history and ways to prevent health problems Kayla Morrison before they start,” Meigs said. “What you eat should be a very important part of that HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICE AWARD: conversation.” Canon Diane Porter Dr. Meigs also points to familydoctor. org and cdc.gov as credible websites for education about the effects of salt THERE IS NO COST FOR THIS EVENT. R.S.V.P. Bianca Robinson at Biancarobinson28 gmail.com on your body and tips for reducing salt @ consumption. 8 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 VOL. 21 NO. 12

In January, the IDC publicly committed The Senate Republican and the IDC bud- to supporting a three-year phase-in of the get proposals represent direct attacks on the Op-Ed $4.3 billion the state owes its schools in educational opportunities of every student in Foundation Aid. Jesse Hamilton’s district. But this week IDC reneged on that prom- It is unacceptable for any leader to ignore Disappointed in Jesse Hamilton ise, too. the needs of their constituents. It is especially ■■ By Zakiyah Ansari, Advocacy advocating for educational justice. I do this When the Senate Democrats introduced disheartening that a Black man representing Director of the Alliance for Quality work not only for my eight children but for the an amendment this week for a three-year neighborhoods like Brownsville, Crown Education millions of Black, Brown and poor children phase-in of Foundation Aid — exactly what Heights, East Flatbush, Gowanus, Park that have been forced to go to schools that the IDC committed to earlier this year — Slope, Prospect Heights, Prospect Lefferts isappointment is not an unusual are inadequately resourced in New York State. the IDC helped the Republicans to defeat Gardens, South Slope and Sunset Park would feeling about our elected officials. Over 10 years ago, New York’s highest it. When given the chance to stand up for choose to perpetuate the systemic racism But when I first learned that Jesse court ruled in the Campaign for Fiscal Equity students in his district who are owed over ingrained in our system of school funding. DHamilton, the state Senator from Brooklyn (CFE) lawsuit that New York State was vio- $40 million according to the Campaign for Senator Hamilton has encouraged me to that ran as a Democrat, had joined a group lating the constitutional rights of its students Fiscal Equity, Hamilton did the wrong thing. judge him based on his record. His record of breakaway Democrats in the state Senate by underfunding public schools. But the worst betrayal was yet to come. is clear. School funding, the DREAM Act that sits with the Republican majority, I was But over a decade has passed while On Wednesday, March 15th, the IDC in- and affordable housing have all been left on more than disappointed — I felt betrayed. those children wait for the state funding to troduced its own budget resolution that is the floor in past years by the IDC and their I have voted for Jesse Hamilton twice. materialize. Today, New York owes its public virtually identical to the Republican Senate’s. Republican colleagues. The IDC’s proposed Many people ask me how to vote and I en- schools $4.3 billion in state operating aid, It is specifically designed to shortchange budget this year, with Hamilton’s support, couraged them to vote for him, including my known as Foundation Aid — nearly two- New York City and, unlike the Foundation continues to strip opportunity from Black, own daughters. I voted for Jesse Hamilton as thirds of which is owed to Black and Brown Aid formula enacted to fulfill CFE, it fails Brown and poor children. How many times a Democrat, but it turned out I’d cast my vote children. We’ve lost a generation of these to distribute funds based on the number of are we going to let him fool us? for just another Republican seat in our state children who have missed out on educational students in poverty, students with disabilities It is the height of hypocrisy for Hamilton Senate. Because that is what the Independent opportunities because New York State does and English language learners. Hamilton had and the IDC to say they are committed to Democratic Conference, or IDC, does — they not see them as a priority. the chance to vote for smaller class sizes, CFE funding. It would be more honest for have given away their votes to the Trump-era If they wanted to, the IDC could lever- more guidance counselors and college prepa- Hamilton to join the Republicans than to Republicans in the state Senate, in exchange age their unique position in the Senate to ratory curriculum for our youth in Brooklyn. continue the charade of being a Democrat. for a few crumbs they can bring home. bring about positive change, and earlier this Instead, he voted for a Republican plan that Our children were counting on him and he For more than 16 years, I have been year, they said they wanted to do just that. would prioritize the suburban districts. has let us down.

DBG MEDIA Publishers of Our Time Press, Inc. 358 Classon Avenue Brooklyn, NY 11238 (718) 599-6828 Web site: www.ourtimepress.com e-mail: [email protected]




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© 2015, DBG MEDIA Publishers of Our Time Press, Inc., printed in New York City. All rights reserved. No part of the publication may be reproduced without prior permission of the publishers. Publishers are not responsible for any ad claims. MBE Certified in NYC, NYS and the Port Authority of NY & NJ Member: New York State Press Association VOL. 21 NO. 12 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 9 Classifieds LEGAL NOTICES Auto Donations NOTICE OF SALE HEREBY SUMMONED to Donate your car to Wheels For Wishes, SUPREME COURT COUNTY serve a notice of appearance on benefiting Make-A-Wish. We offer free tow- OF KINGS U.S. BANK the Plaintiff’s Attorney within ing and your donation is 100% tax deductible. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, twenty (20) days after the service Call (855) 376-9474 AS TRUSTEE FOR PRIME of this summons, exclusive of MORTGAGE TRUST 2006-1, the day of service (or thirty (30) MORTGAGE PASS-THROUGH days after the service is complete Financial CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-1, if this summons is not personally CONVENTIONAL & BANK RATE Plaintiff AGAINST LOXLEY delivered to you within the State FINANCING, Fix'n Flips, Hard-Bridge Loans, RODNEY, et al., Defendant(s) of New York); and in case of your No Documents-Stated Income Programs, Pursuant to a Judgment of failure to appear, judgment will be $100K-$100 Million, Purchase-Refinance, Foreclosure and Sale duly dated taken against you by default for SFH-1-4, Multi-family, Mixed Use, May 11, 2016 I, the undersigned the relief demanded in the notice Commercial, 888-565-9477 Referee will sell at public auc- set forth below. Dated January 9, tion at the Room 224 of Kings 2017 Lisa M. Sorra-Hernandez, Help Wanted County Supreme Court, 360 Esq. Attorney for Plaintiff AIRLINE CAREERS Start Here –Get Adams Street, Brooklyn, New Lafayette Street, Suite 402B, New trained as FAA certified Aviation Technician. York 11201, on April 27, 2017 York, NY 10013 212-695-6662 Financial aid for qualified students. Job place- at 2:30PM, premises known NOTICE The nature of this action ment assistance. Call AIM for free information as 664 LINWOOD STREET, is to dissolve the marriage be- 866-296-7094 BROOKLYN, NY 11208. All that tween the parties on the grounds: certain plot piece or parcel of land, DRL §170(7) - irretrievable Land Wanted with the buildings and improve- breakdown in relationship. The LAND WANTED: Cash buyer seeks large ments erected, situate, lying and nature of any ancillary or addi- acreage 200+ acres in the Central/Finger being in the Borough of Brooklyn, tional relief requested (see p.14 Lakes and Catskills Regions of NY State. and County of Kings, City and of Instructions) is: NOTICE: Brokers welcome. For immediate confidential State of New York, BLOCK 4066, The nature of this action is to response, call 607-353-8068 or email info@ LOT 30. Approximate amount of dissolve the marriage between the NewYorkLandandLakes.com judgment $556,400.91 plus in- parties, on the grounds: ** DRL terest and costs. Premises will be §170(7) - irretrievable breakdown Real Estate sold subject to provisions of filed in relationship. The relief sought LENDER ORDERED SALE! 39 acres- Judgment for Index# 5007/13. is a judgment of absolute divorce $89,900 NO REASONABLE OFFER Philip J. Smallman Esq., Referee in favor of the Plaintiff dissolving REFUSED! Delaware County, Gross Polowy, LLC Attorney for the marriage between the parties Catskill Mtn setting! Views, woods, mead- Plaintiff 1775 Wehrle Drive, Suite in this action. The nature of any ow! EZ terms avail! Call 888-479-3394 today! 100 Williamsville, NY 14221 ancillary and additional relief NewYorkLandandLakes.com SUPREME COURT OF demanded is WHEREFORE, THE STATE OF NEW YORK Plaintiff demands judgment Real Estate Index No.: 50226/17 COUNTY against Defendant as follows: A LAND REPO! 21 acres-$39,900 OF KINGS Date Summons judgment dissolving the marriage Overlooks the Mohawk Valley 1/2 hr from filed Plaintiff designates Kings between the parties and Awarding Albany! Views, fields, woods, twn rd, utils. County, as the place of trial the Plaintiff equitable distribution Terms. basis of venue is Plaintiff’s resi- of Marital property, including Call 888-905-8847 NOW! dence Paz Samuel Lara Plaintiff, a distributive award to Plaintiff -against- Juana Victoria Lara if required or appropriate to NewYorkLandandLakes.com Defendant. SUMMONS WITH effect such equitable distribution; Real Estate For Sale NOTICE Plaintiff/Defendant re- Declaring Plaintiff’s separate Sebastian, Florida (East Coast)Beach Cove sides at unknown ----X ACTION property; Awarding Plaintiff such is an Age Restricted Community where friends FOR A DIVORCE To the above are easily made. Sebastian is an “Old Florida” named Defendant: YOU ARE ➔➔ Continued on page 10 fishing village with a quaint atmosphere yet excellent medical facilities, shopping and restaurants. Direct flights from Newark to Vero Beach. New manufactured homes from $94,900. 772-581-0080; www.beach-cove. com.

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216 Smith St, Apt. 3, Brooklyn, NY 11201. Brooklyn, NY 11232, Registered Agent : NEW BUSINESS FORMATIONS Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Minds on Design Lab Inc. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Assumed Name LLC. Taylor Made Purpose: Any lawful purpose Application for Auth: Printing Lab, Services LLC. Arts. of Org. filed with the LLC. Art. of Org. filed with the SSNY on Justin Cooper Studios LLC. Art. of Org. SSNY on 11/08/17. Office: Kings County. DARK HORSE STUDIOS LLC Articles 09/26/2016. Office: Kings County. SSNY filed with the SSNY on 09/27/16. Office: SSNY designated as agent of the LLC upon of Org. filed NY Sec. of State (SSNY) designated as agent of the LLC upon whom Kings County. SSNY designated as agent of whom process against it may be served. 2/27/17. Office in Kings Co. SSNY desig. process against it may be served. SSNY the LLC upon whom process against it may SSNY shall mail copy of process to the agent of LLC upon whom process may be shall mail copy of process to the LLC, 609 be served. SSNY shall mail copy of process LLC, 326 Bainbridge Street, 5C Brooklyn, served. SSNY shall mail copy of process to 55th Street, West New York, NJ 07093 to the LLC, c/o Justin Cooper, 437A Pulaski NY 11233. Purpose: Any lawful purpose. 35 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY 11249, which is Purpose: Any lawful purpose. Street, #2, Brooklyn, NY 11221, which also the principal business location. Purpose: also serves as the registered agent address. 92 NORMAN AVE MGT LLC. Art. Any lawful purpose. Brooklyn Aikido Center, LLC Purpose: Any lawful purpose. of Org. filed with the SSNY on 12/05/16. Brooklyn Aikido Center, LLC. Art. of BCAG Holdings LLC, Arts of Org. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as PROGRESS LABS, LLC Articles of Org. filed with the SSNY on 01/5/2017. filed with Sec. of State of NY (SSNY) on agent of the LLC upon whom process against Org. filed with the SSNY January 13, 2017. Office: Kings County. SSNY designated as 7/24/15. Cty: Kings. SSNY desig. as agent it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of Offc. Loc: Kings Co. SSNY desig. as agent agent of the LLC upon whom process against upon whom process against may be served & process to the LLC, c/o Management Office, of LLC upon whom process may be served. it may be served. SSNY shall mail copy of shall mail process to 308 Malcolm X Blvd., 105 Clay Street, Brooklyn, NY 11222. SSNY shall mail process to Patrick Johnson, process to the LLC, 159 20th Street #1B, Brooklyn, NY 11233. General Purpose.

or corporations having an interest in, or other papers in the Kings County Clerk’s trustees, committees, lienors and assigns, LEGAL NOTICES tenants or persons in possession of, por- Office, Brooklyn, NY NOTICE OF OBJECT all of whom and whose names, except as tions of the mortgaged premises described OF ACTION AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE stated, are unknown to plaintiff; JOSE RUIZ; ➔➔ Continued from page 9 in the Complaint, Defendants. TO THE OBJECT of the above-entitled action is to NEW YORK CITY ENVIRONMENTAL ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU foreclose a mortgage to secure $324,800.00 CONTROL BOARD; NANCY SUNSHINE, other and further relief as to the court may ARE HEREBY SUMMONED to answer plus interest, recorded in the Office of the KINGS COUNTY CLERK; PEOPLE OF seem just and proper, together with the costs the Complaint in this action and to serve a County Clerk/City Register of the County THE STATE OF NEW YORK; UNITED and disbursements of this action. copy of your Answer or, if the Complaint of Kings on February 19, 2008 as CRFN: STATES OF AMERICA, “JOHN DOE #1” NOTICE OF SALE STATE OF NEW is not served with this Summons, to serve 2008000066509 covering the premises through “JOHN DOE #12,” the last twelve YORK, SUPREME COURT: KINGS a Notice of Appearance upon the Plaintiff’s described as follows: 1161 East 88th Street, names being fictitious and unknown to plain- COUNTY- 21st Mortgage Corporation, attorney within twenty (20) days after the Brooklyn, New York 11236 a/k/a Block tiff, the persons or parties intended being the Plaintiff(s) vs. Geremaine Lee, et al, service of this Summons, exclusive of the 8054, Lot 16. The relief sought in the within tenants, occupants, persons or corporations, Defendant(s). Index No. 22397/12. In date of service or within thirty (30) days after action is final judgment directing the sale if any, having or claiming an interest in pursuance and by virtue of a judgment the service is complete if this Summons is of the premises described above to satisfy or lien upon the premises, described in of foreclosure and sale in the amount of not personally delivered to you within the the debt secured by the mortgage described the complaint, Defendants. To the above $531,876.51 plus interest and costs duly State of New York. If you fail to so appear above. The Plaintiff makes no personal claim named Defendants YOU ARE HEREBY granted by this Court and entered in the or answer, judgment will be taken against against any Defendants in this action except SUMMONED to answer the complaint Kings County Clerk’s Office on the 19th day you by default for the relief demanded in the Annmarie James a/k/a Annmarie J. James in this action and to serve a copy of your of January, 2017, I, the undersigned Referee, Complaint. DATED: Elmsford, New York and Jihan Bethea.- #91132 answer, or, if the complaint is not served duly appointed in this action for such pur- February 24, 2015 NOTICE YOU ARE IN NOTICE OF SALE SUPREME COURT: with this summons, to serve a notice of ap- pose, will expose for sale and sell at Public DANGER OF LOSING YOUR HOME. KINGS COUNTY. NYCTL 2012-A pearance on the Plaintiff’s Attorney within Auction to the highest bidder therefor in If you do not respond to this summons TRUST AND THE BANK OF NEW YORK 20 days after the service of this summons, Room 224 of Kings County Supreme Court, and complaint by serving a copy of the MELLON AS COLLATERAL AGENT exclusive of the day of service (or within 360 Adams Street, Brooklyn, NY, on the answer on the attorney for the mortgage AND CUSTODIAN, Pltf. vs. RAFAEL 30 days after the service is complete if this 20th DAY OF APRIL, 2017 at 2:30 P.M., the company who filed this foreclosure pro- R. AMARO, et al, Defts. Index #4747/13. summons is not personally delivered to you real estate and mortgaged premises directed ceeding against you and filing the answer Pursuant to judgment of foreclosure and sale within the State of New York) in the event in and by said judgment to be sold and in with the court, a default judgment may entered June 30, 2015, order to appoint sub- the United States of America is made a party said judgment described as follows: All that be entered and you can lose your home. stitute referee entered May 4, 2016 and Order defendant, the time to answer for the said certain plot, piece or parcel of land, with the Speak to an attorney or go to the court of Hon. Mark I Partnow entered January 9, United States of America shall not expire buildings and improvements thereon erected, where your case is pending for further in- 2017, I will sell at public auction in Room until (60) days after service of the Summons; situate, lying and being in the Borough of formation on how to answer the summons 224 of the Kings County Supreme Court, 360 and in case of your failure to appear or an- Brooklyn, County of Kings, City and State and protect your property. Sending a pay- Adams St., Brooklyn, NY on Thursday, April swer, judgment will be taken against you by of New York, known and designated as ment to your mortgage company will not 13, 2017 at 2:30 p.m., prem. k/a 150 Jamaica default for the relief demanded in the com- Block 4892 Lot 19. Said premises known as stop this foreclosure action. YOU MUST Avenue, Brooklyn, NY a/k/a Block 3651, Lot plaint. NOTICE OF NATURE OF ACTION 278 East 39th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11203. RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF 1. Approx. amt. of judgment is $8,123.42 AND RELIEF SOUGHT THE OBJECT of Premises sold subject to provisions of the THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY plus costs and interest. Sold subject to terms the above caption action is to foreclose a filed judgment and terms of sale. SUBJECT FOR THE PLAINTIFF WILMINGTON and conditions of filed judgment and terms Mortgage to secure the sum of $480,000.00 TO restrictions, covenants, etc. of record, SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, of sale. BERNARD ALTER, Referee. and interest, recorded on December 17, prior lien(s), if any, and an easement, if any, DOING BUSINESS AS CHRISTIANA THE DELLO-IACONO LAW GROUP, 2008, at Instrument number 2008000479217, contained in Deed recorded February 7, 2003 TRUST, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL P.C. F/K/A THE LAW OFFICE OF JOHN of the Public Records of KINGS County, in Reel CRFN 2003000013394. STEPHEN CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS LEGAL D. DELLO-IACONO, Attys. for Pltf., 105 New York, covering premises known as 73 M. ZEITLIN, ESQ., Referee Helfand & TITLE TRUSTEE FOR BRONZE Maxess Rd. Ste. 205, Melville, NY. File No. MILFORD STREET BROOKLYN, NY Helfand, Attorney(s) for Plaintiff, Office CREEK TITLE TRUST 2013-NPL1 AND File No. 13-024265- #90893 11208. The relief sought in the within action address, 350 Fifth Avenue - Suite 5330, New FILING THE ANSWER WITH THE SUPREME COURT OF THE is a final judgment directing the sale of the York, NY 10118 COURT. Richard F. Komosinski Knuckles, STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY OF premises described above to satisfy the debt Plaintiff designates KINGS County as Komosinski & Elliott, LLP Attorneys KINGS SUPPLEMENTAL SUMMONS secured by the Mortgage described above. place of trial Venue is based upon County in for Plaintiff, 565 Taxter Road, Suite 590, Mortgaged Premises: 73 MILFORD KINGS County is designated as the place which premises are being situate SUMMONS Elmsford, NY 10523 Phone: (914) 345-3020 STREET BROOKLYN, NY 11208 District: of trial because the real property affected by WITH NOTICE ACTION TO FORECLOSE THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO COLLECT Section: Block: 4153 Lot: 7 Plaintiff des- this action is located in said county. NOTICE A MORTGAGE Filed: 2/24/2016 Index A DEBT. ANY INFORMATION ignates KINGS as the place of trial situs of YOU ARE IN DANGER OF LOSING No. 502167/2015 SUPREME COURT OF OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT the real property INDEX NO. 504798/2016 YOUR HOME If you do not respond to this THE STATE OF NEW YORK COUNTY PURPOSE. NOTICE TO OCCUPANTS: NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC, summons and complaint by serving a copy of OF KINGS WILMINGTON SAVINGS WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND Plaintiff, vs. TERRI MCLEOD, if living, the answer on the attorney for the mortgage FUND SOCIETY, FSB, DOING BUSINESS SOCIETY, FSB, DOING BUSINESS and if she be dead, any and all persons company who filed this foreclosure proceed- AS CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN AS CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN ITS unknown to plaintiff, claiming, or who may ing against you and filing the answer with the ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY claim to have an interest in, or general or court, a default judgment may be entered and SOLELY AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE AS LEGAL TITLE TRUSTEE FOR specific lien upon the real property described you can lose your home. Speak to an attorney FOR BRONZE CREEK TITLE TRUST BRONZE CREEK TITLE TRUST 2013- in this action; such unknown persons being or go to the court where your case is pending 2013-NPL1,Plaintiff,-against- ANNMARIE NPL1 IS FORECLOSING AGAINST herein generally described and intended to for further information on how to answer the JAMES A/K/A ANNMARIE J. JAMES; THE OWNER OF THIS PREMISES. be included in the following designation, summons and protect your property. Sending JIHAN BETHEA; NEW YORK STATE IF YOU LIVE HERE, THIS LAWSUIT namely: the wife, widow, husband, widow- a payment to the mortgage company will DEPARTMENT OF TAXATION AND MAY RESULT IN YOUR EVICTION. er, heirs at law, next of kin, descendants, not stop the foreclosure action. YOU MUST FINANCE; NEW YORK CITY PARKING YOU MAY WISH TO CONTACT A executors, administrators, devisees, legatees, RESPOND BY SERVING A COPY OF VIOLATIONS BUREAU; NEW YORK LAWYER TO DISCUSS ANY RIGHTS creditors, trustees, committees, lienors, and THE ANSWER ON THE ATTORNEY CITY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL AND POSSIBLE DEFENSES YOU assignees of such deceased, any and all FOR THE PLAINTIFF (MORTGAGE BOARD; UNITED STATES OF AMERICA MAY HAVE. TO THE ABOVE NAMED persons deriving interest in or lien upon, or COMPANY) AND FILING THE ANSWER (EASTERN DISTRICT); “JOHN DOE DEFENDANTS: The foregoing Summons is title to said real property by, through or under WITH THE COURT. Dated: August 23, #1” through “JOHN DOE #10” inclusive, served upon you by publication pursuant to them, or either of them, and their respective 2016 RAS BORISKIN, LLC Attorney for the names of the ten last name Defendants Order the Hon Noach Dear a Justice of the wives, widows, husbands, widowers, heirs Plaintiff BY: SHANNON FUHRMAN, being fictitious, real names unknown to the Supreme Court, Kings County, dated Sept. at law, next of kin, descendants, executors, ESQ. 900 Merchants Concourse, Suite 106 Plaintiff, the parties intended being persons 24, 2016 and filed with the complaint and administrators, devisees, legatees, creditors, Westbury, NY 11590 516-280-7675 VOL. 21 NO. 12 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 11 Chuck Berry Hailed as Founder of Rock and Roll “Pioneer. Innovator. Legend. All-around funkin’ with us. Our Rock & Roll legend Mr. BADASS. RIP #ChuckBerry.” Chuck Berry has changed frequencies today. Elton John posted on Twitter: “The great- Questlove Gomez: Thou Shall Have No est rock & roll songwriter of all time. Thanks Other Rock Gods Before Him. #ChuckBerry for all those wonderful records that will rip @ Rock & Roll Hall of Fame define rock music forever. #RIPChuckBerry” Al Roker: The legendary roll ‘n’ roll The Jacksons also posted a joint state- pioneer #ChuckBerry has passed at 90. There ment on Twitter writing that Berry “cast one would be no rock music today without him. of the longest shadows.” #Rip #rip #RIP Paul McCartney wrote on Facebook: Stephen King: Chuck Berry died. This “Chuck Berry sadly passed away over the breaks my heart, but 90 years old ain’t bad weekend. He was one of rock ‘n’ roll’s great- for rock and roll. Johnny B. Good forever. est poets. He will be missed but remembered Greg Proops: Chuck Berry invented us. by everyone who ever loved rock ‘n’ roll.” Neil Portnow, president and CEO of the His Beatles bandmate Ringo Starr posted Recording Academy, the organization behind on Twitter, calling the singer “Mr. Rock ‘n’ the Grammys, said in a statement: “Chuck Roll Music.” Berry was arguably the founding father of Keith Richards: “One of my big lights rock and roll. Not just because he was one has gone out.” of its greatest songwriters and established @KeithUrban RIP Chuck Berry !!!! some of the electric guitar’s earliest and Thank you for the poetry, the passion and most memorable riffs, but also because he the potency! GO JOHNNY GO. was one of music’s most palpably exciting Huey Lewis: Chuck Berry. Maybe the entertainers and biggest personalities. ollowing the news of legendary mu- teenage years and blew life into our dreams most important figure in all of rock and roll. “His influence on the giants that followed sician Chuck Berry’s death, social of being musicians and performers. His lyrics His music and his influence will last forever. him, such as the Beatles, Beach Boys and media was flooded with condolenc- shone above others & threw a strange light – Huey many others, is well-documented. Chuck Fes and heartfelt messages about the star. on the American dream. Chuck, you were JohnStamos: One of the most underrated received a Lifetime Achievement Award Berry died in his St. Charles, Missouri amazing & your music is engraved inside us lyricists- #RIPChuckBerry from the Recording Academy in 1984, our home on Saturday when police responded to forever.” Alyssa Milano: Rest in Peace, Chuck formal acknowledgment of his immeasurable a medical emergency and tried to revive the Record producer Randy Jackson posted Berry. You changed music. You changed contributions to American culture. He will be unresponsive singer. He was 90. on Twitter: “To the greatest rock and roll everyone that listened to your music. Thank greatly missed, but the gift of his music will Celebrities posted on Twitter and pioneer of all time, RIP Chuck Berry. We you. live on forever.” Facebook, sharing their love and memories all thank u.” George Takei: A legend is gone. Half the News of Berry’s death was confirmed by of the beloved rock and roll star. Singer John Mayer shared his love rock-n-roll artists today wouldn’t be playing the St. Charles County Police Department Rolling Stones member Mick Jagger for Berry on his Facebook wall writing, had Chuck not been there at the beginning. in Missouri, who said they responded to posted a three-part dedication to Berry writ- “Legend. Architect. He built the tools that LA Reid: Music was changed forever by the singer’s home for a medical emergency ing: “I am so sad to hear of Chuck Berry’s built the house. Rock on forever. #RIP Chuck Chuck Berry’s groundbreaking impact. What and found the legend unresponsive. After passing. I want to thank him for all the in- Berry.” a great life in music. attempting to revive him, Berry was declared spirational music he gave to us. He lit up our Justin Timberlake posted on Twitter: Bootsy Collins: Dang, another one not dead at 1:26 p.m. local time.

the news business. Even the most unhostile Legendary columnist of eyes cannot say that his buildings are not ugly. Yet all news stories say “imaginative” when common sense shouts “arrogant.” Jimmy Breslin Passed Always, the television and newspapers talk of his financial brilliance, when anybody in March 18. He was 88. the street knows that most of “Between You and I” Trump’s profits come from crap games immy Breslin wrote a number of city’s newspapers, and slot machines in Atlantic City, the bulk columns on Donald Trump and it is “Between You and of that, the slot machines, coming from old safe to say, he didn’t think much of I” Trump practically people who go down there with their Social Jthe man. Below is one such column. called for the death of Security checks. It also is an undeniable fact the teenagers arrested of life that gambling keeps bad company. Violent Language, for the rape and attack Yet with the one quality Trump has, Between You and I on the 28-year-old amazing brashness - “I just bought the sky!” The following column by Jimmy Breslin jogger in Central Park. - he has overwhelmed the newspapers and was published in Newsday on May 2, 1989. As the young television more than any one we ever have It has been reported by reliable people, woman is not dead Let us now turn to how the legitimate had in this city. Barnum or Mike Todd used and my own ears, that Donald Trump says, and those arrested for her attack do not as tough guys speak of violence. We had in guile and chicanery, but Trump understood “Between you and I.” Of course this is the yet even have a trial date, much less guilt Metropolitan Hospital the other night, at that this year, you can blind their minds by unmistakable line between those who care established, his scream for vengeance could the bedside of the 28-year-old victim of the showing them a diamond. During a celebra- enough about their own language to learn be considered premature by some. attack, the following: tion of greed he became toastmaster. the object of a preposition and those in need At a time of shocking crime, it seems Her badly wounded mother, father and It would be comforting if “Between of remedial. When the unwashed get to the best to have authorities who in low, cold two brothers. Officer Steven McDonald, You and I” Trump was doing it the old way, word “between” while speaking, the first voices will persist, persist, persist and see paralyzed forever by a bullet. McDonald by having half the reporters on a payroll thing their ear tells them is that “Between that the guilty are surely and as swiftly as was shot by a 15-year-old at a spot in Central someplace. But the news business today is you and I” is right because it has a tonier possible given proper punishment. Outside Park only a hundred yards away from where so utterly dishonest that the people are below sound to it, almost regal they imagine, than the courthouse, beware always of the loud- the young woman was attacked. Also pres- taking bribes. Instead, Trump buys them with “between you and me.” Therefore such peo- mouth taking advantage of the situation and ent was Father Mychal Judge, a priest who a smile, a phone call or a display of wealth ple as Donald Trump say, “Confidentially, appealing to a crowd’s meanest nature. spends all his time with those dying with that so excites these poor fools that they between you and I . . . “ And here yesterday is what “Between AIDS. All stood around the young woman’s cannot wait to herald his brilliance. And the listener, ears flinching, immedi- You and I” Trump had in his ad in every bed and held hands and prayed. “He let me see his yacht!” ately learns quite a bit about Trump. paper in this city: The family of the young woman did not And so “Between You and I” Trump, who This also provides Trump with his proper “Mayor Koch has stated that hate and stop expressing their gratitude for all those runs crap games and slot machines, became name in this city. From this point on, he shall rancor should be removed from our hearts. I who pray for their daughter. an all-news person. Trump today bought a forever be known as “Between You and I” do not think so. I want to hate these muggers “Forgiveness,” Steven McDonald said in man a wooden leg! All candidates stand with Trump. and murderers. They should be forced to a wheelchair he can never leave. sides lathered with excitement as they wait Knowing this, one recoiled, but was suffer and, when they kill, they should be ex- “We must forgive or we cannot be,” for Donald Trump’s endorsement! hardly suprised to find in the newspapers ecuted for their crimes . . . Yes, Mayor Koch, Father Mychal Judge said. His thinking on anything was accepted. this morning a full-page advertisement by I want to hate these murderers and I always The language of those who know. One paper - I think it was the Times, but I “Between You and I” Trump in the insolent, will. I am not looking to psychoanalyze them The curious thing about “Between You have all these piles of clips around me and cruel words one would expect of him for, or understand them, I am looking to punish and I” Trump is not that he destroyed himself to tell you the truth I cannot read them - ran of course, lack of knowledge of a language them . . . I no longer want to understand their yesterday, for all demagogues ultimately do four separate stories on Donald Trump in always breeds words of thuggery. anger. I want them to understand our anger. I that, but why he became so immensely popu- one day. The ad for the first time reveals all the want them to be afraid.” lar with the one group of people who are sup- Finally yesterday, in order to cash in rest of the things that anybody would want Such violent language sounds as if it posed to be the searchlights and loudspeakers on a young woman in a coma, to make an to know about Donald Trump. were coming from someone who walks that alert the public to the realities of such a unedited statement, he ran his ad and showed In his ad, which ran in all four of the around with bodyguards. person. That would be those who work in himself for all to see what he was. 12 OUR TIME PRESS March 23 – 29, 2017 VOL. 21 NO. 12 Missing Leola Poet Gwendolyn Brooks honored at 2017 National Black Writers Symposium, March 25 his year 2017 marks the Centennial of the birth of Gwendolyn Brooks, the first Black author to win the TPulitzer Prize, an Illinois poet laureate and the author of more than 20 books of poetry. Saturday, March 25, “Our Miss Brooks” will be celebrated at the 2017 National Black Writers Conference taking place at Medgar Evers College. “Brooks was a formidable literary figure and a lifelong chronicler of Black life in Photo: Bernice Green Leola Maddox, center, with the Tawana Brawley defense team. America who expressed Black experiences in America with her artistic, courageous ur Time Press mourns the passing On Life, On Being Black in America” which in Georgia), we got a little more black history. and politically charged poetry and prose,” of Leola Maddox, beloved wife of appeared in Our Time Press’ Evidence Even though it was not in the books, these says Brenda M. Greene, chair, Department Attorney Alton Maddox. Concealed, Now Revealed 44-page special black teachers taught us what they knew. We of English, Medgar Evers College, and OSister Maddox, a former librarian at edition. lost so much when we lost them, the least of executive director of the Center for Black Medgar Evers College and, for many years, She said: “Love of my race was instilled which was a connection to everything that Literature. a director of the United African Movement’s in me at an early age. By the time I was in my makes us strong.” “Our Miss Brooks: A Centennial summer Freedom Camp for young people, 20’s, it was instilled in me to be proud of who Leola made us strong. Warrior woman de- Celebration” program will include reflec- was an inspiring and compassionate friend, a you are and you never met Can’t ‘cause Can’t scribes the bravest amongst us, but no one in tions on Brooks’ life, a discussion of the woman of wit, grace, humility and courage. died -- according to my teachers -- before our lives comes as close to the title as Leola. impact and significance of her literary works She also was a writer and editor. Leola got they were born. Homegoing services will be held in and dramatic presentations inspired by her things done, and never sought credit. “I attended high school in Manchester, Georgia on Saturday, March 25, 2017. A passionate and literary work. This writer interviewed her Ga. I went to Fort Valley State College, memorial service will be held in New York Dr. Haki R. Madhubuti, author, poet and in Poughkeepsie, NY, August 1998 for the Boston State University and Simmons at a date to be announced. (Bernice Elizabeth publisher of Third World Press, will be the article “Leola Maddox Speaks: On Alton, College. But by having black teachers (back Green/Legacy) keynote speaker

CEMOTAP Observes its 30th Anniversary of Media Activism EMOTAP, Committee to Eliminate Center, 172-17 Linden Blvd., St. Albans, For thirty years, CEMOTAP has been Media Offensive to African Peo- New York, the site where CEMOTAP held supported by its community. It has never ple, has special plans for its 30th its first meeting. Respondents to Atty. sought nor accepted grants or funds from CAnniversary Celebration on Saturday, April Marshall’s message will be Imhotep Gary outside sources. The steadfast support of the 1, 2017 at 2 P.M. when renowned Constitu- Byrd, broadcast veteran and Newark activ- community enabled the organization to own tional Atty. Gloria Browne- Marshall will ist Larry Hamm. its headquarters at 135-05 Rockaway Blvd., keynote a program that will include paying Thirty years ago, CEMOTAP stepped South Ozone Park. Since its inception, tribute to four unsung activists. Prof. up to confront the forces of corporate CEMOTAP’s role has included holding on- James Blake, student advisor at Borough media racism after deciding that enough going media, economic and social education of Manhattan Community College; Sister was enough. Enough of radio jocks whose forums, teach-ins, research, appearances on Fredrica Bey, Newark, New Jersey power- programs were primarily used to demean radio and television demonstrating, lobby- house activist; Pam Africa, indefatigable and degrade Black life; enough of the New ing and polling as well as providing support advocate for renowned political prisoner York Post identifying and criminalizing for conscious individuals whose reputations Mumia Abu-Jamaal and African-centered Black folks as being lazy, untrustworthy were damaged by racist media. CEMOTAP Betty Dopson artist Lucian Pinckney. Each will be deadbeats; enough of both electronic and forums are shown every Saturday and recognized for their invaluable service to print media savaging the image of Black Sunday on Wat Cable TV. “We have stayed especially longtime members. Admission the African race. The celebration will be folks with impunity. “Our name says it all,” the course,” said Betty Dopson, “and we is free. [Call 718.322.8454 for additional held at the Robert R. Johnson Family Life says Yvonne Hill, founding member. are not slowing down.” Everyone is invited, information] HAPPY VERNAL EQUINOX! SPRING IS HERE! ➔➔ Continued from page 4 Institute, Attn: Shannon Carey, 75 Broad Chin and Cristina Rodriguez on March 25 116th Street, Street, #505, New York, NY 10004. at 10 am, at 170 Central Park West at 77th Manhattan. The Brenda Mary Smith, David Walker, Pharrell Street, Manhattan. 2017 AEF theme Williams and Gloria Dulan Wilson, MARCH MADNESS Cuban jazz pianist Elio Villafranca and his is “Building RIP: Dr. Bernadette Whitley Penceal Foodies, check out this NYC Best Bet: band perform in concert in the second itera- Bridges, joined the ancestors last week. A Syracuse More than 60 Brooklyn restaurants are tion of his “Letters To Mother Africa Series: Breaking University, CCNY alumna, Bernadette participating in the DINE IN BROOKLYN Cuba Senegal” at the Aaron Davis Hall, City Barriers, earned her Ph.D. in Education at Fordham 2017 promotion, from March 20-30. All College campus on Convent Avenue at 135th Harnessing the University. Her educator/administrator cuisines are available from Caribbean, Street on March 31 at 7:30 pm. John Lewis Power of an credits include Hunter College, NYU, the Soul, Asian, French, Italian to Mexican and The 20th Annual David N. Dinkins Open Africa.” College of New Rochelle, FIT and the Mediterranean. Three-course dinner @ Leadership and Public Policy Forum con- Forum keynote speakers include Amina Greenhaven Maximum Security Prison. She $28, lunch @ $15 and weekend brunch @ venes March 30, 6-9 pm at the Miller Theatre J. Mohammed, Hakeem Belo-Osagie and and Sam Penceal, her husband of 50 years, $12. This is the second year of the uniquely at Columbia University. U.S. Congressman Asiwaju Bola A. Tinubu. Some of the were THE education power couple. She will Brooklyn version of Restaurant Week. John Lewis will be the keynote speaker. topics for discussion are Private Equity, be funeralized at the Convent Avenue Baptist #DineInBK Welcome remarks will be made by Columbia Entrepreneurship, Regional Integration and Church, located at 420 West 145th Street, The NY Historical Society Speakers President Lee Bollinger and David Dinkins African Narratives. [Visit AEFColumbia. Harlem, on Thursday, March 23rd. Viewing: Series presents a talk, IMMIGRATION AND and a panel discussion follows. org] 10 am, Service at 11 am. In lieu of flowers, VOTING RIGHTS, about how America pro- The 14th Annual Africa Economic Forum A Harlem-based management consultant, the family requests that donations should tects civil and political rights of newcomers convenes April 1st, 8 am to 6 pm at the Victoria Horsford is reachable at Victoria. be made in her name to Urban Resources with legal experts Akhil Reed, Amar Denny Columbia Law School, located at 435 West [email protected].