
Botanical Garden Discovery (K-2) ​

Description: Learn about the unique properties of medicinal that are found in desert ​ . Explore the adaptations needed for plants to thrive in harsh environments.From spikes to succulents, the plants in the Garden’s desert house are beautiful demonstrators of diversity.

Standards: SKL2.b,S1L1.b, S2L1.a, S2L1c, ​

Pre-Visit: Guiding Questions: What do plants need to survive? ​ ​

What to Read/Watch: Ways to Live in the Desert, How Form, Best of National ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ Park, Plants with Weapons, ​ ​

Post-Visit: Questions: How are plants in the desert different from the plants in your neighborhood? ​ ​

Activities: Desert vs : Compare the following plants and animals of deserts and ​ ​ ​ Georgia. What adaptations are similar and different that help them survive in their . Are there some that could successfully live in both places?

Desert Georgia

Jack Rabbit

Saguaro Southern Tree

Desert Horned Green Anole

Desert Lily Daffodil

Create Your Own Desert : Desert plants have special ways they are able to survive in the ​ harsh desert habitat. Design your own superplant that could survive in the desert using the unique adaptations of the different parts of a plant.

Their roots are shallow and wide, allowing them to ​ ​ quickly take in water from the ground when it .

Their stems are often very thick and tough allowing them to store water for ​ ​ long periods of time. Many desert plants have protection like spikes on their stems to help protect their water from animals.

The leaves on desert plants are also often very thick and rough. ​ ​ Plants like aloe and agave have fleshy, gooey insides that people can use for medicine or food.

Desert plants also have beautiful ! Cacti have beautiful blooms ​ ​ that attract like and butterflies that feed on the tasty inside.