World Food Programme,

Situation Report

(Kindly limit this report within 2 pages. First page focus on qualitative information and second page on figures)

Reporting Sub Office: Hazard (Flood/Cyclone etc.): Flood Reporting Date: 09.08.07 Reporting Period: 8-9 August 2007

Overall Summary: (Overall synopsis of the situation combining qualitative and quantitative information, disaster trend deteriorating or improving, overall coordination etc.) • The overall situation in Rajbari, Faridpur, Shraitpur, Madariprur and Magura remain unchanged although water is slowly receding. Water flowing above the danger level: Faridpur 85 cm, Rajbari-85 cm, Shariatpur 35 cm, Madaripur 38 cm, Magura-120 cm • Flood water inundated some in , Narail and Gopalganj districts but situation is under control. • In Shariatpur 72%, Faridpur 55%, Madaripur 44%, Rajbari 27% and Magura 32% of the total areas severely affected by the flood where 52%, 41%, 14%, 59% and 42% of the population affected respectively. • Disaster control room opened in all district and headquarters. District and Upazila disaster management committees are working efficiently and maintained liaison among the other partners. • The District Disaster Management Committee of Madaripur and Shariatpur have generated local fund for relief activities. This fund collected from different professional groups, elite persons and others. • Honorable President already visited in . Advisers of central government also visited in Rajbari, Faridpur, Magura and Madripur districts.

Prevailing Situation: (Precise and focused description on what occurred, when occurred, how the event has negatively impacted the lives/livelihoods of the populations and WFP beneficiaries, coping capacity, crops, assets, cattle/poultry, infrastructure etc. Please also articulate gender related information i.e. special needs for the women etc.)

• Prevailing flood situation created by heavy rainfall in mid-July and upstream water. Basically situation has been severely deteriorating since 1 August 2007. • Due to flood normal life of people seriously disrupted. Most of the villages in severely affected upazilas went under water. As a result the people lost their houses and belongings. They took shelter on the roadside of the highway, embankments and in different institutions where they are living together with their domestic animals. Char areas people mostly vulnerable. • A total of 39 people were reported death due to flood in Rajbari, Faridpur, Madaripur, Shariatpur and Magura districts where mostly in children • All earthen and paved road in the villages level even link road between upazila headquarter to district head quarter went under water. In all cases internal road communication in the village level has collapsed. Due to receding of water level, communication re-established those upazilas were detached from district headquarter. • Standing crops went under water. • The VGD beneficiaries not considered primarily of GoB relief, 80% phased out beneficiaries of IFS programme in are severely affected and they lost their assets, which created by FFA activities. • Security situation of people deteriorating, robbery increasing. The earning household members can not go away to earn due to this insecure situation. Female, adolescent girls are mostly insecure in the shelter even in the houses. • Pregnant women who are passing pre natal period are in danger. They have been suffering in mental depression and also health hazards

Food Security Situation: (Market functioning, people’s access to basic food needs, rice/wheat price, local wage rate and local employment opportunities etc.) • Casual labors/ daily workers lost their work opportunity and in some cases wage is very poor compare with normal situation. • Marketing chain among the district, upazila and rural areas are not functioning properly, resulting price of food and other necessary commodities are increasing rapidly. Daily necessities goods like rice, pulse, salt, vegetables, fuel are going to beyond the purchasing capacity of the communities.

- 1 - World Food Programme, Bangladesh

Situation Report

(Kindly limit this report within 2 pages. First page focus on qualitative information and second page on figures)

On going/planned Activities:(Precisely describe on the activities undertaken/planned by community, government and other different organizations and NGOs) • Allocated and distributed relief is inadequate considering the needs. Relief distribution status as of 9 August, Food: rice-1444 MT, flattened rice-40.733 MT, molasses-4.642 MT, biscuit- 161cartoons, lentils-1.565 MT, sugar-0.050 MT, salt -0.350 and cash Tk. 3439400. • Some NGOs provided boat for rescue the affected people from char areas; army officials given primary medical treatment and provided medicine, DPHE and some NGOs installed some temporary toilets and tube wells at the shelters.

Comments:(Precisely state key recommendations, any follow up issues and other associate issues that are not described earlier in this report) Currently people are suffering severely for the scarcity of food, shelters and also the fodder for their cattle. Although GoB has reported that the flood situation is under their control but our observation is, GoB support is not adequate for the affected people as per needs. Considering the present severe situation we think it is necessary to provide extra food support especially dry food in addition to the GoB support.

Numbers of Relief Distribution

Sl District Upazila Union Population Shelter Food (MT) Cash (BDT) affected affected affected opened 1. Rajbari 4 45 488983 25 shelters 220 (rice) 942000 (5760 people) 1.413 (chira) 0.040 (gur) 2. Faridpur 8 83 614500 175 shelters 595 (rice) 1342500 (76439 0.670 (chira) people) 0.112 (gur) 24 cartoon biscuit

3. Shariatpur 6 70 517480 36 shelters 422 (rice) 488900 (2301 people) 37.790 (chira) 4.340 (gur) 1.565 (lentils) 0.350 (salt) 4. Madaripur 4 56 149395 20 shelters 102 (rice) 216000 (5900 people) 5. Magura 4 37 300509 31 shelters 105 (rice) 450000 0.860 (chira) (1280 people) 0.150 (gur) 0.050 (suga) 137 cartoon (biscuit)

Total 26 291 2070867 287 (91680 1444 (rice) 3439400 people) 40.733 (chira) 4.642 (gur) 161 cartoon (biscuit) 1.565(lentils) 0.050 (sugar) 0.350 (salt)

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