Postal Regulatory Commission Submitted 10/6/2011 3:41:47 PM Filing ID: 76460 Accepted 10/6/2011 POSTAL REGULATORY COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Retail Access Optimization Initiative Docket No. N2011-1 Responses of National League of Postmasters Witness Hobbs to USPS/NLPM RT2, 1-23 (October 6, 2011) The National league of Postmasters hereby provides the responses of its Witness Mayor Donald Hobbs to the Postal Services Interrogatories USPS/NLPM-RT2- 1-23. The interrogatories are restated verbatim, with the response following each interrogatory. In the Postal Service’s interrogatories, there were two different questions labeled USPS/NLPM-T2-5. We have taken the liberty of renumbering the second of the two as USPS/NLPM-T2-5a. /s/ Robert J. Brinkman Robert J. Brinkmann Law Offices of Robert J. Brinkmann LLC 1730 M St. N.W. Suite 200 Washington, D.C. 20036 202-331-3037; 202.331-3029 (f)
[email protected] /s/ Harold Hughes Harold Hughes Michelle Bushman Ford & Huff LC 10542 South Jordan Gateway, Suite 300 South Jordan, Utah 84095 801-407-8555
[email protected] Counsel for the National League of Postmasters of the United States USPS/NLPM-RT2-1 (a) In addition to yourself, please identify all corporations, partnerships, businesses, commercial entities, governmental and non-profit entities, other organizations and individuals who serve as sources of funding, governance or direction for Iowans for Post Office Services. (b) Please indicate which entities or individuals identified in response to subpart (a) own or control properties that currently are leased to the United States Postal Service in Iowa.