Minutes of a meeting of Upper Witham Internal Drainage Board, incorporating the Annual General Meeting, held on Monday, 09th November 2015 in South Hykeham Village Hall at 2.30pm.

Present: Mr. F. H. Myers (Chairman, from item 65.15). Cllr. B. Bilton. Mr. J. Boyall. Cllr. N. Craft. Mr. R.J. Epton, M.B.E., D.L. Cllr. C. Goldson. Mr. P. Gowen. Cllr. G. Hewson. Cllr. D. Jackson. Ms E.E. Jenkinson. Cllr. R. Kaberry-Brown. Mr. A.V. Kerr. Mr. D.R. Knight. Mr. R.W. Parker. Cllr. L.J. Pennell. Mr. R.J. Phillips. Mr. G.E. Porter. Mr. P.J. Roe. Mr. J.R. Scarborough (Vice Chairman, from item 66.15). Cllr. I. Stokes. Mr. C. Smith. Mrs. J.S.P. Smith. Cllr. T. Speakman. Cllr. P. Vaughan (Vice Chairman, from item 66.15). Mr. B.F. White. Cllr. Mrs. P.A. Woodman, M.B.E. Mr. P. Wright.

In Attendance: Mrs. Jane Froggatt, Chief Executive. Mr. Guy Hird, Engineering Services Officer. Mr. Steve Larter, Finance Manager. Mr. Martin Shilling, Director of Operations. Ms. Lorraine Sayce, Finance and Rating Officer.

This being the Board’s Annual General Meeting, the Chief Executive initially chaired the meeting.

Apologies: Apologies for absence were received from Mr. R.H.P. Ballerini, Cllr. B. Charlesworth, Cllr. D. Clarke, Mr. J.R. Hollis, Cllr. Mrs. S.K. Howe, Cllr. M.J.W. Parish and Mr. S.H. White.


64.15 Declarations of Members’ Interests.

Members nominated by Councils declared interests relating to their respective councils. In addition, City of Lincoln nominated members and Mr. John Scarborough declared specific interests in minute 84.15 (the Lincoln Catchment Study) in relation to the potential Western Growth Corridor development. Mr. Vic Kerr declared an interest in discussion relation to the proposed Westborough Flood Alleviation Scheme at minute 74.15.3.

65.15 Election of Chairman.

The Chief Executive invited nominations for the role of Chairman. There was one nomination, Mr. Fred Myers, who was proposed by Mr. Richard Parker, seconded by Mr. Paul Wright and who was supported unanimously by all members present.

66.15 Election of Vice Chairman.

At the Chairman’s request, the Chief Executive remained in the chair for this agenda item.

Mr. Ray Phillips proposed and Mr. Graham Porter seconded a proposal that Mr. Bob Ballerini be re-elected as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year.

Mr. Richard Parker, a former Chairman of the Board, made a short statement to members about the importance of supporting the Chairman and collaborative working within the Board. Following this the proposer and seconder withdrew their nomination.

Mr. Richard Parker proposed and Cllr. Mrs. Pat Woodman seconded a motion that the Board reverted to its custom, prior to 21.11.11, of having two Vice Chairmen. This was approved.

The Board, having agreed to elect two Vice Chairmen, considered nominations to the role.

Mr. Paul Wright proposed and Mr. Peter Roe seconded the election of Mr. John Scarborough to the role of Vice Chairman. This was agreed by all members.

Cllr. Gary Hewson proposed and Cllr David Jackson seconded the election of Cllr. Pat Vaughan to the role of Vice Chairman. This was agreed by all members.

It was resolved, therefore, that Mr. John Scarborough and Cllr. Pat Vaughan be elected to the 2 Vice Chairmen roles for the forthcoming year to November 2016.

Furthermore, it was resolved that a letter of thanks be sent by the Chairman to Mr. Bob Ballerini for his service since November 2009 as Vice Chairman of the Board.

67.15 Chairman’s Announcements.

Mr. Fred Myers took the Chair and thanked members for their continued support and his re-election as Chairman for a further year, a role he had enjoyed since November 2009. He added that he looked forward to working with members and officers in the interests of land drainage, flood protection and water levels management.


He congratulated the two members elected as Vice Chairmen, Mr. John Scarborough and Cllr. Pat Vaughan.

The Chairman then welcomed Ms. Emma Jenkinson to her first Board meeting. Emma is from 01.11.15 representing the electoral district of South Witham. She replaces the previous longstanding member, Mr. Bob Skelton. Members were reminded that the Board carries one vacancy, since 01.11.15, for Long Bennington, Barkston and Normanton.

Finally, members were requested to update their contact details and also to complete an updated Register of Members’ interests, returning this to Witham House.

68.15 Election of members to the Finance and General Purposes Committee.

Twelve members were proposed, seconded and elected to the Finance and General Purposes Committee for the forthcoming year to November 2016. These were the Chairman, the 2 Vice Chairmen, Mr. Richard Parker, Mr. Ray Phillips, Mr. Peter Roe, Mr. Paul Wright, Cllr. Nick Craft, Cllr. Tony Speakman, Cllr. Mrs. Pat Woodman, Cllr. Lance Pennell and Mrs. Jacky Smith.

69.15 Election of 6 members to the Works Committee.

The six Works Committee members proposed, seconded and elected for the forthcoming year to November 2016 were the Chairman, the 2 Vice Chairmen, Mr. Peter Roe, Mr. Paul Wright and a seat would be held vacant (to be filled on an occasional basis by the relevant local representative, as and when the Committee is convened).

70.15 Election of 2 members to the ADA Branch’s Environment Committee.

Mr. Paul Gowen was proposed, seconded and elected as the Board’s representative on the ADA Lincolnshire Branch’s Environment Committee to November 2016. This left a second representative role vacant.

71.15 Election of 4 members and 4 deputies to represent the Board on the Group of 3 IDBs’ Joint Services Committee.

Four members were proposed, seconded and elected to membership of the Joint Services Committee for the forthcoming year. These were the Chairman, the 2 Vice Chairmen and Cllr. Mrs. Pat Woodman. Cllr. Nick Craft, Mr. Richard Parker, Mr. Peter Roe and Cllr. Tony Speakman were proposed, seconded and elected as the 4 members to deputise on the Committee.

72.15 Proposed Calendar of 2016 meeting dates.

Members APPROVED the following meetings dates for 2016:

Meetings of the Board, South Hykeham Village Hall at 2.30pm.

 Monday, 25th January 2016.  Monday, 25th April 2016.  Monday, 06th June 2016.  Monday, 26th September 2016.  Monday, 21st November 2016 (+ AGM). 3963

Meetings of the Finance & General Purposes Committee, Witham House at 10am.

 Wednesday, 13th January 2016.  Wednesday, 13th April 2016.  Wednesday, 25th May 2016.  Wednesday, 14th September 2016.  Wednesday, 09th November 2016.

It was also NOTED that joint Summer Inspections (with Witham First DIDB and Witham Third DIDB) were planned for Wednesday, 20th July and Thursday, 22nd September 2016.

73.15 Members’ Code of Conduct and Register of Members’ Interests.

A copy of the Members’ Code of Conduct, approved by the Board on 13.05.13, had been circulated with the agenda as an aide memoire. In addition, a copy of the associated Register of Members’ Interests form had been circulated. Members were requested to complete this and return it to Witham House so that an up-to-date Register is maintained for all members. Members were advised of the importance of this being an accurate record. The information in the Register may be subject, for example, to an FOI request and public disclosure.

74.15 Minutes of the Board Meeting on 28.09.15.

The Minutes of the Board’s previous meeting held on Monday, 28th September 2015 were proposed, seconded and APPROVED as an accurate record.


74.15.1 Programmed replacement of the Komatsu PC120 long reach excavator in 2016 (minute 49.15.2 refers).

It was confirmed that invitations to tender for the replacement long reach excavator had indeed been sent out, and quotations closed on Friday, 06th November. These would be opened after today’s meeting and it was confirmed that if an order is placed before the usual 01st January price increase, payment would fall due only after the 01.04.16 start of 2016/17 financial year.

74.15.2 Motor Vehicles Allowances Policy (minute 51.15 refers).

An update on implementation arrangements for the revised motor vehicles allowances policy was provided. The first of the commercial lease vehicles, some of the 4 x 4 double cab Isuzu vehicles, were due to arrive on 13.11.15.

74.15.3 Westborough Flood Alleviation Scheme (minute 57.15 refers).

It was confirmed that the Board’s Engineer had recently completed the design brief for both phases of the potential Westborough scheme. An attempt would be made to access the Environment Agency’s 6-year Capital Investment Programme monies and, should this be unsuccessful, a partnership scheme would be assembled between the Board, LCC (as the Lead Local Flood Authority), SKDC and the Parish Council for 2016/17, to enable works to be carried out during the dry season.


75.15 Minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting, 28.10.15.

The minutes of the Finance & General Purposes Committee meeting held on Wednesday, 28th October 2015 were proposed, seconded and APPROVED as an accurate record and the recommendations to the Board were NOTED.

There were no matters arising, all issues being covered by the agenda.

76.15 Chief Executive’s Report.

The Chief Executive’s Report had been circulated with the agenda. Issues highlighted included:

 Environment Agency’s potential de-maining of watercourses.

As outlined at the Board’s September meeting, stretches of watercourses in Lincolnshire IDBs had been identified by the EA as potentially those on which they would withdraw their permissive powers to undertake maintenance works. This had been mapped on the GIS system.

Following discussion on 15.10.15 between IDBs and correspondence with the EA’s Area Manager (Lincolnshire & Northamptonshire) in July, a joint meeting was now arranged for 01.12.15.

 Highland Water.

Albeit Highland Water monies were not received from the EA by the agreed due date of 30.09.15, a total of £201,927.09 had now been received (i.e. the balance on the actual monies due for 2014/15 and 80% of the claim estimate for 2015/16).

 Special Levy Payments from Councils.

A verbal update to the written report was provided to confirm that all 5 Councils’ Special Levy Payments, the second tranche for 2015/16 being due by 01.11.15, had now been received as follows:

£ City of Lincoln Council 205,641.32 District Council 90,171.17 District Council 55,893.43 District Council 20,940.72 Newark & Sherwood District Council 4,959.61 Total £377,606.25

 IDB Precept Payment to the Environment Agency.

The Board’s second (and final) precept payment to the Environment Agency for 2015/16 of £83,413 is due by 30.11.15. This is paid by the Board for the EA to undertake maintenance on main watercourses within the Board’s drainage district.


 Meeting with the Environment Agency and Mr. Karl McCartney, MP for Lincoln on 09.10.15.

 Lincolnshire IDB Clerks’ meeting on 08.10.15.

 Environment Agency’s Flood & Coastal Risk Management Capital Grant Roadshow in Leeds, 14.10.15.

This was the first of a series of roadshows to introduce the 6 year Investment Programme of £2.3 billion from 01.04.15 to 31.03.21 and outline the revised business planning process.

 ADA Lincolnshire Branch meeting, 15.10.15.

Members received and noted the report.

77.15 Financial Performance Report to 31.10.15, month 7 of 2015/16.

The Financial Performance Report for the first 7 months of 2015/16, to 31st October 2015, had been circulated with the agenda and was presented by the Finance Manager.

Pleasingly, at this stage in the year the Board has a healthy surplus positon of (£173,814), which is a positive variance of (£95,077) ahead of the profiled budget surplus of (£78,737) as at 31st October. Members were reminded, however, that some of the high risk spend areas, notably electricity costs at pumping stations during winter months, had not yet been incurred. Furthermore, the Board had benefited from lower than budgeted fuel prices (£23k surplus) and this may change. Pump lifts expenditure was still in surplus at (£7k) but spend would catch up as pumps are lifted, inspected and refurbished as part of the annual maintenance programme. Overall, income to the Board is a healthy (£59k) above profile at this stage in the year.

On drainage rates collection as at 31.10.15, 91.7% of income due to the Board had been collected (prior year and 2015/16 rates), or £218,276.68. There was £19,110.04 outstanding as at 31.10.15. However, it was confirmed that since the report was written on 02.11.15, one large outstanding account of circa £8k had been paid, meaning there now was a residual £10,884 income outstanding to the Board across 7 drainage rates accounts. A court date had been set for 25.11.15.

On bank balances, as at 31.10.15 these were as follows:

Lloyds 1 £ 15,207.40 Lloyds 2 £549,148.38 Nationwide Instant Access £ 400.32 Nationwide 90 Day Notice £201,599.45 Total £766.355.55

The total included the second tranche of Special Levy monies received from both North Kesteven District Council and City of Lincoln Council as at 31.10.15, but it was noted that the balance did not include the payments subsequently received from South Kesteven District Council, West Lindsey District Council and Newark and Sherwood District Council. It was also noted that balances would now reduce as 3966 most income for the year (Special Levy, Drainage Rates and Highland Water) had now been received up to 31.03.16.

Members received and NOTED the report and additional verbal update on the financial position as at 31st October 2015.

78.15 Statement of Expenditure, 01.09.15 to 31.10.15.

The Statement of Expenditure incurred for the 2 months to 31st October 2015 had been circulated with the Agenda.

Expenditure totalled £374,528.01 or, excluding £45,413.27 VAT, the net amount of £329,114.74. Of this, £3,176.80 was rechargeable expenditure to other bodies.

Queries were raised on items 15 and 16, charges to WorldPay Ltd. for both monthly service fees and transaction costs for card payments to the Board. The Board was collecting income by card and people appeared to be using this facility well. However, there would be a discussion at the Board’s Finance and General Purposes Committee meeting about card payment options. It was confirmed that ratepayers are not charged for making payments by cards.

Item 41, a payment of £425 (excl. VAT) to Local World Ltd. was queried. It was explained that this was one of a series of 3 or 4 advertisements relating to the 2015 Election. The Board is required to place such advertisements in the newspaper (this one was the Lincolnshire Echo on 10.09.15). The Chief Executive confirmed that this issue had been raised by ADA’s Policy & Finance Committee with Defra, given the high costs of advertising and that the required notices are placed on Boards’ websites, but at present the newspaper advertisements are legally required.

Item 222 was queried, a £278 membership subscription fee on behalf of a member of staff for the period 01st January to 31st December 2016. It was explained that the subscription is paid in advance for the member of Engineering staff concerned, as is usual practice.

Members NOTED the expenditure concerned.

79.15 Financial Regulations and Statement of Internal Control.

The Board was reminded that when Grant Thornton, External Auditors, issued the Notice of Closure on the 2014/15 Audit, an ‘other matter’ report was raised which did not affect the clean audit opinion. This was as follows:

“Financial Regulations. The Financial Regulations do not include checks to ensure that all expenditure is within the powers of the Internal Drainage Board or checks to ensure that all PAYE/NI and VAT regulations are met”.

A paper had been circulated with the agenda which set out proposed minor changes to 5 sections within the Financial Regulations approved by the Board in November 2014. In each paragraph, the proposed changes were highlighted in bold type.

Members APPROVED the changes, as set out in the paper, and it was agreed that these would be incorporated into a revised set of Financial Regulations and Statement of Internal Control, to be dated November 2015 and reissued (including on the Board’s website). 3967

Mr. Fred Myers, Chairman, left the meeting at this point (at 3.30pm) and Cllr. Pat Vaughan chaired the remainder of the meeting.

80.15 Engineering Services Report (No.E664e15)

The Engineering Services Report had been circulated and was presented by the Engineering Services Officer. The following were highlighted:

 Lincoln University.

The University will soon start work on the Engineering Hub Phase 2 (planning application 2012/0473/O). This is adjacent to the attenuation pond on the main campus. The Board maintains a flow channel around the edge of this pond on two of the three sides and is currently in discussion with BAM Construction to ensure adequate access arrangements are available in front of the West elevation of the new building. This is subject to planning application 2015/0773/CXN.

Recently the university has purchased land off Ruston Way from the Brayford Partnership. The site includes the attenuation pond that the Board, in July 2012, formally agreed could be scheduled for maintenance subject to a commuted sum. Brayford Partnership did not enter into an agreement and the maintenance remains the responsibility of the riparian owner. No maintenance has been undertaken since the pond was re-profiled in 2013 and it is now becoming overgrown. The University is looking at various development options for the Ruston Way site. In two recent meetings the Board’s Engineering Services Officer had ensured the design volumes are not compromised and any works proposed improve accessibility to allow easier site maintenance.

 Planning Applications.

A scheduled of the planning applications received and the comments submitted to various local planning authorities was included in the report.

The report was received and NOTED.

81.15 Consents & Enforcements.

A report outlining the current position on consents and enforcement cases, both within the drainage district and in the extended rainfall catchment where the Board acts for and on behalf of Lincolnshire County Council as the Lead Local Flood Authority, had been circulated. Detail was as follows:

 Byelaw Consents.

Reference Location Applicant Details Date UD-2332-2015- Bassingham J E Porter Ltd Outfall into Sand Syke 30/09/2015 CON UD-2333-2015- South LCC Replacement footbridge 22/10/2015 CON Hykeham over South Hykeham Catchwater UD-2343-2015- North Mr M Gurr Replacement larger 05/10/2015 CON Hykeham garage


 Section 23 Land Drainage Act Consent Applications – Board’s Extended Area.

Reference Location Applicant Details Date UE-2331- AWS Relining of sewer with 30/09/2015 2015-CON outfall into Pike Drain Diversion UE-2334- North Hykeham VxI Power Retaining wall in 30/09/2015 2015-CON watercourse for stability UE-2380- Thurlby Lake CEMEX UK New ditch for quarry 30/10/2015 2015-CON drainage

 Enforcement Issues – Board’s District.

Reference Location Description / Comments Actions UD-886- QK Cold stores, Previously Case No. Further investigation in progress 2014-ENF Tollbar Drain, 2013.05 Marston Low Service Wires

UD-2131- Sudbrook Beck, Bank slip probably due to Owner notified and arranging for 2015-ENF Sudbrook water extraction remedial work to be undertaken UD-2260- Southam Drain Damage to concrete cover Awaiting access to site 2015-ENF (piped), Heapham UD-2262- Coats Drain, Coats Obstruction in watercourse Case closed 11/09/2015 2015-ENF UD-2298- 64 Hainton Road, Possible maintenance Case closed 14/10/2015 2015-ENF Lincoln required to ditch UD-2362- Land off Rookery Possible maintenance Case closed 07/10/2015 2015-ENF Lane Lincoln required to ditch

 Enforcement Issues – Board’s Extended Area.

Reference Location Description Actions /Comments UE-301-2013- Waterloo Flooding of property. Remedial work appears to be on- ENF Cottages, Possible blocked culvert going Belton. UE-656-2013- Rose Hill Problems with Awaiting confirmation from owners’ ENF Close, Saxilby watercourse due to new agent that the work has been development undertaken. No progress UE-1559- 8 Thoresby Blocked culvert caused Awaiting CCTV survey and remedial 2014-ENF Close, flooding of properties action by LCC Waddington UE-1788- Main Street, Possible maintenance to Some work completed. Levels taken 2015-ENF North Carlton watercourse required and continuing to monitor. UE-2055- Fenton Road, Slip in watercourse Awaiting repair by LCC 2015-ENF Stubton UE-2155- Football field, Blockage in watercourse Contacted owner, awaiting response 2015-ENF Road, Lincoln

Members received and NOTED the report.


82.15 Director of Operations’ Report.

The Director of Operations’ Report for the period 10.09.15 to 30.10.15 had been circulated with the agenda and was presented, together with a verbal update:

 Planned Maintenance Programme.

The main summer mechanical maintenance programme had progressed well through this period. The weather had been kind and much of the Board’s system to be maintained, as accessed from arable land, had been completed. Urban and village systems are now being cleared, some of them having second cuts.

 Plant.

The (replacement) new Atlas 150W wheeled excavator was delivered to the Board’s Meadow Lane depot on 23rd September. The machine was inspected and prepared for use and training in the use of the Prolec height limiting device was given to the driver and Foreman. The auxiliary fuel tank was found to have been manufactured with a ‘neck’ tube that prevented the full filling of the tank. A replacement tank had been manufactured and fitted to the machine.

The Board had issued tenders for the provision of a new long reach tracked excavator. These were returned on 6th November to allow the placing of an order before 31st December 2015, with delivery in June 2016 (so payment will be in 2016/17 as planned).

 Pumping Stations.

No action has been advised by the EA to eradicate the invasive non-native species of weed, Azolla [Azolla filiculoides] found in the drains feeding the Pyewipe Pumping Station system and notified. Given the time of year and that it will not interfere with the ability to discharge water into the Fossdyke Canal, it is not intended to take any further action other than to confine it as now with a floating boom. Inspections will be undertaken early next spring to confirm its presence, when any action required to eradicate will be of a smaller scale, compared to later in the season when it has had chance to multiply and spread.

The planned and routine maintenance of pumping equipment has continued with the lifting and refurbishment of the submersible type pumps at Saxilby [Wright], Pyewipe [Delph] and Pyewipe [New]. Saxilby has been replaced and recommissioned, Pyewipe New is currently in the workshop and once this has been replaced the Delph pump will be removed, subject to catchment conditions.

Pleasingly, the pumps removed to date have shown no adverse signs of wear and tear other than that to be expected given the nature of their workload and age.

The refurbishment of the diesel engines and auxiliary equipment at Pyewipe Pumping Station continues.


 Public Sector Co-operation Agreement.

The Board had continued to undertake work on behalf of the Environment Agency under the PSCA. Vegetation removal and obstructions runs have been completed to their specification on Boultham Catchwater Drain, Skellingthorpe Beck, Skinnard Dyke, Cardinal Dyke, Foston Beck and Shire Dyke.

 Workforce.

A member of the Board’s workforce is currently suspended from work following an incident at the depot. To minimise any subsequent delays to the summer programme, and to make the most of the favourable ground conditions, a tractor/flail Operator is being employed on a temporary part-time basis (a retired former employee of the Board).

 Winter Works Programme 2015/16.

Whilst the winter de-silting and bushing works programme had been outlined at the last meeting, for the benefit of new members this was restated:

Watercourse Length Miles (km) Pyewipe Junction Drain 0.24 0.1 Pump Drain West 1.88 1.2 Hykeham Pump Drain North 3.16 2.0 North Hykeham Catchwater Drain 1.62 1.0 Washland Soke Dyke 0.8 0.5 Green Lane Drain 0.64 0.4 North Hykeham Pump Drain South 0.61 0.4 Soke Dyke 1.25 0.8 Totals 10.2km 6.4 miles

This would start on completion of the summer maintenance programme.

 Witham Brook.

In relation to a query raised by Cllr. Nick Craft, the Director of Operations confirmed that the multi-agency flood group meeting to be held on 19.11.15 would be discussing the repeat flood events at this location (north of ) and he was optimistic that the EA wished to progress a scheme.

Members received and NOTED the report and presentation.

83.15 Stapleford Parish Drain (Report No.662)

A report had been circulated with the agenda which advised members on the basis of a request received on 13.10.15 from the Chair of the Stapleford Parish meeting that the Board adopt and schedule Stapleford Parish Drain for future maintenance. This is a watercourse which flows through the village, a location plan was provided.

There is historical evidence that the village is at risk of flooding. There is a record of flooding in 1969 and North Kesteven District Council has reports commencing in 1998. Although the Board did not record flooding in its Report No 526 which dealt with the July 2007 Floods, it undertook a survey of the drain in March 2008 which 3971 confirmed that there was a risk to the low lying properties within the village. At least one property owner employed the use of a small pump to try to protect their property in 2007. The village is shown to be at risk in the Flood Map issued by the Environment Agency.

Since 2008 the maintenance of the watercourse has been undertaken by the Board as rechargeable works, following receipt of an annual request from North Kesteven District Council. The annual charge to the District Council has been approximately £700, which correlates to around one and a half days work. Not all sections of the drain have, however, been included in this.

North Kesteven District Council had requested the Board to undertake the work again this year, but given notice to the Parish Meeting and the Board that they will not fund any more work on the watercourse. The reason given for this is the reduced role of the District Council following the creation of role of Lead Local Flood Authority in April 2012 (in Lincolnshire this is LCC) and general pressures on budgets. North Kesteven District Council has also indicated that letters will be sent to the affected land owners.

Mrs Jennie Milan, on behalf of Stapleford Parish Meeting, is keen to ensure the certainty of annual maintenance of Stapleford Parish Drain following the withdrawal of funding by North Kesteven District Council. Her reasons for this are cited as the substantial risk of flooding in the village, that the default responsibility is in the hands of multiple (5) riparian owners and that the drain meets the criteria of the Board’s Policy for Adoption of a Watercourse (approved in January 2014).

The Board was made aware in early 2013 that North Kesteven District Council was likely to withdraw the funding for the annual work at some time point in the future.

The Board approved a Policy for the scheduling of watercourses in January 2014 and the request for adoption does comply with criteria 3 and 4 as follows:

The watercourse has known There is a perceived need. drainage issues, where regular maintenance could resolve or ameliorate these.

The watercourse lies within It serves a flood defence or and/or serves a developed area environmental purpose. or an environmentally sensitive area that could be impaired without regular maintenance.

There followed discussion about the scarce resources of the Board and the need to take care in adopting additional watercourses, so as not to set precedent. It was outlined that recent scheduling has been determined on a case by case basis and, in summary, the Board has scheduled five watercourses since 2007:

 Bransby Village Drain.

This was scheduled as part of a multi-agency scheme following extreme flooding in the village in 2007. The watercourse provides an outlet for a piped drain that was constructed by Lincolnshire County Council, as the Highways Authority.


 Marston Hall Drain.

This was scheduled in 2008 following notification that properties in the village were being flooded and the watercourse, which was the outlet for the public sewer, was in a poor state of maintenance. This was only 3 years after the land owner had been approached by the Board with an offer to schedule the watercourse. The Board had previously served notice on the landowner in 2002 because of obstructions to the public sewer.

 Western Drain Extension, Sewer Drain, Westborough & Long Lane Drain, Westborough.

Following flooding in 2007 the Board convened a Works Committee which recommended that it scheduled three watercourses to assist in reducing the risk of flooding to property. The Board agreed to do so.

The option of not scheduling the watercourses and the default position being the responsibility of several riparian landowners was discussed.

The recommendation in the paper was to adopt and schedule the watercourse from 2016. Members voted on the proposal. Of the 26 members present, 17 members voted to schedule Stapleford Parish Drain, 7 voted against doing so and 2 members abstained. It was therefore RESOLVED to adopt and schedule the watercourse for maintenance from 2016.

84.15 Lincoln Combined Catchment Study (Report No.663).

A paper outlining the recent work undertaken on the Lincoln Combined Catchment Study, a computer model of the Board’s pumping stations and drainage system West and North of Lincoln, had been circulated with the agenda and a presentation was given on the study by the Engineering Services Officer.

The Board had on 19.05.14 supported this project and an application was made to the Environment Agency for Flood and Coastal Risk Management Grant in Aid (FCRMGiA). The application was successful, to a maximum of £60,000 (£46k having been utilised to date) with a contract awarded to JBA Consulting.

The study provides a computer model of the Board’s 10 pumping stations and drainage system that serve part of Lincoln together with the area to the West and North. Boultham and Coulson Road serve the city from Boultham to St Marks and Beever Street area, pumping water into the . Pyewipe pumps water into the Fossdyke navigation from the university area and the land to the West of Lincoln, 3 other pumping stations also drain this land all the way to Broadholme. There is an ancient tunnel under the Fossdyke Navigation that connects to the 4 pumping stations that drain the area to the North of the Fossdyke navigation to Saxilby and up to Till Bridge Lane. The total catchment area is 51.4 km2 (20 square miles). There are no gravity connections to the River systems that flow through Lincoln and all of the water that collects has to be pumped by the Board’s pumping stations.

The final report is a comprehensive document that reinforces confidence in the Board’s interconnected drainage network and pumping stations. In summary, the results in the report indicate:


 Overall the system prioritises the urban area of Lincoln.  Even for high event return periods, there are relatively small areas of land flooded. This corresponds to the areas pumped by Fen Lane and Decoy pumping stations, which are the low level stations that pump into Skellingthorpe Pump Drain.  The stations to the North and South of the Fossdyke Navigation can operate independently and the decommissioning of the tunnel under the Fossdyke Navigation and Pyewipe Pumping Station would have minimal effect on the system.  The system is very robust and resilient, working during flood events even when pumping stations are not available.  Boultham Mere is not required for additional attenuation, although it still could be considered.

The model only takes into account the effects of rainfall on the ‘low level’ pumped catchments of the flood plain that is surrounded by ‘high level’ watercourses and flood banks that are mostly maintained by the Environment Agency. This ‘high level’ system has flood water levels much higher than in the ‘low level’ system and as a result there are additional risks from the ‘high level’ system overtopping or breach failure of the flood banks that protect the lower lying property and land.

In relation to the proposed development of the Western Growth Corridor the development area is a proposed Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) of the City of Lincoln. Most of the proposed development is within the flood plain that is served by Upper Witham I.D.B. pumping stations within the Lincoln Combined Catchment Study.

The ‘WGC Technical Flood Group’ is a Multi-Agency group overseeing the technical aspects, including flood risk of the proposed urban extension of Lincoln to the West. Upper Witham I.D.B. has a representative on this group, the Engineering Services Officer.

The Board’s position remains to oppose in principle the development of housing in the flood plain. That being said, the Board plays a full part in the Technical Group to advise on flood risk, water levels management, drainage and on mitigation measures. The decision making body is the relevant Local Planning Authority (LPA), in this case City of Lincoln Council.

RAB Consultants are members of the WGC Technical Flood Group, with the role to undertake high-level modelling and produce technical reports. RAB Consultants have recently produced the ‘Lincoln Western Growth Corridor Technical Working Group Flood Risk Report Update’. This document contains the potential development areas that have been identified, using the Environment Agency River Witham breach modelling results that have been assumed to represent the greatest flood risk. The areas that are identified for housing would be raised to a level that would not be affected by flood water from these breaches.

It also sets out the requirements of the detailed Flood Risk Assessment and Drainage Strategy that will be required as part of any planning application for the site. The document includes all of the issues and reservations raised by the Board, including the objection to development in this flood plain.

Potentially there will be a planning application submission to City of Lincoln Council in early 2016.


There followed discussion about the modelling work done to date, potential additional information which would be useful (including model modifications to improve the flood protection to areas of the Board’s system shown to have the lowest standard). Subject to Environment Agency approval of funding, changes to water control levels and the configuration of pumps and pump capacities at existing stations would be modelled if the additional grant monies are confirmed.

In response to a question about the function of the River Till Washlands and Hykeham Washlands schemes, it was confirmed that the washland schemes help to store water upstream of Lincoln. This model, however, looks at the functioning of the Board’s system in terms of a breach model.

Members received and NOTED the report, presentation and the potential additional catchment modelling to be undertaken subject to confirmation of grant funding of £14k.

85.15 Any Other Business.

There were no further items of business.

86.15 Date, Time and Place of Next Meeting.

The next meeting of the Board was confirmed for Monday, 25th January 2016 in South Hykeham Village Hall commencing at 2.30 pm.

………………….……………………..Chairman.……………………………. Date UWBM 09.11.15