Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1966-12-09
~ ail Iowan Serving the niverslty of Iowa and the People of Iowa City ----------------------~---------- 10 cenu a COpy lowa at." Ion-P'ridIy, December t, 1 Art Additions Okayed; HOLIDAY QUEENS, fln.Il ... III the ftttt "s.nt. Lucia IN," .re, from ..,,: ,.tty CIoIc, AI, De. Moina.; Martt.a N...... , PI, Cylinder; Uncia aillr, .u. CecIIr It""'; SlIt Go.kI., A2, Hoo.,.r, N.... ; .l1li KIthy McCulley, AI, 0.1'....". An lIeI o.nI.. Board Unhappy At Cost ....m requIre. ttIIt the ......, It lie cMt. r, Currier HilI,...,.... __ .... _lie • trlditlona' "br.. kfe" vi,II" ... the I•• lilii"ii1", IIefwe Iht ChriltnWl .... 1· ay NIC GOERES additio . The additiona would be paid Regent Jonathan Richards of Red Oak, throu&h the eoDege of IJbera\ Arta be Uyt. - PIlote r, DIck Taffe Editar for, hoYiever, by I I I tive appropri tl In IOUth1l'elt Iowa, AId that much of the cinninl nat September. DES MOINES - Tb state Board of IIIhen th y are approved next ),eBr. promotion for a fourth collece for lOUth- • The approved proll'lIm inC\Ud J9 boun Reaenta reluctantly approved Thursday Th only ibiUt)' In which the audio 11' Iowa wsa • "Chamber o( Cornmerte" ot prerequiJit ,Ill boW'll of required cour- $1,125,000 {or University Art Building ad torlum fund would be used is that the effort. , and 12 boon of electiv Up to 50 eIltlons. I gisl ture mieht appropriate no capital The two croups ageed that the~ was ~enu maJorinc In the field can be ()o The Re n dislibd approving bl fu for the Board of Regents.
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