^ M O H ■\ WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1966 Average DaUy Net Prew Run' The Weather PAGE FORTY-FOUR iJIanrt|[^0t«r lEn^ning li^rald For the Week Ended V Portly cloudy and unaeasM* Deoember 8, leee ably mild through tomonWl low tonight 46^60, high toihbf. About Town Two to ^Give Recital 15,131 ^ row near 60. The ann\lal^ meeting ol the ManeheMter^A City of Viliage Charm Master’s Club of Friendship (Ofawaified Advertisinc ea p r i c e SEVEN CKNtl libdge of Masons will be held At Organ Dedication VOL. LXXXVT, n o . 58 (TWENTY-POUR PAGE^TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1966 tomorrow night at Willie’s Steak House. A social hour be- John Holz of Hartford, guest organist, and Walter and the reMrts'Tnd efecUon ^ Grzyb of Manchester, director of music at Center Con- officers will follow. gregational Church, will preside at the organ Sunday A verage Mnil ^ — at 3:30 p.m. at a Memorial Organ Dedication Service James w. Norris, son of Mr. at the church. The event is open to the public, WASHINOTON (AP) — and Mrs. James Norris of 213, The custom two-manual Allen You should receive 42 pieces Hilliard St., is a member of electric organ was installed in Center Church four years ago. of holiday season mall — if the Gold Crew ol the newly A native o f Manchester, he you’re average. commissioned Polaris subma- y> ’ educated In Manchester That’s what the Post Of­ rine, the USS Francis Scott $36,000 instrument was purchas- gQjjo^jg graduated in 1948 fice Department predicted Key, and will l^ave on its shake- ed with funds from a recent from Manchester High School. Fear 200 Drowned yesterday it would handle down cruise later this month, Organ Fund Drive at the church A tenor, he studied voice 'at this year for every man, Mrs. Norris and his brother, Westminster Choir College, ATHENS. Greece (AP) announced that 11 aurvivora had commission formed of naval woman and child In the Of Viet Nam Peace and memorial gifts to this drive. been picked bp and that others officera to open an Investigation country. The total of 8.5 Norris of Manchester It Is installed in three locations Princeton, N.J., during a sum­ -<-A Greek passenger ship commissioning communion mer session. He also studied gank ‘ today in a raging were stUl in the water. of the disaster. billion pieces would top last John Hole Walter Grzyb During ttie afternoon the num- U.S. Ambassador Phillips Tal- season’s record by about ceremonies Saturday at the UU' The Positiv division speaks piano and organ with the late storm in the Aegean Sea ber of those recovered rose to 16 hot called on Foreign Minister 300,000. derwater Sound Laboratory, from the top level to the right Frederic E. Werner of Manches- bright and “ Toccaita,’ ’ Eugene mlfiisters of Center Church, ^and and more than 200 persons New London, They were ac- and then to 20. John Toumbas to express con- of the central arch. The Swell Gigout. members of the Senior may have drowned. The Greek government de- dolences. Asks Longer companled by Mrs. Peter Bie- Pedal speak from the top During four years service in The Rev. Clifford O. Simpson Youth Ohodns will partiedpata In 1 ___ i_s ______I T 3 $a - . * persons aboard, dg^g^i g state of emergency to 'The storm that sank the Hera- lecki and Miss Elizabeth Ble- level to the left of the central the U.S. Navy he played and the Rev. Kenneth W. Steere, the service. only 47 had been snatched from lecki, all of Manchester, and French horn in a Navy band aid the rescue operations, klion was part of a wave ol vio- U A W Denies Cease-fire arch, while the Great speaks the stormy seas hours alter the Reports coming in from the lent weather that swept across Charles Kemp of Hartford. from the back wall of the choir unit aboard the USS Missouri ship went down. rescue operation said some of Greece and the Islands. Three loft. This results in horizontal o ff Korea. He earned a B.A. The 8,900-ton Heraklion sank the survivors were seriously persons drowned in floods that Mrs. Arthur Stewart of 179 stereophonic separation, giving degree as a music major at the Delinquency At Christmas half way between the Island of injured. broke out in northern greece Boulder Rd.. president of the each division its own identifica- University o f Connecticut in FRED C. STURTEYANT Crete and .the Greek mainland, .Strong winds __and rough seas after torrential rains. Greater Hartford Branch of the tion yet blending into the tra- 1^7, and a M.A. degp:ee in mu- VATICAN CITY (AP) in its regular lO-hour crossing hamMred resM work Thousands of acres of farm- O f Paym ent National League of American ditional spectrum of organ sic education at UConn in 1969. INTERIOR PAINTING and PAPERHANGING —Pope Paul VI said today from Crete to Piraeus, the port Premier Stephanos Stephanp- land were inundated in scat- Penwomen, will participate in sound one hears in the main He joined the faculty of Ben- INDUSTRIAL - COMMERCIAL - RESIDENTIAL the outlook for an end to of Athens. poulos declared a period of na- tered sections of the country. WASHINGTON "Calendar,” a discussion of the body of the church, Holz says, net in 1959. CHOOSE WALLPAPER IN YOUR OWN The first survivors sighted tional mourning. The Justice Traffic, ' and communications United Auto Workers Union, in the war in Viet Nam ap­ There are no bubbles but little else is missing in this swank office, headquar­ activities of the group, on Chan­ The guest organist is assoc- Before coming to Center HOME AT DISCOUNT PRICES were floating in the sea 19 miles maritime were widely disrupted. .the latest chapter of the feud pears brifirhter and ca ll^ ters for Lawrence Welk. It’s on the top floor of a seven-story building and is nel 24 Tuesday, Dec. 13, at 8:30 iated with the Allen Organ Stud- Church Grzyb was choir direc- northeast of the Island of Milos, on both sides to extend across the street from a park. Welk hat situated there as a reminder of hia- * p.m. los of Hartford and is respon- tor and organisrt for area church- EXTERIOR AIRLESS SPRAY SYSTEM where the Venus de Milo statue between labor leaderii Walter P. Reuther and George Meany, yearend truce periods into d it situated there as a reminder of his sible for the tonal design of the es including St. John’s Polish TWO COAT JOB WITH A ONE COAT PROCESS w u discovered In 1820. an armistice that would Manchester Jaycee Waives will instrument and handled the ar- National Catholic Church, Corn- denies it is delinquent in pay­ Shipping officials said the permit peace talks. sponsor a Christmas party for rangements for the installation mimity Baptist and Bolton Con- TEL. 649-4645— 649-2979 Heraklion carried 206 passen­ ment 'o f nearly three months the children of members Sun- <,f the organ. gregational. dues to the AFL-CIO. “ The idea of an end to hostili­ ONE OF THE OLDEST PAINT FAMILIES gers, including one foreigner, Loose Legal System ties is becoming stronger and and a crew of 75 commanded by Neither auto workers Presi­ 8 ^ He is organist and choir mas- The dedication will open with IN CONNECTICUT Welk Still Going Strong dent Reuther nor AFL-CIO chief more confident^ the Pope said. ^ Center Congregational a program by the guest organ- Capt. E. Vemikos. Meany is talking. But Informed "If, as it has been announced, a visit froni^° Hartford, chairman o f 1st. Selections are "Fantasia on ’ The foreign passenger was not Delays Sea Advances a further cessAticn o f hostiUtlea f r e s ^ ^ t s a ^ a jh s i t f^^^ the Organ and Church Music Adeste Fidells,’’ b y E r id T h i- immediately identified. sources said as ol today Reu- ther’s union would be behind is to follow shortly, on the Despite Long T V Exposure Z>I>ParM tof HarU man; “Lo, How a Rose E’er The sinking of the Heraklion BOSTON (AP)—Man splashes white diamond). When they some $270,(XX) if it didn’t pay by Christmas truce, why do not fnmiiips Music Of the University Of Hart- Blooming,” Johannes Brahms; was one of a series of postwar J Buy Your Christmas Tree into the sea in search of food come through, carriers are Dec. 15. both parties to the conflict join HOLLYWOOD (AP) — The Alsace-Lorraine accent he ac- The future seems Indefiniti^ ___ ford, and is dean of the Hart- “ O Thou God the Father,” Jo- disasters to Greek ships. The Obliged to move, as g;racefully the two separate truces into a cruise ship Lakonia burned and end wealth, armed with increas- A union that falls behind 90 bronze plaque in the gleamingly quired from his immigrant par- After 42 years of his 62 as « Veterans......... of World War -I Bar- Chapter, American Guild. of hann „Sebastian t Bach; “ Volun- as they can. single, continuous period oC ^ from Ruth Howes £ .sank during a Christmas cruise ingly sophisticated equipment days in its per capita payments modem buUding features a life- ents. “ It has always been our band leader, he retains the old r^cks and Auxiliary have been Organists. He received a bach- tery VHI m D Minor, — "The evolution of law will to the AFL-CIO faces automatic time, so that new ways may be _ _ .
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