
My ’s name is Son . He is a Saiyan with like powers and stuff. Goku was born on planet and was sent to Earth to kill all of the people there and sell it. An old man named found him in the woods and Goku hitting his head on a rock was cleared of his memory. Goku was raised by grandpa Gohan until he was killed by Goku when he transformed into a great ape and stepped on his house. Eventually he was found in the woods by a girl named and she eventually brought him to some guardian­like figure named Kami and then he grew up.

Goku’s powers are that he is very strong. Like he could probably lift a planet strong. And he can shoot energy. Like really big energy. The energy is called Ki and it comes from strengthening his body and mind. Sometimes you can do that by lifting up pyramids. And he is also really fast, can fly and if he was hit with a nuke he would definitely survive.

Goku does not have a costume. He just wears a gi. One that is like somehow indestructible and doesn’t get destroyed when exposed to plasma. Well… I guess it could be believable. Also on the back of his gi is the symbol of whoever trained him. It changes a lot.

Goku kind of doesn’t have weaknesses. His tail (which was cut off) if grabbed prevents him from moving but he doesn’t have a tail anymore. Goku has a lot of enemies because he is annoying and doesn’t fight anyone until like the last second. So here are all of the people he has annoyed. , , , and all of his evolutions. I guess Piccolo was his enemy first.

Goku’s mission is to become stronger. Saving the earth was kind of just a side effect. Until he realised that if the world was destroyed then he would have nowhere to live.