Created: 11/03/2002 1

DragonBall M: Raditz Saga Adapted from “The Return of Raditz” by Matthew A. I.

Part I: Saga

A stranger appears before , King Cold and their troops. A guard reports, “The power level of this intruder is that of a baby, only level 5”. On the order of King Cold, the troops attack the stranger, only to be cut into pieces. Frieza turns on his intercom and announces the need for backup. Before Frieza can even finish his sentence, the stranger transforms into a Super Saiyan.

This unknown Super Saiyan angers Frieza as he remembers back to his defeat at the hands of a Super Saiyan named . Frieza thrusts towards the Super Saiyan in an attack formation to only get knocked down. Using an attack similar to that, which destroyed planet Namek, Frieza thrusts a ball of energy towards the Super Saiyan, to no avail. In a failed attempt to destroy the stranger, the Super Saiyan slices Frieza into pieces with his sword.

Shocked at the sight of his son being destroyed, King Cold falsely submits to the Super Saiyan. In a sign of admiration, King Cold asks to see the stranger’s sword. With sword in hand, King Cold attempts to stab the stranger, only to be shot in the stomach and soon after destroyed when his pleas of surrender are ignored.

Inside King Cold’s ship, the few remaining crewmembers send a transmission into space of the events heard over Frieza’s intercom with the additional messages of Saiyans living on Earth and the destruction of Frieza and King Cold. The Super Saiyan turns towards the ship and destroys it and the crew inside.

Part II: Unknown Cousin

Ten years after the defeat of Kid Buu at the hands of Goku, a report has reached Prince that Saiyans exist on a planet in the same solar system where planet Vegeta

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used to exist. Reading the report, Vegeta soon realizes that Raditz, Goku’s brother, has a son two years older to that of , Goku’s oldest son.

For the last few years, since the news of Frieza’s demise became known via a stray radio transmission, allies to the Royal Saiyan Family have been reporting to Vegeta at Capsule Corporation of the existence of Saiyans who survived the destruction of Planet Vegeta.

Unsure what to do with this news, Vegeta tells his wife, . Excited about the news, Bulma calls Gohan’s house where his wife, , answers. Bulma discloses to Videl the news of a cousin not known to Gohan or anyone else on Earth. Gohan overhears Videl’s half of the conversation and asks what it all meant, Videl explains it to him. Learning he has a cousin, it excites Gohan and he flies to his mother’s house to inform her and his brother, Goten of their new relative.

Calling from Chi-chi’s house, Gohan asks Vegeta, “Make contact with Raditz’s son and invite him to Earth”. Vegeta does as Gohan asks and while making contact, Vegeta learns that Raditz’s son is named Radzu. Radzu seems thrilled to learn of new relatives as well as speaking to the Prince of the Saiyans.

A month later, Gohan and his family meet with Vegeta at Capsule Corporation in anticipation of Radzu’s arrival. Radzu arrives in a Saiyan pod, landing with a small impact in Capsule Corporation’s backyard. The pod opens and steps out a young man with long, black hair reaching to the center of his back. The young man identifies himself as Radzu, the son of Raditz.

After a month on Earth, Radzu decides to make his stay a long-lasting one. Vegeta is surprised about how intelligent and unSaiyan-like Radzu was. Radzu still likes to train and fight, but never tries to get into conflicts that he could not talk his way out of. Gohan took a liking to his cousin rather quickly. Radzu is only two years older then Gohan and they share many of the same interests. Radzu does not have any family, other then Gohan’s, so he is sometimes left out of some family-based activities.

Once Gohan revealed his ability to become Super Saiyan to Radzu and he learned of Vegeta, Trunks, Goku and Goten’s ability to also become Super Saiyan, Radzu felt unworthy of his family. A trait most Saiyans have is a sense of worthiness to be as strong as others are in their family. Radzu made it clear to Gohan he also wished to be a Super Saiyan and Gohan offered to train Radzu. After months of no success, Radzu gave up on training.

Using Instant Transmission, Goku and Uubu appear just outside of Chi-chi’s. They walk into the house and greet Chi-chi and Goten. Uubu empties out his pockets onto a table to reveal all seven Dragonballs. Goku explains, “I have been training Uubu to sense magical objects, one of the activities was to find the Dragonballs. It took a few months, but Uubu found them all just by sensing their power. Since we have no need for the Dragonballs at this point, they will leave them with you, Chi-chi, for safe keeping”.

Radzu walks into the room and Goku does a double take. Completely floored about whom this new person looks like, Radzu puts his hand out to shake Goku’s hand and announces he is Radzu, the son of Raditz. Goku shakes Radzu’s hand and gives him a hug. Goku did not know Raditz has any family other then himself and was excited to have a nephew. Goku asks Radzu, “Do you know what happened to your father”? Radzu gives a nod and admits, “What I can remember of him was that he was an angry man who blamed Frieza for the way his life turned out”. Radzu makes it clear that he holds no grudge about what Goku and had to do to save Gohan and the Earth. If Frieza was not in control of the Saiyans, Radzu feels his father would have been a better person.

Giving Chi-chi a kiss goodbye and hugging Goten, Goku and Uubu leave to continue training in the wilderness. Radzu asks Chi-chi, “What are the Dragonballs”? Chi-chi tells Radzu, “They are magical spheres that contain a dragon named Shenron. Shenron grants two wishes to whoever holds the Dragonballs provided the wishes are within the power of the

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creator and in this case, the creator is Dende”. Chi-chi mentions, “When the dragon is summoned using a certain phrase, the sky turns as black as night and Shenron appears. He is miles long, very impatient and rather rude”.

Part III: Raditz’s Return

Many sleepless nights... Thoughts of a better future... A new sense of worthiness... Radzu spends weeks with little sleep as thoughts of the Dragonballs, his father and being a Super Saiyan keep him awake at night. He knows he can use the Dragonballs to get everything he feels could make him happy. Can the dragon grant his wishes? How will his father act towards the others after the result of the events nearly 23 years ago?

Radzu decides he will take his chances, so he enters the living room, grabs the Dragonballs and heads for a remote part of the forest. Ensuring he was not followed, Radzu summons the dragon. Shenron appears and Radzu trembles with both fear and excitement. Shenron tells Radzu, “You have two wishes...” and mentions the limits of wishing. Radzu’s first wish is his father, Raditz, be revived. Appearing to Radzu’s side is Raditz, looking as young as Radzu and still wearing his broken Saiyan armor. Raditz demands to know where he is and who Radzu is. Radzu quickly explains to Raditz, “I am the son you left many years ago to serve Frieza and to take over Earth”. He also informs Raditz, “You are back on Earth, only a few hundred miles from where you died 23 years ago”.

Shenron demands, “You must make your second wish now so I can return to the Dragonballs”. Radzu wishes, “I wish myself and my father to be as strong as Gohan, as a Super Saiyan of the second level”. Shenron bows his head and both Radzu and Raditz become Super Saiyans of the second level. A golden glow surrounds their bodies as their power increases and their hair changes to blond. Shenron returns to the Dragonballs and they soon scatter to seven different parts of Earth. Radzu and Raditz can no longer hold the forms of Super Saiyans and return to a normal state. Excited about their new powers, Radzu and his father spend time training with each other as well as discussing the past two decades of events.

After a night of training and talking, Radzu decides it would be best if he slowly eases Gohan and his family into getting to a point where Radzu can introduce Raditz. After 3 days of spending the days at Chi-chi’s house and spending the nights with Raditz in the forest, Radzu decided it was time to get the family together and introduce Raditz.

It is an unseasonably warm day, Gohan, Videl, Pan, Goten, Chi-chi, Marron, , Eighteen, Piccolo, Dende and Mr. Popo gather for a picnic. Radzu arrives late, but with news he feels everyone is ready to accept. Radzu announces, “I borrowed the Dragonballs and with them I wished for two things”. Radzu transforms to a Super Saiyan and then into a Super Saiyan of the second level. Surprised, everyone was unsure how to react. Krillin asks, “Why would you make such a wish”? Radzu admitted, “I felt unworthy to be around Gohan and the other Saiyans and also felt I was never going to make it to Super Saiyan on my own. So... I got help from Shenron”. Krillin admits, “Wish you would have invited me, I could have used some more power. Maybe then I could take a punch from Gohan and not feel like I am going to die”.

Radzu waves his hand as to summon someone to his location and in the distance a golden glow appears. Landing next to Radzu is Super Saiyan Raditz. Radzu mentions, “I first wished my father back and then for the ability to reach a power level equivalent to that of Gohan at Super Saiyan of the second level for both my father and myself”.

No one could speak. Gohan, Piccolo and Krillin are totally blown away at the sight of Raditz. The three remember back over two decades ago to when Raditz kidnapped Gohan and in turn caused the death of Goku. Pan hides behind her mother while sneaking a small look at Raditz.

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Raditz speaks and only says, “Hello”. Knowing of what Raditz did in the past, all Chi- chi and Videl could do is scour at Raditz. Raditz, feeling the heat of the reception he is being given, announces, “I apologize for my actions so many years ago and that I was only simply following orders”. Raditz also mentions, “I did not want to disobey Frieza or he would have destroyed me and my family”.

Over time, everyone began to ease into being around Raditz, for the exception of Piccolo and Dende. Raditz and Radzu built a house a few miles from Chi-chi’s and live in it together. Vegeta and Raditz continued where they left off so many years ago and began training together. Vegeta is slightly stronger then Raditz, but Raditz has youth and speed on his side. Gohan, Goten and Trunks spent time with Radzu and Raditz and talk about past and current events.

Part IV: Super Saiyan Melee

It has been a year since his last visit and Goku and Uubu return to the region to take a break from training. Uubu decided to visit Hercule and Bee during his stay, Goku decided to stay with Chi-chi and Goten again. Goku arrives at Chi-chi’s to find Chi-chi, Videl and Pan talking in the living room. The women welcome him with hugs and then he goes into the bathroom to take a shower.

Coming out of the shower in shorts and a towel, Goku takes a seat on the couch and Chi-chi tells Goku of the past year’s news, excluding the return of Raditz. Goku keeps trying to look Chi-chi in the eye, but she turns away. Goku realizes Chi-chi is hiding something and asks Chi-chi, “Please tell me what is wrong, it will make you feel better”. She tells Goku what Radzu did and Goku is shocked. Goku wants to see his brother, but is unsure how each of them will feel when they see each other. Goku decides to eat and tomorrow, perhaps stop in on Gohan and then onto Raditz’s house.

A new day has arrived and Goku did not sleep much during the night. Goku kept having nightmares of the events that led to both his and Raditz’s first deaths. After a large breakfast, Goku calls on the Flying Nimbus and rides to Gohan’s house. Told of his father’s plan to visit, by Videl and Pan, Gohan greets Goku at the door and announces, “We are going to visit Raditz before you can change your mind”. Following Gohan, Goku flies to Raditz’s house.

Landing in front of Raditz’s house, Goku becomes increasingly nervous and slowly backs away from the door of the house. As he begins to slowly fly off, Gohan grabs Goku’s ankle and lowers Goku back to the ground. Gohan knocks on the door and the door opens to reveal Radzu. Gohan asks Radzu, “Where is Raditz”? Radzu says, “Raditz is at Capsule Corporation training with Vegeta, Trunks and Bra”.

Gohan decided to gather Goten, Pan, Videl, Radzu and Goku before headed off towards Capsule Corporation. Landing at Capsule Corporation, the group meets up with Bulma and is lead to the enhanced gravity training room. With the crowd standing in front of the door, Goku hiding behind all of them, Bulma rings the doorbell. The door opens and Vegeta stands on the other side. Behind Vegeta are Raditz, Trunks and Bra throwing energy blasts.

Vegeta immediately realizes that Goku stands behind the group and turns towards those in the training room and announces. “Hey, Kakarot is outside the door”. The room goes silent as Raditz makes his way towards the door. Raditz walks up to the door, past Vegeta and through the crowd and says, “Hello brother” and punches Goku in the face. Goku flies backwards through the wall and into the yard, finally landing on his back.

Shocked, no one moves, but then Raditz turns Super Saiyan and follows Goku outside. Gohan yells, “What the heck was that”? Radzu responds, “I have no idea, I thought my father was no longer upset with your father”. Everyone heads outside to check up on Goku.

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Raditz tells Goku, “That was for killing me”. Goku turns into a second level Super Saiyan kicks Raditz and says, “Same here”. Raditz increases his power to a second level Super Saiyan. Goku says, “Well, guess what? I can beat your second level Super Saiyan and raise you a third level”. Goku transforms into third level Super Saiyan. “Impressive Kakarot, but you no longer hold the monopoly over third level Super Saiyans”, says Raditz as he bears down and reaches the third level of Super Saiyan.

The crowd backs away from the power emanating from the two titans. Goku and Raditz are far beyond that of any unfused Saiyan could ever reach. Approaching maximum power, Goku and Raditz charge towards each other. As their blows make contact, flashes of energy momentarily blind the masses that watch in amazement.

Kicks and punches ensue as the brothers’ battle and brutally pummel each other. Raditz reveals that in his year of near constant training as a second level Super Saiyan, his power increased many times and quickly. Raditz continues and discloses, “I decided to take Dende’s offer to use the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. I took all the time I could ever use in my lifetime to reach this level of power. Just as a surprise for you, I kept it secret and now you will fight me until one of us can no longer stand on his own”.

The battle rages on for hours as considerable damage is done to the Capsule Corporation grounds. Dr. Brief runs out to see how the battle was progressing and in front of him Goku is flung back into the building. Dr. Brief asks Bulma, “Please keep them out of the building. We have too many things which could be destroyed and never be replaced”. Bulma gathers Vegeta, Trunks, Gohan, Goten and Radzu and instructs them to surround the fight and catch anyone who is flung towards the Capsule Corporation building. The men separate, transform into Super Saiyans and surround the battle that is now airborne.

Goku dives towards Raditz and extends his leg to kick. Raditz grabs Goku’s leg and flings him towards the building. Vegeta catches Goku and whisper, “Poor Kakarot! Beaten down by your older brother and all you can do is be his football”, Vegeta laughs and throws Goku back at Raditz.

Raditz dives towards Goku. Goku ducks and Raditz accidentally knocks out Vegeta. Surprised at what he just done, Goku plants a crushing blow into the center of Raditz’s back, sending him to the ground.

Realizing they could be as easily knocked down in their current form, Trunks and Goten fuse and become Gotenks, then transform to a third level Super Saiyan. Surprised, Radzu asks Gohan, “How did they do that”? Gohan answers, “The fusion dance, it did not take my father and Vegeta long to learn, but Trunks and Goten had a hard time at first. It only lasts 30 minutes, but it increases both power and speed”. Radzu follows up with, “Do you think we could try it”? Gohan replies, “Yes, watch how I do it, then we will do it together”. Gohan shows Radzu the fusion dance and decides it is time they both can try it. After 3 failed attempts, Gohan readjusts his power level to match Radzu’s and they finally fuse correctly. With Gohan as the base, they form Gohzu.

Gotenks catches both Raditz and Goku each a few times as they approach the building. The fusion between Goten and Trunks wears off and Gohzu powers up to a second level and then to a third level Super Saiyan. Both being new to fusion, they feel somewhat uncomfortable at first and in an attempt to catch Raditz, is knocked to the ground. Vegeta soon awakes and decides he should probably leave the fighting to the others. Vegeta instead crosses his arms and watches the fight with a smile of delight on his face.

Raditz uses a cannon attack on a weakened Goku, knocking him to the ground. In a last ditch effort, Goku begins to collect energy for a Kamehameha Wave. Raditz charges at Goku as the Kamehameha Wave is released. Raditz moves to the side just in time to only be buzzed by Goku’s attack. Goku drained his energy on the last attack and decides it is time to use the Super Kaioken.

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Goku is now able to out run Raditz, but his attacks are near worthless. Raditz floats in standing form while Goku just burns his energy. Raditz says, “I tire of this battle, it is time to end this”. With the Super Kaioken taking its drain on Goku, Raditz sees his opening and dropkicks Goku to the ground. Goku, drained of energy and back to his normal form, hits the ground and leaves a crater. Raditz lands near Goku and powers an energy attack. Gohzu flies as quickly as he can towards Raditz, but the fusion wears off, leaving both Gohan and Radzu drained of energy.

Raditz says, “Well brother... I win”. Goku quietly says, “Yes you do, I am still sorry Piccolo and I had to kill you. You tried to hurt my son and the planet I love. You have been here a year, you should realize now what I protect. You have both a son and this planet as residence. Vegeta realized this long ago, even though it took him a lot longer then one year”. Vegeta responds, “Keep me out of this, Kakarot”. Raditz replies, “You are right Kakarot. This planet is vastly different and better then our home world ever was. I will take this win and you can keep your life. By the way, never again compare me to Prince Vegeta or I will change my mind about taking your life”. Raditz powers down. Goku says, “No problem, help me up and lets go eat”. Bulma states, “That is our Goku”! Everyone laughs, says goodbye and heads to their homes.

Part V: Back to Training

It has been a busy week and Uubu meets back with Goku in front of Chi-chi’s house. Everyone gathers to say goodbye for another year. Goku says, “Hey Raditz, are you crying”? Raditz replies, “No, it is sand or dirt. Is it windy out here to anyone else”? Goku hugs his brother and they mutual pat each other’s back. Goku goes down the line and hugs his family and friends and shakes Piccolo’s and Vegeta’s hands. Uubu hugs Videl and Pan saying, “Hercule would like you to visit when you have time. He misses his little girl and granddaughter. Do not forget to take a treat to Bee”.

Goku and Uubu begin to fly off again and as they leave, Goku yells, “Do not forget to train for the tournament”! Most everyone waves until they can no longer see Goku and Uubu in the distance. A minute later Chi-chi yells, “Hey! Goku took all the food that was in the kitchen”! Everyone outside enjoys a good laugh.

The End!

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