Basketball Rules/ Study Guide Dribbling

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Basketball Rules/ Study Guide Dribbling Basketball Rules/ Study Guide Dribbling: You must dribble the ball below shoulder (try to dribble below your waist) One hand at a time Try to look ahead Don’t run with the ball without dribbling Keep palm down (never turn hand over while dribbling) Types of Passes: Overhead Pass (high and slow) Chest Pass (straight) Bounce Pass (off floor halfway between you and player you are passing to) Personal Fouls: Pushing Slapping the arms or hand of another player while they are shooting or anytime they have the ball Body contact (bumping any part of their body) Charging: running into another player while dribbling Do not push another student while you are dribbling with either of your arms or head to clear space. Fouls committed while a player is shooting result in two free throws (not in gym class because we don’t have time to set up). *Do not argue with foul calls, it will result in a technical foul or disqualification. Violations: Double dribble: dribbling with two hands at the same time or stopping dribbling and then starting again. Traveling: walking or running without dribbling the basketball. Carrying: turning the ball over in your hand to make it easier to control or dribbling above shoulder. Field Goals (any shot that isn’t a free throw) 2 points are awarded for shots made anywhere within the 3 point line. 3 points are awarded for shots made outside the 3 point line. There are no 3 point lines in Central’s gym. 1 point is awarded for each free throw. We won’t shoot free throws in gym class. General Rules and Facts There are five players on a basketball team. This is may not be how many students are on your gym class team. A team has five seconds to throw the basketball inbounds after a violation, foul, ball out of bounds, or a made basket. If it takes longer, it is a violation and a turnover. A team has ten seconds to get the ball over the half court line. There is no full court press allowed in gym class. After a made basket or turnover, return to your defensive positions on the other side of the basketball court Players must throw the ball to a teammate when bringing the ball inbounds. Each student may only commit 3 fouls per game in gym class. Three fouls will result in disqualification. 3-16 Rev 1/10bg .
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