Lineage Tracing for General Data Warehouse Transformations∗ Yingwei Cui and Jennifer Widom Computer Science Department, Stanford University fcyw,
[email protected] Abstract. Data warehousing systems integrate information and managing such transformations as part of the extract- from operational data sources into a central repository to enable transform-load (ETL) process, e.g., [Inf, Mic, PPD, Sag]. analysis and mining of the integrated information. During the The transformations may vary from simple algebraic op- integration process, source data typically undergoes a series of erations or aggregations to complex procedural code. transformations, which may vary from simple algebraic opera- In this paper we consider the problem of lineage trac- tions or aggregations to complex “data cleansing” procedures. ing for data warehouses created by general transforma- In a warehousing environment, the data lineage problem is that tions. Since we no longer have the luxury of a fixed set of of tracing warehouse data items back to the original source items operators or the algebraic properties offered by relational from which they were derived. We formally define the lineage views, the problem is considerably more difficult and tracing problem in the presence of general data warehouse trans- open-ended than previous work on lineage tracing. Fur- formations, and we present algorithms for lineage tracing in this thermore, since transformation graphs in real ETL pro- environment. Our tracing procedures take advantage of known cesses can often be quite complex—containing as many structure or properties of transformations when present, but also as 60 or more transformations—the storage requirements work in the absence of such information.