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Maternal Depression and Infant Development:


Lisa Miklush PhD, RNC, CNS and Cynthia D. Connelly PhD, RN, FAAN

Abstract Maternal depression (MD) is a condition that has wide-ranging effects on the woman, her family, and the broader global society. It is generally agreed that MD is associated with untoward effects on the developmental trajectory of offspring. The aim of this article is to review the historical and theoretical underpinnings informing current thought linking MD with infant development, and to highlight some of the neuroendocrine and epigenetic processes related to MD and its sequelae. A broad understanding of the association between MD and infant developmental outcomes can inform nursing care of the childbearing family.

Key Words: Attachment; Bonding; Infant develop- ment; Maternal depression. Chris Rout / Bubbles Photolibrary / Alamy / Bubbles Photolibrary Chris Rout

November/December 2013 MCN 369

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. aternal depression (MD) is a com- infant developmental outcomes. A sustained awareness mon debilitating condition associ- of MD and an appreciation of its potential sequelae are ated with numerous deleterious timely, as they encourage continued efforts to identify effects on individuals, families, and and support affected women and their families, ame- Msociety globally (Horwitz, Briggs- liorating its untoward effects. The specifi c relationship Gowan, Storfer-Isser, & Carter, between a mother and her child is the focus here; 2007; Institute of Medicine, although there is a growing body 2009). Pregnancy and childbirth of literature that addresses the is a time during the life course contribution of paternal care, when women are most vulnera- when present, and the role of care- ble to this and other psychiatric giving by nonparental individuals. disorders (Vesga-Lopez et al., 2008). The reported incidence of Infant Development: depression during this time varies We’ve Come a Long widely, from 5% to 25%, depend- ing on the population characteris- Way, Baby tics, the method of assessment, The many professions that are and the timing of the assessment concerned with the welfare of in- (Gaynes et al., 2005). MD is fre- fants and young children have quently accompanied by other progressed signifi cantly from the disorders—both medical and psy- notion of the infant as a tabula chiatric (Institute of Medicine, rasa (Locke, 1699), experiencing 2009), and there is often an asso- the world as a buzzing confusion ciation between depressive disor- (James, 1890). Throughout the ders before and during pregnancy ensuing centuries, philosophers with postpartum depression (Hor- age fotostock and theorists from Rousseau witz, Briggs-Gowan, Storfer-Isser, (1762) to Vygotsky (1978) have & Carter, 2009). Indeed, Wachs and colleagues (2009) added their individual perspectives to a rich tapestry of assert MD has a somewhat “infectious” nature, where understanding of the physical, cognitive, and socioemo- prenatal depression increases the risk for depression in tional aspects of early development. Although many the postpartum period, which increases the risk for con- theorists focused on delineating the ontogenic process tinuation of depression in the mother, which may initiate itself, other theorists examined the social and ecological depressive symptomatology in her children. determinants of development, with the maternal–infant MD is of particular concern during the perinatal pe- relationship being a primary focus. Intriguing clues to riod, due to its potential impact on fetal, infant, and the centrality of the mother–infant dyad to human devel- child development (Tronick & Reck, 2009). Effects on opment have been provided by early investigations using early ontogenic processes is a prime concern because the nonhuman primates and by human case studies of quality of development that takes place in early life is an maternal deprivation. important determinant of health, learning, and behavior over an individual’s life course, which in turn affects the The Dawning of a New Perspective degree of an individual’s well-being and ability to func- Over the years, many a student sitting in an introductory tion within and contribute to the society at large. Chil- class has been moved at the sight of a baby dren who have attained optimal physical, intellectual, monkey clinging to a surrogate mother made of wire and and social development may be more resilient to the terry cloth. These classic experiments were conducted by vagaries of life, including those imposed by poverty and American psychologist in the 1950s and violence (World Health Organization, 2004). Conse- 1960s. Like most in the scientifi c community during this quently, investing in early child development pays sig- time, Harlow was infl uenced by ’s psycho- nifi cant dividends in human and economic development analytic theory, which asserted, among other things, the by fostering the development of productive and capable maternal–infant relationship was paramount in human adults. development (Freud, 1949). Harlow was also infl uenced The association between MD and its potential delete- by the work of René Spitz (1945) who described the det- rious effects on human ontogeny (the development of an rimental effects of the separation of mothers and infants organism) is perhaps intuitive, but the linking of these in state-run hospitals and orphanages in post-World War issues is a product of an extensive history of investiga- II Europe. Spitz reported a lack of maternal contact re- tion and theory development spanning the centuries sulted in what he termed hospitalism, a spectrum of psy- (Table 1). This review describes some of the notable chogenic maladies characterized by arrested growth, historical and theoretical underpinnings that support a lethargy, diverse psychological and behavioral patholo- connection between MD and infant development, and gies, and even death in the institutionalized children. The current research that has measured the impact of MD on incidence of psychopathology and mortality were not

370 volume 38 | number 6 November/December 2013

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. The most relevant consequence of the obstetric dilemma is the limitation it imposes on the degree of brain development that can occur prenatally.

offset by the provision of food and attendance to hygiene of others began a paradigm shift in the fi eld of infant and needs (Spitz, 1945). Intrigued by these fi ndings, Harlow child development. Although it was understood animal conducted a series of investigations examining the mother– models do not fully mimic human behavior, observations infant affectional bond, using rhesus monkeys as a model in nonhuman primates correlated well with human stud- for human behavior. The outcomes of these experiments ies involving maternal deprivation, and thus paved the are a familiar story. Baby monkeys deprived of their way for theorists to develop the important constructs of mothers became emotionally disturbed and demonstrat- bonding (Bowlby, 1988) and attachment (Klaus, Kennel, ed abnormalities in behavior. When baby monkeys were & Klaus, 1995). These theorists began to illuminate the given two surrogate mothers, a bare wire surrogate nature of the relationship between infants and young mother that had a nipple for feeding and a cozier cloth- children with their primary caregivers. covered surrogate, the baby monkeys developed a strong attachment to the cloth surrogates and little or no attach- Attachment, Bonding, and Beyond ment to the bare wire surrogates, regardless of which English child psychiatrist (1988) drew on surrogates provided nourishment. Among other things, the fi ndings of Spitz, Harlow, and other investigators these experiments pointed to the importance of what who focused on the effects of maternal care on early Harlow termed contact comfort (Harlow & Harlow, development (Sumoni, van der Horst, & van der Veer, 1962). However, contact comfort alone was not suffi - 2008). Along with American developmental psychol- cient for normal development to proceed. Harlow also ogist , Bolby described the mutual noted none of the baby monkeys that clung to cloth sur- process by which infants and their primary caregivers rogates developed into normal adolescents or adults— interact with each other, resulting in the formation of neither socially nor sexually. This led Harlow to specu- the intimate emotional attachment bonds. Bowlby and late there must be multiple processes connecting mothers Ainsworth described a variety of infant behaviors that and babies, and maternal–infant social phenomena comprise a repertoire of signals designed to keep the such as vocalizations, gestures, and various other social individual to whom the infant has bonded close at hand, behaviors may be essential elements supporting early thus ensuring the infant’s needs are met. The maternal– developmental processes. Harlow’s work and the work infant social phenomena about which Harlow specu- lated are demonstrated by infant behaviors such as smiles, coos, and eye contact, which are aimed at elicit- Infant development: ing a reciprocal response of warmth and social contact TABLE 1. from caregivers. A brief timeline of thinking The construct of attachment was refi ned by Klaus, Kennel, and Klaus (1995). It is generally believed both Locke (1699) Tabula rasa attachment and bonding refer to unidirectional phenom- James (1890) Buzzing confusion ena, where attachment describes the infant’s emotional tie to the parent and bonding refers to the parent’s emotional Spitz (1945) Hospitalism bond to the infant. However, bonding is often used to re- Harlow (1962) Contact comfort fer to the strong emotions that bind one person to another in either direction. The formation of attachment, although Bowlby (1988) Bonding primarily a developmental task for the infant, serves to Klaus, Kennel, and Klaus bond the infant and caregivers in a kind of a partnership. Attachment (1995) With the introduction of the constructs of attachment and Rosenberg and Trevathan bonding, a picture of infant develop ment began to come Obstetrical dilemma (2002) into focus. It would become established science that a sen- sitive and responsive caregiving environment is as crucial Gunnar and Adam Gene-environment (2012, others) interaction to optimal health of the developing child as the provision of nourishment.

November/December 2013 MCN 371

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Maternal behaviors determine the character and quality of the environment in which infant development occurs.

The Obstetrical Dilemma vulnerability, where the effects of experience and envi- With the growing realization that the nature of the ronment on the developing brain are particularly strong. maternal–infant relationship is a strong determinant of For optimal outcome, then, a sensitive and responsive infant developmental outcomes, it is essential to under- environment is crucial—not only to meet physiological stand why; what is it about mothers and their babies needs, but to guide critical changes in brain architecture that makes this so? Much of the answer lies in the well- and neurodevelopment. established fi elds of neurobiological, behavioral, and social sciences, which have opened our collective minds When Attachment Is Derailed to the remarkable fetal, neonatal, and infant patterns of development, and the extraordinary degree of encephali- Parenting behaviors—particularly those of the mother— zation that sets humans apart from other species in the determine the character and quality of the environment animal kingdom. in which human ontogenesis occurs, sustaining the altri- The exceptional cognitive abilities of humans require cial (incapable of feeding itself) infant through the ex- relatively large brains with extensive cortical develop- tended period of immaturity and dependency (Swain, ment and neural circuitry (Rosenberg & Trevathan, 2007), and laying the groundwork for secure attachment. 2002; Williams, 2002). A large brain presents a prob- From the fi rst minutes of extrauterine life, the neonate’s lem, however, when taking into account the relatively neurophysiological state is primed to anticipate and small pelvic opening through which the fetus emerges depend on touch, voice, face, and nurturing care. Essen- (DeSilva & Lesnik, 2008). An obstetrical dilemma is tial to nurturing care are maternal sensitivity and re- created when the aforementioned encephalization is sponsiveness, where infant cues such as crying or facial coupled with the constraints of the curved and compacted expressions are recognized, interpreted, and responded pelvis characteristic of human bipedalism—the fact to in an appropriate manner. Normally, the maternal that humans walk upright on two feet (Rosenberg & brain is activated to respond to these cues, motivating Trevathan, 1995; Rosenberg & Trevathan, 2002; Tague the mother to respond (Swain, 2007). This synchronous & Lovejoy, 1986). The mechanical requirements of erect give and take between mother and infant creates a bipedalism place limits on the size, shape, and degree of healthy and supportive caregiving environment (Tronick fl exibility of the female pelvis and birth canal. In con- & Reck, 2009). trast to their human counterparts, the birth canals of Alterations in maternal mood and emotional state, nonhuman quadrupedal primates tend to be relatively such as those found in perinatal depression, can alter straight with a spacious anterior–posterior diameter effective maternal caregiving behaviors and transform (Rosenberg & Trevathan, 2002). the infant’s developmental milieu. Depression is charac- The most relevant consequence of the obstetric dilem- terized by physiological and psychological dysregula- ma created by the cephalopelvic ratio is the limitations it tion, producing such symptoms as fatigue, disturbances imposes on the degree of encephalization that can occur in sleep and appetite, anhedonia, negative affect, and prenatally. This central feature of the human brain is of bouts of irritability, guilt, and withdrawal (American singular importance, because it obliges the human Psychiatric Association, 2013; Wachs, Black, & Engle, organism to accomplish a large degree of brain develop- 2009). In susceptible childbearing women, the rapid ment in the early postnatal environment (DeSilva & decline in female reproductive hormones that occurs Lesnik, 2008). Once the infant begins life outside the after childbirth may contribute to monoamine, repro- womb, accelerated brain growth and intense differentia- ductive hormone, and stress hormone dysregulation, tion, myelinization, and synaptogenesis occurs, support- leading to the development of depressive symptomatology. ing extensive changes in physiological, motor, cognitive, Sacher and colleagues (2010) have advanced a neurobio- social, and emotional growth (Volpe, 2008). The corol- logical model for postpartum depression that involves a lary to this explosion of neurodevelopment is an sharp decrease in estrogen levels, which is accompanied extended period of immaturity and dependency. by an increase of monoamine oxidase, subsequent low- Immaturity and dependency produce a high degree of ering of monoamines, resulting in mood alterations.

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Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Suggested Clinical Implications from early fetal life (Gunnar & Adam, 2012)—and sup- ports the notion of epigenetic gene–environment (G X E) • As advocates for our patients, nurses who care for interaction in the development of psychopathology. G X childbearing families can implement educational E interactions continue to be focus of numerous investi- programs to raise awareness of MD, its consequences, gations into the predisposition for a variety of diseases, and the availability of local support groups. including MD and its sequelae.

• Nurses can be instrumental in screening for MD along Summary the childbearing continuum: during childbirth education Nurses are well-positioned to intervene and support fam- and prenatal healthcare delivery, during the postpar- ilies affected by MD. A broad historical and theoretical tum period, at well-baby check-ups, in community understanding of the effects of MD on infant develop- child care settings, and in places of worship. ment can impart a sense of urgency to prioritize screening of families at risk, and to implement interventions for • By instituting routine screening for MD, nurses can families who may be affected by MD. In this way, nurses help remove the stigma attached to mental health can support healthy infant development, which will disorders, thus expanding outreach to susceptible signifi cantly contribute to family well-being and the individuals. health of the greater global community. ✜

• Nurse-developed protocols can assist in ensuring Lisa Miklush is an Assistant Professor, Gonzaga Univer- appropriate referrals to mental health services for sity, Spokane, WA. She can be reached via e-mail at families at risk. [email protected] Cynthia D. Connelly is Professor and Director of Nurs- • As a component of evidence-based practice, nurses ing Research, University of San Diego, San Diego, CA. in perinatal and pediatric settings can reinforce the The authors declare no confl ict of interest. importance of early and sustained interaction and nurturing of newborns; interventions such as encour- DOI:10.1097/NMC.0b013e3182a1fc4b aging early skin-to-skin contact and promoting breastfeeding are two examples. References American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical • By becoming politically engaged, nurses can advocate manual of mental disorders (5th ed.). Washington, DC: Author. Bowlby, J. (1988). A secure base: Parent-child attachment and healthy for access to mental health services, Early Head Start, human development. New York: Basic Books. and other initiatives for vulnerable infants, toddlers, Brazelton, T. B., & Nugent, J. K. (1995). Neonatal behavioral assessment and their families. scale (3rd ed.). London: Mac Keith Press. Davidson, R. J. (2000). Affective style, psychopathology, and resilience: Brain mechanisms and plasticity. American Psychologist, 55(11), 1196-1214. doi:10.1037/0003-66X.55.11.1196 DeSilva, J. M., & Lesnik, J. J. (2008). Brain size at birth throughout This neuroendocrine dysregulation begets compromised human evolution: A new method for estimating neonatal brain size in hominins. Journal of Human Evolution, 55(6), 1064-1074. psychosocial functioning that then distorts mother– doi:10.1016/j.jhevol.2008.07.008 infant interaction patterns (Reck et al., 2011), thereby Freud, S. (1949). An outline of psycho-analysis. New York: W. W. Norton & Company. derailing social and emotional developmental processes Gaynes, B. N., Gavin, N., Melzer-Brody, S., Lohr, K. N., Swinson, T., (Tronick & Reck, 2009). Gartlehner, G., ..., Miller, W. C. (2005). Perinatal depression: Preva- The “infectious” nature of depression is evident as the lence, screening, accuracy, and screening outcomes. Summary, Evidence Report/Technology Assessment No119. AHRQ Publication mother’s dysregulation potentially alters neonatal neuro- No. 05-E006-1. Rockville, MD: Agency for Healthcare Research and endocrine function. Halligan and colleagues (2007) Quality. suggest that MD and resulting disturbances in the early Gunnar, M. R., & Adam, E. K. (2012). The hypothalamic-pituitary- adrenocortical system and emotion: Current wisdom and future caregiving environment alter the development of the directions. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Devel- child’s hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, with opment, 77, 109-119. doi:10.1111/j.1540-5834.211.00669.x Halligan, S. L., Herbert, J., Goodyer, I., & Murray, L. (2007). Disturbanc- far-reaching effects. They found a signifi cant pathway es in morning cortisol secretion in association with maternal post- from HPA dysregulation initiated in early life to mood natal depression predict subsequent depressive symptomatology alterations in adolescence. in adolescents. Biological Psychiatry, 62(1), 40-46. doi:10.1016/j.bio- psych.2006.09.011 Oberlander and colleagues (2008) propose HPA axis Harlow, H. F., & Harlow, M. (1962). Social deprivation in monkeys. dysregulation may arise from genetic polymorphisms ini- Scientifi c American, 207, 136-146. tiated by epigenetic programming via prenatal exposure Horwitz, S. M., Briggs-Gowan, M. J., Storfer-Isser, A., Carter, A. S. (2007). Prevalence, correlates, and persistence of maternal depres- to maternal depressed and anxious mood. Intrauterine sion. Journal of Women’s Health, 16(5), 678-691. doi:10.1089/ exposure to maternal depressed mood and associated jwh.2006.0185 Horwitz, S. M., Briggs-Gowan, M. J., Storfer-Isser, A., Carter, A. S. neuroendocrine pathology (e.g., hypercortisolemia) is as- (2009). Persistance of maternal depressive symptoms throughout sociated with methylation of the NR3C1 (glucocorticoid the early years of childhood. Journal of Women’s Health, 18(5), 637- receptor) gene and increased infant HPA axis stress re- 645. doi:10.1089/jwh.2008.1229 Institute of Medicine. (2009). Depression in parents, parenting, and sponsiveness. This points to the HPA axis as extremely children: Opportunities to improve identifi cation, treatment, and sensitive to the impact of environmental stressors—even prevention. Washington, DC: National Academies Press.

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