Phenotype: Gerodermia osteodysplasc Italian version name: GORAB hps://

Gene locaon: chr1: 1q24.2

Protein locaon:

The ene is expressed, at the cellular level, mainly in the nucleus, in the cytoplasm and at the level of the Golgi apparatus. name: RAB6-INTERACTING GOLGIN Accession : Q5T7V8 hps:// Size: 394 aminoacids Molecular weight: 44993 Da Structure: as not yet been idenfied Descripon and funcon: The gene codes a member of the family of a group of double-spiraling , located in the Golgi unit and in the cytoplasm. The coded protein can play a role in secretory processes and also has interacons with proteins involved in . Mutaons and pathologies: Geroderma osteodysplasc, also called "Walt Disney nanism", is a rare autosomal recessive disorder affecng connecve ssue; it is characterized by a loose and wrinkled skin and a prematurely aged appearance. Significant bone changes are present, involving advanced osteoporosis that can lead to mulple fractures, hypoplasia (reduced development) of the jaw and a variable degree of growth deficit. Bones can also present mulple lines similar to tree growth rings.

(a) Lax skin on the abdomen in younger sibling demonstrated by pinching the skin. (b) Note aer the pinch has been released; the skin fold sll persists showing the lax abdominal skin hp:// issn=2319-7250;year=2017;volume=18;issue=2;spage=148;epage=150;aulast=Arif


Incidence: <1 / 1 000 000

Therapies: Life expectancy is normal and the treatment of osteodysplasc Geroderma is symptomac. However, the limits are not as great as with many similar disorders of cus laxa syndrome. in fact only generalized osteoporosis requires constant monitoring and therapy; bisphosphonates were effecve in cases with serious presence of osteopenia. Naturally, frequently occurring fractures must be treated at any me; in the course of life, however, fractures gradually decrease and the bone metabolism normalizes. Eye disorders also need constant monitoring, because corneal clouding and even glaucoma can occur. However, eye symptoms are not always present. The affected person has progeroid cha- racteriscs.

CURIOSITY: The disease is also called Walt Disney's dwarfism because those who are af- fected have some similaries with the Walt Disney dwarfs. Gerodermia osteodisplasca Nome del Gene: GORAB hps://

Localizzazione del gene: chr1: 1q24.2

PEspressione del gene e localizzazione della proteina

Il gene è espresso a livello cellulare nel nucleo, nel citplasma e nell’apparato del Golgi . None della proteina: RAB6-INTERACTING GOLGIN Accesso uniprot: Q5T7V8 hps:// Lunghezza: 394 aminoacidi Peso molecolare: 44993 dalton Struura 3D: non determinata Descrizione e funzione: la proteina ha un ruolo nei processi di secrezione e interagisce con altre proteine coinvolte nella mitosi. Mutazioni e patologie: Il geroderma osteoplasco anche chiamato “nanismo di Walt Disney” è una malaa auto- sonica recessiva rara che colpisce il tessuto connevo; le persone affee hanno pelle allen- tata e rugosa e un aspeo prematuramente invecchiato. Sono affe anche da osteoporosi grave che può portare a fraure mulple, ipoplasia (sviluppo ridoo) della mascella e deficit di crescita. Le ossa possono anche presentare più linee simili agli anelli di crescita degli albe-

(a) Viene mostrato come sia lassa la pelle sull’addome di una persona giovane e come (b) rimanga alterata dopo il pizzicoo hp://;year=2017;volume=18;issue=2;spage=148;epage=150;au- last=Arif


Incidenza: <1 / 1 000 000

Terapia: l’aspeava di vita delle persone affee è normale e si curano solo i sintomi. Solo l’osteoporosi richiede controlli connui e terapie con bifosfona, farmaci in grado di inibi- re il riassorbimento osseo.

CURIOSITA’: la patologia viene indicata come nanismo di Walt Disney proprio per carae- rische fisiche che hanno somiglianze con i nani dei cartoni anima.