Gang Experts Discuss Increasing Violence

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Gang Experts Discuss Increasing Violence mmmmmwmmmmmmmmmimummmmmmmmmmmm. Serving the University of Texas at San Antonio J Volume 14 Number jT 1 fln^/% f9^'/ Gang experts discuss increasing violence By Robort Sehsnnorhom a sociologist and his woik with heroin drive-bys, things 1 know I would never ' Yeah, r 11 see you in about six months.'" News Editor addicts around Soudi Texas. " Most think of doing. 1 don't know why. It's Bodi Chris and Mitchell have ob­ adolescents are involved in some type of not to be cool. It'sjust fear of me getting served an increase in gang activity An active gang member, a Bexar peergroup,"hesaidaddingthat through rolled out or beat up out of the gang Uiroughout die city. "Ifyou would watch county prosecutor and a UTSA sociol­ interaction widi peers adolescents fu^t because 1 didn 't do what they wanted me every school for just a day you would ogy professor addressed a group Nov. begin to carve their personal niche in to." see gang involvement," Chris said. "It 13 on the rapidly growing gang problem life. Russell Mitchell, assistant district isn't just the East side. It's everywhere, in San Antonio. "All of us, at this stage, do things diat attorney, has been a prosecutOT for five every color." The symposium, ^xxisored by die we can't do again in our lives," Valdez years and in the juvenile division for Mitchell graduated from MacArthur Mediodist Student Movement, was led said. He noted that gangs are developing nine months. Hisexperiences with gang High School in 1978 when there was by Adrian Vega, junior and student in­ among middle class youth, but made a members parallel the views of Chris and virtually no gang activity on campus. tern for the group. "We just feel that it's general distinction between diese gangs Valdez. Now he sees more cases of kids taking something that is important and needs to and those of the inner city. Mitchell cites a lack of supervision as guns and knives to campus coming out be addressed," he said. "In terms of inner city kids in poor one of the main causes of juvenile gang of MacArthur and die Northeast high Chris, a member of alarge local gang, neighborhoods, the gangs don't exist in membership. "Most of the guys who are schools than other areas. spoke about his expoiences as a gang relation to other institutions. In other in gangs come from families where Ihey The prognostication of all three ex­ member over the last three years. areas and other income levels, you have don't have a father figure. They have a perts is grim. Gangs are prevalent "Youths like myself, diey join gangs other institutions in the community that mom who is probably busting her tail the throughout die cily, especially in middle mainly for protection from getting surround the gang such as your famUy, best she can to make money to support and high schools. Even the members jumped. Some people get invdved be­ your church, your school. So, although her chUdren. A lot of these kids don't who want to get out often feel diey can't, cause diey feel that gangs are like fam­ you may be doing things on your own, have anything else to do." the support sUTiclures dial in die past ily," he said. kind of crazy things even, you're re­ Though Mitchell feels, as does helped lo thwart gang tendencies have "I've seen many friends get hurt, get strained by diese other institutionsaround Valdez, that more resources should be deteriorated in many communities and shot. I've been to many funerals for my you and they act to socialize you," he directed toward rehabditation and pre­ the judicial system is over burdened and friends," Chris said. said. vention, he feels that his efforts al pros­ lenient. Still, Mitchell believes dial the Chris says he would like to get out of "What is happening in many inner ecuting chronic repeat offenders are of­ problem is not as severe as the media the gang, but diat he fears what the gang city, poor communities is what is called ten di warted by the leniency of die Fam­ make il out to be. might do to him if he does. "When you a social dislocation. These institutions ily Code enacted by the Texas Legisla­ "What 1 have found," Mitchell says, want to get out they will really try and that we had before are breaking down ture. "is that most of the violence that occurs kill you. I've seen friends die from and die peer group becomes the most "You bust your butt to put the case with gangs happens within gangs. Un­ getting 'jumped out.' After witnessing important thing." together. You bust your butt to get a jury fortunately, (some oO the people Ihat that, I don't know how to get out." Chris admitted during the sympo­ to convict somebody. Then they're sent gel killed are the sisters, brothers and Dr. Avelardo Valdez, professor of sium to committing a number of felony Dr. Avelardo Valdez, professor of sochilogy at UTSA, speaks about to the Texas Youth Correctional facility, parents of the gang members;" sociology, spoke from his perspective as crimes. "I myself have done Uiings like the reasons behind the rise In gang activity. and the kid just sneers at you and says Grant funds new biomedical projects By Gerry Garza robiology. Graduates work part-time throughout supports faculty research and provides Staffwriter Twenty-eight research positions are the year. training for minority students." S. Texas lobby available, but only 18 spots have been UTSA established the MBRS in an Certain ethnic groups are more prone The Minority Biomedical Research filled. The process of selecting MBRS effort to increase die percentage of mi­ 10 certain diseases, and, because of the BylltntmrHtiSsfn of SeMbi represenlaijvev. 29 of ISO Support Program (MBRS) has been candidates is based on academic records, nority biomedical researc h sc ienti sts and rapid growth of many minority popula­ StstfWrltsr iktim rejwescnt^ive* {26 pwcnt) and awarded a four year, $3,000,000 grant to interviews, letters of recommendations to strengdien die universiy's scientific tions, there is a pressing need lo leam live oaL^tM Texas Coo^t^idiat dSs^ work on three new projects. Also MBRS and a desire to pursue a career in bio­ research capacities. more about their health situations. Asa is soliciting for another five research medical research. The program place, ninority students result, programs such as MBRS encour­ (o^itioa, still in the fonnatip projects and an additional fund of Undergraduati s may earn $6,000 an­ into research positions. The guidance age more minorities lo enter the bio­ $1,700,000. nually and graduate students receive a and opportunity for experience the pro­ medical fields. During the past 12 years, UTSA's stipend of $7,500 plus tuition and fees. gram offers, prepares students to con­ So far Ihe program has been success­ MBRS has been funded by die National Through sponsorships graduates and tinue their education in graduate or medi­ ful at acquiring funds and expanding the Institute of Healdi to work on nine re­ undergraduates attend MBRS sympo­ cal school. faculty research projects. Also, die re­ tjt^ 'imo actioo, assuring thM it Is set h topics. These involve ongoing siums, where they present their research "It's a dual purpose program," says search students have a 90 perceni accep­ research in biochemistry, information findings. Undergraduates work 16 to 20 Dr. Andrew Tsin, MBRS director and tance rate into graduate and medical .jjj.uiyuvS.' !^ujj"Hi^yy;yviyiM"»y processing, organic chemisti7, biophys­ hours per week during die regular school UTSA professor of biochemistry. "Il schools. The key to winning the ballot in Austin is securing ics, genetics, molecular biology and neu­ year and full-time during the summer. the votes of the legislators, and the area covered by this union could make a measurable dent in any vote on the floor. fffiotjttsia!$K»lfi»m flcaiiativeB SXML tftit fd^oetitfSi ii9»' ^»#^ ^mat^ tot^mms^. «eMn« le««imifet»u^t^adx$<>l9N9ctiveau lite tMvi^lO WjMiliOftWl to v<J«^4t«ll^ tsioromffiee j^vet^ w:^ ccdiptmtr^ m how many eonnaittees the.% will be. Hiclude freel|M^i^»^t^M|9da(HI(> whai^Ktir individual goals sire and k(m flMBty pe(^le will be ui iliem. Uig, mmrxlty i^^p-Ovi m» OO^ tssm The second phase will also invol^ pmgnaacy ^iift Ai^oelohas ttft &^teflt itself with fund raisu^ {^pottut^lMi, et»l8ing that mi one sch<JOt Wttt fOC*:^ group wtO abodevlv^nt^UiHrabutid IttQ for the actions of Ihe group. Ad#t issues. tJOn^iy, this stage will deal with fcyCHA^ Greg ReiBb«r^ «ei^t«|)n»eet|liv« iog a network through which «tudetKl« cm$it!&m the oKgatKwMiaiiwtien ism^ "Wei sdm. 1Iteliaati^ha$etiv;ai«n8amdei^ «|3MlQ(lOtt«»Ch problem and maike $»« to live togdhar m one." th^noiKQiyietns fail dirough die cmii&l o£ tbe |](!0|»«al BQMA IN» atttt^bwi of b«a.<»»ure the conUnuanee M the (»ga^ «todwt» behlft^ it. ~ ^utiexnt tsontsum filiEatidn a&;r the initial issues arfttadt- have nevef been a oi«jQrpt«yity in the led. feit«laf)»v because they were lone A meeting i.s planned tor Nov. 16 M vtMcesi acoalitkii) of schools will {»o- St. M ify's University from 11;30 ajn. vide numbers ftritt^SMied oSviotk <m^ iKJ 1:3Q p.m. All 23 schools in the .South not igtKM«. Tte key to «tEuting die Texs« area b^ve been invited lo attend.
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