6926 the London Gazette, December 3, 1889

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6926 the London Gazette, December 3, 1889 6926 THE LONDON GAZETTE, DECEMBER 3, 1889. " To Ward No. 5 otherwise Risbygate Ward :— George Faudel Phillips, Esq., Edward Hart, Esq., (1.) George Samuel Cooper. Major Horatio David Davies, and John Voce (2.) William Jaggard. Moore, Esq., Aldermen of the city of London, and (3.) Abner Goddard. the Aldermen of the said city for the time being ; " To Ward No. 6 otherwise Abbeygate_Ward :— Benjamin Scott, Esq., Chamberlain of the city (1.) Henry Lacy Scott. of London, and the Chamberlain of the said (2.) Frank Summers. city for the time being; Sir John Braddick (3.) Chtirles Henry Bullcn. Monckton, Knt.,' Town Clerk of the city of "Dated ihis eleventh day of October, one London, and the Town Clerk of the said city thousand eight hundred and eighty-uine. for the time being ; Sir William Thomas Charley, " C. N. Cresswell." Knt., Common Serjeant of the city of London, Now therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the and the Common Serjeant of the said city for advice of Her Prvy Council, doth hereby approve the time being; Samuel Elliot Atkins, Esq., of the said scheme of the said Commissioner and Thomas Webber, Esq., George Walter, Esq., John doth order the same to be published in the London King Farlow, Esq., John Young, Esq., Thomas Gazette accordingly. C. L, Peel. White, Esq., George Fisher, Esq., George Pepler, Esq., James Edmeston, Esq., Henry Lawrence Hammack, Esq., Frederick Cox, Esq., Joseph Privy Council Office, November 28, 1889. Gosling Arnold, Esq., John Thomas Bedford, OTICE is hereby given, that a Petition has Esq., Edward Eyre Ashby, Esq., John Edward been addressed to Her Majesty in Council Walford, Esq., James Harvey, Esq., Thomas by certain Inhabitant Householders within the Beard, Esq., James Norris Pimm, Esq., William Local Government District of Nelson, in the Bra-ham, Esq., Whinfield flora, Esq., James county of Lancaster, praying that a CHA.UTETJ OF Wallinger Goodinge, Esq., James Sheppard Scott, INCORPORATION may be granted, whereby the pro- Esq., Richard Clarence Halse, Esq., John Hughes, visions of the Municipal Corporations Act may Esq., James George White, Esq., Edward Dresser be extended to that District; and notice is hereby Rogers, Esq., Frederick Dadswell, Esq., William further given, that the said Petition will be Thornburgh Brown, Esq., Joseph Snowden, Esq , taken into consideration by a Committee of the and Frank Green, Esq., Deputies of the city of Lords of Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy London, and the Deputies of the said city for the Council on the fourteenth day of January, one time being; Sir Sydney Hedley Waterlow, Bart., thousand eight hundred and ninety. Herbert Jameson Waterlow, Esq., and James Ebenezer Saunders, Esq., formerly Aldermen of the city of London ; William George Barnes, Esq., Foreign Office, December 2, 1889. Sir John Bennett, Knt., Charles Grimwade,-Esq., William Cave Fowler, Esq., Arthur Edmund . THE Queen has been pleased to approve of Taylor, Esq., George Sims, Esq., Peter McKinlay, Mr. Hans Eschke as Consul for the Straits Esq., and Robert William Scobell, Esq., formerly Settlements, to reside at Singapore, for the Deputies of the city of London ; James Pattison German Em Lire. Currie, Esq., Benjamin Buck Greene, , Esq., The Queen has also been pleased to approve of Henry Riversdale Grenfell, Esq., Henry Hucks Feizi Effendi as Consul at Cardiff for His Gibbs, Esq., John Saunders Gilliat, Esq., Charles Imperial Majesty the Sultan. Hermann Goschen, Esq., Thomson Hankey, Esq., The Queen has also been pleased to approve of Henry Lancelot Holland, Esq.; Edward Howley Mr. Michael Holliday as Consul at Akyab for Palmer, Esq., Alfred Charles de Rothschild, Esq., His Majesty the King of the Netherlands. Clifford Wigram, Esq., Henry Wollaston Blake, The Queen has also been pleased to approve of Esq., Sir Mark Wilks Collett, Bart,, the Right Mr. Henry Landseer Walter Tripp as Consul at Honourable George Joachim Goschen, Charles Suva, with jurisdiction over the Fiji Islands, for Frederick Huth, Esq., Albert George Sandeman, His Majesty the King of Sweden and Norway. Esq., Hugh Colin Smith, Esq., John William Birch, Esq., William Lidderdale, Esq., David Powell, Esq.,-Herbert Brooks, Esq.; Edward Charles, Lord War Office, November 8, 1889. Revelstoke; Everard Alexander Hambro, Esq., THE Queen has been pleased to issue "a new Samuel Steuart Gladstone, Esq., Augustus Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, Prevost, Esq., Samuel Hope Morley, Esq., constituting and appointing the several persons Charles George Arbuthnot, Esq. ; Ronald Ruth- undermentioned to be Her Majesty's Lieutenants ven, Earl of Leven arid Melville ; Henry Cosmo •within the said City, viz.:—The Right Honour- Ormo Bonsor, Esq., William Middleton Camp- able James Wlatehead, Lord Mayor of the bell, Esq., Alexander Falconer Wallace, Esq., City of London, and the Lord Mayor of the Major-General Sir Henry Creswicke Rawlinson, said city for the time being; Sir William Law- K.C.B.; the Right Honourable Dudley Coutts, rence, Knt., Sir Thomas Gabriel, Bart., Sir Lord Twe'edmouth; Charles John Baker, Esq., James Clarke Lawrence, Bart., Sir Andrew Lusk, Henry Vigne, Esq., Henry Jeffreys Bushby, Esq., Bart., David Henry Stone, Esq., William James William Croft, Esq., Daniel Britten, Esq., Richmond Cotton, Esq., Sir Francis Wyatt Trus- William Hughes-Hughes, Esq., Cornelius Lea cott, Knt., Sir J. I.:. ... '. i <"W Ellis, Bart., Sir Wilson, Esq., William Peters, Esq., John Master- Henry Edmund Knight, L^..., „'•;;• Robert Nicholas man, Esq., Frederick Mildred, Esq., John Walter, Fowler, Bart., Colonel Sir Reginald-Hanson, Esq., Charles Hill, Esq., William Fowler Mount- Bart., and Sir Polydore De Keyser, Knt., Alder- ford Copeland, Esq., Joseph Anderson, Esq., men of the city of London ; Sir Thomas Cham- Bonamy Dobree, Esq., William Henry Challis, bers, Knt., Recorder of the city ol London, and Esq., Alfred Wilberforce Challis, Esq., John. the Recorder of the said city for the time being; Ridley Hunter, Esq., Edward Hunter, Esq., Sir Henry Aaron Isaacs, Knt., Joseph Savory, Edward Masterman, Esq., John Francis Moon, Esq., Edward. James Gray, Esq., David Evans, Esq., Lewis Loyd, Esq., Charles Magniac, Esq., Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel Phineas Cowan, Stuart Thomas Kerr Lynch, Esq., Stephen William Knill, Esq., George" Robert Tyler, Esq., Joseph Silver, Esq., John William Carter, Esq., Lieu- Renals, Esq., Colonel Walter Henry Wilkin, tenant-Colonel Travers Barton Wire, Josiah.
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