To the Southern Baptists
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TO THE SOUTHERN BAPTISTS. In order to increase our circulation, we will send specimen copies of KIND WORDS, or of THE GEM, or of the QUARTERLIES or LEAFLETS, to those desiring to use or introduce them. Wo solicit the patronage of all Baptist Sunday Schools and families, feeling sure that the lessons of KIND WORDS are well adapted to the capacity of children, and that its reading matter will be advantageous to them. THE LESSONS will be decidedly improved, and will include THREE QRADES: 1. EXPLANATIONS AND QUESTIONS WITHOUT ANSWERS for the elder scholars. 2. QUESTIONS AND*ANSWERS, for intermediate scholars. 3. LESSON STORY AND QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS for the youngest scholars. These lessons will have all the other usual departments also, and will be unexcelled by any lessons for Sunday School scholars published. The reading matter, pictures, paper and printing will be unsurpassed. The Mission, Denom inational and'Sunday School Instruction features of the paper will be maintained. Its missionary correspondence, and contributions from distinguished correspond ents, will be a marked feature. It will continue its advocacy of missions, perance, and the interests of the Southern Baptist Convention and its Boi * . But its chief aim will be TO LEAD THE YOUNG TO JESUS and train them fo uis service. The price of these publications has been reduced, and the Weekly may now be had, in clubs, tor fifty cents a year, and the Semi-Monthly for twenty-five cents a year. THE QUARTERLY—Containing the lessons for each quarter of the year, with other helps for teachers and scholars, per annum, twenty cents. For the quarter beginning July 1st and ending September 30th, we will issue only one QUARTERLY, which will contain all the lessons, Primary, Inter mediate and Advanced. Beginning with October 1st, we will issue the Primary, Intermediate and Advanced Quarterlies in separate volumes. LESSON LEAFLETS—Containing the lessons only, per annum, for each week, ten cents. THE CHILD'S GEM—Containing the lessons in a simple and easy form, with pictures and reading matter suitable for infant classes—per annum, single copy, fifty cents; clubs of eight or more, each, twenty-five cents. We hazard nothing in saying that the lessons in KIND WORDS are the best for children that you can get. The reading matter and pictures of KIND WORDS are equal to those of any other child's paper; and its advocacy of the objects of the Southern Baptist Convention make the paper a desirable one for our chil dren. Send on your orders accompanied by the cash. Be Very Particular—First, always say precisely which edition you wish, whether the Weekly or Semi-Monthly; but if you wish the Lesson Papers only, say so very plainly. Secondly, say how many papers you wish, and the length of time you desire them. Thirdly, be sure to give the name, post-office, county and State as plainly written as possible. Address KIND WORDS, Atlanta, Ga. v,u REUBEN JONES, D. D., Born Isle of Wight County, Virginia, November 30, 180 Pastor at Churchland, Virginia, 27 years. Vice-Presi dent of the Convention 1885. Died Dec. 9, 1885. PROCEEDINGS (THIRTY-FIRST SESSION—FORTY-FIRST YEAR) OF THE SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION, HELD IN THE MEETING-HOUSE OF THE FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, MONTGOMERY, ALA., MAY 7-11, 1886. WITH APPENDICES. A.—EEPORT OP THE HOME MISSION BOARD. B.—REPORT OP THE FOREIGN MISSION BOARD. C.—REPORT OF THE TREASURER. D.—GENERAL DENOMINATIONAL STATISTICS. ATLANTA, GEORGIA: Published for the Secretaries by JAS. P. HARBISON & Co. 1886. OFFICERS OF THE CONVENTION, FBB3HDE1TT. PATRICK HUES MELL, D.D., LL.D Athens, Ga. VICE-PRESIDEITTS. BASIL MANLY, D. D., LL. D. , Louisville, Ky. JAMES BOAEDMAN HAWTHORNE, D. D. Atlanta, Ga. GEO. BOARDMAN TAYLOR, D. D. University of Virginia, Va. JAMES CLEMENT FURMAN, D. D Greenville, S. C. S:BC!X2.E:T-A.XSIE:S. LANSING BURROWS, D. D.* . Augusta, Ga. REV. OLIVER FULLER GREGORYt . Baltimore, Md. MR. GEORGE W. NORTON Louisville, Ky. MR. NIMROD LONG Russellville, Ky. *In charge of Denominational Statistics, and to whom minutes of State and District Associations should be sent. tin charge of rates of railway transportation to and from the Convention under provision of item 101. CONSTITUTION. We, the delegates from missionary societies, churches, and other religious bodies of the Baptist denomination in various parts of the United States, met in convention in the city of Augusta, Georgia, for the purpose of carrying into effect the benevolent intentions of our constituents by organizing a plan for eliciting, combining and direct ing the energies of the whole denomination in one sacred effort for the propagation of the gospel, agree to the following rules or funda mental principals: ARTICLE I. This body shall be styled the ".Southern Baptist Con vention." ART. II. It shall be the design of this Convention to promote for eign and domestic missions, and other important objects connected with the Redeemer's kingdom, and to combine for this purpose such portions of the Baptist denomination in the United States as may desire a general organization for Christian benevolence, which shall fully respect the independence and equal rights of the churches. ART. III. The Convention shall consist of brethren who contribute funds or are delegated by religious bodies contributing funds, on the basis of one delegate for every hundred dollars contributed to our funds, and received by the Treasurers of the boards, on or before the last day of April in the current year. ART. IV. The officers of this Convention shall be a President, four Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer and two Secretaries, who shall be elected at each annual meeting, and hold their offices until a new election; and the officers of the Covention shall be, each by virtue of his office, members of the several Boards. ART. V. The Convention shall elect at each annual meeting, as many Boards of Managers as in its judgment will be necessary for carrying out the benevolent objects it may determine to promote—all which Boards may continue in office until a new election. Each Board shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretaries, Treasurer, Auditor, and fifteen other members, seven of whom, inclnding one or more of the officers, shall form a quorum for the transaction of busi ness. To each Board shall be committed, during the recess of the Convention, the entire management of all the affairs relating to the object with whose interest it shall be charged, all of which manage ment shall be in strict accordance with the constitutional provisions adopted by this Convention, and such other instructions as may be given from time to time. Each Board shall have power to make such compensation to its Secretaries and Treasurer as it may think right, fill the vacancies occurring in its own body, and enact its own by-laws. ART. VI. The Treasurer of each Board shall faithfully account for all moneys received by him, keep a regular entry of all receipts and disbursements, and make report of them to the Convention whenever it shall be in session, and to his Board as often as required. He shall 4 SOUTHERN BAPTIST CONVENTION. also, on entering upon the duties of his office, give competent security to the President of the Board for all the stock and funds committed to his care. His books shall be open at all times to the inspection of any member of the Convention and of his Board. No moneys shall be paid out of any of the treasuries of the Board, but by an order from that Board from whose treasury the money is to be drawn, which order shall be signed by the presiding officer. ART. VII. The Corresponding Secretaries of the several Boards shall maintain intercourse by letter with such individuals or public bodies as the interest of their respective bodies may require. Copies of all such communications, with their answers, if any, shall be kept by them on file. ART. VIII. The Recording Secretaries of the several Boards shall keep a fair record of their proceedings, and of such other documents as may be committed to them for the purpose. ART. IX. All the officers, Boards, Missionaries and Agents ap pointed by the Convention, or by any of its Boards, shall be members of some regular church in union with the churches composing thi& Convention. ART. X. Missionaries appointed by any of the Boards of this Con vention must, previous to their appointment, furnish evidence of genuine piety, fervent zeal in their Master's cause, and ta'ents which fit them for the servioe for which they offer themselves. AKT. XI. The bodi?s and individuals composing this Convention shall have the right to specify the object or objects to which their contributions shall be applied. But when no such specification is made, the Convention will make the appropriation at its own dis cretion. ART. XII. The Convention shall hold its meetings annually, but extra meetings may be called by the President, with the approbation of any one of the Boards of Managers. A majority of the attending delegates shall not be necessary to form a quorum for the transaction of business. The President, or in the event of his death, any of the Vice-Presidents of the Convention, may, at the request of two of its Boards, postpone or alter the place of meeting of the Convention, when it may be deemed by him inexpedient to convene at the time or place appointed. ART. XIII. Any alterations which experience shall dictate may be made in these Articles by a vote of two-thirds, of the members pres ent at any annual meeting of the Convention.