'cil.-ftriSKy forbid ,anJ Perl'on wluimfoeyer to depart, from troops. — Upon ths subject of tlie advance of 'rj, -are placed .ih acti'viiy in the: • TQ BE LET, Ircladd without having obtained a Paffport for. that (\ur- the Austrians,: BON A P A RTE sent a Message annexed departments; The departments'1 F:r such Term di'miiy be agreed u'pb'n pofe, figncil by oiir Chief Secretary, or the UmlerSe'crt- to.the Senate on thel.Sth. Neither the Mo* shall direct their- contingents-"on' the corps, '" ^T The PARKS adjoining CLAREEN- ciry for the Ciyil Department,, of either of tllem, orb^- according to the statements 2 and J",' tillce BRIDGE, formerly held by WILITAIM WHITE J. fome Perfon autliorilcd ,hy an Inflruir.ent , fub.fcribed bj riiteiir, nor any of the other Papers have and several PLOTS in the new Street leading from them, or either of thtni, 10 lign fuch Patfports. given a copy bf the Message o(- even the" days artei the publication of the present tie • ' 'Aiid'we' tlo hel-dftiy (tiialy comfnanil all Maftem an'tl. : the Markit'House .to.the MillscX Eitpts, either s.e- cree, which' shall be -sent by extraordinary- Connnanilerr. of all Shi JS anil VctVisla departing ftorti IreJ. substance oi it 5 it will be curious,' if BO- perately or. in the ivholc, for such Term as may bev rJaiiill that' they , do. not, .upon any account y/hatfotVrr, NAPARTE shall have represented to his Se- couriers." agreed upo'n, to one responsible Tenant, for ever. i»kc dn tioaVii their V, il'el's, .vVhen departing from Ireland,- nate the occupying of the Electorate, as an- R'PPOllT TO. THE EMPEROR. ; anv Pcrfih riorha-vifi j; fu'cli PalTport as afdiefai.l; favetnil PROPOSALS to be received .by the Right Hon; act of aggression-against the Elector, and JAMES F1TZ-GERALD, and, J. O'DONNELL,' except the jiMfonfcaftak-ll.y. employed;.to .iiayigatt fucli. " P A R IS, SE PT. 24.,:' . Vrl'.-h refpe£lively. therefore against-himself. ; Esq. . .Scpteffiber ." .Sire—Your wished for Peace ' And w« do. fiirthe-i. command all Magiilratts, Office^ of-th'e"KVveriur, arid ail yftlc'ers CiVil arid M-"i:rtVy-,"aiit1 ARRIVAL OF FRESH IMPORTANT NEWS •—iyou r i.r'noies .'op. tl'it? .coast, -were about to ,aJI udih^is.Maj'elt}^ Subjiias; to--iife th>-lr ucmotl-En. FROM FRANCE. force England to' subscribe t.6 it, wlien, the ' TO BE SET, deiay.diii^iq' prevent tke. ik-paruire of any Perfpus:, from . Just before this Paper {Courier) was -put- influence of that-na'tion See'nls fo h, and Diitch-to the 2.8th. Th'e follow- ' The -DWELLING-HOUSE, and TAN- Some Powers of the Nor.i'h dare io threat' ftfdeJi'sle; C. .Tyrawly H?nfy. King. ing are the most important facts contained in eii: the Empire j—that array o'f war .lias YARD now held by J.ILOGHNANE.—-.Apply at D, patouchc, Chas. Dnblin. 1. Beresford, : them.:— .' - said House.. • • Ennis, Sept.-19, r8oj. Win. Tuam. - H. E.'Fox. S. Hamilton. awakened in t.he hearts of all.the French the *** Immediate Possession will-be given. Dl-Ofheda.- Her. l/itit-fiflie. ' Mau. Fitz.GeriiW. pait'iS, SEPT. ar; desire to fly to the • standards Which victory. Annelley;- . M. Smith.- _S on 0 il.i (h >Qr G r» jfj t The Emperqr of'GERM A NV, - without haSs often crow.nedi • V. "., Mliskerrv. GOD lave the KING. pre.vious negotiation or explanation, anil The old .soldiers; who at the peace hafi Ccuiityof dace. without any declarations of war, has invad- rc-!(irned. io their homes,- aspirfe .to the lio- ed. Bavaria. The ELECTOR is retired to GY SATURDAY'S- MAIL. noui-qf -ti king- up ai m's" again,' afid of di- . TO BE LET, roa THREE LIVES; Wurtzburgh,.where the Bav.'an-iari army is rectiiig the-young conscrips.. Your Majr-s- . 'Prim' the 3$'th March next, • LONDON, MONDAY, S.HP7\ .30. gsserh bli fig .-7— Moniteuri The following LANDS, part .of the .Hon, ty. will, receive his -Wish, with goodness.; bud , . W;e mentioned a report on Saturday, of 2 2; ' ; ': - sEPf.EiTfifi.4"- ' there exists a law by which every soldier- • PRANGIS. NATHANIEL BBRTON's'Estate';—- the Elector of HESS,6, having , declared * ' • A jR. P :The Mokileih of. t'his-day contains a lofig whose service has experienced interruption 'against Prance/ . W-hetber the rumour be Part of Darragh, called Lucas's Dar-\ ' programme of the -order' in which BONA- is deprived of'the adyarita'ges bl his former, true.01'.false, we, are not: Jret able to.state. raghi,'about * - - * * - ' j PARTE is to proceed tothe Senate to.morrow. service. ' I, propose a decree therefore, , thai: Part of Ditto,••'held By.fhe-WidtJvfr-M'Ma- f _6 j ^ , ''•»-.:'; - SEPT. 23, AND 24- these soldiers shall be admitted to' iheir for-, Awi.a'nd Miss Broggyi' J0 • Thp 58th .Regiment, i.cSoc strong,^ cm- . The i-ntelligerice ti:om Germany sttates, mer rank. - " Marshal BERTHIER." , Paitof Ditto; held by" Mr. Huxley) 85 2 >5 • barked oii.boui-d.the tropps- at. Pbrtsrii^uth••' The above Lands are reiiiarl;ablv good foT; Fatteri- that the Austrians were to pass the Lech on A' Report from the Mini\,!re-riof the-fnterior '." o'h Saturday ; the 4:2,d w*e're to embark, this , ing, Dairy", aid Tillage,' wit h-suiiicierit!Meat;ow;iTigj. thp;..i 6th,;- and to. occupy. TJ1 m-.. , proposes to put the National Gua'-rd. upotj.. ; moining. ^Iheyaie going to Gibjaltar to and are witf.iii faoin' One to'Thiet Miles'of Enrlis. An atticle.'from pra'nefort, of the 2.1st duty in the Interior.. Another,Report to the.. Pa A of ^Jiiliyj. in the Barony of f&r'ickh} '.''•;-" ' rqiieve'otiier,regiments that fiave been or- says,, that the Boulogne army is soon-to Council of State proposes thai at the mo- '.-. ane, niai the -Village oi'' Miltovon, f „•' *j'' dered" to-join Sir J. CRAIG at Maha.-rtThe feacli.Strasburgb ; in'd -fhat the,army from ment w-h.e'n his MAJESTY.,- at th'e head of choice Tiiyge'and Dairy Ground, as C 43d and.58th regiments, whi,ch are entire,ly, held by J.Stacpoole, Esq; containing* Holland is speedily ex-pected at Mentz.-— the national gua.td, in activity,' is going •iij ., composed, of light infantry,,, aye on _t.itcir PR.0p0sis.is.,-'.in writing.-only; to be m.adi to. the General MAR'MONT, the Commander of avenge yiolated faith;: and carry the war'' route to embark for .the"iVi,editen;anean. . Boil. F. .ft. BURTON, 'l-Vicklo-uj, until ,the. is.t it, arrived at Mentz on the 17th., into the heart of the Sta|e3 which have pro- day of December, next; or to Mi'.; KlTZ; GERALD, . A. large Heet passed Plymouth on .Satur- voked it, the national sedentary guard slioulti at Tureen, Who will forward them. Improving day. evening, wjuch ou 1 Conespondentsup- 'The Montteur. of these two -day's doest not resume its former activity. Tenants, iyvho xy ill; reside, sh.-.il nitt-t .will-. entou- plies to have been the. homeward-bound give any account of the opening of the Se- rafjement, .Jar/mind. Pat. Lynohy, of Tuteeif, jwtll Leiuvaid Island .Pleet. '' nate, nor of the business transacted on the SE'RN, •sf.TT. 12. Shew the Belinda,.'j i. i',, S.vpT.. 2.3, 1$?Srri'a ' '"'; We,'.'he^r'iliaf a br.o.i'her.of ihd brave and. aid-;; but it con.taips'the foJIdijdngimpprtant - . Our.Landamman has:anew'rcceived frorrf : unfortunate General GEORGTS, escaping articles, from w.hic-h it', sho'nid ^ee'm .as if the'Frenc'h.Ambassatdor,' -who is lately re«- SO-VTE ATTEMPT HAD' BEEN LIFATIE OR- Ey thr.Lbrd Uiei-.tcnant Geficral 2:fu General Gdrcii)ot lately from Prance, in a lugger, wiih Mime tu'rnecl.he-ijefrtirh Pai'TS, assurances of the- 1 T> IS COVE.RED AGAINST Bo.N A PAETE's - ol' irct^lidy . , •"'-.. • . ' more officers"of the Chouans, Were found at FRENCH EM.PF.HoRis.GQJHLWILL 16W-A.id-s- A PROCLAMATION. sea,, and detained 'by. ,'the. frigate /Eolus.— LIFE, OR AS IF SOME PLOT HAD BEEN ou r Reptililic^adding'/^i hat it was 'his-MA- • HARDY. iCK&; -"-•• '" KAn R 1 c A T E b. H EREivS- Hi's Maiefty's Service d§|W si iliis Time They, weie carried to Plymouth, where, by . JETTY'S firm intention, io recognize the-lieu - W: rerpiinr.- a i'^r.cti v Supply o:. Sraihc-n'-ajh'd Seafar-ng - so ine. mi stake, they we're sent on board the His Majesty the EM .PE R O R. arrived to day trality of Switzerland; as sop'n as--if had' been- Mca, tn m-n H.;? MsjcifyV Fie,;tv? Erich is.naw huingr.ur, • prison ship Salv'ador'del lyiundo. . As soon,as, at-half past twelve, at the Military School. recognized by Austria. ' :. . ,. Weilo bjf His iVJajeltyls Command direct snd^retftSire all,. Civil .VtS;;i:ltai"!:S iil this 'Psf't'. .a!''His &i.l)f!!>:V Uh t.eri ' Government was informed of the circum- The Etffect of the Seine -at.the head of the FRANKFORT, SEPT:,'!-^. "•'• ti heft. Kjuic.-iycu:.! tu stance, orders were sent for the liberation Corps Municipal, &c.- prcsented'the keys of ft was oh 8th instant that the' A-usiiiari cautc all fuch Stamen or ring fit. >"or;, His Ml-, • of "il-.t: loyal band,, arid tljcy are expected "in the City to His Majesty. 'He addressed his ll i V Sr.vice, :ss m»V"be;'mct' v^'th,' to be taken u|i, and troops crossed the -Inn ; previous to wltich'i •ft-at nn .Boai-rfan; of Hts Majcrty^s,-Ships' or Veffils' n the' town this day., v'r ' ' N Majesty as follows i 'declaration had been hvade to the Command- ,c Ports, or un -the Cioatt of U; Und,'-b'r-u>-siuy <>T His IVIa- The l^oieign Secretary, mentioned in the - - Si HE,—Here are the keys of Paris, ant of Passati, that good understanding sub- V Sen Officr r<; who niay be'.ciirjili'iycrt to raife M n on. of. the capital o'f your empire, of that city Shore fo- Hjs 'M.ijcllyJs Fjeet., ' according ••• as the P l»cr*- - pretrch and German Journals to haye,;fl-ed sisted between the-.Emperor of, GERMANT which you have toadfe the first in the world. where fuch Ships 01- Vjfiet jiftr'ftfr'H Sr.i .Oiti.-e'-? m-iv 11.- frtpii Par-is Witli papers.of .great poiiti.cal-im-; and the'Elector oi S BA VAR-I A ;• and that rifjyectir-ety',ItaVionird fit-:ll hVnfaVe',1. A-nii for the-.En- po.rtanee,,is said to haye be!o.nged to t'ie'st.iire' • In offering you that ancient symbol of although he saw himself under the necessity courl'gemeai of ih^Perfotis-who (h»li lit c-nl.tultei) rii t!i. the subtnissiori and" devotion of thecity, we thr.Cirr of comi.iut';r,g i'uch Seamen and Seaitniing Men, of tiic Mttrquis LdccHEsiN r, and that the . of ordering his troop's to cross ilie luii,': he tlie "• - -—A •'. .. ' pa pei s i'tt cjjiestion.coniained the', project of a. Cannot dissemble, Sire, ffiat jov, that deli- shou'ld nevertheless:' respect the Electoral Sfi treaty ftevyeen Prussia and. Prance for parti- cious sentiment, which al ways signalises, the military andeivif authorities. On the-'ii'tli,. : U _ arrival of your Majesty Within" the 'capital, the Austrian -troops, commanded by Gen.- tor each S-arnan fir Sea faring Man. Int. . tor , His Ma j-Jt y 's tioningi-Hoih+nd,- Hanover, and .other.States;' Service,* amf'S-x^Vfice. a' -Milt; cv-r.v Mile they nuy Tv\;o persons ha ve been arrestedin Prance in : is united this day with'moie giai've emotions. KLENAO, had reached ;.Sn umngen anjl have trrfveHi-ii, not ir/ ecuint; Tvienty.-Mrl.es Hv ti.'r Mai mistake for the ftigiiive Secietaiy, but he, c< Landsfiiit, 211% on'-the 12th, at.five.o'clock • ! The'-annunciation of' an Pmperial sit- i. aieJ.Go-.inf.ies; anr(,- j-'orty Miles i'tii:t.-.e tr.iaivr Counties • in ih"e afternoon, a detachment of Uhlans Ami We do hereby Turthei 'lireit and rsf]pir^ the l'a-,4-Ci-- foi ttinately, has escaped. , ting of the Senat'e,"' 'the rumours -tuhzch have vii ,Yi,tl;i't '-i-tey to'give aii* poilthtc Countenance anil A!fi 1% . , Mad.ame JEHOME BOJ^A PA PJTE and her •preceded thai intelligence, those that have fol- occupied the' Environs of Munich, lying on infant son lei 1 her uncle's, .in • Gam be r we'll,- loiued.il, some circumstances that are known, the opposite side o'f th'b Tser.' -'I'he . w'Wo-fe' on Wednesday last, fo.r Oravesend, where van was expected th'e nexit day oh tiia-fViveft ' • y be employe ethers thatare said to be know:; in a word, On the 14th they were jo cross it, on theijr -on Shoie, in impr4.fling or ottierw.ife pidcuritig Men for she istoerhbai.k for America. everything knowrror supposed, for some His Majesty's Fleet. • . -, •••"'• day,' has thrown the public mind into a kind • vvav 10 Dachau. At the distance oI two Given" at His Mijelty's Cattle.trf Dulilliri,-. the. l6'th' Day hours from -Munich between Riem and Ber- o-f "March, 18.03. , - V, ,- - - • ' •.. ' --- -. - . Late jaiit night:wo received . Paris Papers of-agitatiori Which demands* only a word to lacb, a corps d'armee of Austrians will oc- • • ' By His 's Command,' . to the, 1 gt h, and i)utch to th e 24th, and th is become the most generous and national im- '' -A, MARsEriOf.' cupy an armycampj and the cavalry will morT.in^' P^viis Papeis to the 21st. The pulses'; ' T;00 Kavi'th't SWO, -, ' -;' be quartered in the neiglibburiiig villages; Momteiir pleases us by the stubboi nne?g of " The word, Sire, we exptect; antl t!i& •its silence upon the present state of affairs ; immense' crowd that is abou'fib follow you The-Palatine Bavarian trobps have n'esr- By the Lord Li'-ntenarit. ahd Council of.. IrSlinid, . .'.' , Essays po jural Economy,.and Decrees"upop is impatient fo learn what impulse will be iy Evacuated Bavaria ; they are all proceed- . - •1 a • PRofc;..AMAfifiV; ':• ' ". •the Administration o,f the Polytechnic School permitted, or What measure'"shall be pie- ing fort be LTpper Palatinate ; but if they HA.RDWICRE, fiill the columns which were formerly, de- scribed to their indighation arid their zeal. are fo remain therfe, or be distiibjited in thd yiiEREAS'.-.y (in ACX r.-aile.-i In ch' Tv.-emy.fi.lt ai::l ' TwBrity-(econd year of- tiisiMajcity's reign,. en,ti- - voted to Disseitatiqni upop the Politics and; " God forbid, Sire, that we should seek counties of Wurtzburg and Anspach, is not tied "'•'An' A&'fSr tlie better feeu"rini; the I.'i6erty of th't Conduct of the different Powers and Boten- to; predict the designs cif your high wisdoni, known. On th£ 13th the ELECTOR an,d- Subjea;" the Habeai- Corpus AS,; tates of Europe.—Jm the midst .of. the pro- his consort arrived at Kehl-heim, where is it is provided, that it (liafl and may lie lawful to and for or the conceptions of that great genius the Chief Governor and Governors for.lhe Time being, foundest tranquillity, and uninterrupted which h'as e;verj>.wfiere hiade you master of also the Baron von MONTGELAS, First »nd Privy Council of Ireland, to fu-fpend the (aid .Act, Peace, the Momteur could not be more-dull, times, jsiaces, a fid events j but if it be Minister ol State.• during fuch time only as there lliafl h.- an lAufii Inva.fiqn and uninteiesting. or Rebellion-in, Ireland yr CrearBri'tain, aii.l . thn't rio'-' tr6e, as has been Tep'orted, that y 'otir person It is. supposed that the Court of Vienna jmlge or Ju'llice o'f Peace tnall bail or try any Perloji; or-- Tlie minor Papers are somew-hat more has been attempted, a'.tid. the independence of will accede to the netifrality of Sw itzerland, Pei-foiis'charged with bc'ir.g concerned "mfuch Invalion or -' I attractive, thO,ugh,thev haye not brought us;.; , th'c n£ttioii, ouf liberties and-the Cdnsiiititio'n under certain conditions. 'Thtis every thin£ .JR'tb.ellion wirront an Grd.-:- rrom t'le.I.ieiitenant, or f.ord Deputy and t-rivy Council of Iietand .for the Time being,; . fiom Germany iny latter, intelligence :than; menaced, cbnlAand the defence to be pro- ^ depends on the nature of these conditions. ggned by Six of-the'ia'id P'rivj Council, any Law, Statute', we were already in possession of. .."they- pdrtional to the interest.of such a cause ; and LE'YDEN, SEPT. 17. or Hfage to the^contrary in an'y virtfe ub'tvKthftanding'. announce the enhance of the Austrians into if it be necessary to march, believe that And -whereas:*, -dai ing licbellion h.ath aftTijI.ly broken Sei-eral regiment of French troops atg oui in JreUriJ, aiid,:t '.rath become. idv.ij"e»kl| to lufpfnd . Bavaria', but attempt to represent tfie ocCu^ every thing will be stfoh ready to follow you, shortly expected in this Republic. The tit'liei op.-.-atioOpi-.-aiiorin . ofi ththee - faid A3a durihour'1g- the Continuance UFpyinL INIRgA oR.f F - thL-LRIeN Electorat e as a— measur_' e whic1 ! _h 1 sefVe you, find aivenge you. Batav ian Government,- vir£ hear; had also

"'At SSSw&oiw do hv Oila .ti^Effperoi of.GBR^ Any insisted upon,! - " Such, Sir?Jj are thesenjiments of your / taken defensive measures, which the pre- outP:;ocl«!«atiotyiH;clsre,,That il.e Ui-.: be, and the rarrt- ' and which the Elector would haye opposed good City Pf Pans. 1 sent state of things hSVe reriderecj necessary i« hereby fufpeodeij, of which >11- judges, julticcs-of ' had-he been suificiently powerful ; they In every part thrpiigh which the proces- for the security ot the Country. The troops' She Pi-.a-jej-and .otiiira -ire required-io take- Ndii'tf. And whereifs th.ers-io .reafon. to apprehend tt-.at lc-vcral afso state,' that the Bavarian troops.have iibri passed, the crowd was immetice, en- • are to be moie concentrated; and batteries Perfon.-, charged with,,having b«u .conpemsd.,in,the t'iid retirecf low'aids Fran.conia.—It were iin-' thusiasm' at theiieight, arid the acclamations . erected on the Coast, particularly at Sch'e. RebHliofl; areVideavoiiribg to efcape j'uftice by d'epiaft- nccessary .to,,jemind'6.ur -readers, "the. en- unanimous, V veiling, Wyk-an Zee, Calandscog, &c; ; in£.fr;mi Irelaiiif-i; •: trance of the, Austyains, into. Bavaria Was -.•'". CONSCRIPTS. j 1 his state of defence has-particul'arly aaela- ' in , consequence of Treaty, by' which Decree of the Empeibr— All the Con-. • tion to Amsterdam'.'" Orders aire S3 id to bfi Privy c'oun- the ELECTOR joins -tlie' Allies with ail his s'cfi'pfs of Resti ve,, of t-fte fears 9, 10, -t r, already given for ihe' adbpfiou of ihzm. sasaaamsjBs- fcigssiiimaMvixaia^mi^issm^Sm^ " England knows,; and has ftiare dt^n ,r6i;- ofy^erili^'Jinajr.ay.ia' hrmaelf' bl'.-ita -bring, not' only ujich tjje present geniiM~ • -;.... .STPAPERS;', once declaied, that Russia alone cahnqt'.af-'" opportunity which is offered to him. The tion, but also (his Majetty .dares to utter lordher any assistance, and tint a diversion fate of iris qw n States, a rid 1 hat of Europe, it Umh pride) upon his. own States and his TWO DECLARATIONS iii the form of NOTES, will'he of no. use to her, so long as Prussia is now irt'his.h^nds. In one hand lie holds own Family ; for his Majesty will flatter Delivered'by M. De TalUyrdhd, Minister of Foreign and A nst t ia, will not co opeiat'c with her. • 'the disturbances and revolutions ; in -the himself to obtain, in a new war, similar Relations, to.Count Phillip. Cobeutzel, At Tans, Piut-sia hisdecliied, at all times, that other, the general peace..' An impartial' victories as in the preceding ; , and. to secure "shcwdl in 10 iw-ie eiiier iijuo'any hostile pio- ; neutrality is sufficient for,him to obtain what himself against those diversions, which are FIRST .NOTE from U, BE TADLIit RAND, jeet against, %'ahce.' :Let',;:tia:'S|}mpffi-ftr 'bf ''%e;desi&s,? and to. insure the peace of the' as it were, the. first step of a coalition in . Delivered on the 13II1 August, 1S05. ..,(.,' ...... - "- ;.,' " v j' Aiistria make cbeiiara:e|lerlarslt!ion\, andthe . w'prld. The most efficacious, mediation of" favour of England. or. . 'ie S Hastened, on the : ^ririsir Cabinetf will immediately Teel f its - p*ace whiclf Austria can make, consists in The Undersigned lias, therefore, re- termination ol the,conference, which • he; has J tn>-n inteiest, a, it is no lohger-deceived 'by tlie'piesel vtkion of the most perlecf neutra- ceived orders, on the supposition most had ihe htinour of I10Ming with Cou 111 DE unfotindfed linag'inatiohs, and is informed lity, in the cessation of armaments, in not agreeable to his Majesty, namely, on the COBENT Z E L, to transmit to Boulogne-The by the opinion of the ruost enlightened peo - obliging France to make a diversion, and in supposition that 'Austria is desiVbuibf peace declaration 'deli vet ed , to him by li is Excel- pie of that country ; "it will immediately'see leaving no hope for England of bringing to demand, lency (alluding to "the known Austrian 'de. tlie necessity of vet u 1 n i n g to the sti pit 1.1 tions 1 Austria Over to her side.' claration of the.,5th'of; Augiist), and ,he has, " , That the -twenty-one Regiments, of ihe Trea.y of Amiens', and She will find j " The Undersigned can have no doubt, received orders from the F.mpcror and King which have beer: sen; to the German and her happiness in 'this' necessity. Then' the 1 but bis Excellency Count COBENI'ZEL will to return the f©|lowing answer Italian Tyrol, shall- be - vrirhdihW'n, and Emperor; of Gei many vi-ill n'ot'only have a seta due value upon the subjects discussed that those troops; only shall le'raain in 'both " The. Emperor could not fail of being claim upon the gratitud'etbf the; Empeior of ( irt- the present Note, and contribute, by his the said provinces,' which were" there* sensibly affected by the .sentiments of mode 1 the French, but he'will have efFect'ed more influence, to have them considered in their months ago, ..- ration shewn :in the. aforesaid Deda i ai ion, luf.bis dwn*iclyanugetfefi it he had' gained tiue point oi view. " a. That' the tamp' fortifications be dis- and by the.amicable readiness of his 'Majesty ten battles against France ; for an immediate He seizes this opportunity to renew to con'tinued. T'h.e Eniperor.cio.es not,.require,, The Emperor ol Germany and Austria to consequence ol the peace would be the per- . his Excellency Count COBENTZEL, the as- that A ustria shall .not erect.real fortifications hasten, by his interposition,. the tei mi nation fplvrnance of the obligatibibligatibn which his Ma'jes- f surance of his higheshit t esteem.' The right of'.'erecting ;them belongs to all of the e vils caused by the war to' the French ty the. Emperor of the F.rench has taken up-- states,, arid precautio-n- often makes it the du- - Empire. But the more his Majesty knows bn himself,' and w.hieh -he. tre.news.w.ith pleav j SECOND NOTE from M. DE TALLEYRAND, ty of a Prince. But a3 Venice is cettainly how to appreciate the importance and the sure, of separating tire. C'row'ns or France j- Delivered on the 16th Aug. .1803. no fortress, the works carrying on their at Value of the good offices of his Majesty, the and of Italy. . - i " His Majesty the Emperor had placed present aie nothing else than catnp. works. Empeiorot Austria, the more he is grate- " If, on the other hand, A ustria, by ih- ; great reliance on the pacific and amicable as- ful for the intentention with which the offer " 3. That..t.he troops in.Stiria,. in C'arin- decisi ve measutes, leave'a doubtful and un- surances of Austria, as he thought he Had.a of those good offices is made, and the moie thia, in I'riuli, and in the'Venetian territo- cei tain opinion ; if .thereby she authorizes right to depend upon the good disposition of does he feel, that his very sentiments of gra- ry, be reduced to the nu in be is .at which they the assertions of the English Ministry, that that Power, considering the- , manner in titude forbid him to make use thereof ; if, stood six months ago. she belongs to-a coalition ; if she continues which he behaved towards it alter two tc ; ; on the one hand, from the nature of things, Lastly, That Ausfiia decikre to Eng- to keep 7.2,000 men in ; Italy, The-Emperor Wars, the entire ad vantage of which wason and on ihe other, from the situation of cir- land her fir m and unshaken • dc-tei minatioit-- will :be .obliged to believe that she sees, with the side of France, and in which the great- cumstances, it is not even permitted to hope, to preserve an exact scrupulous neutrality, a secret joy, a-war which weakens France, est part of the Austrian possessions had.been lhat they tail be employed vvitH advantage, without taking a part in the present dispute ; and that she thinks the moment favourable* conquered by his arms. 'nor consequently Without comprising' ihe . because it. is. the duty of Austria, if-she for 1 esuming- those hostilities, or- which the - ' in Italy, i£,:occ of whom are at the extre- tnbst impartial neutrality ; hut the ; move" Iv answered his mbst' noble and magnani ders to declare to his Excellency Gqunt Co- tnily of the • kingdom of. Naples, sees his toentsof tibqps, and- the "other hostile dis- minis'behaviour. BENTZEL, o,r rather- .to repeat-the declara- most important frontier exposed to danger^1 positions which have taken place in the. He- E tion so often made to him, -that the'dearest - M.'DE NO vos < ITZOFE was coming reditary'States, ahd at vrhich Europe is ei-( and cannot provide it with fresls tro0p3 with- wish - df-his Majesty the Emperor bf t'he: W Fiance,' without the Emperor's knowing dier u'rieasy' or' astonished, com pel his Ma- out drawing the-troops from bis Army of the French, is, the continuance of. the peace • his intentions;—The King of Prussia had jesty'the Emperor to demand not only a ca Ocean ; he can, -therefore, not' consider with the German Emperor ; ,' thai his'Majes- required passports lor this; Chamberlain of togorical explanation, but a -most speedy Austria in any other light than that of-mak- ty would unwillingly take those steps which the EmperoV of Russia. The passports ings diversion in favour of'England, which" oiie.'...... he would be obliged to take, by a positive were immediately' granted without any' ex- i's as impressiveand more tiaublesomcto him " The repeated accounts which the Em- refusil, or even an evasive or ,dilatory »n- planation. What benefit has his Majesty than av'ould be an open war. peror receives from all quarters, compel- siver. to the demands which iheUn'de derived from- this extraordinary con cess ion ?• 'Sign- '" ITis-Excellency Cotint COBEN ViEL him to postpone his projects against Eng- An offensive Note,; replete with false asser- ed lias been directed to make ; but that in a will have remarked what great aiid extraor- land; and thus Austria has done as much tions, was the sole result of a mission, Which situaiibn • like that . of Austria, - Prince dinary subjects the present circumstances as if she commenced hostilities—for'she has shi Erapeidr had : neither occasioned nor CHA-RLE.S Would not . hesitate, ; as tliac " offer. Such circumstances -rentier measures made the most powerful diversion in favour Prince is too'good a soldier not to behave in Tequired. necessary answerable thereto. It-is a truth, of England-. a similar manner; and that if his,-Majesty '.". Being thus attacked in his honour, it ol which all enlightened men are .sensible, " Austria assembles an army in the Ty- is obliged to re pel force by force, he will, .is BO longer possible for',him to require or and of which Iris "Majesty is penetrated — rol, whilst France has evacuated all Swit- not commit the fault to wait until the Rus-' ' expect any thing of Russia, who, instead -of when FREDE R 1 c .the SEC ON i> saw that a zerland. Ilis Excellency Count COBENT- sians have joined the A ushians' against him. being desirous of peace, finds her own in- war was intended against him, he was before- zel knows very well, that Austria has ; " -His Excellency the Count COBENT- terest in war, and founds -on its renovation hand with his enemies. The House of near 72,000 men in Italy, whilst France has ZEL knows - too well the importance - and hopes, which she attempts in vain to conceal, Austria has more than once done the same : not 50,000 there, 15,000 of whom are on urgency, .of the present circumstances, for when her behaviour unveils them even to at present the Emperor of the French sees the Guiph of Tarento ; and this is the very the Undersigned to thiuk.it necessary to is'- those eyes which are the least penetrating. preparations making in Poland and in Italy, cause that has principally determined him vite him to hasten, "ai much a* is possible " For a twelvemonth past the. Emperor Even the places where tiiey are made, shew to suspend his projects. Austria raises camp and depends on bita, an answer which his has: received nothing but insults from the that they are imended. The Undersigned fortifications'e'yeiy Where, as if a Wa r 'were Majesty expects with an impatience that is Russian Cabinet. His character and his must ask of Count COEENTZEL, what .already declared, -or very near at hand-— justified op so many g-ounds, dispositions are too well known for it to be would the Emperor of Germany do, if he All the Austrian troops 'are in motion : all believed, that he will expose himself to Were in the place of the. French Emperor ? have quitted their garrisons in which ..they " The Undersigned seizes, the Opportu- nity, &c." fresh injuries. It belongs to the .Emperor Were quartered ;• all are marching in a di-. ct However, the EM PEROR will bc hap- ALEXANDER to judge.wbichalternarive ap~ tection w lrich announces war; and how, py ro suppose the best for futurity, as it de- peafs-most advantageous for him ; whether indeed, could his Majesty the Emperor of DECLARATION, . pends on A.iistiia to make what, is to come to persist in a system, to the adoption of Germany and A ustria assemble so many re- Delivered at Vienna,, by the Russian Ambassador, happy for Europe, aiid-as he takes the sen- Count Rasonmotusky, on- the 31st Aug. 180$. whifik he was moved by foieign influence, giments'with'a pacific intention, in a coun- timents, expressed in the Note, which- ihe " It would be superfluous to revert liere or to-return to more moderate, more just, try so barren and so poor as the Tyrol,- undersigned has , received of Count CO- to the motives w.hieh have induced his Ma- and wiser sentiments. He has a greater in where he can only maintain them to the de- BEN TZ E L, for a good omen. May A usuia jesty the Emperor of all the Russias, tb iei tevest in returning to them, than France has triment of his finances'? Why should lie issue the.same-Declaration which Prussia cal the Plenipotentiary whom he , had sent, to lead him back thereto. This alteration establish magazines r—Why should he or- has made ; may she, by acts, confirm that in concert with his , to ire- must be the result of his own consideration, der the baking of biscuit ?—Why should he Dec! ara.tion, and reduce her whole force, gociate w ith the Head-of the French Go- and cannot form an object of any kind of ne- take up so many draught horses?—It is a and the whole artillery, &c. of her army, vernment on the subject of peace. gotiation. pi inciple in the public law of Europe, that to the peace establishment ; may she no " i'hese groancis ate too just and ob- " As to England, bis Majesty made an the assembling of Hoop's, establishing of longer keep 72,000 men in Italy ; may she vious not to merit the attention of all Eu- attempt, eight months ago, .to incline her to magazines, baking of biscuit, taking up of order back to t heir garrisons the regiments, rope. They are contained in the Note peace ; which attempt Euiope knew how draught horses, are considered as a decla- assembled ;o: foim an army in the Tyrol, which was transmitted to the Minister of to'appreciate, and which would not have ration of war, especially if such piepaia and;cease the establishing of magazines, and his Prussian Majesty, by M. NOVOSILT- been in vain, if England had depended sole- tjions'are made on a frontier which is left tin- the fortified camps, which announce an ap- ZOFF, on the 28th June (July 10), and ly upon her own resources ; but, from the' provided by a power employed'elsew here, proaching war, and nothing will'fifrther dis- the conclusion to which they have given rise Answer-returned by the " Cabinet of ' St. at.a'n opposite arid very distant frontier..— turb the peace of the Continent ; this peace is a consequence of those very sentiments James, it was c-lear that it would not 'think His:Majesty, 'desirous of reconciling those sp desireab.I.e 1 o al 1 parties, since Frar.cc has. and principles which have led hisIiwrE- of a peace, 'ti-i.l. it had lost every hc.pe of dispositfous with the-'pacific expressions of nothing to gain by a fresh combat'; Austna RTAL MA JEST r fo exert himself with in- setting the Continent'in flames, and ofco- his Majesty the Emperor of Germany,'in will gain nothing by it, and the maritime cessant anxiety (or the restoration of the ge- Turing: Italy vvith blood-and carnage. With yihich he ha's always pliaced the strongest peace will soon follow. When Austria neral tranquillity. confidence, can only reconcile them on the this intention, and with this intention alone, shall have declaied, (hat she remains neu- supposition, 'that this 'Monarch knows no- " Since the rupture between England it called upon the interposition of Russia,— tral, and wiil remain neutral, a peace will thing of' the wrong : that lias been done to and France, .his Majesty has beheld Wiih Ti.se Cabinet of Vienna is too enlightened be the desire and hope of England ; it will ; .France 3 and that the 'diversion Occasioned astonishment and commisseiation, the gr eat- not to peiceive this, though the projects a'nd be concluded, and the Treaty of Amieris by his' armarhent, is tantaifioirht. to 'acfual er part of the States of the Comihehf com- mojiveisqf England were , not known to it, w ill be rc.-toie'd before the inonth of Ja- hoStiiities. His'Majesty is still desirous of pelled, in succession, to bear the burden of from the pressing solicitations, and from the nuary.—The crowns of France and Italy persuading himself that that Monarch iealiy War, which, in its origin, is plainly of a offer ot subsidies, with which she has con- will be separated for ever : Europe enjoying knows nothing' ot it; but Hie natural conse- maritime nature, and foieign. to their di.im stantly besieged the Court of "Vienna, to in- secur ity and tranquillity, will owe them to quence? of; a similar en'or aie'equally detVi- interest. He could not, however, cherish duce it to take up arms. the wisdom of Austria, which, by an op-.' mcntal to Ffince as positive hostile inten- the hope, that this melancholy state of " It cannot be hoped that such a Power posite behaviour, would have precipitated tionsi,'and for this very reason his Majes- things might be put an end to, by' mean's,of will listen to advice ol moderation and jus- Europe into a situation, which neither the ty's' interest requires to be befbreha'nd1 with a frank and 'fiiendly negociation, when he tice. It would even be useless to speak fo it Cabinet of the Thuilleries, noi the feabinet 1 perceived that, without the slightest regard of-its.interest, which ought to be dearest to thera. of Vienna, nor any oiheij could calculate to these solemn proceedings, w hich tended it. Blindpassions induce it to'm'istak-e those or foresee. , ' •'** Tt is'no longer pVclestatidris whicfi caif to the restoration of peace, and even at the interests. The voice of persuasion would satisfy 'his Majesty. His Majesty cannot very .moment when Russia offered to nego- avail nothing ; but that which the good offi- " H'S Excellency, Co-unt 'toBENT^-EL. adih'it'ariy intermediate state bciwixr that of. ciate for its attainment, .the number of States ces of Austria cann'ot induce England to do, will see, that in those comipunications, wiroi of jpe'ace. If Austria wants peace, ] which lost their independence, continued 10 Austria can oblige her to do. She needs which the Undersigned hss'been'oi.dered.to evfry thing in Austria must be i-estored to ; increase, neither exertions nor menaces for this pur- make to him, it was impossible for'his Ma- th'e "peace 'establishoient. Should Austria j pose,, but merely toobseive a very simple jesty tp proceeed with Witire opennesSp dig-, "' When liis ""resolved dfsife'war^ his Majesty will liave no other process; wJiicto'Villccw-vin cc England of her mty, and sincerity. For. the interest of to recal his Plenipotentiary, he was actuated Ve than tb .throw back upon the j impotence. V- i • Austria herself, and forthe-glcry of 3ier Sp» merely by the;, consideration that his mission veieign,.His Majesty wishes that the-'Erepj:. 8g'gt«$br -'iAl ihS 'V.Vrii which be would ! could.nct produce any paeific if.Hilt, and s'11 CON 1/ DECLARATION was established in Italy. • His Majesty's con- , timenw, were not met hy snck seniiiirerts Of the&urtof V:ieri*na to tlie French Court.;; -.: fidence in the views of the First Consul was , on the partof his Majesty.the, Empe.ioi ,