International Paso Doble

Introduction to International Paso Doble

General Paso Doble is one of the most exciting of the Latin rhythms. It has the electric excitement of a bull fight with the man assuming the strong, powerful role of the matador and the lady, most often, portraying the cape, although she may act either role, depending upon the figure being danced.

Paso Doble is different from other International Latin because there are separate techniques for each figure or family of figures and fewer general techniques. The most important general technique is the shaping of the man's body. The man's use of body sway emphasizes the character of the . The man uses body sway, in any Paso Doble step, where he feels a slight tendency to sway. By accentuating this sway the man enhances the flavor of the dance.

Tempo The timing used for Paso Doble is normally 2/4 time with the first beat of each bar slightly accentuated. However, for round dance , we write the cue sheets in 4/4 time. This will make the recommended speed approximately 30 measures per minute, instead of the 60 measures per minute for 2/4 timing.

Phrasing Normally we count Paso Doble figures in multiples of 4 steps e.g. 4, 8, 12, 16, etc., and the man's first step normally begins with the right foot. Due to phrasing, there could be an occasional count of 2 steps.

Stance The Paso Doble depicts the bullfight with the man as the matador and the lady as the cape. Carriage of the body in Paso Doble is higher than in the other Latin dances since there is no hip action. Hold the hips well forward and the chest should be high and proud! The arching of the back, at times, is proper in the execution of some figures.

There are three levels that the dancers maintain while dancing the Paso Doble, up, neutral, and down.

Down - This level is achieved by lowering into your knees, slightly, while maintaining a strong erect upper body. The Appel and Down Elevation use this level.

Neutral - This level is used most of the time and particularly for figures that travel or turn, the standard level for dancing the Paso Doble. The Sur Place and the majority of the other figures danced in the Paso Doble are danced at this level.

Up - This level is achieved by lifting the body through the ankles. The Up Elevation is danced at this level.

There are a few figures that require the dancers to use all three levels.

PD - Intro - 1 S#7 2003 Introduction (continued) International Paso Doble

Hold and Arm Positions In (CP) stand facing your partner with the head erect and the body upright. There can be light body contact but bodies may also be up to 6 inches apart.

The man places his right hand on the lady's left shoulder blade. The lady rests her left arm lightly on the man's right arm following the curve of his arm to the shoulder.

The lady should place the fingers of her right hand between the man's thumb and first finger and clasp the hands lightly. Raise the joined hands, (man's left and lady's right), to eye level with a gentle curve in the arms.

In Semi-Closed Position (Promenade Position), you may extend the hold so that the dancers are about 9 to 12 inches apart. If the man cannot retain his hold on the lady's shoulder blade, he can allow his right hand to slip to the top of her left arm. Usually we lower the joined hands, (man's left and lady's right), to chest height with a gentle curve to the arms.

In Reverse Semi-Closed Position (Counter Promenade Position), usually we raise the joined hands, (man's left and lady's right), to a level just above the head with a gentle curve in the arms.

Footwork The two most common steps taken in Paso Doble are the heel marching step and the step taken high on the ball of the foot .

We take the heel marching step by pushing from the back foot onto the heel of the front foot keeping the front leg straight. When we dance the forward action, high on the ball of the foot, we will initiate the step from the ankle (not the knee), digging the toes into the floor. When we use this technique, we take the last step as a ball flat, enabling us to move smoothly into the next movement.

PD - Intro - 2 S#7 2003 International Paso Doble Table of Contents

Introduction ……………………………………………..… PD-Int-1 Appel ……………………………………………..… PD-01 Appel to Semi-Closed Position ……………………………………………..… PD-02 Appel, Slip ……………………………………………..… PD-03 Attack, The (Deplacement) ……………………………………………..… PD-12 Basic, Backward ……………………………………………..… PD-06 Chassé to the Left (with Appel) ……………………………………………..… PD-08 Chassé to the Left (without Appel) ……………………………………………..… PD-07 Chassé to the Right ……………………………………………..… PD-09 Coup de Pique (Left to Right) ……………………………………………..… PD-21 Coup de Pique (Right to Left) ……………………………………………..… PD-20 Coup de Pique (Syncopated) ……………………………………………..… PD-22 Deplacement ……………………………………………..… PD-12 Ecart (Fallaway Whisk) ……………………………………………..… PD-19 Elevation ……………………………………………..… PD-10 Fallaway Ending to Separation ……………………………………………..… PD-13 Fallaway Whisk (Ecart) ……………………………………………..… PD-19 Farol, The ……………………………………………..… PD-16 Forward Basic ……………………………………………..… PD-05 Fregolina ……………………………………………..… PD-16 Grand Circle ……………………………………………..… PD-24 Huit (Cape) ……………………………………………..… PD-15 Left foot Variation ……………………………………………..… PD-18 Promenade Close ……………………………………………..… PD-23 Promenade Link ……………………………………………..… PD-11 Separation ……………………………………………..… PD-17 Sixteen ……………………………………………..… PD-14 Slip Appel ……………………………………………..… PD-03 Sur Place ……………………………………………..… PD-04

PD - TOC -1 S#8 2004 International Paso Doble Table of Contents

PD - TOC - 2 S#8 2004 International Paso Doble

Appel to CP 1 beat - 1 Level of Difficulty 1

MAN CP fcng ptnr and wall - In place R,

LADY CP fcng ptnr and COH - In place L,


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP In place nil Flat A strong R lowering action


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP In place nil Flat A strong L lowering action


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and the wall. [Step 1.] Keeping the body very erect, lower sharply onto the right foot, flat.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and center of the hall. [Step 1.] Keeping the body very erect, lower sharply onto the left foot, flat.


This is a step danced with a strong lowering action and the foot flat. It is a firm step and used to start a number of figures. After starting high on the balls of both feet, some styling used are: a) Lowering action taking weight without a stomp. b) Lowering action taking weight with a stomp. c) Back flick before lowering as in (a) and (b) above.

PD - Fig 1 - 1 Appel to CP (continued) International Paso Doble

Intentionally Left Blank

PD - Fig 1 - 2 International Paso Doble

Appel to PP 1 beat - 1 Level of Difficulty 1

MAN CP fcng ptnr and wall - In place R,

LADY CP fcng ptnr and COH - In place L,


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP In place 1/8 Flat A strong Slight toe-in action of & sltly LF to lowering the Right foot as placed sd R SCP action on the floor.


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP In place 1/8 Flat A strong Slight toe-in action of & sltly RF to lowering the Left foot as placed sd L SCP action on the floor.


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and the wall. [Step 1.] Keeping the body very erect, lower sharply onto the right foot, flat, and turn the head to look toward LOD. At the same time, circle lead joined hands clockwise and prepare to extend them, toward LOD, on the next step to end Semi-Closed Position facing LOD.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH. [Step 1.] Keeping the body very erect, lower sharply onto the left foot, flat, and turn the head to look toward LOD. At the same time, circle lead joined hands counterclockwise and prepare to extend them, toward LOD, on the next step. End in Semi-Closed Position facing LOD.


This is a step danced with a strong lowering action and the foot flat. It is a firm step and used to start a number of figures.

When started in CP, as a preparation to step to SCP, take the step slightly back. A slight body turn to the left for the man, and to the right for the lady can be used on the Appel preceding the SCP. PD - Fig 2 - 5 Appel to PP (continued) International Paso Doble

Some styling used are:

a) Lowering action taking weight without a stomp.

b) Lowering action taking weight with a stomp.

c) Back flick before lowering as in (a) and (b) above.

PD - Fig 2 - 6 International Paso Doble Backward Basic 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 2

MAN CP fcng LOD - Bk R, bk L, bk R, bk L;

LADY CP fcng RLOD - Fwd L, fwd R, fwd L, fwd R;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 CP bk R *nil **ball Very Strong pressure into small the floor. steps on * Up to 1/4 LF or RF balls of curve can be executed. feet 2 2 CP bk L *nil **ball 3 3 CP bk R *nil **ball 4 4 CP bk L *nil **ball


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 CP fwd L *nil **ball Very Strong pressure into small the floor. steps on * Up to 1/4 LF or RF balls of curve can be executed. feet 2 2 CP fwd R *nil **ball 3 3 CP fwd L *nil **ball 4 4 CP fwd R *nil **ball

** The heels may be lightly lowered.


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and LOD. Keep the body erect throughout. [Step 1.] Small step back right. [Step 2.] Small step back left. [Step 3.] Small step back right. [Step 4.] Small step back left.

PD - Fig 6 - 13 Backward Basic (continued) International Paso Doble

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and RLOD. Keep the body erect throughout. [Step 1.] Small step forward left. [Step 2.] Small step forward right. [Step 3.] Small step forward left. [Step 4.] Small step forward right.


You can dance the backward basic to curve up to a 1/2 over 8 steps and can precede and follow most figures.

PD - Fig 6 - 14 International Paso Doble

Chassé To Left (With or without Elevation)(Without Appel) 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 2

MAN CP fcng ptnr and wall - sd L, cl R to L, sd L, cl R to L;

LADY CP fcng ptnr and COH - sd R, cl L to R, sd R, cl L to R;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used

1 1 wall sd L nil B or knees a slight curve of not BF slightly more than 1/4 turn to flexed the L or R can be made over the over the 4 steps 4 steps 2 2 wall cl R to nil B or L BF 3 3 wall sd L nil B or BF 4 4 wall cl R to nil B or L BF


Step Timin Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # g Alignment Direction of Turn Used

1 1 COH sd R nil B or knees a slight curve of not BF slightly more than 1/4 turn to flexed the L or R can be made over the over the 4 steps 4 steps 2 2 COH cl L to nil B or R BF 3 3 COH sd R nil B or BF 4 4 COH cl L to nil B or R BF

PD - Fig 7 - 15 Chasse to Left (continued) International Paso Doble (with or without Elevation, without Appel)


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and the wall. [Step 1.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. [Step 2.] Close the right foot to the left foot on the ball of the foot. [Step 3.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. [Step 4.] Close the right foot to the left foot on the ball of the foot.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH. [Step 1.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. [Step 2.] Close the left foot to the right foot on the ball of the foot. [Step 3.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. [Step 4.] Close the left foot to the right foot on the ball of the foot.


You can dance the Chassé for any even number of steps, depending on musical phrasing. The Chass é above, however, are for 4 steps or one measure of music, as written on a Round Dance cue sheet.

When dancing the Chassé, the heels can be slightly lowered so that they just touch the floor before stepping on to the ball of the next foot. You may curve slightly to the left or right, when dancing the Chassé, to change the direction of alignment. A maximum of a quarter turn is recommended over the 4 steps.

See Elevation for execution of elevations.

PD - Fig 7 - 16 International Paso Doble

Chassé To Left (With or without Elevation) (With Appel) 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 2

MAN CP fcg ptr and wall - Appel R, sd L, cl R to L, sd L;

LADY CP fcg ptr and COH - Appel L, sd R, cl L to R, sd R;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 wall Appel R nil flat See Appel to CP 2 2 wall sd L nil B or knees a slight LF or RF curve BF slightly of not more than 1/4 flexed turn can be made over over the the 4 steps 3 steps 3 3 wall cl R to nil B or L BF 4 4 wall sd L nil B or BF


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 COH Appel L nil flat See Appel to CP 2 2 COH sd R nil B or knees a slight LF or RF curve BF slightly of not more than 1/4 flexed turn can be made over over the the 4 steps 3 steps 3 3 COH cl L to nil B or R BF 4 4 COH sd R nil B or BF

PD - Fig 8 - 17 Chassé To Left (continued) International Paso Doble

(With or Without Elevation - With Appel)


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and the wall. [Step 1.] See Appel to CP. [Step 2.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. [Step 3.] Close the right foot to the left foot on the ball of the foot. [Step 4.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. (You may turn the last step, 1/8 left face, to end in SCP.)

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH. [Step 1.] See Appel to CP. [Step 2.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. [Step 3.] Close the left foot to the right foot on the ball of the foot. [Step 4.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. (You may turn the last step, 1/8 right face, to end in SCP.)


You may repeat steps 3 and 4, depending on musical phrasing.

When dancing the Chassés after the Appel, you can lower the heels slightly, so that they just touch the floor before stepping on to the ball of the next foot.

You can make a slight left face or right face curve, when dancing the Chassés, to change the direction of alignment. A maximum of a quarter turn is recommended over the 4 steps.

See Elevation for execution of elevations.

PD - Fig 8 - 18 International Paso Doble

Chassé To Right (With or without Elevation) 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 2

MAN CP fcg COH - Sd R, cl L to R, sd R, cl L to R;

LADY CP fcg wall - Sd L, cl R to L, sd R, cl R to L;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 COH sd R nil B or knees a slight curve of not BF slightly more than 1/4 turn to flexed the L or R can be made 2 2 COH cl L to nil B or over the over the 4 steps R BF 4 steps 3 3 COH sd R nil B or BF 4 4 COH cl L to nil B or R BF


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 wall sd L nil B or knees a slight curve of not BF slightly more than 1/4 turn to flexed the L or R can be made 2 2 wall cl R to nil B or over the over the 4 steps L BF 4 steps 3 3 wall sd L nil B or BF 4 4 wall cl R to nil B or L BF


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH. [Step 1.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. [Step 2.] Close the left foot to the right foot on the ball of the foot. [Step 3.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. [Step 4.] Close the left foot to the right foot on the ball of the foot.

PD - Fig 9 - 19 Chassé To Right (continued) (with or without Elevation) International Paso Doble

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and the wall [Step 1.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. [Step 2.] Close the right foot to the left foot on the ball of the foot. [Step 3.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. [Step 4.] Close the right foot to the left foot on the ball of the foot.


You can dance the Chassés for any even number of steps, depending on musical phrasing. However, the Chassés above are for 4 steps or one measure of music, as written on a Round Dance cue sheet.

When dancing the Chassés, you can lower the heels slightly, so that they just touch the floor, before stepping on to the ball of the next foot. You can make a slight curve, to the left or right, when dancing the Chassés, to change the direction of alignment. A maximum of a quarter turn is recommended over the 4 steps.

See Elevation for execution of elevations.

PD - Fig 9 - 20 International Paso Doble

Coup de Pique (L foot to R foot) 1 1/2 measures - 1234 12 Level of Difficulty 4

MAN CP fcng COH - Sd L trng sltly L, pt R thru twd RLOD, cl R to L in CP, bk L in SCP [Fallaway]; cl R to L in CP, in pl L,

LADY CP fcng Wall - Sd R trng sltly R, pt L thru twd RLOD, cl L to R in CP; bk R in SCP [Fallaway]; cl L to R in CP, in pl R,


Step Facing Step & Amount Action # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Used Lead/Technique trng sltly L leading lady to 1 1 COH sd L 1/8 BF sd stp trn sltly R COH & pt R LF flex L CBMP ptng R toe twd 2 2 DRC XIFL OET knee RLOD - no wt chg cl R to 1/8 3 3 DRC L RF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP 1/8 4 4 COH bk L LF B both ft Falwy L ft in bk CBMP, in SCP cl R to 1/8 5 5 DRC L RF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP Sur 6 6 COH in pl L - B both ft Place


Step Facing Step & Amount Action # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Used Lead/Technique

1 1 Wall sd R BF trng sltly R

Wall & pt L 1/8 flex R CBMP ptng L toe twd 2 2 DRW XIFR RF OET knee RLOD - no wt chg cl L to 1/8 3 3 DRW R LF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP 1/8 4 4 Wall bk R RF B both ft Falwy R ft in bk CBMP to SCP cl L to 1/8 5 5 DRW R LF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP fcng wall Sur 6 6 COH in pl R B Place

PD - Fig 21 - 49 Coup de Pique (Left to Right) (continued) International Paso Doble


MAN Start in Closed Position facing COH [Step 1.] Side left turning left slightly. [Step 2.] Flexing left knee cross right forward and across left pointing right foot in CBMP toward RLOD with outside edge of toe on floor no weight completing a 1/8 left turn, look RLOD. [Step 3.] Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 right to Closed Position facing lady and COH. [Step 4.] Step back left CBMP turning 1/8 left to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 5.] Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 right to Closed Position facing lady and COH. [Step 6.} Sur Place [step in place left].

LADY Start in Closed Position facing wall [Step 1.] Side right turning right slightly. [Step 2.] Flexing right knee cross left forward and across right pointing left foot in CBMP toward RLOD with outside edge of toe on floor no weight completing a 1/8 right turn, look RLOD. [Step 3.] Close left to right high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing man and wall. [Step 4.] Step back left CBMP turning 1/8 right to semi-closed position looking RLOD. [Step 5.} Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing lady and COH. [Step 6.] Sur Place [step in place right].


The main purpose of this figure is to enable us to change feet from left to right. This figure may be commenced in other alignments.

OPTIONAL On steps 2 through 5, up to a 1/4 turn may be made on each step.

PD - Fig 21 - 50 International Paso Doble

Coup de Pique (R foot to L foot) 1 1/2 measures - 1234 12 Level of Difficulty 4

MAN CP fcng COH - Appel R, sd L trng sltly L, pt R thru twd RLOD, cl R to L in CP; bk L trng 1/8 L to SCP [Fallaway], cl R to L in CP,

LADY CP fcng Wall - Appel L, sd R trng sltly R, pt L thru twd RLOD, cl L to R in CP; bk R trng 1/8 R to SCP [Fallaway], cl L to R in CP,


Step Facing Step & Amount # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique

1 1 COH in pl R nil BF Appel trng sltly L leading lady to 2 2 COH sd L HF trn sltly R

COH & pt R 1/8 flex L CBMP ptng R toe twd 3 3 DRC XIFL LF OET knee RLOD - no wt chg

cl R to 1/8 T 4 4 DRC L RF both ft wgt chg high on T in CP

1/8 B 5 1 COH bk L LF both ft Falwy L ft in bk CBMP, in SCP

cl R to 1/8 T 6 2 DRC L RF both ft wgt chg high on T in CP fcng COH


Step Facing Step & Amount # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique

1 1 Wall in pl L nil BF Appel

2 2 Wall sd R HF trng sltly R

Wall & pt L 1/8 flex R CBMP ptng L toe twd 3 3 DRW XIFR RF OET knee RLOD - no wt chg

cl L to 1/8 T 4 4 DRW R LF both ft wgt chg high on T in CP

1/8 B 5 1 Wall bk R RF both ft Falwy R ft in bk CBMP to SCP

cl L to 1/8 T 6 2 DRW R LF both ft wgt chg high on T in CP fcng wall

PD - Fig 20 - 47 Coup de Pique R to L (continued) International Paso Doble


MAN Start in Closed Position facing COH [Step 1.] (Appel) Step in place on right. [Step 2.] Side left turning left slightly. [Step 3.] Flexing left knee cross right forward and across left pointing right foot in CBMP toward RLOD with outside edge of toe on floor no weight completing a 1/8 left turn, look RLOD. [Step 4.] Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 right to Closed Position facing lady and COH. [Step 5.] Step back left CBMP turning 1/8 left to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 6.} Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 right to Closed Position facing COH.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing wall [Step 1.] (Appel ) Step in place on left. [Step 2.] Side right turning right slightly. [Step 3.] Flexing right knee cross left forward and across right pointing left foot in CBMP toward RLOD with outside edge of toe on floor no weight completing a 1/8 right turn, looking RLOD. [Step 4.] Close left to right high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing man and Wall. [Step 5.] Step back right CBMP turning 1/8 right to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 6.] Close left to right high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing Wall.


Footwork on steps 4. Toe of both feet. 5. Ball of both feet. 6.Toes of both feet. The main purpose of this figure is to enable us to change feet from right to left. This figure may be commenced in other alignments.

OPTIONAL On steps 2 through 6, up to a 1/4 turn may be made on each step.

PD - Fig 20 - 48 International Paso Doble Coup de Pique (Syncopated) 2 measures - 1234 12&34 Level of Difficulty 6

MAN CP fcng COH - XRIFL ptng R twd RLOD trng L 1/8 to SCP, cl R to L trng 1/8 R to CP, bk L trng 1/8 L to SCP, cl R to L trng 1/8 R to CP; bk L trng 1/8 L to SCP, cl R to L trng 1/8 R to CP/cl L to R, sd R, cl L to R;

LADY CP fcng WALL - XLIFR ptng L twd RLOD trng R 1/8 to SCP, cl L to R trng 1/8 L to CP, bk R trng 1/8 R to SCP, cl L to R trng 1/8 L to CP; bk R trng 1/8 R to SCP, cl L to R trng 1/8 L to CP/cl R to L, sd L, cl R to L;


Step Facing Step & Amount # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique pt R 1/8 flex L CBMP ptng R toe twd 1 1 COH XIFL LF OET knee RLOD - no wt chg cl R to 1/8 2 2 DRC L RF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP 1/8 3 3 COH bk L LF B both ft Falwy L ft in CBMP, in SCP cl R to 1/8 4 4 DRC L RF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP 1/8 5 1 COH bk L LF B both ft Falwy L ft in CBMP, in SCP 1/8 beat value 1/2 6 2 DRC sd R RF B end in CP cl L to 7 & COH R nil B sync beat value 1/2 8 3 - sd R - B cl L to 9 4 - R - B


Step Facing Step & Amount # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique pt L 1/8 flex R CBMP ptng L toe twd 1 1 WALL XIFR RF OET knee RLOD - no wt chg cl L to 1/8 2 2 DRW R LF T both ft wgt chg high on T in CP 1/8 3 3 WALL bk R RF B both ft Falwy R ft in CBMP, in SCP cl L to 1/8 4 4 DRW R LF T both ft wgt chg high on T in SCP 1/8 B both ft Falwy R ft in bk CBMP in SCP

PD - Fig 22 - 51 Coup de Pique (Syncopated) (continued) International Paso Doble

5 1 WALL bk R RF 1/8 beat value 1/2 - end in 6 2 DRW sd L LF B CP cl R to 7 & WALL L nil B sync beat value 1/2 8 3 - sd L - B cl R to 9 4 - L - B


MAN Start in Closed Position facing COH [Step 1.] Flexing left knee cross right forward and across left pointing right foot in CBMP toward RLOD with outside edge of toe on floor no weight completing a 1/8 left turn to Semi-Closed Position, look RLOD . [Step 2.] Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 right to Closed Position facing lady and COH. [Step 3.] Step back left CBMP turning 1/8 left to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 4.] Close right to left high on toes turning 1/8 right to closed position facing lady and COH. [Step 5.] Step back left CBMP turning 1/8 left to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 6.] Side right high on toes turning 1/8 right to Closed Position facing lady and COH. [Step 7.] Close left to right. [Step 8.] Step side right. [Step 9.] Close left to right.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing Wall [Step 1.] Flexing right knee cross left forward and across right pointing left foot in CBMP toward RLOD with outside edge of toe on floor no weight completing a 1/8 right turn to Semi-Closed Position, look RLOD. [Step 2.] Close left to right high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing man and wall. [Step 3.] Step back right CBMP turning 1/8 right to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 4.] Close left to right high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing man and wall. [Step 5.] Step back right CBMP turning 1/8 right to Semi-Closed Position looking RLOD. [Step 6.] Side left high on toes turning 1/8 left to Closed Position facing man and wall. [Step 7.] Close right to left. [Step 8.] Step side left. [Step 9.] Close right to left.


Footwork on steps 2.Toes of both feet, 3. Balls of both feet, 4.Toes of both feet, 5.Balls of both feet. This figure may be commenced in other alignments.

OPTIONAL Footwork for man and lady on steps 8 and 9 may be ball flat. On steps 1 through 6, up to a 1/4 turn may be made on each step.

PD - Fig 22 - 52 International Paso Doble

Deplacement (including the Attack) 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 3

MAN CP LOD - Fwd R, fwd L, side R 1/4 LF trn, cl L to R;

LADY CP RLOD - Bk L, bk R, side L 1/4 LF trn, cl R to L;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn

1 1 LOD fwd R none HF forward walk 2 2 LOD fwd L 1/4 HF to turn 3 3 COH side R to left B or btw 2 BF and 3 4 4 cl L to none B or R BF


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn

1 1 RLOD bk L none BF back walk 2 2 RLOD bk R 1/4 BF to turn 3 3 wall side L to the B or left BF btw 2 and 3 4 4 cl R to none B or L BF


MAN Start in Closed Position facing LOD. [Step 1.] Forward right. [Step 2.] Forward left. [Step 3.] Side right, turning 1/4 left face to face center of hall. [Step 4.] Close left to right.

PD - Fig 12 - 27 Deplacement (continued ) International Paso Doble

LADY Start in Closed Position facing RLOD. [Step 1.] Back left. [Step 2.] Back right. [Step 3.] Side left turning 1/4 left face to face the wall. [Step 4.] Close right to left.


Starting this figure in other directions is at the discretion of the choreographer.

Alternative methods:

(1) Three forward steps R, L, R, turn 1/4 to the left and close L to R on beat 4. When dancing this method, step 3 is a heel flat.

(2) Dance three forward steps R, L, R, close left to right on beat 4 with no turn. When dancing this method, step 3 is heel flat.

(3) The Attack . Appel on the right foot on step 1 then continue according to the chart with step 1 being on the whole foot. To assist the shaping of the figure, lower the left arm on step 3 with an outward circular movement and the shape the body to the left.

PD - Fig 12 - 28 International Paso Doble

Ecart (Fallaway Whisk) 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 3

MAN CP fcng WALL - Appel R, fwd L, sd & sltly bk in SCP, XLIBR in SCP;

LADY CP fcng COH - Appel L, bk R, sd & sltly bk L in SCP, XRIBL in SCP;


Step Facing Step & Amount of # Timing Alignment Direction Turn Footwork Action used Lead/Technique

1 1 WALL in pl R nil WF Appel See Fig 2

2 2 - fwd L HF March btw 1/8 LF Wall & sd & sltly bdy trns T ptng DLW in 3 3 DLW bk R less BF Falwy SCP

comp 4 4 DLW XLIBR bdy trn BF Falwy


Step Facing Step & Amount of # Timing Alignment Direction Turn Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique

1 1 COH in pl L nil WF Appel See Fig 2

2 2 - bk R BF March btw 1/8 RF COH & sd & sltly bdy trns 3 3 DLC bk L less BF Falwy T ptng DLC in SCP

comp 4 4 DLC XRIBL bdy trn BF Falwy


MAN Start in Closed Position facing WALL [Step 1.] (Appel) Step in place right. [Step 2.] Step forward on left and commence turning left. [Step 3.] Continue turning stepping side and slightly back on right with toe pointing DLW completing a 1/8 left turn to Semi-Closed Position, body turns less. [Step 4.] Cross left in back of right completing body turn.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing COH. [Step 1.] (Appel) Step in place on left. [Step 2.] Step back on right and commence turning right. [Step 3.] Continue turning stepping side PD - Fig 19 - 45 Ecart (continued) International Paso Doble and slightly back on left with toe pointing DLC completing a 1/8 right turn to Semi-Closed Position, body turns less. [Step 4.] Cross left in back of right completing the body turn.


Refer to Figure 2 for additional description of the Appel. The figure may also be commenced facing DLW or LOD.

PD - Fig 19 - 46 International Paso Doble


1 measure - 1234 Level Of Difficulty 3


The Elevation Up, generally cued as Up Elevation, is danced “Up” on the toes (or ball-of foot) with legs straight, although not locked, while dancing a Chassé Left (see Fig 7 & 8) or Chassé Right (see Fig 9).


The Elevation Down, generally cued as Down Elevation, is danced “Down” onto the full foot with knees compressed while dancing a Chassé Left (see Fig 7 & 8) or Chassé Right (see Fig 9).


Generally the use of the arms and heads indicates which of the elevations will be used. Commonly used head positions are to look toward the direction of travel on Elevation up and look away from the direction of travel on Elevation down. Arm positions follow:

For the Elevation up with the Right Chassé the arms may be held in the standard Closed Position or the joined lead hands curved and held high.

For the Elevation up with Left Chassé the arms may be in the standard Closed Position or the trailing arms held high as in a Caping action with trailing side stretch.

For the Elevation down with the Right Chassé the joined lead hands are circled clockwise (counter clockwise for the lady) and then extended down and away from the body causing a left sway (right sway for the lady).

For the Elevation down, with the Left Chassé a loose Reverse Semi-Closed Position swayed to the right (swayed left for the lady).

The Elevation can be danced in many combinations, a few of which are listed below.

a) 2 Chassés Up, followed by 2 Chassés Down b) 1 Chassé Up, followed by 1 Chassé Down c) 1 Step Up, followed by 1 Step Down

PD - Fig 10 - 21 S#7 2003 Elevation (continued) International Paso Doble

PD - Fig 10 - 22 S#7 2003 International Paso Doble Fallaway Ending to Separation 2 measures - 1234; 1234; Level of Difficulty 4

MAN BJO LOD - Fwd R trng 1/4 RF in BJO, fwd L in BJO trng 1/4 RF, bk & sltly sd R (in Fallaway Position) trng 1/8 RF, bk L (in Fallaway Position); sd R trng 1/8 RF, cl L to R, sd R, Cl L to R;

LADY BJO RLOD - Fwd L trng 1/4 RF in BJO, fwd R in BJO trng 1/4 RF, bk & sltly sd L (in Fallaway Position) trng 3/8 RF, bk R (in Fallaway Position); sd L trng 1/8 LF, cl R to L, sd L, cl R to L;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn

1 1 LOD fwd R 1/4 HF or BF Fwd step in BJO RF 2 2 wall fwd L 1/4 Fwd step in BJO RF 3 3 RLOD bk & 1/8 BF Falwy sltly sd RF R LOD 4 4 DRC bk L nil Falwy CBMP - strong crossing of the upper thighs. 5 1 DRC sd R 1/8 B or BF RF

6 2 COH cl L to R nil Chassé R 7 3 COH sd R 8 4 COH cl L to R


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn

1 1 RLOD Fwd L in 1/4 Fwd step in BJO BJO RF 2 2 COH fwd R in 1/4 Fwd step in BJO - BJO RF 3 3 LOD bk & 3/8 to Falwy Back twd LOD sltly sd L R

PD - Fig 13 - 29 S#7 2003 Fallaway Ending to Separation (continued) International Paso Doble

LOD 4 4 DRW bk R nil Falwy CBMP - with a strong crossing of the upper thighs. 5 1 DRW sd L 1/8 LF

6 2 wall cl R to L nil Chassé R 7 3 wall sd L 8 4 wall cl R to L


MAN Start in BJO facing LOD. [Step 1.] Step forward on right foot, outside partner (BJO), turning 1/4 to the right, with turn occurring on count 1. Heel flat or ball flat foot placement. [Step 2.] Continue turn as step forward on left foot, outside partner (BJO), turning 1/4 to the right. Heel flat or ball flat foot placement. [Step 3.] Continue turn as step back and slightly side on right foot, in Fallaway Position, turning 1/8 to the right. Ball flat foot placement. [Step 4.] Step back on left foot, in Fallaway Position, with a strong crossing of the upper thighs (CBMP). Ball flat foot placement. [Step 5.] Step side on right foot, turning 1/8 to the right, with turn occurring between step 4 and 5. Ball or ball flat foot placement. End this step facing COH. [Step 6.] Close left foot to right. Ball or ball flat foot placement. [Step 7.] Step side on right foot. Ball or ball flat foot placement. [Step 8.] Close left foot to right. Ball or ball flat foot placement.

LADY Start in BJO facing RLOD [Step 1.] Step forward on left foot, outside partner (BJO), turning 1/4 to the right, with turn occurring on count 1. Heel flat or ball flat foot placement. [Step 2.] Continue turning as step forward on right foot, outside partner (BJO), turning 1/4 to the. Heel flat or ball flat foot placement. [Step 3.] Continue turning as step back and slightly side on left foot, in Fallaway Position, turning 3/8 to the right. Ball flat foot placement. [Step 4.] Step back on right foot, in Fallaway Position, with a strong crossing of the upper thighs (CBMP). Ball flat foot placement. [Step 5.] Step side on left foot, turning 1/8 to the left, with turn occurring between steps 4 and 5. Ball or ball flat foot placement. End this step facing the wall. [Step 6.] Close right foot to left. Ball or ball flat foot placement. [Step 7.] Step side on left foot. Ball or ball flat foot placement. [Step 8.] Close right foot to left. Ball or ball flat foot placement.


Always precede this figure with the Separation. The man leads the lady forward to his right side, over steps 5 - 8 of the Separation, regaining hold with the right hand. You can start this figure in other directions, at the discretion of the choreographer.

PD - Fig 13 - 30 S#7 2003 International Paso Doble

Forward Basic 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 2

MAN CP fcg ptr and LOD - fwd R, fwd L, fwd R, fwd L;

LADY CP fcg ptr and RLOD - bk L, bk R, bk L, bk R;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 CP fwd R *nil **ball Very Strong pressure into the small floor. steps on * Up to 1/4 LF or RF balls of curve can be executed. feet 2 2 CP fwd L *nil **ball 3 3 CP fwd R *nil **ball 4 4 CP fwd L *nil **ball


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 CP bk L *nil **ball Very Strong pressure into the small floor. steps on * Up to 1/4 LF or RF balls of curve can be executed. feet 2 2 CP bk R *nil **ball 3 3 CP bk L *nil **ball 4 4 CP bk R *nil **ball

** The heels may be lightly lowered.

PD - Fig 5 - 11 Forward Basic (continued) International Paso Doble


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and LOD. Keep the body erect throughout. [Step 1.] Small step forward right. [Step 2.] Small step forward left. [Step 3.] Small step forward right. [Step 4.] Small step forward left.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and RLOD. [Step 1.] Small step back left. [Step 2.] Small step back right. [Step 3.] Small step back left. [Step 4.] Small step back right.


You can dance the forward basic to curve up to a 1/2 over 8 steps and can precede and follow most figures.

PD - Fig 5 - 12 International Paso Doble

Fregolina (and The Farol) 7 measures - 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 1234 Level of Difficulty 10

MAN CP WALL - 1-8 of the Sixteen; ; in place (no steps); ; ; ; in place (no steps), , sd R, cl L to R;

LADY CP COH - 1-6 of the Sixteen; , , sd & sltly bk L trng 1/8 RF, bk R trng 3/8 RF; fwd L, fwd R, fwd L, fwd R (spiral full trn) passing in front of man & curving LF to end on man's L sd fcg wall; fwd L, fwd R, fwd L, fwd R passing behind man & curving LF to end on man's R sd fcg COH; bk L, bk R, bk L, bk R passing behind man curving RF to end on man's L sd fcg wall; fwd L, fwd R, fwd L, fwd R passing behind man curving LF to man's R sd to end in front of man fcg RLOD (preparing to spin); spin RF 3/4 on R & cl L to R, Sur Place R, sd L, cl R to L;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used

1 1 Same as Same as Same Same as Same Same as 1-8 of the Sixteen 1-6 of 1-8 of the as 1- 8 1-8 of as 1-8 but on step 7 release the 2 2 the Sixteen of the the of the hold with the right hand 3 3 Sixteen Sixteen Sixteen Sixteen allowing it to gradually slide along the lady's left 4 4 arm. On step 8 continue to except turn the lady to her right 5 5 cont so that she ends at right body 6 6 angles to the man on his trn to right side catching her left 7 7 the hand in the man's right right on hand in a "Double" hand 8 8 COH count 8 hold. (Mod. Bfly) 9 1 none slt body Man (9-12) Lead the lady turn to stands forward to pass from R 10 2 the left still side to L side. On step 12

11 3 over with raise the right arm and steps 9- feet lower the left arm w/left 12 4 12 closed sway, assist lady’s LF

on spiral turn under the both steps 9 raised arms. feet flat thru 26 13 1 bdy (13-16) Lead the lady to rtns to pass from the left side to 14 2 normal the right behind the man's on back gradually lowering steps the arms to approximately 13-14 waist level with the man's left arm across his back. 15 3 nil 16 4

PD - Fig 16 - 35 S#7 2003 Fregolina (and Farol) (continued) International Paso Doble

17 1 (17-20) Lead the lady to walk back passing from the 18 2 right side to the left side 19 3 behind the man's back reversing the arm 20 4 positions.

21 1 COH none nil Both (21-24) Lead the lady to feet flat pass behind the man's 22 2 back from the left side to 23 3 the right side to end in front of the man, reversing 24 4 the arm positions and releasing the hold with the left hand on step 23. 25 1 B or BF (25) With the right hand, lead the lady to turn R, then release the right hand hold. 26 2 B or BF (26) Regain a normal hold at the end of the lady's turn. (Closed facing position) 27 3 sd R B or BF 28 4 cl L to R B or BF


Step Timin Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # g Alignment Direction of Turn Used

1 1 Same as Same as Same Same as Same Same as 1-6 of the sixteen 1-6 of 1-6 of the as 1-6 1-6 of as 1-6 2 2 the Sixteen of the the of the 3 3 Sixteen Six-teen sixteen sixteen

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7 LOD sd & sltly 3/8 RF BF There is a late lowering of bk L the heel on step 7

8 8 DRW bk R 1/8 RF BF at right angle to man on his right side 9 1 RLOD fwd L none HF 4 fwd steps passing in front of man & curving to the L to 10 2 fwd R 1/8 LF end on his L side fcng the 11 3 DRW fwd L 1/8 LF BF opposite way.

PD - Fig 16 - 36 S#7 2003 Fregolina (and Farol) (continued) International Paso Doble

12 4 wall fwd R Spiral R foot, complete L trn on R foot LF BF; then Spiral to end with L L foot, crossed loosely in frnt of R Toe without weight 13 1 wall fwd L Crvng 4 fwd steps moving behind Crvng to to L B or BF the man's back to end on 14 2 L to end fwd R trng his R side fcng COH 15 3 fcng fwd L 1/2 COH over 13- 16 4 fwd R 16 BF

17 1 COH bk L Crvng 4 bkwd steps moving behind crvng to to R B or BF the man's back to end on 18 2 R to end bk R compng his L side fcng wall 19 3 fcng wall bk L 1/2 trn over 17- 20 4 bk R 20

21 1 wall fwd L Crvng HF 4 fwd steps moving behind crvng to to L the man's back to his right 22 2 L to end fwd R compng side and to end in front of 23 3 fcng fwd L 3/4 trn him fcg RLOD - Man has RLOD over 21- released lady's R hand 24 4 fwd R 24 B

25 1 RLOD Trn to R 3/4 RF B or BF Man has released lady's L on R foot over 25- hand & cl L to R 26

26 2 wall inplc R Sur normal hold Place

27 3 sd L none

28 4 cl R to L


MAN Start in Closed Position facing the wall. [Steps 1-8.] You dance steps 1 - 8 as you would steps 1 - 8 of the Sixteen, except step 7. On step 7, release the hold with the right hand and allow it to gradually slide down along the lady's left arm. On step 8, continue to turn the lady to her right so that she ends at right angles on your right side. Catch her left hand in your right hand. End in a "Double" hand hold (Mod butterfly). ( NOTE : The man now stands still, with feet together, for 18 counts.) [Steps 9-12.] Using a slight body turn, lead the lady forward, from your right side to your left side. On count 12, sway to the left and raise your right arm and lower your left arm [leading Spiral] turning the lady left face under the raised arms. (The lady is now on your left side facing the opposite direction you are.) [Steps 13- 16.] Lead the lady to go from your left side to your right side, behind your back, gradually lowering the arms to approximately waist level. Your left arm is across your back. [Steps 17-20.] Lead the lady to walk backward, passing from your right side to your left side, behind your back, while reversing the arm positions. [Steps 21-24.] Lead the lady to pass behind your back, from left side to right side, to end in front of you, while reversing the arm positions. (Release the hold with your left hand on step 23.) [Step 25.] Lead the lady to PD - Fig 16 - 37 S#7 2003 Fregolina (and Farol) (continued) International Paso Doble turn right, with your right hand, and immediately release the hand hold. [Step 26.] Regain a normal Closed Position hold at the end of the lady's turn. [Step 27.] Step to the side on the right foot. Ball or ball flat footwork. [Step 28.] Close the left foot to the right foot. Ball or ball flat footwork.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing COH. [Steps 1-6.] Dance steps 1 - 6 as you would 1 - 6 of the Sixteen. [Step 7.] Step to the side and slightly back on the left foot, turning 3/8 right face between beats 6 & 7. Ball flat footwork. [Step 8.] Step back on the right foot, turning 1/8 right face between beats 7 & 8 to end at right angles to the man on his right side, facing RLOD. Ball flat footwork. [Steps 9-12.] Steps fwd L, R, L, R passing in front of the man and curving to the left. End on his left side, facing the wall. On step 12 make a complete turn to the left on your right foot (Spiral) to end with your left crossed loosely in front of your right, without weight. There is no turn on steps 9 & 10. Make 1/8 turn to left between steps 10 & 11. Make 1/8 turn to left between steps 11 & 12. Footwork is heel flat, heel flat, ball flat, ball flat on R foot, toe on L foot. [Steps 13-16.] Steps forward L, R, L, R curving to the left, moving behind the man's back, completing 1/2 turn. End on his right side facing COH. Footwork is ball or ball flat, ball or ball flat, ball or ball flat, ball flat. [Steps 17-20.] Step backward L, R, L, R curving to the right, moving behind the man's back, completing 1/2 turn. End on his left side facing the wall. Footwork is ball flat, ball flat, ball flat, ball flat. [Steps 21-24.] Step forward L, R, L, R, curving to the left, moving behind the man's back to his right side, completing 3/4 turn. End in front of him facing RLOD, preparing to spin right face on your right foot. (The man has released hold of your right hand.) Footwork is heel flat, heel flat, heel flat, ball. [Step 25.] Turn (spin) 3/4 right face, on your right foot, and close your left foot to your right. End facing your partner and the wall. Ball or ball flat footwork. [Step 26.] Sur Place on the right foot while regaining a normal Closed Dance Position. Ball or ball flat footwork. [Step 27.] Step to the side on the left foot. Ball or ball flat footwork. [Step 28.] Close your right foot to your left. Ball or ball flat footwork.


There is a late lowering of the heel for the lady on steps 7 and 12.

This figure may be danced in other directions at the discretion of the choreographer.

An alternative ending for the man is to turn up to 1/4 to his right on step 24 reducing the amount of turn for the lady.

The Farol

Dance the Farol the same as the Fregolina, omitting steps 13-20.

PD - Fig 16 - 38 S#7 2003 International Paso Doble

Grand Circle 2 1/2 measure – 1234 1234 12 Level of Difficulty 6

MAN Start in CP WL - Appel R, sd L, thru R crossing in front of L, LF with feet in place wt on balls of both feet - end w/L ft fwd wt on L; , , , ; Thru R, cl L to R to CP fcg WL,

LADY Start in CP COH - Appel L, sd R, thru L commencing trn LF, fwd R circling LF arnd M with no sway; L, R, L, R; Thru L, cl R to L to CP fcg COH,


Step Facing Step & Amount Action # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Used Lead/Technique 1 1 wall Appel R 1/8 LF F See Appel to PP (SCP) acrs steps 2 2 wall sd L 1 & 2 HF knees slightly flexed step is placed well thru R across body - nearly in 3 3 DLC XIF of L 1/8 LF H to B Hook 4 4 B both feet in place - 5 1 “ “Cape” action w/R sd nearly 3/4 6 2 “ stretch, lead W to walk LF across fwd - as “unwind” trng 7 3 steps 4 – 8 “ LF - end with wt on L - 8 4 “ almost fcg wall thru R 9 1 WL XIF of L HF SCP & CBMP

10 2 WL cl L to R BF to CP fcg wall


Step Facing Step & Amount Action # Timing Alignment Direction of Turn Footwork Used Lead/Technique 1 1 wall Appel L 1/8 RF F See Appel to PP (SCP) acrs steps 2 2 wall sd R 1 & 2 HF knees slightly flexed SCP & CBMP 3 3 DLC thru L nil H to B commence LF turn 4 4 fwd R fwd B 5 1 fwd L “prance” B small fwd steps high on turning LF ball of foot trng LF - 6 2 fwd R over steps B end with wt on R - 4 – 8 almost fcg COH 7 3 fwd L B 8 4 fwd R BF PD – Fig 24 - 57 S#6 2002 Grand Circle (continued) International Paso Doble

thru L 9 1 XIF of R HF

10 2 COH cl R to L BF to CP fcg COH


MAN Start in CP facing WL. [Step 1.] Step in-place on right foot with slight lowering [Appel]. [Step 2.] Step side on left, heel to flat, to SCP. [Step 3.] Thru on right foot crossing in front of left, heel to ball, lowering lead hands with right side stretch [Cape action]. [Step 4 - 8.] Twist [unwind] to left with feet in place, weight on balls of both feet and sway to left. Turn left face to end CP nearly facing the wall with weight on the left foot. [Step 9.] Step thru on the right foot crossing in front of left in tight SCP [CBMP], heel to flat. [Step 10.] Close left foot to the right foot, ball to flat, to end in CP facing the wall.

LADY Start in CP facing COH. [Step 1.] Step in-place on left foot with slight lowering [Appel]. [Step 2.] Step side on right, heel to flat, to SCP. [Step 3.] Step forward on left foot in SCP & CBMP, heel to ball, commencing to turn left face. [Step 4 - 8.] Forward walk five steps (R, L, R, L, R) high on ball of foot circling left face around partner with no sway, with the last step taken ball to flat. [Step 9.] Step thru on the left foot in SCP and CBMP, heel to flat. [Step 10.] Then close right foot to left, ball to flat, ending in CP facing COH.


The figure may be commenced in other alignments and positions.

The figure is often danced in 8 steps by man causing the lady to turn sharply to CP on step 8 and omitting steps 9 and 10.

When the Grand Circle is to be danced from Fallaway, such as when following the Ecart, steps 1 and 2 should be omitted.

Generally there will be no more than a full turn throughout the entire figure. Depending upon the preceding figure and alignments, less turn may also be used.

PD – Fig 24 - 58 S#6 2002

International Paso Doble

The Huit (Cape) 2 measures - 1234 1234 Level of Difficulty 4

MAN SCP DLW - Fwd R in SCP, cl L to R trng 1/8 RF, Sur Place 6 - R, L; R, L, R, L;

LADY SCP DLC - Fwd L in SCP, sd R trng 1/8 LF, rplc wt to L trng 1/8 LF, fwd & across R; sd L trng 1/8 RF, rplc wt to R trng 1/8 RF, fwd L toward ptr strtng to trn LF, Cl R to L trng 1/8 LF;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 DLW Fwd R nil HF CBMP in SCP LOD 2 2 DLW cl L to R 1/8 BF Turn btw 1 and 2. then RF wall 3 3 R nil Lead lady using Cape action - slight

4 4 L body turn to L when 5 1 R Ball of Sur Place passing she passes each from R to L and 6 2 L foot slight body turn to R when she passes 7 3 R from L to R. Assist w/tension through 8 4 L the arms. Lady must retain tension thru her arms to accept the man's lead.


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 DLC fwd L nil HF CBMP in SCP LOD 2 2 DLC sd R 1/8 B Turn btw 1 and 2. LF 3 3 COH rplc wt 1/8 BF Turn btw 2 and 3 on to L LF the left foot.

PD - Fig 15 - 33 The Huit (Cape) (continued) International Paso Doble

4 4 DRC fwd & nil HF CBMP across R 5 1 DRC sd L 1/8 B Turn btw 4 and 5. RF 6 2 COH rplc wt 1/8 BF Turn btw 5 and 6 on to R RF the right foot. 7 3 DLC fwd L strt HF Turn btw 7 and 8. towards LF ptr 8 4 DLC cl R to L 1/8 Balls fcg ptr LF of both feet.


MAN Start in Semi-Closed Position (PP) facing DLW. [Step 1.] Step forward and across on right foot, in Promenade Position and CBMP, toward LOD facing DLW. Heel flat footwork. [Step 2.] Close left to right, turning 1/8 right face to face the wall. Ball flat footwork. [Step 3-8.] Sur Place 6 counts; R, L, R, L, R, L. Ball flat footwork on all steps except number 8 which is on the balls of both feet or ball flat. End in Closed Position facing the wall.

LADY Start in Semi-Closed Position (PP) facing DLC. [Step 1.] Step forward and across on left foot, in Promenade Position and CBMP, toward LOD facing DLC. Heel flat footwork. [Step 2.] Step side on right foot, turning 1/8 left face to face COH. Step taken on ball of foot. [Step 3.] Replace weight to left foot, turning 1/8 left face, with turn occurring on the left foot. Ball flat footwork. [Step 4.] Step forward and across on right foot, in CBMP. Heel flat footwork. [Step 5.] Step side on left foot, turning 1/8 right face to COH. Step taken on ball of foot. [Step 6.] Replace weight to right foot, turning 1/8 right face, with turn occurring on the right foot. Ball flat footwork. [Step 7.] Step forward on left foot, toward partner, starting to turn left face. Heel flat footwork. [Step 8.] Close right to left, turning 1/8 left face toward partner and COH. End in Closed Position, on balls of both feet.


You can start this figure in any direction, at the discretion of the choreographer. When leading the lady through the Caping actions with the body turn, as described in the table, the man incorporates a slight body sway. When leading the lady to the man's left with a left body turn, the man sways to the left and when leading to the man's right the sway is right.

PD - Fig 15 - 34 International Paso Doble Left Foot Variation 2 measures - 1234a 1234 Level of Difficulty 6

MAN CP LOD - Fwd L, fwd R, fwd L, point R fwd outside ptr (BJO)/cl R to L; point L to side, cl L to R, sd R, cl L to R;

LADY CP RLOD - Bk R, bk L, bk R, point L bk/cl L to R; point R to side, cl R to L, sd L, cl R to L;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 LOD fwd L nil HF slight CBM 2 2 fwd R 3 3 fwd L Preparing to point R foot outsd ptr on her right side. 4 4 pt R fwd T 3/4 beat - L knee outsd ptr flexed 5 a cl R to L WF 1/4 beat 6 5 pt L to IE of R knee flexed sd toe 7 6 cl L to R BF 8 7 sd R B or BF 9 8 cl L to R


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 RLOD bk R nil BF slight CBM 2 2 bk L 3 3 bk R 4 4 pt L back T 3/4 beat - R knee flexed

PD - Fig 18 - 43 Left Foot Variation (continued) International Paso Doble

5 a cl L to R WF 1/4 beat 6 5 pt R to IE toe L knee flexed sd 7 6 cl R to L BF 8 7 sd L B or BF 9 8 cl R to L


MAN Start in Closed Position facing LOD. [Step 1.] Forward left. [Step 2.] Forward right. [Step 3.] Forward left, preparing to point right foot outside partner on her right side. [Step 4.] Point right foot forward, without weight, outside partner, with right knee flexed. [Step 5.] Close right to left. [Step 6.] Point left foot to the side, with right knee flexed. [Step 7.] Close left to right. [Step 8.] Side right. [Step 9.] Close left to right.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing RLOD. [Step 1.] Back right. [Step 2.] Back left. [Step 3.] Back right. [Step 4.] Point left foot back, without weight, with right knee flexed. [Step 5.] Close left to right. [Step 6.] Point right foot to the side, without weight, with left knee flexed. [Step 7.] Close right to left. [Step 8.] Side left. [Step 9.] Close left to right.


You may start this figure in other directions at the discretion of the choreographer. A slight Contra Body Movement may be used on steps 1 - 4.

PD - Fig 18 - 44 International Paso Doble

Promenade Close 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 6

MAN Start in SCP LOD - Thru R in SCP, cl L to R to CP fcg wall, sd R, cl L to R;

LADY Start in SCP LOD - Thru L in SCP, cl R to L to CP fcg COH, sd L, c1 R to L;


Step Facing Step & Amount of Action # Timing Alignment Direction Turn Footwork Used Lead/Technique

1 1 LOD thru R HF

2 2 cl L to R 1/8 RF BF turn to CP

3 3 WL sd R B chassé R 4 4 cl L to R B


Step Facing Step & Amount of Action # Timing Alignment Direction Turn Footwork Used Lead/Technique

1 1 LOD thru L HF

2 2 cl R to L 1/8 LF BF turn to CP

3 3 COH sd L B chassé R 4 4 cl R to L B


MAN Start in SCP LOD. [Step 1.] Step forward on the right foot across the left foot in SCP. [Step 2.] Turning right face close left foot to the right foot, ball-flat, to face the wall in loose CP position. [Step 3.] Step side on the ball of the right foot. [Step 4.] Close the left foot to the right on the ball of the foot.

LADY Start in SCP LOD. [Step 1.] Step forward on the left foot across the right foot in SCP. [Step 2.] Turning left face close right foot to the left feet, ball-flat, to face the COH in loose CP position. [Step 3.] Step side on the ball of the left foot. [Step 4.] Close the right foot to the left on the ball of the foot.

PD – Fig 23 - 55 S#6 2002 Promenade Close (continued) International Paso Doble


Starts in SCP and goes to CP on steps 2, 3, &4. Figure may start in other directional alignments.

PD – Fig 23 - 56 S#6 2002 International Paso Doble

Promenade Link 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 3

MAN CP fcg wall - Appel R to PP, sd L LOD SCP, fwd R LOD SCP CBMP, cl L CP LOD;

LADY CP fcg COH - Appel L to PP, sd R LOD SCP, fwd L LOD SCP CBMP, cl R CP RLOD;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 wall Appel 1/8 LF See Appel to PP. R to btw 1 At the beginning of step PP & 2 2, indicate SCP by 2 2 DLW sd L HF extending lead hands LOD toward LOD. 3 3 DLW fwd R 1/8 HF SCP & CBMP - Turn LOD LF btw made at the end of the 2 & 3 step - body turns less 4 4 LOD cl L to Body balls of R comp- both letes feet or turn BF


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 COH In 1/8 See Appel to PP. Place L RF At the beginning of step btw 1 2, man will indicate 2 2 DLC sd R & 2 HF LOD SCP by extending lead hands toward LOD. 3 3 DLC fwd L Start HF Turn started at the end LF of the step. 4 4 DLC cl R to 3/8 LF balls of trn to CP L btw 3 both & 4 feet

PD - Fig 11 - 23 Promenade Link (continued) International Paso Doble


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and wall. [Step 1.] Appel on the right foot to promenade (see Appel to PP). [Step 2.] Step side heel flat on left to semi-closed position. [Step 3.] Step across the body heel flat on the right foot preparing to turn left face. [Step 4.] Close left foot to the right on the balls of both feet (ball flat is permissible) foot turning to face line of dance in closed position.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH. [Step 1.] Appel to promenade (see Appel to PP). [Step 2.] Step side heel flat on right to semi-closed position. [Step 3.] Step across body heel flat on left foot preparing to turn left face for a pick up. [Step 4.] Swivel left face closing right foot to left foot on the balls of both feet to closed position facing reverse line of dance.


This figure starts in Closed Position followed by steps 2 & 3 in Semi-Closed Position and ends in Closed Position. The figure normally turns 1/4 left face from the starting position.

You may use steps 3 and 4 to complete figures that have ended in Semi-Closed Position. In this case, you may use alternative amounts of turn. For example, the man may turn 1/right face and lady turns 1/8 left face between 3 & 4.

PD - Fig 11 - 24 International Paso Doble

Separation 2 measures - 1234; 1234; Level of Difficulty 4

MAN CP LOD - Appel R, fwd L, cl R, Sur Place L; Sur Place 4 steps R, L, R, L CP LOD;

LADY CP RLOD - Appel L, bk R, bk L, cl R; fwd basic movement 4 steps L, R, L, R CP RLOD;


Step Timin Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # g Alignment Direction of Turn

1 1 LOD in place nil WF strong Step in place with a R lwrng strong lowering action and the foot flat 2 2 fwd L BF Start to lead the lady to move away by lowering the left arm 3 3 cl R to L B Release hold w/R hand - cont to lead the lady away w/L 4 4 in place L B high on Man's L and lady's R ball of arms are at full foot extension - prepare to lead the lady to step forward 5 1 in place B high on Lead the lady forward R balls of by gradually returning feet - the L arm to normal 6 2 in place L B lwrng position over steps 5 - 7 3 in place B over 8 regaining hold with R steps 5 - R hand on step 8 8 8 4 in place L BF


Step Timin Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # g Alignment Direction of Turn

1 1 RLOD in place L nil WF strong lwrng 2 2 bk R BF 3 3 bk L B 4 4 cl R to L B high on ball of PD - Fig 17 - 51 Separation (continued) International Paso Doble

foot 5 1 fwd L B high on Lady may use a balls of swiveling action while 6 2 fwd R B feet - dancing the 4 forward 7 3 fwd L B lwrng basic movements over over steps 5 - 8 8 4 fwd R BF steps 5 - 8


MAN Start in Closed Position facing LOD. [Step 1.] Appel on right foot. [Step 2.] Step forward on left foot. [Step 3.] Close right foot to left foot. [Step 4.] Sur place on left foot. [Step 5.] Sur place on right foot. [Step 6.] Sur place on left foot. [Step 7.] Sur place on right foot. [Step 8.] Sur place on left foot.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing RLOD. [Step 1.] Appel on left foot. [Step 2.] Step back on right foot. [Step 3.] Step back on left foot [Step 4.] Close right foot to left. [Step 5.] Step forward on left foot. [Step 6.] Step forward on right foot. [Step 7.] Step forward on left foot. [Step 8.] Step forward on right foot.


You may start this figure in other directions, at the discretion of the choreographer.

PD - Fig 17 - 52 International Paso Doble

Sixteen 4 measures - 1234 1234 1234 1234 Level of Difficulty 7

MAN CP WALL - Appel R, sd L in PP trng 1/8 LF, fwd R in SCP, sd & bk L trng 3/8 RF; bk R, bk L, cl R to L trng 1/4 RF, Sur Place L; Sur Place 8 steps R, L, R, L; R, L, R, L;

LAD CP COH - Appel L, sd R in SCP trng 1/8 RF, fwd L in SCP trng 1/8 RF, fwd R; fwd L, fwd R outside ptr start to trn RF, sd L trng 1/4 RF, rplc wt to R trng 1/8 RF; fwd & across L, sd R trng 1/8 LF, rplc wt to L trng 1/8 LF, fwd & across R; sd L trng 1/8 RF, rplc wt to R trng 1/8 RF, fwd L towards ptr strtng to trn LF, cl R to L trng 1/8 LF;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount of Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction Turn 1 1 wall Appel R None WF strong slight body turn to lwrng the left may be used on the Appel. 2 2 wall sd L 1/8 LF HF SCP - Turn should to LOD occur between DLW counts 1 and 2. 3 3 fwd R strt RF SCP & CBMP LOD 4 4 DLW sd & slt 3/8 RF BF Turn between steps bk L 3 and 4. 5 1 RLOD bk R none Step is preparing to lead the lady to BJO 6 2 RLOD bk L strt RF BF CBMP & BJO - the heel will not lower until the turn to the right is completed. 7 3 RLOD cl R to 1/4 RF Turn over steps 6 for step L. and 7 w/slight body 7 then turn to R when COH passing the lady to the R on step 7 -

PD - Fig 14 - 29 Sixteen (continued International Paso Doble

8 4 L none Sur Place 9 1 R Continue lead as in the Huit w/tension 10 2 L through the arms 11 3 R leading Cape action 12 4 L as Sur Place 13 1 R 14 2 L 15 3 R 16 4 B both feet or BF


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount of Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction Turn 1 1 COH Appel L none WF strong slight body turn to lwrng the right may be used on the Appel 2 2 COH sd R 1/8 RF HF Turn btw counts 1 LOD and 2. 3 3 DLC fwd L 1/8 RF HF SCP & CBMP - Body Turn btw counts 2 turns and 3 but the body less turns less. The body completes the 4 4 DLC fwd R Body HF turn on count 4. comp turn 5 1 LOD fwd L none HF 6 2 fwd R strtng in BJO RF CBMP - continue 7 3 LOD sd L 1/4 RF B turning across steps 6, 7, & 8 8 4 wall rplc wt 1/8 RF BF to R

PD - Fig 14 - 30 Sixteen (continued) International Paso Doble

9 1 DRW fwd & none HF CBMP across L 10 2 DRW sd R 1/8 LF B Turn btw steps 9 and & continues 11 3 wall rplc wt 1/8 LF BF thru step 11 to L 12 4 DLW fwd & none HF CBMP - continue across R turning across steps 12 thru 14. 13 1 DLW sd L 1/8 RF B

14 2 wall rplc wt 1/8 RF BF to R 15 3 DRW fwd L strt LF HF Turn btw counts 15 toward and 16. Ptr 16 4 DRW cl R to L 1/8 LF B both feet or BF


MAN Start in Closed Position facing wall. [Step 1.] Appel on right foot with the whole foot striking the floor, you may use a slight body turn to the left. [Step 2.] Step to the side on the left foot in promenade position turning 1/8 to the left between counts 1 and 2, moving down line of dance facing diagonal line and wall. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 3.] Step forward and across on right foot in Promenade and Contra Body Movement Position starting to turn to the right still moving down line of dance facing diagonal line and wall. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 4.] Step side and slightly back on left foot turning 3/8 to the right between counts 3 and 4 backing down line of dance. Footwork should be ball flat. [Step 5.] Step back on right foot preparing to lead partner to the outside (BJO) still backing down line of dance. Footwork should be ball flat. [Step 6.] Step back on left foot in contra body movement position with partner outside (BJO) starting to turn to the right to end almost backing diagonal line and wall. Footwork should be ball flat but the heel should not lower until completing the turn to the right. [Step 7.] Close right foot to left foot turning 1/4 to the right over steps 6 and 7 to end facing center of hall. Footwork should be ball flat [Steps 8 - 16.] Sur Place 9 L, R, L, R, L, R, L, R, L, while leading the lady through the Caping actions as in the Huit . A slight body turn to the right should be felt when passing the lady to the right side on step 7 with tension through the arms. Footwork should be ball flat on all steps except number 16 that should end on the balls of both feet. As an option step 16 may also be danced with a ball flat action.

PD - Fig 14 - 31

Sixteen (continued International Paso Doble

LADY Start in Closed Position facing center of hall. [Step 1.] Appel on left foot with the whole foot striking the floor, a slight body turn to the right may be used. [Step 2.] Step to the side on the right foot in promenade position turning 1/8 to the right between counts 1 and 2, moving down line of dance facing diagonal line and center of hall. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 3.] Step forward and across on left foot in Promenade and Contra Body Movement Position turning 1/8 to the right between counts 2 and 3 pointing line of dance, the body turns less than 1/8. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 4.] Step forward on right foot facing line of dance with the body completing the turn started on step 3. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 5.] Step forward on left foot facing line of dance preparing to step outside partner (BJO). Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 6.] Step forward on right foot outside partner (BJO) facing line of dance in contra body movement position starting to turn to the right. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 7.] Step to the side on the left foot turning 1/4 to the right between counts 6 and 7 to end facing the wall. Footwork should be ball of foot. [Step 8.] Replace weight to the right foot turning 1/8 to the right between counts 7 and 8 to face diagonal reverse and wall. Footwork should be ball flat [Step 9.] Step forward and across on left foot in contra body movement position moving to reverse line of dance facing reverse and wall. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 10.] Step to the side on right foot turning 1/8 to the left between counts 9 and 10 to end facing the wall. Footwork should be ball of foot. [Step 11.] Replace weight to the left foot turning 1/8 to the left to face diagonal line and wall. Footwork should be ball flat. [Step 12.] Step forward and across on right foot in contra body movement position moving down line of dance facing diagonal line and wall. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 13.] Step to the side on left foot turning 1/8 to the right between counts 12 and 13 to end facing the wall. Footwork should be ball of foot. [Step 14.] Replace weight to right foot turning 1/8 right face between counts 13 and 14 to end facing diagonal reverse and wall. Footwork should be ball flat. [Step 15.] Step forward on left foot toward partner to reverse line of dance starting to turn left. Footwork should be heel flat. [Step 16.] Close right foot to left foot turning 1/8 left face between counts 15 and 16 to end facing partner and wall on the balls of both feet.


You can start this figure in other directions at the discretion of the choreographer. Caping actions, lead and sway are done in the same manner as described in the Huit (Cape).

PD - Fig 14 - 32 International Paso Doble

Slip Appel 1 beat - 1 Level of Difficulty 1

MAN CP fcng ptnr and COH - sltly bk R,

LADY CP fcng ptnr and wall - sltly fwd L,


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP sltly bk nil if Flat A This is a back checking COH or R fcg lowering action. CP DC COH action or 1/8 LF turn if fcg DC


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP wall sltly nil if Flat A This is a forward or CP fwd L fcg lowering checking action. DRW wall action or 1/8 LF turn if fcg DRW


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH on the balls of both feet. [Step 1.] This figure is both a lowering action and a backward check on the right foot. You can also execute this figure with a 1/8 left face turn.

PD - Fig 3 - 7 Slip Appel (continued) International Paso Doble

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and wall on the balls of both feet. [Step 1.] This figure is both a lowering action and a forward check on the left foot. You can also execute this figure with a 1/8 left face turn.


This is a step danced with a lowering action and the foot flat but with no stomping action as characterized by the other Appels. It is a firm step and used to start a number of figures.

On step 1 of the Open Telemark and the Fallaway Reverse, the man will dance the Appel with his right foot slightly back (lady left foot slightly forward). This is known as the Slip Appel.

PD - Fig 3 - 8 International Paso Doble

Sur Place 1 measure - 1234 Level of Difficulty 1

MAN CP fcng ptnr and wall- In place R, L, R, L;

LADY CP fcng ptnr and COH - In place L, R, L, R;


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Used Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn 1 1 CP In place *nil **ball Knees * No turn or a gradual R are very turn RF or LF can be slightly used. flexed 2 2 CP In place *nil **ball L 3 3 CP In place *nil **ball R 4 4 CP In place *nil **ball L


Step Timing Facing Step & Amount Footwork Action Lead/Technique # Alignment Direction of Turn Used 1 1 CP In place *nil **ball Knees * No turn or a gradual L are very turn RF or LF can be slightly used. flexed 2 2 CP In place *nil **ball R 3 3 CP In place *nil **ball L 4 4 CP In place *nil **ball R

** The heels may be lightly lowered to the floor.

PD - Fig 4 - 9

Sur Place (continued) International Paso Doble


MAN Start in Closed Position facing partner and the wall. Keep the body erect throughout. [Step 1.] In place right. [Step 2.] In place left. [Step 3.] In place right. [Step 4.] In place left.

LADY Start in Closed Position facing partner and COH. Keep the body erect throughout [Step 1.] In place left. [Step 2.] In place right. [Step 3.] In place left. [Step 4.] In place right.


The Sur Place is a series of steps taken on the balls of the feet. You can dance the Sur Place for any even number of steps. The steps above, however, are for 4 steps, or one measure of music as written on a Round Dance cue sheet.

When dancing the Sur Place, the heels can be slightly lowered so that they just touch the floor before stepping on to the ball of the next foot.

You can make a slight left face or right face turn, when dancing the Sur Place, to change the direction of alignment. A maximum of a quarter of a turn is recommended over the 4 steps. If making the turn, the partner on the outside of the turn will take very small steps to the side on alternate counts.

Most figures in International Paso Doble are constructed with the man starting with his right foot on the first beat of the measure. However, in some advanced figures, it is necessary for him to step on the left foot on this beat. Therefore, having danced a Sur Place on the right foot, on beat 1, he may hesitate for beat 2. He then continues by stepping with his left foot on beat 3. These methods of changing feet may be used starting with the left foot when a figure has ended with weight on the right foot on beat 2. The lady will dance the normal opposite.

PD - Fig 4 - 10