Roundalab Abbreviations for Cue Sheets Compiled by Annette Woodruff
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Roundalab Abbreviations for Cue Sheets Compiled by Annette Woodruff For use by choreographers when creating cue sheets. Also for use by dancers when trying to “decipher” cue sheets. 1-9 one through nine, etc. dr door outsd outside strll stroll 1/2 half DRC Diagonal Reverse Line of ovr over swch switch 1/4 quarter Dance and Center of Hall PD Paso Doble swd sideward 2x, 3x.... twice, 3 times, etc. drg drag Ph I...Ph VI Phase I...Phase 6 swhrt sweetheart abt about DRW Diagonal Reverse Line of plc place swvl swivel ack acknowledge Dance and Wall pos position sync syncopation/syncopated acrs across dwn down prep prepare/preparation TAMP Tamara [Position] adj adjust elev elevation prog progressive tch touch adv advance, advanced ESCP Escort [Position] PROM Promenade [Position] tele telemark amer American falwy fallaway prom promenade TG Tango approx approximately fc face prtzl pretzel thru through apt apart FCG Facing [Position] pt point thrwy throwaway arg Argentine fig figure ptr partner tim time arnd around fin finish PU Pickup [Position] tog together awy away flk flick pu pickup trans transition bal balance flr flare pvt pivot trav traveling bas basic fnc fence Q quick [as used in timing] trl trail bball basketball frnt front qk quick [not used in timing] trn turn bdy body fshtl fishtail QS Quickstep trpl triple BFLY Butterfly [Position] FT Foxtrot qtr quarter TS Two Step bhd behind ft foot R right twd toward BJO Banjo [Position] fthr feather R/D Round Dance/Dancing twkl twinkle bk back fwd forward RAL ROUNDALAB twrl twirl BL Bolero [Position] gcho gaucho RB Rumba twst twist brg bridge hd head rec recover umbr umbrella brk break hes hesitation rel release undr under brkn broken hgt height rev reverse undrm underarm brkwy breakaway hk hook RF Right Face unph unphased bt beat hky hockey rk rock VARS Varsouvienne bth both hnd hand RLOD Reverse Line of Dance vien Viennese bwd backward HNDSHK Hand Shake [Position] ROM Round of the Month vin vine cbm contra body movement htch hitch ROQ Round of the Quarter W woman/lady CBMP Contra Body Movement hvr hover rpt repeat w/ with Position I/O in and out RSCP Reverse Semi-Closed w/o without CCW Counterclockwise imp impetus Position wav wave CH Cha Cha insd inside S slow [as used in timing] WC West Coast Swing chal challenge intld interlude S/D Square Dance/Dancing wev weave chg change intro introduction SB Samba wgt weight chkn chicken jn join SCAR Sidecar [Position] whl wheel chr chair JV Jive scis scissors whp whip chrlstn Charleston kbchg kick ball change SCP Semi-Closed [Position] whtl whaletail chs chase kck kick sd side wlk walk circ circle L left seq sequence WRP Wrap Position ck check lc lace serp serpiente wrp wrap cl close, closed LCP Loose Closed [Position] sgl single wsk whisk cntr center ld lead SHDW Shadow [Position] wt wait COH Center of Hall LF Left Face shdw shadow WZ Waltz comp complete lk lock shffl shuffle X cross cont continue, continuous LOD Line of Dance shldr shoulder xfer transfer copa copacabana lrt lariat sip step in place Xib cross in back CP Closed [Position] lun lunge skt skate Xif cross in front cpl couple M man/gent/gentleman SKTRS Skaters [Position] XLib cross left in back crb crab manuv maneuver sld slide XLif cross left in front crv curve MB Mambo slo slow [not used in timing] XLOD cross line of dance ct count meas measure slp slip XRib cross right in back cuca cucaracha mod modify/modified sm small XRif cross right in front CW Clockwise mom momentary sndstp sand step XRLOD cross reverse line of dance dbl double mpm measures per minute span Spanish xtnd extend demo demonstration MR Merengue spn spin DIAG Diagonal, diagonally mv move sprl spiral diam diamond mvt movement spt spot dir direction MX mixed or multiple rhythms ST Slow Two step DLC Diagonal Line of Dance and nat natural sta stationary Center of Hall ny new yorker std standard DLW Diagonal Line of Dance and OP Open [Position] stg starting Wall op open k stick dp dip opp opposite, opposition stp step.