RNIB Group Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014/15 Contents
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RNIB Group Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014/15 Contents 1 At a glance 2014/15 highlights 2 Chair and Chief Executive introduction 4 Structure and objectives 12 Trustees’ strategic report 14 Our strategy 16 Our values 18 Our commitment to change 20 Our work 38 Other information 52 Governance and financials 54 Independent auditors’ report 58 Consolidated statement of financial activities 62 Balance sheets 64 Group cash flow statement 67 Notes to the financial statements 131 Who’s who at RNIB The images in this document are of RNIB and Action for Blind People customers and volunteers. Visit us online for the latest news and information about our services and products. www.rnib.org.uk shop.rnib.org.uk At a glance Royal National Institute of Blind People (RNIB) Trustees’ report and the audited consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the ‘Statement of Recommended Practice (SORP) – Accounting and Reporting by Charities (2005)’ as revised in May 2008, and the Charities Act 2011. This report covers the work of the RNIB Group of charities throughout the UK, which includes Action for Blind People, RNIB Charity, Cardiff Institute for the Blind and RNIB Specialist Learning Trust. 2014/15 highlights 60,000 94% 20,000 We have provided advice services 94 per cent of children and young Over 20,000 of our Talking Books to over 60,000 blind and partially people in our schools and college are available for download via sighted people. achieved their individual targets. RNIB Overdrive. < Back to Contents Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014/15 1 Overview Chair and Chief Executive introduction As a group of charities, RNIB, in the UK have access to a qualified sight Action for Blind People, Cardiff loss adviser. This is a huge job but one that is absolutely necessary so people Institute for the Blind and RNIB get the practical and emotional support Specialist Learning Trust are they need to face the future without fear. united in making every day Everyone is different and will want a better for everyone affected different level of independence – our by sight loss. job is to make sure people get the right mix of skills and tools to make confident For people living with sight loss choices. This year we have worked today, the world can be a tough place. to provide advice services to over Continued cuts to services and income, 66,000 people, we have extended our Kevin Carey an uncertain political future and the confidence-building services to support Chair risk of isolation and depression all over 21,000 people, we have identified impact on the quality of life for someone £14.8million in unclaimed benefits and with a sight problem. Every day of provided over 1,500 people with peer this year we have worked to ensure support through our telephone-based newly diagnosed people are reached Talk and Support groups. Despite the sooner, people are supported to live continuing problems with the Access the independent lives they choose, to Work scheme, which we challenged society is a more inclusive place and at a Select Committee Inquiry, we no one needlessly loses their sight. have supported 647 people to get In the next 15 minutes someone’s life or keep a job. will change forever. Someone will feel Getting out and about with confidence more alone than they have ever felt is essential and this year we have before. Someone’s future will feel bleak. Lesley-Anne Alexander CBE campaigned to make that a less Uncertain. Even terrifying. In the next daunting experience. Throughout the Chief Executive 15 minutes, someone will be told they year we have been in negotiation with are losing their sight. This year we have Stagecoach, Go Ahead Group and worked to ensure more eye departments Arriva for the implementation of the bus 2 RNIB Group < Back to Contents charter, with First Bus and five This has been the first year of our Thank you to our army of volunteers other operators already signing up. current 2014/19 strategy and inside whose time helps us to deliver vital We launched a report called “Who put this report you will find out more about services. Thank you to the people that there?” based on feedback from the progress we have made towards who step forward to campaign at a 500 blind and partially sighted campaign achieving our goals. local and national level to fight for the supporters to increase awareness of the Everything we have achieved this year rights of blind and partially sighted challenges of the street environment. has only been possible through the people everywhere. Technology is changing the lives generosity and commitment of our Each and every one of you, along with of people with sight loss. We have supporters. A huge thank you to our the dedicated staff of RNIB, Action for supported nearly 7,000 people of all donors and the people who leave us a Blind People, Cardiff Institute for the ages through our UK digital inclusion legacy in their will. Thank you to the local Blind and RNIB Specialist Learning Trust, services to develop confidence in using fundraising groups for the work with their is making a huge difference to the lives technology. We have now made over local communities to raise money for us. of people with sight loss in the UK. 20,000 of our Talking Books available for download via RNIB Overdrive along with podcasts, Insight Radio content and our most popular monthly talking newspapers and magazines. No one should needlessly lose their sight. This year we have worked to secure access to new treatments for vitreomacular traction and diabetic Kevin Carey Lesley-Anne Alexander CBE macular oedema. We have also Chair Chief Executive supported over 3,000 people with in- depth information on eye conditions, treatments and living with sight loss through our Eye Health Information Service to help people understand their conditions and manage their own eye health. < Back to Contents Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014/15 3 Overview Structure and objectives Our legal structure In April 2014, RNIB Charity was set up Members’ Forum and the RNIB Cymru, (company number 08971500, charity Northern Ireland and Scotland Member Royal National Institute of number 1156629; charity number Forums elected a Country Chair who Blind People (RNIB) is a SC044876 in Scotland and 1173 in the automatically became a Trustee on the registered charity, number Isle of Man (foreign company number Board. RNIB’s Honorary Officers were 226227, in England and Wales 5909F)). On 1 July 2014, we restructured elected by an electoral college and number SC039316 in the RNIB group of charities in order to comprising members of the Board and Scotland. Established in 1868, support the effective delivery of our new the UK Members’ Forum. Additionally, strategy. RNIB Charity and Action a proportion of our Trustees were RNIB was incorporated under for Blind People, both subsidiaries of appointed by the Board itself, following Royal Charter in 1949, with a RNIB, will provide a focus for customers a process of open competition. Trustees Supplemental Charter in 1993 in terms of service delivery. We have also served a three-year term of office, (revised in 2007 and 2014). amalgamated our support functions into following which they could choose to RNIB to ensure efficiencies for all charities retire or seek re-election/re-appointment. within the Group. However, no Trustee could serve for more than three consecutive terms of three RNIB is governed by a Trustee Board. years of office, unless they became one Until 30 June 2014, this consisted of of the RNIB’s Honorary Officers (RNIB 18 people and now consists of 10 people. Group Chair, Vice-Chairs or Honorary The Trustee Board meets a minimum of Treasurer) when they could serve for no four times a year and takes all important more than three consecutive terms of strategic, policy and financial decisions, three years in that capacity. and has overall responsibility for RNIB Group activities. There are no restrictions From 1 July 2014, six Trustees are on the way in which RNIB can operate. nominated by RNIB Charity and two Trustees are nominated by Action for Until 30 June 2014, a number of Trustees Blind People to serve on the Board. were elected to serve on the Board; five Two independent Trustees are appointed Trustees were elected by the English by the Board itself. region representatives of the UK 4 RNIB Group < Back to Contents During an initial transitional period, the Board will elect its Honorary Officers (Chair, Vice-Chair and Honorary Treasurer) from within the Board itself. Thereafter the Honorary Officers will be elected by an electoral college comprising the Board and the UK Members’ Forum. Trustees serve for a three-year term of office, but may serve for no more than three consecutive terms of three years, other than in the case of an Honorary Officer, in exceptional circumstances approved by the Board. An induction pack is provided to all new Trustees and they are invited to attend an intensive induction day during which they are provided with information on the key services provided by RNIB and the main challenges and policy issues facing RNIB. Each Trustee receives an annual appraisal during which any individual training needs are identified. Where collective training needs are 80% of our Trustees established, these are delivered to the are blind or Board as a whole. partially sighted. < Back to Contents Annual Report and Financial Statements 2014/15 5 Overview Structure and objectives How we are managed • Governance Committee • Trustees Review Payments Committee: (and Nominations Committee): reviewing whether it is in the interests Our management and taking an overview of the governance of RNIB to pay or contract with Trustees governance structures arrangements of RNIB and supporting or connected persons or any other changed on 1 July 2014.