A Spotted Prionodon pardicolor observation from eastern


A Spotted Linsang Prionodon pardicolor easterly record of the species in Thailand. camera-trapped on 27 January 2012 in Ta Phraya National Park is the most south- Keywords

: camera-trapping, Dong Phayayen–Khao Yai Forest Complex, extension of known range, Prionodontidae, Ta Phraya National Park การพบชะมดแปลงลายจุด ในพื_นท_◌ีด้านตะวันออกของประเทศไทย


ชะมดแปลงลายจุดถูกพบจากการใช้กล้องดักถ่ายภาพเมือวันทีมกราคม ในพืนท◌ีอุทยานแห่งชาติตาพระยาจากตําแหน่งท◌ีพบปรากฏอยู่ทางขอบนอกสุดทางด้านตะวันออ กเฉียงใต้ของประเทศไทยนามธรรม

Spotted Linsang Prionodon pardicolor Species et al arboreal habits hinder direct observation, and little is known is a semi-arboreal small (Duckworth . 2008). Its nocturnal and somewhat etcarnivore al. 2010). found It is ineither much rare of or non-Sundaic elusive in Thailand, South-east because Asia, therenorth-east have Indiabeen andfew southern sightings China or collected (Van Rompaey specimens 1995, there, Lau about the species, including its (Van Rom- paey 1995). Ta Phraya National Park, established in 1996, is one of etand al. even 2011). current The fewtechnology Thai detections (camera-traps) of Spotted has lowLinsang detection have five reserves that comprise eastern Thailand’s Dong Phayayen rates (Lekagul & McNeely 1977, Van Rompaey 1995, Redford and Khao Yai Forest Complex (DPKY). The park covers 615 longkm² ofborder legally for protected its size means land consisting that poaching of 75% is among dry evergreen the larg occurred in several habitat types (forest, grassland, and a forest and 25% grassland and scrub (UNEP WCMC 2004). Its 2002,mix of Redford scrub and et alcultivation. 2011). Due including to the species’s plantations), perceived over tolthe During a survey for small within Thailand,- eranceelevation of rangedisturbed of 560–1,400 habitat and m (Vanof hunting, Rompaey Spotted 1995, Linsang Tizard weest threatsdetected to a its Spotted biodiversity Linsang (UNEP on 27 WCMC January 2004). 2012 at 23h33 is listed as Least Concern by The IUCN Red List of Threatened-

with a Reconyx PM75 remote-sensing camera (Fig. 1). It was tion.photographed The species in was dry detected evergreen after forest three months at 14°07'24.24"N, of trapping 102°30'29.88"E (datum WGS84) at approximately 560 m eleva-

with 2,504 camera-trap-nights overall and 26 trap-nights at the detection location. No baits or lures wereet used. al. 2006). The protected Recent ly,area’s Redford only et previous al camera-trap survey, of 985 trap-nights, did not detect Spotted Linsang (Lynam - . (2011) recorded Spotted Linsang four times tendedin the neighbouring the species’s Thapknown Lan Thai and distribution Pang Sida Nationalsouth, and Parks, this both within the DPKY forest complex. These latter records ex-

record in Ta Phraya National Park extends it eastward by at least 30 km. It is, however, known further to the south-east, in AcknowledgementsCambodia (e.g. Holden & Neang 2009).

Fig. 1. Spotted Linsang Prionodon pardicolor camera-trapped in Ta We would like to acknowledge the Thailand Department of National Phraya National Park, Thailand, on 27 January 2012 at 23h33. Photo has Parks and the National Research Council of Thailand for all their sup- been magnified and cropped. port in this research. A special thanks to Ta Phraya National Park staff who were integral in the success of this project. Finally, we are grate- Small Conservation, , December 2012

Vol. 47: 58–59 58 Spotted Linsang in eastern Thailand

onful anto earlierThe Point draft. Defiance Zoo and Aquarium for their financial sup- Spottedsearch and Linsang Training Prionodon (BRT) pardicolor Programme, from Bangkok, Thap Lan Thailand. and Pang Sida port in the project, and to the reviewers for their careful comments Redford, T., Banpot, S., Padungpong,Small CarnivoreC. & Bidayabha, Conservation T. 2011. 44: Records 22–24. of References Tizard, R. 2002. Records of little known small carnivores from Thai Duckworth, J. W., Timmins, R. J., Wozencraft, C., Choudhury, A., Rober Nationalland, Lao Park, PDR Thailand. and southern China. Small Carnivore Conserva- Prionodon pardicolor tion 26: 3. - IUCN Red List of Threatened Species www.iuc- nredlist.orgton, S. & Lau,>. M. Downloaded W. N. 2008. on 6 March 2012. . In: IUCN 2011. servation Monitoring Centre. 2004. Don Phayayen–Khao Yai For- . Version 2011.2. <��������- [UNEPest WCMC] Complex, United Thailand Nations Environment Programme, World>. Down Con- mom Mountains, southwestern Cambodia. Small Carnivore Con- loaded on 2 June 2012. Holden,servation J. & Neang 40: 16–21. T. 2009. Small carnivore records from the Carda- . .http://www.unep-wcmc.orgPrionodon pardicolor>. Down--. Small Carnivore Conservation 13: 10–13. malia: ) in South China: a status review with notes on Van Rompaey, H. 1995. The Spotted Linsang, Lau, theM. W.-N., commercial Fellowes, trade. J. R. & Chan, Review B. P. L. 2010. Carnivores (Mam- 1Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute of Thailand. Association 1500 Remount Rd. Front Royal, VA 22630, U.S.A. for the Conservation of Wildlife, Bangkok, 42: Thailand. 247–292. Email: [email protected] Lekagul, B. & McNeely, J. A. 1977. Status of birds 2Department of Forest Biology, Kasetsart University, and large mammals in Thailand’s Dong Phayayen – Khao Yai For- Bangkok 10900, Lynam,est A.Complex J., Round,. Wildlife P. D. Conservation& Brockelman, Society W. Y. 2006.and Biodiversity Re Thailand.


Small Carnivore Conservation, Vol. 47, December 2012