Is Theopolitics an Antipolitics? 65 Stipulate That the Purpose of Politics Is to Maintain the State, It Refusestoallow Politics Its Autonomous Existence
Samuel HayimBrody Is TheopoliticsanAntipolitics? Martin Buber,Anarchism, and the Ideaofthe Political We havecome to recognize that the political is the total, and as aresult we know that any decision about whether something is unpolitical is always a political decision... – Carl Schmitt, “Preface to the Second Edition” of Political Theology (1934) Hereisthe serpent in the fullness of its power! – Martin Buber, “Letter to Gandhi” (1939) Introduction:The Shape of the Theopolitical Problem “Antipolitics,” writes Michael Walzer, “is akind of politics.”¹ Thispuzzling state- ment occurs in Walzer’srecent discussion of the Bible, which he calls “apolitical book,” but one that has “no political theory” in it; its writers are “engaged with politics” but are “not very interested in politics,” although he admits that “writ- ers who are uninterested in politics nonetheless have alot to saythat is politi- callyinteresting.” Walzerhas always been aclear writer,and if this series of statements seems convoluted, this maybedue to the subject matter itself. Close examination of the relationship of religion and politics has away of calling into question our very understanding of the natureofboth “religion” and “pol- itics” as distinct and separate spheres that can each be described according to its own special set of characteristics. This, of course, is an inconvenient state of af- fairs for university departments like PoliticalScience and Religion, which would like to assume thatthe objects of their studydoinfact exist. This essayexcavates and explicates the potential contribution of Martin Buber to the contemporary resurgence of interest in the borders between religion and politics, through an examination of the category “theopolitics” in Buber’s mature work, particularly Königtum Gottes (1932), as well as his later biblical writings.² Interest in Buber,both during and after his lifetime, has centered on Michael Walzer, In God’sShadow:Politics in the HebrewBible (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012), xiii.
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