ISSUE# | March 2020.




As we are all aware, our beloved Chairman of Mahavir Education Trust’s Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College, Shri. Keshavjibhai Umarshibhai Chhadva, left for his heavenly abode on 11th April 2020.

A great visionary, Shri. Keshavjibhai Chhadva had devoted his entire life to the cause of education and social work. Under Bhavana Trust and Mahavir Education Trust, he founded various schools, junior colleges, degree, polytechnic and engineering colleges. He was also associated with Kurla Medical Welfare Centre and various other charities. He was our guiding light, a crusader for education, a humble person who constantly inspired all of us with his energy and enthusiasm.



The last year was indeed very eventful! As we shift our momentum into the next year, I would like to thank each one of you for the contribution in making the last year memorable. I am proud to lead a department, which has faculty members whose work has been appreciated by the outside world, by giving them awards at National level. The passion shown by our department towards real time projects and internships is making the journey of our institute exceed its expectations. Steps taken towards enhancing research work are reaping fruits. The department has been putting rigorous efforts towards the overall improvements in results, placements, technical developments, etc. In Smart Hackathon, our teams have been shortlisted for finals. Students have been trained in such a way, that there is an all-round improvement in them. The students and staff are happy to share their time and energy towards the social responsibility events. There are various fun activities like teacher’s day celebration, faculty sports, treks, etc. which act as stress buster and also are helping for team building. All this progress has been possible because of the constant support and encouragement from our and Principal, Dr. Bhavesh Patel. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all our stakeholders and advisors who have been instrumental for constant growth and development of our department.

- Ms. Swati Nadkarni Head of Department, Information Technology I would like to conclude with the quote from Pele: “SUCCESS IS NO ACCIDENT. It is hard work, perseverance, learning, study, sacrifice, and most of all, love of what you are doing.” —-&&&—-


Here we are back again! Back, not just with a starry newsletter but also with a year full of achievements, events and loads of memories. Technorithm exhibits a series of occasions and accomplishments of our IT department, and these accomplishments point towards the gigantic and the hardworking core of the students and the professors who always had a view of expanding the department by keeping pace with the rapid technological progress and positivity throughout the tale. Technorithm 2020 is a combination of technical events, non-technical events and the achievements of the students and the department as a whole, for the academic year 2019-2020. The very first aspect of the magazine includes the Alumnus speak which is followed by our proud moment. Convocation report is followed by the In a nutshell section. This segment gives the readers an insight of the considerable events that took place in the department. Next segment is about the NBA which highlights the procedure and the process that is followed for NBA by the IT department. The result analysis and the topper’s segment displays the outcome of the hard work of the entire department. The placement report corner in the newsletter highlights the stats of the placements that happened in this academic year. Followed by this is the technical corner and the creativity corner that includes all the technical and non technical articles written by the students and the professors according to their interests and some creative pieces of art including sketches, poetry and stories. The Achievements segment covers the achievements of the students and the professors. Few pictures of the various labs of the department are printed, and to connect it all faithfully to our readers we have for the soul section too. We value your feedbacks and suggestions. Please feel free to contact the editorial team.



Tribute ii From the HOD’s Desk iii

From the Editorial Team iv

1. Alumnus Speak 1 2. Convocation Report 3 3. Our Proud Moment 5 4. In a Nutshell - Technical Events 7 5. In a Nutshell - Non Technical Events 20 6. NBA Process in IT Department 28 7. Result Analysis 34 8. Toppers List 37 9. Placement Report 40 10. Technical Corner 41 11. Creativity Corner 43 12. Achievements 45 13. Articles 66 14. For the Soul 70 15. Editorial Team 71


Hi, I am Kartik Rao. I completed my bachelor's from SAKEC in 2019. I have since been pursuing my Masters in Computer Science at Clemson University. I was going to write about my experience here at SAKEC, but I fell that I must say what I feel are the most important lessons that I have learned during my journey at SAKEC. I know now it may feel like a lecture, but nonetheless please try to go through it, maybe it can help you in some way. The main thing that I learned at SAKEC is to keep trying new things and attending or preferably conducting various events for different technologies so that you get to know what the various concentrations are and what your interests are. SAKEC is an amazing platform for exploration as many events are held each week by the student chapters and all the faculty members are really supportive. Once you are done searching wide from various fields like Security, App development, Game dev, UI/UX, Software Engineering, Computer Graphics, Data Science, Networking, Foundations, and Theory like Optimization, you then can select one concentration and dive in deep into it to learn a lot about it. SAKEC also taught me to think ahead and made me realize that we should choose between one of four goals for after bachelors and then work towards it. The four goals being Applying for a Job, Further Studies, Staring your own Company or maybe you just don't feel that Engineering is right for you and following your passion. I learned from SAKEC that realizing what you want to achieve ahead of time is most important. Each one of those goals needs a different path to follow along with getting good grades on your finals.

Mr. Kartik Rao


A. Applying for a Job Solidify your foundations by paying attention in class. Pick a programming language and practice it on Code Chef/Hacker Rank/ Leet Code Prepare for your Aptitude test. B. Further Studies Get awesome grades so you don't miss out on top Universities Prepare for the entrance exams/ prerequisite exams in your free time Try and make sure that your final year project is relevant to what you want to study later. Write a few research papers, I promise it doesn't take a lot of your time. C. Startup E-Cell is an amazing place to know what skills are required for startups. Catch hold of alumni who have started their own organizations (you can get hold of them through E-Cell, your teachers or seniors) and get all the challenges they face in real-time. Develop skills to face those challenges ahead of time. D. Following your own Passion. I still feel that Engineering can be a really good backup just in case. If you absolutely feel that this is definitely not your cup of tea, talk to your teachers, family, friends, and well-wishers to get their support. This part can be a bit vague but it totally depends on what you are passionate about and work to be at the topmost Tier in whatever you wish to be. Everyone at SAKEC including the teachers, HOD ma'am, Principal Sir, and last but not least all my friends and colleagues had given me a lot of support and I am sure that if you ask for it they will help you achieve your goals too. We have a really healthy and wholesome environment and it is the perfect environment for you to grow as a student and as a person. I really hope every one of you enjoys your time at SAKEC as those were one of the best years I have had while also keeping an eye on your goals and pursuing your dreams. -Mr. Kartik Rao BE IT 2019. —-&&&—-


Convocation Ceremony was conducted on 21st December 2019 for the batch of 2018-2019 students. The function was graced by the Principal, Dr. Bhavesh Patel and Honorary Trustees.


IT Batch 2018-2019



“50 FABULOUS EDUTECH LEADERS” at the 8th World Education Congress

The SAKEC family is very proud to share that Ms. Swati Nadkarni, Head, IT Department is presented with the title “50 FABULOUS EDUTECH LEADERS” at the 8th World Education Congress. The theme of the Congress was “REORIENTING EDUCATION FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE”. The presentation ceremony was scheduled on 4th July, 2019 at Taj Lands End, .

Ms. Swati Nadkarni, Head, IT Department receiving the award



Employee of the Year Award (Teaching Staff)

towards all the tasks that she has undertaken for the A.Y. 2018-2019. We congratulate her for this achievement as she has set the benchmark high for the coming years.

For the first time ever in the history of Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College an award was arranged to recognize the "Best Faculty of the Year for A.Y. 2018- 2019". We at the SAKEC IT Department take pride that our own faculty, Dr. Nilakshi Jain won this award for her consistent efforts and dedication


Minor Research Grant 2019-2020

Sr. Grant Name of Faculty No. fetched The 1 Ms. Swati Nadkarni 30,000 announces research grant to faculties from the engineering 2 Ms. Archana Chaugule 15,000 colleges based on viability of Ms. Abirami research proposal for every 3 25,000 Sivaprasad academic year. Total of five faculties from IT received 4 Ms. Manya Gidwani 32,500 Total Grant of Rs. 1,37,500/-.

5 Mr. Panjab Mane 35,000



In Collaboration with ACM Student Chapter Date Speaker Event 17th July, 2019 Mr. Nirmal Naryani Institutional Training Program (ITP) by PCRA

Mr. Nirmal Naryani, speaker of the program, conducted Petroleum Conservation Research Association(PCRA) Chartered Activities. He covered the following points in the session: 1. Energy Conservation Act. 2001. 2. Energy Scenario and Energy Audit. 3. Importance of Energy Conservation. 4. Energy Audit. 5. Methods of Energy Conservation. 6. Clean Development Mechanism. 7. Ways to overcome Global Warming Effect. The students and faculty member attended the event in huge numbers, they understand the importance of energy conservation in daily activities as well as how to save the energy and using cost efficient devices. The session was interactive and concluded with awareness video clip about Global Warming. The attendees understood the importance and the methods of energy conservation and were hopeful about the fruitful results of energy conservation in future. Ms. Smita Bansod, Assistant Professor in IT department was coordinator for the event.

Mr. Nirnal Narayani delivering the session




In Collaboration with ACM Student Chapter Date Speaker Event on 4th, 13th & 14th 1) Mr. Vikash Kumar BlockChain & (CMO) it’s Application September, 2019 2) Mr. Jetso Analin (BlockChain & Android Developer) from BLOCKLOGY Edutech Pvt. Ltd. SAKEC ACM Student Chapter in collaboration with Information Technology Department organized “BlockChain and it’s Application” workshop.

The event was initiated by a introduction of speakers by Ms. Forum Patel (TE Computers) in the presence of faculty members Ms. Sonali Bapte, Mr. Dhwaniket Kamble and all participants. Mr. Vikash Kumar, Team BLOCKLOGY conducted orientation on BlockChain and made the students understand what BlockChain is and how it is useful in the long run.

Photographs of the event


University of Mumbai: Faculty Orientation Program In Collaboration with IPRC Date Co-ordinator Event 15th January, 2020 Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Faculty Orientation Professor, IT) Program on IPR and Patenting Dr. Kranti Ghag explained the main objective of the Orientation Program for Semester VIII Institute Level Elective Course and appreciated different faculties from other colleges who attended the program. She also explained in detail about syllabus contents and depth of coverage for each module in the syllabus. Considering the scarcity in patents filed in India, the syllabus has given more weightage to patent and its related points: Dr. Kranti Ghag suggested to join some online course available on IPR offered by NPTEL (4 week, 8 week and 12 week) and WIPO. She also suggested to attend courses at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management (RGNIIPM), Nagpur for exploring the knowledge on IPR and Patenting.

Dr. Kranti Ghag delivering the session and Group Photograph



In Collaboration with SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Speaker Event 22nd January, 2020 1) Mr. Manish Bhelande Pathway towards Asst. Professor, IT. Product Development 2) Mr. Panjab Mane Asst. Professor, IT. SAKEC Information Technology department in association with SAKEC IIC 2.0 conducted Seminar on "Pathway towards Product Development" for Third Year Information Technology Students. The seminar began with HOD, Ms. Swati Nadkarni’s overview session, she explained objectives and importance of the session and how students should plan for TE Mini-project and BE project. Mr. Panjab Mane explained the importance of Product Development, and how to search research papers for literature review? and overall structure of Mini-project. Mr. Manish Bhelande explained, how copyright and patent plays crucial role in BE Project. He also explained the flow of BE project and marking scheme. In “Pathway Towards Product Development” seminar, two BE project group students shared their experience. BE students talked about their journey form TE Mini-project (VI semester) to BE project II (VIII semester).

Group photograph Title Name Guide Volunteering Management Kunal Gautam Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle System for Roti Bank Saish Khandare Donation Management Vedant Parikh Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle System for Roti Bank Janhavi Desale Smart Toilet Monitoring Shekhar Singh Mr. Manish Bhelande System using IOT Shubham Zadane Vimlesh Dhamale —-&&&—- 10 | TECHNORITHM IN A NUTSHELL - TECHNICAL EVENTS


In Collaboration with ACM and SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Speaker Event on th 25 January, 2020 Mr. Deep Mehta, TE-6-23 Hands-on AWS and Docker SAKEC ACM Student Chapter in collaboration with Information Technology Department had organized an event on “AWS and Docker” to sharpen the skills and introduce new concepts to the students of SAKEC on 25th January, 2020. Mr. Panjab Mane, Assistant Professor in IT was coordinator for the event. The speaker of the event was Mr. Deep Mehta, TE IT student. He started the session with a presentation on Docker and its basic concepts followed by the presentation on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The students learned the basic terms and concepts related to the topic.

Speaker of the event Mr. Deep Mehta Participants listening to the speaker

Mr. Deep Mehta also encouraged the students to learn more about AWS and explained it’s importance from the industry perspective. SAKEC ACM Student Chapter benefits were exaplined to the students by Mr. Darsh Shah, TE IT student, Publicity Head of SAKEC ACM .




In Collaboration with IETE and SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Speaker Event on 29th January, 2020 Mr. Santosh Kamble, PCB Designing and Assistant Professor, Etching Electronics Engineering, SAKEC IETE SAKEC and IIC 2.0 in association with Information Technology Department, organized a workshop on “PCB Designing and Etching”. The event was conducted on 29th January, 2020 in Lab 404. The main motto behind conducting this workshop is: “To get deep knowledge about PCB and to learn the implementation of the same.” The speaker introduced the concept of PCB (Printed Circuit Board) to the participants. Components are generally soldered onto the PCB to both electrically connect and mechanically fasten them to it. The informative and interesting workshop was conducted with complete hands- on PCB. The session was concluded by Staff Coordinator Ms. Archana Chaugule, Assistant Professor in IT and Student Coordinator Mr. Vatsal Doshi, SE IT student.

Hands-on PCB operations Ms. Archana Chaugule felicitating Mr. Santosh Kamble




In Collaboration with ACM and SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Speaker Event th 5 February, 2020 Mr. Rohit Gautam TALK ON Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security SAKEC ACM Student Chapter, organized “TALK ON ETHICAL HACKING AND CYBER SECURITY”. The motive of this event was to give the students a basic idea about hacking and also to learn how real life hackers are and how they think.

The Speaker of the event was Mr. Rohit Gautam who is an Ethical Hacker and Pentester by profession and who works with many top Indian banks and private firms started the event with a formal introduction. He covered major topics like Android Hacking, Email Hacking, Cyber Forensics, Phishing and Ransomware. Student Coordinator was Mr. Siddhesh Thakur (BE IT) and event coordinator was Ms. Smita Bansod (Assistant Professor, IT).

Glimpses of the event —-&&&—- 13 | TECHNORITHM IN A NUTSHELL - TECHNICAL EVENTS


In Collaboration with IEEE and SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Speaker Event on th 6 February, 2020 Mr. Rohish Thakur, Digital Forensics from RST FORUM IEEE SAKEC in association with IIC 2.0 and Department of Information Technology had organized a workshop on Digital Forensics on Thursday, 6th February 2020, in the 3rd Floor 301 Lab. The Speaker of the event was Mr. Rohish Thakur from RST FORUM, who has more than 5 years experience in planning, designing and implementing cyber security solution as well as training in various Cyber Security platforms. The speaker conveyed a detailed information about investigation and explained how network investigation can be obtained and use computer data and online information to assist it.

Inaugural Speech by Ms. Dhanashree Group photograph Toradmalle

Ms. Abirami Sivaprasad presenting Mr. Rohish Thakur delivering the session Memento to the speaker —-&&&—- 14 | TECHNORITHM IN A NUTSHELL - TECHNICAL EVENTS


In Collaboration with IPRC Date Speaker Event 11th February, Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle, Intellectual Property 2020 (Associate Professor, IT) Right Mentoring Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Session for IT Staff Professor, IT) The Intellectual Property Right Cell, SAKEC conducted a hands-on Session on Copyright and Patent Filing on 11th February 2020. The main purpose of this event was to create awareness of copyright and patent filing process among the faculties. Attendees for the session were IT Staff (Teaching and Technical). The session was helpful to the IT staff in following ways: 1. It helped the audience to know how to file copyright. 2. It enthused the staff towards filing copyright on their projects, computer programs, algorithms, literature. Attendees created accounts on and started filing applications for copyrights.

Glimpses of the event



EVEN SEMESTER - 2020 Syllabus Meet 1 The syllabus is being revised for REV-2019 ‘C’ Scheme for the Information Technology. A meeting was scheduled on the 11th March, 2020 at SAKEC to discuss and design the syllabus of Computer Networks & Design for the Semester IV IT. A team of seven faculties were present for the same. Syllabus meet is held under the guidance of Board of Studies Convener and Chairperson.

Theory Subject: Computer Network & Network Design Lab Subject: Network Lab Semester: IV Team Members for Syllabus Revision Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme for above subject

Group Photograph

Syllabus Meet 2 The Syllabus setting meeting for Syllabus Revision Rev-2019 ‘C’ Scheme for the subject Java programming Lab in SEM III Information Technology branch was held on 13th March 2020 at Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College. The meeting was organized by the chairperson of the team with the prior permission taken by the BOS Convener. All The modules in the revised syllabus have been discussed. Lab Outcomes were revised and designed as per Bloom’s taxonomy. —-&&&—-


EVEN SEMESTER - 2020 In Collaboration with ACM and SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Speaker Event on 13th and 14th Mr. Preet Nagda, TE-5-39 Python and Django Web March, 2020 Mr. Yash Thosani, TE-5-69 Frameworks

On the first day, Mr. Yash Thosani started with the very basics of Python. The topics included were, why python is preferred over other languages, data types, Lists, tuples, dictionaries, sets, functions, control structures. Every topic was first explained and then some examples were given to the students based on the particular topic taught so they can get an idea how to apply that topic while coding. On the second day, the students were made to create a new project named SuperMarket Project using the same tricks and tips taught by Mr. Preet Nagda the previous day. Ms. Sonali Bapte was Faculty Co-ordinator and Mr. Darsh Shah, was Event Co-ordinator who is also Publicity Head of SAKEC-ACM.

SAKEC ACM Student Chapter Team with event coordinator

Speaker Mr. Preet Nagda conducting Django Framework session —-&&&—-


EVEN SEMESTER - 2020 In Collaboration with ACM and SAKEC IIC 2.0 Date Coordinator Event 17th April, Mr. Panjab Mane (Assistant Online Project 2020 Professor, IT) Competition Mr. Manish Bhelande (Assistant Professor, IT)

All B.E. Project II groups participated in the Online Project Competition. Few of the faculty members judged the event.

Announcement of online project competition winners and online felicitation of winners was conducted on 15th May 2020. Entire IT Department staff members Congratulates the winning team students. Ms. Swati Nadkarni, President, SAKEC IIC 2.0 and Head of IT Department appreciated the hard work and sincere efforts of the students. Following are the List of Winners: First Winner Participants Name : Milind Vispute , Ankita Sinha & Keval Shah Project Title: Mining risk factors for electronics health care data Second Winner Participants Name: Kunal Gautam & Saish Khandare Project Title: Volunteer management system Third Winner Participants Name: Gaurav Shikhare, Shreyas Shirsekar & Sheshadri Lokapur Project Title: Travease.

Banner of the event and Online Prize Distribution Meet


EVEN SEMESTER - 2020 In Collaboration with bpb and IIC 2.0 Date Coordinator Event 30th May, Ms. Manya Gidwani (Assistant Online Webinar: Data 2020 Professor, IT) Analytics

All IT students and faculties actively participated in the bpb LIVE Webinar on “Data Analytics” by Mr. Murari Ramuka.

Banner of the event and few photographs of the students




Date Speaker Event 20th July, 2019 Ms. Swati Nadkarni, HOD, Parent Teacher Meeting IT Department, SAKEC.

Ms. Swati Nadkarni conducting prerequisite session

Group photo of Ms. Swati Nadkarni, HOD with Mentors, Class Teachers, Parents and Students


20 | TECHNORITHM IN A NUTSHELL - NON TECHNICAL EVENTS ODD SEMESTER - 2019 In Collaboration with ACM Student Chapter Date Coordinator Event 31st August, 2019 Ms. Bhargavi Dalal Gaushaala CSR (Assistant Professor, IT) Activity

SAKEC ACM Student Chapter in collaboration with Information Technology Department organized A Corporate Social Responsibility Event “Gaushaala CSR Activity” at Panjrapol Gaushaala, . The Activity titled, “Gaushaala CSR Activity” was conducted in order to showcase the students the importance of cows in our natural ecosystem and also how much the importance they have on our lives. Tucked somewhere in the by-lanes of the crowded Bhuleshwar bazaar is the Bombay Panjrapole, a 176-year-old infirmary that primarily looks after 350 cows and other stray animals like hens, birds, dogs, goats, parrots and ducks. The shelter, painted bright blue, spreads across a sprawling two acres within the congested market; it is airy and calm.

Gaushaala CSR Activity team

SAKEC Faculties and Students feeding grass to Cows and Gir Cows


21 | TECHNORITHM IN A NUTSHELL - NON TECHNICAL EVENTS ODD SEMESTER - 2019 Date Attendees Event 16th September, Ms. Swati Nadkarni, HOD Teacher’s Day 2019 IT Department and IT Celebration in Staff SAKEC

Teacher’s day celebration was organized by students on 16th September 2019 at the Foyer. The event started with Saraswati Vandana and “Deep Prajwalan” which was followed by the speech of Principal, Dr. Bhavesh Patel. Then there were some fun activities for teachers such as Spin the wheel etc. Post lunch many cultural programs such as dance, drama, singing, standup etc. were arranged in 7th floor auditorium. The event was well coordinated by SAKEC students.

IT staff during celebration



Date Speaker Event 17th January 2020 Mr. Nisarg Shah, Pursuing Alumni Talk Master of Science in Information Systems at Stevens , Hoboken, NJ. On Friday, 17th January 2020, Department of Information Technology organized an “Alumni Talk” in the 7th Floor Auditorium. The Speaker of the event was Mr. Nisarg Shah (SAKEC Alumni -B.E-I.T-2018) currently pursuing Master of Science and event coordinator was Ms. Jahanvi Gupta (Assistant Professor, IT).

IT Students during the session

Felicitation by Ms. Swati Nadkarni, Group photograph HOD IT Department




In Collaboration with ACM Student Chapter Date Co-ordinator Event 26th January, Ms. Akshata Patil ACM Beach Clean Up 2020 (Assistant Professor, IT) Activity

SAKEC ACM Student Chapter in collaboration with Information Technology Department organized “ACM Beach Clean Up Activity” at Girgaon Chowpatty, on 26th January 2020 on account of 71st Republic Day of India. SAKEC ACM Student Chapter along with “Change Is Us” organized a beach clean-up drive. All the volunteers were provided with gloves and masks to carry out the task. Teams were made and they were given tools and other accessories needed to clean.

Group photograph at the Beach



In Collaboration with ACM Student Chapter Date Co-ordinator Event 1st February, Mr. Chetan Mahajan ACM Trek to 2020 (Assistant Professor, IT) Kothaligadh SAKEC ACM Student Chapter, organized “ACM Trek to Kothaligadh” for its members. It was an event for ACM members which was enjoyed by all. The motive of this event was to strengthen the bond among the members.

Faculty Members with ACM Student Team

On the way to Kothaligad Reached at Kothaligad —-&&&—-


Date Speaker Event 7th March, Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle Parents Teacher Meeting 2020 (Associate Professor and Program Co-ordinator, IT)

Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle addressing the parents Students of IT and their parents interact with respective mentors in their respective classrooms. Mentors showed Students Internal Assessment progress Report to Parents. Students attendance was also shown to the parents. Parents and Students were guided by respective mentors. Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle addressed parents and students about Curriculum, How to improve students performance, mandatory attendance criteria, placement scenario, and overall achievements necessary for students.

Group photo of Parents, Mentors, Class Teachers & BE Students —-&&&—-


Date Coordinator Event 14th June, Ms. Smita Bansod Webinar: Yoga for a healthy 2020 (Assistant Professor, IT) living

Information Technology Department of SAKEC in collaboration with SAKEC- ACM Student Chapter’s ACM-W had organised a webinar on “Yoga for Healthy Living” to educate the students of SAKEC about some key practices of yoga which will help them to take care of their mental health and attain mental peace. The speaker for the event was Ms. Pratishruta Adhikari, Yoga Therapist & Wellness coach. The live webinar was conducted on Microsoft Teams with the technical support of Mr. Chetan Mahajan (Assistant Professor, IT) and student volunteer Mr. Sanay Shah (TE IT). The event was started by Ms. Forum Patel, ACM-W Head by speaking few words about importance of Yoga during the pandemic followed by a few words by Dr. Bhavesh Patel, Principal, SAKEC. Ms. Swati Nadkarni, SAKEC ACM Faculty Sponsor also motivated the participants. Speaker covered benefits of Yoga, meditation with Om Mantra, basic stretching exercises, aasanas of Yoga and, Bramhari Pranayam.

Collage of the event —-&&&—-

27 | TECHNORITHM NBA Process in IT Department

Vision & Mission of the Department  Vision

 To achieve excellent standards of quality education by keeping pace with rapidly changing technologies.

 To create technical manpower of global standards with capabilities of accepting new challenges in Information Technology.

 Mission  To create competent and trained professionals in Information Technology who shall contribute towards the advancement of engineering, science and technology useful for the society.

 To impart quality and value based education to raise satisfaction level of all stakeholders.

 To generate technically sound professionals and entrepreneurs to become part of the industry and research organizations at national levels.

Program Educational Objectives 1. A graduate will excel in professional career and contribute to social needs through Information Technology. 2. A graduate will be integrated into the world of practicing professionals for collaborations, pursue higher education, conduct research, demonstrate professionalism and ethics. 3. A graduate will Exhibit innovation, team work, leadership and communication skills through life long learning. Program Specific Outcomes 1. The Information Technology graduates are able to analyse, design, develop, test and apply management principles, mathematical foundations in the development of IT based solutions for real world and open-ended problems.

2. The Information Technology graduates are able to perform various roles in creating innovative career paths: to be an entrepreneur, a successful professional, pursue higher studies with realization of moral values & ethics.


Program Outcomes (POs)

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems. 2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences, and engineering sciences. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations. 4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information to provide valid conclusions. 5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an understanding of the limitations. 6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal, health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional engineering practice. 7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable development. 8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the engineering practice. 9..Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse teams, and in multidisciplinary settings. 10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions. 11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the engineering and management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments. 12.Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of —-&&&—-


Department Advisory Board (DAB Members 2019-20) Information Technology Department To strengthen our curriculum, delivery strategies and activities, we have constituted Department Advisory Board (DAB) for Information Technology Department comprising of representatives from various industries, organizations and stakeholders of the institute thereby generating a mechanism for providing precious and valuable inputs to our department.

Shri. Mansukhbhai L. Shah Shri. Jayantibhai Chhadva Dr. Bhavesh Patel Management Representative Management Representative Chairman (Principal) Hon. Jt. Secretary/ Trustee, Trustee, Principal SAKEC Mahavir Education Trust Mahavir Education Trust

Ms. Swati Nadkarni Mr. Kiran Bhave Ms. Shriya Kumar Convener, Head of Dept. & Industry Representative Industry Representative Associate Professor, IT De- Creator, Owner, Financial Derivatives Sales & Structuring, partment Freedom Director JPMorgan Chase


Mr. Yash Sheth Mr. Rachit Manish Dr. Sunita Patil Alumni Representative Agarwal Academic Representative Director, Waggy Tail Pvt. Alumni Representative Vice Principal, K. J. Ltd. Currently pursuing Somaiya Institute of Post Graduation in Engineering and Data Analytics Information Technology ( KJSIEIT )

Mr. Mahesh Shirole Ms. Deepti Dighe Mr. Sudhir Sawant Academic Representative Employer Representa- Employer Representative Veermata Jijabai tive NSEIT Technological Software Engineer, Institute, Mumbai LTI

Ms. Dhanashree Ms. Jalpa Mehta Dr. Kranti Ghag Toradmalle Faculty Representative Faculty Representative Faculty Representative Assistant Professor, IT Assistant Professor, IT Associate Professor, IT

Dr. Nilakshi Jain Mr. Kush Vora Mr. Smit Sheth Faculty Representative Students Students Representative, TE Associate Professor, IT Representative, SE

Ms. Hiral Nagda Mr. Nimish vora Mr. Naresh Sheth Students Representative Parents Representative Parents Representative BE & Mr. Rajesh Kantilal Nagda Parents Representative SE TE BE —-&&&—- 31 | TECHNORITHM NBA PROGRAM IN IT DEPARTMENT

Innovative Teaching Learning by IT Faculties for 2019-2020 A Teaching Learning Center (TLC) at SAKEC is formed in the year 2019. Core Committee members from IT department are: Ms. Pranali Wagh, Assistant Professor and Ms. Manya Gidwani, Assistant Professor. The objectives of TLC are:

 To train faculty members and to empower them to adopt innovative teaching and learning Practices.  To provide support for ICT enabled active learning strategies in classroom teaching.

Following are the best and innovative practices undertaken by the IT department faculties for improving teaching and learning experience:

1. Microsoft Team is used by faculty members to conduct online Lectures, Practicals, Project demonstration, mini project discussion during COVID 19 pandemic situation. 2. Google Classroom is being used by all faculty members to share learning resources, conduct assignments/quizzes. 3. Modern teaching aids like Multimedia, Projectors, and Internet enabled computer systems are used for classroom instruction as well as other student learning experiences. 4. Flipped Classroom, Think pair share and peer to peer instruction is adopted for effective teaching and learning. 5. Language labs are conducted for all students on “Linguaphone iLotus L21” software for Communication Skill Development. 6. Experiment content beyond the syllabus are conducted to enhance the knowledge. 7. Faculties conduct experiments based on digital library (e-subscriptions of journals) which promote self-learning of students to make them familiar with the latest trends. 8. Urkund Software which is an anti-plagiarism tool is used to check the plagiarism of the technical paper and report written by final year students. 9. Special Study Groups are formed for a specialized area of learning where students and faculty interact and share knowledge. 10. Faculty plays the role of Mentor for live projects (Societal, environmental, need based and real time application-based projects) - initiatives taken by SAKEC research cell to guide students for developing and deploying projects.



Work from home by IT Staff during lockdown due to COVID-19

All faculties from our institute were provided with Google Classroom hands-on training on 16th March 2020. This step was taken so that faculties can continue with the teaching-learning process using Google Classroom.

All IT faculties used Google Classroom to post Teaching material in the form of PDFs/PPTs/Word Documents. Some of the faculties also uploaded their videos (recorded using Screen Recorder or using TableTop) as teaching material. Some of the faculties also provided YouTube Video links to better understand a few topics from the syllabus of the subject. Continuation of Teaching-Learning through various modes such as Online Learning / Social Media (WhatsApp / YouTube) / E-mails / Video Conferencing etc. was essential to complete the syllabus.

All faculties who are Project guides used Zoom Meetings or WhatsApp Audio/ Video calls or Conference calls to discuss project progress with the students and to guide them to complete project Literature survey, Implementation, paper publication, and report writing. Project Review faculties used Zoom meetings to conduct review meetings and suggestions were entered into Google sheet.

Many faculties attended Faculty Development Program (FDP), Workshop, Training, Short Term Training Program (STTP), Webinar using online modes such as Zoom Meeting, Cisco Webex Meeting, Microsoft Team Meeting, or Google Meet.

Most of the faculties participated in Online Quiz hosted by many academic institutions.

Those who attended online courses and/or quizzes filled assessment or feedback online using Google form or websites such as SurveyMonkey.

The majority of staff members from IT attended NPTEL Special Lecture Series using YouTube Streaming.

The faculty members have contributed a lot for the benefit of students during the lockdown period which is very well reflected in the Teaching Learning Centre(TLC) feedback taken from IT students.



Dec 2019


Sr. No. Subject Total Total % passed Appeared Passed

1 Applied Maths -III 133 119 89.47

2 Logic Design 132 124 93.94 3 Data Structures & Analysis 133 132 99.25

4 Database Management System 133 132 99.25

5 Principle of Communications 133 112 84.21 6 Java Programming Lab 133 133 100


Sr. No. Subject Total Total % passed

Appeared Passed 1 Applied Mathematics -IV 143 138 96.50 2 Computer Networks 143 138 96.50

3 Operating Systems 143 136 95.10 4 Computer Organization and 143 127 88.81 Architecture 5 Automata Theory 142 122 85.92

6 Python Lab 143 142 99.30



Sr. No. Subject Total Total % passed Appeared Passed

1 Microcontroller and Embedded 145 130 89.66 Programming

2 Internet Programming 145 141 97.24

3 Advanced Data Management 144 141 97.92 Technology

4 Cryptography and Network 145 142 97.93 Security

5 Advanced data structures and 69 69 100 analysis of algorithms

6 E-commerce and E-business 76 76 100


Sr. No. Subject Total Total % Passed Appeared Passed 1 Software Engineering with 140 134 95.71 Project Management

2 Data Mining with Business 140 140 100.00 Intelligence

3 Cloud Computing and Services 140 138 98.57

4 Wireless Network 139 134 96.40

5 Digital Forensics 84 84 100.00 6 Green IT 56 56 100.00 7 Mini Project 140 140 100


Dec 2019


Sr. No. Subject Total Total % passed Appeared Passed

1 Enterprise Network Design 148 147 99.32

2 Infrastructure Security 147 146 99.32

3 Artificial Intelligence 148 143 96.62

4 Mobile Application Development 73 72 98.63

5 Software Testing and Quality 56 56 100.00

Assurance 6 Soft Computing 19 18 94.74

7 Management Information System 72 69 95.83

8 Cyber Security and Laws 76 76 100

9 Android Apps Development Lab 148 148 100

Project I 148 148 100 10


Sr. No. Subject Total Total % passed Appeared Passed 1 Storage Network Management 151 150 99.34 and Retrieval 2 Big Data Analytics 151 149 98.68

3 Computer Simulation and 151 142 94.04 Modeling 4 Soft Computing 18 18 100.00

5 Software Testing & Quality 133 128 96.24 Assurance 6 Project II 151 151 100



TOPPER’S LIST - A.Y. 2018-2019 F.E.

Rank Name of the Student CGPA Photo

1 Pandey Shweta Surendra 9.27

2 Jadhav Purva Chandrakant 9.26


Rank Name of the Student CGPA Photo

1 Mutalik Rohit Gajanan 9.85



Rank Name of the Student CGPA Photo

Das Amisha Vaman 9.77

Mistry Nishit Rakesh Kumar 9.77 2

Shaikh Zeeshan Anwar 9.77


Rank Name of the Student CGPA Photo

1 Khandare Saish Sanjan 9.460



Name of the Student CGPA Photo Rank

2 Chheda Dharmil Hasmukh 9.42


Rank Name of the Student CGPA Photo

1 Shinde Ankita Praveen 9.62

2 Wadekar Mitali Vijay 9.12


Rank Name of the Student CGPA Photo

1 Panigrahi Santosh Pitabas 6



The Training and Placement Department of the college is headed by Dr. V. C. Kotak and supported by a team of Placement Co-ordinators comprising of faculty members and students. Beginning with the technical interaction and coordination with prime industries, the team arranges on-campus interviews for the recruitment of our students to reputed companies. The training of students for placement interview is an integral part of the placement activity. For the academic Year 2019-20 very good number of students were placed in the companies till date. Even many companies recruitment process is still going on.

Academic Year (2019-2020) Details of Placement of BE IT Students

Sr. No. Company Name Students Package Selected (in lacs) 1 Tata Consultancy Services 22 7.00 2 Larsen & Toubro Infotech Ltd. 15 3.36

3 NSEIT Limited 3 2.50 4 Vistaar Technologies Price Manage- 3 3.30 ment Solutions

5 MAQ Software 1 6.00

6 Vistex Asia Pacific Pvt. Ltd 1 2.40 7 Capgemini India 14 3.80 8 CodeArray Technology 8 2.40 9 Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited 7 3.50 10 Gracenote a Nielsen 2 3.00 11 Nucsoft Ltd. (Dot NET) 2 3.20 12 Infosys Pvt.Ltd. 8 3.60 13 Atos Syntel Pvt Ltd 2 2.80 88



ARTIFICIAL INTELLGENCE: Images of vineyards recorded by using drone SIMPLIFYING LIFE machine vision are used for comprehensive report on the health of the vineyard. Such We all have encountered the word AI in the drones can inspect fifty acres of land in twenty last few years but we don’t have a clear idea minutes and gives data analysis with 99% about what this word actually mean. In this accuracy. tech-savy world only the people from technical background are familiar with AI. Most people Machine learning algorithms in association are unaware of its usage as well as its with satellites can analyze crop sustainability, importance. AI can have a powerful impact detect farms for the existence of diseases and on the society if deployed cautiously. pests and to predict weather. These tools are helpful to researchers, crop Artificial Intelligence is nothing but making consultants and most importantly the farmers. decisions or performing tasks by a machine. With the help of AI all the tasks can be CROPIN, GOBASCO, FASAL, SATSURE, performed in an efficient manner by saving INTELLO LABS, AIBONO, etc. are some time and efforts. AI enabled systems are of the foremost Indian Agritech startups that capable of giving errorless responses. AI is are changing the agriculture in India. These been ruling in almost every sector be it startups make use of new technologies such as agriculture, medical, education , legal, public, satellite imaging, machine learning and data insurance, banking, water and various social analytics. SATSURE helps farmers what to media platforms.AI when clubbed with sow, when to irrigate or add fertilizers or machine learning can simplify any task. AI prepare for harvest. SATSURE’s solutions are supported digital assistants has the potential to widely used by the Andhra Pradesh free people from everyday chores. It helps in government, large banks and insurance the planning of various routine tasks such as companies in India are also paying electricity bills. Navigation Systems, leveraging SATSURE’s solutions. FASAL Self Driving Cars, etc. are some of the one more startup presents microclimate forecast applications of AI. to each farm location carried out at a point scale. Computer games which are been popularly played today is also one of the application of Instead of depending on experiments doctors AI. Climate Variation, marketing, food safety are using AI powered devices providing concern are some of the major issues demand healthcare and other health related services and supply, population explosion, in front of efficiently. Moreover scientists use Intel AI the agricultural industry. diagnosed heart conditions with better exactness. AI is able to examine ten thousand AI powered technology helps us to have better signals per heartbeat and gives more accuracy. work rate in order to tackle the issues AI based on genetics is helpful in early regarding crop yield, soil fertility and herbicide detection of cancer and vascular diseases that opposition in the field of agriculture. Milking people might face. robots are generally used in dairy farming. By means of computerization and robotics crops AI is used in law enforcement as it helps in can be protected efficiently. Specific spraying finding out a missing or exploited child. Based prevents herbicide resistance. Strawberry on instances of suspicious online activity, farmers select and bundle their crops using millions of cyber tips, AI in correlation with specially designed robots which can harvest advanced analytics to process this tips in the upto eight acres per day unlike to 40 humans. service of law enforcement authorities. AI enabled system is able to detect financial frauds Plantix is a deep learning application for the by dealing out with large data dealt with by the recognition of defects and nutrient deficiencies financial institutions Intel powered AI can also in the soil. prevent manufacturing errors. -Purva Jadhav, SE-5-15.


MACHINE LEARNING AND Within the field of data analytics, machine learning is used to devise complex models and ITS TOOLS algorithms that lend themselves to prediction; After the advent of AI in 80’s and 90’s, in commercial use, this is known as predictive interest in the application of Artificial analytics. These analytical models allow Intelligence (AI) techniques has been steadily researchers, data scientists, engineers, and increasing in a variety of engineering fields, analysts to “produce reliable, repeatable which includes speech and image analysis decisions and results” and uncover “hidden and communications. Unlike the logic-based insights”, through learning from historical expert systems that were predominant in the relationships and trends in the data set (input). earlier work on AI the renewed confidence in data driven methods is motivated by the - Saloni Patil, FE-5-63. successes of pattern recognition tools based on machine learning. These tools rely on —-&&&—- decades old algorithms, such as back propagation the Expectation Maximization (EM) algorithm , and Q-learning , with a BUG BOUNTY number of modern algorithmic advances, including novel regularization techniques and Bug Bounty allow the developers to discover adaptive learning rate schedules Their success and resolve bugs before the general public is is built on the availability of data and aware of them, preventing incidents of computing resources in many widespread abuse. Bug bounty programs have engineering fields. While the new wave of been implemented by a large number of promises and breakthroughs around machine organizations, including Mozilla, Facebook, learning arguably falls short, at least for now, Yahoo!, Google, Reddit, Square, Microsoft and of the requirements that drove early AI the Internet. research , learning algorithms have proven to be useful in a number of important HOW TO GET STARTED WITH BUG applications – and more is certainly on the BOUNTY PROGRAM: way. Learn Burpsuite Tool Most current machine learning 1. Learn Computer Networking. (basics of inter applications fall in the supervised learning -networking, IP addresses, MAC addresses, category, and hence aim at learning an existing OSI Stack ( and TCP/IP stack).) pattern between inputs and outputs. Supervised 2. Get Familiarized With the Web. (basic learning is relatively well-understood at a understanding of web programming and web theoretical level and it benefits from well protocols.) established algorithmic tools. 3. Learning Web Application Security Unsupervised learning has so far defied a Measures and Hacking Techniques. ( security unified theoretical treatment. Nevertheless, it mechanisms, arguably poses a more fundamental practical security practices, their bypasses, common problem in that it directly tackles the challenge vulnerabilities in web applications, ways to find of learning by direct observation without any these form of explicit feedback. Reinforcement vulnerabilities). (Owasp, hackerone etc.) learning has found extensive 4.Testing Real Targets. (actual hunting on the applications in problems that are characterized real websites). by clear feedback signals, such as win/lose 5. Staying Current on Latest Vulnerabilities outcomes in games, and that searches over large trees of possible action-observation - Maitri Maru,TE-5-31. histories. —-&&&— Machine Learning is a latest buzzword floating around. It deserves to, as it is one of the most interesting subfield of Computer Science. So what does Machine Learning really mean? 42 | TECHNORITHM CREATIVITY CORNER

Harsh Hingu, SE-6-21 Maitri Maru, TE-5-31

Dhruv Jani, BE-5-26

Kashyap Panchal, SE-6-41 Purva Jadhav SE-5-15


Rinkal Shah, SE-5-44 Meetali Jain, FE-5-23

Maithili Sawant, FE-5-54 Saloni Mehta, SE-6-37

Vatsal Doshi, SE-6-14 Vatsal Doshi, SE-6-14 —-&&&—- 44 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STAFF

Institutions Innovation Council (IIC 2.0)

Our institute Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College is member of Institutions Innovation Council (IIC 2.0). A network of these IICs will be established to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in the campuses.

Online Sessions were conducted by MHRD which were replacement of physical activities to be organized by IIC-institutes as part of calendar activities and MIC driven activities.

Ms. Swati Nadkarni (Head of IT department) is president of IIC 2.0 for SAKEC and Mr. Chetan Mahajan (Assistant Professor, IT) is a member for the same.

Ms. Swati Nadkarni’s testimonial for online sessions —-&&&—-



SAKEC has bagged 9 awards at CSI TechNext India 2019 on 28th September 2019. The theme of the award was “Education – Creating a Digital Ecosystem”.

Ms. Swati Nadkarni as a panel member and receiving the award

1. Ms. Swati Nadkarni was awarded the Best HOD of the year 2019. She was also a member of the Panel Discussion. 2. Dr. Nilakshi Jain was awarded as “Best Faculty of the year” under subcategories Best Faculty – Evangelizing. 3. Dr. Nilakshi Jain was also awarded for Contributing to the spread of knowledge across several institutions and Contemporary Subjects/Courses.

Dr. Nilakshi Jain receiving Dr. Nilakshi Jain receiving the “Best Faculty of the year” award


4. Dr. Kranti Vithal Ghag was awarded “Best Faculty of the year” under subcategory Best Faculty – Contemporary Subjects/Courses.

Dr. Kranti Ghag receiving the Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle receiving award the award with the team members

5. Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle was awarded the “Best Social Impact Project”. The team members were as follows: Saish Khandare, Vedant Parikh, Kunal Gautam, Janhavi Desale, Raj Raval, Radhika Pilankar, Vivekkumar Mourya, Femin Dharamshi, Dharsh Bhimani, and Parshva Shah.

6. Ms. Archana Chaugule was awarded the “Best Social Impact Project”. The team members were Arathy Nair, Mitali Bandarkar and Shivani Jadhav.

Ms. Archana Chaugule was awarded the SAKEC has bagged 9 awards at CSI “Best Social Impact Project” TechNext India 2019: Group photo of all Award Winners —-&&&—-

47 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS – STAFF Book Launch Dr. Nilakshi Jain(Associate Professor, IT) published a Book Title “Artificial Intelligence: Making a System Intelligent”, under Wiley Publication India. Ms. Dhruti Rupareliya (TE IT) and Ms. Forum Patel (TE Computer) were editors for the book.

Glimpses of the event


Game Playing Technique with AI

Dr. Nilakshi Jain conducted Webinar on 19th, March 2020. Topic: “Game Playing Technique with AI”.

Dr. Nilakshi Jain during the webinar session



Our Institute Shah and Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College (SAKEC) approved as Remote Centre (RC No. 1566) for hosting workshops organized by Teaching Learning Centre at IIT Bombay which is funded by Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya National Mission on Teachers and Teaching (PMMMNMTT), MHRD, Govt. of India. In this initiative, Ms. Pramila Shinde(Assistant Professor, IT) has contributed in the following manner: 1. Participated in One Day Coordinators Workshop on Python for Teachers on 25th May 2019. 2. Worked as Coordinator for One Day Python Workshop for Teachers on 22nd June 2019. 3. Working as Associate Remote Centre Coordinator for A.Y. 2019-2020. 4. Worked as Support Staff for One Day Arduino Workshop for Teachers on 8th Feb 2020.

Certificates Participation in teacher’s workshop at SAKEC Remote Centre Mr. Harish Motekar(Assistant Professor, IT) had attended training on “One day Workshop on eSim, a First Course in the IoT Series or Teachers” on 21st September 2019, “Python Workshop” on 22nd June 2019 and One Day Arduino Workshop on 8th February 2020 organized by the Teaching Learning Center ICT at IIT Bombay hosted at SAKEC Remote Centre. —-&&&—-

49 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STAFF Participation in National Level Workshops Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle (Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, IT) participated in National Level Workshop on “Quality Enhancement Measures in Higher, Technical, Professional and Management Educational Institutions with Special Focus on NIRF Rankings” on 18th and 19th Oct, 2019 at JNT University Hyderabad.

Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle (Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, IT), and Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Professor, IT) participated in One-week Skill development Public Training Program on Patenting from 25th to 30th November, 2019 at Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Intellectual Property Management, Nagpur.

Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle Dr. Kranti Ghag



Participation in AICTE sponsored FDP

Ms. Bhargavi Dalal(Assistant Professor, IT) 1. She has presented paper and publish in 6th International Conference on Innovation and research on Technology and Engineering held on December 19, 2019 to December 20,2019 at Padmbhushan Vasant Dada Patil College of Engineering, Sion, Mumbai. 2. She participated in two week AICTE Sponsored FDP held from 9th November to 20th November 2019 in SKIT, Jaipur. 3. She has two certificates Cognitiveclass .ai Online course on Cognitive Class. 4. She had attended training on “One day Workshop on eSim, a First Course in the IoT Series or Teachers” on 21st September 2019.

Certificates Mr. Manish Bhelande(Assistant Professor, IT) 1. He has completed one day workshop on eSim first course in the IOT series for teachers on 21st September 2019 and one day workshop on Arduino on 8th February 2020 at SAKEC Remote Centre. 2. His Participation in Marathon Rotary Club of Ulwe, organized Marathon 2020 on 9th Februray whose motto is to Run Free to promote road safety. 3. Participation in AICTE sponsored FDP He participated in two week AICTE Sponsored FDP held from 9th November to 20th November 2019 in SKIT, Jaipur.

Certificates —-&&&—-



Ms. Shwetambari Pawar(Assistant Professor, IT) was part of various events, webinars, and certifications as mentioned below. 1. She was part of Teacher’s Workshop at SAKEC Remote Centre as Support Staff for Python Workshop conducted by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay on 22nd June 2019. 2. Good Clinical Practice Certification was completed by her on 13th February 2020 which was conducted by NIDA Clinical Trials Network. 3. She completed Google Digital Garage’s “The Fundamentals of Digital Marketing” certification on 27th April 2020. 4. She attended a Star Ethical Hacking Expert Webinar by Star Certification on 14th May, 2020. 5. She completed “Neural Networks and Deep Learning” Course from Coursera on 15th May, 2020.

Digital Marketing Certification Neural Networks and Deep Learning Certification




Ms. Abirami Sivaprasad Ms. Archana Chaugule (Assistant Professor, IT) (Assistant Professor, IT)

Finisher's of SAKEC MARATHON'20 - Faculties



Faculty Pursuing Ph.D.

Sr. Name Date of admission Status

1 Dr. Nilakshi Jain January 2013 July 2016 (Completed)

2 Dr. Kranti Ghag August 2011 May 2018 (Completed)

3 Ms. Dhanashree Toradmalle July 2015 Pursuing

4 Ms. Swati Nadkarni August 2017 Pursuing

5 Ms. Abirami Sivaprasad August 2017 Pursuing

6 Ms. Pramila Shinde August 2017 Pursuing

7 Ms. Jalpa Mehta November 2018 Pursuing

8 Ms. Rashmi Malvankar November 2018 Pursuing

9 Ms. Smita Bansod March 2019 Pursuing

10 Ms. Shwetambari Pawar March 2019 Pursuing

11 Ms. Ashwini Deshmukh July 2019 Pursuing

12 Mr. Lukesh Kadu December 2019 Pursuing

13 Mr. Manish Bhelande February 2020 Pursuing



SAKEC Global Immersion Dates of the SAKEC Global Immersion as decided was the 9th of March till the 20th of March. But, due to the Corona Virus pandemic, an immediate call of cancelling the further planned destinations of SAKEC Global Immersion-EUROPE 2020 was taken by the college management from the 15th of March, 2020.

The originally planned places included The Netherlands- Amsterdam, and Rotterdam. Belgium- Bruges, and Brussels. France- Paris. Switzerland- Zurich, Interlaken, and Lucerne.

Post changes the trip went to The Netherlands- Amsterdam, and Rotterdam. Belgium- Antwerp, Bruges, and Brussels.

Industries Visited: The group visited the following industries in the Netherlands. 1. Clog and Shoe factory. 2. Zaanse Schaan’s.

The Participants of the SAKEC Global Immersion- EUROPE 2020 were:- 1. Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Professor, IT) - Staff Coordinator 2. Bhavik Jain (BE IT) - Student Coordinator 3. Ms. Akanksha Jhurani (FE IT) - Student Participant

Special thanks to the Principal - Dr. Bhavesh Patel, Dr. Nilakshi Jain (Associate Professor, IT) and College Management and Golife Services.



Data Science using Python Study Group Duration: 4 weeks Non-credit course Faculties at Shah And Anchor Kutchhi Engineering College organized a 4 week non-credit course on “Data Science using python”. The course aimed at equipping participants to be able to use Python programming for solving data science problems. The course was a hands-on python programming for data science including online assignment and programming assignment. The course emphasized on exploring python related libraries. It aimed as becoming a valuable course for people wishing to pursue career in field of data science. Dates of conduction: Starting from 29th Jan 2020 every Wednesday 1:00-5:00 PM.

Week Topics Conducted By  Introduction to Spyder Week-1  Variables and Datatypes Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Professor, IT)  Operators

Week -2  Numpy Ms. Jalpa Mehta (Assistant Professor, IT)

Mr. Shashikant Radke (Assistant  Pandas Dataframe Week-3 Professor, COMP)  Control structure and function Ms. Nida Jawre (Assistant Professor, IT)

 Dealing with missing data Week-4 Mr. Uday Bhave (HOD, COMP)  Exploratory analysis  Case study of Regression Week-4 Videos of NPTEL shared  Case study Classification

Participants during hands-on session

—-&&&—- 56 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Deep Blue Hackathon Mastek & Majesco have always been home to change-makers and forward-thinkers who challenge the status quo. To transform lives by using technology, Mastek and Majesco initiated “Project Deep Blue”, and since then, they are continuously encouraging engineering students to solve social problems using coding skills and come up with meaningful technical solutions. The initiative gives engineering students the opportunity to test their technical acumen under the mentorship of industry veterans from Mastek. This is the First time “Deep Blue Hackathon” is introduced in SAKEC. From IT department there were 4 teams who submitted solutions for various problem statements under various categories published on Out of 4 teams 3 teams got selected for grand Finale. Following are the details of all 4 teams: Team Team Class Team Problem Statement Status No. Leader Members Khyati Prajapati Long Term capacity Not Selected for 1 Nishit Mistry TE Parth Joshi Planning (LCP) Grand Finale Parv Maru

Aniket Thakkar Predict Queue Wait Selected for 2 Kunal Hirani TE Time (PQWT) Grand Finale Mildeep Pahwa Rutvik Panchal Predict Queue Wait Selected for 3 Keval Mehta TE Preet Nagda Time (PQWT) Grand Finale Yash Thosani

Bhavya Joshi Public Toilet Health Selected for 4 Utsav Gada TE Check (PHC) Grand Finale Siddhant kadam

Selected Teams with Staff and Principal Dr. Bhavesh Patel at SAKEC



TCS CODEVITA Training & Placement Cell has Congratulated TCS CODEVITA WINNERS from Batch 2019-20 for receiving direct Offer of Employment from TCS. Mr. Saish Khandare, BE IT is Codevita Digital winner.

Training & Placement Cell has Congratulated TCS CODEVITA WINNERS

—-&&&—- Data Mining Cup International Student Competition Research Cell of SAKEC has participated in Data Mining Cup International Student Competition, out of 114 Universities from 28 countries, SAKEC students has elected 50th Internationally & 1st in SAKEC. Team Members are BE IT students: Mr. Jaykumar Tudiya, Mr. Feneel Doshi, Mr. Kunal Bafna under guidance of & Mentor Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Professor, IT).



SAKEC had organized Badminton for Students.

Winner Badminton Player of SAKEC Ms. Prishita Sinha, SE-IT (third from left)

—-&&&—- SAKEC Robo-club & Competition Mr. Siddhant Zaveri, Mr. Nemil Panchamia, Mr. Aman Shah, Mr. Jainam Shastri, and Mr. Tejas Potekar were winner team members (IT students) of 3-days Hands on Workshop & Competition organized by SAKEC Robo-club in Mr. Siddhant Zaveri, SE-IT winner team of association with EXTC Department 3-days Hands on Workshop & Competition & Eduprime Tech. Pvt. Ltd. organized by SAKEC

—-&&&—- Red Hat Certified System Administrator Mr. Rohit Mutalik, Student of Third year (IT) has completed his Red Hat Certification on 4th February, 2020. He was also awarded as Technostar at Priar Technoworld RHA meet & greet Red Hat Certification of Mr. Rohit Mutalik, TE-5-38 2019.


59 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Student Council Members from IT Academic Year Student Name Designation Shekhar Jain Technical Co-ordinator DishantVakte Athletic Co-ordinator Aayush Trivedi Publicity Head Rishabh Gada Infrastructure Head 2019-20 Bhavik Jain Publicity Co-ordinator Meet Shah Security Head AnshVed Sports Co-ordinator Abhishek Shah Cultural Representative Harshit Singhavi On-Stage Co-ordinator —-&&&—- TECHNOKAGAZ

Mr. Umang Dhuri (BE IT), and Team awarded First in the event TECHNOKAGAZ (National Level Paper Presentation) of NUCLEUS 2019 The ANNUAL INTER COLLEGE TECHNICAL SYMPOSIUM.

Mr. Umang Dhuri, and Team receiving the award and Certificate

—-&&&—- Cyclothon 2020 Mr. Nirmit Shah (SE IT) was second winner in Cyclothon competition of SAKEC annual sports Olympus 2020.

Mr. Nirmit Shah (first from right) receiving the prize


60 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Student Council Member Mr. Abhishek Sharma (BE IT)  Was a member of Student Council and was elected as Onstage Coordinator for Academic Year 2018-19  Was a member of Student Council and was elected as Cultural Secretary for Academic Year 2019-20  Has done 20+ show for 2 hour full length play  Has done 10+ show for 1 hour length play  Has done 30+ skit performance nd  Secured 2 place in State level Ekankika Competition for Play “Chimpat”

Mr. Abhishek Sharma receiving the award at Pratishta 2020, SAKEC Internshala Campus Ambassador Mr. Shrey Mistry (SE IT) is appointed as the Campus Ambassador of Internshala for our institute. He is working as an ISP i.e. Internshala Student Partner. Internshala provides a various number of trainings in different fields of interest. Internshala Trainings is offering 20+ online trainings which can be learnt from the comfort of your home. So, students get a chance to learn an in-demand skill and earn a prestigious certificate.

Internshala Institute Ranking: Continuous efforts of the E-Cell has resulted in 31st rank in the All India Internshala out of 1800+ colleges for A.Y. 2018-2019.


61 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Vaachan Prerna Diwas Vaachan Prerna Diwas was celebrated on 15th October, 2019 to commemorate the birth anniversary of Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam. The theme was “India in space”. The first three winners in the same order were: 1. Mr. Umang Dhuri (BE IT) 2. Ms. Pooja Tripathi (TE IT) 3. Ms. Gayatri Bankar (SE IT)

All posters made by students Dr. Bhavesh Patel, Principal Few participants from SE were arranged for reading and, Prof. A. W. Khan, IT in the Library Registrar, visited library

Mr. Umang Dhuri receiving the award —-&&&—-

62 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Internal Hackathon 2020 SAKEC had organized Internal Hackathon for Smart India Hackathon 2020 on 18th January, 2020. IT Winner Student Details (Software Edition) are as given below: Sr. Students Name Class Project Team- Minis- Mentor names Finale Title Name try status No.

1 Nishit Mistry TE5 Cropifier- Code4c@u ISRO Ms. Jalpa Mehta Selected Khyati Prajapati TE5 Crop Iden- se (Assistant Professor, IT) for tification and Finale Vriti Parekh TE5 App Dr. Kranti Ghag (Assistant Professor, IT) Charmi Sanghavi TE5

Parth Joshi TE5

Neel Shah TE5

2 Kunal Hirani TE5 J.AI.STIC SIX_FOLD Govt. of Ms. Dhanashree Selected E Criminal Madhya Toradmalle (Associate for Mildeep Singh TE5 Identifica- Pradesh Professor, IT) Finale Pahwa tion app and Mr.Chetan Mahajan Mahesh Katkar TE5 (Assistant Professor, IT)

Harshit Parkar TE5

Karan Chothani TE3 (Computers)

Riddhi Vyas TE4 (Computers)

Winning team members: Code4c@use Winning team members: SIX_FOLD with Mentors —-&&&—-

63 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Student Topper List for Spoken Tutorial Information Technology Department A.Y. 2019-20

Tutorial Class Name Score Topic

Tarang Ahuja 95

Dev Kansara 92.5

C FE Naman Desai 90

Anmol Agnihotri 90

Tutorial Class Name Score Topic

Dhaval Shah 90

JAVA SE Freya Kotak 85

Jay Mehta 80

Tutorial Class Name Score Topic

Charmi Sanghavi 79.2

Utsav Gada 77.8

Dishant Vakte 77.8

Php MYSQL TE Nill Shah 77.8 Yash Thosani 77.8

Harsh Patel 76.4 Tutorial Class Name Score Topic Pravalika Domal 75

Harsh Panchal 75

Sheshadri Lokapur 70

Python BE Milind Vispute 70

Monil Shah 70

Yash Jain 70

Shuhul Koul 65.7

64 | TECHNORITHM ACHIEVEMENTS - STUDENTS Student Toppers for Spoken Tutorial Information Technology Department A.Y. 2019-20

FE FE FE FE Tarang Ahuja Dev Kansara Naman Desai Anmol Agnihotri

SE SE SE Dhaval Shah Freya Kotak Jay Mehta

TE TE TE TE Charmi Sanghavi Utsav Gada Dishant Vakte Yash Thosani

BE BE BE BE BE BE Pravalika Domal Harsh Panchal Monil Shah Milind Vispute Lokapur Sheshadri Yash R Jain


Battle Won zip around our planet. But those are just the pieces large enough to track. An estimated This is the battle of my life which I am 500,000 pieces between 0.4 inches and 4 inches subsisting now for years. It is not my love life across join those larger fragments. nor my personal or professional battle. This battle is of everyday morning. Not of getting up Most of that debris sits within 1,250 miles of early or of going to walk & staying fit. It is a Earth's surface in what is known as low Earth battle with the “Cockroaches”. Yes, you heard it orbit, home to lots of satellites, such as NASA’s right cockroaches who have been in existence Earth Observing System fleet and the since 320 million years ago. I presuppose that International Space Station. And while space is not even my ancestors were extant during that big so even 23,000 fragments tend to be far from period. They live in my bathroom where I have each other - even the tiniest bits of man-made to go every day. PS: I stay on the ground floor flotsam can be problematic for active earth and these creatures just below my house i.e. orbiters because of their breakneck speeds. Underground. This is the sole reason they love Space junk can impact other objects at to pay me visit every time I go to the over 22,300 mph, faster than a speeding bullet. bathroom. Like always I see them in & refuse Collisions with those tiny pieces often leave pits to be with them. I love to be unaccompanied at and dings in the many satellites, telescopes, and least in those four walls. other objects orbiting our planet. In 2006, for example, a tiny piece of space junk collided I call up my warrior Mom to have a brawl with with the International Space Station, taking a them. The reason being that I was scared as a chip out of the heavily reinforced window. child & that made me wobblier against them. My warrior mom used her weapon wisely What is all this trash? against those tiny enemies and in the end she Space junk has been amassing since the first always emerged victorious. Sometimes she tried human-made satellite, Sputnik 1, escaped to send me to the battlefield but never got Earth's gravitational pull on October 4, 1957. success. I was scared to face them and this made The momentous event heralded the start of the me who I am today. Space. But that also means we've left our mark on space in the form of trash. It also includes It was 2019 that made me recognize my intellect smaller bits and pieces lost to space including that came from within against those enemies. paint chips that flake away from the outsides of Again, today they arrived in the battlefield and I devices, nuts and bolts, garbage bags, a lens was scared but ready to face them. After a few cap, screwdriver, and even a spatula. On March attacks at each other I was able to fight my 27, 2019, India announced that it also demons more than those creatures. successfully completed an anti-satellite missile test, creating a new cloud of at least 400 pieces Finally, I defeated them and half the battle was of debris, which increased the risk of impacts to won. the ISS by an estimated 44 percent over a - Raj Visaria, BE-6-36. 10-day period. (The ISS can be maneuvered —-&&&—- away if it's in danger). India's missile is thought to have targeted a low-altitude satellite, Space junk is a huge problem— Microsat-R, which means most of this debris is and it’s only getting bigger (Space expected to re-enter Earth's atmosphere over debris) time. Even so, in a town hall following the Hundreds of thousands of man-made objects are event, NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine zipping around our planet from dead satellites to called the debris cloud's creation “unacceptable” errant nuts and bolts, putting our working and added that "when one country does it, then satellites at risk. More than 23,000 known other countries feel like they have to do it as man-made fragments larger than about 4 inches, well.” which is a little wider than two golf balls across,


How do we know what's up there? What is being done? The United States Department of Defense The cadre of concepts in development to control monitors the debris with the Space Surveillance space junk often sound more like science fiction Network. The group is tasked with detecting, than reality. JAXA, Japan's space agency, is tracking, and cataloging the many human-made testing an electronic space whip that stretches items swirling around the planet using a global six football fields long, known as the network of telescopes. Objects about 4 inches electrodynamic tether (EDT). The electrified across and larger are cataloged and routinely line, nearly 2,300 feet long, is capped with a 44- tracked. Objects as small as 0.12 inches can be pound weight. When deployed, it's intended to identified by ground-based radars, allowing knock debris out of orbit, sending it to burn up scientists to estimate the population with in Earth's atmosphere. And that is far from the statistics. Estimates for even smaller material only option. Other proposals include come from examination of the divots and pits on giant magnets, harpoons, and nets to safely returning spacecraft that operated in low whittle down the growing debris cloud. altitudes. Sources Can we stop launching things to space? NASA Orbital Debris Program FAQ Iridium 33/Cosmos 2251 Collision NASA Computer simulations of the next 200 years visible Earth: Space debris. suggest that during that time debris larger than about 8 inches across will increase by 1.5 times. - Kashyap Panchal, SE-5-41. But the smaller particles will increase even —-&&&—- more. Junk between 4 inches and 8 inches is expected to multiply 3.2 times and debris less My Story of Being a Seed of than 4 inches will grow by a factor of 13 to 20. Peace, a Yatra of Being a Proud One review of the state of space junk published in Science notes: “In reality, the situation will INDIAN Delegate ! undoubtedly be worse because spacecraft and Every year, seeds of peace, a peace their orbital stages will continue to be organization, gives opportunities to young launched.” We've become increasingly reliant on minds of age about 14 years from countries like the growing constellation of satellites up above. India, Pakistan, Israel, Palestine, Egypt, Jordon, UK and America to come forward and speak Not only are they invaluable for science but we about PEACE. Who talks about peace at such use them for communication, navigation, young age? Strange right? But luckily I was weather forecasting, and more. So rather than fortunate enough to be a part of such a school halting future launches, researchers have been who had a tie up with this super fun organization investigating an array of methods to both which not only made me think beyond the box remove and reduce the space junk. but also gave me an opportunity to DREAM BIG. Here’s where I got to know that there’s life beyond my little tiny pond world which I used to call: my school and my home! Getting into it was easy, but surviving in it was super tough. I still remember reading war articles about the Kashmir issues, The Indus valley disputes and what not! From 200 young buds like me participating at school level, I made it to the top 6 of the East Mumbai zone by clearing the essay writing round, the group discussion round, the vocal thought round and lastly the personal interview round. And most importantly, while doing all of this I never realised when I started thinking out of the box and when I actually started thinking of PEACE as a motto.


This organization was born due to the hatred The only way to understand someone is to and in differences in the world, so the day when TALK and not ASSUME. all of this is replaced with love and fraternity, Sometimes someone might just want to be this organization will go out of business and this heard. thought itself was a bigger eye opener for all of So, us participating here. Let’s talk!! I couldn’t get a chance to go to USA to - Saloni Mehta, SE-6-37 represent my country but I got an opportunity to —-&&&—- be an Indian delegate for a PEACE meet that Minimalism happened in Delhi in 2014, where kids of same What is minimalism? What is this concept? age were from Pakistan and turkey. This meet Why should we apply this? How we should give me an opportunity to have dialogues with apply this? the Pakistani students on an almost daily basis I am sure if you have ever come across this and living with them made me realize word, you would like to understand it more. something deeper beyond my capability to Minimalism is not just getting rid of excessive grasp. This went on to show how conflicts go things, but anything that’s in excess, be it stress, beyond the political spectrum. If anything this people, emotions. Minimalism is something experience taught me was to find happiness in where you possess only what brings meaning to small things , respect and coexistence of your life. Its basically removing the excessive religions, cultures and conflicting ideas was one possessions that simply do not bring happiness of the rarest lifestyle you could catch glimpse of to you. Its simplifying life. It’s not sacrificing here. And most important life lesson for me was things. to lift myself by uplifting others. With the But, why is there need a of implementing such a motto of this organization being- “ the way life concept? Minimalism is a concept not known to could be” , it really is the way life should be and many. The natural thought that comes to mind is certainly one day , the way life will be. that we are not taking full advantage of - Nikita Bhilare, SE-6-6. resources. But if we simply take a second and try to learn what exactly this is, we might end up —-&&&—- having an improved, better life. Being a minimalist, there are no set of rules. So, Let’s talk!!! one thing might work for one person and not for Let’s talk about some real and not reel things. someone else and that’s totally normal. Here, Let’s talk about a groom walking down an aisle the important thing is that you possess what rather than a groom on a white horse. brings meaning to your life. Let’s talk about how hard your day was and not Why you must practice minimalism? unnecessarily avoid talks because avoiding will We are always keen to know how a thing bene- just add on to the bad day. fits us the most. Here are few of things: Avoiding a conversation will never be the solution. 1) Contentment: Understanding life is impossible so, lets talk If you are a minimalist, Happiness is a state of about simpler things – Understanding each being and not having. By possessing things, you other. may get a momentary happiness but It changes Let’s talk about how hard it was to forgive with time. Today you desire to have this, someone who meant life to you and not about I tomorrow it will be something else. Possessing don’t care, I have moved on. more and more things just holds you back even Because believe it or not you do care and you more. Owning stuffs leads to temporary have still not moved on. happiness. Growth and contribution are what Let’s talk about why did you cry last night and leads to True Happiness. not about man don’t cry. 2) Saving Money: Let’s talk about how are you feeling now having As we possess only the things we need, we save talked about it. money by not wasting it on buying something Let’s talk!! we don’t really need. You never know what a person is going through or been through. 68 | TECHNORITHM ARTICLES

As you possess less materialistic things, you which creates a good environment. It sets you have more money to invest in experiences, be it free. You value what is around you and within traveling or something else. you even more. We focus more on what we truly need. You 3) Helping the environment: learn to take decisions. Because knowing the You avoid buying excess stuff. This leads to less benefits and wanting to bring this change is one consumption. And that leads to less production thing and willing to let loose (emotional which in turn leads to less wastage. Isn’t that decision) is another. amazing that you are saving money and How can you practise minimalism? environment at the same time?!! These are some of the points that I liked and 4) Removes emotional baggage: worked for me. I hope this works for you too. You might defend this point thinking that you have things and you keep them organised. You 1) Clear your wallet, purse, bag. Get rid of declutter your desk regularly. But organised excess visiting cards, papers, bills. clutter is still a clutter. Don’t carry things that 2) Clear your clothes. Segregate them into three are no longer needed, whether it’s on your desk, sections home or heart. Some things that are trash for I. The ones you want to keep you are treasures for someone else. Give it to the II. The ones you can donate needy. It will lighten up your mood. Sometimes its not the things but it’s the people whom you III. The ones you can’t keep/donate interact with that can be a burden to you...Do but can be reused for some other purposes. not feel bad even discarding those toxic people 3) Organising your inner wear, undergarments, around you as well. You just need to explain boxers, socks with a missing pair or holes them and make them understand what you are 4) Shoes that you don’t wear or are too tight/ preaching, MINIMALISM! stretched 5) Decluttering your beauty products 5) Relieves stress and clears mind 6) Remove the accessories such as earrings, Minimalism also draws attentions towards watches, belts that you have not used for a long refocusing. When the stuff that distracts you is time. gone and the bills are lessened it becomes 7) Give papers such as magazines, newspapers, possible to focus time and energy on the old papers to the scrap collector. important things such as the important people 8) Electronic gadgets: getting rid of the unused around you and the things you are doing. You gadgets and also getting rid of the unused stuff get more time to think over your beliefs and within the gadgets such as photos, videos, etc principles. 9) Cleaning your wardrobes.

10) Clearing the kitchen area helps in keeping 6) Frees up time. everything clean which is quite essential in a You don’t waste your time in the morning kitchen and will also help you think clearly selecting which accessories to wear that matches while cooking. your dress, as you own needful possessions. Lot The list mostly consists of materialistic things of options always creates confusion and doubts which acts as a good starting point for anyone. till the very end about what we have chosen is Once you have mastered these things and have right or not. You save your time as you organise incorporated in your daily lives, you can start and clean your stuff much faster. working on a much bigger aspect of your life

and that’s YOUR MIND! Thanks a lot for 7) Increases productivity taking your time out and reading this article, I All the things above eventually lead to understand if the article became too long but I increasing the most important aspect of our lives tried crunch down as much as I can regarding and that’s productivity. Removing distracting MINIMALISM. things, lowering the burden on yourself, emptying your mind of negative thoughts and - Maitri Maru, TE-5-31. people and establishing a clear-cut focus towards your end goal! The list is endless. The —-&&&—- whole concept moves towards one direction 69 | TECHNORITHM FOR THE SOUL

What is happening around amuses me today. “I stay alone confined in the walls of my own house and even then my very own home haunts me”, these are the feelings one is going through in this isolation and social distancing period throughout the country. Cause we have conditioned our mind and heart to find happiness in a crowd, in the company of the external world. We dare not stay alone, so we socialize and put our life on display on fb, insta, twitter, whatsapp to name a few to gather likes, comments and satisfy our urge to be with someone. We invest in a very good lifestyle home, do up the interiors but find happiness away from home. But today destiny has forced us to be in our nest, with our loved ones. Today we have forgotten our religion, caste or creed because today we have the desire to just ‘LIVE’ and these things seem trivial. The doors of the so called places of worship are closed too. We have begun to see God in the doctors, policemen, nurses, shopkeepers, the garbage man, the milk man who are serving us in spite of this deadly scenario. We are grateful to them and are humble towards them today. We are experiencing life which we never valued and took for granted. We are craving today to get a glimpse of even one human being, to see the sunshine, to sweat in the heat, to walk on the grass; all of which we never considered as parameters of our happiness or living. We have realized that we alone cannot live happily even if we own the world’s riches. We have come to terms that to live happily we need our family, the society and the nature at large. There is absolute silence everywhere and I hear the birds chirp and sing as if the birds and animals are ruling as well as laughing at poor mankind that we are caged. The birds and animals are happier than us today cause they have something essential that we don’t have, they are body and in spirit. We humans are bonded with desires..desire to achieve, to snatch, to rule ,to overpower, to hold down someone. And these unending desires have caged us today. I know this is a trying period for each one of us but remember there is a solution to every problem…a path to every goal. The Almighty is very kind; just like a mother who may yell, scream or even beat the child at times but always for his good. I have faith in this mother who will hold us through these trying times but we her children all need to be together not physically but sub consciously with our minds and heart together to pray for this evil to diminish from the world. I am sure this episode will make us better humans and we will value the little things in life which are the core of our happiness.

God bless all. - Ms. Dhanashree K. Toradmalle Associate Professor & Program Coordinator, Information Technology



Pramila Shinde Shwetambari Pawar Akshata Patil Assistant Professor Assistant Professor Assistant Professor

Hiral Nagda Maitri Maru BE-6-26. TE-5-31.

Purva Jadhav Nikita Bhilare SE-5-15. SE-6-6.

Aneeksha Jain Meet Mota SE-5-16. SE-5-29.



SHAH AND ANCHOR KUTCHHI ENGINEERING COLLEGE Mahavir Education Trust Chowk, W.T. Patil Marg, Near Dukes Company, Chembur, Mumbai - 400 088.