How to get to IIT Bombay ?

Train Transport:

Stations for Through Trains Coming to : Central Railway: CST, Dadar, Kurla, Thane. Western Railway: Mumbai Central, Dadar, Bandra, , Borivali.

Those coming by Central Railway can take the Central Railway Suburban train and get down at Kanjur Marg station which is the nearest stations from IITB. Please ensure to take only a slow local train as the fast ones does not stop at Kanjur Marg.

If you come via Western railway, you can board a Western Railway suburban train and reach Dadar, where you can change to the central railway line and board a suburban train to Kanjur Marg.

Mumbai also has one of the most efficient and reliable public transport networks. One can travel by Auto rickshaws / Taxis to reach from the nearest stations to IIT Bombay.

You can also use the BEST Bus Network for local transport quite conveniently.

Approximate Taxi Fares are : Kurla, Dadar to IIT Bombay : Rs 200. CST, Mumbai Central : Rs 300 Kanjur Marg to IIT Bombay: Rs 30.

Airport to IIT Bombay

The domestic airport at Santa Cruz is about 10 kms from the campus. Pre-paid taxis and auto rickshaws are available at the airport for . This is the most convenient means to get to the campus.

Approximate Auto fare : Rs 150 Approximate Taxi Fare : Rs 250

You can find more details on how to reach IIT Bombay in

And once you are here...

Find the attached IITB campus map. All the JTG related locations are marked in RED. Student accomodation has been arranged in hostel 13(boys), hostel 11(girls) and in VanVihar guest house for faculties. JTG lectures will be held in Victor Menezes Convention Centre (also popular as VMCC).