Migrant Health Promotion Promoviendo Vidas Saludables Annual Report 2003-2004 2003 and 2004 were eventful years at Migrant Health Promotion. I n 2003, we celebrated twenty years of service to migrant and seasonal farmworkers, their families and their rural communities. Across the country, communities, health professionals and scholars increasingly value and recognize Promotores and Promotoras for their contributions. In 2004 funding challenges continued. Promotores(as), staff members and Board members worked together to adapt to the changed environment and to maintain as many critical programs and services as possible. Migrant Migrant Health Health Promotion deeply appreciates the dedication, Promotion Promoviendo Vidas Saludables persistence and good will of staff, Promotores(as), Promotores(as) de Salud or Camp Health Aides are community members who participate in health farmworker communities, funders and collaborators as training. They use their skills to educate and advocate for their peers, helping them find and use we continue to meet these challenges and face the health information and care, despite poverty, frequent mobility and language and cultural differences. future together. We thank you! Promotores(as) improve health by increasing access to existing services and by working to change the systems and conditions that make healthy living difficult. Mission MICHIGAN 224 West Michigan Avenue Migrant and seasonal farmworkers provide affordable Saline, MI 48176 (734) 944-0244 food to the nation, often at the expense of their own
[email protected] TEXAS P.O. Box 337 health. Migrant Health Promotion is committed to Progreso, TX 78579 (956) 565-0002 strengthening the capacity of farmworker families and
[email protected] Visit us online at their communities to improve their health through www.migranthealth.org! PHOTOGRAPHY collaborative peer education and advocacy.