University of California, San Diego
UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO Grassroots Cosmopolitanism: Transnational Communication and Citizenship Practices among Indigenous Mexican Immigrants in the United States A dissertation submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirement for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Communication by Antonieta Mercado Dissertation Committee: Professor Daniel Hallin, Chair Professor David Fitzgerald Professor Robert Horwitz Professor Akos Rona-Tas Professor Olga Vásquez Professor Elana Zilberg 2011 Copyright Antonieta Mercado, 2011 All rights reserved The Dissertation of Antonieta Mercado is approved, and it is acceptable in quality and form for publication on microfilm and electronically: ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ ______________________________________ Chair University of California San Diego 2011 iii DEDICATION To the memory of my father, Ranulfo Mercado Bonilla, who taught me that civic participation is possible, even in adverse conditions. To my husband James Samstad for his love, understanding, friendship and encouragement during all these years; and to my mother María de Jesús Anaya López for her unconditional love. To George and Grace Samstad, for all their support, understanding, and love. To my sisters Mary, Zoila, and Francis, and my brothers, Teo, Ranulfo, Pepe, and Toño, for their moral support. To all my 21 nieces and nephews: Vero, César, Naya, Livia, Eva, Martha, Clara, Jazmín, Noemí, Ranulfo, Pepe, Claudia, Gaby, Edgar, Angélica, Belém, Rosa, Adrian, Diana, Francisco, and Alejandro. To Tisha and Bruno. iv !"#$%&"'( ( Niqitoa ni Nesaualkoyotl: ¿Kuix ok neli nemoua in tlaltikpak? An nochipa tlaltikpak: san achika ya nikan. Tel ka chalchiuitl no xamani, no teokuitlatl in tlapani, no ketsali posteki. An nochipa tlaltikpak: san achika ye nikan. Yo lo Pregunto Yo Nezahualcóyotl lo pregunto: ¿Acaso de veras se vive con raíz en la tierra? Nada es para siempre en la tierra: Sólo un poco aquí.
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