STANLEY E. PORTER _____________________________________________________________________________________________ President and Dean of Theology, and Professor of New Testament Roy A. Hope Chair in Christian Worldview McMaster Divinity College 1280 Main Street West Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada (+1) 905-525-9140 ext. 23500 (assistant) (+1) 905-577-4782 (fax)
[email protected] Session in Honor of Stanley E. Porter on His 60th Birthday, Biblical Greek Language and Linguistics Section, Society of Biblical Literature Annual Meeting, 21 November 2016 Festschrift: The Language and Literature of the New Testament: Essays in Honor of Stanley E. Porter’s 60th Birthday. Ed. Lois K. Fuller Dow, Craig A. Evans, and Andrew W. Pitts. Biblical Interpretation Series 150. Leiden: Brill, 2017 (appeared in 2016). xxvi + 821 pp. Education Ph.D. UNIVERSITY OF SHEFFIELD, Sheffield, UK, Departments of Biblical Studies and Linguistics, Faculty of Arts (9.83-7.87), May 1988. Thesis: ‘Verbal Aspect in the Greek of the New Testament, with Reference to Tense and Mood.’ Supervisors: Professor Dr. John W. Rogerson (Biblical Studies), Mr. Nigel J.C. Gotteri (Linguistics) and Dr. Anthony C. Thiselton (New Testament) M.A. Biblical Studies (New Testament), summa cum laude, TRINITY EVANGELICAL DIVINITY SCHOOL, Deerfield, IL, USA (9.80-6.82), June 1982. Thesis: ‘Reconciliation in Romans 5:1-11.’ Supervisors: Dr. Walter L. Liefeld and Dr. Grant R. Osborne M.A. English, CLAREMONT GRADUATE SCHOOL, Claremont, CA, USA (9.79-5.80), May 1980 Greek Study, TALBOT THEOLOGICAL SEMINARY, BIOLA UNIVERSITY, La Mirada, CA, USA, summer 1979 B.A. English, summa cum laude, POINT LOMA COLLEGE, San Diego, CA, USA (10.74-12.77), December 1977 Employment and Professional Activities This section provides a conspectus of my post-undergraduate employment and professional activities under the following categories: (1) academic/teaching positions, (2) other academic appointments and invited lectureships, (3) academic administration, (4) editorial activities, 1.