
√ Common Name (*=breeding) Winter Spring Summer Fall √ Common Name (*=breeding) Winter Spring Summer Fall Double-crested Cormorant Hermit Thrush of Pelagic Cormorant American Robin American White Pelican European Starling* Doran Brown Pelican House Sparrow Great Blue Heron American Pipit Regional Park Great Egret House Finch Snowy Egret Purple Finch Black-crowned Night-Heron American Goldfinch Turkey Vulture Spotted Towhee Osprey Towhee White-tailed Kite Savannah Sparrow Northern Harrier Sparrow Red-shouldered Hawk Song Sparrow Red-tailed Hawk White-crowned Sparrow Belted Kingfisher Golden-crowned Sparrow Downy Woodpecker Western Meadowlark Northern Flicker Red-winged Blackbird American Kestrel Brown-headed Cowbird Merlin Brewer’s Blackbird* Peregrine Great-tailed Grackle Black Phoebe Orange-crowned Warbler California Scrub-Jay Common Yellowthroat Doran Regional Park is home to American Crow Yellow Warbler incredible avian diversity! Common Raven Yellow-rumped Warbler Use this checklist in combination with a Violet-green Swallow Townsend’s Warbler field guide to observe the amazing birdlife at Northern Rough-winged Swallow Symbol Description Doran Regional Park. Barn Swallow Species is abundant, with 5 or more birds likely seen on a Chestnut-backed Chickadee visit during season Visit us online or at the Bushtit Species is fairly common with 1 to 4 birds likely seen on a Doran Visitor Center for visit during season Marsh Wren more information. Species is rare, with 1 or more birds infrequently seen on a Bewick’s Wren* visit during season Ruby-crowned Kinglet Species is sporadic, not seen every year during season sonomacountyparks.org Wrentit Species is accidental, with only 1 or few sightings √ Common Name (*=breeding) Winter Spring Summer Fall √ Common Name (*=breeding) Winter Spring Summer Fall √ Common Name (*=breeding) Winter Spring Summer Fall Brant Rock Pigeon Short-billed Cackling Goose Eurasian Collared-Dove* Long-billed Dowitcher Goose* Wandering Tattler Cinnamon Teal Anna’s Hummingbird Lesser Yellowlegs Northern Shoveler Black Rail Willet Virginia Rail Greater Yellowlegs Eurasian Widgeon American Coot Wilson’s American Widgeon Black-necked Stilt Red-necked Phalarope American Avocet Red Phalarope Northern Pintail Black Oystercatcher Common Murre Green-winged Teal Black-bellied Plover Pigeon Guillemot Snowy Plover Bonaparte’s Semipalmated Plover Heermann’s Gull Surf Scoter Killdeer Mew Gull White-winged Scoter Whimbrel Ring-billed Gull Black Scoter Long-billed Western Gull Long-tailed Marbled California Gull Bufflehead Ruddy Herring Gull Black Turnstone Iceland Gull Common Merganser Glaucous-winged Gull Red-breasted Merganser Least Tern Ruddy Duck Ruff Caspian Tern California Quail Sharp-tailed Common Tern Pied-billed Grebe Forster’s Tern Horned Grebe Dunlin Elegant Tern Red-necked Grebe Least Sandpiper Red-throated Loon Eared Grebe Pectoral Sandpiper Pacific Loon Western Grebe Semipalmated Sandpiper Common Loon Clark’s Grebe Western Sandpiper Brandt’s Cormorant

Species are organized by taxonomic order. Cover photo of Snowy Plover at Doran Regional Park by Gordon Beebe. Madrone Audubon Society created this bird list. For a full list including 110 other species that have been noted at Doran Regional Park, visit: https://MadroneAudubon.org/pdf/DoranList.pdf Beebe, G., S. Kirks, T. E. Condeso, T. McCuller, B. Parmeter, D. Freid, and A. Wight. v2018 eBird Basic Dataset. Cornell Lab of , Ithaca, New York. Published 2019.