Mock Familg Historian. A Clmringhouse for , Mnuck, Mauk, Mack, Maag famities

VolumeXlV. No.3 Summer 2005 New Goshenhoppen Macks Research by Sue Hardy In the past twelve years, the Mock Family Historian scribed in occupation as a "Mason," "Yeoman" (Farmer), has issued excellent researchconcerning Geoqge and Esther and "Miller." Mack and the "Goshenhoppen Macks" of Pennsylvania. On 21 ]un 17 43, " I ohn Mock, Phila delphia County'' (See MFH VoL Il No.l; VoI. Ill No. 3; VoI V. No.4; Vol. XIV 1 was naturalized6. Keep in mind that Montgomery No. 1). Recently, Ernest W. Mack (DNA Recipient) com- County was not formed from Philadelphia County until missioned me to prove his lineage to the Goshenhoppen 1784.Our GoshenhoppenJohn Mackis not to be confused Macks. As a young boy, he hunted and fished on lands with John Mack, son of Alexander Mack the 'Tunkefl' who owned by his forefathers where he was told by the New was also naturalized on the same day: Johannes Mak, of Goshenhoppen Reformed Church Rev. that he was the 8m Germantown" Philadelphia County."7 Interestingly, both generation of Macks to have lived in the area. Unfortu- JohnMacks were listed as subscribing to the Qualifications nately, other than this oral hadition" he only possessed as "Quakers." This collaborates somewhat with Steve documents to prove three generations of his lineage. Fol- Lapp's excellent MFH aficle "Mennonite Mack, Families of lowing is the result of my investigation and documenta- Pennsylaania" (Oct 1996) which introduced the tion of his ancesty which proves he is the 7s generation Goshenhoppen Macks as Mennonites despite the many of Macks to live in New Goshenhoppen. Also induded is Goshenhoppen Reformed records. It is also worthy to note an updated Working Chart of Ernest W. Mack's lineage that John Mack 1.8 of Upper Hanover and Geoqge Mack that also contains additional information concerning this 1.4 of Douglass Twp were both listed as "Non-Associators" early Pennsylvania Mack family that might provide the in the Muster Rolls ot1779.8 Howevex, it is noted in the basis for further research. Pennrylxvnia Archiues that it is doubtful that all persons Based on my research, the earliest proven ancestor listed on that list were truly "Non-Associators." This we of Ernest W. Mack is ]ohannes Mack married to Maria find true. 1n1780, we locate John Mock and George Mock Margareth Zimmerman, making Ernest the 76 generation in Captain FrederickBeitemanls Company, 4ft Bat. 3'd Co.7e of New Goshenhoppen Macks. An earlier document of and 8th Class respectively along with son-in-law and the area finds a 'John Mak " as one of the signers of a1728 brother-in-law Andrew Weiler married to Anna Maria petition to Pennsylvania Gov. Gordon for relief from In- Mack 15. Incidentally, Andrew Weiler was not listed as a dian depredations at Goshenhoppen. This may point to "I.[on-Associato/' of Douglass Twp in which he resided the next generation of the 8 generation oral tradition. in1779. Howeve4, additional research is required. John Mack 1of New Goshenhoppen was prominent in his community, mentioned as the elected 1759 Town- JOHN MACK 1 BACKGROLJND ship 'Assesso/' in David Shultze's lournale He is also What we do know is Ernesfs ancestoq, John Mack 1 found in several personal ads in local newspapers of his of New Goshenhoppen, owned multiple parcels of land day, including, Souer's Newspaper: "April 24, 1752 and mills during his lifetime situated in Upper Hanover Johannes Mack, Goshenhoppen (Montgomery County) Twp and Douglass TWp, Montgomery PA.2 He resided wants a Smitll'(37). Years later anAd reads, 'July 31,1751 and ran a Mill in Upper Hanover. In a recorded indenture George Schlayer, New Goshenhoppeq at Johann Mack's dated 05 Dec1754,Iohn Mack, Mason, and wife Margaret Mill, seeks his brother Henrich, who arrived in America of Upper Hanover TWp sold 200 acres of their patented nine years ago." (97)10 land to a Mr. Michael Roeder.3 This deed was not recorded John Mack 1 also appears in Benjamin Franklinls, until 14Aug 1790. Interestingly, this is the only land deed The Pennsylwnia Gazette: "August 2,1764 Strayed or sto- I have found which included wife Margaret Mack. It is len in the Nighf between the 8th and 9th Day of June last, not yet known when Margaret died. out of the Pasture of John Mock, in Upper Hanovet Town- John Mack 1 of Upper Hanover also owned and ship, and County of Philadelpfua, a sorrel Horse, eight operated a Paper Mill in Douglass TWp which he gave to Years ol4 branded on the near Shoulder I S, with an L his younger son John Mack" jr, 1.84 His eldest son, George over it, has a large Star in his Forehead, shod before, rubbed Mack 1.4, ran a GristMill and SawMillinDouglassTwp.s on both his Shoulders, occasioned by the Collar, and on BeforeJohn Mack L die4 he deeded his Upper Hanover the right Shoulder the Hair is come off about the Bigness and Douglass properties to his son Geolge Mack L.{, Miller of one Hand;he is about 14 Hands and a Half higlu paces of Douglass Twp, and his younger son lohn Mack 1.8 (and and trots. Whoever takes up said Horse, and brings him grandchildren) of Douglass Twp. In the respective re- to John Mock, George Walkef, or Michael Roedeq, in the corded landdeeds, JohnMackof UpperHanovef is de' Cont'd o,nno, 30 MoCk Family Historian Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005 above said Township, shall have Thirty Shillings Reward, When son George Mack 1.4 (married 1st Elizabeth and reasonable Charges, paid by GEQRGE Martiru 2nd Esther) died on 11Apr 1812, these lands were ZMMERMAN."11 bequeathed to his own two sons, John Mack'1..4.2 and. Another Ad reads, " Apil4, \792 EIGHT DOLLARS Geoqge Mack"Jr. L.4.8. SonJohn Mack 1.4.2 (married to Reward. STOLEN from the subscriber, living in Mock's Catherine Huber) received all of his father's lands in paper-mill, in Douglass township, Montgomery county, DouglassTwp totaling 150 acres. Younger son, GeorgeJr. on the 16th day of February last past, a sky coloured MARE; 1.48 (married to Magdalena Kramm) received the 150 acre an old Saddle, with a red striped sweat-clottr, and curb traet in Upper bridle. The Mare is 10 years old, near L4 hands high" with On 29 Nov 1856, George Jr. 1.4.8 and wife a star in her forehead, carries her head and tail higlr, when Magdalena Mack granted and conveyed this same parcel rid, an ailment in her left eye, the left hind foot is white, to their eldest sory lohn Mack L.4.8.1(married to Maria she paces, trots, and gallops, hath neither btand nor ear Seasholtz).16 John Mack 1.4.8.L then bequeathed by Last mark, and is apt to bite at strangers. Whoever takes up the Will and Testament recorded 10 Jun L8&1 this land to his Mare and thie{, or gives me notice where I can have the sory John S. Mack 14873. Now, John S. Mack 74813,W Mare again, shall have the above reward, with reasonable virtue of the Mnck Family BiblelT,was the father of Howard charges, from |OHN BIEHM. N.B. Said Mare was ma- George Mack 148135. Finally, Howard George Mack rauded by a tall fellow, with light coloured haitr, is about 148135 was the father of our Emest W. Mack L481351. 30 years of age, speaks good English and German. April Title History of Land Conveyed to John Mack, jr 3.12 @mphasis added. Note: ]ohn Boehm is the 2"d hus- 1.8: On ?7 May 1783, lohn Mack, jr. 1.8 paid f,600 to his band of Mary Schell Mack sp of John Mack 1.8). fatheq, John Mack, Sr. 1 of Upper Hanover for 106 acres We know from two separate documents, that John and a Paper Mill situated in Douglass Twp. The deed was Mack L of New Goshenhoppen died between 13 june L795 not recorded at that time. Upon the untimely death of John (the date of his last land deed) and L0 Feb t796 (Will of Mack,Ir. 1.8 in October of the same year (he fell off a Christopher Schlicher see WFH )OV No. 1). wagon),Iohn Maclq Sr 1. then conveyed the land and Paper Mill to the children of his late sory "subiect to pay- JOHN MACK 1. LAND HISTORY ment of Dowery to Mary the mother." This indenture was The key that tim John Mack 1 of New Goshenhoppen made on 28 Dec 1784 arrd recorded 22Feb 1785. The chil- to his descendants lies in the Land Deeds. The wonderful dren were named as John, Maqy and Wlliam Mack. They thing about land deeds is they most generally indude a were minors at the time of transaction. title history and relationship (if it exists) between the More than 20 years later on 25 Aprit 1805,lohn & Grantor and Grantee. The following is the title history for Wlliam Mock placed an advertisement in a Norristown, the land owned by John Mack 1 conveyed to his two sons: Pennsylvania Newspaper: John Mock and William Mock George Mack 1.4 and John Mack, Jr. 1.8. advertise the sale of a paper mill and 106 acres of land in fitle History o{ Land Conveyed to son George Mack Douglass Township; includes almost new mill house, two L.4: ByLand Warrant dated 5 Feb lT33,JacobFisherof New new iron paper pnesses/ wooden press, rag cutter and rag Goshenhoppen was conveyed a tract of land in Upper duster."18 This land and mill was inevitably sold to a Mr. Flanover ("alias New Gowssioppen") containing 300 acres Thomas Boyd on 15 August 1805.1e which he shortly sold thereafteq, in equal half parts, 150 From this latter deed, we also discover that their acres to his son Herman Fisher (married to Margaret Mack) mothe4, Mary Mack (now deceased), intermarried with and 150 acres (149 a to be precise) to john Mack 1. fohn John Boehm. Additional support is found in her Will Mack 1 "of Upper Hanovel' conveyed this tract to "son Abstrach '?OEHM, MARY. Marlborouglu September 29, George Mack" 7.4 of. Douglass Township, Miller of said 1794. Odober 23,1794. Land and saw-mill to 4 children: township on 13 ]une 1795. The Indenture was recorded 3L |ohn, Mary and William Mock and Betsey Boehm, equally. |ul 1805.13 (Sue's note: Ma{garet Mack married to Herman ToBetseyBoehm, rem. of personalty and50 pds. inmoney. Fisher would have been too old to be John Mack's daugh- Execs: George Schultz, Abraham Schultz.'2o ter. Sisterperhaps?) Furthermore, we learn from the 1805 Land Deed that Also recorded on 31 Jul 1801 were two tracts of land John Mock L.8.1 and wife Barbara are living in Douglass owned by John Mack 1 in Douglass Twp, which he also Twp, Berks, PA, Mary Mock 1.8.2 intermarried with An- deeded to George Mock 1.4.14 The original indenture was drew Mowrer resides in St. Clair Twp, Bed{ord, PA and made 08 May 7773. One tract contained 100 acres of land Wlliam Mock 1.8.3 and wife Barbara reside in ExeterTwp, deeded to John Mock 1 on17 Jan1759 by Samuel McCalL Berks, PA. formerly owned by the Penn Family (this same land was PHOTOS mentioned in Steve Lapp's article "George and Esther If you would like to view some fun photographs of Mockl Mack Family" MFH Vol. III No. 3). The second kact former Mock Mills still in existence in Montgomery contained 58 acres of land which was previously owned County, PA, check out If you do by Andreas Weiler (father of john Mack's son-in-law An- not have internet access, drop me a line via snailmail and drew Weiler married to Anna Maria Mack 1.5) deeded to I will sendyou the directions to the3mills:Himmelwright Iohn Mock 7 on?2Nov 1762. Cont'd onpage 33 It Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005 MockFamiry ni*irian St

joseph W. Mauck of Page Co., Virginia Submitted bv Gene Andert I recently discovered a book written by Joyce DeBolt Mrs. Rolstnn and famaly me allwell, they haae got Miller, ' ...Until Seperateilby Death; Liaes anil CioilWm Let- tao letters from lohn (Capt. lohn HI. he uns weII and rote he ters of lesse Rolston, Jr. and Mary Cathmine Cromer". expected the reserue uould. get home. I think the way times My 3g grandfather was David Rolston, brother of is at present it is aery unsertnin at this time fore them to get Jesse Rolstory Ir. This Rolston family was settled in home soon. tlrny had a oery hmd fight at Nnn Market agrmt Rockingham Cq VA. Before the Civil Waq, David moved many znoonded. to Kosciusko County, Indiana and jesse and many of the Iucretia anil her fnnily me aII well. I herd frome other siblings stayed in Virginia. Another of |esse and Daoiil the first of the week s soulilier past by here frome the Davids siblings was Benjamin Hinton Rolston who was same regiment that he belongs to.. he belangs to the Sannth married to Salome Neff. jesse served with the Confed- Reg. tu Bng. erary in the Civil war. I hme to think a gredml of the poor souldins..they One of the many letters in this book was written by hnae ben fiting so long..we her tfu Canons nerely nery dny. Fannie E. Mauck William Maatk is tnkcnprisoner. Mr. Cline is I searched the index in our working charts and found talccn prisoner..lessry Hopkins is at home woanded and Archi thatfoseph W. Mauck onworking chafi #36 was married is talcen prisoner..." Elimbeth A. Cromer to Fannie Ellen Rolston. This Farurie Ellen Rolston was the daughter of Benjamin and Solome Neff Rolston This is only a portion of the letter, but I find no other Benjamin died in 1859, so his wife and children were liv- reference to "William Mawk" in this book. I wonder if it ing for a time withlesse and Mary Cromer Rolston is |oseph W. Mauck? This lette4, which is on page 54 of the book is ad- There are over 85 pages of letters, most of them from dressed to Fannie's sister Saralu fesse Rolston to his wife Mary, written while Jesse is serv- ing in the Civil War. A fascinating snapshot of one fami- "Ruslwille, VA lies trials. Sunday . Gme Andefi3007 CooingtonManorRd, FortWayne, Dec. 61863 rN 4814 Dem Sister tsaralrl - With much pleasure I to ilrop you a fan lines. in Regaril to my shoes if thry are made I unnt you to mme Indian Ancestry in Rudolph Mauk Family doun and Bring them. I nead them aery bail. I just about Barefooted. by Patty Skaggs Igdia anil Ann munteil on going to see you yester- ilny. I unilerstoodlast night they iliil not go. I ilon'tknnn why thry ilid not go, dont send shoes unles you can smd them Chart #41- Rudolph Mauk III > Abraham >Cynthia in good hanils. I expect to go home the last of next ueek. m. Barnett Cain Humble I hnae not fuard from Mr Mautk for more than a zneek. I must soon close. Mrs Smith is going to Mount Solon I have found some really interesting informationre- to doy. I u,,anteil tn senil garding this family. Who is the ancestor in this family with this lettr utithher. She is nous REaity to stmt. Youmust the Seneca Indian ancestry ? Could it be Rudolph Mock come dmnn as soonasyoilcan. III's wife Margarget ? Cynthia Mock's mother was My Regarik to all the Family. Cynthia CwterfiAtilson and I am betting on her. My grand- Your affectiarute sister father, Cain Whipkey, told many stories about when he Fannie E Mauck was a little boy he got polio and his Indian grandmother PS Write me s(nnWrite soon so lwill getyour letterbefore I (Cynthia Mock Humble) would wrap his leg in wet, hot golnme. wool blankets and told him that "her people" did it this Direct to Bridgetmter" way. He was able to walk and always was grateful to his grandmother. Later in the waqJesse's wife Mary (Cromer) receives I have made great progrcss with my research of the a letter from her sister Elizabeth Cromer... Cain, Custer & Humble families and now want to find 'w 26,'1"964 out more of the Mock family. ln the 1900 Census for Sen- Dear Sister, eca Reservation, Indian Territory, I found my ancestor I seat my self this anening to rite you a fao lines to Barnett Cain Humble and his wife Cynthia Mock and their let you lcnout we me all well at yesent and Lpt you Ere last child at home, Emma Humble age 13 yrs. Cynthia is a enjoyen the same blessing. daughter of Abraham Mock

. Patty Skoggs pfskaggs@myexcel,com 32 Mock Family Historian Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005

Found Naturalization Record for George Mack Great news for Larry Mock in Atlanta! After searchinf since 1"993 and running into almost Included in Henry |. Young's "Abstracts of The Natu- all of the brickwalls that I could have possibly endured...I laliz.ation Records of Cumberland County, PA, 1798-1906" have received some confirmation on my great grandfathe4 is one George Mack. It states that he was of North Valentin Mock. His German ancestral home is Kaltenebe4, Middleton Township, Cumberland County. Germany. The following data has been confirmed; At age 4$ he declared his intention to become a U.S. I - lakob Mock b. L2 ,4W 1676; d.29 Sry 1746; iL.29 Sep citizen on November LQ 1834. He was bom in Rothenbury 1746; m. 4 Feb L722 BmbaraElisabeth Gassmann b.9 Circle of Rezat (sp?-hard to read), Kingdom of Bavaria. May 1"700; d.19 AW1784; re: Kalteneber, Germany He emmigrated from there onApr 13,1828 and arrived in 7.7 - lohann Hebdch Mock b. 20 lan 1726; d. 11 NY City on |uly 4 1828. (the man had great dming) Noo 1-813; m.3 Feb 1766 Anna SabinaHmtung b. Perhaps this will prove useful to someone. . 1.735; d.7.3 lul1810; re: Kalteneber, Germatry P aul H. Mo ck - p aul.kristin@ SBC GLOBAL.NET 7.7.1 - Ctuistophu Mock b. I W 1770; d. 5 Sep a L849; m.261an1"8L8 Eliznbeth Goebel b.1794; d. 13 AW 1872 Germany; re: Kalteneber, Germany on-line photos of Georgia Mocks 7777 - lohann Engleharilt Mock b.23 The redesigned digital website of the 181s University of w Georgia @ has a couple of on-line pho- 7772 - Valentine Mock b.3 Mar 182L tos of Charles M. Mocl(s house circa 1895 in New Hope, Knlteneber,Germalry ; il. 16 F eb 1 894 Ear$ County, GA. Also has a 1929 photo of the gentle- St. Boniface Cem., m.26 Quincy)L,bur. man. lan L868 EoaDorthea ot Dorthea There are several 1.915 and 1921 photos of a H. Erdmann Kranich (her 2nil mnrriage)b. 7 John Mock inAlbany, Dougherty Co, GA. He is at several fairs Oct 1-832 Oberdoria n Aberdolar Kereis promoting pecans as well as witha friend driving his Buick Muehlhausen, Germnrcy, childby lst I put "Mock- in the searchbox and this is what was man Annie Kranich Rottman. d.. 51L5 listed along withthe usual Mock-funerals and Mock-wed- Oct 1917,bur. Cluse Cent. rural dings. Cmtsburg, Adams Co.,lLnmr Quincy .SharonMockWhitaker (with 1"st husband) .Re : Quincy, Adams Co., IL. Occ. Fmmer. Valentine ar. on a shipFidesfrom Bremen to Nrw York18 Oct 1.858. He was listeil as 37 yems of Mocks on board the Titanic age 71721-lohnHmry Mock Here is some excerpts from information on Philipp 71722 - SrsannaMock m. Edmund Mock and his sister, Emma (MocH Schabert survivors of the sinking of the ship Titanic. 7173 - lohann-Corce Cfuistopher Mack b.1"5 Emma and Philipp were Lst class passengers board- Mm 1823; m,2ANoo 1860 Margarethe ing at Cherbourg in 1912. Emma later died on 18 Apr 1961 Guempel and was buried at St. ]ames Cemetery Long Island, New 7774 - Marta Efisabeth Mock b. 30 Mar York When the Titanic sank Emma was aged 35 years. 7825 Pffipp Mock was b. 15 Aug 1882. When the ship sank he 7775 - loseph Mock b. L4 M L827; m.4 was aged 30. Philipp b. in New York City was the son of Aug L8 56 fastine DrryIing German immigrants Richard and Emma Mock. He died 7116 - C atharina Elis ab eth Cfuistin a 16 ]un 1951, Dayton4 Florida. He served in the U. S. Armed Mock b. 9 Feb L830; d. 24 Aug 1866; m. 4 Forces during the Spanish-American war. There was a SryL854CmlKoenig notice in the New YorkTimes (2L Aug 1912) about the de- 7777 - lgnatias Mock b.25 Oct 1"832; m. lay of his marriage to Miss Alvis Constance Ehnnan be- 24 Noa 1-857 Maria Anna Komig cause the European war . Mr. Mock, whose home was in 1n77 -ValentinMock NewHavery Conn. '1s the son of the Baroness von Ploetz L.L.2 - losephMrck re: flear Camp Point, Adams of Gemrany." Anyone interested? Web site where this info. C-o.,ILnear Qrinry. plus alot more on the two can be found: biography.phpl Hopefully some of ourmembers canmake a connec- mock_philipp_Edmund_21t.hbnl. tion to any of the above. I will now tqy to locate and con- tact any current descendants of the above Mocks and get .Phyllis Mock McWilliams 32!58 Coplcy Aoe, San Diego, them to participate in our Mock DNAproject. c492776 . La.r'ry Moek7273 Graceutood t4roe. SE, Atlanta, GA 34316 Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005 MockFamily Historian 33

Goshmhoppm Macks Cont'il frompgS0 an Ameican Reoolution emblcm and place for a flag, The info Mill, Schultz'sl Niantic Mi[ and Layfield Mill. (Sue's note: on the graoestone for George B Esther is utitten in German The 1770 Map of the area actually shows the location of Data from Ernest Mack - See Vol, XI #3, pg 1.4.7. Catheina Mack b.4 Mar 7771 Neu Layfield Mill as Upper Hanover and the name is written Goschenhoppen E ast Grcenoillc, Montgomery, P*d.37 as "Maak's Mill.'21 I have informed the site authoX fan ]im 78ll6,bur.Neut Gosh. Cem.Tombstone: Cathadna dlo Geotge and he planning Miller is on updating the information. fi Elizabeth Mack, m.76 Apt 7789 HenrickHoffman; teareil 12 Special thanks to Karen Krich who found "MaaKs Mill" children on the 1770 Map shown in 'The History of Pottstown, 7,4.L I ohn Mack b,37 Mar 7V9 Upper PennsylvanialT51-l9i?" and forwarded a copy to me.) Hanoo etltl ontgomery,P*i1,2 | an 7852 Upper H anoa e4 Montgomery,PA; m. 37 Aug 7806 Catheline Hubet b.24 Eeb 7785 SPECULATION Montgomery,Pfud.22 Aug 7836 Upper Hanoue4 Montgomery,PA), I believe |ohn Mack 1 of New Goshenhoppen to be Both bur. Falkns *oamp teformed cem., Neut Hanooer Twp, Montgomery Co, PA, Executot to father's the brother of William Mack 1 nWFH Working Chart # will. 21. Church Records, Relationships, Ernest W Mack s Y- 1t91,lacob Mack b.7lan 7807 m.Sophia DNA results compared with james E. Mack's Y-DNA re- Dellecker sults are egsng me on. We'll see how this theory pans 74277 Mary Mack b.7837 out! N qp Hanoo er$. otrtgomery,PA) The mysterious Johannes Mack b. I Sep 1793; d.1,4 74i272 Sarch Mack b.78tl5 Sep 1841; m. SarahSechler - bur. in New Goshenhoppen N eut Ha nov erfl.ontgomery,PA) Cem" is taunting me as well. He appears later on the scene 7tli|L George Mackb.Abt 7870 but has familial connections with the Renningers of New 7t93. Eemale Mackb.Aht 7872 7421L Anna Mack b.7874 PA N oo 7897; m. Goshenhoppen. I have been tracking their descendants as ;d.2 Michael Koons d.N oa 7870 well, we'll see where we end up. 7tt25. Elizabeth Mack b.7875 P4 d.2 | an 7897; m. Francis Wagner. 8 chilfuen, WORKING CHART #02 7426. "Polly' Mary Mack b.7876 PA; m. Based on my research, and the amazing help and Philip D. Rudy of Upper Salford combined efforts of Steve Lapp, Barbara Dittig Ernest W. 7427. Sophia Mack b.7817 ; m. Reuben S, Mack, Ron Moore and Karen Kridr,I submit the following Hauck of ErederickTtop, separateil\ 1862 updated Working Chart t02 as fohannes Mack of New 7tl18. fohnMack b.7879; m. Maria b. ca 1"824 Goshenhoppen, Montgomery County, PA,/ George and 7tt281. Sqtah AnnMaek b.7849 FreilericN Montgomery,PA Esther Mack of Montgomery Co., PA: 7tt29. Isaac Msck b.7824 Working Chart #02Johannes Mack I Montgomexy,PA New Goshenhoppen/George & Esther Mack, 7t120. C a therine Meck b.7828 Montgomery,PA; Single. 7. lohannes Mack b. ca 7713;d btzo I un 1795-Feb 7796) 7.4.3. Maria Margaret Mack b,Abt 7780; m. Conrad m. 7736 Marta Matgarctha Zimmettnan b.73 | m7716 Geiger; il.Abt 7828 Me eke s he im flei delb ery,B a den T.4.iL Elizsbeth Mack b.78 lan 7782 Upper Hanaoer, 1.7. Elisabeth Mack bp,20 Noa 1737 Neut Montgomery,PA;d,23 lan 78ffi Ercilerick T?op, Montgomery G o shenhopp en Chutch,E as t GrcercilleJvl,P$il.77 Mat 7800 Co.,PS m. Abt 7807 Phitip Christman b,7Eeb 7779; d,26lan Heteford 7\np,Berks,PA; m. 25 Noo 7760 Philip Lahr 7MS Freilefick I\np, Montgomery Co.,PA) b,7734;;it.24 Mar 7800 Hetefoil Ttop,Berk PA) 1.4.5, Esthet Mack b.778A; d.Aft 7850 Frciletick Tutp, 7.2. Ann* Catharina Mack b,9 N oo 1738 Upper Montgomery Co.,Pfr eonfrmcil at Great Sutamp Reformeil Hanoo er$ontgoffiery,PA;d.76 Sq 18il -Eredetick Charch of Loroer Milford, I*high co,, PAin 7808 (at age 24); m. Ttrp Julontgomery County,PA m. 25 Noo 77&) l ohannes lacob Eishet Hentich Stet'tler b.f an 173il7732 1.9 May 1780 Limeic Tutp. 7457 - Anna Fisher b, 73 fan 7827, bapt. at ,Il[ontgomery CorPa,) Goshenhoppen Relormed Church, wittresses Conrad Geiger ts 7,3. Anna Margareth Mack bp.30 Aug 7747 Neut ut ife, M eri a, Es thel s sis ter. Goshenhoppen Churchrfipper Hanooer Ttop, Montgonery,PA; 7.4,6. Matgarct Maek b,7787 Uppet m.23lun 7767 Chistopher Schlcidter 1,1817 Hrnooultontgomely,P* ffi. Ailam Ebethail b.1782 7,4, GeorgeMackb.4 Apr 7742Neut 1.4,7, Vercnica Maek b -Abt 7789; m, 14 Mar 1873 Gos chenhoppenP,as t G wenoille,NLo ntgomery,Pfu i1.77 Ap r 7872 Fslknet Swamp, New Hnnooel Lutherat churdt, Montgomery Upper HanooerM,P* m, 7st 7 May 7767 Elisabetha Martin Co,PA f aeob Koch b.3 Apt 1743 Oley Mts,Pfu d.17 Mar 7773 Upper 7.4.8. George Mack b,78 fun 7790 Upper HanwerplontgomeryPA HanooerJVIontgomery,P*d.78 Aug 7872 Upper Ottly 7 ehildborn to this uniou HatnverJil.ontgomery,Pfu m37 Mar 7876Magdotena Kramm Cathaina Mqek 7.4.7 b. il4 Mar 7777 b.13 lan 7786; il.9 Mar 1867 Upper Hanooer, Montgomery,PA); m, 2nd.afi Mar 7V3 Esther _b.23lun 7755; ;i1.25 both but Neto Gosehnhoryen Chatch, E, Gteenille, PA. Dec 7832 Upper HnnaoerliLon tgomery,PA. George, Elizabeth, Executar to father's will. Esthu allburied next to each other, Olil Cem, of Neut 7tI{J7. fohnMackb.TT ltn 7877 Goshenhoppen chatch, E. Grcenoille, PA"George's stone has Montgomery,P*d,9 May 7884 Montgomery,Pfu m.79 Noo 184s Cont'd onoareiN2 r-l 34 Mock Family Historian Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005

Letters to the Editor I am seeking information on the Mouck surname and There are many variations of the name Mock. It ap- am trying to understand the origins of the name. pears that those that were of Swiss origin spelled their I have been looking for family srunames origins and name Maag. When they arrived in PA, the name was meanings, and while I found the origins and meanings of spelled Mauk. Why? - who knows. Language could have all my family names, I've yet to find anything on the been involved. The immigration and census people prob- Mouck name Once I am ready to put my on-line,Id ably spelled it the way they heard it. Many within the like to be able to give a little info and website formore info same family spelled it different. This Maag/Mauk family on each family name. As I cannot find anything on Mouck, kept the name Mauk while in VA. The next generation in I amreconsidering this idea as I donlt want to leave it out- KY the name became Mock. Another Mock family of Ger- especially since it was my mother's maiden name. man descent who spelled their name Mack while living Ihave tracked my gggrandfather b.18/9) listed as in PA. By the time they arrived in OF{, itwas Mock. born in Canada as were both parents. Please don't give up on your mother's surname of My question is this - The Mouck surname is German, Mouck. I would suggest you use the Internet - Ifs truly right? If so, would that not mean that they immigrated to amazing what you can come up with. I think if s Canada from a Germanic Country? If so, how would I that you'll find the origin of this name. I've done research""lik"ly track back past my gg grandfather? Here is what I have; on my husband's name @ittig) and traced it back to Ger- Loais E. Mouckb. Oct L849 Cannda; m. Hatiet A, many in the early 1700's. Still don't know the origirU but Roberts b. ,4pr 1-857 II; immigrated from Canada in 1871, I've learned a lot about the family along the way. age 29 Huppy hunting! Son,Henry Robnts Mouck b.Noa L878lL; m, Alheta . Barbara Dittig, editor Mock Eamily Historian Sprague (?) a My grandfather, Louis Robet Mouckb. L Mar 1905lL; d. Alexander Mack Ancestor 23 lan L975, m. Martha lrene Boyer b.23 Dec L91"4; lL; il. am researching my husband's 29lan1994 I family history. His mother was a Mack and her side of the family, it seems, Any assistance you offer would be greatly appreci- was veqF interested in genealory, probab$ because the ated. women were active with DAR She died in 19l2,butlefta .Rosanna Cassidy P O 705927 fefferson City, MO "family history" of sorts. It traces the family line back to 65770 rosanna_hqe@yahoo,com AlexanderMack,but gives few details and the family line From Ed. to Rosanna, she mentioned isn't in your working charts. It might be I've gone through the index of our 1st 12 Volumes that she was in error, but could it also be that there are (MFH) looking for Mouck This is what I found: other descendant lines not covered by your charts? "Query - For the lnst hundreil ymrs, in our the family, Briefly, the line is: Alexander Mack; his sory Wll- surnnme Mockwas spelled Mouck. Hounqmostrecords ilated iam Mack" documented Rev. War ve! his son" Alexander before L880, the same lwme was spelleil Mock. Benjamin F. Mack m. Susanna Fisher (moved fromAdams Co, PA to Mouck, b.1837 UA; d.191-0 McDonald Co, MO married lst Winchesteq, O$ to Carthage, IL; his sory David Mack Mory *.Nelson; m.2nd 1"879 Crmaforil Cn, KS Lucinda Ellen 1817 trt.PA "near Gettesburg"; m. Augusta Henriette Smith...... " 11819 UlriclU his sory David Edward Mack 1860-1937 Cafthage, In a pichne of membrs attending a Mock Confamce in , IL; m. Ellen Lucretia Carey, b.1864; d.1963; his soru Ed- Page Co., VA, FaIl of 1"996 is BiII & Opal Mouck (formn mem- ward Carey Mack 1889-1955 m. Dorothy Ferris Carthage, bers) Hancock,IL; his dau., Dorothy Lucretia Mack 1927-1952 InVoL ){. #4-Fa112002- "Sebastian Mnuchanil Mar*l . Sheila McLin Endres

The Pennsylvania Genealogical Catalogue CorporuI Hary T, Gray, Co. A, zrnunded slightly; Corpo - Chester County (1809-1870) ral Geo, Ellan,Co. A,missing; Prioate fohnEord, Co, A, missing; Corporul Rock, Co. B, missing; Corporul Submitted by Shamn Mock Whitaker lohn lohn B. Grifrith, Co. B, ununiled slightly; Prioate Amhtose This database is primarily a listing of marriages, Quay, Co. C,wounded in siilz smerely; Francis Hoffmaq deaths and obituaries from the Village Record, published Co. C, contusion of shouliler; Priznte fohn lotdan, Co. D, in West Chesteq, Pennsylvania. woaniled in leg slightly; Lieutenant Thos. Congriff, Co. E, wounded in brmst shghtly; Sergeant lohn E, Hantsman, Co. F,woundeil in theback; Corporal Lewis P, F, Decemhu 7,7U6 WLLAGE RECO.RD Malin, Co. waunded in the hcad; Prioate Daoid Mock, Co. wounded Mariage On Thursday, the 26th alt., by Reo. lohn E in hanil smtrely; Lieut. Geo, W, Dufu, Co. I, ununded in McCrom, MnWM, MAUCK of WestVincmN Chester hip slightly. The totnl znte cast in the Regiment zpas L20; county, to Miss REBECCAMILLER" of Berks coanty, 86 Union and 34 Wosition; rct 66 to 34 as rryresented in the Amricun Republican of the 18th. The Regiment is now ilaing April 17, l%g WLLAGE RECORD duty on the ight of the line, ncrth of the lames Ria*, nem Mariage At theVincmt Parconage, on the Nthult,,by ChaffinFarm,Va. [CW] the Reo. Allm l, Hires, Mr. Dmis Mock , to Miss Anna all West Vincent, lane lames, of Chestu county, April 3, L8ffi WLI^A.GE RECORD Moriage By the Rm.l.B. kupe, on the 22il ult., Mr. Daois March 26, 7850 WLLAGE KECORD Mock, of West Vincent, Chest* county, ta Miss Sallie L the Mariage On eoming of the 7Ath, by the Rea,l.B, Roades, of Pottstown. Knipe, Mr.lacob Mock, to Miss Mmy lacobs, both of East Vincmt, March 79,7867 WLI-A,GE RECORD Marriage On tfu 15th inst.,by the Rat. I.E. Wilson, Mt, Octobu 27, 7856 WLI-A.GE RECOKD lohn Dorat, of West Philadelphia,to Miss Mary A. Mock, of DeathNotice In Brks cotnty, of dropsy, on the 13th Chester Springs, Chester Co, PA. instant, Mrs. RebeccaMock, at an adoanced age,,,, t Aagust 25, 7857 WLLA,GE RECORD Mariage In Reading, hy Reo, |W Mocaskey, Mr. Lni Mock, Mag& Mack, Mauks in PA Gazette 172&1800 Mock, of Brks county, to Miss Catherine Lessig, of August 22,1757 The Chester county. Pennsylvania Gazette Notice is hereby giaen, frmt thne is to be sold at the upper enil of Germantown, Iying by the great roail leading Stptemb u 28, 7858 WLLA,GE RECORD from Gtrmantoum towmds Plimouth,apiece of Innd, containing Martage On the 78th inst., by Reo. LC. Human, Mr. tun acres, utith fino ilzoelling hauses, one whermf stone, the other a leremiah Mock , to Miss Annic Grubb, both of East Coom- Iog Inuse; there are about sanmty fiy, Chester coanty, ryple, pmch and cherry trees on it; it is good grass land, with a small oeek running across the fantary75,78CI WLIA,GERECOKD miitille thereof; and there is a gnil ilrau well, stabling, and other mnaeniences, on tlu premises. Any person inclining A purclwse Marriage On the 26th ult.,hy the Reo. l,B, Knipe, Mr. the same, mry hem by aWWng to Mock the Perry Mock to Miss Mary Dehtiln, all of WestVincent, furthu, lohn , ou)ner, Iioing on mid plau. An inilisputable title toill be giaen. The land is clur of grounil rent. N oo tmber 79, 7867 WLLAGE KECOKD Marriage On the 2d inst., by Reo. l,B, Knipe, Mr. loshw F. Rhmds to Miss Maria A. Mock, both of Pottstoutn, April 13, 1758 The Pennsylvania Gazette AII Persans utha hroe any Demanils against the Estnte of fune 25,1862 DELAWARE COIINTY AMEKICAII lolm lones, late of the N ao Purchase, in Berks County, ilecmsed, DeathNotice: In Miililletoron, onthe 23il inst.,IOHN are herelry desireil to arymr with their Accounts on the ninth MAUCK Dry of Mry ncxt, nt the House of lanes Keime4 in Reading, in order to hme them settleil and adjusted, in such Manner as the Circamstances of the Estate znill admit, Noo ember L, L8& WLLAGE RECORD according to l-mn. At tohich Time anil Place Attenilance will be gioen by Casaalties HEAD QUARTERS 97TH P,U, CHAFFIN'S IsaiahWillets, and Geotge Mock Executors. FARMT UA., Oct,2+ 78&1. Henry S. Eoans: Sir - The follnuing is a list of casualties in this Regiment during the month of September,'1854, together with the oote cast at the October 7,1762 The Pennsylvania Gazette electionheld on the secondTottdry of this month: Sergeant Strayed or stolm, on the 26th of Septemb* last, from the Maior Cheyney T, Haines, ztounded in the hip slightly; Subscriber, liaing in Francl{oril, A dark bay Horse, fuur Years 36 Mock Family Historian Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005

Cont'ilftom preoioas page, PA Gazette him again, shall be handsmely raomdcd, and rmsonable chmges paid hy Eox, Philadelphia, Third street, corner of olil, Hands high, paces uell, and trotts some, has a Star fustinean fourteen Church allry,No.11. and Snip, his Ears something utorn with a Yoke , his nem Hinil N.B. All masters of aessels, and others, are to lwrbour znhite, and nme white Hair s in his Elnnk. Whon er tale s up fwbid foot him or corry him off at their peril. said Horse, and ilelioers him to the Oumr at Franckford, or Sander Mock, in Seconil street, Philailelphin, slall hmte Ttnenty Hope someone gets some good from this data. Shillings Ratnr d; but if stnlen, for Hor s e and Thief Tfu ee Pounds, and reasotwble Clurges, paid by Willinn Bolleril or Saniler . Sharon MockWhitaku sew@Bellsouth,net Mock a August 2,1764 The Pennsylvania Gazette Strryed or stolen in the Night, betzaeen the 8th anil gth DAR & SAR applicants. of lnst, out of the Pastwe of Mock, in Uppu Day lune lohn In the last MFH newsletter was an article regarding Hanqser Tounship, and County of Philndelphia, a sorrel Horse, Mock/Mauk, etc. applications to join the DAR or 9AR. eight Years olil, branded on the nmr Shoulder I S, with an L otrcr Patty Skaggs, a new member suggested that we start a re- it,has a lnrge Star in his Forehmd, shoilbefore, rubbeil on both pository of the approved applications to share with those occasianedby the and on the right his Shoulders, Collar, Shoul- who may be working on their applications for patriofs iler the Hair is come off about the Bigness of oneHand; he is who served in the RW. To order one of these applications about 1.4 Hands and a Half high, paces and trots. Whomer talces from DAR is $20. up s Hor s e, anl brings him to ohn M o ck, G e org e Walker, uil I I have received the following approved applications Roe dcr, in the Toumship, shall hmte Thirty or Miehael abooesid . RudolphMaulc fromBarbara PayneJones (2002) & Raaard, and reasoruble Charges, paiil by George Shillings Eugenia Mock McElwee (1964). Zimnerman .Daniel Mauck of Shenandoah, Va. (1953) Joan Belanger September 4,1766 The Penruylvania Gazette .Flans George Mock of York Co, PA Martha Barnhart Yesterday Se, in the Eoening, the hrn of Mn lacob Moclg in Passyunk Township, was set on Fire by Lightning, uhich If interested in a copy, please contact Barbara Dittig his a entirely mnsumed the same; together with Grain, Flnx, [email protected] will pay the mailing postage. grmt of Huy, Bc. Quantity If you have joined through another Mock patriot, do hope you will send a copy to add to our repository. April3Q 1767 The Pennsylvania Gazette Came to Banks on place, in the Nrck, Passyunk lohn In the DAR Patriot Inder six Mocks are listed: township, ablacklnrse,zttith a slwrt sroitch tail, about12hands .DeVault -b.1755 GR m. Phebe Clinard - NC high. Whoner has last the sme,W to the subs$iber, ryptVi"g b.178 NC d. 18€ MS; nr X; So1. NC, SC and paying all charges, may hnoe it again. Conrad Maak 'George .Hans George b. ca1735 GR; d. p1790; m. X; pvt PA .jacob b.1753 PA; d. L836 NC; m.Iulianna Kappus; pvt. December 18,1782 The Pennsylvania Gazette PA WHEREAS l, the subscriber, did, in the ymr 1779, pw- .Peter jr. b.7742 GR; d. 1"817 PAm. Elizabeth Sample; chase a piece or parcel of LAItlD, in Richland township, Bucks rrs, PAI 4lO acres, a cer- county, State of Pennsylaania, contnining from .Rudolph b.1742; d,.7817 KY; m. Catherine ; I€ VA tain lacob Mock, for which he promiseil to deliaer me a gooil and sufrcient title on the 27th day of Nooemher, in the yem Moak,Mook"Muck 1,782, tohichpromisehe nun refuses toperform.I therefore fore- .Andrew b. caL754PA; d. BM OH;m. Elizabeth; PA wmn allpersons from gioing any nnney ta the miil f aeob Mock .George b.1760 HL (?); d. 1848 NY; m. (1) Barbery upon the saidlnnd, as he has receiaed the greatest part of the Herbster; (2'd ) Mrs. Sarah Baker Pvt. CL PA considerutian maney from me.fonas Hattsell .Jacob b.1720 sW; d. ca1795 NY; m. (1) Frena ;2'd Catherine Claus Pvt. NY December 15,1790 The Pennsylvania Gazette RAN mnay from the subscriher on the L2th of Nnember, There are manv Macks listed 1790, an apprentbe boy, nameil Hmry Maag, but has changed . Bmbara Dittig hdittig@ comcast,net his nnmeil to Harry Barrett, by trade a taylor, hns 3 ymrs anil 2 a months tn serue; lwd on zohen he utent auny a white shirt, lapell' d striped green coating coat, with white metnl bultons, striped toylenet oest znith yellow buttons, queens cord pair ofbreeches, and mottleil stockings; the third ftnger of his left lanil is off at the ftrst joint. Who euer secures him, so tlmt his nwsts may haoe Volume XIV No. g . Surrer 2005 MockFamily Historian 37

Chester County, PA Mocks An onging research study by Orville Moch Karen Krich andJoy Henning has determined that 3 working charts, 17,17A & 59 be combined.

Peter Mock lll.17A has been moved to Chart #17, a Defredericks b. ca fta| - rc1.0 Charlestsln knp, Cltester Co, son of John Mock; Samuel Mock who married Mary Ann PA; m. 1.4 Dec L828 Pil@lnnd Ttop, Chester Co, P* d. Brower (Chart #59) has also been moved to Chart #17, a Feb1,837 West Vincent Tzop, Chesta Co, PA. They had the son of Peter. following chililren: Chart #17 Maia Ann Mockb. 28 Aag 1830 Vincent Township, 1 - John Mock d. 1804; m. Anna Margaretha Chester co, PA; m: loshaa Pottstoun, PA A burial record from Zion's Lutheran Church in fonas Mock b: May 12,7832 Pikeland in 1813 reads: 27th ]anuary buried Anna lefferson Mock b: March 15, 1.834 in Vincent Ttnp, Chester Malgaretha Maclq born 1726,thefathrelr (unknown) Hauclg Co, PA; m. Deborah Rhoadsb. Pottstutm, PA the mother: (unknown), was married to John Mack. Cre. Simeon Mockb. 25 Dec1835 Vincent Ttnp, Chester Co, PA ated 7 sons and 1 daughter. Her illness came from a fall at InfantMockb. Feb 1837 Chester Co, Pfi d. Feb 1"837 night. She died on Monday morning, her age 87 years. Chester Co, PA The known sons of john Mock (Mack) are Peter, Samuel's wife Sarah and their fifth child died in Feb. Bernard Reinhard & Isaac. Two daughters are mentioned 1837. The wife was buried Feb L2th and the child was in his will, Rosina b. ca 175A and Elizabeth. Anna must buried Feb. 28th at St. Peters Cemetery, Pikeland Town- be the second wife of John Mock. Rosina and possibly Pe- ship, Chester Co. Samuel, at the death of his wife, had ter are with the first wife. three living children and the oldest was six. 1.5 - Peter Mock As listed in the 1850 census, the 20 year difference in From Orville Mock ages between Samuel and wife, Maqy Ann Brower sug- My Mock Family connection as written by my G- gested a second marriage which ties in with the death of Grandparents, William Mock & Mary Stitelerbegins with Samuels first wife. his grandfather Petet Mock, a carpet weaver. He said Pe- The L837 death of wife Sarah doesnit leave much time ter had six sons and a daughter. Only one so& William for Samuel to marry Mary Ann and have a sory William, Mock, is mentioned because the others are dead in 1893 in 1838 in Perry County but it's not impossible. Also maybe when the article was writteru Baptism records atZion's Samuel would be more likely to leave Chester County af- Lutheran Church & St Peter's Lutheran Church in Pikeland ter he was widowed if for example he had family or his Township list three sons; Levi Wlliam & Ionahborn to deceased wife's family lived in Perry County to help care Peter and Mary Mock. A Chester Co. Vincent township for these children whose baptisms have been found. Of 1799 tax record lists Peter Mock, son of john Mock who course if this is all the same Samuel he'd have to return to was assessed downward for age and infirnrity, chaqged as Chester County by 1850 and then move to Kansas later. a weaver. The only JohnMock around this area at the time In 1,850, a Mock family lived in Tredyffrin Twp, was |ohn Mock (chart #17) who died in 1804. Ionah Mock Chester Co PA. In looking a little furthe4. I found that this b. 1812 d. 1853 is buried at St. Peter's Cemetery in Pikeland famity later lived in Illinois and Crawford Co. I(S. Township among the Defrederick family. His tombstone From 1850 Tredyffrin Township, Chester County, says he is the son of Peter & Ma{y Mock. Samuel Mock Pennsylvania all last name Mock and all born in PA was maried to Sarah Defrederick. She died in 1837 at a Samuel SS Labourer, MA33, Abraham 8 school, lesse 7 young age and is buried near Jonah Mock I suspect that schnol, fonathan 4, SA 1,, Daois 3/1.2 ]onah and Samuel are brothers. Samuel apparently moved on. OtherVincentTownship MocKs is Eli born about 1800 In1870, Sheridan, Crawford Co, KS married to Mary and Peter married to Susana and son Mock, William 31 Fsrmer 30{0/c_ 525 Pmnsylwnia Michael b. 1810. I suspect they are sonls of Peter the Mock, SamuelT| rc ucupation Pmnsylznnia (father anil weaver. So his six sons are Levi,William, |onah for sure mother fweign born, ilaesnt rudlwite) and I believe Pete4, Samuel & Eli are the others. Mock, Muy A S2lccepinghouse Pmnsylznnia On March 2,1817 at Zion's Lutheran Church Eliza- Mock, Abraham2S Fmmer - 360 Pennsylaania beth Mock married Jacob Hilbert of Pottstown. t don't Mo ek, f onathan 25 P ennsyhnnia know her parents, but she might be the daughter. John Kindelman, lane 18 Pennsyhnnia Mock also had a daughter Elizabetlu which he mentions Moek, Mary L0 attending school Illilnis in his will. The Flilberts moved on to Ohio. Mock, Edutard (?) 1U12 Kanns lune 1.5.5 - Samuel Mock I believe the Samuel Mock listed in the Vincent Town- Another Chester Co, PA Mock family ship, Chester Co 1830 Census is the following family from Chart #18 -Jacob Mock the St. Peters Lutheran Church records in Pikeland Town- What is the connection between Jacob Mock and the other ship. Chester Co. Mock's? fumuel Mock b: cn. 1800 - 18L0 Chester C-o, PA €t furah cont'd onpageSS> il 38 Modk raniity Historian Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005

Cont'd from page 37 - facob Mock 2nd BattalionChester Co MilitinCapt Griffith The baptism records of the Vincent Refonned Churrch, Co-E astruntmel 2nil class-lacob Mock Can anyone help me update my records with the now East Vincent, lists Jacob, baptized Mar.26,1780 born Feb. 14 1780 son of Nicholas Mock and Magdalena. Other likely source of this information? children listed are Margareth born O d. 30 , 1781 & Conrad Has anyone looked at Eastnantmeal Township baptized April 1$ l7%bornMa* 1784. From the same records such as tax records or land records? . church a confirrratiantnl77?lists Nicholas Mock age1.6 KmmlGich son of late Nicholas Mock. Chester Co, Montgomery Co, PA News Chester Co tax records in 1779 &.I79zlists in Vincent Research by Karen Krich wheelwright. marriage township a Nicholas Mock a A In the book "A History of West Vincent record from Reformed Church, Falkner Swamp, Mont- Township"edited by Elizabeth C. Eldridge there are a gomery Co, PA lists Nicholas Mock and Magdalena couple of Mock references. On page 35 in a discussion of Hellwich married Aug. 1Q 1n9. I believe this could be the Civil War it says "....Lewis Mock died. Among the the family of Mock who marries Catherine Poley. Jacob West Chester recruits were H. Kennedy and other mem- Record of death for Nicholas not found. bers of the Kennedy and Mock families...." I think From Karen Krich Lewis could be individual 1..5.2.6 on chart 17, ason In my opiniory I think it is unlikely that Nicholas and of Levi Mockand Maria Hipple. Madgalena's born 1780 would be the who was |acob ]acob At the Pennsylvania digital archives ARIAS there the War of 1812 veteran enlisted from West Vincent Twp. was a card for Lewis Mock in LL9I which was the only Chester Co. PA in 18L4. Birthyear from the 1830 and 1840 information given. Does anyone know if that was a censuses calculates to 179G1800 while the birth year cal- Chester County company or not? culated fromthe 1850 and 1870 censuses is 1795 and 1792 In this same book on pages 3&9 "Men from West respectively. While censuses are inexact, these all suggest Vincent who served in World War Il.....Robert Mock...." a birth year in the 179Os and thus rather later than the In the book '"fhe Upper Uwchlan, A Place Betwixt 1780 fuomthe church record. and Between" by Estelle Cremers on page 98 it states that These facts combined with the common name, |acob, Wlliam Mock was on the list of 1862 township residents I think donlt support the premise that Nicholas is the fa- eligible for the draft. This meant that there was a special ther. mark by his name on the 1ffi2 tax list. This book also has Many of these West Vincent Township Mocks seemed information on gravestones from St Matther,r/s Evangeli- to have lots of sons and not all these sons are accounted cal Lutheran Cemetery which includes a number of more for in known charts so to my simplistic thinking Id still recent Mocks from chart 17 who died after 1900. suspect that War of L8L2 veteran on chart 1,8, would |acob, . Karm Krich in Chestu Co, PA be related in some unknown manner to Orville's Mocks. a Ed. Note: In editing the vast amount of material that Death date forJohn Mock Orville, Karen andJoy have compiled,I have The deathdateof L40ct 1865 forlohnMockwho died condensed their findings in this article. As they have in Kosciusko Co, IN is used for both individual 1.4 on chart sai4 this is an ongoing research prolect and much 28 and individual 1.3.1..2 on chart 00. more to be learned - so stay tuned! I have an interest in undaimed johns as that seerns Barbara Dittig editor tobe my family's favorite name. To me it seems that the correct dying on this date would be the one from Chester Co, PA military service - late 1700s John chart 28 as other family members are buried inthis cem- From Karen Krich - I have a list of some Mocks serv- etery as well while little seems known about the )ohn from ing in various battalions and militia from the late 1700's. chart 00 other than his name and the fact that his father Unfortunately this piece of paper came out of a notebook died in Bedford County, PA (sounds like a perfect match from work I did over 20 years and does not include a for my mysterious family! and just what I need another John source! I suspect the source was a book at the FHC or the possibly in Bedford County) Pennsylvania Historical Society. . KarcnKrtch Orville has mentioned a Nicholas Mock from fromlames Hartline [email protected] Vincent Twp, Chester Co. and he is on this list I thought IohnMock, died 14 Oct 1861 biopraphy is on page I'd provide what I wrote down: 502, Portraits & Biographical Record published 1895 2nd Battalion Chester 7th Co C-opt furber-taur of duty Kosciusko County, I am one of his many grcat great great Sept 24, L7 81.-Vincmt-Nicholas Mo ck great grandsons. Also from Chester County: fames W Haftline, StulingHeights, Michigan Znd Battnlion Chcster Co Militia, ColThos Bull, Capt Waltu E Hartline > William Henry Hartline> Beatty Co, tour of iluty August L2, L780-3rd class keilefick Hmtline, wife= I-ooina Eashbaugh > E a stnantm el -l a cob Mo ck lacob Fashhaugh, aife = Cathrine Mock> fohnMock Volume XIV No. 3 -'Summer 2005 MockFamily Historian 39

Doug Mauck's DNA Update Samuel lohn Mock Maybe you've noticed that I've added Theron Mock Son of William Henry Mock and Mary Ann Bracey to our chart even though we don't have his participation Submi*ed by Kathy Mock in the Mock Surname Project yet. I was able to do that Samuel John Mock's 846 birthday because Theron is an exact 37 marker match with Thomas The following letter was written by Granddad Mock F. Mock, Gaty W. Mock, and Roger N. Mauck. Of course to his granddaughte4, Edna Downing and Nellie Laub on because of the matcheq we know that Thencn also descends how he spent his 84s birthday. He made a bargain with from an unknown |ewish male in the distant past. Estherthathe would walkfourmiles in a hou-q, if she would We have had some participants take advantage of bake a cake for him. The handwritten copy is in my file. the new lower price for mtDNA tests (989). Some of those " So on Fidny, the 6th of Octobn, tht dny befure his 84th results are due by the end of August, induding my wife birthilay he stmted out at 8:00 a.m. to walk tltree sections, which results. thinks that her maternal |an's Jan great-grand- maile 8 miles, so I got back at nty starting place a fal minutes mother was Indian and the mtDNA test may confirm that. before L0:00, so I rnon my cake. Native American mtDNA dates back 5Q000 years to After noon he started North anil went oaer ta fohn Eastern China and central Siberia. When we get toZhgiang Grayhams, utho lioes east of the Shamrock mine.o When I got Provence in Chin4 bothJan and I may be returning to our back from my rounds I fgureil that I had walkcil a little better ancestral roots! Without DNA testing we wouldn't know than 18 miles, thnt ilfry. So we agree to hrae the cake on Sunilay, that. that way I coulil go fshing on my birthday. Saturdny mmning China is undertaking an extensive DNA project to I got up they uns asking mc hou I zaas feeling, I tolil them fne. trace the many tribes, peoples and origins that make up I went out and fed and. watered the chickens. When I cmnc back the just Chinese population. They are definitely not one in Mr. Wooil Berry had come by anil hmrd how far I had unll@d people. There are 56 ethnic groups in China's population the ilny befwe and he zuas afraid I uould be sinch so he left a and they each have different geographical origins, Iittlemeilicine inthebottomof asmall glass. Zelln saiilfor me to The Discovery Channel recently had a program takr it. I loolced at the glass and I tolil Zelln if I took thnt I woulil showing that Europeans migrated to the area of the Gobi be good for 20 miles tlnt doy, n they diiln't haae to hold my Desert around 7,000 years agq lived there as a gloup for nose nor slnp my ioys to get me to takc it. I hndbreakfast at 7:00 2,000 to 3,000 years and then were assimulated into the a,m. and started utest, went one mile, turned south went to Chinese population. The Chinese DNAproject will prob- Conoaers. Got there at 10:00 a.m., but the last ftoo miles I had a ably find European Y-DNA and mtDNA in their popula- ride. I stnyed for ilinner. Bernice wanted to bring me back. I tolil tion! We are, indeed, related to everyone in the world! h er, " N o ", I un s znatkimg lor a prize. I s tarteil bac* a hnlfaast at When we get to China, you won't be able to tel the 1.2:30 p.m. When I got back to the Columbine mine, I got an- di-fference in our e-mail and internet access. I'll be able to othr ride of three miles , that made fae miles riding in the round receive anything there that I can at home. Even the spam trip. lt is 13 miles to C-onoaers, taking 5 from 26,\eft 21" miles I've been getting from Poland in the Polish language that I t]rnt I hnil u)alled. We fgured thc time I was riling the fiae miles can't read! and as close as we coulil get at nty walking time was anil . 5 one- Doug 8 fanMauck-boanilfot China half hours for the 21 miles. When I got back home, the sun uns way abwe the top of the mountains, so I iliiln't feel aery tired, n Re the Michael Mock in DNA Chart b. 1806 I untczd 8 more miles. I went arounil hoo sections when we Last year when I discovered a 121L2 match with fgured it all ap,I hadbeen a fao minutes oaer 7 hour anil one- Myron Mock I corresponded with several descendants of half Inurs, walking the 29 miles. I didn't quite aouage 4 miles that line. We were never able to make a connection. The to thc hotr, bat it will ilo for anyone that me 84 years to beat, information I got from them was that Michael Mock was when they do I urifl set them one better." born in Ohio in 1805 and maruied Margaret Ann There are also a couple of newspaper articles about Biddleman. Michael's Mock's father was loseph Mock S. J. Mock's celebration of his 84th birthday with his 29 born in PA and died in OH. Michael Mock eventually mile walk on Saturday, October 7 in the Erie, Colorado migrated to Burlington IA. Michael ModCs son was Wesley News on Friday, October 13, 1833. Mock who moved to Harrison County, Missouri. Thuy " Mr. Mock attributes his long life to h,ard work anil Colo- have their line well-documented from Ohio on but have railo Sunshirc [natmoonshinel." Acopy is in my file. no inlormation on eadier generations. Also when he was 83 years old S. Mock decided . ]ohn foy Henning he would learn to ride a bicyde, too. John Mock of 114 Owens Drive, already past his 83 milestone, who refused I would like to know (if anyone can tell me) where to admithe was too old tolearn anythingnew."He trundled Michael Mock's family lived inOhio? I see where his fam- out his granddaughter's birycle and started to push the ily went to Burlington, IA which is near my Mock family pedals.. He fell oveq, but tried again. He took several falls in Illinois...Thanks... and finally learned the knack of keeping his balance. He Larry Mock, Atlanta, Georgia enjoyed the experience so much that he rides frequently a Cont'd onnext page > !l 40 Mock Family Historian Volume XtV No.3 . Summer 2005

Samuel fohn's 84th birthday, Cont'd Sacramento Bee - April 12,1905 near his home. All of which may or may not prove that submitted by Kathy Busby you can't teach an old dog new tricks or thatyou're just as John Mock- young as you feel. HAD NO TROUBLE LEARNING HOW TO TOUCH. time, Samuel Mock was living in Weld At this John OFF POWDER near his sory Fred and family. County, Coloradg MARYSVILLE (Yuba Co.), April L2 Another granddaughter tells the following story TWo business men of this city, |ohn MOCK and M. about Granddad Mock Vivian Mock Hanson, the young- GOMES, had a dispute yesterday as to the best means to est of Clarence Elmer Mock wrote this letter to daughter obtain results from a heap of powder when a match is used me 1988. inluly as a means of igniting the explosive. When I was in my "I remember Samuel lohn Mock well. One contended that to apply the flame of the match teens, had the opportunity to marchuith aband in thr Rose I was a quickerway, while the otherheldthat it let the flame Parade in Pasailenn, CA. We znere lioing in Manhattnn Beach, die out and apply the embers of the lucifer was a never- CA and Grandpa was liaing zuith us for mohile. I was to carry failing method. thebanner in front of thebanil. They proceeded to experiment in order to settle a Granilpa Mock fumn the pmade route went for fne miles, waget and had the powder ready and the match in posi- so decideilhe hailbetter get me in training. For weeks we uent tion to strike, when one John SCHNABEL took a hand or miles When we utoulil get out neryilny and utallced fow fioe . and insisted on applying the flames. In igniting the pow- home, I would collapse in a hmp, but Granilpa Mock woulil my, der he was careless, and when the explosion took place he o e ", and b e walking arcther thre e or ur mil e s. Whe n " Go ilhy of fo was badly burned about the face and arm. FIis clothing came, the other girl,utha uns to cmry the the day of thepmade took fire, and it required the united efforts of Mock and me, became ill. So at the last minute we got my banner with Gomes to save him from fatal injuries. Schnabel says a come march with me. After a couple sistn, Mmguerite, to of forly-foot pole will be the handle to the match when he rmdy ta call it quits,but due to Grandpa's miles, Mmgueritewas again "touches off' some powder, great training, I sailed through the paraile. My own Dail I (Clnrence Elmer) loaeil to unlk and I tlrit* that is one of the reaffins he lizteil tn be 92 yems old. Samuel Mock liaed 87 lohn Democratic Standard (uly 1870) years." .Kathy 72800 Rd 47,9 Mancos, CO 87328 Mock County DEMOCRATIC STANDARD mock2@frontier,net Vol. 1 San Luis Obispo California Saturday, JuIy 2, L870 t No.21 Ed. Note: While on vacation in Colorado this summex, we vis- ited Mesa Verde National Park which is very close to PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY AT Mancos where ferry and Kathy Mock live. The Mocks San California were members several years ago and we had met at the Luis Obispo Mock conference in Bedford, PA. I called them and we Subscriptior;.... $1 Per Annum, Invariab$ inAdvance. ended up having a most enjoyable lunch with them at the Senior Center in Mancos and of course a lot of "MockTalk" transpired. As Kathy says, Jerry is the Mock and she is the New Saloon.-Ml C. ff, MOCK has rented the saloon genealogist. formerly kept by Mr. Alexander MURRAY, and will As a result, They have rejoined the MFH and Mock- open it in a few days, in an elegant style. Mr. MOCK is Gen-L. Kuthy is in full swing bringing the William Henry an old hand at the wheel and we doubt not that he can Mock chart up to date and ]erry has participated in the sail the ship. DNA project. His results should be coming very sn)n. Welcome back, ferry & Kathy! Barbara Dittig Vol. 1 San Luis Obispo, California Saturday, July 23, 1870 No. 24 Necrology PEOPLE'S EXCHANGE.:The magnificent style in which the above named salon has been fitted up is an Ken's sisteg Ruby Neal Ekey has in- evidence that C. H. MAUK will keep the "House of the formed us that her brothel Ken Neal passed Town." ay ]une 30, 2005 Ken was a MFH member for a long time . Kathy Busby a*\*y@PACBELLNET his help with the "Working Charts" on the was geatly appreciated. t Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2005 MockFamilf Hist6rian 41

Excerpts from mytTamily Twig" by Sharon Mock Whitaker

Chart #48 come batk if I mr leaae here- If I stay here I will not be in such Johannes > Philip >David >Franklin > Franklin a hurry as I wiJI want to flx up alittle." This is the researchon my family twiglhave had for By this time Katie's parents (Ihe Hardy's) and a good numberof years buthave neverre-typed andnum- grandparenfs (Ihe Matthews) had moved to Salt Lake bered them for you to put in your Mock Working Charts. City, Utah. Where was Katie staying prior to her marriage With Tom Mock's site now gone,I needed to do it so that inMay of1891???? it is not "Iost;' Since my father (Lloyd Mock)is the last Notes gleaned from newspapers in Inyo County, CA. living sibling (he just turned 91) letters and family pic- Thursday, November 5, 189'J.,, Yol 7 #32 tures all came to him/me whenmy aunts and undes died. " A barn at Laws belongircg to Erank Mock zms burneil Unfortunately in the case of the 5-10 letters-they are not late this afternoon. Wagon and horses were saaed. The lass will dated nor still have their envelope with the stamps. Have amount to $200; origin of fre urlkns?on." 5 o16letters writtenfromFranklinMock tohis wife while he was in Mexico (190b1907 ish). EndotMay,L892 The oMr* research my siste4 Dad and I did in hryo Co, E Mock and. her brother, George Hatdy, Ieft Laws CA in the Fall of 1999 is what made me aware of the gold Tuesday fw Salt l-ake City.' [birth of Edith] mine of information available in the chatty newspapers of the day. These are the "tacts" I want to find because as MOCK BROS. SOAP FACTORY you said-the people become "real". We me plmseil to note that this institution is becoming Franklin Mock,Jr.,was born 01 Nov 1.857 in Lexing- more than a uenture of uncntnin merit. The propietors hnae tonTwp, Lafayette Co, MO. He died2TOct 1945 inElPaso, nqn uith than a thorough mnster of thc business, and judging El Paso Co, TX.. Franklin married Ida CatherineHardy, a nrcple of toil* smp receiae d tlrcm, the product nout 28 May 1891 in Independence, Inyo Co, CA. She was born from from being tumeil out is equal in nery particalm to any intported 22Sep 1872lrl. Independence,Inyo Co, CA and died 19 outside Their branils n made me royal Saaon, Mar 1959 inEl Paso, ElPaso Cqfi.She was the daughter from factories. far use; Mngic Bleathing, Tbilet, anil Prue White Borax. of George HenqT Hardy and Eva Patty Matthews. Both Io, fo*rly P. H. Malcalry is tfu expert in chmge. lrryoites should giot tlr" are buried in Rest Lawn Cemetery El Paso, Texas. naps a test, and if the cleaning substarces prove mtisfac- According to the 1880 Census, Franklin, age ?3 years, fair tory as there is ranson to beline thry will, patranize this pro- was living and working on his siste4 Mary Dobson and gressiae home enterVrise. Keq the monsy at home-especially her husband's farm in Simpson, Johnson County, Mo. whenyou can get good goods. |an 26,1888 the lnyo Register lists landowners with over 100 acres. Both Frank Mock and his father-in-law (George Hardy) are listed as having 160 acres each. Atugll,1892 County Courthouse inBishop shows: "Sherif Gormas has appointeil Frank Mock as a Deputy |uly 9,1888-Registered to vote, age 3Q in Bishop. Sheriff at lans. Dnmken lnilians oaer thatway haoebecome so Atag 1.,1892-age 34, 5', complex fair-blue eyes, brown nunwous anil dangerousaithal,itwas necessary tolaue nme hai-q, scars on hands. Living in Laws. competent offrcer on the ground to look after than, and Frank is just the mnn for the place." Letters from Franklin 1891, February lG-Letter (no envelope) written to c,c.6,1892 Katie on letterhead from "Office of f. W. Goodwin & Co. Mock Bros. Soop f*tory at Imps is running to its full CandelariaMarket, Candelaria, Nev. [Candelaria was one copacity and receiuing orders from remote points where their of the largest silver and gold mining town in Nevada from naps haoe had a trial anil gfuen satisfactinn. 1883 until it declined. Now a ghost townl. From the letter he seems to be working on books, "The books me in a fne Dec29,1892 condition up here can rnt teII anything about them and it is H. N. Gunter wiII assume contplete control of Centre going to tnfu quite a while to straiten them up". He hopes he Mnrket haoing lused it from Mock anil Co. (Wtr. Gunter uas will be able to see her on Saturday but is afraid he will mannger of stneprin to this date) have to work. I May have been working to set up above company 1, 1891.1 whichstarted Feb Thursday December 21., 1893 " Frank Moc* and {amily, George Pendill and Miss Mamie (no 1891-Letter envelope) not dated addressed to Pmdilt lS h*e tast SinAai 7or Nigales, AZ, going by team. Mr and Mrs Hardy asking for "consent to marry Katie". Frank intmds to se e wlat ths e is in that countn4 uorth stnying "Iutillfurouinafao doyswtwtl am goingto do,lf lleaae f-.' here it willbe to go tn tultlaice andif I go lwill go in side of ten Note: Sharon's family notes lo be added to chart #48 daus and woulil lilce to tnle hzr alans utith me as I toill naner * ra 1t 42 Mock Family Historian Volume XIV No. 3 . Summer 2fi)5

Aloerta Mack b.73 Oct 19(N East Grcenoilb, Montgomery, PA) Cont'd from page 33 GoshcnhoppenMacks 11lJj2712. Foster Marta Seasholtz b.24lul 7823; d.27 Mar 7907 Upper Geotge Mackh.zs Sep 7902;d.7 May 7903 East both bar. Neut Gosehnhoppen Hanoaer,IVlotttgomery,PA; MontgoneryrPA) Chutch, E, Greenoille, PA, Gremoille, l482l2.Icighton 7t1871 AmandaMackb.3 (b.Eeb Pfu tl.Bef Feb 7850 Upper Hanooerfi4ontgomer!,PA; m. 5 Mar 7870 M. Mack 7879-Upper Hanooer, Mon@mery, anoo er, Montgomery,PA Abraham Diehl b.74 Apr 7814/?; 7%AUpper H 748777EllaMinia 7#273. Charles (b.Noo Diehl bMay 7870 H, Mnck 7881-Upper Hanooe1 Montgomery, PA; i1,77 7i1872. Henry Mack b.7 Apr Oet 7978Eas t Greenoilb, Montgomery,Pfi m Julobel Class 7855 Upper Hanooe4hlIontgomery,P*d.22 Oct 7855 Upper b.78U; dAbt7978 Hanooer, Motttgomery,PA" burieil Nwt Gosehnhoppen 1483. Henry Mack b.4 Mar 7827 Charch, E. Gteemille, PA Upp er Hanoverptontgomery,PA;i1.23 | ul 7889 Up p et 74l13, Iohn S. Mack b.18 Hanoter][.ontgomery,PS m 9 Oct 7W Eliza Koch b.30 Mar Noo 7859 llpper HanooeqllifontgomeryB'4sil.z3 Feb 7933 Upp er 7827; d.7 lun 7897-Upper HanoaerJVIontgomery,PA) Hanooe4 Montgomery,Pfi m.23 Sep 7882 ChtisteannM. 1t1837. Louise Mack b.7846 Moyer b.8 Noo 7856; d.78 lan 7927 Upper Hanooer, 74832.lohnKMaekb,Aug b.23 1848; d.31 Mo ntg omery rPA, b o th b urie d N su, G o s eh nh op p e n Church, E. 7850; m. Cathaina Annt Moll? May Mag 7874 Gteenaille, PA Up p er H e n oa erJvI o nt gomery,PA) 7tl{l737.Hotace 7tl833.Henry KMackb.SO Erarklin Maek b,8 Aug 7883 Upper Hanooe4 Montgomery, PA Noo 7852; m. Maria Smith b.23 Apr 1854 LiISTSLDeughter 7tt833l SanMack Mackb.S0 Apr 7885; i1.30 Apr 7885 b,71Msr 7879 Upper Hanooer,IvIontgomery,PA;d.77 Mar 7879 74il733, Charles Up p er H anoo e{tt o n tg omery PA) Inain Mack b.77 lun 7886 Upper Hanooe4 Montgomery, PA 7t#]34. Sarah Mack b.7855 ;il.lul7955 or 7956 Allentmory&* m, Florcnce K Sasssffian b.7 7t1835. Emma M ack b.7865 Sep 7897 Pelm,PA; ilMar 7978 Allentowry PA U84 Esther Mack b.29 O ct 1823 7487337Harald Upp er Hanoo erJVlontgomerA,PA; i1,20 Mar 7896 W et J ohn Mack b.77 Dec 7913 Apper Hanooer, Montgomery, Pfu Hanooet//I ontgomery,P$ m,76 lun 7850;, Abtaham Secsholtz d.19!E; m. Mngatet A. b ,30 Dec 7919; d22 | an 7976) b.4 Dec 7822; d.26 Dec 1893 Upper HanooerJvlontgomery,PA 787332Elsie 1i1847. Soa Seasholtz b.6 MaeMnckb, ca,May 7975 m. ; Robert Charles Spaziailb. Aug 7857;d.6 Aug 7857 757+ d.7985 1485. Marta Mack b.2A Arg 7826 Ed. note: Lioing children not listed Upper HaxooerJttIontgomery,PA; d,37 Dec 7879 East 7i8734Abrahcm Greenoille,Itfontgomery,PA; m.27 Noo 7847 Reuben Masteller Mack b.l Oct 7888-Upper Hanooet, Montgomery, P*d.1965 b.24 Noo 7876; i1.73 May 1887 Upper Hanote$tlontgomery,PA) bur. N eut Goshenhoppen Cem. E, Greenoille, PA 78 57, Lacinds M as teller 7#735Hozoard b.78 Aug 7ffi7 Upper HanooetAilontgonery,P* i1.75 Oct 7867 Geotge Mack b,30 Aug 7890 Upper Hanooe4 MontgomeU, P* 71186. Geotge Mack b.6 Dec 7828 d,2 Oct 7975-East Greenoilb,Itfl,Pfi m, Amnnda Yetger b,70 Dec Upper HanooerJuIontgomery,Pfu d.22 Oct 7903 Pottstoutry 1897; i1,25 Sep 7979 East Greenoille, Montgomery, PA Montgomery,PA); m. Catharine Hoftnan b.5 Noo 7837;iLS 74Jl7357. May 7897 Upper HanooerJt[o ntgomery,PA) Ernest W. Mack of, Tucsory AZ. MF]H DNA Recipicnt (Lioing); 74867. Loais a Cath.efina m. Gladys (Liaing) Mack b.29 lan 7859 Uppet HanoaerJvlontgomery,PA; d.2 lul 78736.Katie 7862-Upper HanooerfuIontgomery,PA) Maria Mack b,9 O ct 7892 Upper Hanooe1 Montgomery, PA 7alJll62. SonMackb.TTlan 748737.Ellen 1867 W et H anoa et lt[.ontgomery,P.A; d,71 | an 7867-Upp er Aflcflda Mqck h.7A Feb 7895 Upper Hanooer, Montgomery, PA H anoo erJvl o ntgomery,PA) 748738, Satlie 748ffi,HoraceW.Mack of Christiann Msck b.7 Mar 7897 Upper Henooer, Montgomery, P o ttstql n b,7862 Upp er Hanw erJvlontgomery,PA PA; d. 7 Oct 7977 Upper Hatnoet, Montgomery, PA Single. 718M. CharlesManno 7118L Ab t ah atn Ma ck b.24 | un 7820 Mack b,4 Dec 78ffi-Uppet Hanwer)4.ontgomery,Pfu d,5 Eeb Upper Hanooer/vlontgomery,PA;t1.74 N oo 78E7 Uppet Hanooer, 1 87 9 Upp er H anao erfuI o ntgome ry,PA) Montgomery,PA; m. 24 Sep 7848 Mary Ann Msstellq b.3 lan 74865. George P. Mack of 7824.;iL22 Dee 7897 Upper Hanooerldontgomery,PA) A I lent qo n b. 7867 Up p er H anoo e rpI o nt gom ery,PA 1tlf.21. GeotgeM.Maek TSffi.IdaElisabethMsck b.75 Mar 7850 Upper Hanooetlvf.otttgomery,PA;d.77 Mar 7!125 b.25 Mar 7870 Wer Honooer]4otttgomery,P$d.79 Mey 7877 Uppet Hanooet,Montgomer!,P* m. 7876Diana B. Rummel Upp er H anoo er)[ontg om ery,PA) b.79 Nw 7M9;i1.24 I an 7929 Upper Hanao4 Montgomety,PA 74867, lohn H. Mack of 782n,Clinton Ste tlerso ilb b.7872 Upper Hanoo erl[.ontgomery,PA A. Mcck b.13 O ct 7876 Upper Hanooe4 Montgomery 74ll68,.MaryAnnMack ,P*d.1922 Upper Hanozt er, Montgotnery,PA); m.2 W 7899 b.7876 Upp et Hanoo er]llontgomery,P* d.B ef 7903 Lillie M. Gehman b.28 | an 7887;iL7973 7869. Ella May Maek of 782717.Mabel AIIen tout n b.187 9 Upp * H aruto et![ on tgomery,PA Volume XIV No.3 .'summer 2005 MockFamily Histbrian 43 748&)'unknmPnToth chiriL The Perkiomen region, past and present (republ.ished ln book form by Washington, 7.5. Anna Maia Mack b.7 fun 7744 Neut District of Colurnbia : Congress, G o shenhoppen,lulontgomery,PA; i1,77 7802 of W Caenaft on 19761 407. lLon,Lancaster,Pfu m.7 Dec 7773 Anfueut Weiler bp.28 Oct loEdward W. Hocker, , Genea\oqical 7750 Bert Refotmeil Church,BemTlwp,Berks,Pfu il.Apr 7877 data CaernaroonrLrPA relatlng to the German settTers of PennsyJvania and adjacent territory 7.6.Eoa Elisabetha Mack b-{bt 7747; m.20 7767 from fan advertisementg jn German Bemard Goetz b.Abt 7745;iL1790178N newapaprs publisled in PhiTadeJ-phia and Germanxown, 7.7. Susanna Msck bp.27 1749 New Goshenhoppen lon 7743-L800 (Baltimore, Ir{D: cenealogical Chureh,Upper Hanooer T\ttp i1.75 O ct 7783; JVIontgomery,Pg Publishing Co., Inc., 1980). n.15 Sep 1778 Withnet lacob rLthe PenneyTvania Gazette, 1728-1800 1.8. ohannes Mack b.77 1757 Neu , ftem t f lan #33883 (OnJ.ine: Accessible Archives Inc., G o s chenhoppen, llpper Hanoo erJvlontgomery,Pfo d, 75 O ct 17BB I 2005), subscri-ption database, , accessed 2005. d.Oct 7794 12The Pennsylvania Gazette, Iiuem #78222, 2OOs 7,8.7 f ohannes Mack of Douglass, Berks Co 13John I'lock to George Mock, deed, 13 Jttn L795, b.79 Dee 7776;i1.78ffi-Douglass,Berks,Pg m. Batbara b.7ng Upper PA Hanover Twp, Uontgomery County (Pennsylvania). Deed Book 2L247, FHL US/CAlt 7.8.21y1ary Mack of St. Clair, Bedforil Co. riLn b,Ab t 7V9; m. gpilmo Nif,txr [21s75]. 1{John }lock to ceorge Mock, deed. 08 }tay 1??3, '' 7.8,3. William Mack of Exete4 Berks Co. Douglass !\lP, litontgomery County b.28 Oct 7782 Nant Goshenhoppen EGM,Pfu i1.26 N oa 7850 (Pennsylvania). Deed Book 2L249, FIIt US,/CAN Exeter, ; m, Bsrbara b,lVMar 7787; iL75 Apr 784!l rilltr 7,9. oqlcapackb.L7frfi [21575]. lsEllretrod Roberts, Abstracts of trIonXgomery \. CounXy, Pennsylvania wjlLs & Ents pp.Fftted upon request a&tinistrations, 77 84- 1823 (Westminster, !). I ivelcome questions, com- Maryland I Family Lj-ne Publications, L998) ments,andcorrectioltsirmkkf orC;@ODGENEALOGY! L23. l6George Mock and wife Magdalena to ,John Mock, (Endnotes) deed, 29 Nov 1856, Upper Hanover, lEarly Petitions, 29 April L728, Pennsylvania I{ontgomery County (Pennsylvania) . Montgomery Archives, 9 ser., L38 vols. (Philadelphia: County Recorder of Deeds. Uontgomery County Joseph Severns & Co., 1852-1949), 6th ser., Court Eouse P.O. Box 311 Norristown, Pa L9404-0311. Deed Book 154: 530. t{z 262-263. uFanil"y 2Proprietary Tax 1759 Upper Hanover T!vp, Data, ,John S. and Christeann Uoyer Pennsylvania Archives, 9 ser., 138 vols. Mack Family Bib1e, original-ly owned by John (Philadelphia: Joseph Severns &"Je*, 1852- S. ltack 1882. In possession of Ernest W. L949r, 3d ser.. 14:59; ProvincialFai L774 Mack, 11301 E. Calle Aurora, Tucson, AZ 85748, colored copies nade 2005. Upper Hanover 14:448; Supply-Tax\'{l7Q lsJudith Upper Hanover [\rp,"wp 3'd ser., 14:729t^rSuffi+f A.H. Irteier, compiler, AdvertLsements Tax 1781 Upper Hanover T\^rpf 3".r s€f,I, 16i51. and noticeg of interest from Norristown, Supply Tax 1783 Douglaes nry, 3f.'scr., t Pennsylvania newspaperd, 7799-L848t 5 L6:543. volumes (Apollo, Pennsylvania : Closson 3John Mock to Roeder, Press, c!987-1992) 1:32. l{ichael ,t {"1q,t, d5 oec le,John 1754, Upper Hanover fwp, llontgcimry County &tock et al to Thomas Boyd, deed, L6 Aug (Pennsylvania). Recorder of Deeds, 6eeds, L805, llontgomery County (Pennsylvania). Deed L784-7866 Book 35s383, FHL US/CAII FiIm [2L5821. (Salt Lake City, Utah : Filmed by z0Abstracts the Genealogical- Sooiety of Utah, L971) Deed of lilontgomery County Witls, 7J.. pennsylvania Book 5:243, FHL US,/CAII rilm t215671. 'rEhis Map of the Province of rSupply Tax 1783 Douglass T.v4>, 3d ser., 7770.1.t 4 Apr 1770 (Online: Historical Maps 16 c 543. of Pennsylvania, Harold Cramer, 2005) sProprietary Tax L759, PennsyTvania Archives,

The Mock Family Historian is published quarterly. In This Issue Page Subscriptions are $12 per calendar year. Goshenhoppen Macks 29 NEW- By SueHardy Go to our Home Page >http:/ /> |oseph W. Mauck of Page Co, VA 31 This will link you to the Mock Working Charts and by Gene Andert our new research tool, Mock Working Charts Index mas- Finds 32 ter-mined by Paul Swan Lary Mock, This index is composed of two parts: Sharon Whitaker, The Mock index lists all5900 numbered individuals Phyllis McWilliams and their spouses whose surname is any variation of Mock. Letters to the Editor 34 I It is sorted by the given names of each individual, so that, ,lt PA Genealogical Catalogue 35 e.g,, Johann Frederick Maag would be listed adjacent to ":,! Submitted by Shamn Whitaker |ohann Frederick Mug (that is, unless a |ohann Frederick !-d DAR/SAR Applicants 36 Mock intervenes). 't Chester Co, PA Mocks 97 ,'.: The Other index lists all6100 numbered individuals I Orville Mock and spouses with surnames other than Mock or its varia- Karen Krich tions. It is sorted in the usual manner by "surname, given Joy Henning names". These ate, of. course, cffifu41 and }ater direct de- DNAUpdate 39 scendants of Mock da'ughters, ustEff.ut tpfot"t. Doug Mauck The chart number inthe coltrmn after thb individual's J Samuel john Mock 39 ' I Kathy Mock online bv Gene Andert t column Mock Items in Sacramento Bee 4A ing the submitted by Kathy Busby name of the indiv Exerpts from My"Family Tlryig" 4't, You might also rto Sharon Mock Whitaker window)which

Mock Family Historian Barbara Eichel Dittig 366 Jacaranda Drive Danville, CA 94506-2125 tt!