South Walks House Tel: (01305) 838336 South Walks Road Dorchester Website: DT1 1UZ Mr Trent NT Building Design Ltd 47 Wyke Road Contact: Chris Moscrop Weymouth Direct Line: 01305 838325 Email:
[email protected] DT4 9QQ BROADMAYNE 04 December 2019 GRANT OF NON MATERIAL AMENDMENT Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Planning Act 2008, Town and Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2015 (DMPO) This permission does not carry any approval or consent which may be required under any enactment, byelaw, order or regulation (eg in relation to Building Regulations or the Diversion of Footpaths etc) other than Section 57 of the Town and Country Planning Act, 1990. Application No: WD/D/19/001264 Location of Development: 49 CHALKY ROAD, BROADMAYNE, DORCHESTER, DT2 8PJ Description of Development: Non Material Amendment to application WD/D/18/002624 Amendment to planning approval WD/D/18/002624 - Reconfiguration of internal layout and alterations to south facing part of extension In pursuance of their powers under the above mentioned Act, Dorset Council, HEREBY GRANT the non material amendment in accordance with the details described above. Subject to the following: 1. The scheme does involve elevational changes mainly to the rear South elevation (but also some changs to fenestration on the East and West elevations) both in terms of the appearance and the height of the South facing projection.(which is reduced). There are no other properties immediately to the south that might be affected by this change. Consequently the proposal would not impact upon the appearance of the whole building as approved.As such the proposals are acceptable as non-material amendment.