The Mosaic November 2020

The Yard (Alice Fox-Pitt)

What a weird time we are in. Despite the global pandemic, horses need to be fed and worked so despite lockdown work had to continue at Woodlane Stables. Firstly we need to say a big thank you to the village for putting up with the constant stream of horses hacking round the village, we apologise for any inconvenience. Hinton St Mary is the perfect place to train horses and we feel very lucky. The yard used to be one of three dairies in the village but it was converted in 2004 and we moved the first horses in in 2005. We train horses owned by clients for William to compete. William also trains up and coming star riders from all over the world. This year we had a team from South Africa, the US, Japan, Germany, Ireland, Wales, Scotland and Newcastle. Jackie Potts is our head girl and this weird year was her 27th working with William. Obviously, the big disappointment for us was the postponement of the Olympics due to be held in Tokyo in August. William has been training hard on his star horse Little Fire, who is in the British squad of 12. It would be an incredible 6th Olympics should he make Team GB having competed in Atlanta, Athens, Beijing, London and Rio. It was a huge blow for our Japanese star Kazumo Tomoto. He has been here for three years training for a home games. His daughter and wife have stayed at home in Tokyo so it has been a huge sacrifice and commitment. He has been incredible and has refocused on 2021. He has three horses qualified so fingers crossed we can support him to fulfil his dream, no one deserves it more. There have been some competitions but the ‘new normal’ has been a bit weird. We feel so lucky that we got to get the horses out at all. The season finishes this week so things will quieten down a bit before we reboot and prepare to start again next March. If anyone has any questions do please get in touch. Picture: Little Fire [email protected]


As there seem to be such a lot of things not taking place this festive season we thought a village Christmas window competition might be fun. Anybody can take part from the safety of their own homes and the village may look a little more festive as well! Hinton’s resident artist – Katie Scorgie has kindly agreed to judge the competition for us.

All you need to do is decorate a front window or your front door in a festive fashion and have fun!

Please make sure your window or door is visible from the road.

Maybe post a photo on the Hinton St Mary Facebook page. More details regarding judging and closing date will be in December’s Mosaic. Monthly update on the estate (Alice Fox-Pitt)

So much is going on on the estate. We are starting a new piece each month in the Mosaic with news.

One of the saddest things this month was the retirement of Billy Mathews after an astonishing 63 years working for HSME. Anthony and Val have been here for 50 years so never known the place without him. He will be sorely missed but promises he will be around and certainly will be found fishing down at Cutt Mill! Another end of an era for the amazing Pat Bartlett who has supported the Pitt Rivers for over 30 years. Heartfelt gratitude to two wonderful stalwarts of Hinton.

There has been big change also in the management. Fowler Fortescue have replaced Symonds and Samson as the agents for the estate. We are grateful for a partnership that goes back to Senior and Godwin in the 1920s. Simon Fowler is now the agent supporting the family with the running of estate. He is based at Fonthill and is here every Thursday if anyone needs a catch up.

It has been a very sad time for all of us with the dispersal of the dairy herd. Hinton had three dairies at one time and it seems unbelievable that there are none now. David Dunn has done a wonderful job for 16 years managing the herd and we are so pleased that he and Michelle will still be in the area as he is now working for the Jeans family at Bagber. The buildings are now filling with stock again as the unit has been rented to Nick Cobb who is using it to raise young stock for his dairy herd at Lulworth. Velcourt continue to manage the farm under Mark Harvey with Dave Stevens supporting.

We have been busy during lock down doing up the Manor House Lodge. It is now a holiday let and has been really busy. The reviews constantly remark on what a lovely, beautiful and friendly village. Mr and Mrs Pitt Rivers are allowing tours of the garden and guests are also enjoying tours of the yard as well as of course the wonderful pub hospitality.

We are now starting on the Stable Flat which should be ready by the beginning of December. The Stable Flat, like the Lodge will have a double and then an option of a double or two singles. We have been so blown away by the feedback and Emma Welman, Danielle Gorge and Clair Eyres have done an incredible job keeping them looking fantastic. If anyone is interested in supporting the team with the change overs, we are always looking for extra help.

We are excited that there has been a lot of interest in the old building yard for industrial lets, if anyone is interested in taking a space please get in touch.

We had a wonderful meeting with the Sturminster and Hinton Fishing Club last week. It was incredible that we were discussing a lease that had been drawn up in 1905! The fishing club goes from strength to strength with over 300 members.

It is a weird time but an exciting time and there is so much going on going into the winter.

Hinton St Mary Estate (Simon Fowler - Fowler Fortescue)

Fowler Fortescue are delighted to have been asked by the Pitt Rivers and the Fox Pitts to help with the future management of the Estate at Hinton St Mary. Given challenging times not only with coronavirus but also on the farm there will be plenty to do. Farms are now under pressure to provide the answers to stewardship of the land whilst also producing food in a sustainable way. Measuring carbon use and ecology will be as important in future as the yield of a field of wheat or Barley. The farm already embraces alternative energy with PV panels on the dairy roof and a hydro scheme at Fiddleford and I am sure we will see more development along those lines in the future. Hopefully we can fill the commercial units with exciting businesses which add to the community and at the same time keep up the residential property standards so that residents continue to enjoy village life. News on the Millennium Garden (Gwyn James)

You are invited to join a working party meeting in the Millennium Garden on Saturday 7th November, 10:00 – 12:00 a:m The Millennium Garden is in urgent need of an Autumn clear up! We would like to think of this as the beginning of a push to have the garden looking good for the Village Open Gardens 2021 (Covid 19 allowing), as well as ensuring that it remains a community space to be enjoyed by all throughout the year. We appreciate that a number of people have already contributed to the care of the garden over the years. If that is you, please let us know your name, what tasks you have generally done and whether you are happy to continue. This will help with planning for the continued upkeep of the area. New faces will also be very welcome! Please bring your own gardening tools and gardening gloves with you. Wheelbarrows and pruning equipment will be especially useful. This is a list of the basic tasks which we hope to tackle on the day which may help you decide what you can contribute and which tools to bring:  Work on the maze to compact the newly laid chalk and help to clear the edges of any overgrown greenery.  Weeding the gravel paths.  Cleaning and clearing around the seats.  General pruning back overgrown shrubs.  Pruning the laurel in the orchard area so that we can find the compost bin again!  Help to prepare the ornamental bed for more drought resistant planting at some point.  The frame of the information board for the mosaic is in need of smartening up. We can provide wood preservative if someone would like to do this. We will also be providing a suggestion box for any ideas on how we can develop and use the garden as a facility for everyone in the village to enjoy. Hand sanitiser will be available and social distancing can be maintained during the session.

If you have any information, questions or suggestions please contact: Gwyn James: 473034, 07903280644 ([email protected]). Liz Collins: 07377389453.

The Pantry – Stour Connect (Cllr Carole Jones) 01258 472497 / 07968 348481

The Pantry is a food co-operative which will work on membership. It will be for those on a low income and for those in need. Nothing is means-tested, people do not have to be referred, they can simply come along. Typically, they will pay say £3.50 and can then choose food worth between £10 – £25. Food will be a mix of fresh meat/fruit & veg, plus staples. We are signing up to Fare Share who receive excess stocks from supermarkets and producers all over the country, it is good quality and not just about to run out!

We will be basing the Pantry at Stour Connect – it will have a door that leads straight out onto the Bath Road and right opposite is a car park. We have yet to decide on opening hours, - as we will be reliant on volunteers we think it is likely we will open 2 / 3 times a week. We have funding for a year through the Blackmore Vale Surgery and the Pantry will be part of a charitable entity called The Vale Charitable Trust.

We are looking for people to let us know whether they might like to come along weekly for food and all we need to know at the moment is whether they are a family, a couple or a single person.

If anybody has an allotment and has excess to spare – please let us know if you would consider donating to The Pantry. We would also love to hear from any person who might like to volunteer for a shift each week (half day), full training will be provided, and we do need our volunteers to receive some training on food hygiene/safety.

We are hoping to open in the half-term week in October but definitely by the 1st November.

.St Peter’s Services – November 2020

Date Service Sunday 1st at 9.30 am Morning Prayer Sunday 8th at 10.45 am Remembrance Sunday Sunday 15th at 9.30 am Morning Prayer Sunday 22nd at 9.30 am Holy Communion Sunday 29th at 11.00 am No Service at St Peter’s, but instead there will be a Benefice Service with Holy Communion at St Mary’s,

Due to current UK Government restrictions, numbers attending St Peter’s are limited. If you intend to attend our Remembrance Service, please contact Kevin Peto-Bostick (see below) to book your place. COVID-19 precautions are in place to protect the congregation and members of the ministry. Please note that face masks should be worn and social distancing observed at all times. All queries relating to Church-related support and services should be directed to the Church Wardens Robin Gibbs Kevin Peto-Bostick Tele: 01258 471493 Tele: 01258 475469 [email protected] [email protected] or The Rev Philippa Sargent, The Vicarage, Sturminster Newton Tel: 01258 47390


Parochial Church Council with effect from13th October 2020

The Rev Philippa Sargent (Chair) and Parish Safeguarding Representative Mr Robin Gibbs (Vice Chair) – Churchwarden and Electoral Roll Officer Mr Kevin Peto –Bostick – Churchwarden Mr Roy Davey – Benefice Safeguarding Representative Mrs Janet Bolton Mrs Jill de Bretton-Gordon Col Alastair de Bretton-Gordon Mr Richard Pemberton Mr David Johnstone – Treasurer Mrs Shane Johnstone – Secretary

Update from the Blackmore Vale Practice

Staff: Another experienced GP has joined the Practice, Dr Anabelle Mitchell-Innes and this takes the total number of GPs to 15. Other Practice staff who can be consulted include -

4 Nurse practitioners 1 Pharmacist 7 Practice Nurses 2 Paramedics 2 Pharmacy Technicians 7 Healthcare Assistants

The Practice also has Social Prescribers who can give people time, focusing on ‘what matters to me’ and taking a holistic approach to people’s health and wellbeing. They connect people to community groups and statutory services for practical and emotional support.

Walking for Health: The Practice organise a walk every Monday at 2.00 pm starting at Sturminster Newton Medical Centre. There are usually three leaders, one at the front, one in the middle and one at the back and they make sure everyone is well looked after. For more information contact Babs on 07857 302101.

Accessing Mental Health Support: Coronavirus has changed life for all of us. For some people, these changes can be difficult to cope with. Health concerns, uncertainty or financial difficulty can all lead to us feeling much more stressed, worried or low. Everyone’s situation is different but talking about what you are going through, can help. This could be to a friend, relative or a colleague.

If you are struggling to cope, has a mental health helpline called Connection, which is on hand 24/7 to give advice and support with any mental health concerns you have. You can also speak to them if you are worried about someone else.

Call Connection on 0300 123 5440 or visit the Connection website for more information.

Covid 19 Testing: It is really important to stress that the Practice is unable to arrange a test for Covid 19. If you need to access a test, then please call 119 or go to

NOVEMBER QUICK QUIZ Anagram: SEMINAR (2 answers) Dingbat: SYMPHON Ditloid: 9 L of a C Riddle: What has 13 hearts but no other organs? ANSWERS TO OCTOBER QUICK QUIZ Anagram: Optical, Topical, Coalpit Dingbat: Repair Ditloid: 10 events in a Decathlon Riddle: Silence

Trusted Traders

These are tradesman/workers who have been personally recommended by villagers. Please let us have details of anybody who has done a great job for you. Thank you.

COMPUTER HELP TIM WEST 01258 817537 [email protected] GARDENER STEVE JOHNSON 07745 228527 [email protected] ADVICE ONLY WITH WASPS & BEES TED EYRES 472154 PEST CONTROL MARK GOULD 07999957694 [email protected] (Rats, Wasps, Moles & Fleas) JOINERY ANTHONY GILBERT 01258 268134 [email protected] AGJ JOINERY BUILDERS ANDREW TRIM 07939 541128

Recycle Recycle Recycle Recycle Recycle Recycle Recycle

Do you have something you no longer use or need? Would you like to sell it or just see it put to good use? Are you looking for something to recycle? Please let us have a brief description and price (if applicable) and we will put it in the following month’s Mosaic.


The Old Bank Bed & Breakfast Comfortable, friendly Family Home in the centre of the village. The Old Bank, Burton St, . 01258 821019 [email protected]

Taxi Car Courteous Lady Driver Tel: 01258 820 526 Mob: 07929 983095

Keep abreast of all things ‘HSM’ on the village facebook page: To our Sponsors and Hinton St Mary Village Group Advertisers and the Hinton St Mary Website Mr & Mrs Pitt Rivers Hinton St Mary Parish Council where all previous copies of St Peter’s Church The Mosaic are also available HSM Village Hall Committee

Please let us have any articles, notices, celebrations, adverts, information, items for sale, trusted traders etc you would like to have included in next month’s Mosaic. Deadline 24th of the Month. Thank you. Janet, Jo & Nigel. [email protected] [email protected]